Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Oct 1965, p. 34

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3 dinates te okie sates li doosectn rin Uk Mes tls ae ahs mag plea dire " etre eee _ : ye ee i ora a a fala 2h ha Ta nage Re ang OA ng ton meses 2 ' Bee De epee eee Soe hee eye Pay aa eer cot Mg PES: - if ' sagt ake! 2st ites . Cer r a Bt et 'sig ids oll eine od : ve a et eg ¥ ean yey va pe s be we i ' PO PIEE Oe ew Cee ee si ed he green rpms ae r e 34 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 20, 1965 : : - . ; vs "Low Cost Times Action Want Ads Solve Many Of Your Problems : : : ; A a S Se Te | ek i : d 8 Cali The Direct Ctassificd Number 722-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday to 12. 9--Market Basket 17-Miiaale Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted TABLE turnips, $10 bushel: | Spanish ye : = SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT jeri ty evmern, hoieemie eet] = WE WANT (past Roy Nichols garage) 90 LIVING SCARECROWS < north to ist. corner ' PROTECT GRAINFIELDS bee APPLES: mcintosh,, Delicious, Cport- YOU. 1X ETHIOPIA FROM THE. Pad lands, East on No. 2 highway, half-mile CONSTANT MENACE OF x past' Bad Boys', turn left ai Oshawa We are looking BIRDS AND ROVING Motel. Ve_mile "perth. Bring We are looking BANDS oF BABOONS, INTER cabbage; Spanish and cooking ji / f . " Snions. Win, Sack, Thornton Rd. §, First for on experienced for on experienced Accountants Barristers Instruction Retiree Scie anna rer eee! CREDIT for ' SOB CLANCY'S Accounting _service.| CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and SrAAIMING FOR RORSTINS lane, SUE TSE ree CREDIF : ra service. 299 Simcoe VISOR. Barristers, Sollcitors, Tears, Pipi "ATION OSHAWA delivery on 10 or more. 7; i M AN AGERESS M A N A G E South, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. eigen gece as bh ad i GEXUIKE MUSK 15 NO. T WINTER POTATO; 75-tb. Me CORON, BY, cin, aa eawan cs tosamces,c_ | Adie College Home Stuiy | CLEANERS gto Ion sree ciliata . A p , (one e his Murdoch, LAND Ox THE ABDO: elivery. Call evenings 5 : ping Centre, 7259953, Oe risa) be ae TY bigger income in TV, Auto- Rug and Upholstery Clean- | oF A pminutivE, 2o- inacINTOSH, "Deicous, Soy, 81s between ages of 25 and 40, between ages of 25 and 4€), JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accoynt-| Mortgages Marranged. mation, Radar, Communica- ing. At-our plant or in your INCHHIGH DERR OF ASIA. bushel, Bring own containers, with successful work history with successful work nae "y ont. Trustee, 17 Bond Street - tions, Easy-to-follow theory home, Greherdsy TMkson Road" North, Whitby ond ref id referenc el Building Trades lessons, ~practical work kits. CALL 725-9961 SCRAPS. ; references. and references. EN aera mine % oshews, Full accredited diploma on 94 BRUCE STREET 10--Former's Column Top wages and company Top wages and compar iy "Ontario. Telephone 723-1221. SPECIAL graduation, Low budget 3 GRADE catfie; Holstein, somé Charole,| 1 vetite Apply in person, no benefits, Apply in person, 110 EDC ANGER AND CO. 10% Di t terms, Write for free 40-page |RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Establish geese, ducks, police pups. 668-2067, . A Mie Ca f Ciarerss 'Accountants, Licensed Trus- (6) iscoun book "Careers in Electronics." Worshanation trarenican tity ey EP HOLSTEIN AS 7 telephone calls please to e calls please to tees in Bankruptcy, 52¥s Simcoe Street RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA |r timates. Credit t Matt) cc calf); Jersey cow due seta open? On All Orders 461 King St. W., Foe est, Cra ferme eres = ir ecg me e"S8| J FOLEY PLUMBING | J. FOLEY PLUMBING froet yoved Beaoe Ap Trade Buits.| Remodelling, carpentry, til- Toronto 2B, Ont. wa ee ee DEAO™ ond crippled farm stock picked '-|AND HEATING LAD. fered ecoing street East, Oshawa, On-| ing, painting, plumbing, elec- RCN , EHRSTRRRIREDE Skat GN a WHat is up promptly, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. AND HEATING LTD. J tari, TAESemhy 5. 