ee cer eee THE OSHAWA TIMES, 'Thuredey, October 14, 1963 QF 18--Male Help Wanted |20--Real Estate for Sale ge Estate for Salle .. , |20--Reol Estate for Sale pect rca Estate for Sale Bis thomas Estate for Sale _[20--Rest Estate for Sale | Sie asgia ie aig arlene eininsneennseenne-neniete | dimmer inasirernrmesctereneentinitaminanit -- "a as (Gordon; Osborne 16 Simcoe St. S. MAN. REQUIRED For Processing and Delivering Steel Orders Must have chouffeur's license and a good driving record. Man with experience, in the use of oxygen and acetylene torch, and other steel-cutting equipment preferred. Steady employment, good -wages, Apply in person only. Jensen Welding & Steel Supply Ltd. 66 Russet 'Ayenys KITCHEN MANUFACTURER Requires working foreman for cutting room. Must be ex- perienced in production cut- ting, Permanent position. Apply H. G. DESIGNS STATION RD. PICKERING, ONT. _942- 3790 LICENCED CLASS "A" MECHANIC | Excellent working conditions Full company benefits. Medi- cal, Hospital and Pension scheme APPLY MANAGER GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE 162 King St. East RELIABLE MAN for mink ranch, single, five in. Call Hampton 263-2032 after p.m BLOCK LAYERS and laborers wanted Top wages. Apply on job. Walton Bivd., Whitby EXPERIENCED tive store. Apply Canadian Tire, Brock Street North, Whitby. TRAIN for telegrapher 668-4607 Whitby. Ont Write, call or phone Systems 805 Beech _3t RELIABLE -- Over drive fuel oli truck clined to learn furnace Steady employment. Apply 278 Crescent 19---Male or Female Help Wanted TAXI DRIVERS Part or Full Time Minimum Age 25 MERCURY TAX! 14 Albert St. 725-4771 inca ectccnetnnenemeninnn APPLE PICKERS $1.40 PER HOUR 725-5813 Until 5 P.M. After 6 P.M. -- 725-2613 : NIGHT MAINTAINENCE | Male or Fernale » For Appointment CALL 623-3373 FLYING DUTCHMAN | MOTOR HOTEL | Bowmonvile, Ont. | EXPERIENCED hairdresser. Also a| masseuse for brand new hair styling! kee Telephone _ 'Whitby 668-6031 XPERIENCED hairdresser, tull time, | excellent wages. Apply Continental Hair Styling. 936 Simcoe Street North or tele- phone -- 723-55) JUNIOR LAB "technician, "male or "te! male, required immediately. Should have! grade 12 education. Experience not neces sary. Apply Drew Chemical Ltd., Alax,! 942-0150, EX-85 20--Reol Estate for Sole 'Salesman for au tome-| 317 $375 first pay.| Position secured. Seif-teaching books and Code machine enable U qualify at home.) Cassan 25 and married, to Mechanically in- service work. Kalser| REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY "Watch for the Signs That Sell" and call | The Hot Line' 668-8826 Andrew Keys Geo. Sullivan Nick Broek Clare Shank Bob Harman like Perry Roger Morrison Marlow Hancock | " CHRISTINA DRIVE PICKERING $22,900. Four bedroom, 2 storey brick with attached garage on fine Pickering street. Only 11 miles trom Oshawa and 10 miles from Metro. Extra large rooms on spacious 65 by 165' lot. Cheery open, fireplace, heavy broadioom and sharp decoration make this a home you will delight to entertain in. Truly a modern~property- for a growing family and so convenient to all schools and shopping. One mortgage wil do it here too with reasonable down payment 15 ACRES | MODERN HOME $22,500 Six room brick bM#rgal& with nearly 1,200 ft. of Wing area situated on 15 gbiden acres only a few miles from Whitby or Oshawa. The kid- dies will want a pony here for sure and Daddy gets a Massey-Harris tractor with plow disc and cultivator in one package deal, Imagine 15 acres to play around on while Mother keeps house Must see this before it is too late PICKERING BRICK 51%4% MORTGAGE 3 bedroom