Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Oct 1965, p. 27

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> s anything to divert them from|chairman is satisfied that there THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 27, 1965 ' Efficient Planning And Control the purpose. Now ae age 2 ha rid Laipage ith may 15 becomes necessary ru leclare the meeting closed. less, If someone is going to try| ."You don't need a motion for MUST PICK POINT NOW FACE TO FACE : Make Club Meetings Interesting \to run away with the meeting,|adjournment and you don't have| MONTREAL (CP)--"The indi-) pic pras p'oR, N.S. (CP) . you might have to tell her to accept any: suggestion that|viduality of a face must. never Nancy Edna Thompson of Or- 4 By JEAN SHARP oe of the-club and hogy it is to func-|firmly to sit down and shut up."' yaaa UP eae Epes pt Ibe erased by make-up," says ange, Australia, crossed 12,000 i Canadian Press Women's torjtion. Then choose a ident H nappropriate if people! Montreal st pen "'vis- i : f TORONTO CP) -- Efficientlor someone with the authority| Noo or ee, COA Te are not prepared to discuss it, eal stage and screen "'vis-| mites of ocean and continent to organization of a club meetingland ability to see that the char at a ng oe ae agiste"' Jacques Lafleur, It iS\uicit her nen-friend af 9% vears begins before the meeting. The ter is adhered fo, Piel ae yiagned ae sy shir HOUSEHOLD HINT |wrong to work towards an ideal] tandine for the first time. She : au invoived itilthing? bakea fish comes out of the|#"ape Or 100K, He BAYS. "EVETY|na. been exchanging letters for | shouia have, it 'not a complete procedure "you "don't 'eet any-] «4 u pan in one piece if a piece of|woman has a definite focal point agenda, at least a general list/thing done. It's just a game. A ee i come primis. 2 cheesecloth is placed on the|to her face, and failure to emph- that long with Mrs. Daniel of what will be done. '\few simple rules are all you|yiews ask her for them greased pan underneath the fish|asize it: can make a pretty|Campbell of this Cape Breton If it is called to discuss some-|need," "If there is little discussion, Defore baking, woman look plain." community, thing special, the minutes of the) Mr. Stanford has some sug- you may get an improper con: f previous meeting and any rele-|gestions for the chairman faced clusion from the group and the vant reports and information|with talkers. guy who said nothing will get might be included with the no-) "The answer is in keeping althree or four people in the hall + |tice of meeting. The people com-|tight rein but doing it pleas- afterward and tell them what 4\ing should not have an excuselantly. Bad temper doesn't us- should have happened ; for being unprepared. ually arise at a club meeting.) 'sometimes you should just "Then the most important) «If someone gets up to talkiget past a topic if you know EDNA ANN HATS person at the meeting is the pri-ltoo often, say the meeting is|that no one is saying anything mary official, the president oripressed for time and can hear|because it isn't interesting. sata" om any iil ea een Po tm hye Our 9th Year ord, secretary "Usually the long-winded par thought about it, defer it to an- Board of Trade and author of a s son who talks too much is long-|oth ting. That's where joi rte called The Conduct Of! i vded because he's got off 'i Star. anand "akites - They , May we Invite you to join us as we celebrate our eetings. ' ninth birthday at the Oshawa Shopping Centre, ' ( track, The' chairman at that|should have thought. i i "A good chairman is @ rarelnoint should say, 'Please re- "Incidentally, "4 you have We are proud to offer you the very latest in fashion, s)\bird and most valuable, Youlstrict remarks to the subje : i ' , ct un- , styles and fabrics. cant tll anybody how to de i dar consideration veggies Tg gabe erhaps rae te | "If a debate breaks out\able thing to introduce them at VISIT US SOON president of the Women's tre, accepts a gift from Mrs. on the nursing staff of the |element is e psychologica lamong members insist on ob- lthe beginning. People some- Auxiliary of the Oshawa G. D, Conant, on behalf of hospital one, Make it clear as pleasantly) vance of the rule that all re-ltimes feel shy. about tatkine : i ved b hat re i General Hospital looks on the auxiliary. Miss Cole re Oshawa Times Photo Share ant an stig ta