1. Hopkins CA; H. A. ves Reig scale -- Canada Driving School covered tke new. Get the best for tess AME SOURCES Telephone Sallect Hampton, 2721, 410 Cols Aue 319 College Ave., | 2 Aca Oe roughing, plastering, cemen' A at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street ANY Z : canes ° ve. HALL, PERKIN, MacMILLAN AND C i eer OE eit kinds Miisniwans @ Fully insured dual contfol |South, call 726-6451. Free estimates. soa ot 200 BUSHELS Rodney oats, 60c, per 9 ' OSHAWA Chartered Accountants, 36¥2 King St. deste and Wikdows, siding cars @ Licensed by Ontario |chesteRFiELDS reupholstered and Te. ' 70 bushel, Telephone 629-9077. OSHAWA ent ee Oshawa, 725-6599, William | C ial 20. skilled ay 6 Department of Transport © styled, Free estimate. See our material Y COMES FROM oMo LOAN Li es cemmeres eee B. dl ef Fd rrking & anny SN eciired. - men. teary" 10 Cars supplied for Government [for recovering. Dalton Upholstering, 75) AWE. PODS oF A M VOLC oO 1" NICAR ere 11---Pets and ivestoc! PARTS ¢ llvonisscxtit / serve you. Tests @ Home pickup ser- [Charles Street, 723-7212 | CLIMBING ORCHID, 1$ CONTINUOUSLY ACTIVE. HORSES BOARDED of W-Bor Barristers NELLIS' HOME ving; Sales and Service == A ements We eer io. ride) Ridin ae URGENT!! re 3 er a re IMPROVEMENTS 728-4811 ee eee | See en |store.' pubes Yor ble, "800 sch STOCKROO/JAA Scion, Meron erreniee, foal] Oshowa ---- 728-2061, | RNS pe Pg wee - URGENTI! T liding, 32 Simcoe Str D es #4 . » . " . ELGIAN Shepherd pups and grown i] Trust, Bu ding, 32 Simca' Gibbon, ac;| Peterborough -- 745-2184 Oshawa 728-1742, \¢---Maring Equipment 'i A Mole Bor Sele aei ian Shepherd pups and sia MAN ' cdaer F, Bastedo, QC; Grant H. Arm- OCTOBER SPECIAL Driving School CANVAS a awnings, 'curtains, canopies.| is ee jpart- Spaniels, $10. Selling out. 668-206; é f \ t tel | strong. tbat Re Bidy 3 4 . | ' | RD egistered. ee Six women for pleasant te'e- JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC Solicitor. Save up to 15% during 10 years teaching driving Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime, | WINTER STORAGE WHITBY'S ONLY LOCAL ft. at alae PBs rea ated: Exon hese ehcuusien survey, |, Rewsred tueGialy ble Money to loan. Office, 14vs King Street] | CUtr UFR Rooms, Cup. automatic and standard cars. SEE your service aisbecialist for svhee!| BOATS & OUTBOARD TEXACO DEALER | boarding Brooklin 655-4760, $1.00 per hour plus large cash | of the high three des iter- pe BAD LLB, Bar| boards, Tiles and all general Professional 'instructors Site luneuee AI Oars! Tire bation MOTORS e FUEL and he [cozy J-RANCH KRNNGLS.: Paloraine bonuses. Morning, afternoon ships in Whitby. : iy - a ¢ " 1 re, ree - rister and Solicitor and Notary: Public, Home Remodelling. 728-0091 534 Ritson South We also store lawn mowers, : eicaihie SUPPLIES ie Thaphares, cruomneralls puppies;| and evening shifts. ire Rornmmarcnal, SUucine,: me ae bata All. Work Guaranteed ANYWHERE ANYTIME tillers, tent trailers, cabin CALL 668-3524 boarding. Ashburn 655-4667 evenings. % Congenial working j eble, 723-4716 or 725-4717. Just phone for my -prices. iin ane SS: woe trailers, etc. @ ADORABLE part-Spaniel puppies for sale conditions. |DAY and Evening Classes for adults and Telephone Mr. Brown SAWDONS' H. McKoy 725-8576 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv- |$10 each, Belgian and Germen Shepherd ANTHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, WILDE RENTAL { = WORD ADS Cash--1 Insertion of 2% bad #Ac each; additional words Charge curve, Method » cent additional _ not paid within 8 mage of counting than words counts as 24 words; each elgg een figure or lation counts word; phone number counts BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- SOCIAL NOTICES $2.00 per Insertion with 25 cents ad- ditional charges if not paid within 8 days. IN MEMORIAMS $2.00 for the first 35 words and 5c each thereafter, plus \2c per line of verse 25¢ additional charge if not paid within g days.- CARDS OF THANKS words i with ic additionsl charge If not paid Y within 8 days. COMING EVENTS $2.10 per inch ew $1.50 for the first 20 words and Sc each thereafter. (Word Ads.) AUCTION SALES 12.10 PER INCH INSERTION DEADLINES WORD "ADS 5 p.m, DAY PREVIOUS LOST AND FOUND. 9 a.m, dey ef pub hg age AND DEATHS 9 a.m. day of publication CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous 2 col- umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9 AM. DAY OF PUBLICATION BOX NUMBER RENTAL = Se While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we accept, no 'liability tn respect of loss or damage ai'eged to arise through either failure or delay in for- warding such replies, however caused whether by negligence or otherwise. The Times will not be responsible for replies uncalled for in 20 days. REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be re Sponsible for errors in advertise ments submitted otherwise than in writing not for more than one inser- tion of any advertisement nor be- yond the price charge for a single insertion in which error occurs. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to its proper classification. In the cases of display advertisements The Times will not be id _respon- sible for more space than that which the actual error occupies The pub- fishers endeavor to reproduce ali ad- | vertising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement if any inaccuracies in any form are contained therein, Any advertisement cancelled before publication will be charged one day's insertion. IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS 1--Women's Column 2--Personal 3--Sportsman's 'Column 5--Trailers 6--Marine Equipment 7--Swap and Barter 8--Articies for Sale 9--Market Basket 10--Farmer's Column liwPets and Livestock l2--Articles Wanted 3--Articles tor Rent 4--Business Opportunities 15--Employment Wanted é--Agents Wanted 7--Femaie Help Wanted lB--Male Help Wanted 19--Male or Female Help Wanted 20--Reai Estate for Sale da--Summer Properties arms for Sale Estate Wanted s. Offices gd Storage 2--Wanted to Rent --Autornobiles for Sale i al agg Cars~for Sale 2--Trucks i$~Automobdiles Wanted 4--Automobile Repair iS--Lost and Found o--Leg? 37--Auctions B--Coming Events 39--Notices cCann types of cement work. Frank RR 3, Oshawa. Brooklin 655-3061. ALL TYPES building, roofing and remodelling; chimneys, new and re paired; sidewalk and concrete repairs.) Whitby 668-2774, Gord May. EXPERT PAVING, 22 cents square foot includes grading and fill, two-year quarer-| tee. Terrano Paving, 723-5841. A-1 CARPENTRY, block and cement, work. New or remodelling. Special fall! prices. Call Tony 725-4953. YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim: neys built and repaired; gas linings installed; roofs repaired. Free estimates. +2997. , ALL y built, repaired. Block, cement work Workmanship guaranteed. E. R. French, 723-6991. Dentistry CAREFOOT, HN Surgeon, 172 King aia east," Oshawa. For appointment, 728-517 BIALEK, DR. E. P. canta Surgeon, 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For appointment, 728-5842 or Res. 728-6441 Dressmaking DRESSMAKING -- Suis, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. PERSONAL STYLING for fashion- wise women! Dressmaking, alterations. | Billing ®@ specialty. 728-1823 for appoint-| ment. LADIES -- Have your dressed for Christmas. specialty! 725-8592. EXPERIENCED: dressmaker, sewing and| | alterations, in own home. Mrs. Alice Van Der Heide, Roselawn Ave., 725-5948. children's dolls Teen-age dolls a Gardening and Supplies DUTCH ai BULB TIME" TOP SIZE TULIPS HYACINTHS DAFFODILS NARCISSUS CROCUS SNOWDROPS IRIS GRAPE HYACINTHS e BIRD FEEDERS WILD BIRD MIX SUNFLOWER SEED STRAW es Cooper-Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST. 723-1139 723-2312 FOR LUSH GREEN LAWNS| S0D Laid and Delivered . . . also Cedar Hedges, Patios Laid | and Delivered | CALL "MAPLE LEAF" | Landscaping and aGrden Service | 7ab-061) GUARANTEED CEDAR TREES GREEN AND BUSHY FOR HEDGES ETC. -- FREE ES- TIMATES, QUANTITY OF POSTS AND POLES. SMITH'S TREE FARM Newtonville -- Call Collect aap AE 2283 | BLUE SOD GRASS | Check the quality in the field. +--*tAlt-- Greén"' Nursery Sod Growers, Townline North. Ya mile N. of Taunton Village OSHAWA 725- 9674 TREE TO TRIM? Call Slim. Or 11 cut them down. Free estimates, 725-5118 or | 728-0610, NURSERY and field sod. Prompt de-| livery and free estimates, Telephone 723-9710, evenings 728-0875, MANURE, well rotted, $4 per yard; top Soll, $2.25 per yard. Delivery charge on two-yard orders of top soil, 725-0697. NURSERY SOD, + cutting, now choice] quality Kentucky Blue, Let us give you a/ free estimate on your lawns, boulevards} etc. Telephone 668-4965 a after 6 pm. DANGEROUS TREES moved. by reliable party Service, 725-4171 TOP SOIL, with or without manure manure for sale. Wm. Kuzik, Whitby [Telephone 668-2906 or 668-3981, "trimmed or re Allied Tree egg 'also! fg K | HATS OFF TO SCOTIA PLAN! THE LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED WAY TO GET A LOAN! Sotiaean LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ja}|! WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at a rea- sonable rate of Interest to consolidate your bills or for any other worthwhile Purpose providing' you are steadily em- ployed and have good credit, Telephone 723-4631. Mortgages MORTGAGE INVESTORS Units of participation avail- able in first and second mort- gage funds Diversification manage- ment -- High yield -- cap- itel appreciation. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST. and SAVINGS CORPORATION OSHAWA 723-5221 BOWMANVILLE 623-2527 _ MORTGAGE "LOANS fir ney for t Mortgages st at 79 No Bonus No Charges for Valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased Money for Second Mortgages Fast Service M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario. 723-4697 mortgages 'o | SUMMERLAND SECURITIES 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 } Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Associati PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for jail mortgages. Mortgages and agree ments of sale purchased. Creighton, Drynan, Murdoch and Victor (See "Bar risters".) FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Sale pil igy ida purchased and sold. Hennick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street East, 723-7232 |Musical Services |PIANO tuning and jin Ontario. Ail phone 942-5547, H. Cave VERSATILE four-piece combo available for . weddings, dances, banquets, etc repairing anywhere work guaranteed. Tele- Brougham after 6 p.m. _.| Telephone 728-9719. Optometrist lF ICHARD BLACK, OD, 136° Simcoe Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone| 103 4191 'Painting 'and | Decorating __ PAINTING AND DECORATING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Broadloom, Custom Draperies FREE ESTIMATES DODD & SOUTER 668-5862 | DELUXE Priced to suit your budget. TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV 'SUPPLY, LIMITED TAUNTON RD. E. 728-8180 HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS ARE THE BEST! WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! TA 0. TELEVISION Corner Bond and Division TELEVISION - RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE HOLMES ELECTRONICS for prompt service Call ' _Whitby -- 668-5679 FALL SEASON SOON TV CHECK-UP NOW 7 qualified servicemen. 1 mt, TELEVISION 728-5143 FAST 'EY; SERVICE Service Call only $2.50 DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9a.m. to9 p.m. All work guaranteed AERIALS RON'S TV 12 Years' Experience All. Work Guaranteed 723-7521 RON eae 9 AM. -- P.M TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS + {0 is |CITY TV TOWER, antennas, aiso repairs 511 Dean Avenue. |All work guaranteed {Telephone 725-0500. Well Drilling-- \weLL DIGGING by machine specializing in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut mene West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-2809. '1--Women' s | Column PERMANENTS on special jdress ing, 396 Pine Avenue, | Westmount. Telephone 725-5363, iclainas't Page Hair- corner of |2--Personal Removal of superfluous hair Marie ~Murduff> will be in Oshawa Oct. 18th, 19th, and 20th. Phone Genosha Hotel On these dates for appoint- ment ELECTROLYSIS jbrushes, ete. ,|AIR- COMPRESSOR with 2 HP "motor, | jlent condition; }309 Colborne East, 7--Swap a and Ba Barter COLORED BATH sets, 1 sets, Three-pi -plece, $75.; bar kitchen sinks; medicine, shower, and Repair and Exchange OSHAWA APPLIANCE | Machine Sales and Ser- vice, 728-7783. Open evenings. | TYPEWRITER Standard, $357 portable, 30; adding. machine, $25; electric type- |writer, $40; electric casn register. Item 'kins Business LAWN MOWERS | Light, dependable and power- Raglan | ACCORDION for sale. Fully equipped. For details and demonstration, telephone | 728-6113 or apply 392 Oshawa Bivd, South jafter 6. | TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40 ft. structyre, hot dipped galvanized 1' tower | included, single all-channel antenna com-| DOMINION TIRE STORE 145. King St. W. plete, Installed, tax included, guaranteed | jone year, $50, See all towers at TRIO Telephone 7 725- "6511 |Television, corner Bond and Division, | 728-5143-4, vacuum repairs, all makes, hoses, | Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213,|FLOOR "COVERING CLEARANCE of dis Fleming Vacuum Service, Main" Street, | continued -patterns,-eilslashed..in price! Pickering. from 27c per foot. Wiison's Furniture, 20 FURNITURE -- three rooms. ne Church Street, Oshawa. new qual- ity furniture, only $299., inc, complete|OAK OFFICE DESK, "nearly new, 60° x bedroom, living room, kitchen ensembles. |34"', Price $75. Telephone' 723-3364. Pay only $3. wkly. Unbeatable value! iNew, . we + , USED -- vacuums, polishers. -Re-| Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simeoe| pairs fo all makes. New hoses. a ba ta _..| Jack Lees, 728-6956. |BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture| See veppaer" 38 gallon tank, Bowman-| ang appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215 x " |Bundas East, Whitby 668-5481 SKI-D0O Snowmobile -- Sales and Serv-| " a ice. United Rent-Alls, 382 Wilson Road |ty me ny, Yor eleator, i vies daar South (at Olive). 