Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Oct 1965, p. 31

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sro Re ERED RHI a = ee : eee THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wet tony toa, NEY eves ucer, ; : Thursday, October 14, 1965 THEY'RE \/||i BETTER THAN BRIDGE GROWING > HAVING THEM! Buz! 1 THINK By 8. JAY BECKER UP! GROow , THEARA (Top record-holder in Masters' individual Ciampionship Play) North dealer, Neither side vulnerable, ROBERT BORDEN'S AND JAN LEAVING LONDON, BORDEN He FORMS A. WARTIME NO CANADA FACES CHRIBTIAAN SMUTS' SURPRISE ,| | VISITS THE TRENCHES: OF | COALITION GOVERNMENT {TS WORST BRITAIN GRANTS THE DOMINIONS FRANCE,AND COMES TOA} WITH 80) LIBERALS CRISIS SINCE COMPLETE AUT' 'Y OVER DECISION eee . s 1S CONFEDERATION « FOREIGN POLICY £ AND GENe SMUTS COINS A NEW NAME FOR OUR, MEN NEEO THE BMPIRG Y RENE CereMaNTs 2 zx THE BRITISH CONSCRIPTION « WEALTH he OF NATIONS JF 'The bidding: North East South, West 1@ Pass 2 Pasa 2@ Pass 2 Pass 46 LI'L ABNER Opening tead -- four of hearts, This deal occurred in a match between England and France, / sh Ale Bl . & Z ex VR Set: ee ae SOMETHIN, '2 P TAKE ORDERS PROM " aS A ! rt Speen: <a J j hE. : At the fit, table, Swinson. ANY TIME-- a cy 7 j y y Je ie \ jy A Dyer was South for Englan PROP BY . K wily A y ; Pisa : Wy 9) j / : J h and arrived at four spades on A HORSE. ~~ A ' A the bidding shown. | West led a heart and South |was faced with the problem of |avoiding a heart loser, since he |was certain to lose at least \three trump tricks. After ta ithe ace of hearts, declarer | three rounds of clubs, plannin, to discard dummy's : deuce 0 hearts if West followed to the | third round of clubs. But West had only a double- ton club and ruffed the third one ' eas 3 ; gt . with the seven of spades. De- : oe . 4 * E i j clarer overruffed with the eight, AFTER ALL, NOBOPY ULB hile Phil alerts a , ' BOARD TLL HAVE a ' fe trumped a low diamond, and led 5S YOU TO vO a po digh enna d Kos ie DKS TIME TOFieuRE 4 ' the jack of clubs, still planning STUPID S place OUsING CATrUING WX AR > OUT HOW TO CON : j |to discard the heart from dum- THINGS! pace ea Wt, Oso WAY THIS PUNK OUT ; { , my if West did not ruff ! Speeds Rick and OF THE WHOLEF i en Sherrl toward the Sy) wor BANK HAUL/ se ee , - At this point the defense was YAChE basin ne : a é r : helpless. West actually ruffed ; if ei \ with the ace of spades, hoping that East would be able to make three trump tricks by himself, but this did not materialize. Declarer discarded the heart from dummy and later lost two trump tricks to the K-Q but he managed to make four spades. It would not have helped -_ | West to discard on the jack of 23) q Wy King Pestares Fyne clubs. Declarer would have dis- iw) THE LONE RANGER LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY Tescares Spetnate, ines 190, World rakes peerved. "SECRET AGENT X9 WELL, I PLUSH CHALK AROUND A BLAC! in carded the heart from dummy etn | ARM WRESTLE WITH YOU? SO MUCH MY ARMS have ruffed with CHILDS PLAY! I WRITE $0 LIKE STEEL! . ig rend would hay nccaehi oe Le 'ON? ' | When East then made the eae Se : . best return of a heart, dummy : would ruff and lead a trump. 