with carport, clean sharp decoration. Quiet street with neat homes spacious !ot, stee| beam construction. A wise purchase ot $13,500 LUPIN DRIVE, WHITBY $15,500 1f you like to be near shop- ping this one will appeo! with 3 bedrooms, family size kit- chen, carport and paved drive. Don't fail to see this conveniently located property with the several extras includ- ed. All is Dutch clean too. BURTON ST., OSHAWA $1500 down payment on this sea- soned home on 63' frontage lot. Neat landscaping, low toxes, extra spacious kitchen. Double garage here too ond the price is only $12,500 with one payment.if you have $1,- 0. CROCUS CRESCENT ATTACHED GARAGE in Whitby only $17,700. If you like that spacious open feeling in o home you will like this three bedroom bun- golow with: extra fine work- manship. The tinancirlo $ good here too with only about $4,000 down with one mort- goge and one payment to look after principal, interest and toxes BAY RIDGES BEAUTY WITH EXTRAS such os stove, refrigerator, T.V. tower, ete, This solid brick smartly styled 4 veor old home is o must to see with tastefully decorated rooms ELEC TRICAL By -GUIDE REALTY LTD. 723-528) | NORTH WEST ASXEA 1 @ Large brick bungalow with! hollywood kitchen, 4 gcrod sized) 4 piece bath and) double paved drive aig ¢ittached a yee room bedrooms, garage Lovely grounds. Wel! kept bosement opartment with piece bath which rents: for $80) monthly, Call on this no w. : ® INVESTORS SPEC:IAL Ii @ Corner Richmond Street East gas furnoce sion, Moke an offer. e BUILDER'S TRAIDEIN Il @ Asking only $11500 down and three quort- jiet street E xtra large} lot of 85x 106, Posy ession No- for this storey er family home on @ close to downtown vember the first or sooner, required. For full call to-night CIRCULAR IV @ and 4 exceptia nal poms are just a e features to thi b inot S$ anxI0U nsider r reason.a For app: tt home, give us a coll ® SOMERVILLE SSTREET Ve. This home with ottechee! extro large lot will inspected. tc be Asking only $17.5'00 particulars call to4night e $6500. FULL VI e@ for this 4 ro Lorge lot of 9p 2 ximately acres. This home is ¢ completed and min all that's needed. Good garage. F more call GUIDE REAL TY PRICE or repairs storey brick on navine lot feet deep (idea! for a swimm ne 5 is a den ving room pool), 4 bedrooms, pl fireplaces. The dining aind_ halls broadioomed. Ths off the dining rciom French Provincial! kitcher room with a walkout Attached goraga years ago, just ® IMAGIINE ! ! VII @ for only own this largest 5 room storey frame hoine. Needs some repair but the. yooms are latge 50x 115 Good sized Call now oty of ® EVERYTHING YOU COUED WANT 1X @ Large ranch sty low with attcathed garage acre of grounnis superbly land-| 2 fineploces, large ving room and dining kitchen with st nook, large huge bedrooms! th coloured ¢ sewing room, and 2 boths 'w tures. This see. Coll for full Fuome particulors e LA.RGE X @ 1° sdorey home ment hos. aompletely recreation rrr of Onteirio and Six room) bungalow with new forced air) immediait e posses-! pdrticulars Ss DRIN/EWAY y large few of the ng room. This to 1 el] and will ble offer spect this 3. bentroom -- bric garage an have to be appreciated For full "333 King St., m bungalow rtially| sized information LIMITED HEATED | Executive Hom e Two sre is 0 balcony a charming Com pletely finished secreation room to rear patio.| Built only 2 liong enough to} have many extras taken care of.) Reasonably priced at $23,100 $7900 you may ly le bungo $ a must to Bose and two more SU. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King St. West. 728-6286 DUPLEX two 5 room oportments, two 4-pc. baths, good jscation, easy to rent, large double drive poved, building only 6 years old and in excellent condition, front and back entrance to each apartment 5 bedroom house in North West, large lot, finished rec. room, wired for dryer, very large kitchen, Call now to inspect egal Sd STREET -- Lot 50' x 110' on ravine over- looking jd city, Very scenic view Bungolow north of King St East, hollywood kitchen, qood lot and close to schools and shopping, reasonable down poyment OPEN 9:00 A.M. TO.9:00 P.M. Atter ttours Call 728-5513 723-3533 728-1903 728-1005 725-6243 723-3775 728-6750 Les Holl Frank Smith Bob Stevenson Doug Gower Dick Barriage Jack Sheriff Glen MacKinnon Douglas J. M. BULLIED REALTOR West 723-1168 $15,900.00 Extremely good value on this well maintained 5 year old ranch bungalow on o nicely landscoped lot with fenced in yard and potia. Home consists of three bedrooms, rec, room facilities, 4 pc: bath, alumin- um storms and screens, T.V tower and antenna, with im mediate possession $21,500.00 Six room brick bungalow on a wel! landscaped lot with o poved drive. Home is well maintained with three bed- rooms, separate dining room, 5 pc. bath, home has seporate three room basement apart- ment with 3 pc. bath and separate driveway, Why not make an appointment to see this lovely home tonight. JOHN HOWSON BOB HOBBS JOHN O'DRISCOLL. ALBERTA WOOD MEMBER OF O.D.R.E.B CAREFUL YOU'LL FALL IN LOVE AGAIN At first sight with group of homes in the Ajax Area. Situated in 'Southwood Park" which is at Harwood south of the Genera) Hospital and follow the mode! home orrows. the loveliest These are the ---~ JOHN F. DeWITH! SCHOFIELD: AKER REALTOR LTD. eee Bowmanville, 723-2265 14 Frank Street PHONE 623-3950 (OVER A. QUARTER CENTURX/OF SERVICE) CHRISTMAS TREE- FARM, Member of the Oshawa with 120,000 trees. Ranging in-age: from 7--yeors down, of th ' and District Reai Estate Board Regularly pruned PORT PERRY AREA, 75 acres | WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND M.L:S. with house, barn, duck ponds. Stream. Race track. Sabena Dairy Farm, a . Good buildings, _ Loke fonices: oronta milk Bet ME its AT COMMERCIAL BUILDING LOT Size 210' x 235' -- very contract. NEWTONVILLE AREA, 70 suitable for many uses on this main artery, Asking $35,000 acres with house, barn, Act fast on this one. stream. Asking $20,000, BROOKSIDE ACRES Terms. NEWCASTLE, 172 acre farm with approx 1 mile lake front. Brick house, barn. Beoutiful _ Stream Health For the coutious buyer looking forces selling, lfor everything in a, good home 100 Acre farm with brick in on exclusive residential home. Large barn. Asking area. Immediate possession $22,000, Terms javailable. Seven ° beautiful ' frooms of luxurious living in 125 Acre with A-1 buildings this 7 year old ranch bungo- Excellent soil, dlighwoy loca-. |jow with double garage and jlovely grounds. Features 3 bathrooms, 2 fireplaces, com- pleted recreation room, broad- tion, Large stream. Close to town. Asking $45,000. Terms }Hoom; built-in cedar closet, letc 200 Acre farm, east of Peterborough with good | HAVE YOU A HOME TO | TRADE ? buildings. Large stream, Ask~ of a small store with} ing $40,000. Terms 135 Acre farm with barn bedroom home wishes | a medium priced| drive shed, hen house, 8 roomed home. Asking $15, 000. with $6,000 dowr 6. vosmed home ckness is the only! reason for selling this going| Situated in a good! Don't de-| Owner © two to trade for 100 Acres with with large b etc. Only $3 down, Fu concern price $18 000 residential orea la ROAD --s} | WHITBY $13,900.00 bungalow wit 1546 sq. feet Three bedroom brick bunga | living oreo ripple Pierson w situated close to Palmer- | windows. Many extra ton School. Carries for $100 | COURTICE AREA, 7 roomed including taxes | home, attached garage, ai vor 7 "" ibd hea bah hE BETTER THAN NEW Acre lot, with 175 feet t Lovely older type brick home way frontage. Asking $13,- near Rossland Road and Sim 000 coe Street, Nicely landscaped | with sunken garden for pri vacy. Extra large living room, veated plus dining Finished | ing $12,- basement and all mew heat-| ing system. Only $14,500.