18 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Getoder 716, 'Low Cost ce ction Want Ads Solve Many Of Your Problems" ecified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. |8--Articles For Sale _--|13----Articles For Rent _ |17--Female Help Wanted DOES A UTY COUNSELOR" call Tables, Chairs, Li , Dish- mi POG S SCRAP 000K By RJ. SCOTT For a sg OR and : « inlay, "Canes Coffee Bred or eal for products, M980 3 : Dryers. Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal GIRL for evening work. Permanent posl- ac ELECTRIC MOTOR Wear, Men's Formals, White |{l0". Apply. In person to Scott's Chicken 'Call The Diveec i 295 Simcoe Sov! Repair and Exchange Fox Furs. Mink Stoles, WANTED -- Single and married women OSHAWA SARGEANT'S RENTALS |raoher'in.ten'weeks. free Tesson. Wife APPLIANCE 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 or call to see the books. Open bat we Accountants Instruction TV--Radio Repairs a mmx | 186 Simcoe S, 728-7535 WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, waikers,| Street, Whitty, ont Oe PRET ibe EES reducing machines, sick room supplies. BOB CLANCY'S inting service.| CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and Aid Rentals, 105 Bestrice, M25-\644 Accou' ok : 5 Bie ao Complete bookkeeping service. 299 Simcoe|VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries.| Canada Driving School TV TOWERS Taras EE HONDA SHOP lanTSRTAINiNe FW Go eaesonatea 18--Male Help Wanted pedo eae oat cata A Street "Norihy Oshawa, Taiaus: Tek] @ Fully insured dual control US.XAVY BLIMPS ESCORAED "'Oshawa's largest prob tage pe | people! Oshawa Tennis Club for banquets, Ag ' Spa ene! Gon DON Gene , . ler" / | Cc arties,, weddings, ann i Accountant, Suite 209W, Oshawa Shop-/Froervon. Cr, or, reaugences: C.K) cors @ Licensed by Ontario ECONOMY. AND 89,000 SHIPS DURING THE FIRST ere ae ay pve \(y bar" kitchen parking. Reasonabiel MAN REQUIRED ping Centre, 725-9953. QC, (29-476) J. C. Victor, 988-7115, Department of Transport @ DELUXE : WORLD WAR WHHOUT 1051NG Pale #1. mek roe esti trates, 726-6018 s JoserH GUTMANN, ag gt Account| Mortgages arranged. Cars supplied for Government "MS OME. ENEMY SUBMARINES, tll t ~_-- -- helmets, |GWains, card and banquet tabies, church For Processing and Lienesed Trust ston, 7 Street Tests @ Home pickup ser- Priced to suit your budget. ; windshields, Sree jackets, [ime runners clave Fox Ren is, 412 Delivering Staal Orders Ernst "Teleohone 72 IS. : ~ |Building Trades vice. TERMS ARRANGED : tires, ate inter storage. [Simcoe Street North. Ca 44 BERT HOSMAR, Chartered Account . ' New Hondas only $295, No Must hove chauffeur's license ona Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, 728- 4811 pe 2 a bad nda 4 114----Business Opportun ies u ve chau r's licens sae - ? te er Chk down payment | and a good driving record. Ontario, "Telephone 723-122! isc THE DAY and. "Evening Classes for adults and OSHAWA TV pHA <F 199 King W 728-4242 | Mon with experience, in the YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., high school students in English, Latin and , Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus R, H. CABINET co. Frenchy oY 'i C. Lucky B, A. 513 Byron SUPPLY LIMITED f <i 4 |RANGE, electric four-nurner: also maple! LUNCH Use of Oxygen and seatyiene fons, tiple Ea Simcoe Street 1614 CHARLES ST.. WHITBY St. 5., Whitby. 668-3866 TAUNTON RD. E. UL. sour poster bed and dresser, Telephone} torch, and pila wink gerbe 'A AL TESS DOOR if it neeete . : ; TWF | 728-9372 | equipment preferred. Steady HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO, Char 668-6911 Janitor. Service Just Eost Of Ritson {Make |TWO 6.80 » 19 SNOW TIRES and rims, ROOM employment, good. wages. tered Accountants, Financial Trade Build. fatten - Ads "ay 1000 yailes on tr 445. complet | ing, 187 King Street East, Oshawa, On-| Kitchen cabinets, Vanities, ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, eco /28- 8] 80 E = | IKE. MID ma idobi oka bad Apply in person only io, 725-3509; S$. T. Hopkins, CA; H. A nomical ceiling, wall cleaning done by "A : | " i Beadie, CA) E. Lukow, CA __ustom built couihets, | modern machine, Free estimates. Work po DID 4HE GREEKS . Bench with whan far, chalra: $30.1 work! Well established, doing good berichy with view ki molt, Ve, lawn : i, MacMillan and Co., guaranteed, 728-7736 Lemreecauks -- HAVE A METHOD oF . 