728-5565, laion Call 723-7205 HONEST CAL'S Furniture SCRAP HARDWOOD -- one fool lengihs| and Appii-| ances. Big discounts w'thout sacrificing] Hp ty single cord. Phone 723-2281 before bh Al Ae 424 King Street West, Oshawa. | a.m, or evenings - Bought, sold, traded, repaired | BUYING OR SELLING furniture or "ap: gun Aris Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, pliances. Call Elmer, Harnpton 263-2294 |728-9 Or 263-2695, +" . BEST QUALITY. aluminum windows, GAS DRYER, like new, original price| $290., asking $150, Telephone 728-2926 j}doors, awnings, railings etc. Low, low! |prices ! Call 728-5385, NOVEMBER ONLY: $50 cash to churches, schools, clubs, scouts and organizations. pels hopes ap tet Sell 50 bottles Watkins Double Strength|)," Vanilla and 50 pepper. Details call |."% 728-2383 TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower tructure ail-channel antennae installed, $50, Oshawa TV Supply Limited Sold, exchanged. Expert sharpen Cycle Centre, 204 Bond East. 725-6344. and cushion, in case as new suite, light wood; wlanut bookcase, and dresser; Marshall mattress and box _..|spring; drapes and bedspread, white BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture| background; two green rugs (non-skid); and appliances. One focatinn only, Pretty|buff pin-up lamp, plate glass mirror, Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3277. Scotch lace table cloth; large picture FREE! Frunaces cleaned, adlusted, tree, Nese Sei ee Guaranteed trouble free all winter if you! -° : : dining room Purchase from Western Oil Co. 725- 122, LARGE MIRROR, 58" x 38', excellent TELEVISION set, 17-inch, man's navy| | condition; modern, Telepho ) _ 728-4081, suit and top coat, size 40-42; electric| OIL PAINTINGS --- Landscapes, portraits, kettle (new). Apply 350 Arthur (rear|figure work, custom picture framing basement entrance) after 5 p.m |Clark Studio, evenings and weekends | 668-4497. 325 Brock North, Whitby. DELUXE CRIB with mattress; four-piece hand knit pram suit, pink; two-piece Borg Orlon pile suit (pink and white), size 2; baby's scales; imported wool baby's dresses, and other clothing, excel- complete %4 bed. Apply off Oshawa Boule-| | THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50. No down payment, $15, monthly at Honest Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191. DEW WORMS FOR SALE -- Only here in Oshawa! Oshawa Live Bait, 859 Nelson Street. Telephone 728-3222, 723-7112. |WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator, stove and Easy washing machine, all in good conii- tion. Telephone 725-1342 after 5.30 p.m REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; beds, $12; new smooth top mattresses, $24.95; cribs, $10.95; new crib mattresses, $9.95; stoves, $24.95; televisions, $49.95; space savers,} $54.95; dressers, chrome sets, radios and jguns, new-and- used, Valley Creek, 16 | Bond Street West. vard North. WALL: and base cupboards for sale, 5 ff long. Telephone 725-9450. WESTINGHOUSE freezer 15 cu. ft. Very Good condition, $175 or best offer. Tetle- phone 725-8826. ONE-HALF HP -motor, motor; $10; one-quarter HP motor, Apply 195 Conanat Street OUTBOARD motor 100 HP Mercury. Used 'one-third HP $8. $257 723-464] |AuTos DELIVERED anywhere, Canada, {eidh California. Bonded drivers. To- onto Dri ive-Away Service, 5385 Yonge) |Stree, 225-7754 PAINTING AND DECORATING, . Exterior jand interior. Paper hanging. B itle| 1923-2 2583. g and Heating Plum ue ALL PLUMBING | AND | HEATING < tai plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. § Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Eng naar thas| aN 2S Simcoe Street Sout 5--Trailers ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling.|FOR SALE -- 4) HP Mercury, electric, |new. and used materials. Reasonable|generator, controls, tank. Asking $250: lrates. Estimates free, 723-1191, J, Foley.! _ |3--Sportsman' s Column \DEER HUNTING i jicences. New and --lused gu! ammunition. Best prices. Valley Citak 16 Bond Street West. 50 hours. Electric start, Telephone 728-|POOL TABLE 4'.x 8' with "accessories, 729) five months old. Original price $410 now RE-CONDITIONED refrigerators, guar-|°°K'"9 $250. Call 668-3498, : anteed. Apply $05 Anerson -- Street,| RANGE 'Kenmore' electric, 30 Inch. Whitby 668-6661 Like new, Phone 723-6578. KITCHEN BUFFET with two glass doors,|WEDDING DRESS size 9, full length, two wooden doors and two drawers,/also hoop and full length, pear! head- arborite top. Good condition, $22. Tele-|piece. Selling $60. Apply at 609 Mary |phone 725-4843 Street East, Apt. 2, Whitby '20" ELECTRIC range, 'National', four-/ONE single horse trailer. Call Orono burner, automatic, $25. Telephone 728-|9R11 affer 6 p.m. 8129. BERLIN PIANO -- needs some repair, What offers? For information telephone Blackstock. 