} : | ul price | $2,000.00 DOWN -- OFF RITSON RD. SOUTH | 8 room brick home with good cement block garage. Home divided into two 4 room apartments with a total rent- ol of $155. per month. Home is in. good condition. - Alum- inurr storms and screens. Possess on. n,2 months 2,000.00 DOWN Situated in north-west area} TAUNTON roomed, almost new brick monthly COURTICE AREA roomed home electrically Double gorage. Ask 000. Terms OSHAWA HOMES 5 roomed, nice, bright brick home Nicely landscaped front and bock yords. Ask ing $16,900.. with conven ient N.H.A, mortgage room 5 roomed, new, brick bunga- low with attached garage. All modern conveniences. Only $2,500. dowr roomed home on Albert street near King. All modern conveniences. Industria! area Asking $25,000. Terms - three bedroom brick bung- LAKE SCUGOG, 5 roomed alow with paved drive, alum-| cottage with lake frontage. inum storms and screens.| Electric stove, frig, etc. in- Carries for $85. monthly in- | cluded. Only $2,500 down cluding principal and interest ENNISKILLEN, 7 roomed For home with new oil furnace. Asking $9,500. Terms storey BOWMANVILLE, 2 brick home with 2. bath- rooms. Neat and clean, Ask ing $19,000. Terms full particulars call 123-2265 BOWMANVILLE, 5 unit apartment building. Centrally located Excellent repair, Over $5,000 yearly ing $35,000 rent. Ask- Terms Donald Mountjoy, Guy Idso Wiersrna, Phy Inger Jorgensen, Lorne ¢ Ross Davidson Lloyd Metcal LeBlane lis MeRobbie C. Duff, Open Daily 9 a.m. to9 p.m. Ed Drumm Maible Boudresu Allan Thompson Irwin Cruikshanks 728-0205 Morg. Hall 723-1358 Brown 725-3867 Don Howe 723-9692 George Koornneef 723-2859 Margaret Lee 723-2894 Bill Johnston 728-1066 Req Aker 725-0201 Bill McBbeeters 725-1726 360 King Street West Free, easy safe parking. 725-9345 728-2233 728-2870 Irene PAUL STOW LID: 1 EALTOR 728-9474 4 BEDROOM - NORTH New, electricoliy heated home nearing completion. Biggest rooms we've see in some time! Located on Northridge St. 1% blocks from schoo! with no thru traffic. Ideal for the lorger family. Arrange the financing to suit your needs or builder will toke your present home in on a trade. See this to-day ! 4 APARTMENTS Plus an adjacent lot, plus commercial zoning add up to several possibilities for this older property on Simcoe St. S.° Present income $300. monthly. Totat jot size 88 x 200'. Asking $21,000. SHORT CEDAR Two. bedroom storey and o half horhe with new broad- loom wall to wall in living room, dining roorn and stairs, owning over front porch and T.V. tower included. Try $1,- 500. down NEWBURY CRESCENT Split level with four bedrooms and two complete bathrooms, attached garage and nicely landscaped. lot on a short, quiet street. A most desirable neighborhood close to schools and bus SIMCOE ST. NORTH An older family home well located north of O.C.V.1. on Simcoe St. Eight. spacious rooms newly decorated, mod- ern bathroom and hot water oi! heating. Terms are flex- ible and you can move in im- mediately. May be seen any time,.just give us a call, PAUL ISTOW LTD. EALTOR Financial Trade Bldg, 187 King St. E. 128-9474 After Hours Call 728-5422 723-3052 655-3482 Tom Huzar Ear! Salter Vern Morton JACK RICARD REALTOR BOWMANVILLE 623-2503 RESTAURANT with separate banquet room, 2 bedroom liv- ing quorters attached. Mod- ern building, fully equipped $10,000. down POST OFFICE, Restaurant and Garage combination in the village of Taunton. Modern 3 bedroom living quarters in- cluded. Good income. High potential. $65,000. --- terms. 