Dingley, Miss Red Feather, left, and Dr. Charles Elliott, superintendent of Oshawa NMORE THAN 200 persons athended the Red Feather pwolic speaking finals last pight in Central Collegiate public schools congratulate ant Vocational Institute the winners, Jill Northey, 9, aut litorium. In the photo- of 1210 Cloverdale ave., a ght, Stormie grade six student at Conant griiph at the ri school, junior winner; and Marilyn Bryant, 13, of 567 Gliddon ave., a grade eight student at T. R. McEwen school, senior . Winner, Pictured in action while Jobless Training Centre; Enadequate Parking OKd Conversion of a Board of Edu-| ca¥ton warehouse on Ash st, to|would be the real problem eis\ible retraining of the unem-|"Daytime use would not be ser- us," he conceded. p'loved hit a parking snag before io Ross Backus, the Board's busi Cipmmittee of Adjustment. But the temporary location-- 'slasses are expected to be moved into the new Fastdale gMegiate -- helped solve the will be temporary and the build He emphasized night parking ness administrator, said the con-| version to a retraining centre ing will "likely" revert to its a rectory added. Meeting rooms will be added beneath the in- creased seating. | _|HOW MANY? Altogether these additions call for 65 new parking spaces, with no decrease in what was pro- vided before. Trouble is, accord- ing to one city official, no one delivering their addresses are Howard Kalnitsky, 9, of 169 Winona dr., a grade four student at Sunset Heights school and Shelley Fisher, 13, of RR 2, Osh- awa, a grade eight student at E. A. Lovell school. The competition was open to students from grades five to eight in the city's elemen- tary schools. Each school She Oshawa Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1965 held its own preliminary competition. Subject of the contest was work by the Greater Oshawa Com- munity Chest. --Oshawa Times Photos COMET LOOP NOT SEEN HERE | Ikeya-Seki, a blazing comet that made a_ hairpin loop around the sun yesterday | morning at 1,000,000 miles an | hour, was not visible in Osh- | awa. In fact, hazy skies prevented noniarngnite sightings everywhere in Can- ada except Montreal where clouds broke over the observa- rtory centre long enough for the centre's director, Louis Duchow, to get a glimpse of the comet before it headed On rnin TUL cnet | | | back towards the outer fringes of the solar system. The comet, with its 10,000,- 000-mile-long tail, might have been seen here at 7:38 a.m. yesterday if atmospheric and weather conditions were right. reed Written, Verbal Apologies 3 RESIDENTS HIT BY CARS All told it was another black day on the roads of Oshawa yesterday with the heavy rain being a big factor in an un- usually high accident toll. A nine-year-old Oshawa boy was taken to Oshawa General Hospital with slight head in- juries after he had been knocked down by a car at the junction of Central Park blvd. s. and Eulalie st. Paul Smegal, a St. Hedwig's School pupil of 387 Eulalie st., was hit as he ran into the road. Driver of the car was Ursula Bernard, of 207 Drew st. Another pedestrian, Marie Pearn, of 751 Ritsom\rd. s., was taken to Oshapva General Hospital after being hit by a car at the junction of Victoria st. and King st. e. She received injuries to her arms and left knee. Driver of the car was Arthur Leo Baker, of 489 King st. e. A cyclist, Lyle Masters, of 95 Central Park blvd. s., was taken to Oshawa General Hospital with a fractured skull yesterday afternoon. Police said the young boy struck a car door which 'Area Plan Bo Budget $26,000 » Municipalities Assessed _ At 31.5 Cents Per Capita - A $26,000 budget was ap- proved last night by the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board. Six member municipalities will contribute to the budget on a population basis, at the ap- proximate rate of 31.5 cents per capita. Earlier this year each municipality approved a. resolu- tion calling for a $35,000 first- year budget. The budget covers operating expenses until the end of 1965 and salaries and rent to the end of March next year, It was pointed out that municipalities will not set their 1966 budgets, including funds for the regional board, until] about March next year. CITY: 62.5 PERCENT Oshawa's share of the budget is about 62.5 percent, or $16,190. Whitby's share about 12.5 per- cent, or $3,095; Darlington, nine percent, $2,117; Bowmanville, seven percent, $1,616; Whitby Township, 6.5 percent, $1,473; and East Whitby Township, 2.5 percent, $487, The budget will be submitted to each municipal council for approval. Estimates are: sal- aries, $12,030; office rental and me me coll ULU himself and a secretary for six months and the salary of a plan- ning technician for five months.