986-4339, BRAND NEW WHITE WALL s 9--Market Basket |CARROTS $1 per bushel. Pumpkins, 25 |cents each. Walter. Huron Farm, half set of four| mile west of Oshawa on 401 North Service Firestone new Deluxe Champion tubeless) Road Telephone 725-1526. - upholstery, gold. Whitby 668-5376, north of Whitby on No, 12 Highway.. ful, Adjustable cutting height | !ze, $100. 723-4434, | from 1" to 3', Chrome plat- |ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, 3) cash: ed handle lers, duplicators, chequewiters, files, . desks, chairs. We buy, sell, rent, service From $39.95 Up and trade, with budget terms. New and used. Low, low prices. Bill Hamilton, "=" New and used/ NIAGARA CYCLO Massage hand vibrator} bed | Imere Gardens area, 728-4234, RENTALS kitch cabinets; pressure systems;} SOE BORDA laundry tubs, $15.95; pip-| 186 s S. 728- 7535 OF ALL KINDS ing, fittings; automatic washers and) _ imcoe G MACHINES dryers; boilers, radiators. H. Chinn, Hill-| SANDING side and Park: South, 723-7088. HONDA "SHOP Oscillating sanders, disc sand- caas a "Oshawa's largest motorcycle | ers, belt sanders, floor sand- 8--Articles_ for Sale dealer'. Buy - sell - trade, Re- pair all makes. Free esti- PLUMBER'S TOOLS mates. -Access: -- helmets, Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise windshields, carriers, jackets, tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe tires, etc. Winter storage. cutters, pipe threading dies, Heavy waterproofed drill, New Hondos only $295. No toilet auger. sewn-in floor, rear window down payment. PAINTERS EQUIPMENT with storm flap, dutch door 199 King W. 728-4242 Stepladders, aluminum ex- with awning. REFRIGERATOR? (two), apartment| tension ladders, ladder jacks, From $39.95 Up size, General Electric; both operating) steel scaffolding, compres- - satisfactorily. Priced to sell, Call 623-2482. wallpaper CRYSTAL. chandelier, two cutglass| ors SPFOY ere sel | French doors, baby carriage, Tv aierials, steamers, tarpaulins, ow door with full length mirror. Phone| torches, propane torches. | 725-7091. WELDING EQUIPMENT Sto bg a |WE BUY, 'sell 'and exchange Used furni| Acetylene welding _ outfits, chain guara, Ferry oaster ture or anything you have. he ity) 200 amp. electric welders. a oe oe eee fine at Store, $84 Simeoe Street) "BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT hd Ut athe |TYPEWRITERS, adding machines and| Cement mixers, finishing From $34. 95 Up |time clocks, new and rebuilt. One year! trowels, wheel barrows, elec- | guarantee. Outstanding good buys. Jen- tric' virator, air compressor, jock hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset, power rol- lers, electric hammers, mas- onry saw, building jacks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saws, elec- tric plane, tarpaulins, 14°' band saw, 4" joiner, sand blaster, power tamper, power post hole auger. STAN'S | SHARPENING & RENTALS LTD, 223 King St. West, Oshawa PHONE 723-3224 } | | i Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs. Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd, S. 725-3338 WHEEL CHAIRS, hosnitsl beds, walkers, reducing machines, sick room supplies. jAig Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, ENTERTAINING -- Filty to one-hundred |people! Oshawa Tennis Club for banquets, |parties, weddings, anniversaries. Facill- |ties, bar kitchen, parking. Reasonable rates. 728-6315. |CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church jaisle runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 | Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2414. 14--Business Opportuni es | Excellent Business For Lady Who Likes Serving The Public SOCIAL CATERING This business has been es- tablished over 5 years. Ex- cellent possibility for expand- | | | | ing, Full price approximately $1,200 cash. This includes equipment, name, advertis- ing and contacts, Write Box 402, OSHAWA TIMES _ | RESTAURANT | in North Oshawa, dining-|- {room and counter, with equipment, seven rooms upstairs, can be used for two apariments or boarders, Telephone 728- 6485. RESTAURANT weil established on busy highway, Oshawa area, living quarters, gift counter. $15,000 down. For particulars write Box 917 Oshawa Times. 