1 AB 0 business, pped, Rent onl Teves "Accountant 36. Ki S| _ OCTOBER SPECIAL | HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED -| (08 OF Ait SUM EXTENDS Out WRIfING MUSIC , |i. las | Srontey equiped, Rent only Jensen Welding & Save up to 15% during Money To Loan SOME. 5,000,000 MILES, ? + $1 FORD engine, must be heard to be Only $3, 300, with terms. Steel Supply Ltd. , Wii » David G. Perkin eA, "5, Graham CIO ¢ DAWES spracimiad i miles, s har CA; Dovid G. " Ociobar ah Rec. Booms; Cup- 1 wi Loan vr ip io ROO ATG oe TV TOWERS OMLY DURING 'A TofAr. ECLIPSE, f 46,000 miles, $98.1. other] | CO vere boards, Tiles and all general [sonable rate of interest to consolidate ARE THE BEST! eae fen AROUND THE. YES. ' nal, site 6, alto 66 Russett Avenue Barristers Home Remodelling. Peet elicine Uae ate steele be bs ; a check sport jacket, site 14, Tele-| JACK APPLEBY sick All Work Guaranteed 10" have good credit, Telephone] ' . we _ Ist » Solicl ployed and @ goo ' i ig = oneen AND _ cnet Selich Sunk shore tor Hay rican, 1094631. WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! VOLKSWAGEN PARTS, excellent shape 728-5123 -- 723-3398 SALES CLERK 723-2278. Residence Phones: J, M. Greer, : : Telephone 7744008 afler 4 pm ac, 715.3368) Terence V Kelly, BA, Bcl,| M1. Mc Koy 725- 8576 - [Mortgages {, R. I, 0. 5--Trailers 8--Articles For Sale BOLAHOOD ; jas H, Jermyn, BA, LLB, pide nin . : : wer Thomas irmyn, ROOFING, concrete floors, flat rooting, TELEVISION FOR SALE -- 40 HP Mercury, electric,| 9.--Market Basket FOR fvtee Ity. Ni k and repai ener + controls, tan Asking $250. | ne shal, Purmpkir 5 ' : PNR SREAYR og WEE yrs, Gas] ~=--«s MORTGAGE -- | ° ¢4,TELEVISION. poeta hiss! TEXACO DEALER Jenrcmmn' waar tant tend BROTHERS Local Building MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% KinGland Construction, RR 3, 725-6937 c | 7 t, Oshawa; R. D. Humphreys, - rill " oe 728-5143 17-FOOT GOLDEN FALCON trailer, seif nile weal of 0 + Oi North Service e aerons swan a Cc. W. A. Hiliman, NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco) INVESTORS contained with extras, Telephone 725-1035) © FUEL and STOVE OIL Road LIMITED Supply Firm LLB; J. D. Humphreys, BA, LLB. vets ir ct end Ui seg rea ee Units of participation avail- ELEVISION RADIO evenings | @ WOOD @ COA WINTER POTATO) 75 Me 725-1177; Residence: 725-4604; Whitby, imates * o0ds, " "Lt > N - spe V1 | IG SUP. § f ' "|, Free home| 668-2761; 728-4326; 725-5132, NHA and| 728-4717 able in first ond second mort T ERVICE FOR pant house: trail # ya ae ae ; "A 44, U, 5 | Hida Bg sg | YOUR OWN © Must Be experienced other first mortgage funds availabe. | FOR ROOF! imneys, sidewalks, ail} gage funds 24 HOUR SERVIC ' Phe Hy Ad af ALL 668-352 ; el OOFING, chi ys, sidewalks, Heavy duty wiring, Propane gas. E cr WINTER ¢ nish and cooking| MeGIBBON AND BASTEDO, Barristers,|types of cement work, Frank' McCann,| Diversification manage ent cottage or hunting camp. Telephone SAWDONS lonions, Wm, Sack, Thornton Rd. $, First! BUSINESS : @ Full employee benefits Solicitors, Mortgages arranged. National) RR 3, Oshawa. Brooklin 655-3061 ment -- High yield -- cap- HOLMES 1798-3781 (Whitby) Limited |farm soutt " nH (west s hit Trust Building, 32 Simcoe Street South, arc" Typ buliding, ofing repairs , . € Smal A 7-736; Charles C. MeGibbon, QC; ey Gh Mi dite d Phe ie ital appreciation 6--Marine Equipment 244 Brock St, South ROASTING chickens, orders taken. for mall investment, oge no Apply stating age, salary ex- freeze 814 be. $115 Free) barrier, full training and pected, experience, education F. stedo, QC; Grant H. Arm- $ , | | sien ores oe : a en Gono devia ond eee aise CENTRAL FLECTRONICS JANSSEN'S POWER Yetta § MARNIE a ME orhcAl know-how provided by parent and full particulars to Serer Gen ea oad oes SXPEET cavine, ewe ws eel ONTARIO FALL CRUISER | _ ciipncicr xine |AnmtRtOR AE, Maen, Cut] compony, exclusive abu loney to 5 2 cludes id id fill, two-year! aran. Herat AE a 2 . East, Oshawa. 728-823 _ |tee pg hey Paving: 03 sen. dt caays land up. MayBelle Orchards, 14 miles} tion area, Write for further for prompt service Toro, Moto-Mower Massey- tt | 4 ¥ T ( | E R ( E * north of Whitby on No. 12 Hig | pe WACDONALD, OA: LLB. Bar-/a) CARPENTRY, block and _e@m en RUST and SAVINGS i A AN Ferguson Riding Tractors, APRLaG 560 CR wae par shei.| adn we 0 per bushel Call | rister and Solicitor and Notary Public, work. New or remodelling, Special fal CORPORATION Service on all power e : f OSHAWA TIMES jal Building, 286 K West, si 58 ' : ce Pr quip- Pick your own Mr, A. Makowchick,| Gunaway "Ontarie.»Cllen perking. avail. (Prices. Call Tony 725-4953 OSHAWA 723-5221 Whitby - 668. 5679 Of Georgian Steel and Chris- ment. Licensed mechanic on [Baseline Road, Whithy. Name 'on pont MR. COLSON - ----------e able, 723-4716 or 725-477 EVE LOCAL hic rh cleaner, ener BOWMANVILLE 623-252 e craft factory demonstrators. duty x suite 3 want ou k OT TARKOWSRY, neva bul Le: rapaies ir one. linings Bch: td os te FALL SEASON SOON 23 to 38 foot. Large used 843 King West 728 9429 TABLE. turnips, $1.50 bushel; Spanish| GERBER BA, BCL, Barrister and Solicitor, 3.2997 | TV CHECK-UP NOW selection of cruisers al! sizes ' onions, field run, $2 per bushel. Bring| 34 BERWICK AVE., Centre Street, Office hours: 9 a.m / a? | MORTGAGE demonstrations available, Will |WALNUT DOUBLE DRESSER with/Sontainers. W. Eymann, half-mile east| em. Evening appointments, 'iat ROOFING, ALL SIDINGS, chimneys! 