- He said 1966 estimates : contain the board's requires. ments for its first full year of operation, Such estimates, he said, will be based upon an ap> proved 'planning eo git be prepared by himself adopted by the board, i Mr. McAdams moved into a temporary office on Simcoe st. n., on Monday. A board coms mittee was authorized to seek permanent offices and re; back to the board at its -mext meeting. : In other business, the board? INVITES BRIEF : --Agreed to invite a Citizen'é \Committee for Creek Valley Preservation representative to present a written brief at the board's next regular meeting, Nov. 18. The committee asked the board to consider the merits and implications of the Creek Valley Route; P --Approved Whitby Township Reeve John Dryden's sugges, tion that a request to the pro vincial government to conduct a study of the area be placed pl oblem. present use. knows exactly how many s d sudden! .{maintenance, $3,600; furniture,|on the agenda for discussion at ' ' ' P ' y spaces was opened suddenly. The acci : The committee, headed by|, Mr. Hyman said he is satis- tant dent occurred on Simcoe st, s.,\¢duipment and supplies, $7,200; |the next meeting; were provided. "Istationary, printing, telephone,| --Decided to have anothef fied the sites will be used for daytime parking. Mayor Lyman Gifford, who said he was asked to appear for traffic council chairman John Brady, said two-hour parking on Celina st. would be strictly en- forced. Mr. Hyman noted parking ar- IGZouls S. Hyman, QC, granted renal | ryelief on 'inadequate' parking {ior two years. 'It may be re- ef:umined then," he said. There is enough parking for the board building fronting on Simcoe st. s. (now home of the city's Health Department) and The architect's drawing shows 141 spaces can be provided. The) parish priest said there will be} more than enough room pecans Negro. graduate engineer | chairman or vice-chairman at- tend as an observer a meeting in Port Perry next Wednesday called by Pickering Township to discuss area planning. . $670; miscellaneous, $2,500. 3 ON SALARY William McAdams, planning director, said provisions have been made for the salaries of For Negro In Bias Matter The spokesman said _ both} landladies later offered Mr.| Ita accommodation and both have told the Commission they will abide by the spirit of the told the rooms were still vacant. It was at this time he went to Mayor Lyman Gifford with his discrimination charge. The mayor passed on the complaint Democratic meeting rooms and the church) Jerome Lta, who worked in the proper will not likely ever be!city engineering department's in use at the same time. |materiais testing lab last sum- | and tte warehouse located behind it. But the conversion of the warehouse creates a problem in terms of the city's off-street parking bylaw. Seven more wepaces are needed. Opposition came from two Ce- fina st. homeowners, represent- by lawyer Z. T. Salmers. 'ree others opposed were also present. Mr. Salmers predicted park-| ing would spill over on side atreets and could "change the presidential nature" of the area and "restrict quiet enojyment"'. rangements with the Automotive and the parking problem grows beyond what is foreseen now. Holy Cross Church will be allowed a 20' setback (28' called for) on a new addition and 135 parking spaces, the committee jruled, Church seating will be in- creased by one-half, to 600, and Museum are a possibility if the retraining courses prove popular Three opposed homeowners feared street - clogging through overflow parking and devalua- tion of property. One mentioned a fire hazard on Short Celina with crowded parking con- ditions. The committee was told there are no parking restrictions on the short street. The committee okayed 11 zon- ing variance applications and seven consents, mer, has gained verbal written apologies from two Osh- awa landladies he accused of discrimination. Mr. Ita graduated from Queen's University last spring and found a place to live here with no difficulty. However, he told The Times in August that his landlady had relatives coming to live with her and he had to find another room, He went to two homes and was told at both places the rooms were rented. He later to the Ontario Human Rights Commission. A Commission spokesman volved. Apparently verbal were also tendered before Mr. Ita returned to his native Cam- eroons. He: left the city at the end of last month. said yesterday in Toronto that written apologies have been re- ceived from both landladies in- apologies Human Rights code. Because rooming houses fall outside the jurisdiction of the Commission (the code applies only to places with more than three self-contained units), the spokesman said the Commission used its