Millbrook firefighters dis- play their antique equip- ment in Ajax during the recent Thanksgiving Day parade and games held by Ontario firefighters. Several hundred firefighters turned out for the colorful event FIREFIGHTERS DISPLAY EQUIPMENT held at the Ajax High School. It was rained out during their Civic holiday convention, in August. $350,000 In Contracts THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, October 14, 1965 § Square Dance The first square dance spon-jenhanced further by the leader sored by the Brookiin Squares and direction of William Contracts totalling more than $350,000 have been awarded for erection of temporary buildings| ra ana installation sf essential ser. vices at Ontario Hydro's Pick- ering nuclear power station. A contract valued at about $90,000, including taxes, went to Leaside Contracting Co., To- ronto, to provide sewer and water mains. Hydro will also paring connections and later will par full commercial water OF the 8,200 feet of sewer line, about 3,000 feet will ve ciosed off when construction of the $266 million station is complet- ed, Also temporary is some 3,400 feet of water main out of a total 4,200 feet. Cooling water, used during op- eration of the plant to condense reimburse the township for pre- steam, will come from the lake Industrialists, businessmen and bankers will see parts of Pickering Township's past, pres- ent and future Thursday, Oct. 21, as guests of the township In- dustrial Committee, Committee chairman P, Pem- All Saints Unit Attends Meeting The Afternoon branch of All Saints Parish Guild held its October meeting Tuesday at the \parish hall. | | The main item of business} was finalizing plans for the) bazaar, tea and bake sale of Nov. 17. The bazaar will be held in the parish hall and will lopen at 2.30 p.m. Conveners are as follows: Apron booth, Mrs. Edith Watts and Miss Edith Barnes; Christmas: stock- ling, Mrs. Milton Halpenny and Mrs, Muriel Carroll; candy booth, Mrs. L. C. Dewsbury and Mrs. Donna Martin; home- baking table, Mrs. E. L. Hul- bert and Mrs. Ronald Carter; children's table, Miss Louise McIntosh and Mrs. T. E. Hen- stock; miscellaneous booth, Mrs. George Eastwood and Mrs. R. E. Smith; bake sale, Mrs. L. R. Greene. | In charge of the kitchen, Mrs. | F. S. McGary; tea tables, Mrs. Earl Dilling and Miss Alma Rowe; decorations, Mrs. Arthur} Carrol] and Mrs. R. B. Smith. Mrs. Charles Daly, president, asked members to bring arti-| lcles for the Christmas stocking to the November meeting, wrap-} ped and tagged and also books | Auxiliary Of Legion Ladies At Regular Business Meet Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliany Branch 112 held its business meeting in the Legion Hall Oct. 12. President Mrs. Phyllis Norris was in the chair. The bazaar which will be held Oct. 19 was discussed and all ed A new member was welcom: into the Auxiliary, Donna White - Weir. It was an- Mrs. nounced that a Euchre will be held in the Legion Hall Oct. 18, and that the next meeting wil be in the form of a social. The meeting closed in the us- jual manner with the singing of Lunch convener and her committee served refreshments. the "Queen". Mrs. Alice MacCarl for the book sale. Mrs. Stanley Armstrong gave! an article on "Tips of Good) || Bazaar Planning." The meet-| was served by hostesses for the| day, Mrs. Ronald Carter and Mrs. George Eastwood. The next meeting will be held| Nov. 9 at 2.30 p.m. in the parish| hall. Beceteeases: ladies are reminded again to} | bring in all goods for the ba- zaar before Oct. ting the bake table and tea tables. Auxiliary Président Mrs. Nor-| ; ris will officially open the ba- zaar. John Maclvor, president of the men's branch informed the auxiliary that there will be an Old English "Pub-Night" Nov. 19, all are weloome, so come on everybody and make this night one to remember. Mrs. Dorothy Ormiston gave her report on the hospital dance which was held in the Legion Hal] Oct. 2. This netted $200 for the hospital drive. Mrs. Ormis- ton was thanked by the ladies for the good work done. Sick convener Mrs. Jean King gave her report: Mrs. Florrie Adam and Mrs. Lila Wilde are getting along well, a speedy re- covery was also wished to all the sick members Plan Seminar On Home Care WHITBY (Staff) -- The Ajax- Pickering - Whitby Association for Retarded Children will at- tend a Home