150 ACRES, STONE HOUSE neor Erinli Golf Club 6 miles from Bowmanville. Good barn. Excellent, productive land Lorge fast stream. Asking $60,000. ---- terms. 20--Real Estate for Scle 20--Real Estate for Sole EITH PETERS REALTY LTD. 729.7222 wade 103 King Street East PORT PERRY 7 room brick home in very good condition situated on o wide lot 83 feet with private drive and garage, $80. per month caries including prin- cipal ond interest. Full ask- ing price $13,900. Phone A. Donaldson 725-9882, COUNTRY LIVING WITH CITY CONVENIENCES Beautiful ranch bungalow with double garage, nicely constructed in red bark brick, 3 large bedrooms, living room 16 ft. long with notural fire- place, 4 pce. tiled bath- room with built-in vanity. Sit- uated in Courtice with paved roads ed, recreation room finished in. mahogany porelling with hardwood floors, also extra gome room. Coll to inspect with no obligation. Call 728- 2548, Robert Johnson APARTMENT SITE Pork Road --- 92 x» 140', suitable for 11 suites. This type of property is scarce, look into this tonight by call- ing Earle Allen 725-7782, INDUSTRIAL ZONING Close to downtown, large house thot is now rented, property 67 x 206'. Large' bock yard that can be used for severol different uses, Phone Bill Ratcliffe 655- 4457 INCOME PROPERTY We have rented property for sole in the Oshowa and dis- trict orea, Invest your money and enjoy savings at no ex- pense and at the same time reolize growth os our econ- omy grows. Act now by call- ing Ston McCormack 655- 3066. INCOME PROPERTY & room residence ond store, central location, low taxes, store add equipped, shely- ing, refrigerator, slicer ond counter. All ready to go. An excellent way to cut high costs of living. Call Will Irvine 728-2868 for further porticulars. SALE OR TRADE BRAND NEW brick home with mony; many features, includ- ing spacious ultra modern kitchen with more than ample cupboards, . twindows in. the living room, sliding gless doors from dining area to patio, tiled bath with colored fixtures and vanity, decorated throughout, 2 car garage, nicely landscaped lot, situ- ated in one of Oshawa's most exclusive districts close to schools and bus. $3,000. down will handle ond move in almost immediately. $1000.00 DOWN $6,900. Full price for this compact bungalow with 4 good rooms, double garage orid 132 x 132 ft. A good suburban location about 10 minutes from Oshawa. In- spect this new listing with- out _delay. 728- 7328. BUNGALOW ON HIGHLAND ASKING $2,500 DOWN Good looking home with fenced-in backyard. Near schools and buses. Contact Bill Millar 725-1186. All electrically heat- - FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West, Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board 100 acre Stock Farm, Peter. borough area, Two storey 7 room brick home with two bathrooms, oil furnace, ex- cellent condition, Very pro- ductive soil, stream. $14,- 000 full price. * 102 acre Doiry Farm -- Health forces sale, Port Perry afea, $1,500 monthly milk cheque. 8 room brick house, new furnace, 3. pce. bath, very modern home. Borns 36' x 104', and 25' © x 40', plus loafing barn. Fully equipped price including 85 registered cottle. Full line of modern power equipment and all feed at only $57,000-- terms, Call George Beaton-- 985-2987. 