i | i i | | LOT with COTTAGE $2,995. 1G THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, October 22, 1965 26--Apartment For Rent {30--Automobiles For Sale 30--Automobiles For Sele ° 30--Automobiles For Sale. {33---Automobiles Wanted 20A--Summer Properties |23--Real Estate Wented GNE-BEDROOM apariment. Rent in- e cludes stove, ' 5 © For Sale or Rent ss : PIGEON Near PereRBoRO| Listings Invited ! $50. DOWN, $48 MONTHLY. S! RY "PAYMENTS SIART di tF ASS Se "IMMEDIATE POSSESS! a ae | REAL ESTATE LTD, 75' x 200° ed with i Rg ch ctr pi 728-7576 rooms, erected. $29 995. cosh |" OLDER HOMES REQUIRED "ACTING: REALTY LTD. 728-5157 or Budget Pion. $50 down, $48. monthly, payment stort April 1966, Limited mum- bed. Yeor round activities, Good roads, open year round, 'Hydro, telephone, swimming, excellent fishing, woter ski- ing, boating, hunting, ete, Winter Ski-tow nearby PRACTICAL FOR RETIRE- STOP THINK tl ENJOY ~~ Winter, For fest action, list oll pro- ing ond perties with | a property pl rapidly, DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED) 'ORDER NOW! MEET ot Fowler's Corners, junction Highways 7 ond 7B on the Peterboro to Lindsay Highway each day this week- end at | p.m. and 3 p.m, No appointment necessary. ; -- OR -- Con be seen Monday through "Friday, day or evening, by special appointment only. Piats PHONE 112-372-9494 HOMES AND COTTAGES LTD, COBOURG. ONT IDERN three-bedroom om custom-built OSHAWA REALTY (BOND ST.) LIMITED 25 Bond West 728-9466 24--Stores, ( Offices, Storage OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE In Times Building e contact: T. L. WILSON Freep with ore Fal Pagal fet op Ay M ) Teephone rt ras, toes AT THE TIMES LARGE HOUSE -- suitable for office |rental in office zoned area, Large park ing area at rear, For more information call 72 8840, |OFFICE for rent, 460 4. ti. of 'prestige office space. Central. ideal for doctor,; 'accountant etc. Apply PO Box 772, Osh- jaway Ont, |OPFICE Tspace available, No. 2 highway, | FOR SPRING {block east of city limits, Suitable for. real! Invest in your estate insurance or hair dressing. Tele- 10. Building Lot Now! |Ph /FOR SAL five miles from Pefferlaw. 22--Lots For Sale BE READY Choice level lots Six rooms, 100' x 150' Telephone 728-9567 WANTED TO RENT -- heated industrial thousand ; 4 miles East of Bowmanville. space, approximately one square feet, for light manufacturing. On Close to schools, just 20 min. [Ground floor. Write Box. 911, Oshawa Times. from G.M. sis é STORE wr office for rent, 32 x 14. 306 Kitchener Avenue. Telephone 72 "210. EXSELLENT TERMS OF $150 down '25--Houses for Rent Tw IM house on large fenced lot ond $48 80 for 36 months in Whitby. Garage, $110 monthly. New oi! furnace, large basement. 725-6797. McGILL MODERN five room "bungalow, with rec- REAL ESTATE BROKER reation room, In residential area. Avail able October 23rd. $135 monthly. Ref- lerences. Telephone 725-9591 $1X-room house, 17 Westmoreland Av- 728-4285 enue, to responsible tenant, Apply P: R. hile siatschehlaniaia _. -|Taylor, 5 Underhill Drive, Don Mills. WITH $1,780 DOWN and easy NORTH "OSHAWA --_ Three-bedroom terms. Lovely corner building lot onjhouse, attached garage. Electrically heat- sewer and water, ready to build immedi-jed. Telephone 728-5240, ately. North Whitby. Call for appoint- ment. Arthur Weinberger Real Estate, agg Mag il and bath, 725-685), |monthly, Don Stradeski Realtor, 723-4651 SERVICED semi-rors ready to go, 20) sqaii 7 n house, Olive doubles, $7,000 per lot, active Bay Ridges ee he vegan aren, with Oshawa and Toronto. ellentele,|S#5 Monthly. Avaliable now, 725-6468, Call Mr. Wilks, 942-2611, PMA Realty| TWO-BI brick newly Limited, decorated, tiled bathroom and kitchen, agen jclose to bus, church, and school, $125 1©-ACRE wooded lot with spring ereek andimonthiy. Available November 15. Refer jovernment approved pond. Completelyjences required. Telephone 725-631), After nced. 10 miles fre Oshawa. Asking! , P.m., 723-2825, Pee Pg Peter Agog Rep. H. Keith) 'f Ltd. 5009. |26--Apartments | for 'Rent "four _ bedroo $100 rye LOT on Durham Street. Priced $6,200. Call 728-5103. W. 0. Martin Realtor Looking For an Apartment?) 23--Real | Estate Wanted | hag These Features MALA GLEN else COURT WILLING Immediate Occupancy and Children Welcome -- Ist and 2nd Floors 3 minutes to South General Motors Both and © holf in all 2 and 3 bedroom 'suites Twin elevators Balconies te help you. when you have F.M. Music e@ Real Estate problem. We ADVERTISE CONTACT our PROSPECTIVE buyers and ASSIST our purchasers with FINANCING, Every listing we accept gets our careful | and personal attention. Call | the Real Estate Specialist for Action, and start packing ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street South 728- 9157 +++ + + 4H Rental Representatives on duty doily | 9pm. 728-9468 or 728-9466 hours 723-6255 after (BOND ST.) LTD. TWO-BEDROOM apartment plus remuner tion for care of older type apartment building in Whitby, Necessitates smal! and larger repairs, Please write Box 849 Osh awa Times. "general "store in village, | three-piece' bath, good summer business Iby = BEDROOM apariment in triplex, close to General Motors. Avi November 1. $110 monthly. Call 725-6169. ONE and two-bedroom aperiments for ren eT-ATREET. mi telephone 728-4263. ' : TOOT.YOUR. phone 72R46es, ie OWN HORN! -- and st ay _ pl refrigerator stove. Avail le Novem- GET THAT NEW-CAR NOW WI ~1, Apply 101 © Road, Whi TH or "jelepnone. 