Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Oct 1965, p. 16

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ANN LANDERS Idle Gossip _ parents let them grow up. Why won't they do as much for me? I am now a fresh in high school. My mother has ar- ranged with my dad to leave the car in the morning and drive to work with a neighbor '(so she can chauifeur meio ane from school. Ann, I don't want to be chauffeured to and from Five Light Meals A Day _ Better Than Overloading The ring of truth expressed in have this same trouble? Per- haps 'it's my age; I'm 47. 1 realize that I cannot consume and use up the amount of calo- hold the welghtline. Note, she ts not resorting to intermittent dieting. She is eating to stay ries a day. Now I find J cannot hold the line unless I" restrict calories to 1600 or 1800 a day. This prohibits rich desserts. "Through it all, I have touna "In January 1964 I weighed|that dividing my food into five IDEAL "Fish Can Be Overheard. school. It's only 10 minutes by/tetters carries conviction. To-/205 pounds. I am tall, 5 feetijight meals is the best plan for bus and on a nice day I canjday's letter is from a dieterjnine inches, and wore size 22. ony I have three colirat . : walk, But no, she insists it is|Who did it--what's more, she is|By the end of September I/meals a day, and also have an Chips Dear Ann Landers: Why don't|slips, but they don't bother any-jher duty. staying slim. She writes: weighed 145 pounds. The best/afternoon pick-up and a late people keep their mouths shut/more. I have begged for an alarm| "AS @. long-time watcher of|part is that now, a year later,jeyening TV snack. By having yes 50886606 ree You when they don't know what they; Every week ! have to g0jclock of my own for two years|¥our Column, I want to pass|I still weigh between 145 andthe light, late-afternoon 'lunch, 'iare talking about? My niece|@round and ask who is in hock] but my mother says: 'No. I will{along my experience. 150 pounds, I wear sizes 14 and|t am not so tempted to overeat|| Pet? fried SHRIMPS and SCALLOPS was married last year. Lor-|to the drawer. At the momentiget you up." She picks out the 15. when I sit down to eat with the AU Tne ee The Home of Golden Deen Fried Fish and Chips. 725-4812 17 Athol St. W. taine had a beautiful white wed-|there's an $11 shortage which clothes she wants me to weatjmother. If you don't think it) I found that holding the|family." | ding. If ever a girl deserved to can't account for. every day, If I select my own|will help, show it to her any-|weight down is harder than) Cheers! This intelligent | wear white she did. Lorrain had| Two people ate on vacation|she is hurt. , way, You "pv he pererably|reaching the goal in the firsitwoman has hit upon the best) 'such a saintly quality about herjand one ts out sick. Can you get to the nitty gritty/surprise' islace, | wonder it other dietersinossible pattern of eating to hat if anyone said "hell" in| If you have a solution I'd like|of this and give me some help -- - a her presence they felt ashamed.|to hear it.--J I am--Like Suffocating Lorraine became pregnant on| Dear J.: A petty cash drawer,| Dear Like: Your signature is "4\her honeymoon, The baby was|into which anyone may 4ipjan apt one. The word suffocat- "|porn three days short of nine|when he has the shorts, is anling is a synonym for being months, The tongues wagged alljengraved invitation to steal. smothered--and you are. Your|? = over town and everyone Was} such a setup is a poor one/mother is not giving you room busy counting. The word got|for both the employees and the|to breathe and grow. around that the baby was "alcompany, Call in all "'loans"| A 15-year-old girl should be 'little early." One woman wholand announce that in the futurejallowed to get to school and didn't realize I was sitting be-jonly one person will have ac-|back on her own. She should be|y hind her at a ladies aid meet-|cess to the drawer--you. Then|permitted to select her own ing whispered to the person next|;eep the cash locked up andjclothes. And finally, she should to her, "Lorraine of all people.|relax. be able to get out of bed in the It just goes to show you can| Dear Ann Landers: I'm a 15-jmorning without help. aanlaenaell 8 OO eNO RRS SD oe gee OER ah eee rite Come and Hoar The Rt. Hon. perfect frock for the occa- sion. It's a really swinging style made of black velvet A date to go to a dis- cotheque demands a certain mood, a certain man and & particular kind of dress. Suzy Perette doesn't guar- antee the man or the mood, but she has produced the ite Rt. Hon, John Diefenbaker In Support of -- Garnet Rickard Progressive Conservative Candidate for Durham County Durham District High School PORT HOPE Published by the Durham County Progressive Conservotive Assos. HE U D TE | Dear Aunt: Of course, babies DISCOT Q E A jean be born anytime in the 'ninth month, but . busybodies | batdea ne ekiin ae |Lord gave us two ears so all ss x ea a ic " " j flounced hem decorated |the rubbish we hear can go th DIAMOND PAIR ne and Groom's Ring rid a ct i . ee office which employs 20 people. i re i | ® Vocational Training It am responsible for the petty i ; eee | 8:30 P.M. Prepares Handicapped last six months every time I've checked the drawer it has been do to find work?" writes ajpers for adults. borrowers