educational offices in Wing Scores Labor Meet Democratic Right Wing party candidates of Local 222, United Auto Workers, made a clean an code, effort to seek . voluntary compliance with the spirit of the sweep in elections held yester- day as delegates to the Ontario Federation of Labor convention. The convention will be held Nov. 9 to 11 at Windsor. All 15 delegates posts were Disagreement by two neigh- boring municipalities on the lo- cation of a large industry was cited last night as a strong argument for regional govern- ment. Deputy Reeve Harold Muir of Darlington Township, told mem- bers of the Central Ontario Joint Bickering Over Industry - Argument For Plan Board the regional board to the future effect of the cement plant on the area. The board agreed to hold @ special meeting Nov. 3 at which time Darlington and Bowman ville will be invited to make any representation they wish, The board has. been asked by Man Pulled From Any Ideas For Burning 'Vehicle F New Committee? I would respectfully remind A man's life hung in the|the evening with a friend at! the heads of the six municipali- Oshawa's newly-formed Cen-\palance early this morning as|210 Celina st. ties that it was only throughitennial Celebrations Committee/rescuers fought to release him) He heard a sound like an their agreement and that of|!$ on the hunt for ideas. ifrom his blazing car. |"explosion" and ran to the win- their councils that this board), A" cvent ® week during yo The accident took place on/dow. All he could see was a i into 'bet ioe t tennial Year -- 1967 -- is the/simcoe st. s., near the junction|mass of flames, he later told aie cee Pee ee S RPrr ace "Pitarget, nee lwith McGregor st. |police. the people of the whole area,' | At the CCC's inaugural meet-| 4 car driven by Terry Delves,| He ran to the crash and with said Mr, Newman. "I would en-|ing last night in City Hall Tep-/of 94 Grenfell st., went out ofjhelp from other passersby he treat them to use their every|tesentatives of city organlza-|control. |helped to release the trapped ; : , intai tions were urged to get to work) jy , d the boul d and/dri dressed in authentic costumes|ing eforts that we are sittingleffort to maintain the board as It leaped the boulevard and (driver. of other countries or costumesihere as a regional planning|the proper forum for the dis- and start planning celebrations |iravelled 70 feet before smash-|G1asg KICKED IN resembling as closely as pos-|hoard," Oshawa's mayor|Cussion of area problems." |" jing headlong into a hydro pole.) The windshield of the car had : nae : . : "Oshawa is lagging behind) ye ¢ f the i ; sible what is worn by children|Lyman Gifford told Mr, New- To the board's new plannin ; ir sue ities ?|_.ne force of the impact wasitg be kicked in before the in foreign places. man, Pp &\many Ontario "municipalities,"|s9 severe that the pole WAS driver could be lifted clear. e director and secretary-treasurer anization's secretary Roy|. SILVER DOLLARS ; Dennis Tyce of Oshawa was|William McAdams, Mr. New- Seay a a a thuciastic| mapped off. Farrow, the injured passen- Prizes of silver dollars will go\elected chairman of the board|man said in his letter of resig-|,udience |MASS OF FLAMES ger, was lifted from the rain | . The car reared up and over-|soaked road and moved to to those wearing the best outfits.|until the end of the year when|nation: 'I believe that you per- , | ) | : 4 ) a | ] events The parade was arranged by the|new -officers--are---elected...Mr.|sonally have been given the}; por bese aed ™ lwmoed in a mass of flames.|safety. Le ab a : .? 's re wre ty LL eg has served -as vice-chair-|opportunity to participate in thel "4 Pe redaeation Bee will|Delves was--trapped--unconsci-| The $3,000 car was complete- smergency Fund in Oshawa./man. Reeve John Dryden,/development of a_ potentially|,. ; ; ous in his car. ly destroyed in the dramatic The idea is to encourage Cana-|Whitby Township, was elected/great area and I believe you Ap gly cong ge iF hog 1, A passenger, Ken Farrow, ofjaccident. dian children to learn more|vice-cha ' 477 Crerar ave., was thrown| Delves was taken to Oshawa the department of municipal fairs for its comments on the township's application to amend its official land use plan to per- mit construction of the $15 mil- lion plant. Harold Balson, Darlington rep- resentative, suggested the board might not be old or experienced enough with the necessary pol- icies established to comment on the cement plant. "We have got to meet it head on," said Mayor Lyman Giffo: "Tf we duck this one we' duck them all," said board chairman Desmond Newman. Planning Board that his town- ship favors and Bowmanville opposes the location of the St. Mary's Cement plant in the township. "It's not the choicest type of industry . . . we would prefer a General Motors plant . . . but it is forced on us economically," said Deputy Reeve Muir. He said less than 10 per cent of the township's assessment is indus- trial and commercial, Bowmanville representatives on the board, William Lycett and Albert Cole, asked that ser- ious consideration be given by Legislation Against Age Bias In Jobs Asked By MPP ability to do a job," Mr. Walker said. - - 7 "The refusal of many firms to will be Mrs. E. A, Middiemass, Mrs. R. A. Donald and Mrs.