se on marks must be addressed|when they don't know who other re |through the chair. people are." - Ph i as gy as the formal meeting) "Peopl h Hospital Auxiliary Honors THE STARS SAY | in session lose "and you 'shouldnt allowlagenda is complete 'and. the By ESTRELLITA KEEP RULES SIMPLE -- Miss Jane Cole, 50-Year-Nurse FOR TOMORRO W histsietaty DeodLe wn to| A tea was held on Wednesday|Payne, Mrs. C. D. Russell, Mrs.,_,0°"14!" business or financial many groups. eo at the YWCA by the Women's|J. D. Smart and Mrs, J. G. Car-|Stuations may arise now that Auxiliary of the Oshawa Gen-|ter. could be confusing but, if you) 'Find a mean between infor-, spi Mrs McCansh introduced) maintain a realistic attitude, mal conversation and parlia-| eral Hospital to honor Miss Jane Cole who recently retired after|Mrs. G. D. Conant who made alYOU!! come out all right. Be} oe -- Fei a ffi 50 years service to the Osh-|presentation on behalf of the careful in dealings with emo-jceptable pattern which is effi awa General Hospital. Upon ar-|Auxiliary to the guest of honor -- neers ee in weting ts Bod 'od obec rival Miss Cole was presented|She gave .an interesting resume : Bh ti sulle with a corsage. of the 50 years Miss Cole has/FOR THE BIRTHDAY Receiving the guests were|een associated with the Osh- If tomorrow is your birthday, tee ob torent will be Matus . wa General Hospital, starting) th houl Miss Cole, Mrs. James Mc- he coming year should provide|,,. ; x with her arrival in Canada from|some excellent opportunities for pied ~~ tliat y, | Cansh, president of the Wom-/{reland to the time of her re en's Auxiliary and Mrs. T. Ericltirement this year, and said facet an dunnave' al 5 tea |April, and next October. Sutherland, chairman of the|that her presence would be lyou are endowed with a lot of| Your personal life will also at , Evening Chapter. missed by the many friends shejingenuity and great tenadity of/b€ governed by generous stars, | Pouring tea and coffee at ajhad made. She hoped Miss Cole purpose. Harnessing these ex-|With romance favored in Janu- | Y table centred by a beautifuljwould have many happy years!cellent traits. you should go far.|ary. May, late June and late | arrangement of chrysanthe- jof leisure and would come back)For instance: In less than a\JUly; travel and social activi- | mums were: Mrs, Neil Felt,'to visit often week, you will enter a highly|ties during the next two months, Miss Vera Moyse, Mrs. C. C.) Mrs. Harry Kerr and Mrs.\auspicious five - month cycle|in July and early September. A | and Mrs. K. R. Wagg. Serving/Elmer Dixon were tea host-\where finances are concerned|change in home environment | Super Save the guests were ) Mrs. J. _W. 'esses. and if, in the wake of enthusi-/may 'throw you" momentarily ETSY ~_ |asm, vou don't go overboard init) reid Drove highly: beucticial, Af | SPROULE'S Beef is Red Brand Beef, Canada's finest , {spending during the -first two !t could prove highly beneficial. ac. To School, Mom --_ |weeks of April, in mid-May or) A child born on this day will grade to assure Quality, Flavour, and Natural Tenderness, learly June, you should be able|be extremely ambitious and a ee \ Ch k Ito rack up good profits by early|versatile, but will have to curb RED BRAND BONELESS ec gt irst " Ta er |July. Other good financial pe- itendencies toward over-aggres- riods: the entire month of Sep-|siveness. By ELEANOR ROSS jwant to encourage their little! -- -------------- -- Mothers with first-graders majchatgoe to take care of them- school this fall have a few les-/Selves f a id YOUNG AGES eer ais) Expertly Cut and Carefully sons to learn, too. Here is another important First and most important is|/Suggestion: don't send junior or at | to find out for themselves just/sister to nursery school in any- You 'con see the prettiest and most | Prepared how clean the school is and how|thing that can't be laundered practical fashions for boys and girls modern are the facilities for|repeatedly. No teacher wants to . . » Infants to size 14, Ik 1 es ss hag ag, hy gg \WWLAY-AWAY for CHRISTMAS EARLY Mothers will learn that it pays lspoil his clothes with the paint ir to take a personal interest in|°! the clay or the crayons. " 1,» The Best Costs Less ot... FRESH KILLED . , . NOT FROZEN... GRADE "A" CHOICE MEATY Oa Bese TW lee tans ae MRS. JAMES McCANSH, while Miss Jane Cole, cen- cently retired after 50 years