'The queen and ace would come clattering down together, and South would later lose a trick to the king of spades to make exactly four. You would think that with this unusual way of drawing trumps. the English team was liekly to gain on the deal, es- pecially since the best possible contract had been found during the bidding. However, Desrousseaux, play- ew et (uct| TELEVISION LOG | peirtepssesitas Channet gofuttene 9:90 Pa. 9--Abracadabra outcome was that the hand was 9 : Channel %--Let's Sing Out +-2--Jeoperd DOWN AAG Channel va--Mone Mecluskey Musical" Interlude a complete washout. Slo Channe! Jt~--Peyton Plece 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 1. Tuber or Channel 7--Buffalo soctelerane yam ' SIO Channel 8--Rochester | 12:00. BOON OSHAWA vy) | 1e:00 PL | %~Toronto Today 2. Early Bern Channel VcHeritton -- |i--The Mery Griffin Show | &2--Call My Bluft Greek Channel 1i--Hamitton--/5..2Dean Martin Show | 7--Money | Movie 8. Isthm Trumsoay eve. | 2okemhretaaurmer | Echunctoon, Bae BOWLING NEWS Age seh ea 6A Men Called jews and Weather Shenandoah 4. Come after Yesterday's Answer | M--Pamily Theatre 3--Man From UNCLE | 8-Popeye end Pets FAMILY DOUBLES 5, Hoover, 26. Seaport in 9--Five O'clock Movie 10:30 P.M, 12:18 P.M, Standing -- Kaymar 16, Putters 14, Garrison Morocco 31. Scrubs &--Sypermen The Serial 4--#peaker of the Movee [Hebjiols 14, Moonlighters 12, Hi-Lows 10, d Gorki 6--This Land 11100 Pome. 12:90 PM, Hasbins 10, Frultcakes 10, BI % an rn 32, Mosquito 3--fAtom Ant N--News Bluffers 8, Norris' 8 Clippers 8, 6. Danish 35. Fresh oye Thexten N00-7-4-43-9---News, 9--| Love Lucy Thirteen 8, Hideaway 7 end X-Rays 6. money . 37. Quaker on" om Sports o3--I'll Bet Over 600 i ae. Lelie at Aly i 7.K Leave it Te Beever 1118 Pm &4--Search For Tomorrow |307)) Lorraine +n Cape 40. Opposite é--Music Hop $--Metre Pinel --Neonday Repert S 8. Accompany 30. of taboo O--Maverick éViewpoint 1a) (254, 255)) Glen tig 69 9. Takes out yf 42, Reverence oe PA y N--Recing Forum 7-2--News . 64--Guiding Light i rt nT nh 6--McHales Navy 1:00 P.M. Bryant 637 (248, 223); F / Sports with 11--Theatre (265); Doug, Smith 632 %--James Beard Show Tonkin 630 (206, 264); Norma Ni 7--Ben Casey (259, 234): Joan Bryden 6 é6--Luncheon Date Jim Morrish 620 (237)) Da 4--Meet The Millers g i Jim bd agg (228, 212) and t 3---Movie en. Bryan' ' Meee trepre me 8 "+ +127 Mke Douglas Show | Over 200 -- Art Taylor 290, Al. Hard nae = * Tite Pomc sand.(253..203), Harold Sreomer 245, Roly @--Huntley-Brinkley 9--Sergeant Bilko [Arne fll ay oe pe Lea News &4-As The World Turns iFayie 29, Peggy Branton 227,. Clare 7--Maverick 2:00 Pm. |Hardsand 225, Ab. Burr 223, ene é--Across Canede | 9--Kids Is People |Campbell 215, Marg. €urrell 213, H 1:00 PLM, Schnitzel House | 7--Nurses Hutcheson 211, Carman Barkl f rs Candid Camera &Coptain Kengaree © | £-4--Password Anne Sern aay, harry ba fy vk Ly 7, \ 9--The Munsters | Profile 'era Burr jean . ltr, p> Ss . "A.0-14 i ¢ Vy) VA Y @--Littlest. Hobe 9:00 A.M. 2--Moment of Truth Waga 201 and Stu, Campbell 200. | Ceti ben IS TSS Aas Za é--News, Weather N--=Topper 2:15 PM NOTE -- To Family Doubles "press SESS SESS Sports 9--Playtime With Uncle 9--Dear Charlotte |reporter." Please do not list i) 4--Forest Rangers Bobby | scores" and your "200 seores" in eolumn GET SMART WITH : ye Svein. Alves ae ane Deters | 21:90 P.M. | style. Run the Ce Mle ad the other, . 