Curriculum Night Opens Season For E. A. Lovell H and $ Assoc. The opening meeting of the FE. A, Lovell Home and scioc~ Association was curriculum. night. Mrs. Thomas Tipton, the incoming president, welcomed the many teachers and parents. Mr. R. H. Broadbent, princi- pal, introduced the folowing members of the staff; Grade 7, Mrs. R. Bailey; Kindergarten, Miss Marilyn Black; Grade 3, Miss Doreen Hill; Grade 1, Mrs, D. Marschke; Grade 7, Mrs. H. R. Mouck; Grade 5, Mis' Betty Poloz; Grade 4, Mrs. w. K. Zimmerman; and Grade 6, Mr. Harry Tom. Parents visited their chil- dren's class rooms, where the teachers gave a brief summary of the curriculum and answered questions pertajning to it. The second regular meeting was held on Monday evening. | ~ During the short business per- iod, it was announced that the money-making project for this year would once again be the, "$1.00 per family' drive. | All Home and School Associa-\with the Girl Guides, and swim- tions were being urged to boost|ming at Camp Samac; she membership by at least 20 per|thought of the needy who would cent this year. Mr, Broadbent|have a brighter Christmas with asked those present to try tothe help of Community Chest; persuade other parents in their/ VON nurses had looked: after neighborhood to attent the asso-/her grandfather when he was ciation meetings. ill; and her mother and. brother The two students who will re-|had participated in some of the present FE. A. Lovell School injactivities of the Simcoe Hall the Red Feather Speaking Con- Boys' Club test were introduced by Mr.,. Miss Fisher felt that she would Broadbent. uike to contribute a week's pap- Miss Kathy Barker, a Gradejearnings for each of these or. MRS, THOMAS TIPTON ql DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. PMA crue _presiding and Mrs Neil Walt The oe, agsre f After-|reading the minutes in the ab- noon Club held its weekly meet-|sence of the secretary, Mrs. K. ing at the Legion Hall with the|n we "-- president, Mrs. George V. Lee,| ce. " presiding, "'! Mrs, C. C. Robson, general Favorite hymns were sung and|convener of the mammoth bake readings were given by Mrs, sale to be held in November, George Whitbread, Mrs. Thelma announced that Mrs, Fred Mol- Edgar, Mrs. Benjamin Jacklin, loy will convene the home bak- Mrs. Scott and Mrs. St ing; Mrs,°A, S. Ross, the trea- Harrison. , ire ad sure table; Mrs. Alfred Austin It was announced that the|and Mrs. E. F, Cuthbertson the chartered bus for the outing to|Dolls of All Nations and Mrs, Yorkdale Shopping Plaza would|W. W. Baldwin and Mrs. How- leave the Legion Hall at 2,00\a'd Doner will be the tea con- p.m. on Wednesday, October 27,|veners. There woulld be a trea- It was decided to hold the|sure table and the convener 'election of officers on Decem-|Would appreciate items for this lber 6. table at an early date. Refreshments were served| Mrs. W. F. Marshall reported land a social time enjoyed. gift shop sales are going well but that more volunteers are LEGION AUXILIARY needed for the gift cart on Wed- The Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal nesday and Friday, Patients Canadian Legion Branch 43 en-|miss the convenience of buying tertained members from. Portjitems from the cart and it is Perry, Uxbridge and Sunder-|hoped to keep up this volunteer land on Tuesday evening. | project. Mrs. Matthew Bell was the! A letter of thanks was read jentertainment convener, assist-/from the Physiotherapy schol- led by Mrs. Alyn Elliott, presi-jarship winner, Miss Dianne Sa- 'dent. 