668-8) 'reas cad aa LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED THREE - BEDROOM heated ted "eparinnent, newly decorated, all conveniences. arate outside entrance.' Ample parking facitities, Adults only. immediate posses- sion. Apply 165 Verdun Road, VACANT four - room furnished rt ment, private bath and entrance. Sult- able four responsible working gentlemen, Parking. 133 Oshawa Blvd. South, ff Scaielecs |27--Rooms for Rent : ' ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, Call between 5 ond 7 p.m, |82 PARK RD. N, 728-867 AST, room for gentleman. Housekeeping privi leges, Close to downotwn, Apply after 4pm. hota PLAN LOAN. THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA MORE CASH Paid for Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH oj 193-91 KELLEY DISNEY EAN hous ng room in quiet he dogg ater Gar Ps. AE Foie. USED CAR LOT phone 723-9225 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST |FURNISHED room for rent. Private WHITBY -- 668-5891 |home, Middle 'aged or older lady pre- Cors bought and sold | fered, Kitchen facilities. Abstainers. Tele- |Phone 725-0556. | ONE LARGE single furnished room, pret 5 Jerably gentleman. Apply 251 Arthur Street Always top quality. jor telephone 728-4594 MOTORS, $35 UP -- Ail car parts, Cour- | FURNISHED room in clean, quiet home, itce Auto Wreckers, Telephone 723-5238, or | available now. Parking, Apply 89 Oshawa nights 725-4404 Leins paid off Trade up or down |Blva. South or telephone :728-0236 1964 CHEVROLET, 6 automatic, white MITCHELL AVENUE, 375 -- Two fur-|walls, radio, discs, Many extras. 15,000 nished rooms, single men preferred. miles. $2,075. Call 725-2879. After 4.30, telephone 725-9692 1963 CHEVROLET Super Spor! convert LARGE housekeeping room for rent, suit-|ible, 327 engine, power brakes and steer able for married couple. Apply 45 Drew ing, red-black top. Excellent condition. | Street. | Will accept trade, Between 6 - 10 p.m., |BED-SITTING room, furnished, centrally 26!" located, complete with refrigerator and|1956 BUICK good condition. Asking $225 stove, parking and laundry facilities. Ap-| Apply 96 King Street East, Next to Plaza |ply 204 Drew Street Theatre |TWO clean furnished rooms, single beds,| CUSTOM '52 Ford, 394 cu, in. Olds motor. private washroom, suitable for two or|Four-speed, hydro, new 900 tires, Im jthree gentlemen. Five minutes from|maculate body. Surkets, radio, 3-speed |South General Motors, Telephone 728 5246\transmission and adapters, $650. Phone EULALIE' Avenue, furnished room for| Bowmanville 623-3119, |working girl, cooking and telephone priv-|1960 OLDSMOBILE 'two-door hardtop.) jileges. Telephone after 5 p.m, 728-8680. | Fully equipped including air conditioning n As} shape new snow tires mode!. 778-6807 1964 BUICK Le Sabre Very low mileage. No rust TWO furnished rooms, use of kitchen and Sell or trade for older |living room. Sult couple. Telephone Whit- 668-6226 | FURNISHED single room, centrally to cated, also garage for rent. Telephone ° 723-989. power steering power brakes, whitewall tires, radio, sad die tan. Will guarantee, Telephone 668-3822 '61 PONTIAC deluxe, four door hardtop automatic, double power, radio, Really sharp, $1295. Lic. 27366H. Morley Stalker ONTARIO STREET, 77 -- One furnished | single bedroom on third floor. Apply 6 to dinate ' Motors. 723-6322 FURNISHED ciean front room, two share. Also single room. Gentlemen i |e th pda ferred or couple. Light housekeeping O°". 'a optional. Minutes from four corners panes full power, 725-8460 EXTRA erator, two, bus stop at door North- 1070. CLEAN, quiet, private room close to bus stop. Apply 255 McNaughon Boulevard CHADBURN Street, 203, furnished room custom, two-door hard inch engine, dual range auto For appointment, 728- - Frig. 61 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, Li r , retrig- " an pee te fort one ay cence H29188, V-8, automatic, full power, 520 Simcoe Street white, red trim Nothing down : terms. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568 1958 FORD FAIRLANE, two-door matic. Asking $275, or best offer. .| Phone 668-5078 after 4 p.m. auto Tele. +1988 PONTIAC four-door, standard, good single beds. Five-day week, "18 'eee. transportation. Make an offer! Telephone 21 Blair Park Plaza area. Whitby 668- 4616. Easy) } in prvate home, suitable for lady, Tele- jRIRNE PAID HEEL We trade ar down phone 723-7370 or apply above address ver are 10 choces_ tron. No Gout payments! Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-| ROOM for rent for gentieman with park-|7375 Ina 9 - - phone 725-1690 Park Road South. Tele- igs9 CHEVROLET Biscayne, two - door, | mcioe | BS < standard, radio. $600 cash or take over CENTRAL Furnished room for two payments. Dial 728-0673 ole gentlemen. Singte beds, private en: ove trance. Private bath, refrigerator and Hagel elgg AECL A Rec DOT pecay Apply 49 Drew Street, Telephone any time ROOM for rent. Apply 31 Buckingham |%63 ae fades Hal egies done coll | o engine, ully equip » power steering, Avenue or 'telephone 723-6591 affer $/ cower brakes, radio, A-l condition __. | 725-1325 ONE or two girls to shar FURNISHED 'room, lady preferred, 8 1962 CHEVROLET Biscayne, two - door, minutes 'o four corners, parking faci ti 1 i. ties. Telephone 728-4169 stenderd -- transmission, A-}_ candition Es throughout. $1,295. Telephone 725-8008 fra yp bnh "amen I, METEDR, tr, aan, V8 Os ' ( Senne ROMA Month, -Telebhune: 725: iaty throughout. Telephone 668-4798 convertible bucket red with 1963 MERCURY Monterey fully powered, 390, automatic, Seats, console, power windéws, CLEAN housekeeping room, everything supplied. Ritson South area, Parking facil | tes. Telephone 725-2892, ____.