2--Huntley-Brinkie ' 9--People in Conflict jas In @ paragraph. jank you, GRANDMA,WILL YA P noose if 4--Mike's Carnival ¢4--The Doctors --Sports Editor, pip --Mickey Movee Clive 7~A Time For Us jJamboree 9:98 AM, é--Zane Grey Theatre ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE Schollvwood Pal N--Ed Allen 4--Linkletter's Party LEAGUE --Hol yw alace 9--_Meta "Movie 600 Games -- Dan Charuk 623 (263) #2--Daniet Boone Cone Naas Lab | Sam Stainton 613 (232, 211) and Jack id Dodie Gillis 3:00 P.M. Strank 609 (230, 218). 6--Hogan's Heroes 1l---Donna Reed 200 Games -- Ross Sutherland (273, 4--The Munsters 10:00 A.M, | 9--Fractured Phrases 217); Cy Usher 230, 204; John Jukes (230, 3--The Adams Family | 11--Nurses 2--Another World 230); Yvonne Watson 249; Shella Jukes oe. #2--Truth or | 7--General Hospital |231; Hugh McMahon 228; Ruth Parrott 44, Pitchers HI--OHA Jr. A. Hockey | Consequences $43--To Tell The Truth |22%; Lorne Curry\ 217; Bob Watson 222, 2 9--Hollywood Palace ase Love Lucy ey Suzie ae 216, Pde) McGee 212, 7--Donne Reed shew 10:98 A.M. Wayne Thertell 213, Flo Strank 210, Bill Saint ia [nearer tots Sorat 'stn "Vowr' move, | Sewer Zand Wan Garret 3 yas 'et a i - 3 Gilligan's land 7--Donna Reed | Sey 10, Joules 8, Smo-Ho's 9, Busbars 8, Neon : 4-T | YOUR HEALTH : : Salis ver Wale ting ; OE, PONE Sa EAE -2--Laredo 11:00 A.M. } GM NICKEL PLATE LEAGUE DONALD DUCK JANE ARDEN MICKEY MOUSE B tig esws Seen OT RS cd 7--Okay Crackerby 1}---Bonnie Prudden 2--Kartoon Karnival The Bi | 9 Triples for the week were 6, 4--My Three Sons | 9--Mr. And Mrs, 4:00 Poe. Jessome's 803 and Pigeau's 763. 6. Qe . . ae ae = T TTTT = S ll d e oe 9:00 PLA, +-3--Concentration 9--MIck some also had the high single with 337 HAs B57) \\b YOU GAVE ME A'SHOCK, | weilin aused . i 9--Branded [ 7=The Young. Set othe match Game |and_P. Traynor "with. 202, 5 \ ~~ Yo JUNIOR! I DIDNT KNOW WAS SOME New | . : ee ag Ms | Sahay oe Mave 7--Rocketship 7 600 League -- M. Coburn 682, P. Tray. \ NS 96: IT WAS You. 6ONG-STYLIST! \| i 63--1 Dream of Jeannie ndy of Mayberry 143 Moment of Truth nor 658, E. Behm 639, J. Ruiter 618, G. \ ne t AG ia ; y alr issue : 4--Movie | 190 AM. | 4--Secret storm Mathieu 617, J. Catton 615, J. Jackson = ™ O > ane aa ; 2--Quarter Back Club |11--Albert J. Steed 3--Recky And Hie Priends | 610 and 1. Raby 606. 4] iH vb, M nif Vif, ae | Petends | 200 League -- H. Rolls 214, 200, C, Locks By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD ye - 83 hart 269, L. (Strong Arm) Marshall 251, - : see another doctor, but I feel Iybetes in-both families make the|Qwens s6, Porsdine One te Buen ae Dear Dr. Molner: Six years;doctor and point out to himjcan take my own doctor's word|tad a-prime target for the|). Campbell 209,.M. Car! 208, Pitches ago I had surgery for breast/your difficulty in keeping thejfor it. I would appreciate your] disease. get) Naat %, @. Kulp meer and na eee sed sont a --,, ; gees J. S. 