15--Employment Wanted DAY CARE for pre-school children. Baby welcome. Telephone 72 723-5904, | BABYSITTING pi per hour, day or week. Reasonable rates. Mother's care, Inter- view Mrs. Luck 668-3866, CLEANERS Oshawa Shopping Centre FACTORY WORKERS Light work, Vinyl sealing and inspection. Apply stating education, age and factory experience to POST OFFICE BOX 444 OSHAWA, ONT. Stencdranber Required for LAW OFFICE Short-hand and dictating machine transcription essential Good wages. Replies held in confidence. Write to 744 OSHAWA TIMES Dining Lounge WAITRESSES APPLY MR.. WEIDER Genosha Hotel "WAITRESSES REQUIRED Full and part-time. Fok pm -- 4 te 1) pte 11 to 7 a.m. Apply MR. CAMPBELL Genosha_ Hotel DOES A (BEAUTY / COUNSELOR" eal on you? We may someone in your area, or call for seme 723-9349. GIRL for evening work. Permanent posi- tion. Apply in person to Scott's Chicken Villa, 295 Simcoe South, WOMAN in « good | health to care for elder- ly man in exchange for room and board in beautiful Reinga: home. For' infor- mati '3-3078. GIRL . and care for one pre- school and two schoolage children, priv- ate room and board, Harmony Road North area, Telephone 728-2342, HAIRDRESSER, experienced. Full time and part-fime. Greig's Hairstyling, Bow- manville 623-2932, HAIRDRESSER WANTED experi- enced preferred. Telephone 728-4286. WOMEN wiih cars, light "deliveries, 15 hours, $40. Write Box Oshawa Times. URGENTLY NEEDED live in, y girl or woman, to care for children, while mother works. After 4.30 telephone 728- 8397. MATURE WOMAN as baby 'sitter for - two children from 9 to 5. Five-day weel Ste- venson Road North area. Phone M5145 RECEPTIONIST -- part-time for busy: dental practice, hours approximately 1 1 5.30 Monday through Friday. Duties to include general office work, typing re- quired. Reply stating age and experience to Box 701 Oshawa Times. MIDDLE-AGED woman to live in. Partial housework and care of one child. Kin dergarten in a.m. Call 668- 3589. RELIABLE "housekeeper required for motherless home with five girls, Live in. Telephone W Whitby 668-2327 or 668-4701. PRESSER -- Experienced In all phases of pressing. Apply One Hour Martinizing, Whitby, 668-6491 or call 942-4443. RELIABLE middie-aged babys! for ae school-age, one pre-' cata. 6.30 'o 4.00, five-day week. Elgin and Mary vicinity. 725-8707. Sapeccaite CLEANING LADY required, over 45 arth of age, every Thursday or Friday. 723-9975. TYPING done at home. Telephone for further information. 728-4469. DICTAPHONE TYPIST with legal and in- jsurance adjusting experience would like _|PUBLIC STRENOGRAPHIC service, gen- eral secretarial work done at home. Telephone Whitby 668-3619, WOMAN will_mind_ children en in her own home, Blair Park Plaza area. Telephone, Whitby 668- 8952. WOMAN -- 35, "goad al part-time employment, jsome knowledge office work appearance, desires |. can meet public, Phone typing in own home, Telephone 725-3043.) _ my ' SITTER WANTED to jive in and care for two small children, $15. weekly, plus room and board. 723-5788 after 5/ p.m. 18--Male Help Wanted _ CARPENTERS "NEEDED for first class work on rec-rooms, etc. Good pay. H. Mc- i ; t 725-8576. ires, 7.35 x 14, still in wrappings. Best | 725-6945. Koy's Quality | Carpentry, |APPLES FOR SALE -- "Mac's, - Court- offer over one hundred dollars. 725-0619. |tangs, Snows, Spys, Secors, $2, per bushel) HOUSEWIFE will mind children any age,|PART-TIME waiters and bar 'boys _for BOX TRAILER, 6 x 4'; armchair, new aa up. MayBelle Orchards, 12 milesitive days weekly, In her home, Kings-|cocktall lounge. Apply Mr.. Enns, Gen- osha Hotel, high' school students In English, Latin and f . i 'd adult dogs, excellent guard 3 BA, BCL, Barrister ane Solicitor, ac |French, by J. C. Luck, B. A, 513 Byron Sireet ped 'Whitey wae Chestnut dal ts a WAVICE (Whitby) ao | Pupp atia He ge Fv Be 3 5] * Salary commensurate 'with Centre Stree ice irs: sM.°5.. St. S., Whitby. 668-3866. : ies t . -50 e ience. p.m. Evening appointments. Dial THE ie ie zn ~|Sur an 1415 Dundas St. E. 668-3226 244 Brock St. South ehsat BOARDED -- Box stalls, $20 7 xperience Soy 166). anitor Service 'v r -- " - aauructetie | monthly Phone 263- - aa +A hare a i Sob bisa i i 5 utomotive parts exy>er- HUMPHREYS, sovcHyn, ena wit) R.H. CABINET CO. _ |strention wousewivesi Fast aco|Gonevan ano FLEISCHMANN Onioviol WUFT:, Weymoutn cabin cruiser, £0 JANSSEN'S POWER |GERMAN SHEPHERD dog, black and| 4 Ag MAN, Barristers Solicitors, 2614, Kina] 1614 CHARLES ST., WHITBY |nomical ceiling, wall cleaning done bylLand Surveyor. commercial ove prinisr[up-sosemnse" NOT: TewePhene Alex EQUIPMENT CENTRE LO unit ae Sy ade PRESSER ia ead tl a oi 3 ¢ . modern machine. Free estimates. Work! 1} 7 ) PR ROMANE Ne Usmannes SERS Wee HE % i , a sa QC; G. S. Boychyn QC; W. A. Hillman, 668-6911 guaranteed. 