7 qualified servicemen. "1 5 bevel-edged mirror; bed-couch; five-plece| (Past Roy Nichols garage) Courtice, go TORONTO. tinct nie wunrereses Moke Prep LOANS trade with five years to pay. | qinette suite (chrome). All in good conai-\north to. Ist corner __. [RESTAURANT th North Oshawa, dining- BABY FOODS aranteed, &. R, French,| * consent shi | Money for first mortgages qe Cote = Telephone evenings 295- |tion. Reasonable, Telephone 723-6073. | 7 room and counter, with equipment, seven 4852. | PIANO Upright, reconditioned gv |10--Farmer's Column rooms upstairs, can be used for two Open Mortgages TELEVISION high. $195 delivered. Telephone 942-5547 ~lapartments or boarders. Telephone 728 Of Canada a ue Animate thar Re! Classified Rates Dentistry Interest at 7% |MAVE STALLS for approximately. seven | 6aa5 | | nn -- yd j | Srovgham after 6 p.m. head of cattle, willing to do chores, fee WORD ADS |CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., Dentai| No Bonus _728-5143 Border Marine |REFRIGERATORS crwo), epariment|not supplied. Rossland Road, Telephone| RESTAURANT well established on busy Require a Cash--1 Insertion of 24 ee $108 | Surgeon, 172 King Street Bast, Oshawa.| No Charge for Valuations additional rde 44e each Distributors Ltd size, General Electric; both operating) 668-2194 julgiways eden a ba wit wo ab ional wo! ; con. |For appointment, 728-517 | en . | satisfactorily. Priced to sell, Call 623-2482, |----- - ~=-------m [gift counter. $ jlown. For particulars seria haere af At works $2.88 | ___| Mortgages ond Agreements FAST ag thes SERVICE CHIPPEWA, ONTARIO Medd Ahn - 30 GRADE cattie, Holstein, some Charole,| write Box 917 Oshawa Times. SALESMAN additions! words 2¢ each, 6 |BIALEK, DR, ©. P.° Dental Surgeon,| purchosed , OU TWO 30-<gallon boilers with covers and/ geese, ducks, police pups. 668-2067, 7 ~' 9.| 1 Street North, Osh For| ervice Call only $2 so chemi | EAUTY PAR siness -- in central secutive tnoertions of 4. 24 words 432, 32, | seecininars, v7eSbA2. oF hen gma | Money for Second Mortgages aa fag Poe \8\a-FT. -Weymoutn cabin cruiser, 50 Mil Hig ie aes pacing te gine HOLSTEIN heifer, due February (Ist Sihawe, aie Chal: Tt tac waters Experienced in grocery sell. additional words ise ei enone! Bast Sayvien: DOMINION Hp Johnston motor. Telephone Ajax) ctr y calf); Jersey tow due April; Polled Here-|Couig be handied by one operator end| ing or merchandising. Age | 2.5056 | ford heifer f (6 mos.), 655-4662 eve. gross $7,500. 2 " cent ee soa | * ie . oe ima lustasa® ah widen tons {part-time help. Last years' gi 2-30. Salary expenses, i nd Oe Sh, etn |Dressmaking | = : M. F. SWARTZ TELEVISION tox TRAILER? Wx 8° X 16%; two wheel, |LARGE BABY CRIB -- good condit 9s, weekend Good clientele, regular. Equipment cost! Company car, usual company 'A $15.; modern sofa and chair, good con Ing = than 2d ~ ki ¥. S 44 so 10 hp Evinrude motor, runs good. |* ' ng), HAVE STALLS for approximately seven|$2,000, can be bought as going concern Method of counting Less |DRESSMAKING -- Ail nds of indies' 26% King St. East 1728-5154 9a.m. to9 p.m Telephone 942-2206, [Sicuetions: fehesteeriat needs recovering),| Oo ot cattie, willing to do chores, feed | for $2,500 cash. For more Information and| benefits, Reply in writing giv- $1 words counts as 24 words; each word, j|wear. High quailty work, Call Agnes' : Initial, figure or abbreviation counts |Dressmaking, 668-8463, Oshowa, Ontario. | 'All work ee i961 OUTBOARD MOTOR Mark Vi, Mer-|---- , supplied. Rossland Road. Telephone 668-| inspection call Keith Lunney, D. W. Me]. ing resume 'of experience, 4s one word) phone number counts | aT Pe 723- 4697 | york QuSrontes cury' with cruise-a-day tank, In' very|30. KENMORE range, five years old.|219 Quay Realtor, Whitby 668-5868. education, marital status to twe |DRESSMAKING -- Sulls, coats, Bh. Between 1} and 5,30, telephone. 725-7206. ee . DEAD and crippled farm stock picked asd Sr reer ener G00d condition. Reasonable, Telephone ° tau w " IALS T| 725-7437 CRYSTAL" chandelier, two Yutglass/ up promptly, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone 15--Employment Wanted BOX 342 alterations, siip covers, drapes. Fitting a/ a eo esate i AIP eC tle SUMMERLAND a French doors, baby carriage, Tv alerials, /Yei¢oher 'ener rem lone " CABIN CRUISER -- 16-ft. 40 H.P, Bvin-| Fre ie BEFags, ya's, Telephone Hampton, 263-2721. | EXPERIENCED DAY CARE given to ' SOCIAL NOTICES JERRSONAL STYLING Tor Seahion SECURITIES RON' S TV O} rude, heavy duty traller, Phone Bowman-|900r with full length mirror. Phone Licence 309-65, [child or baby in private home. Phone OSHAWA TIMES 1 . ~~ 1723-2136 after 1.00 p.m. wath aia iain if er Insertion with 25 ad lwise women! Dressmak ng, alterations ville 623-7222 1 P Work Guaranteed |1SFOOT movided plywood 'Racecratt' PIANO, uprignt, white enamel wood|11--~Pets and ivestock | HOUSEWIFE will fake care of one 135 HP Johnson electric start, New Cana-|8!ove, clothes cupboards, treadie sewing ~ltwo children, five or six days @ pi F923. 