Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Oct 1965, p. 5

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Volunteer Work Planned WHITBY (Staff) -- Women outnumbered the men by a wide margin at a special volunteers' rally held at the Ontario Hospital this week. The pur- pose of the meeting was to agequaint--both.nresant and _fu- ture volunteers with the work being carried on. During the meeting, held in the recreation hall, visitors were informed of excellent re- sults achieved at the Ontario Hospital in Toronto. Plans for future programs, in addition to present activities, were out- lined in detail. All yolunteers and prospec- tive volunteers were urged to put forward every effort in the task of providing small com- fort for hospital patients. The object is to rehabilitate the less fortunate people who are pati- ents at the hospital. Prepara- tions and programs, designed to help the patient become a useful citizen living a normal life once more, were classed as high on the priority list. Completing the evening pro- igram a puppet show was pre- Isented by a group of young women from Scarborough. The HOSPITAL QUARTER CENTURY CLUB INDUCTS MEMBERS | join a large number of the ber (centre), hospital super- in- ) members of the Civil Serv: intendent, are Harry Cor- were Two members ducted into the Quarter Cen- f tury Club this week at a ice Association whom are mack, left and Melvin' Tof- banquet at the Ontario Hos- employed at the hospital, fan, right. puppeteers were directed by : pital, Whitby. The initiates Shown with Dr. W. H, Web- --Oshawa 'Times Photo. |Mrs, Shelagh Finn, recreation - : i ae au me i Se Et . 7 --«lsunervisog of the girls' and ladies' physical activities and | Youthful Song Writer "| | On Television Show |, MRSONALs The Whitby concert tours in which I took| rummage and homebake sale part all over England," Wynn!qot, 93 at the band social room said, lfrom 10 a.m. till 2 p.m, with ON TALENT SHOW |Mrs. Curtis Brown as general The forthcoming television ap-\Convener. pearance by Preston Wynn 1s) In charge of bake table will not his debut by any means,/ne Mrs, Norman O'Leary, white Five years ago the youth ap-lojephant table, Mrs. Ed Maun peared on the Tiny Talent Show) der, in charge of clothing, Mrs. for which he received an en-|cianiay Redfearn, Other mem- graved certificate, Numerous|hers taking an active part are: other public appearances have| ype. Morley Smith, Mrs. Walter been made in Toronto where the/Church, Mrs, Charles MacKay, youth took part in charity bene-imrs, Erie Clarke, Mrs. George fit shows for such institutions) roster, Mrs, Arthur Oliver, Mrs. as Sunnybrook Military Hospi-! Aiyin Church, Mrs. Horace Cart- tal, }wright and Mrs, Rex Hopkins, Questioned about his alm * atid Harbin: WottotteSale- ; he youth had a ready an-| tee i hope to be 8 pnooetatel brating her 16th birthday today WHITBY (Staff) -- Another first' for Whithy will occur this week when a 16-year-old youth introduces his latest song on @ nation-wide television show, Preston Wynn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wynn, 219 Rose- dale dr., Whitby, has written 20 songs, He supplies his own ac- companiment on the guitar and is described as a new recording star with a tremendous poten- thal. The youth, currently a Grade li student at the Henry Street High School, will appear on the Dave Mickey a-g0,g0 show on Channel 11, Saturday at 7:00 p.m, and again Sunday at 11 p.m, STARTED EARLY ' : recording artist and @ S0M8) Henis O'Connor High School Starting off at a very early @ writer," he said. Parents' Auxiliary is sponsor- age, the youth first became in- Calm and completely com-jing a "Family Buffet Supper" terested in music at the tender posed by the prospect of Alot 94 at St, John the Evange i Seen Dewees Eee Poe iat ona ~_ The ee ' § f ; . sale inclined," the boy's father ex- because he enjoys what he gent gg mechik. Jack plined. What he didn't stress) doing. Singing his own songs, in| ajjioock. Mrs. Patrick Walsh, too strongly was the fact the|know how we named our somi,"|promotion of his record, Is eveniang Carl Parise, assisted by son comes by his talent quite| Mr, Wynn stated. 