Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Oct 1965, p. 16

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ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: I'm a divorcee with a 17-year-old son I have raised alone. I asked his father to please leave when the boy was seven years old. I was always proud of the job I did as a mother, David is an excellent student, a gifted mu- sician, and popular with both boys and girls. He is self-reliant and never complains because my work takes me away from Homosexuality | Is Not Inherited ter are driving from Oregon to New York next week. They won't have to spend a dime for good or hotels. They're written to friends along the way." Mrs, B.: 'My husband and I are going through the Mayo Clinic next month. The folks who used to live next door moved to Rochester five years ago. We're going. to write and ask if we can stay with them." CHILD GUIDANCE Ts Sign Of Good By GARRY C. MYERS, PHD Most people think of drill as mere repetition. But effect- ive drill is correct repetition. All too much of what a child repeats at school or home is repetition of the wrongs as well as of the rights. The repe- tition fixes in the child's mind the wrengs along with the rights. So we can see the rea- sons why drill is often de- nounced as a waste of time. In spite of what you may have read or heard, effective drill is desirable for learning Correct Repetition Drill 'ing the whoieciays-or-#-sinal- ler group of them in giving the answer to number combinations flashed. Each child tries to answer 'something, right or wrong; rather than to keep si- lent or say "I don't know." He's sure it is desirable to be rapid, right or wrong. When children are paired to 'help each other" learn these combinations form flash cards, one child tests the other and keeps on testing with the hope that the wrongs will disappear and the rights survive. school--nrononuncing and spell. ing each word many times while looking right at it before trying himself out on it. Er ticgeonaioangecaaciipha salad RPG 1 Raia epi Q. What is of first import-1 A. Having achieved well in ance for being shle in the teens! the to choose a vocation wisely? lcially in reading. How wonderful it would be if, while helping your child with a jspelling list, he would freely say, "I don't know" when in doubt, and.go back te see how it is spelled. When I was a school lad, my father, who never read a trea- tise on psychology, had the right idea. When I would ask him "to hear my words" and would stumble over the spelling of just one of them, he would say, "Garry, go back and study them." He tried to keep me from spelling any word wrong. YOU ARE INVITED to the 134th Anniversary CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH (The oldest Protestant Church in Oshawe) Corner King & Centre Streets -- Oshawe GUEST MINISTER-- REV. WARREN G, DICKSON of Shelbourne SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17th-11a.m. to 7 p.m. The Friendly Family Church ot the Centre of the City, OUR VALUE home five or six days at a time. A few days ago I was clean- ing the apartment and 1 did something I. have never done before. I turned David's mat-/are house hunting?" Mrs. C.: "'Our daughter's hus- band is being transferred to Toledo next month. Can they stay with your. sister while they many items--the spelling of| At home parents generally words, the basic number com-|keep testing the child on the binations; even learning by|number combinations in like heart certain essential symbols)manner. This is also done in and mathematics. spelling. At school, the teacher tress--and I wish I hadn't. Un-| Ann, my husband and I have|™ Sence 274 Se paw on ee a der the mattress I -- ni travelled extensively and we| pt ge Seg . oes group of it, e list of wane magazines of nudes, A further! wouldn't dream of calling| 4 ful items, or in setting your-|she writes on the blackboard. search of the room turned UP/friends or relatives to ask for) | i bout 50 additional nudes. What! si ' self to do so, is to make sure! Suppose the words are: onion, . moe Renune. is something the there are no incorrect repeti-|biscuit, busy, angel, women. makes me sick, Ann, is that the) t ith us? ; pictures were of males, not fe-| mare eee READER tions, but only accurate ones./She pronounces onion, has the Have you ever seen in an|children pronounce it, then to} males. i Dear Reader: Somewhere | j ; } I divorced his father because there must be people who just/elementary ¢lassroom_ con-|Spell it while looking at it. errs he was a homosexual. Can the| love to have folks move in with|certed and consistent guidance|she may have the se loo sickness be inherited?