7501 Ejeet explorer. trailer. Fully equipped, |machine. Phone 725-0672 pinise BOXER -- fawn, 1s years old, female, | het hare, Alter § Btn, Pana, R}$650. Telephone 623-3818 |RESTAURANT FQUIPMENT -- cash/ 990d with children. Telephone ©. | SAY CARE fOr roechoel chidraa, Baby RON BRIGHTLING |-- ~----------=--= |register, meat slicer, pop cooler, fryer,, TWO SADDLE HORSES, seven yeer-oid wat Ls 3 fe . leatiat ', come. Telephone 723-5904, 9AM 9 PM Si7. Swap and Barter Stools, booths, etc. Nestleton 986-4200. Palomino mare, and four-year-old bla : F ; k _ USED furniture, appliances, "sporting | gelding » very reasonable, Telephone 1. WOMAN wishes Gay work, house or office or pick-up COLORED BATH sets, three-piece, $75.i| goods, Bought, sold, Best prices! Valle cleaning, central, Telephone 728-9267 Member Ontario TV SERVICE bar kitchen sinks; medicine, shower, andiCreek, 16 Bond West, 725-4401. "HORSES BOARDED af W-BarcL Ranch, BABYSITTING per hour, day or week, and deliver Mortgage Brokers Association 3 : kitehen cabinets; pressure systems; WE BUY, sell and exche sed furni.|@arrard Road North, Modern facilities;/Reasonable rates. Mother's care. Inter- s e y pRivaTer cab SERRE - DAY OR EVENING sump pumps; laundry. tubs, $5.95) pip. tire oe anvihl vi Frey ak aed "City to ridey Riding Club and Games| view Mrs, Luck 668-3866, ---- | monies for f { n i para al ps Raghcpie si ecasogincinicaans ; Gard sd Sunall lal WeReONA. TABHaRGEs ake eeeee ldrvers) bollers, radiators, Hr chinn, Hili| Trading Post. Store, 326 Simcoe Street| Avena. Also puppies for sale, $500 each. WOMAN to mind children In her own| © Must be familiar with city be ening an Upplies ments of sale purchased, Creighton,| 728 5286 |side and Park South, 723-7088, |South, 723-167 home Sunset Heights area, Telephone < ot oe pay lay) $1.90 tor th ~ {Drynan chon Tene eee: victor (O08. BMY | | TYPEWRITERS, adding machines ana ST: BERNARD pups," revisteréd. Well 728-4369 e @ Guaranteed solary with per aprey? oh ° DUTCH ere Ris \8--Arti for Sal time clocks, new and rebuilt, One year|@rked. Telephone 235 WILL GIVE day care to child in my first 20 words and sc each thereafter. | OS HAWA Articles or Ss bh | Jen-| TOY Boston bulldog, five years old, male,;own home, St. "eins. A clon area. Tele Incentive Bonus FIRST AN COND + 5. -- een guarantee. Outstanding good buys. (werd: Ads.) "BULB TIME" (inst AND secow a ted Verne ELECTRONICS | kins Business Machine Sales and Ser-|good pet for children, After 5 telephone|phone Whitby 668-21 aa \ AUCTION SALES and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street TENTS vice, 728-7783, Open' evenings. 728-9867 TYPING 'done iim apply in person $2.10 PER INCH INSERTION TOP SIZE East, 723-7232 _________|eity WW Towers, |TYPEWRITER standard, $95; portable,|BELGIAN Shepherd pups and grown| further information, 728-4469, iia ...-| Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 rapier -- Have your children's dolls IN MEMORIAMS dressed for Christmas. Teen-age dolls a £2.00 for the first 28 words and Se specialty! 725-8592 Mereeee igi each thereaftér, plus 2c ver line of | EXPERIENCED dressmaker, sewing and| variable Verse 25¢ additional charge Hf not paid | alterations, in own home. Mrs. Alice Van| Low Interest within @ days. | Der Heide, Roselawn Ave., 725 5948 | : CARDS OF THANKS |MARY MAXIM sweaters knit to ord | jalso punchwork cushions or smocked.) se for bas ay first 4 be gg lan | Telephone 728-2676 | Bee Wf not peld within @ days, r $2.00 0 cents Si | rs' ne Pd laarece tat ald within '| Fitting & specialty. 