'Preston is/better, Sister Anna Clare, Mrs. Dave honestly. named after. Preston Hall, in| 'I have a better chance of|tohnston, Mrs. Gerry Hendriks Richard Wynn was a former|the southern part of England.|presenting the song in the righting Jack Allicock, Mrs. George rofessional singer in England,|This hall is a rehabilitation cen-|light after having written Sl Pansinen, The public is Invited ppearing often with the re-itre for ex-servicemen suffering}than someone who is merely|i, attend. Tickets will be avail- nowned Gracie Fields. from tuberculosis and other ail-|singing a song that someone).+., .+ the door. The supper is "It might be interesting tojments, The hall was financed by'else wrote,"' he * if, q 90 until? p.m, ea | St. John's WA Planning Bazaar age of one and a half years. "He has always been musically PRESTON WYNN Almonds Women Plan For Bazaar | WHITBY -- The Almonds) United Church Women held its! meeting at the home of Mrs, WHITBY DISTRICT WHITBY - St. John's Angli- BOWLING SCORES jean Church WA held its Octo-| Lapims caNDY BOWLING LaAguE 'ber meeting, Wednesday, at tho} | Points for the aay, Allvorts ' iehure %, A net, ugh rene Mr, 1} H [ Severs |, Lollipops 3, conducted | Peppermints 3 Fred Otter, The leader, Mrs, the devotional, Triples over $00: Bernice Moase 454 . a Dimple Gough 593, Goldie Marshall $77, William Hicks, opened the Plans were made for the fall|Muriei McKim S68, Gladys Wiles $59. bazaar on Nov, 24 in the church] Betty Pascoe S58, Dorean Kehoe 542, Jaan hall, Miss Olive Goldring willl pohts,3%% \iacion Sturgess 527, Bae Wa officialy open the event. Singles over 200 hernice Moase 268 " » . 245; Gladys Wiles 242, Goldie Marshall The following members will) ts) 1." Ka nin 909, Gimmre Govan 246 taka an active part: Mrs, Mar-|Fiorence Moore 212, Muriel McKim 211, -] . , . Jean Ward 204, Betty Pascoe 20) and tin Gouldburn, Miss Olive Gold-| gear Ward 204 Bet Vallant, Mrs, r Dwellers Jean Ainsworth 95, Gower, Mrs, Charles Bey Breneln m ure Grant 62, Hazel = wih "te Faces ee %, Ruby Schieder 85, Lavi Ste Bottomley, Mrs, Ernest Nort+|Venson 73, Rae Thierman 95 and Mile ham, Mrs, John McKibbin, Mrs,|dred Thomas 89, \Harry Wen Ma cea: | Whitney and Miss Emma Gold-) TRY NEW AIR SPORT jring | A new type of sport, plo- Members will attend theineered by Pyotr Shemiakin of Deanery Workshop Oct, 28 at)Russia, consists of jumping st George's Anglican Church, /from an aireraft on a rope and |Pickering : "flying" for some minutes be- A-special WA service' will be|tore parachuting to earth, held Oct. 24 with the Girls* Auxt+}=<= meeting with a call to worship, The topic for the devotional period was "Let Us Give Thanks,"' Mrs, Calvin Barchard assisted Mrs, Hicks, Mrs, Fred Reed spoke on the ABC's of the UCW meetings. She will con} tinue her talk on the same sub- ject at future meetings. Final plans were made for the, bazaar, tea . and homebake | sale to he held Nov. 6 at Al monds Church hall starting at 2pm Tea hostesses were Mrs, Fred Otter assisted by her daughter! Miss Sharon Otter | SCHOOL SPEAKER Arnold G,: Stapleton, dir- | ector of personnel, General Motors of Canada, Limited, who is the guest speaker at the fifth commencement @x neg ut : " sraeee A gira High jliary and the Junior Auxiliary & School, Whitby, at Pm. 