--Desper-| them. I don't happen to be one jin memorizing only by correct|away and. try to spell it from ATE of those people but then maybe|repetition? The usual procedure|memory, when he lot a | Dear Desperate: No. the proh- something is wrong with me. is to keep testing the child, spell he rt i ; peg go lem is not hereditary. It is a| Those who go only where theyjorally or by writing, on items ite nove foe ranaat tke bait psychological disturbance and it|are invited invariably enjoyj/he has not yet mastered ae cult Pa srell Hater "eae calls for professional treatment. friendships that longer. curately. Indeed, the majority) and to do all SI RCE Ge ue Ask your family doctor to sug- of the children's time is taken/f ; coe bathnn tee) | ' 7 sellor for the 'boy '..Dear Ann Landers: I am ajup with causing them to repeat)"imes In ait fron e re y bee a eer ane tine *\ 16-year-old girl who is baby-| what they have not yet learned|ing to spell it Tony Memory, i ore y a sitting and starving. I arrived correctly--to repeat incorrectly. ' cing Pe pads this -- be on the job at 8 o'clock, My bo: one the teacher may not know. friend fons at 8:30 to keep ad REPEAT ERRORS It should be done often enough company. In such simple matters as the) <9 that practically no child will versations I've been hearing , 4 addition, subtraction, or multi-\*eneat ire apelling incorrectly. | lately. Here are some samples: We both get three good peas ication number - facts, the Pp s spelling y | Mrs. A.: "Our son and daugh- e day at home but that's Bot hole class may be tested| SPELL CORRECTLY | | ZELLERS RETAILERS TO 'THRIFTY CANADIANS Open Dailv 9:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Thursday and Fridey to 9 P.M. PACKED CAMERA CORNER "leMA" : 8 m.m. MOVIE PROJECTOR me og! f Dear Ann Landers: I am ap- : i a # palled by bits and pieces of con- VICTORIA SANDWICH ape eae ey oi pind Bigg chewie tS: orally on many of these combi-| When you have your child at- NIPPY SPREAD our nails because there isn't ajDations at one sitting or class|tack the spelfing of a similar} thing in this house to eat. Don't) Period. A good number of thelist at home, he will be in haste) This cheese spread combines|you think it is rotten not to children will thus repeat some|to go to the next word before Simple Basic Recipes 7 i D , 7 nic it. f th . This is} letely stering the spell- Make Tempting Desserts then favor of, Cheddar andleave some snacks for the nf AY of these errors, Ts i completely mastering the spel : . : ' i i «a é , . it. Here is the strategic place in Here's a Victoria sandwiched dry ingredients and milk.|spread on crackers. Although) Please print your answer in the worst sort : [ae | which can be served plain with|Beat until smooth and free of "mild" or "medium" Cheddar|the paper. I know this lady, Suppose the teacher is direct-|learning to spell at home or at butter cream frosting or pow-|lumps about 2-3 minutes. Pour) may be used for it, 'old' Ched-|reads your column because|, THE BOSS SAID AGO GO GO dered icing sugar. To finish/into two greased and lined dar will give the best flavor. {once she clipped out a letter SO WE WENT WENT WENT to the With a flair gaily decorate it|8-inch layer cake pans. Bake in 9 cups (% pound) grated about sitters who talk on the HAIR FASHION and COLORING SHOW Creative Coiffures ARTISTIC HAIR STYLES | 725-7221 SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY SALE NOW AT YOUNG AGES... You con see the prettiest and most practical fashions for boys and girls . Infants to size 14, lU : c fa OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ge You get quality all the way with Lander-Stark. Top quality Fuel Oil, Top quality, completely re- liable AUTOMATIC deliveries from clean, modern trucks. And once you're « Lender-Stark customer you never need to keep phoning for oil; your tank ls kept filled automatically, Added benefits for you ore: Free Emergency Service by Lander-Stark"s own technicions; Free annual Tune-up ond Cleon- cut: Budget Plan! and money-soving Replacement Parts Plan. Phone today and place YOUR order for your winter fuel oil supply. WOODLAND PRODUCTS NEWCASTLE FIRE SALE <-- AT -- KING ST. FACTORY, NEWCASTLE SAT., OCT. 16 Everything Must Go! TELEPHONE BENCHES, COFFEE TABLES, STEP TABLES, DESKS, BOOKCASES, ROOM DIVIDERS, RECORD CABINETS AND BUFFETS. with tinted icings, chopped nuts, 350 degree F. oven 25-30 min- Canadian Cheddar cheese | phone a lot and she left it where chocolate sections or candied utes. Cool on rack. Frost as, (1-ounce) package soft rel-|! would see it--Hungry H. fruits. desired. | ish cream cheese ear H.: Most women 'leave | Butter Cream Frosting 7 ftea|® soft drink or some fruit for VICTORIA SANDWICH (2 cups icing sugar tablespoons chopped stuffe jthe sitter. This is a nice prac- 4 fips se flour | % cup butter or margarine | olives a | tice but the woman doesn't owe "8 cup Cocoa 2 tbsp. milk or cream }1 tablespoon sherry you refreshments. 