728-1823 for appoint: 112 Simcoe St. North W Years' Experience i E R : > , also re | : mtg Ip | " z pairs. All work guaranteed, 51) Dean! ° ¢ 1 $30; adding machine, $25; electric type- dogs, pure white, tan and black, $20- $30; YOUNG, reliable lady will babysit, week- DEADLINES Lory eee |Musical Services |Avenve. Telephone 725-0 es i writer, $40; eleciric casn register. Wem |part-Spaniels, $10. Selling out, 648-706 ONG reales ey ll Brerae va0 sai ws = ewn-in ' ' izer, $100, 443 WORD ADS PIANO. tuning" end "resulting anywhere] mie a" s | 2 BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for phone 723-1034, : 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS DAFFODILS in Ontario, All work guaranteed. Tele | Well Drilling--Digging with storm flop, dutch door |sTUDENT'S TYPEWRITERS, new and/training, talking stra n. Apply Mrs. 7.! "BILINGUAL young lady requires steady NARCISSUS ipperm 942-5547, Brougham after 6 p.m. WELL DIGGING by machine specializing with awning. i seal ye sters, vide ee nest Broad, 114 Elgin Eas' : jlob as secretary or general office work, LOST AND FOUND Cave inch f E 39.95 U j$35. UP. Machines guaranteed. Expert BOODLE PUPPIES, small miniature and|WiIll accept work Immediately, Tele- 9 a.m, day ef publication CROCUS |VERSATILE four-piece combo available Street Wasi, Wh By. eee aaa ar rin rom ' P [service, mea, Business Machines, 728-/toys, white, nine weeks. Excellent Eng penghe" Zee Oshawa Shopping Centre Ww Vhitb' 664 4 > BIRTHS AND DEATHS SNOWDROPS for weddings, dances, banquets, ete.| a, NES WNT cea {ah breeding. Show quality, $90. and UP.) WOMAN TO MIND preschool child In her Pping 9 a.m. day of publication Telephone 728-9719. 1--Women's Column ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, cash-|Telephone 725 Ihome during. day. The Lake Viste area.( ' Sie : IRIS lo a Sanita a ters, sell eddy De Cit lubed 1 1@ 3: Cozy. "J-RANCH KENNELS. Paiamino| Telephone 728-9962 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY | FHS tometrist PERMANENTS on special. Page Ha trade, with nd PONY colt white mare, three years; Ge W A N ei E D l_column -- 4 p.m. day previous 2 col- GRAPE HYACINT HS ie - dres c e cortier of Standard features, include aes ton wi saad ein Vid or man = Shepherd registered; puppies! 17 -----Female Help Wonted umns er larger -- 10 #.m. day previous e F. RIC Bane tener oo, 7 Simcoe! Westmount. -Tetephone 5943 a al 1 Pe x Coaster os Low, low 'prices. Bili_ Hamilton:|noarding. Ashburn 655-4662 even rs. | . Street North, te 6, Osh ephon chain uard, r a 4] | . CANCELLATIONS AND BIRD FEEDERS [7234191 Ce ee a ae i ee 1 brakes and sive? brazed [OiL PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits,| HORSES FOR BOARD. Reasonable rates ' : %& Hydraulic backhoe 5 | Damme t * ' Phone 623-22 CORRECTIONS WILD BIRD MIX STRONG Samés and fore. Hfigure work, custom picture' framing. )none 62 Physio-Therapist operators M. DAY OF PUBLICATION | i nm iris |Clark Studio, evenings and weekends,| ADORABLE part-Spaniel puppies for sale SUNFLOWER SEED |Pai inting 'and Decorati "28 UP WANTED HAIR From $34.95 Up | 668-4497. 325 Brock. North, Whitby $10 each, Belgian and German Shepherd | C p A i Grad sara BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- S0¢ PAINTING AND Vine way. with, "SAGA SKATE EXCHANGE -- New and used pupae ani adult Boom excellent guard rager operators « : E ' A A-PELO is differs skates, Sold, exchanged. Expert sharpen epee : E eaten ite hee name | STRAW re | DECORATING ; , lifer AWN MOWERS ing. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond East. 725-6344.|GERMAN SHEPHERD dog, black and Raaulced. fot poles physio- % Front end loader nt, It does not dissolve or . ol Vv h on the advertisers as sonn as possible 1 INTERIOR. and EXTERIOR hair from ¢ rf re yale ACCORDION for sale. Fully equipped Songer C - poe 4 sore fi whiteteb-.|--$herapy-Cepartnent---Wiin 7 operators we accept, no 'lability in respect ot Coo er-Smith Co | 'Bpsadioon, Custom Draseris \ from the surtace Viaht: dapendabl d For details and demonstration, telephone 3 12 active medical group of loss or dam aiteged to arise p a | roa , 1S peries snetrates and retards Lignt, dependable and: power- 728-6) 13 or apply 392 Oshawa Blvd, South| POODLE, brown female, charming pet doctors, Remuneration ac- ERIOR: and EXTERIOR through either failure or delay in tor. 16 CELINA $7 FREE ESTIMATES seiuest WANTED HAIR ful. Adjustable cutting height [after Reasonable, Whitby 668-6105, : cording to experience on eith- * Must be experienced! pcb Sy mallee Gr creme _723- ] 139 723-2312 DODD & SOUTER ' Lab, Ltd., Ste. 5, from 1°" to 3', Chrome plot- | TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40 #1. HORSES BOARDED -- Box 'lalla, * er solary or incentive basis. The Times will not be eg aid for 668- 5862 7 nv St., Voncou- ed handle. jstre cture, hot dipped galvanized 1' tower | monthly, Phone 263-2303 replies "uncalled "Yor an 20" da GT? Gt fF $39.95 U [included single allcnennel antenna com-| WOUND BUPS -- eight Weeki old Hom] Scheer Area cranion please C ALL 725 - 274] FOR LUSH GREEN LAWNS PAINTING AND DECORATING. Exterio t Z rom ' p Iplete, installed, tax. included, guaranteed | purebred Bluetick and black and tan,| SHAWA CLINIC REGULATIONS nterior. Paper hanging. Bowmanville one year, $50, See all towers at TRIO|NO" ang gis Bi females: Hontes | (@) etick 2583 ' nm, corner. Bond and Divislor ' The Oshawa