'voie, expressing her thanks and The program was as follows: |appreciation for this scholar- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 22, 1965 |] New associate members are: Mrs, Vernon McLaughlin,. Mrs, Norman Ward, Mrs, Norman! Moran and Mrs. H, A, Law-| renee, : Mrs.,G. G. Curley of the Evening Chapter, convener of the Play Ladies who are vol- unteérs helping in the pedia- trices wing, gave an interesting talk on their duties, She stated more volunteers were needed! for this priject. | It was announced that dele-| gates to the Hospital Auxiliar- ies Association of Ontario con- vention to be held in Toronto) will be Mrs. McCansh and Mrs, | Harry Taylor, Mrs, C, D. Rus-| sell will co-convene a round table discussion on teen-age} volunteers, | Miss Vera Moyse poured tea for the social hour at the close of the meeting. "Welcome Poem', read and|ship jcomposed by Mrs, Bell; chorus-) es by the group; poem by Mrs.' Alyn Elliott; a song and dance routine by Mrs. Elliot and Mrs. | James Anderson; a tambourine routine, by, the group; a poem by Mrs. Lloyd Patterson; a solo 5 student, related what she had/ganizations, and for the many|). Mrs James Brown; a poem learned and the activities whichlothers, such as the Mental). Mrs Wesley Smallwood; a she had enjoyed at Brownies,|Health Association and the Ca- poem by Mrs. George V. Lee; one of the organizations . sup-|nadian National Institute for the}, ganee by Mrs. Douglas Kerr ported by the Community Chest.|Blind. She said that she had| ind Mrs, James Brown; a High-| She had enjoyed attending the|started out by knocking thejjang dance by Mrs, Alex Mc- YWCA Day Camp which re-| Community Chest and ended UP}y poq m ceived funds from the chest. She|/by knocking for it A reading by Mrs. William felt that these and all the other| A film "The Four Teachers" Reed: a skil, "Return of the organizations helped by the|was shown. In it, the Canadian| poatles' who were also pre- Community Chest deserved the/School Teacher was compared) canted with the Order of the| T support of all the parents jwith teachers in other countries.|~, ers hy Mrs. Elliot and Mrs. | Miss Shelley Fisher, Grade 8,|Visits were made to classrooms} Matthew Bell, 2nd vice-presi-| said that at first she felt that\in Japan, Puerto Rico, Poland)qont «phe Beatles' were Mrs. she was too busy with otherjand. Canada, Three education: Gaorge V. Lee, Mrs. Lloyd Pat- projects to work on a speech for ists made a running comment- terson, Mrs. Perry Smith and the Red Feather contest. ary throughout the film and|yre "Edward Luke and the| andl Then she thought of all the|pointed out the student-teacher ways in which the Community|relationships, the status. of the Chest had helped her- family|teacher in the community, and during the last year. She had|the importance placed on educa- "baby beatle" was also there. A closing poem was given by its composer, Mrs. Bell. The cast was introduced and C enjoyed a week at Camp Samacition in each situation, ithanks given to Mrs. Eric Jack- spe 3 : "|lin and Mrs, Ray Boivin for stage management. Mrs. Wil- liam Reed was pianist, and was presented with a corsage in ap- preciation of her work as the accompanist. A buffet supper Tiny Aids Are Big Help To Home Dressmaker necompanist. A buffel,suppe By ELEANOR ROSS thread-puller, The seam ripper/rrank Davey and committee The number of home sewers|consists of a small hooked tool) + was announced that there is ever increasing as the won-|with a cutting edge on ano-roll!youid be a business meeting derful work of creating one's|handle and the thread-puller isinext Tuesday at 7.30 p.m, and own clothes is being explored|a device much like an eyebrow!tea and cookies would be served with more zeal and enthusiasm|tweezer. And, they work! followed by a social time. than ever before. Last year, There's also a new aid which j alone a record one billion dol-|will prevent a jacket or coat OGH AUXILIARY lars worth of patterns, fabrics,/from tearing when hung on a| The Women's Auxiliary of the threads, notions and sewing! hook. Oshawa General Hospital held machines were sold at retail to. Narrow decorative strips ofjits regular meeting with the the sew-it-yourself crowd! braid with tiny metal rings on|president, Mrs. James