Care Seminar for the Mentally Retarded, to be held at Peterborough, 'on Oct. 16. Hosting the event, to be held at the Trafalgar school, on Mon- aghan rd., is Region 9 of the Provincial organization. Three main speakers will be| featured during the evening. They include: Mrs. Anne Staf- ford, Home Care Consultant; Mrs. Hazel Baker, Ontario Home Care Chairman: -Mrs Jeannie Hall, demonstrating teaching methods. The latter is a public health nurse now teach- ing at McMaster University. The program has been de-| signed to be of interest to par-| ents, teachers, public health! nurses and all others who may) / be working with or for retard- ed children. Registration for the special 18, not forget- : event will begin at 8.30 a.m., the program commencing at 9.30 a.m. and terminating at 4.30 p.m. Anyone interested is urged to) contact Mrs. P. Ajax, 942-4728. JUST ARRIVED ! New Fall Tailored _ TO MEASURE SAMPLES | @ House of Hobberlin @ Tip Top Tailors --t USS EEVE MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock St. S., Whitby PHONE 668-2091 H Robertson at| &" "Reg. T.M. Beauty without bother... LUCITE' WALL PAINT Lucite' doesn't drip like ordinary wall paint TP se eee Industrial Commission Plans Tour Of Township berton Pigott said the tour will start with a look at work in progress on Ontario Hydro's $266 million Pickering nuclear power station. Then the esti- mated 120 guests will visit vari- ous industrial sites and the his- toric hamlet of Whitevale, The group will see artifacts of Pickering's 153-year history at the township's outdoor-and- indoor museum before a recep- Let For Nuclear Unit through facilities built and main- tained by Hydro and unconnect- ed with municipal systems. John Wheelwright,- Ltd., of Wesion, are ereciing four of tie temporary buildings -- a ware- house, project main office, gar- age and machine shop. McKay- Cocker Construction Ltd., of London, will provide such in- terior finishing as plumbing, lighting, heating and partitions Meet Held WHITBY (Staff) -- Modern square dancing got off on the 'right foot' at Henry street high school recently when the Brook- lin Squares held their first meet- ing of the season. Special feature of Docag even- ing Was tie app cs of Or- phie Easson of St. Cathiariaes, who provided the 'calling off' part of the program. Easson was the emcee for square danc- ing at the official opening of the new Toronto city hall. for the main office. Eight or 10 more temporary buildings are to be erected by Hydro from stocks of prefabri- cated metal sections taken from storage and from recently-com- pleted projects. Work force on the 500-acre site has reached about 85 men. The number of workers tends to in- crease in a steady upward curve, Hydro officials say, and the peak work force of 1,200 at Pickering should be reached late in 1968. Pile-driving for the first of the plant's twin 540,000 - kilowatt units is expected to start early in December. Pickering Generating Station, scheduled for initial service in 1970, is being built by Hydro tion at Old Post Manor, home of K. H. J. Clarke. Mr. Clarke,| an International Nickel Co, ex-| L ecutive, is vice-chairman of the} |committee. G. P. Branch, regional velopment co-ordinator of ol Department of Economics and| Development, is to be guest; speaker at dinner in the Annan- dale Golf and Country Club,| Church st, Guests have been asked to assemble at the Annandale club at 2.30 p.m. next Thursday. SCHOLARS TRIUMPHED The first woman mayor in the Commonwealth was Mrs. Gar-| rett Anderson, elected mayor of | Aldsburgh, England, in 1908. | } A $6.00 Family Allowance | Grows To $414.48 In 5 Years When it is Deposited in « Monthly Payment Guaranteed Investment, WHITBY with nuclear portions designed by Atomic Energy of Canada Lid, 'Whitby Duplicate Bridge Results North and South: Mr. and Mrs. H. Winter, 108, Mr. Coles and Mr. W. McCuaig, | 107%, Mrs, P. Chubb and Mrs. D. Maundrell, 102, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hutchison, 93. East and) West: Mrs. I. Bovay and Miss | _.__|G, Bovay, 107, Mrs. H. Welsh) and Mrs. C. and Mrs. Stiner, 10244, Mr. D. Desrosiers, 99%,| Mr. and Mrs. W. Goodwin, 96. - | ship was adiudged a huge success,| (Bill) Robinson, of oshawa. ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Whitby Chapter No. 248 Annual TEA and BAZAAK In Masonic Hall (Cochrane St.) SAT., OCT. 16th - 2:30-5:30 @ EVERYONE WELCOME e St. Mark's UC Sceptre no rae Unit 10 Meets St. Mark's United Church Women, Unit No. 10, held its October meeting at the home of Mrs. Harold Bonnetta, Mary st. Leader, Mrs. James Anstey, chaired the meeting. Mrs. Wil- liam Bentley and Mrs. Ross Harris were in charge of the worship service the theme was "Sarah" During the business meeting plans were made for the annual 'Anniversary Dinner to be held Nov. 9 at the United Church Assembly Hall, first setting at 4.45 and second at 6.30 p.m. The program was in charge of | TOWN OF WHITBY VOTING DAY MONDAY, DEC. 6th, 1965 Mrs. Roland Daniel and Mrs. Ed McKim the subject 'Brazil'. | At the the close of the meet-| jing refreshments were served by | Mrs. Ernie Paul Irwin. There will be no meeting in| Stafford and Mrs. | E.|with the anniversary dinner. November as the date coincides} WHITBY | DRIVING SCHOOL New dual controlled cars. « Personal courteous service, Fuly licensed ond insured, Dial 668-6176 J. A, OSTERHOUT, Owner BROCK WHITBY One Complete Program Each Evening Starting At 7 P.M. Is Your Name On The Voters' List ? The Voters' List for the yeor 1965 may be examined et the Municipal Offices, oll Public and Separate School Buildings ond all Post Offices. INFORMATION MAY ALSO BE OBTAINED BY TELE- PHONING 668-5803 during office hours, 9 to 5B o'clock, Mondays to Fridays. QUALIFICATIONS FOR VOTING cre as follows: 21 yeers of age, A British subject. An owner or tenant, or wife or husbend of en owner or tenant. NOTE --- Roomers end Boarders ere not entitled te @ Municipal Vote, Only those who eceupy « domestic establish- ment of two or more rooms, in which they sleep, prepare ond serve meals, end quality es ebove are entitled to vote, FINAL DATE FOR APPEAL -- October 28th, 1965, JOHN R. FROST, 4035 Dundes St. West, Whitby Clerk, Town of Whitby aad aaa A Film by RICHARD BROOKS A Columbia Picture Filmed in SUPER PANAVISION 70° TECHNICOLOR® "Peter O'Toole] i is fascinating!" -N.Y.Herald Tribunw No messy tinse clean doesn't drip, run or spatter...covers all sur- faces quickly, smoothly, evenly. LUCITE® is. thick, rich, so the job-goes faster. No messy clean-up. Surfaces dry in half an hour to a smooth, washable finish. Tools without streaks or lap marks. LUCITE® for beauty without bother on walls and ceilings. For woodwork, kitchens and bathrooms, use DULUX° Satin-Sheen Enam- el. Both in 22 matching colors and white. stirring or mixing. LUCITE® BROCK ST. . PENTECOSTAL CHURCH REV, M. CASE, J. KING, Assist. " FRIDAY EVENING OCT, 15th, 1965 "Viscounts- Trie"' Of Herrisburg, Pennsylvania 1 NIGHT ONLY FREE ADMISSION Red Wing Orchards ROADSIDE MARKET MelIntosh Apples POTATOES For Winter Use 2% Miles West of Whitby on Highway No. 2 -- At the "BIG RED APPLES" Open Thurs. & Fri. -- 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sat. & Sun. -- 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. TOWN OF WHITBY CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTER'S LIST VOTERS' LIST 1965, TOWN OF WHITBY, COUNTY OF ONTARIO Notice is hereby given that | have complied with Section 9 of The Voters' List Act, 1960, and that | have posted up at my office at the Municipal Building on the 14th day of October, 1965, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the Municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And | hereby call upon all voters to take Im- mediate proceedings to have any omissions or er- rors corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 28th day of October, 1965. Dated this 14th day of October, 1965. JOHN R, FROST, Clerk, Town of Whitby with soap and water. Touch up DuPont... the name you can trust in paints. OSHAWA Canadian Tire 115 Simeoe St. S. AJAX Corrigan's Pt. & Wipr, 148 Harwood Ave. $. Patte's Paint & Wallpaper Canadian Tire Store 85 Simcoe John Swan Hardware Oshowe Shopping Centre St N Station Ploza. (Ajax) NN CANADA WHITBY Dodd & Souter Decor Centre Limited 107 Byron St. 5S. Canadion Tire 311 Brock St. N. Whitby GALLON GP PAINT SALE _ FRESH - INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WHITE AND HUNDREDS OF COLORS NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR SPECIAL MIXING 99 ONE LOW PRICE 1.90 QUART, DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 BYRON ST. $. WHITBY -- PHONE 668-5862 FREE DELIVERY