| poe 4 agg The = judg-| tl ] R s F M dng in the hands of Wil- Me Pitcher Jeand Mrr| ae S unning or ayor The resignation of Desmond |Newman, as chairman of the Angus Dixon. 'Central Ontario Joint Planning Board, was accepted -with re-| Costume Parade gret by members last night. | | Mr. Newman, who said he A "costumes of all nations|would resign as a member of parade" will be put on Saturday|the board through Whitby coun- morning at Oshawa Shopping!cil, is a candidate for mayor in Centre. : : the Whitby municipal election. Children in the parade will be, "It was through your untir- Newman Quits Plan Board; th places and was telephoned bot place So taken by the democratic group. The opposing Right Wing Unity candidates were beaten, as was the sole Independent candidate, James Lee, chairman of the elections committee. Zigmund Benkowski and Gor- don Pilkey both topped the polls with 261 votes followed by Lorne Murphy with 260 ballots. Third place was taken by David Thompson, 259 votes. Other delegates will be Jack Brown and J. Chapman, 255; Don Lee and Alan Webb, 253; William Malnick and N. Woods, 250; Don Couch and James Smith, 248; Ray Bittorf, 246; Carl Findley, 245 and Paul Weidmark, 241, The Unity candidates polled votes as follows: Jon Beers, 95; Don Ibey, 94; Harold Mutton, 88; Larry Hannah, 87; David Howard, 86; David Sherk, 84. Mr. Lee hit the bottom of the poll with 59 ballots. UNICEF To Have | | Oshawa Riding MPP Albert V. Walker has written to On- tario Labor Minister H. L. in several areas of the United States. "This subject is a matter of considerable concern to a large ¢ irman,. be equal to the task." The c van will trace Can- . i i i about their counterparts all over) ---------- -- jane Sararen : 1 h f i iG 1 Hospital with head Rowntree asking consideration|hire persons over 45 causes ecd- ada's progress from primitive/clear of the car in the impact. |General ospital wil ea 4p S d d levislation to prevent age dis- 4 Sacrantine ot coll > lcaveman to the industrialized|He landed in the middle of thejlacerations and other, --un- uspen e oe euar te he taste 9 per ge baton pegs The parade begins at 9.30 a.m 70 Per Cent Pled es F society lg 10a ; |determined injuries. He said such "satisfactory"|men is the difference between iA following th t Abing 1 g or Ideas put forward last night One of the first on the scene) Farrow was also taken to) legislation has been introduced|tife having meani d and following the judging there : jafter the accident was Alexan-|hospital with head lacerations | ter un op e ing and no ifor> local celebrations included jinter-faith church _ services, school projects, restoration and|~ development of community his-| CAMP ltorical sites, publication of local meaning. "For a family man in his 40's and 50's to be told 'You are tap old' at first seems unbelievable, When told this repeatedly, and will be an "on the spot" art con- test to Jast until noon. Any ele- mentary school pupil may re- quest art supplies to do a piece lder Flight who was spending'and other facial injuries. RIGN HO ROUNDUP Auditorium Outstanding Union Meeting depicting any aspect of 97% 708 | ; ape oat? : Ree week toe, rates rae Sst FETE (in 'outlive crippled chiiven," sala Mp. iutatory, visits | by | portman WHITBY (Staff) -- Office in Oshawa" Me. Walker. told|by 2. number of firms, he. be- weet or ee it poe it, _ Civie Auditorium building fund, ee recreational facilities sos on sce voll Diefenbaker In Durham; workers pM tate to Dun-|The Times. eo frustrated and despon- -ontest wi judged late thirank M: ah vines oe a acuine . dari ' 5 A "ny is i .|dent, h contest will be Judged laer we |Frank Markson, treasurer, told/wil! jclude health rooms for ' =| # jlop of Canada Limited yester- Pgh seat age "He finally may say, 'What is v9 9 day following a union meeting were given immediate suspen- sions, winners being announced the fol- a board of directors Pid week and prizes award- yesterday, meeting) men and women, steam baths the use'." and meeting rooms. cumstances. Chest Total | Small Hours For Hodges Members of the Keystone Club RS bpd og be ee "Whereas the auditorium as More than 40 men and women 'PUSHING MATTER' . 