McCansh m8 told, there are ena 60,-|each end are sewn to the inside) ~~ cael 000,000 women who sew, and the collar at the back of the gar-| fac. -As-vou- 40,000,000 who sew '"'creatively") ments. Attractive as well ed antag ye Her ol use up to 100,000,000 patterns/functional, these are perfect sicres soon. This is to be used| FUR FABRIC COATS Otter look or Alaska Seal type fabric. Some with wedding band collars some with double breasted styling .. . beige, gray, char- coal, brown, black, Sizes 6 to 20, FULL LENGTH 3/4 LENGTH REGULAR $70 REGULAR $60 SALE PRICE SALE PRICE 548 538 yearly. Patterns and notions also for school clothes as well|snecifically for pressing such alone represent a $44,000,000\as office and work clothes that Articult and fir cn det as business. are usually hung on locker|the outside and inside of curved And, it is no longer mom's|hooks during working hours. |facings, tailored and circular} province exclusively. One mag-| A newly designed six-inch|folds, collars, lapels and cuffs azine estimates that 5,500,000|metal sew and knit gauge is| Special padded covers for the teen-agers alone run up 22,500,-|designed to aid in the accurate) ironing board will also be avail: 000 garments a year. |measuring and' marking of but-jable separately So let's see what's new injtonholes, hems, tucks, pleats, . sewing notions which help to|darts and seam allowances, simplify the task. Notched at half-inch intervals, aged with its own companionidesigned with edges and sur-) Formerly The Handy Andy Car Wash ANNOUNCING Under New Proprietorship of MR. CEC REID TUTTE WESTEND CAR WASH nnn Phone 723-1881 Complete Speedy CAR Washing (leaning Polishing |. Service _ a \ 4 i eae ag Daily | For instance, the tedious task|it has a sliding pointer that can of ripping seams--particularly|be moved to any desired space for the beginner--is made con-'setting. SAVINGS EVENT! siderably simpler with a new| For intricate pressing, a spe-| seam ripper that comes pack-|cial contour board, scientifically "Watch For The Mammoth Circular' ~« Bond St. West 489M "45 Bury) <«_--- ponies neem amen Just Follow The Arrow To Westend Carwash 520 King West @ STORE HOURS @ Monday to Wednesday and Saturday OPEN TO 6:00 P.M. Thursday and Friday OPEN TO 9:00 P.M. n. 10 a.m. te 4:00 om. s -- venson Rd. . om d | FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY ZELLERS RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS 2 Open Deily 9:30 A.M, te G100 Tom Thursday ond Fridey te 9 PM, LIGHTWEIGHT ee BIG SCREEN "en PERSONAL PORTABLE WEIGHS ONLY 13 LBS. 1 3 Gg 95 e Big 11" screen, "Daylight Blue" picture, Rich textured, strongly @ 23° "Dayfight Blue" Sealed poly-propylene cabinet, compact, modern portable styling, 14" wide, 1034" high (including handle), 97' deep. 60 square inches of picture. Canadian General Electric. ransformer Dual Front "Dyna-Power" Speakers Cabinet in Walnut Finish 34" wide, 16" deep, 31%" high 269-95 BUY NOW .. PAY NEXT YEAR NO DOWN PAYMENT Up to 2 years to pay on all purchases, 4.50 WEEKLY EXCITING BUYS BY GENERAL ELECTRIC GENERAL ELECTRIC ULTRA-VISION 2400 This handsome up-right console in walnut finish is high- lighted by its complimentary grill cloth and stylish control panel. BUY go NOW... . 5.50 ONLY WEEKLY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23 ZELLER'S "DOOR BUSTERS" OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Hurry In For These 8 TREMENDOUS BUYS SPECIAL SPECIAL PERCALE | FLANNELETTE Wide assortment of colors and Approx. 42" wide in prints patterns, -- While quontities last. stripes and polka dots. : Saturday 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Soturday 4 p.m. to 6 pim, Yards. $4 vd Yards 9 1 SPECIAL NYLONS Seamless micro-mesh First Quality Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Pair $ 1 OSHAWA 9 DOWNTOWN STORE SHOPPING CENTRE SIMCOE ST, S. 723-2209 723-2294