2, tsp. baking powder | _ Few drops flavoring % cup Worcestershire sauce You are hired to sit, Kiddo, at the Royal York on Monday October 4. % tsp. salt Cream 14 cup icing sugar ly cup crushed rice cereal, not eat. If you must have nour-| We like BRAGGING because we % eup shortening with .butter; add remaining toasted (optional) ishment at frequent intervals, % cup sugar icing sugar and mix until oa oheddke oh q|bring something from home--| BROUGHT Back and DO the 1966 trend cd - blended. Add milk and mix until -- seagoing' paren heat | especially since you seem to be : : % tsp. ag soft and meee ee in pall soe ae ad tlanded Add | entertaining guests on the job. in STYLE and COLOR. Have your hair %4 cup m To one half add a few drops) smooth al 4 % af aici ift dry ingredients together of almond flavoring; use as fill- ee be STYLED STYLED and COLORED into.separate bowl. In mixing|ing between layers. To remain-| ' i aes. bow! ptace shortening and|der add Y% tsp. vanilla; rig ae Bye hg em pfeil IN NEED of a COLORED. The ONLY ONLY gugar. Beat until smooth. Add|frosting for top of cake. If de- - OF, ' » CH SUE ; egg and vanilla; beat untill aleed, tint with vegetable food daggers? peor pnd i HOMEMAKER? Salon to Call is smooth and fluffy. Add all sift-icoloring. [rice cereal. Serve at room tem} e . : age ture. September: Regarding finances: |PeT? Ute: _ lhe Salo THE STARS SAY Look for good breaks between| Col... Hw late December and mid-Febru- By ESTRELLITA ary; also in late April, June, | RED CROSS 27 Celina Street 728-0662 FOR TOMORRO W | August and September. It will) Saturday should be an ex-|be important, however, to avoid | Homemoker Service dremely pleasant day. Espe- extravagance or risky specula-| 73 Kine Se. E A tion -- especially in November|] 73 King St. E. at 723-7073 cially favored are: romance,/and early December. travel, outdoor activities, social! Those who have marriage in interests and personal relation-' mind will find late December ships generally. There's alsO propitious; also April, May or indication of sme good news or/ August. If you avoid a tendency an unexpected visitor from/to be dictatorial in close circles afar. in early March, and-or early June, you should find both do- FOR THE BIRTHDAY tic and social interests If tomorrow is your birthday, M&S : ' your horoscope indicates that, | highly enjoyable during the year! Automatic spooling as of now, many pressures of * A child heck en this day wil : and business Iife should be| be, versatile and highly prin Single frame projection pve suites ipled, but may allow unpleas- | . . lifting, and that you may feel|©'P!e® , p more encouraged than you have Ben experiences to embitter | Continuous variable speed (12 i some time to éxpand your | to 24 fps) interests. This you can do, if : , " . ' Gi Opatate conservatively. The HOUSEHOLD HINT Single action operation with Priced at.. palance of this month will be) Wring out a small towel In : L soon excellent for career projects,|cold water, fold it and freeze it 72 5 piano Keys with further boosts promised injto make an ice-cold emergency | 8 January June, August andicold compress. : : and 1] push button ® Scenes -- ) : Forward and reverse projection | | for the best F/1.5 15-25 mm Zoom lens | : REG. PRICE Plastic case and Aluminum L 400 feet film capacity deli i : elivery service NO DOWN PAYMENT - 1.25 WEEKLY! in town KODACHROME I! SLIDE FILM, ASA 25, colour film for 35mm cam- eras. 20 exposures. (Price includes processing by Kodak.) Reg. 3.97 10.51 KODACHROME X SLIDE FILM, ASA 64, colour film for Instamatic cameras. 20 exposures on 126 film. Reg. 3.97 ! (Price includes processing by Kodak.) AS 3.57 STURDY SLIDE TRAY, Zeller's "Universal 40", holds 40 2" x 2" slides, fits most projectors, perfect for storage with clear plastic cover. ¢ Reg. 47e each. Qioll GUARANTEED FLASH BULBS, miniatures to fit Instamatie and most guns, size AG-1, blue or clear. Made by Canadian General Electric. Sleeve of 12. Reg. 1.49!..... a noes doz. fe KODACHROME II SUPER 8mm MOVIE FILM, colour film for cartridge load- ing,50', ASA 25, Reg. 4.97! Price includes processing by Kodak EKTACHROME II 8mm MOVIE FILM, colour film in 25' double sided 2 97 roll,, ASA 25. Daylight or Type A. Reg. 3.29! 2 ""VIEWMASTER" STEREO VIEWER----A must to enjoy "Viewmaster" 1 97 slides in breathtaking 3-D. Sturdy plastic construction. Reg. 2.49! Ue "VIEWMASTER" SLIDES in packets of THREE REELS. Choose. from over 150 subjects in full colour: cartoons, travelogues, etc. Reg. 1.50! 1 271 s OSHAWA DOWNTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE Simcoe Street South 723-2209 723-2294 ee. 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA ° 725-3581 FOXY FUR SOPHISTICATE From our newest coat collection, an elegantly fur- framed tweed. Beautifully tailored in superbly mute- ly tweed blends of red, blue, green... .Sizes 6-18. S130) Available at all stores in Ontario These items were removed from the fire and are undamaged. Only the outside cartons are water marked. | __ FASHIONS SINCE 1867 ------------ NO SMOKING ON PREMISES PLEASE ! aa

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