73 acres with good trout stream and pond, greenhouse 24' x 100', 14 acres of pine trees, 3 smal! barns, 2 frome houses, located in Kendall Hills area, Owner's health forces sale, Asking $19,000-- terms, Open to offers. Severn River--3 nicely wood- ed cottage lots. Easy access to Trent Canal System. $2,- 750--terms. Bowmanville -- Third Street. 5 year old 3 bedroom bun- galow on lot 70' x 115', broadiloom throughout. West- inghouse washer and dryer, finished recreation room with bar, mahogany cupboards in kitchen plus many other ex. tras. Exceptional value at only $17,900--terms, Oshawa -- Immediate posses- sion, Two storey brick home with stone front, attached garage, beautifully landscap- ed lot, Large living and din. ing room, broadloom, Piste fireplaces, recreation with bar. $25, 000---$5.000 000 down, Buy Now ard Seve $500 WINTER WORKS BONUS Eight 3 bedroom electrically heated bungalows being built by James O'Molley Construc- tion in Sunset Terrace Sub- division, Bowmanville, Priced from $16,482 with $2,850 down, AFTER 9 P.M. CALL 623-3393 Pat Yeo 623-3077 Clore McCullough 723-7843 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Jack Whiteman 623-3818 Howard Forder 655-3853 George Beaton 985-2987 Herb Cooper 623-3393 Joe Barnoski 786-2202 ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED HOSPITAL AREA KINGSDALE DRIVE 8 room, excellent 21% storey brick home, beautiful and well decorated, Broadloom, Wi | and clean cut outside finish Y Over 1,130 sq. ft. in this | rooms " floor has 6 rooms O U a 'al three bedroom design which is i J4amore rooms on. the valued ot $15,500. Only a np ond flo This is ao new REALTOR AJAX Just listed, 4 bedroom, storey | ' and o holf home. Priced at | ' ase 16 Med ENQUIRE ABOUT OUR ay $9,200.00. In very good con- | / | rooms, 4 pie2ce bath and lots of 0 : 2 dition arge bedrooms on hen - cur boar he apart the upper floor home Excellent shopping ond sc sion to suit you, Give us ali Those Who Qualify right now } sb¢ WHITBY WALTON BLVD. ee Highwe 2 Older 2 storey home, listed WHITBY Be BAR OE Ft eee, tonne at $17,900.00. Here is that Based a heen dea! for home oe ea QUALITY BUILT BY: e part of Whitby sep- ECHO. CONST. LTD BEAUTIFUL RANCH kiteburs with brenkiatr nook, orate dining roon 3 real STYLE perce ond paved drives ate Large selection of ) |. Where can yor tch this c down poyment | ms upstoirs. Bet- : / an you match this ot y lenge adrocms upstairs. Bet | ATT. "homes" fecturing Lg, Sungolow oo» nivel WHT OLIGHBY'S |: comtinscnter tenia he Ant be etude bedrooms, storms ond screens r of 79 x 212. Hol Now! IWMANVILLE now, if won't be oround long on. oll windows. aluminur wood kityche N.W. OSHAWA | Storm doors, built sufficient HUNTING and ovens, furniture finished bath wit) small vanity, attoch me Lares 5 hedromn, brick bun cupboards, ond many other ed breeza way and garage, Pric PROPERTIES phndbl aiid agphi ow t extros, tire xcit ures conor nical! 17 . Se Seaidiown ip tivine exciting feature ede wnically at $17,900 (SPECIALS) other © brick home with gor- < be hol! Senate: wis Drive West on Rossland Road * eo : age. Very . oe wate eaikbGh ta Street, Whitby ther Call 723-5281 for full parti 100 ACRES, well wooded, Asking $12 rie om, blocks further west with good duck marsh, lots lagstone patio of birds and deer. Coe Hill NEAR VENTIST COLLEGE A beautiful kitchen, Copper tone tile, Specio! $1,500.00 AD\ orge duck Near new brick excellent recreation room, some furni- ture included in the 2 room apartment, 2 bathrooms. Just i. Call 728-5157 now! JUST LISTED WEST CITY 4 year oldione owner home. Good size rooms with hard- wood flooring . throughout. Full bath with vanity and mir- Armstrong Homes Ramblers tri-levels split e levels. Each model hes it's | é hidden charms. Expansion BASEMENT APARTMENT possibilities for the yee Xt} @ Large ranch style brick man bungalow ir ne siaiNic lecated on trrendt street NEWCASTLE, Modern 3 bed- | room bungalow on 1% ache | inthe village. 