'a fos He should also have a sugai|"$, 'Sancihne 2 Piste 13, Shi health since then. For the las ear Dr. Molner: I want to have no reason to doubtitolerance test (a series ts, Races hice hae 18 months, however, I have been'thank you so. much for anjyour doctor's diagnosis, either, cn ene Fev ge tag hese slnern a Raceere he Meee ean reg Vo . myjarticle about five years ago. but ve the -- of are behaves over a period of sian arm, e doctors says that ele-/My son, then nine, had Legg-|specialist will make your family|two or three ich will e yating the arm &s the answer,|Parthes disease. After two years|feel better, tell your doctor that Petal a cick ot ee SALLY 5 SALLIES but with a job and a family tojof wearing a brace on one leg,jyou (or they!) want a secondjidea of his conditin and pros- care for, there is little time for'he is now okay and takinglopinion.. facts, Uses that except 'when I am asleep|sports in school--track, wrest-| A conscientious doctor doesn't! + and that is difficult. I am notjling and baseball. Your article/resent calling in a consultant,| Then a program. of weight HOW MUCH T LOVE YOU,| | BOTH OF US, MY DARLING, a complaining but have you anyjwas so helpful to me in going|/He welcomes it. Sometimes an-\reduction should be started. | PAM. BUT I'M CERTAIN AND BESIDES LOVE, I HAVE suggestions? -- Mrs. W. W... ..|through those years.--Mrs. M.lother specialist. may detect OTHER WE'D BOTH BE \ HOW MUCH YOU LOVE [ies MOUNTAINS OF = ier Usually such swelling occurs|P. something else that may help. Dear Dr. Molner: In the last 'MUGGS AND SKEETER | | i Kidg Feared Syedicate. tne. 196. Work rights remeved. I... IMNOT TOO SURE | [T HAVE ENOUGH LOVEFOR WILLING TO SACRIFICE ME. WANT TO IT. SO...WHEN DO WE > a sooner, if at all. Scar tissue and) our letter will encourage] Dear Dr. Molner: I have a\Couple of years I have devel: LEAVE FOR KALAWAD! 244 interference with the flow ofj|parents of other youngsters withlseyen year old, At birth he|Ped a drooping eyelid. It is not lymph in the armpit causes the|this bone condition. It takes|weighed 11 pounds 11 ounces,| hereditary." What causes this? trouble. jtime, but if weight and strainland now he is 4 feet 10 and|Can an operation correct it? I Yes, elevation of the armjare kept off the affected re-lweighs 150. He had a thyroid|@m in my late 20's and it is important, but good re-|gion, new bone grows and thejtest taken recently which was|!S Tulning my = appearance,-- sults also come from physio-\child recovers, normal, but since there is dia-|G- M. L. ; therapy (baths, massage, etc.)} Dear Dr. Molner: I had a suc-jbetes on both sides of the fam-| I think I'd better sidestep [ JULIET JONES and use of a long elastic sleeve.|cessful operation for detachedlily I am concerned about hiS|this because there ar frerent If there is a_ rehabilitation|retina, but later. I developedjexcessive weight. Can you help Baye centre nearby, 'it - would be} 'eterioration of the -retina. Myjme?--Mrs.. A. K: ' a : : , : 10 he a. M3 / He says these are out of worthwhile for you to seek/doctor tells me there is no}. You are wise in keeping tab He wants a satiate ace treatment there. If not, discuss|treatment for this. His birth weight, his weight/neurologist). Treatment might missile." the other suggestions with yourl My family would like me to now, and the presence of dia-'or might not involve surgery. is coe ts tN see sees sel Les causes. You should consult an eye specialist (or possibly. a

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