|white top. Telephone 7283202 FURNISHED room, close to shopping cen: | USED CAR PARTS, spi * » Spindies to make [free 8 86 Cabot Street. Please apply after trailers, also used tires. $09 Bloor Street East, after 4. 723-2281. 1964 METEOR V-8 automatic, one owner, low mileage, will trade for older telephone 728-7196. 1965 PONTIAC Parisienne V8 automatic ger eens and Board ROOM AND BOARD for "young gentle. man, willing to share, single beds, five-| day week. Private new home, north-west | custom sport convertible, power brakes, area. Telephone 720-0693 power steering, radio, whitewalis etc FURNISHED rooms to share, breakfast 723-9721. After § call 725-1676 eT Baa ral. Please call 728 ue 1962 BUICK LESABRE two-door hardiop, 2. power brakes, power steering, radio, SINGLE ROOMS and board. Apply 25 on and rear speakers. Excellent con Division Street tion, Low. mileage, Telephone 942-3755. car,| ROOM AND BOARD, for gentlemen, to' 1960 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, standard. ! Excellent condition Best offer Telephone 723-9800 1965 CHEVROLET good meals, hardtop, Va standard, radio, 8,000. original Telephone miles. Red with red interior, 648-4284 1963 CHEVROLET Impala two-door hard top, 4 cylinder automatic Telephone 423-2063 1963 PONTIAC Parisienne, fop, all extras," A-T" condition appreciated. Best offer! 725. six-day week, Must sel! 45 Brock cen East share, tral lunches packed, Telephone 725-9843. Impala, two-door ROOM AND BOARD, close to North Gen: era beds, day week Motors, single hes packed, 61% ROOM AND BOARD for genttonen Five day week. Willing | hare. Lunches packed, Phone 728-4112 ROOM AND BOARD for two-door hard: | one gentleman Must be} lunches packed. Apply 93 Bruce Street|seen to be or telephone 728-6 839! after 530 p.m ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen. 1942 CHEVROLET Bei Air, four-door 6 Lunehes packed. No objection to shifticylinder, automatic, radio, white walls, workers, Telephone Whitby 648-5287 wheel discs, seiciy belts. Before §.30 723-1772 in| 1961 CHEVROLET Biscayne sedan, auto Apply 1188 Rit: on AND BOARD close to south pla: Private home, five-day week. TV room. Private entrance, Telephone 725- matic, private, one owner 9483 son Road South ROOM AND BOARD for one gentieman '65 CHEVROLET impala, willing 'to share. Apply 353 Verdun Road white, red trim, black roof or telephone 725-7534. ed. Licence H291598 ' Hlab| ; ROOM AND BOARD 'or gentleman, close Jats AYRUARIE: Sus PIPW MOTOS LI, to South Plant. Shift workers welcom: be convertible. Fully equipp Trade considered. | WE ARE MOVING |! ! CLEAR | THE LOT SALE Sodn we'll be moving to our new location. We must reduce our Used Cor Inventory so prices have been slashed to the bone. Now is the time to buy thot Safe Buy used car you've been dreaming about. * 1965 PONTIAC FOUR DOOR STATION . WAGON Oshowa blue with matching interior. Automatic transmis- sion, radio and white walls. Excellent condition, ---- Lic. X1881, $2595. 1965 FORD CUSTOM FOUR DOOR SEDAN Silver grey with Palimino toxi trim. A mere 35,000 miles on this well cared for car. Econ omical 6 cylinder engine ond automatic transmision, Lic. H20528. $1795, 1964 GALAXIE 500 COUNTRY SEDAN Silver grey with spotless red interior. V-8 engine, automo- tic transmission, radio and whitewalls. Sold new and serviced by us. Excellent con- dition throughout. Lic, X- 6747 $2395, 1964 THUNDERBIRD TWO DOOR HARDTOP Wimbleton white with con- trasting red vinyl interior, All the amenities that make Thunderbird the luxury car of the sportsman, Repossess- ed. Moke an offer, Excellent condition. Lic. H25297. 1962 GALAXIE 500 FORDOR HARDTOP Original chestnut finish with matching interior, V-8 en gine, automatic transmis sion, radio, whitewalls and power brokes. Drive it, you'll buy it. Lic. H25783, $1595, 1962 GALAXIE 500 CONVERTIBLE Raven black with red interior 390 engine, automatic trans- mission, radio, power steer- ing, whitewalls and wheel covers, This aristocrat of con- vertibles is in excellent con- dition throughout. Lic. H- 26417. $1745. 1962 CORVAIR FORDOR SEDAN Shining red finish with mat ching interior. Four speed manuol transmission,. radio ond deep tread whitewolls. Immaculate, condition. Lic. H57438, $1145. 1961 FALCON TUDOR SEDAN Smart tutone red and white' finish with spotless red inter Rodio and -whitewalls ladies cor. Excellent throughout. Lic, $995, ior Ideal condition H28199, * MANY OTHER SAFE BUY USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM * ONE and two bedroom apartments avail i i ; she fr 'ang age" Fo Mam ean. vet wees $18 Washing. Yc 6) POWTIAG, Tene, Ha, VA sa LOW COST r trolled entrances. Swimming pool, Tele. "°° "Do You Want It phone 723-2347 . ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen, Qyoy No down payens. easy. terms, Ops FORD MOTOR $5 SINGLE, $7 aoupie, aally, spec. weekly "'! to share, good home cooked own Motors Lid, 728-7375 CREDIT COMPANY ' rates. Small apartments availaple. Board Meals and close to south General Mo- 1955 METEOR Hurst, floor shift, 332 cu FINANCING ; optional. Hollywood Motel and Restaur. rs. Telephone 725-8850. inches. Good body and rotor. 668-4576. , or just listed > ant Whitby 668-2067 LARGE ROOM with board for two men 1965 METEOR Montcaim four door sedan. J , LARGE modern apartment, near schools °" Qitls? also smaller room, suits one, Perfect cundition. still under warranty Business is good. We are just ide » Lunches and parking space provided. Private sale. Can be financed with small 9 } and shopping. Two children welcome. |» 4 a t ol 725-1 about out of listings If you Telephone Ajax 942-0130 Phone between 7 - 10 p.m., 728-9674, Aga payment, Telephone 725-1545 after have a home to sell in Osh- Tw ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen i S| 1O-BEDROOM apartment six-plex v owa, Whitby, Ajax or Pick- shopping centre area. Available Dec. 1 unches packed, and laundry. Close to ae ae aod el station wapon licence : ' $105 monthly. Adults only. Telephone pla 25-2464 An ideal family car, No down pay M ] x ats $105. ment, Gaby terms. Gus br ; otors (19. td. e PLEASE CALL 25-2688 COLBORNE STREET EAST, 87 -- Room (y4"" 704 ce oa? ROOMS and Apartments for single meni@%d Board for gentlemen, . willing to : 1 ss ta dhara lacat for anit BR ih Fron share. Close to north General Motors '63 CHEVROLET convertible, automatic, Your Authorized Dealer for GRIFFIN $F par head por wa. Welty tab Hn? and downtown. Apply above address radio, power steering. One the girls will, Lincoln, Mercury, Meteor, Inve. $2095. Lic. $81B3D. Morley Stal THREE-ROOM furnished apartment. Pri. ROOM AND Mets felon A Motors. 723-6322 fae rae Ford and Mercury weekly, seven days. Telephone 4) i ck REAI ESTATE LTD vate entrance. Apply 164 Grenfell Street. 1958 CHEVROLET Im ru L ; : pala V-8,. radio " TWO:BEDROOM aparimen!, stove and re. ROOM AND BOARD for one gentleman, black, excellent condition, Must be seen, S$ Sal J2as 4645 trigerater, adults preferred. Available | yes Feu me Seale ive days @ week. 's4so Evenings 6 to 9, telephone Aé68-RO4 six Courteous salesmen cember |. Telephone 728-2045 after 6 '°! ae val 23 5 1959 CHEVROLET, automatic transmis To Serve You ™ SsessSeesssss's UaamMainND agaticseri a gentlemen: Lunches paced Shit cnrge sion. sbe-eylindér, Tour-door,) radio, good apartment ent y mi s y : S Bren Nurse avahesie' Noveter "ar ers welcome Home Soaked meas, Tele: onmivon. Private, Telephone 72341%6." | -- 200 Dundas St. West S NEED HELP! Siworking couple preferred. Apply 375 Phone 723-6874 * 1964 PONTIAC Strato Chief &-cylinder, Whitb: § . 5| Windsor St., after $ p.m ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen, will safety belts, 'coor beige, Telechong e| Y S Hove clients for 2, 3 and S ONE bedroom apartment. Centra! loca. i9 to share, veel asi Na hao 3379 A 4 tion. Apply 108 Agnes Street. ng space. Close to South General Motors 5 bedroom homes, in Osh- $ pply bs Five days, Telephone 723-2786. 1964 IMPALA four-door 327, automatic, - Sawa ond vicinity, and need $|/YOUNG girl to share two bedroom ap-| power brakes, low mileage. Private artment, in new apartment buildin x S immediate listing help. If S$ private room ali ae leges - Martana 29--Wanted to Rent eh MeL ect hn alae ae | y } ' ihe | i you ore considering selling S avenue, $60 monthly, Telephone 723-6895./tWO-OR-THREE bedroom house, by 1254, PONTIAC sedan, six-cylinder stick OPEN DAILY $ le --~ _ shift, radio, four spares, mechanically >. Please give me a call. S two.seDROOM apartment. Availabie Clean. reliable couple with three childrer sound, $525, Telephone 723.4490 9 M. TO 9 P S. Yours moy be the one, S$ immediately; 'trig, stove and drapes. In- Steady employment. Can furnish refer ~ © A. .M. 5 S|tercom with controlied entrance. Adulfsences, Present landlord selling. Phone 1956 OLOSMOBILE 9% convertible, very ings" gyicx *Wildcal"" convertible, Lisl = Ziont I r ue, Apt./ 728-6375 anytime good condition, power equipped, black s 5 DON STRADESKI g any Bee if 394 Marland Avenue. p with red: leather upholstery. Teleptione cence 58588, demonstrator, fully equipp-| $ REALTOR : BANKER requires three-bedroom house, | 723-6035 Very reasonably priced. Gus Brawn « : S TWO-ROOM bachelor apartment, half. Alax-Whitby-Pickering area. Reterences ss Mature Lid., 728-7375 > 63 King St. West S |turnish Centrally located. Available Phone Mr. L. Qisiey, 942-1412 between | ise CHEVROLET, automatic transmis - 9 ed. Ce y \1960 CHEVROLET Bei Air, four - door S 723-4651 5 November Parking, Apply 393 King |? a.m. - 5 p.m peat Sag Teladhot ars san', 2904 | secars, 148483, V-8, automatic, very clean SSSSSSSSSS55 58 & Sireet East TWO. OR THREE ROOM furnishea prone aner S No down payment. Easy terms. Gus > | WHITEY -- Spacious fivecroom apartment |Spartment wanted, near Oshawa Shoo. 1a BLYMOUTH immaculate condition, Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375 c trios en nye ping Centre, Telephone 723-403? mechanically A-1, two new tires, Mus! ,, now Winter. Pate Seralor, stove, drapes, |Ping sell this week. $200 or best offer, Atte, 3% CHRYSLER, licence 470658. Four LDER ° i TWO or three bedroom house by couple | 4 p.m. 728.2336 door sedan. Black, matching interior, just immediately or December | as desired. with four children. Needed immediately like new! No down payment. Easy terms one 668-354. si References. Telephone 723-6007 Maw' Rava while, Montcalm, four-/Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375 8 " i joor hardtop, power brakes and steer - HOMES Ag a gl bade Reto rke') BANK MANAGER and family (!wo teen: radio. Excellent condition Price "Si4sp, (198). CHEVROLET two-door 6 standard eS urnishe wo-be oom f age daughters) requires house to rent.!caij 725-0303. Winterized. Excellent condition. Licence | n nm new building with one Gen Whitby or Brooklin. Urgent! ts No, K74238, Telephone 942-5693 Motors employee, $65 monthiy. 