'in uniform when a Diocesan life Church Planning Oct 23. membership and gold pin will be One-Stop presented, A social period was enjoyed Adult Classis ie | Talks On Strike len hostesses were Mrs, John DECORATING WHITBY -- Dr. Joh McKibbin and Miss Olive Gold- Davies and Everett Quantrill ixine ts read the lessons at St, Mark's Reach Deadlock ae. SHOP United Church last Sunday) AMHERSTBURG, Ont, (CP)! , Wallpaper and Murals Custom: Draperies e morhing. The choir sang the\union and company were dead: bd © Brocdioom ° ° anthem, 'We Priase Thee." The jocked Thursday on issues minister's. message was en-'which caused a strike at the C.I.L. Paints and Vornishes titled "Come Alive." SKD Manufacturing Co. Ltd Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paints It was announced that the/plant here Wednesday. adult thembership classes will) The union is Lodge 890 of the DODD & SOUTER commence Noy, and thati/[nternational Association of DECOR CENTRE LTD Sunday evening study groups Machinists (CLC), The plant, : based on the theme 'Jesus employing some 250 persons, 107 Byron St. $., Whitby Christ and the Christian Life' manufactures trim and stamp- PHONE 668-5862 will commence Nov 7, ings for auto firms. Carrier Mail Three top Grade 11 students at Denis O'Connor High School, Whitby, were present with Rev. L, J. SCHOLARSHIPS PRESENTED TO TOP STUDENTS ton and Neil Maher who re- ceived the scholarships from the school parent auxiliary, Oshawa Times Photo, Austin Scholarships at a special ceremony this week. Shown with Father Austin, from left, are Paula Kaiser, Mary Anne Hamil- | | 'Due Soon BOWMANVILLE --- Delivery of mail by carrier is expected to start in Bowmanville within la few months. Homes and busi- jness premises must have mail jslots and. outside numbers af- \fixed before the service can be put into operation, Postmaster George Vice told Bowmanville Council this week that postal inspectors will visit ithe town during the next three jmonths to makes a survey, As |soon as 80 per cent of the home jand places of business have pro- lvided mail slots and boxes de- \livery will start. | Mr. Vice said an eligibility list will be established for compe- \tition for mail carrier Jobs and ithat at least seven people and |possibly eight will be employed ifor this service, The contract for the delivery of parcels and letter carrier |bundles will probably be award-| ed on a bid basis. | Mayor Hobbs named Council- lors Paul Chant, C. Wesley Fice) land EB, J, Rundle as a commit-| jtee to study the setting up of control points for the consecu-| ltive numbering of houses. | | MANY FLY IN AFRICA | South Africa has more than 11,600. privately + licensed pilots land more than 500 commercial |pilots for its 1,200 civilian alr- jeraft BLEPHANT BAR. by VOTERS APPROVE DINING LOUNGES | BOWMANVILLE -- As a result of the liquor plebis- cite held here Thursday the sale of liquor with meals in dining lounges was ap- proved but cocktail bars were voted down, An unofficial check of the ballots cast shows dining lounges were approved by the narrow margin of 61,68 per cent. The vote in favor | of liquor lounges was 56.49 | per cent, | Not counting the rejected ballots 68.4 per cent of the | eligible voters cast their | ballots, This was a good turn out in view of the | inclement weather: | The official count of the ballots will be made at noon today. Huge news In casual shoes from Air Step. Looks Iike the real thing... with every ,, Bretty ridge and wrinkla, 14.95 OFFICIAL Hen. Watson. CURLING BOOTS Men and Women ~-- at -- | COLLINS SHOES Open Fri, till 9 P.M, 119 Brock St, $., WHITBY PHONE 668-3476 ' "WALKER" Available in AAA to C. COLLINS SHOES Open Fri. till 9 p.m, 119 Brock St. S$. WHITBY | Ph. 668-3476 Coffee Brown, Black and Grey, fi! PETITION MAYOR TORONTO (CP) -- The 300-|mercial project, but member Toronto chapter of thejence is needed as a ' tects has sent a letter to Mayorjof the critic square." Philip Givens urging that the old city hall be ireseived. The} MORE DIE ON ROADS the possibility of demolishing!on Britain's roads in 1965. the building in favor of a com- pres- Ontario Association of Archi-jwall to help define the limits jletter says there has been con-| A death toll of 8,000, the siderable discussion concerning|largest in history, is expected BROCK Evening Programs at 7 and 8:45 WHITBY Feature Starts...e¢t 7 and 9:15 JAMES BOND IS. BACK IN ACTION! @ RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ¢ | SATURDAY MATINEE ATTRACTION ONLY "CALL ME BWANA" ~~ In Color Starring Beb Hope --~ Anite Ekberg There os MAGIC Compound Interest The value of our guaranteed investments increases by over 31% when. interest is compounded half-yearly for five years, INVEST RECEIVE $1,000.00 . ..... 