2 : of the Simcoe Hall Boys' Club juiy 956." presently constituted provides in Hi §8 104 of Local 743. United Rubb Ihave been pushing this mat- Anti-Nail Plea: will be ushers in the events.| yy Markson said the total e main, facilities for specta its 7 "Dief the Chief" will be in}same plant, or for another job rie " pt t hi u or had with the Labor Minister and 4 Judges of the costume parade ..imated financial commitment ors, the new complex will be Durham Riding tonight. in a different type of work. In\Wonee pare Sen he eee am urging serious consideration Monday following hour meeting held at the up- town union hall. Local president Edward Jar- vis said today that he consider- ed the suspensions "a lockout. I don't know when it will be we haven't been given be given to implementing action in this direction." Mr. Walker, a member of the provincial government's Select Committee on Aging, discussed the age discrimination problem with Washington officials last To Politicians ' Oshawa Public Utilities Com- mission employees don't want to get "nailed" during the cur- rent election campaign, said Jack Stone, business mana: fund to the directed to the recreational and The Greater Oshawa Com-) mp, Diefenbaker will speak at|Cases where relocation to an- cultural needs of participants." munity Chest drive for funds is}pyrham District High School in|other district for employment by the campaign city is $1,135,000, He said $915,- 911.52 has already been paid. | The treasurer's report reveal- ed that the campaign's operat- ing expenses totalled $26,688.27 gathering speed on the road to/port Hope, in support of Con-|W as involved, compensation be at its objective of $306,000! arvative candidate Garnet B,| Would be provided, he said. jwithin another 10 days. == --_--| Rickard. Tomorrow Mr, Starr will can- The campaign, now in its) Ontario Riding's Conservative|Vass in Oshawa and next Mon- eighth day, raised another $613). ndidate Michael Starr was to/day night address a rally din- Revision Body To Hold Four » INTEREST SAVING yesterday to boost the full! wr ; 5 ; over, summer, ; oat EN . . 3 lIny in from British Columbia/ner for 500 in Hotel Genosha. ; A 'ting *? ro : of Local 2028, Internation: Day Sessions Mr. Markson told the Civic Non-( a ital amount collected so far to $88-\;cnicht with his party leader.| Oliver Hodges, the New Dem- anything in writing. | "Co-operative means of deal-/protherhood of Electrical Auditorium directors there could e Kenneth Wickett, a company|ing with the problem have not : spokesman, said that the sus-|proved satisfactory in the U.S.," Yer a Gene a plea to all pensions were handed out to|/Mr. Walker wrote, pointing out) those latecomers who admitted|that the feeling there is that oe sa yrgye nied _ b pres attending the meeting. He saidjislation is the only solution. and refrain froin ania cane that union requests for such a| Enforcing the legislation is alnaign literature on + at meeting during company time|potential problem, Mr. Walker|nojes, : |104. Robert Branch, executive-|pice. will leave the Genosha/ocratic Party candidate, was isecretary of the 'Chest', SAYS! tote) at 6:30 p.m ithat starting next week between} : AG 1$10,000 and $15,000 a day will ibe collected, |'ADMIRABLE JOB' Campaign chairman, Richard Oshawa court of revision has be an interest saving of approxi- scheduled four day-long sittings mately $40,000 by having a one-| to hear assessment appeals: year debenture instead of an an-} Gerry Meredith, city assess- ticipated three-year debenture. ment commissioner, said yester- Byron Edmondson, manager day 344 appeals have been re-,of personne! services, General jup late last night, really early In Millbrook last night, Mr,|this morning, as he greeted Rickard blasted the Liberals,|Plant workers off the late shift |He said no party has done more|on their way to vote for On- 'to divide Canada in the short|tario Federation of Labor dele- |period of 30 months than the| Sates at the Union Hall. Charge preliminary hearing for ceived, including 146 property| Motors of Canada Limited, was ae appeals, 26 business assessment appointed a director'of Oshawa)" the appeals and 172 school support |Civic Auditorium bringing appeals. total number of directors to 25. He said there were about 100' His appointment was proposed more appeals last year. The as-|by Charles McGibbon, QC, and sessment department sent out/seconded by S. R. Alger anfred Gruene, 19, of Oshawa, jcharged with non-capital mur- der, has been set for Nov. 30 in Bowmanville before Magis- trate R. B. Baxter, it was an- jnounced today by Crown torney Geoffrey Bonneycastle of Fairthorne, said today that the lyounger people are doing an "admirable job in the drive'. Nand are gathering funds t lices like hrough an assortment of serv- car washings, shoe Liberals. 