school equipment and to let} Washables are important for their approval or disapproval be|another reason, too. When little Cc C felt, but without carping or un-! | garments can be put through hangs) | . ie a just criticism. the washer and dryer wuickly, | 10 LBS. Ib VIN) SHOPPING CE NOT Actually, teachers appreciate|/Mother needs to buy fewer of NTRE this interest, and know that in-|them. id . e GROUND SUET a BARBECUE CHICKENS & FRESH FISH FROZEN formed parent groups can often bring about needed improve- ments that would otherwise get lost in the shuffle. COMPARE 2 FOR 27¢--HEINZ CONDENSED It is advisable to inspect the ' | TIN washrooms, the drinking foun- wy? | 10-02 € tains and the lunchroom. O , . See if plenty of hot water and AG wee | SUPER SAVE--REGULAR 22c QUALITY soap are provided in the wash- \ Ee ' , and h el - ee rooms, and enough clean towel SS BREAD FULL 24-02Z. LOAF 5 FOR 8&9: ing. See if floors and fixtures are kept clean and have that "ure wets xe «|| Who flash-cooks fruits IMARG ARINE 1-LB, PARCHMENT PRINTS 2 Dc areas where food is prepared and dishes washed. If all does t look as cl s it should, b) COMPARE 2 FOR 37c Se tiaras ee! -- fOr your babys benefit? CARNATION MILK rau tmvs 5 ron 7Qe STANDARDS INSTILLED an foe Your child is entitled to facili- : SF ee kar ieee Se : SPROULE' r are stocked with the Country's FINEST FOODS AT LOWEST "MARKET PRIGES! up the standards of cleanliness ca aE aT he practises at home--stand- " iw "A SUPREME BRAND ards you have instilled in him at a great expenditure of time, ee COMPARE 1.19... . YUBAN 5-02: m COMPARE 43¢, SUPREME 402. 2-LB. e thought, enery--and even psy- I C ff 99 Bl k P 3 l 00 a." : . _ | J Unstant Cotiee JAR ack Pepper © J cans 4. block It would seem a pity if indif- COMPARE 2 FOR 31¢ KRAFT COMPARE 27¢ SAICO MANDARIN ROYAL CHARGER LARGE ferent cleanliness habits were a 79° Or Sli 4 11-02. 97 GINGER ALE 2 25° encouraged or condoned the : Ready Dinners 6 ail ange ices TINS BTLS, PLUS DEPOSIT very first time a child leaves his' home environment on his : COMPARE 3 FOR 3tc. BRUNSWICK COMPARE &5e SALADA SEACLIFFE FANCY QUALITY eo i " | SARDINES "11... 1.00 TEA'BAGS © ".°77* Tomato Juice 3 'wx 1.00 thing of the world otside. Now getting down a little lower on the educational pote -- : : . ' COMPARE 99c FRENCH let's give a thought to nursery- school and kindergarten tots. Sk BUILD CONFIDENCE ' . ; GIANT FRIES In discussing things to wear | for the little ones, an experi- i enced nursery school teacher 3 F : 5 « 1, remarked that the right type of lothes can do much to build a ' child's confidence. And she or Cash your 8¢ Coupon Now! SUCKERS 50 on 3 didn't mean expensive or even ° : a on fashionable attire. - gc What she meant were clothes | . , ; es -- . deciu ancien i that a child could handle him- a : aan 'a: a CELLO PKG. self without having to ask the gag PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND : "SHELL OUT" ataaecoeceeras:| -- Gerber...of course! POTATOES 10: 49° BCHICLETS ©". 98° well look for when ons gers elastic bandings instead of bu' Colour and flavour are more important to your baby FANCY QUALITY... "FOR SHELL OUT" buckles wherever logi- : cal a few Be Deptens and bet sd Fic DOP et, than you might think. They heighten his interest 6-QUART r = pec cenge gee yf dozen og . in food--help him build good eating habits. ppb PU ' S ittle girls' dresses wi 3 i ut t fe Gerber Strained and Junior Fruits are flash-cooked MP i iv out the big sashes that teacher : | has to tie The instructors really to help preserve their tempting colours, appetizing STORE HOURS: --- OPEN TO-NIGHT Wednesday Night, Thursday, Friday . VARIOUS SIZES a flavours and food values and Soturday Night till 10 O'Clock. @ Ample Free Off Street Parking @ SS "Custom-cooking™ is the rule at Gerber. Fruits can P VOTE G " be cooked in a flash. Othér foods go through a slower process, Each cooking method has been mane developed to meet the requiremenis of a ODGES Mes particular food. But isn't that typical of the extra care you get--from a company that specializes in good things for baby? HODGES |X Babies are our business... our only business! | SU Prk SAVE New Democratic Party Gerber Baby Foods NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA corner of KING ar RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA

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