2 bathrooms rec. room, walk-out basement, Excellent condition. $17,900 --- terms. BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE bp mea 40 King Street East 728-4678 VACANT: NEW HOME Prices start from $16,600 For 'only $1,969.00 WINTER'S COMING SO WHY NOT TRADE FOR HARMONY VILLAGE Several models 'to choose from. Garoges, fireplaces, mony extros. Free appraisal on your present home. Phone Bill Millar 725-1186 or 725- some bush, 2 streams. All 2557 ror, ceramic tiled. Paved pri buildings are motntained in} ; vate ove ~_ leone 2 well kept first class shope. The horne is | 's neor. scnool an showa sent in the | a ill serve TRADE-IN PLAN kitchen located'on quiet east 2 bedroom frame home, 4 modernized and impeccably | 120 ACRE FARM Shopping Centre. Call 728- FULL DOWN - ddew! incor f ' sd e N end street close to schools piece both, garage on one kept. Ideal for raising beef EAST OF PORT PERRY $157, nor r ? pie buses, etc. ONE LEFT, price acre lot. Low taxes. Asking cattle or mixed farming and N ¢ ; wW eis . CALL increase scheduled for next price $7,900 with $3500 still-close enough to commute ove ae tue fe R | fF F | N phase down, Give us on offer. pe ha T eoee Asking large born with woter and No. 2 id NEAR DOWNTOWN CLOSE TO HIGHWAY 115 | ee ee ? : LOS : a | , REAL ESTATE LTD. 3 bedroom brick veneer split | STREAM PROPERTY. If you | prne, a. pspeme OF \Miniby, S tliss tS seni. vou level home, Mester bedroom are looking for a fast stream, | on 795. ree 1ee ar - P ; sliding. doors with bale 12 to 15 feet wide and with- 942-3310 fireplace, compoct cony. Walkout basement with in 20 bilo (ts es laid ; »| awa --- stop looking, we have $1 3 900 he Basch Fao it. 48 acres of partly wood ¢ oe ed, partly cleared land west of Orono. Asking $5,000 DOWN GEORGE BLYLEVEN REALTOR Phone 623-5300 GROVE AREA: very gned for the larg $28,500 information few minutes drive to Whitby, Oshowa or Toronto ond close er family, Priced at to new power plant. $3,000 Call for mora down moy buy this today Cosy. 2 bedroom bungalow on large | attractive lot. $9,500, ONLY | $1,500.. DOWN } | | down 200 ACRES near Blackstock, in bedroom MAPLE close to Highway weeks. New NON PROF I T brick bungalow with large A real farni location LOOK WHAT WE FOUND ! On Sherwood Street, A smart 1¥% storey home, very neat and tidy, with 3 large bed- rooms, 4 piece bath, small recreation room, 2 car gar- Price? Only $1 |W. , LAMSON Cali rou al 7285157" oe REAL ESTATE LTD. Sik ee 67 King St., East - aig 10 ocre parcels land. Goad suitable building sites, Only $400 00 per acre, Call 728- 5157 now! 728-5157 48 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH Immaculate ronch bungalow , on large 55' x 160' lot. L- shaped living and - dining hds room witr mas ROE sere Sager enone In. walking i 3 hed room very clean. bungalow on Va acre lot. Asking price $12,500 with $3,000. Owner will toke less if cash to mort- gage more than 'ance from town KENDAL HILLS. 40° acres with stream. Good ski runs with o north slope. Call for details TWO BEDROOMS Your choic stoves cupboords, 4 piece e' One frome home INDUSTRIAL BUILDING DOWNTOWN 30,000 sq. teet brick hot water heated --~ CARL OLSEN 138 feet frontoge by 101 | feet depth. Formerly Sklor with dining an Gornet Ricard 723-5688 Wilf Howke, Orono 1 R 12 668-8140 centro! 