'GRITS STOPPED IT' | Mr. Starr, speaking in Kam- |loops last night, said a_ tech- jnological and automation -- as- At-| chining and car-demolishing ses-'sistance "act would be in effect Mr. Hodges' had __ earlier spoken at a general member-} ship meeting of Local 222-UAW at the hall. | He was in Uxbridge this after- jnoon to open the committee rooms and was to canvass in close to 28,000 assessment Terence V, Kelly, financial), 7; : z isions now "'if the Liberal gover a ig i notices this year, said the as-/chairman, chaired the meeting i Counties of North- "Last year the younger set/had not plan 1 ager ron de edgy oh et sessment commissioner in the absence of E, R. S$ urnbertand-Dartarn. gave about $2,500 and of that!attained power in 1963 "lof the riding ad The four court of revision sit-;"Dick" McLaughlin, general, Gruene, who will be repre-figure $750 came from the get Mr. Starr said that during The Liberal hopeful Dr. tings. will be 'held Oct. 27, Oct./chairman, who was in Saska-|sented by Oshawa lawyer, Ter-|together clubs of the city high|the time the Conservative gov-|Claude H " Vipond was at the 29, Nov. Land Noy. 3 starting/toon. ence V. Kelly, was charged fol-|schools,"" Mr. Fairthorne said, ernment was in power, a bill|/Dunlop plant gates this morn- at 9:30 A.m.- each day. Mr.| Mr. Kelly said the centennial |!owing the death last Aug. 8 Of|adding he expected about the|had been prepared dealing withling to greet workers He then Meredith§ said those who have/project, gvhich inchides the/Earl Fraser Ross, 19, of Osh-|same return this year. retraining courses in areas|went to Bay Ridges. He was to | appealed will be notified by| mail as to which day they/tional complex to replace exist- swimming pool and a recrea- awa, Something else that will put}where automation was invading | visit Port: Perry, Uxbridge, Ross died of stab wounds_a little gas into the tanks of thejindustries. The bill would have|Pickering, Ajax and Whitby this should appéar. ing facilities on Gibb st., willlreceived outside a cabin located|campaign will be a dance Oct.|provided for courses sponsored!afternoon and tonight. Chairman of the court of re-/have features attracting people'a mile east of the city limits on|30 being sponsored by the UAW.)by federal and provincial gov Dr. Vipond will file his nomi- vision is Lauis Hyman. Other from five to 75 Highway 2. He came to Oshawalin a smiliar affair last year the)ernments. nation papers with Riding Re- members are William Pogson and Edward Cline. "These will include a large two years ago from New Glas-/UAW came up with $280 for the ipool and a small pool suitable|gow, N.S. "Chest", said Mr, Branch. Each worker would be re- ltrained. for another job in the turning Officer Roger G, Conant had -been refused. Some of the employees were up to an hour late, he said. Mr. Jarvis said that Local 743 had asked for leave of absence for employees who wished 'to attend but the request was not acknowledged. | Purpose of the 20-minute! meeting. was to set a date for a| meeting when possible strike action svould be hashed out and| decided upon Oct. 27. Company and union have been negotiating since early Septem-) ber for the renewal of a CONn-|travyels. tract which is scheduled to ex-| pire Nov. 9. The agreement covers approximately 90 people.| Mr. Jarvis said that job; security is one of the major|based on false assumptions con- | in Whitby tomorrow at 11 a.m.) issues in negotiations. said, but the feeling is if legis- lation is introduced the prob- lem '"'would clear up" as em- ployers would be loath to be- come involved in age discrimin- ation court actions. 'PROVEN FACT' "This has already become a fairly proved fact in some states," Mr. Walker wrote. Mr, Walker said the Select Committee was confronted with the age discrimination problem "on numerous occasions" dur- ing their Northern Ontario 'AGE-ABILITY FACTOR' "Arbitrary discrimination in employment because of age is "It is imperative for work- men climbing pcles to be able to put each spur into solid wood, Nails and tacks in the pole pre- sent an unnecessary hazard," Mr. Stone said i Oliver Hojges, New Demo cratic Pa~ty candidate, said yes- terday that he would introduce legislation which would prohitut the use of utility poles for came paign material 'when elected." Mr. Hodges added that hig workers use a staple gun rather than nails. : ' Mr. Stone said that on-thes jjob accidents have been ree duced among PUC employees in Oshawa "but you are expected to be able to reach the top of the pole witnout ren: .ing through cerning the effect of age on the a hardware obstacle course,"