128-7736, ork) 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632, __|sox TRAILER, 4x 8' x 16%, two-wheel,| Toro, Moto-Mower Massey BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for| ee ' LLB; J. D, Humphreys, BA, LLB. Office: re -- H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land/aiso 10 hp Evinrude motor, runs good Ferguson Riding Tractors. talking. etrain. Apply Mrs. : d Write in confidence to 725-1177; Residence: AY ge abe Kitchen cabinets, Vanities, 'Money * To Loan -- Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East. Phone| Telephone 942-2226. Service on all power equip- ein. oy, cor @ Must be experience : ; v 2 " ee Pe q ad, st. RTI af mariage funds. available, | _Cutom built cabinets, cc meamessanes viii ----__________|ABIN CRUISER -- Téf, © WP Evin| ment. Licensed mechanic on | po@ TRAINING CLASSES--sponsor O8! @ Gong salary for right BOX 107 GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici-|ROOFING, concrete floors, fiat roofing,| © « |TV--Radio Repairs Sear Deny Sly Teaver Vis emOnnL «duty, Jawa, Obedience Association, Fall class y tors, efc., 114 King Street East, Dial|our specialty. New work and repairs. ville 623-7222 after 5__ ick 843 King West 728-9429 'filled. Enquiries invited for January person OSHAWA TIMESs TaD. 'Residence Phones: J. M. Greer,|Large and smail obs. L. and H. Roofing 144-FT. PLYWOOD boat, with TeeNee) > Sn |classes. Telephone 723-9708. @f QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL,|@nd Construction, RR 3, 725-6937. = trailer; gl A lag 4 hal Will sell} T |FREE! | Thoroughbred Springer gehen Apply in person 728-5832; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB,|NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco! SORATATSY. _TMORONE TIENT PARTS |Wonderful with children. Must be good 725-2662. sidewalks, renee: 'ing, rece roy. Th gies BOAT TRAILER, 1,000 |b. capacity, with; For Washers, Stoves and home, out of city limits. Telephone 725-| Woods, 4: a tilt bed. New this year. Telephone 728- f 4326, | set ie he ECONOMY, AND 9671, Dryers. 05 OE EEO Classified Rates FOR ROOFING, chimneys, sidewalks, ail M ars ELECTRIC MOTOR 13--Articles for Rent FOR Local Building Supply Firkn @ Must be experi enced @ Full employee be nefits Apply stating age, salary ex- pected, experience, edi cation and full particulars to BOX 545 OSHAWA TIN AES CLEAN-UP AAAN Northside Chrysler -Dodge Requires a man for «leaning up new and used cars, +Chauf- fers license required, warm and clean shop. Salan/ com- mensurate with experience and willingness to work . Apply in person to DOUG HART, Service Manager NORTHSIDTE CHRYSLER-DO DGE 918 BROCK ST. NO'RTH WHITBY, ON'T. SALESMAIN A large Canadian, 'interna- tional firm requires 'One sales representative for Oshawa and one for the Oshia wa area. Age 21] to 40. Sales experience «desirable but not essential. VVe offer a salary plus excetkent com- missions and opportumity for advancement: Your reply will be treated in confidence. Reply, giving qualifi¢ cations to BOX 119 OSHAWA _T! MES MAINTENA.NCE MECHAN IC Ajax manufacturer of elec- tronic components requires capable man to set up, main- tain and repair fg roduction equipment. Must toe exper- ienced. Permanent position with usual compan¥?benefits, Please call for apg: ointment, 942-1540 CENTRAL.AB _CANADA 'LTD. AUTOMGBILE SALESMAN VVANTED For new and vised cars, Demonstrator and (14 company benefits. Apply in 'person to RON HEWAT, Siiles Mgr. NORTH$31DE CHRYSLER - DODGE 918 Brock §t, North WHITBY, NT. JANITIOR Steady part-time for drive-in restauront. 10 a.m. - Pp 6 day week, easy eta 11 a.m. Big "K" C'rive-In (No, 2 Highway aj Garrard Rd.) |EXPERIENCED sales an tor automotive store. Apply Canadian Tire, 311 Brock Street North, Whitby. -----|COOK -- Neat appear; ance, presentable, R FOR HOTEL -- six tsi for preparation and wrving at French fesse 12 to 8 a.m., $1.50 hourly. Ab-|buffet. Apply rue Villas Hotel. 668 stainer, experience preferred. _Refer-| 3386. Spa A ant = ae ence required. Write Box 608, Oshawa MOTOR RE-WINDER , Single, pl please, Times. Apply Motor and experience necessary. ly Contro! Division, Hib |-Cornish Electric, Ltd., 50 Prince Streen SERVICE STATION . MAN, capable of operating two truck, Year round work, 1600 King Street Apply White Rose, East.

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