Times wil! not be re js | Removal of superfluous heir EA og , iion'| three years on deer, $50. Apply 393 King | 117 King St. East D A.M. to 6 P; Wy sponsible for errors in advertise ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling.) Marie Murduff will be in DOMINION Street East. Call 728-6935 | ; eran f ments submitted otherwise than in os and used materiais. Reasonable Ost Oct: 18tt BABY Pivaakeheh age Gendron, powder |GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, four left,| at 91 | th, 19th, and blue car seat, In good condition, bsg beg : writing not for more than one inser- e Estimates { 723-1191, J, Foley vsnawa Uc ee q achaginthe 4 Pe 9 MOMs | three mal d one female, seven weeks tion A any advertisement nor be | Loid and Delivered . a ALL "PLUMBING AND HEATING sup 20th. Phone Genosha Hotel weal tr whl at es pt purebreds, no pera ee ach 78 | Stenographer HIPPER yond the price charge for « single Cedar Hedges, Patios Laid plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H: Stark| Qn these dates for appoint- [FLOOR COVERING CLEARANCE of dis.| 4920 or Newcastle 987-4992 after 4 | Required for insertion in which error occurs. ond Delivered Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering,; ment |continued patterns, ail slashed in price sr. BERNARD Bupa penlsiared, exes) | LAW OFFICE » CALI 1225 Simcoe Street South ' = 145 K from 27¢ per foot. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Nerter 2 SAS cane Bt ea The Oshawa Times reserves the right LL ELECTROLYSIS 45 King St. W. Church Street, Oshawa din Ge Shorchane and R to classify advertisin accordini to des % -4 " : } ; bos ding rooklin 4 ort-han ' ' ' . MAPLE LEAF Rug-Upholstery Service | 723-4641 Telephone 725-6511 OAK OFFICE DESK, nearly new, 60" | Its proper classification. X'GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, six weeks : i Landscaping and aGrden Service | uipresres nani REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; beds, $12;|34"'. Price $75, Telephone 723-3364 old. Males $15, females $10, Color black! dictating machine A |AUTOS DELIVERED anywhere, Canada,|new smooth top mattresses, $24.95; cribs.|NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers. Re-|and tan. Telephone 728-1086. | transcription essential Experienced for aggressive The Times will not be held respon- 725- 0611 OSHAWA iFlotida; 'California, Bonded drivers dat $10.95; new crib mattresses, $9.95; stoves,|osirs to all makes, New. hoses. Phone ae oe e Reslies hel manufacturer. Coast to coast sible for more space than that vhich | jronto Drive-Away Service, 5385 Yonge)$24.95; televisions, $49.95; space savers,| jack Lees, .728-6956 | 13--Articles for Rent ood wages. Replies held in z the actual error occupies The pub: CLEANERS Street, 225-775 54.95; dressers, chrome sets, radios and ee cles Fo! confidence, Write to and exporting to Europe and in the cases of display advertisements 4 lishers endeavor to reproduce all ad- n ns, new and used, Valley Creek, 16/8UY AND SELL -- Good used furniture! - ----_-- Vertising matter correctly, but assume peat NTEED CEDAR TREES | vould like ride Whilby to Oshawa | gu" a Sirauk wast, ¥ and appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215 BOX 744 Australia. 3 1 n AND BUSHY FOR R r ph ter arr at approximately 8.30 a.m. Tele i Dundas East, Whil! no liability of advertisement if any > ug ] Pr y am e undas Ea Whitby 668-548) | RENTALS | EDGES 4 1: < ms ' f Ww 6 93 afte |VACUUM airs, all akes, hos Repl tating experience, age a Aegan ee rey = hee lida your |r evucting money ie - Pim lprushes, tt, Pickup. Moral 942.0213, |TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower| j OSHAWA TIMES } eply stating experience, ag 1M/ es NTI : rome ol , d \G ALONE? Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, Structure ali-channel antennae installed, | | --} and remuneration expected Any advertisement cancelled betore | POSTS AND POLES | CALL 725-9961 au Ltd Lae fienerd 7008) Bleaering el ill NAB al lea OF ALL KINDS WAITRESSES REQUIRED plication will be charged one day's SMITH'S TREE FAR . q = BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture| : oO soi DON poe 3g S TREE F aM 94 BRUCE STREET RIDE WANTED to Toronto, vicinity* Dan: [FURNITURE = three 'rooms, new qual and appliances, One locatinn only. Pretty ; . Full and part-time. P, ' BOX 444 Newtonville re oebakaaschieee Tray te setts DY experts. Establish: Orn and Victoria Park, arriving 8.30 10) nedroom, living room, kitchen ensembles.|Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-9771. | REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- OSHAWA IT'S BASY TO PLACE A / ed 17 years. Complete range of materiate | frm: Call 725-9335 after 5 p.m Pay only $3. wkly, Unbeatable vaiue!