668-8575 1957 CHEVROLET four-door -- sfation mre wae : air hae Foo _. |wagon, Recent motor fob, $228, Bowman.| 18 CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan, four Call ApARTARNT Woot Sera ville #223718 Idoor. Clean car inside. and out, Automa AP AR 1iw2 Fooms completely tur F tic, white walls, Licence No, 232028. Tele- Bill J h t Hata Magy vs ing, rem and kitchen, re or '56 BUICK, four door, hardtop. "Excellent |phone 942-5693, Ajax r, Stove, television supplied, pri 4 condition, automatic, radio, powe: Kk: EERE Bere onnston vate entrance. 231 Palace Street, Whitby RESULTS Steering and windows, Best effer. Tele, | 1961 PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door hard opr Best offer. Tele-liop, licence 47552, 8, automatl 728 1066 THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment.) Use Cee ee steering, power brakes, black, marasn beiaed Fe reteereier included. Tele TIMES bee = oa big sg hh -- jinterior, Just like new. No down payment - ? s elephone A. Whitby,' Easy terms. Gus Brown Motors. Ltd. Schofield- -Aker Ltd MAIN floor, three-room ai Classified Stee 6 728-737 r, three partment, un 5 uenished, private bathroom, private en c By erences ap pe ~ekahD~ - nm BRICK home about seven or nine years|irance. Avalanie immediatay, New| ACTION ADS Fae Bleck win kirouder Nwo-door hard) i962 GRAND PRIX Pontiac, licence H oid. Central location. Could pay cash Ifihou Adutta oniy, 385 Baldwin Street.| 4 hoc ac Ley v with carburetors i $ « ing, power brakes. radio, automatic. One|tour-speed transmission, Just lik ! Feavonabie, Write Box 246 Oshawe Timon, !728-4 | 723-3492 Goan Privela. eck pris |728-7375, ee WANTED -- Cars for werecking. Tele phone 728-4549. BUYING OR SELLING Robert Nichols. TED CAMPIN [vat pire sor titre ne, ain MOTQRS 607 KING ST, --~ OSHAWA 34--Automobile Repair Just East of Wilson Road TUNE-UP | 723-4494 Res, 725- ple YOUR CAR NOW rr CASH FOR FALL For clean cars or trucks. We deal up or down. Liens paid. NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across from yee Hotel Minor and \Major tune-up. Get top performance from your cor, SEE YOUR SERVICE SPECIALS AT Witty 66838900 ties, Com imiisere" exenertonaee| ; GENERAL TIRE Wi PONTIAC cp SERVICE 1957 PONTIAC convertibie, For informa- Nien Lead 534 Ritson Rd. South 728-6: 6221 OSHAWA "TUNE-UP CI CENTRE | offers ex. pert carburetor and auto electric service. 222 King Street West, 728-0817, TRANSMISSION specialists, sions are our only business. ROLET, good mechanical con- |. $40 or best offer. Telephone 728- tomatic, radio, thal discs, washers, white walls, sixteen thousand actual miles. Still under war- ranly, $1,995. After 4, call 725-1724 BEST OFFERI 1961 Rambier American Transmis- 1038 Simcoe 3 pit ldgy Power tan Te radio, low|North. Phone /28-7239, mileage. ideal lady's car. days cee "or par er , your service specialist for wheel Tm77a, evenings 1? alignment, wheel balance, brake job, en- 1965 CHEVROLET impeia, two-door hard-|gine tune-ups at General Tire Servi top. Phone 72: 534 Ritson South. BEST oeran = "Buick 5) Special, four- door hardtop, power equipped, ie: (35--Lost and "Found ideal transportation, Telephone days, 7 2 | | Lost --A twelve gauge shotgun, vicinity | 7 |5th Concession, Whitby Township. four = door | Ward "Telephone 668: 280, 2222; evenings 723-4406. 1960 CHEVROLET Bel Air, ¢ hardtop, automatic, radio, whitewalis, 6 -- cylinder. Telephone Port Perry after si\LostT -- = Black Labrador female, "an p.m. 985-2240, swers to "Sheba". Vicinity Northeast sec t 'Sé PONTIAC two-door hardiop, 6 auto- |!" Ry Qubeae. Talepnone, 7EeTH$ ane matic, perfect body and trim. Licence)" ? | 48480. Nothing down, monthly pay- Lost -- Cat, female, smoky grey color,| ments. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568 wearing yellow fiea collar. Vicinity Mary 163 BUICK Le Sabre convertible. Fully woe North on Friday. Telephone 723: powered, 18,000 miles, executive driven. neous seroma Licence 767428. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., LOST Maie cat, smoky grey, near 725-6568. Shopping Centre. Reward Children's pet. "60 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, V-8,, /Cerhone 728-545 in Oshawa automatic, double power, low mileage. FOUND -~ men's glasses, See! Save! Nothing down. Terms. Li-| Times parking lot, Tuesday. Owner can ao 119139. Gus Brown Motors Lid., have same by Identifying at Oshawa 725-6568, jTimes _Switchboard 1956 CHEVROLET sedan, good condition. |LOsT -- Lady's Omega. white goid wrist Telephone 725-9450. watch,' vicinity Gibbon - Shopping Centre. BEST OFFER! 