used to put in IOU Florida reader. | beeper eet asndalld i do at home. But whenever reply to advertisements offer- never tell about anybody." |year-old girl and my parents) If you think it will do some : Will you please explain to|won't let me grow up. Theirlgood, show this column to your these ignorant busybodies that) ---- $$__--+ a baby can be born any time re 5 'in the ninth month? Thank you. - aa : i don't want an_ explanation. |They'd rather talk. Now is a the other, with a black satin bow. Pre --By Tracy Adrian Dear Ann Landers: I am cash. Usually there's about $35 in By ROBERTA ROESCH jand sells all kinds of sfippers,|short. Certain people have fallen "What can a 59 - year - old|from soft-soled shoes for in- into the habit of borrowing any- "T'm handicapped with arth-/ ritis in my knees, so I'd like to ing chances to do this, the ad- vertisement turns out to be mis- Rundle's offer a complete «| --Mad Aunt DIEFENBAKER on Princess lines with a V-d }eoed Aime to remensber Mast Le : 34 ___|bookkeéper and cashier in an the petty cash drawer. In the widow with no formal education|fants to sequin-trimmed slip-|where from 25 cents to $5. The get into something that I can leading. "Since the town in which I live is small its opportunities - are limited. I'm badly in need of suggestions." I'm printing this reader's let- ter in part because it is so typi- cal of many I receive, admit- ting frankly to meagre educa- tions and to major health prob- lems. This situation is far from ideal. Yet far too many people face it, so my suggestions today are for readers deterred by this problem. My first suggestion for people who fall into this category is to get some kind of vocational training, regardless of the agé factor. My first suggestion for people who fall into this category is, to get some kind of vocational |------ training, regardless of the age) factor. For most work this is most essential. Few job opportuni- ities exist today, in either small or large towns, for people with nosaleable skills. If you can't jJeave home fo get training--or to work at a job later on--give some thought to a home study school, since many correspond- ence courses offer training. in moneymaking skills, Arts and crafts, dressmaking, se wing, flower arranging, jewelry mak- ing and photography are a few examples, LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP Before you invest-in.a course, though, investigate it thoroughly because -- as I've pointed out many times -- the occasional Sharp operator who crops up in every field, makes it necessary to protect yourself. Check the school's reputation with an of- fice of the Better Business Bureau as well as with former students. This same plan, incidentally, is something you should follow before investing dollars in an- swer to advertisements for mak- ing money at home. A second suggestion for find- ing work is to start a service in your home that. fills a commu- nity need and requires no spe- cial training, A telephone answering service is one possibility, Another is a party shop in which you sell decorations, favors, and other party needs. A third possibility, | fs one woman confined to a} wheel chair found, is an attrac tive shop in your home in which you offer gifts, greeting cards and an up-to-the-minute rental library, if the need for this exists in. your town A third suggestion that may work is a hobby that can be eonverted into a business One woman I know, for ex- ample, whose education is scanty and whose poor health keeps her 6n crutches, makes 5% re co) Discount Fy ¥ a YW You ef \4 $5 Bring This. "> * > p \ \ Ad | opular platform rocker 129.9 \ You belong to each other-- Your matching rings say sol 250.00 25.00 Down -- 6.00 Week. BURNS JEWELLERS selection in a variety of colors, some of the most popular Mock Orange -- Silverleaf Dog- being -- Gornet Rickard wood -- Burning Bush -- Cotoneaster. 20 Simcoe North yor RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE LTD. 1015 King St. E. 725-6551 MEE Open te 9 p.m, Fridoys | SR Gees Comfortable big chairs --9ust Right for Christman. Signature. Chairs by Kroehler ROCKERS LOUNGE CHAIRS RELAXERS csimensaiien. "e agente What's so soothing as a rocker? Platform rockers and swivel rockers... you'll see them here, Kroehler-made with a fine regard for quality and fashion detail. Above: Ladies' Early American swivel rocker Lounge chairs you can really lounge in, Fresh new Contemporary styles, elegant Traditional, endearing Early American, Above: Mr. and Mrs. Chairs: Mr. 89,95 Mr. 79,95 Matching Ottoman 29,95 Lean way back with your feet off the floor and really relax in a reclining, high-fashion Kroehler Relaxer. Styles are slim-lined and light look- ing to fit any room. Above: Crisply tailored and super comfortable Modern Relaxer: Traditional barrel- heck shiva sake Traditional lounge Early American lounge 129.95 Contemporary high-back wing Bros FURNITURE COMPANY Modern Relaxer §9,Q5 © Modern tufted-back 139,95 rocker Relaxer Traditional high- 489,95 |. back Relaxer Traditional lounge 89.95 ie HORORHLER wis bay pot wor For All Your Bridal Shoes TINTED FREE CHOOSE DANCEY'S DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Modern swivel rocker PHONE 725-3514 63 KING ST. EAST BUDGET TERMS )

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