|GENERAL ELECTRIC TV, three weeks| massaging belts, rowing ma- 7 to 4 p.m, -- 4 to 11 p.m, ae : S AWE TIMES ACTION WANT AD ~~~ | Workmanship guaranteed five years Fre ~|Barons' Home Furnisnings, 424 Simcoeloid, Can be seen between 6.30 - 9 p.m chines, bike exercises -- all 11 to 7 a.m. @ | P Call Classified Direct | BLUE estimates,. Credit terms. | Matiresse 3--Sportsman' 's Column | South at 303 Albert St | $6. per month LICENCED 15 Duilt, Furniture refinished. Oshawa Up ~~~ |GIRL'S brown Orion pile coat, size &'FREE! Frunaces cleaned, adjusted tree | IMBER'S TOOLS --~ p Apply MR. CAMPBELL 723-3492 | GRASS SOD helstering Company, 247 Dean Avenve,|DEER HUNTING licences. New and) Reasonable. Telephone 725-3491. Guarantees trouble tree all winter Hyou| CCOMeeR >. TOO! Pips CLASS "A" MECHANIC the saley Cheek. 18 Bond Street West |AIR COMPRESSOR with 2 HP motor,|Purchase from Western Oil Co, 725-1212. | caning rods, pipe vise tri- Genosha Hotel Check th nlity in the field -----1 Valley Creek, 16 B Street West oc ) in Ly i G bie athe Pani Me fiel CHESTERFIBLDS and oid chairs, re-|-° ce at Moin single cylinder, 35 gallon tank, Bowman-/ REFRIGERATOR in good condition, |. - POdS, Pipe wrenches, pipe cut- | RELIABLE person to care for two chil-| Excellent working conditions, INDEX TO All' Green' Nursery Sod [covered like new, Gat the best for less) OBER HUNTERS wanted November @ tojvilie 623'578 }$50. Telephone 723-3385 | ter pipe threading dies, aren, one school-age; 6.30 to 415; five| Full company benefits, Medi: Growers, Townline No a! Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street! Anstainers only. $50 per week. Phone day. week, Oshawa Boulevard - Eulalie " : >| toilet auger : South. Call 728-6451. Fren estimat 668-3226 8" TILT ARBOR bench saw; sump pump,| GENERATOR - 110-220 volt, portable ilet auge : cal, Hospital ond Pension CLASSIFICATIONS VY mile N. of Taunton Village es las new. Telephone 725-398). 2100 watt. 17" portable television, radio.) PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT ---- {rea After 4.30, call 728-9384 hi OSHAWA. 725-967 CHESTERFIELDS reuphoistered and re-/DEER HUNTERS WANTED -- Peter-| Gas rack: Woe lawn: mower. at Tirenaacl bata : BABYSITTER required for three pre. seneme. ecteiwen's Column aA W 674 styled. Free estimate. See our material|borough district, heated cabins, meals if} TWO CONTINENTAL beds, with match-/Ga5 'ec! IF stepladders, ladder 'jacks, | vchociers; afternoons 1 to. 57 Shopping * 2--Persona TREE To. TRIM? Call. Slim, raty Mm "at for recovering. Dalton Upholstering, 75|desirea, Openings first and second week [ing P iacetie et ih arewerss light" ance Movinio vellow& 7 steel scaffolding, compressors, |Centre area; $l0. weekly, Transports APPLY MANAGER = a e n Charles Street, 723-72) all Apsley 656-4381 fo servatiol ) oO ae: L _ ellow chrome set, dining-| ma eE ApS eee Sy vp i yar ov is 061 at wee salts ~ sentra " loeer H re = WANTED, ; ah - nds, Telephone 668-6935 after 5°30. room suite, console table, chairs uphol- SPIaY, BYE bia sai Rehoe ine ie pee Bol assailed GOODYEAR | UNTER W. » with hount er \ off-white textur n xce tarpaulins, blow torches : K : 6--Marine Equipment 1 stered off-white textured vinyl, exc ers, tarpaulin: 4 aves Wea he NURSERY and field sod. Prompt Sales and "Service zed camp for first week of deer|SKI-DOO Snowmobile -- Sales and Serv.|iered in off-whil sble-bed bookcase head sitieniin sebehie |EXPERIENCED waitress required, Ap- 7--Swap and Barter pt de P Algonquin Park area, Telephone) (ce. United Rent-Alis, 352 Wilson Road } propane t he 2 S--Articies for Sa very and free estimates, Telephone, GUARANTEED repairs io all wrir aoe ti One south (at Olive). 728-5565 board; green ha 136 BUILDE EQUIPMENT --~ [ply Rotunda Restaurant, 10 King Street 9--Market Basket |723-9910, evenings 728-0875 rs and ranges. Free estimates | 728-4 - diningroom fixture; girl's $5; i} sedrhotasie F h East, Oshawa, 162 King St. East : __ |Warher: 7 ; ine Mant ers. finishing tro- ~ tem | can thet 10--Farmer's Column MANURE, well relied, $4. per yards too DEER HUNTERS WANTED -- for firs' eoren Raps ete a lial alm rie ou red arepes (lined x "02" ; aw cement mix ¥S, finishing tro |GIRL to live-in and care for one pre li--Pets and Livestoct soil, $2.25 per yard. Delivery charge on| CANVAS 4 second week of hunting $70. per} . Cingihardly used, 723-2151, | we wheel rr , electri€ {school and two schoolage children, priv- Class "A" a Os, ch ns ' fe UB trio ef Wayne|quality. 424 King Street West, Oshawa.