1959 Pontiac sedan, six, Reward. 725-615) cylinder, standard, radio, whitewalls, A-)/LOST DOG brown and black female, part re-conditioned, Telephone days, 728-2222; terrier, part beagle; vicinity senna ee evenings 723-4406. nue, on Wednesday. | Answers 1964 IMPALA two-door hardiop V8 aulo- "Brownie". Reward. Call masse or 723 matic, with radio, snow tires (extra rims) siley ee ee Telephone 725-5960. UAT |BEST OFFER! 1964 Buick Skylark con 36--Legal vertible, power equipped, radio, bucket |, DENNIS G. CAMMACK, 75 Wellington seats. Still under warranty.' Telephone Street, Osawa, will not be responsible days, 728-2222; evenings 723-4406 1960 STUDEBAKER At | Rebuilt motor. Under guarantee. Radio, good fires. Telephone 725-7773 1965 CHEVROLET Impala, two door hard top, V8 automatic. Reasonable. Telephone 37---Auctions AUCTION SALE --\for any debts contracted in my name by mechanically. anyone on or after this date, October 22, 1965, without my written consent. Dennis 5. Cammack sedan delivery, me- 1959 CHEVROLET Telephone chanically good. Price $275, 725-3206. 1964 PONTIAC 8 cylinder Laurentian Hon duras wine, automatic, power steering, radio, whitewalls, tinted glass, padded dash, washers. Excellent condition. Pri of bedroom, living room and vate. 725-6316 after 6.30 p.m. kitchen furniture, china, glass 1957 PONTIAC, automatic, 26) motor, wore, electrical appliances, whitewall tires. Real good condition. Tele. n phone 728-3270. | scatter fame, pelle ree 1999 BUICK, four - door hardtop, licence) tools, etc. From H44897, Black with grey Interior, No down of payment. Easy terms. Gus Brown Motors Lid., 728-7375. 1956 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville, two-door hardtop. Privately driven. Call Greg after 4. Whitby 668-3743, 45 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, | sixty-five hundred miles, power steering, Herman L; Pascoe Columbus, on Saturday, brakes, radio, white wall tires. Telephone TEETN64 : ee ane October 30th 1960 CHEVROLET Biscayne, blue, 6 cyl.) inder, Good family car. Whitby 668-5432 at 1 p.m 11987 PONTIAC hardtop, body rebuilt painted, New brakes. Custom radio, ear Promptly.' Further p orticul speaker. Winterized. Two new tires. $550.| Telephone 942-3283 after 8 p.m ors next week, No reserve. io % c or Sal | Terms cash 31--Compact Cars for Sale) seh P : Ses CLIFF PETHIC, SABYAN | Auctioneer MOTOR SALES LTD. | Volkswagen Sales and Service Undersigned auctioneer will | sell by public auction, farm stock and some machinery for Morley Gilroy, Lot 34, Con. 8, Darlington Twp., 3 miles west of Enniskillen on Satur- 334 RITSON RD, 5S. New and Used Cars | 723-3461 | n Evenin cet --| day, October 23: Purebred VOLVO & PEUGOT | Shorthorn herd - 35 head %* MERCEDES BENZ cows with calves, yearlings, General Repair and 2-year-olds, one 2-year-old bull; one brood sow, 6 shoats, JAKE ANDO BILL'S GARAGE 1 horse, riding plough, team Auto-Electric Service scuffler, drag saw, turnip pulper, fanning mill with bag- ger, some furniture, 15 tons loose straw. Mr. Gilroy is cut- ting down on his work and is 449 Ritson Rd. South | Oshawa 728-0921 | Zoltan, Nick and Dan's iaiink WIL womuier: we ok my ni o Your aighiges Datsun | alporlog ot sae articles and Fiat Dealer | Sole 1:30. Terms cash. -Clif- Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simeone South 728-0051 1961 VOLKSWAGEN 35,000 original miles ford Pethick, ouctioneer AUCTION SALE 60 Registered Holsteins, Vac- immaculate condition, color red, new tires. Telephone 728-6454 cinated, R,O.P., Graded, the Un ee esa ce e f b 1961 ENVOY, Good condition,-Telephone|---Property of H. J. BROOKS, evenings 728-3807. | Orchland Farms, RR 3; 1962 CORVAIR Monza, coupe, automatic BOWMANVILLE, Lot 17, radio, heater, whitewalls, Please dial Con. 2, Darlington Twp., 1 725-931 25-9364 after 5 p.m mile W. of Bowmanville on convertible, V8 auto i968 CHEVELLE | Hwy. No. 2, on TUESDAY matic, power equipment, washers, 8,000 / , miles. Must. seli! Call 723-2516 after § OCT. 26. Sale at 1:00 p.m. p.m. Auctioneers: Ted Jackson, 1954 MORRIS Minor, A-1 condition. Tele Ted Spenceley, Reg, Johnson. Phone after 6 p.m. 728-6008. Catelogues available 1964 MGB, white, 20,000 miles, A-) condi- -- tion, one owner, radio, whitewalls, Tele- --C phone 728-3331 after 4. 38- voming Events He 1964 COMET Caliente, two door 'hardtop. | ' 289 motor. Four speed transmission. | |Many extras, For information 371- J] | Orono. 2 | 1962 FORD FAIRLANE, radio, snow tires 'sei ORANGE TEMPLE | will take trade and can finance. second car. Telephone 725-8442. MGA convertible, radio, wire wheels. Excellent condition, Phone 668-4205 be. SATURDAY, OCT. 23 tween 6 - 8 p.m, Ask for Dennis. | BEST OFFER! 1960 Volkswagen. Com: 7:30 P.M. pletely reconditioned. Ideal 2nd car, Tele-| phone days, 728-2222; evenings 723-4406, 20 Games $8 '61 VOLKSWAGEN, radio, motor recent ly overhauled, Full price $595, Call 725- +1724 after 4 1963 CHEVY 11 Nova, automatic. four door sedan, white walls, radio. Excellent condition. 231 Brock Street South, Whitby Apartment 3. 