6... 64:0, $1,311.67 SBI SS oo viss di Miners aa sg ee 5,000.00 6,558.35 308 Dundas St, W. Direct-Drive FARM CHAIN SAW, | HOMELITE XL-12 © Perfect for every ferm wood. cutting chore @ Only 12 Ibs. less ber and chain, the XL-12 packs pro- fessional power. and per- formance | © Cuts 12-inch trees In 10 seo- onds, felis trees up to 3 feet JUNIOR BOWLING Junior Bowlers WANTED SATURDAYS - 12 Noon Age 10 - 12 yrs, Anyone Interested -- Contact COUNTY BOWL - 668-2651 STAGE DOOR LOUNGE AND DINING LOUNGE at the WHITBY HOTEL 207. Dundas St. W., Whitby | | WHITBY'S FINEST NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT in diameter MAVE A FREE DEMONSTRATION TODAY! @ Custom Cutting SALES-SERVICE - RENTALS WILDE RENTAL Service & Sales 1415 Dundas St. E. Whitby -- Ph, 668-3226 Now you can choose from three superb varieties of MARACA the new light taste in rum The light, smooth flavour of Maraca Rum Now EXTRA Light and Dry and Golden will tell you itis one of the world's finest. Sun-mellow, distinctively dry, Maraca.is --_ heres gaged | setting the fashion in rum drinks Bb "weetite come". || traditional : rum flavou MA-RA-CA. the munest instrument of topical rhythm, Exotic net-covered bottle Light and smooth as tropical rhythm marks the finer light rum 9, % ' \ £ ) \/ \ --= Mellow ir ARE ENGINE TUNE- UPS NECESSARY ? Did you ever use.an ordinary lead pen- cil way beyond the point at which it should be sharpened? Then you know it writes poorly, less legibly and eventually ceases to write at all Roughly speeking, much the seme thing happens to e@ cer engine that has worn itself out of adjustment. Like the pencil, it needs "'resharpening." Think of this: in only one mile, o spark plug fires @ thousand times and each pair of valves opens and closes with each fir. ing, The distributor points open ond close 8,000 times and the fuel pumps @ thousand times a minute, An average dozen carburotor parts are activated with each gas pedal movement. And all of these movements couse weor. Five thousand miles after a tune-up your engine hes fost considerable power and economy, though you may not notice it since you have been getting used to the decline gradually. But there is no reason why @ 30,000 mile engine should not tunction with new efficiency providing these wear tolerances are properly adjusted. At: Northside our tune-up mechanics first clean and adjust the plugs and points, They rebalance the carburetor's intake of oir and fuel and re-time the ignition firing to compensate for lost compression, They make these adjustments, and many others, to prevent obnormeal weer that results from NEGLECTED normal weor. Without doubt, the money spent on regular engine tune-ups comes back to you in longer engine life, greater economy and with a bonus of new-car performance, 1 Why not make your appointment today with Doug Hart, our service manager, to have your cer winter checked! NORTH- SIDE SERVICE IS SAFESIDE MOTORING, pee Sy NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER DODRE | | ELLIS McLINTOCK QUARTET under the direction of BILLY KAY "Music and Comedy at its Best ! @ APPEARING NIGHTLY e Don't Miss This Entertaining Group e@ Enieriainment Nightly ai 9 P.M. @ MATINEE SATURDAY 3 fo 5 P.M. JAMES MAHER -- MANAGER - "RRS SR THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 22, 1965 § I

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