|_~ . is firpo recog Pg on }}wo-yard.ordersof top soil, 725-0697 omplete service, Free estir ' area, Call Wayne) 7 919! SCRAP HARDWOOD -- one-foot lengths} vibrator, air compressor, jack [ate room and board, Harmony Road eee te d | Roberts, : : 775 gi f 723-2 efore ; |North area, Telephone 728-2342 14--Business Opportunities ARMSTRONG SOD AND LOAM. Nursery) Jelinek, 728-19 | Se : tai ELECTRIC Tange "Nalional""fourls so or centres 2a before! hammers, hand trowels, water st : MECHAN IC } mployment Wanted Sod, cravel, stone and top soil. Telephone wana site | : burner, automatic $25. Telephone 78 die tiie A chabeh | pumps, portable heaters, steel] RELASLE-womanto_mind. one year_oid \ lé=--Agents Wanted 725-5864 Septic Service | Te "ieee if ~ | THISTLE BABY carriage, spotiess con-} " i, !d--and--light house duties, while mo- i Pers 17--Femaie Help Wanted NURSERY SoD. ve <~ | : dition, brown, all metal, completely) scaffolding, ele ator, works. Monday to Friday 8 a.m, to Apply in Person Help Wanted ow CUTTING, choice! sepric TANKS i Ibov CARRIAGE, $10.; play pen, $2.;|chromied frame, converts to car bed, $25. ra , power ro lectri¢ 5.30 p.m. Whitby 668-2771 evenings or or Female Help Wanteg = | Guality Kentucky Blue. Let-us give you . : heaters y's sport lacket, size @ $5, Telephone Telephone 723-7365 | Saturday 588 King St., East 20--Real Estate for S: . [tree estimate on, your lawns, ovtevards Street f 8 : oe - har uild e ¢ letc. Telephone 6884965 atter 6 p.m by ; GUNS ght, sold, traded, repaired ing ror ; LADY to care for two children (pre- ' 20a--Summer Properti | BRAND NEW WHITE WALL set of four! at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West A schoolage) and light household duties. MEADE 5 SU NOCO Zi=-Farme tor, Selo DANGEROUS TREES "irimmed or Surveyors rR Fire}to ) Champion tubeless| 778 a '| mor Ox Oist, {Good home with remuneration. Telephone - Sa---Lots tor Sele |moved. by reliable party. Allied" Tree ThA 2 SALES § 14, still In wrappings, Best| nit ¥ tric plan {728-1360 COLLECTOR -- part-time man to collect 23--Real Estate Wanted [Service, 725-417 DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, "Ont fer © hundred. dollars. 25.0619, {DOLL HOUSE, child's table and chairs bd bie : small monthly current accounts, 24--Stores, Olfices and Storage | fant Sur mime rink P -- ST. NORTH UYING OR SELLING furniture creas [rocking chair, doll pram, toy plano, al aulir } V [BABYSITTER required, tive days week-| Smal) monthly current accounts, | Bs 25--Houses for Rent instruction Ontario Street, 725-56 | ! ey ds Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 new. Book case, other items. Tele ) le asc |ly. Cedardale area, One school-age Child, | hie, have good car and free work 2--Apariments for Rent bhi tei tah ee | es ne 725-7 : ' one pre-schooler, Telephone 723-5567 | --|H. FLIM AND YROLLOPE, Ontario Land| ae - aor is | anders, di or ; rs levenings and Saturdays. For interview, |Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East, Phone| Clearance Sale WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator, and elec-| VACUUM and floor polisher, 'bath $35.) $ or sanders, c |LADY required to assist mother of smail|write giving telephone number to Post Oshawa | SiavA; Very Bec cond 'tion. Tele.|Phone 728 | ; family with general housework, $60, per|Office Box 86, Postat Station N, Toronto eeu eahnacs winter storage, no in- if we 'a ' Phone 728-4100. \eanaieaRaTan and bed for sale, Ap Id t _ i . ' r iL 'tment. iT 7 % Driving School Smort terest rates, low down pay- /piniNG SUITE, solid wainui, with large |PlY 68 McMillan Drive (back: door) | c welders. jment apartment. Telephone 725-8915. TRAIN for telegrapher. $378 first pay. ' |WOMAN In good health to care for elder- Position secured, Self-teaching books and , mant on oll models tab Baga , f | E 10 years teaching driving et sda Lae OF | ihowe J2a7907 > nd Dulfet, $75. Tele-/SOLID OAK dinette suite, comprised of - 4 iy'man in exchange for room and board|Code machine enable U qualify at home sa-Agherebilo® Repair autometic and standard cars eople : Ne ne au buffet, extensior reautiful respectable home. For infor-' Write, call or "Phone 668-4607," Cassan 35--Lost and Found Profess a Pee ie | Sing the F 5 GAS ORYER, like new, o Nd. reo d chairs, exce mation telephone 723-3078 Sy'te 05 t. Nhitcy, Or a aatiena 728-0091 | of Oshow ee , * ele é E RELIABLE middle-aged lady to care (or, KITCHEN CABINET manufacturer re oo eye | Tinses Clossitied i RANGETTE, nearly new, heavy duly,|BEST QUALITY aluminum. windows.) Sharpening & 1 Satala L td. |1wo children, five-day week, Wilson Act: Jquires cut-off saw man, cabinet assem 3--Noticns " ace: ed only seven months. Telephone 725-jdoors, awnings, r+ " Low, | > > laide area, Telephone 728-9070 after 4/ibiers, and taliers. Call Mr. J. M ANYWHERE = ANYTIME Action Ads Phone 723-9534 9270, prices! call esas. OL 6 PHONE 723-2224 {pint AlAlexs 9atsi7an : sah 25-68 1 jing outfits, |month, plus eer e and furrtished base-/14, Ontario. « amp 'electr