668-8344 1962 AUSTIN 850, excellent condition, | mileage. $600. Telephone 728- '8467, 1960 ENVOY, nice littie car, in excellent Share The Wealth $40 Jackpots to go | -- $150 Jackpot 'to go | mt Stilaren Under 18 Mot Admitted | 'publican Leader Everett M. | Di inois, Wedn asked about pice wrasesepialy Dirksen Denies Senators Back Ted's Boy As Judge WASHINGTON (AP) -- Re-jinvestigation ipigetuar" sey's testimony that he re- {mained in Georgia for several | Months aner peing aamitted ia the bar. Albert E. Jenner, chairman of the American Bar Associa- tion's standing committee on the federal judiclary: had testi- fied the committee. understood Morrissey spent only two days in Georgia. Dirksen described the Geor- gia law school concerned as @ diploma mill. Ten years after his return to Massachusetts Morrissey went back to law school in Boston, fook the state bar examination a second time and failed it. He ig it in 1944 on his third Edward M. Kennedy Mass,) that a majority of sen- ators favor the nomination of Francis X. Morrissey for a fed- eral judgeship. "T have some doubts about ' Dirksen told reporters when (Dem. Kennedy's state ment that "'there are more votes in favor of the nomination than opposed." Kennedy is the chief sponsor of Morrissey, a Boston munici- pal court judge and an old friend of the Kennedy family, for appointment as a federal district judge in Massachusetts. | He said Tuesday night that | Dirksen, leading the opposition, to Senate confirmation, was) _____ |using the nomination 'for par DEATHS tisan political purposes "T guess that is one of those BEATON, William Vincent Washington cliches when you mF aey mason: iby. wane ay, ictober a 'im have nothing else to say,' * Dirk formerly of Brooklin, Ontario, in bis 70th sen commented yeatr Beloved husband of Aulda Lee, lov. * ing father of Helen (Mrs, Wesley Old- Last week, with seven mem-jham) Cannington; Jack, Whitby and Jim, Oshawa, Mr. Beaton is alsa sur- bers absent, the Senate judici- ary committee voted 6 to 3 to; vived by eight grandchildren, Resting af \!he Pinkham Funeral Chapel, Sunder- recommend confirmation of !and, for service in the Chapel on Satur- Morrissey's nomination. Dirk- ly a ag Interment Mental Cone sen had told reporters Tuesday that, if possible, he might at-'sropie, Andrew w., tempt to get the committee 10 At ajax - Pickering Hospital on Thure- ' : jcay, October 21, 1965, Andrew W. Brodie reconsider. In his bic! year (resident of Bay Ridges, 2 ae 'ormerly of Weston) beloved husband of TO OFFER MOTION Alice Hobbs and dear father of Keith of He will offer a motion to sénd| of toronto, Resting at Meintosh-Andersen the nomination back to .com-|Funeral Home, 152 King Street East. For pservice in the Chapel on Saturday at 10.30 |Bay Ridges and Mrs. Allan Lake (Mary) mittee and said he expects al ye ment Union Cemetery. of the 32 Republican senators to support the motion. BRUCE, Charles L. - ' At Memoria! Hospital, Bowmanville, on Kennedy said a large number |t,ypcaay, October 21, 1968. Charles of senators have told him a new Bruce of RR 1, Bowmanville, Dear father , ey of Mrs. J. K. Oswald (Mary), Mrs: H. J. FBI report on Morris ef y Chambers (Elizabeth) and Thomas of To- cleared up any question they /ronto, Mrs. J. Ferguson (Margaret) of ey are now fully pre-|Florida, Charles J., of Orono and Hilda had and they " PIE of Whitby, Resting at the Northoult and pared to support the nomina-/smith Funeral Home. Funeral service tion." 2.0 octet Saturday morning. Interment . rospect Cemetery, Dirksen had described Mor- _|rissey as unqualified by intel-| copy, narod €. \lectual capacity and legal train-|at Oshawa General Hospital on Wednes- 7e the fed- |day, October 20, 1965, Harold E. Cory Le a vlan ay for beloved husband of Elia Cory of Oshawa (former resident of Belleville, Ont.) Dear | Some of the controversy over brother of Charles Cory, Bayside; Mrs. r jOneita Lorimer and Mrs, Emma Clarke, Morrissey has centred on his | jpomn of Bellevilie and Rhea (Mrs. George Geor- Spencer) of Frankford, Ontario; aged 44 obtaining a law degree in i years, Resting af the Weaver Funeral gia after failing the pony u- Home, Trenton from Thursday afternoon, isetts bar examination an ow | Service will be held in the Funeral a jon Saturday, October 23 at 3 p. long he remained in the state jerment in' White's Cemetery, ya lwhile being admitted to the) |Georgia bar. | EASTWOOD, Mildred Liewella The justice depariment an- Rotered into rest suddenly at Oshawe me eneral Hospital as a result of a I~ nounce! ed Monday that an FBI gent on Wednesday, October 20, 1968, Mil. |-- ----- |dred Liewella Brown ro wife of | | | 'Canadian Gets 22%, .nitinrseeu"s er Big U.S. Post and Mrs, Willlam A. Brown of Green get loving sister of Fred of Brook- | WASHINGTON (CP) |John §. Foster, Jr., son of a and William Jr. of Greenwood; niece |well-known Canadian physicist, |ti lor May E. Brown of Greenwood. Mrs, Eastwood will rest at McEachnie Funer: has taken on the third-ranking job in the Pentagon. Home, 28 Kingston Road West, ing, after 2 p.m, Friday, Funeral ser- vice in Greenwood United Church on Sun- Dr.|day, October 24 at 2 p.m. Interment Salem Cemetery. (The casket be en in the church from 2 p.m. until. ime of service), TREGONNING, Marjorie His father, Dr. John Stuart'? Oshawa General Hospital on Thurs- M y, October 21, 1965, Mariori 'is, Foster, from Clarence, N.S., Solves wife of Cart epdteted ls was for many years MacDonald Stile Avenue) and dear ee ae : rborou: professor of physics at McGill pecing al Mcintosh-Anderson Funerst University, designing the cyclo-| Home, 152 King Street East, for service leran Wiehe anid remaining in| in the chapel on Saturday at 2 o'clock. 