000.00 location to Brock two short ORONO: & room frame house all conveniences. Suitable for 2 families. Asking price $12 500 with $3500 down. Give us on offer culors. Len. Bissell to Walton Blvd Open: elaiily from 9 am On | area SOLD BY . LN. BIRD Atier 50 ACRE 1 eo Emest Niueller : > morsh, | smalier REAL ESTATE LTD Steve Eeiglert y | deer, beor, duck grouse | with "plenty. of cupboa MAPLE GROVE: 30 ocres all Telephone 668-6061 Ross Ba hunting, fishing, well wooded double sink, bath with y |. workable land, Priced ot $15- REALTOR Furniture Plant ---- sprinkler Perocock Coe Hill area. Special $3,- and split level entrance | 000 | : b system. Now vacant. Reason- 800.00 $2 700 00 down } | ably priced. For details call ee Ps 723-1133 JACK APPLEBY . : 728-5123 -- 723-3398 DON'T MISS THIS FIRST TIME silva ond ottached garage. Act fast 1 lake in quiet well INCOME HOME $18,800. Harmony Rd N BOLAHOOD. on this one! Owner. is very Fir | ay | ey haved drive | | | anxious to sell: excellent poten- | and deep fenced lot. Owner | ON INDUSTRIAL SITE--1 tea brat tench civle bona "BROTHERS tial, qood deer, bear, duck has p : i stag grouse, hunting. Hove to be has reduced the ask 'etic PRIVATE SALF centrall ec m0 " " Hg lot, This 7 5 a Sneeial NO\ n 5 loca 9 "7 f i ; sh brabls j . cea 3-25. - Specia! $7,700.00 IOW to only $15 500 90 : peice i Shige Mie good size living room with LIMITED ucas Peacoc ntact 3 # shit § piddige/ 4 I 2 Bek Sane EW. TOUT, | Open Evenings 'Til Nine | two 3. pce. bathrooms, of coats @nvainen tony R. R. 3, COE HILL Dial 728-4678 "heat; Also on same wide lot | size kitchen with breakfast storey building, 1,200 eal 4 + d re-built one year ago ¢ yaa three good size , bedrooms, Al nicely decorated side and out SUITABLE FOR V.L.A. Modern rural home on main highway within 200 ft. of grocery store, post office, schoo! bus at door. Large lot 150' x 175'. 8 room 114 storey brick house, 4 pc. bath built in stove and oven. Tru ly o beautiful home ond situ ated in Oshawa's executive crea. 3 storey bungalow hours ¢e ' with huge tomily size kitchen 5 BEDROOMS Only 3 yeors old, specially built. Situated in NW. Osha aham a pm hai + . 614% me r balance me = wa, Hortop St. 2 storey brick OPEN HOUSE Die RR ilu 120 ACRES, large duck pond A® morpaaa/tor bola Phone us for a 10 cre parcel wa, ' t. 4 D. i t 123.73 ries : iy with or wit rec lie cas Th ee : excellent deer hunting, Ban GRIERSON STREET eee Sa bt your oun pet DAILY Y croft area. Price $3,300.00 sae beck A4ARMONY VILLAGE sR k bungalow Expensive but the, value is extablichaa Karts dio rier are ' there, 'Give us a cat, VOU Rood --Sfart-of-2-o+hertekes--eccess----_- end _ Donevan Collegiote, Har - y ' wont something exclusive ble a e4 W. 1. Lovely 406 ACRES armory South:-Fast e and olnut thosed new home and CALL DON FORDER PORT PERRY 985-7242 D. W. McQUAY REALTOR uring the exeusive contains y Living K.R. BELL &SONS LTD. DOUGAN New exciting models in Realtor ing 2 bathroor 2 cor gar AA ond Photo of ODRERB ages. sodding front and rear " Bancroft 2 A ey 656-4 y OF MAGA REALTY LA eign & Sons ee se REALTORS Limited , ba on For Meml>er of O.D.REB, REALTORS K OSBORNE | Home by " LARGE BRICK HOUSE 'To Be Moved TO BUYER'S 'ir 725.0243. i Own further particuuers { 'vemings 720-0289 | ow Call 728-4169 20 RAY STREET Member we CALL z 3 vs J ' ~~ ay ee feat gg asim ae) GUIDE ae) air reeaes | ale A69W)1. or BOB JOHNSTON sq. ft d Se ieed: tir air Ines To see ask 20--Real Estate for Sale (Continued on Page 28) Premises MAKE OFFER 723-9225 or 725-0834 sah