5 F : . | Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery. charge of it until he retired in| California in 1963. The elder foster died at Berkeley, Calif., LOCKE'S FLORIST last year, Funeral arrangements and | His eldest son was sworn in| floral orrangements for all occasions. OSHAWA a Orting SHOPPING 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE ____ 728-6555 recently by Defence Secretary Robert McNamara as director of defence research and engi- jneering. Only McNamara and] the deputy secretary, Cyrus R. |Vance, hold higher positions in the U.S. defence department. Foster, just turned 43, og hern at New Haven, Conn., where his father had been ~-- a doctorate degree at Yale. H el Kindnes beyond Price, yet within' reach of -all, GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST |chose American citizenship at lage 21. Telephone 728-6226 | He graduated from McGill and for the Jast four years had) headed the radiation laboratory at Livermore, Calif. He had been connected during the Sec-) IN MEMORIAM ond World War with radio re search work on radar at Har- eiabe in ae vard and later: served in the |son.inlaw, Ronald Cyril lsh whe pene U.S. Air Force. led away October 22, 1962 vial A page in my book of memory ; He is married, Silently turns today. ren. We remember you in silence 38--Coming Events with four chil- And make no outward show. And what it meant to lose you No one will ever know. Lovingly remembered by Mom and Dad Genge, and brothers-in-law Harold MONSTER | Clark -- In loving memory of @ dear B l N G 0 husband and father, Ronald Cyril Clark, who passed away October 22, 1964? Over $500 in Prizes | My heart still aches with sadness And secret tears still flow, What it meant to lose you No one will ever know. When the days are sad and lonely nes everything goes wrong, seem to hear you whisper, hicheer up and carry on' Each time | see your. photo You seem to smile and say, | SAT OCT 23rd "Don't cry, I'm only sleeping, 7 . We'll meet again some day | say. missed by wife Norma and son obb AT 8 P.M. : HENRY In loving memory of a dear |brother-ir-law. Clinton Henry, who pass: ed away October 22, 1960. Swiftly and silently came the tall, Without goodbye you left us all; In God's garden you now rest ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE ST. NORTH Peacetully sleeping lies one of the best. --Ever remembered and sadly missed car shape, radio, whitewalls, color blue, $395. Telephone 725-2932 | 1962 VOLKSWAGEN, A.) condition ( Tanita) | four-speed on the floor, Telephone 728-6098 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. NIGHT of CARDS ALBERT STREET | UNITED CHURCH HALL Fleetside body, radio, .whitewalls, etc. A-1 condition, Telephone days, 728-2222; eve. |nings, 723-4406 32--Trucks for Sale 1953 CHEVROLET one ton stake. Excel iene body and motor. Four nearly new | Saturday, October 23rd 8 PM tires. 6 x 9 body with 6 racks. Price! n Pane | ' 400 Telephone Ajax 942-2495 ich Prizes | er rso | $4 GMC Auton pick-up, livestock rack, il ail, jbig tires, four-speed transmission, A: ¢ condition, $450, Telephone 655-2475. ae sponsored by | BEST OFFERI "60 GMC Viton" ruck, The Friendly Doubles Club - a RUMMAGE AND BAKE SALE | Whitby Brass Band | Ladies' Auxiliary | SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23rd 10 a.m, 1955 CHEVROLET, one ton stake truck, 900d Condition, reasonable. Telephone be fore $ p.m., 723-1090. 33--Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED | Buying a .New Car? | Sell your used car to "Ted" | Talk: "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "Save" | TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want cers for wrecking. Highest prices paid Nentworth East. 725-!191 © AWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars. BAZAAR, Saturday, to 2 p.m. see, (Band room over Allen's Drug | Store) October tober 23, Guide fo" wrecking. Tires and parts for sale. Hall, Simcoe South, 2 to 4. Social tea 11175 Nelson Street, Telephone 725-2162 ihandicratts, bake sale, fish pond, i , | Children under 16 Not Admitted Donald, Muriel and family SAUNDERS, George -- in loving mem- ory of a dear husband and father, Geort seuss who passed away October 958, ADMISSION 50 CENTS 10. tur- 9th. Rose and the boys. Includes tickets on keys to be drawn Oct WARREN -- In loving memory of my father, Charles Thomas Warren, who left us so suddenly October 22, 1954, A silent tear when no one sees, A heart still torn by bitter pain; And when they laid him down to rest, He took a part of me. Ever femembered. Jean and Bill All Prizes Doubled on Admission Ticket Everlasting Memorialization is almost possible with. the |MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER B | N G C) | that we supply ond install; Please call HOLY CROSS scar aa -TO-NIGHT MEMORIAL PARK * 723-2633 7:45 P.M. Jackpots 56 ond 57. ST. JOHNS PARISH BINGO EVERY FRIDAY AT 7:45 P.M. Corner Bloor and Simcoe 20 Games $10 and $15 CARD OF THANKS "wwerisihto express my § i ' a3?) SHERLOCK sincere thank and neiqhbors shown in. thi jackpot 59 numbers $190 dear sistér | Two extra games at $25 ae ' ° Jackpot and Share the Wealth John, i ' })