SE Oh AO city 0 ANT vy 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, October 14, 1965 "Low Cost Times Action Want Ads Solve Many Of Your Problems" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. \8--Articles For.Sele | 13--Articles for Rent |17--Female Help Wantell errr WOMAN renuiradves Kaveskean BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | "(cay satis, yt | "tier | of All knos [Sena om WAS CELEBRATED i aad tia IM AN QUITY AS EMITTING etaety ee, Re SHAWA REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- | |WANTER <. Single and married women AMUSICAL SOUND EVERY care f massaging belts, rowing ma- |rapher in ten weeks, Free lesson. Write ' Sino Sal d Seni : . MORNING AT THE RISING { APPLIANCE chines, bike exercises. all jf Call fo see the books. Open evenings. Accountants Barristers Gardening and Supp' jSales and Service | d Wad oF THE SUN. ab Seek eee Bh. bee moAth tis ato Cosson, Systems," 605. Besch NURSERY SOD, now cutting, choice,\GUARANTEED repairs fo all _wrin Reliab es " poner ais tlsctosiata i ee BoB CLANCY'S i grins yghlhe tee Leek ie Ut elypar ny obit Fig quality Kentucky Blue. Let us give you ajwashers and ranges. Free estimates, HE ANCIENTS DID \ HONDA SHOP yi owag ls TOOLS repairs WANTED ~ woman for light houseworks ait gage ay mae Rt Bank of Commerce Building, 5 Simcoe| {ree estimate on your lawns, boulevards| 728-1742. HE Mot KNOW 11, BUT cleaning rods, pipe vise tri: Jone morning or day weekly. Telephone South, 725-0397. _Res. ,|Street North, Oshawa, 723-4446; T, K,|@tc. Telephone 668-4965 after 6 p.m. - - i. oh ned 4ME PHENOMENON "Oshawa's largest motorcycle pods, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- | 773-2538. pen de "sulle, ios, Oshawe Shop r Ae, TREES trimmed or re-|Septic Service Ji p B WAS DUE To THE j dealer'. Buy - sell - trade, Re- ters, pipe threading dies, |GIRL tor boby-sifti eceggy tier 53. 5 «4b. Murdoch, |moved by reliable party. Allied Tree Po ACHOx oF THE pair all. makes, Free esti- toilet auger, fn tony oe a ping Centre, 725- ; J. €. Victor, 985-7115.|Service, 725-4171. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Pr : Y 3 PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT Telephone 726-9387. JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Account-| Mortgages arranged. ice or calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut: ! SUN'S mates. Access: -- helmets, ince. | BABYSITTER required, five days. week- ant. Licnesed Trustee, 17 Bond Street ~ Instruction Street West, Whitby 668-2563. RAY5Se windshields, carriers, jackets, stepladders, ~ ladder jacks, liv Cedardale ares. One 4 schook-ees. auld, ASE, rome --_-- -- ch tires, etc. Winter - storage. steel scaffolding, compressors, jane pre-schooler. Telep! "Tass. ALBERT T_HOSMAR, Chartered | Account-| a Surveyors i j RAPIDLY { = Fae sGigtabiciet dander ee ipa: ' |: CHANGED Ti New Hondas only $295, No spray guns, wallpaper steam- FILL SPARE ROOMS with Street, Suite 4 Oshawa,| Canada Driving School | sonavan saa PimiscHMANN, Oners 4 He CRANGED THE ers, tarpaulins; blow torches, |piat 1733492 now tor. uring ween SPECIAL r {EM PERATURE. down payment. ow for an ac-writer te YALE, FRIE aba r AND CO., fe) i @ Fully insured dual control vce ying eee gle tag blue prints, ¢ a OF THE DAMP, ¥ 199 King W. 728-4242 propane torches. help you phrase an ad. oe : ' 2 J if $ 2 ie E 2 ie a seine shliianoeinitaieasilosian Rate Tees lems tat 810% biscount cors © Licensed by Ontario eee ES Land RFR PoRDUS STONE. EAR COATS, boys alts Gai wir case | BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- | Aoy reqared We seslet mother of trnal tees in Bankruptcy, 52¥4 Simcoe Street Department of Transport @ Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East. Phone ip mC THEBES, Two-piece snow sult, boy's size 6X, $8 cement mixers, finishing tro- family with general housework, $60. per North, Oshawa, 728-7371. ate On All Orders Cars supplied for Government | 725-681. | j NY : EGY peepee ie wels, wheel. barrows, electric [ment 'apartment "Telephone, 7289915. HOPKINS, BEADLE 1) > 69. oat Remodelling, carpentry, til- Teh 6 Home pee or J ( | teed Pree teat Gast, Oshawa, On-| ing, painting, plumbing, elec- vice TV--Radio Repairs y f i ) , ee Te, AN rein: (henhone 9 i 1" i' a , - sein ¥ tan @ 5 bh te i ¢ - tario, 725-3509; S$. T. Hopkins, CA; H. A. trical work, roofing, eaves- 728-4811 : ME. APPROXIMATELY, | | two 6.80 x 13 SNOW TIRES and rims RANGE, electric four-burner; also maple vibrator, air compressor, jack hammers, hand trowels, water EXPERIENCED waitress required. Ap. A ply Rotunds Restaurant, 10 King Street pumps, portable heaters, steel East, Oshawa scaffolding, electric generator, |sAAID for upstairs work, steady employ- i awe hartered troughing, plastering, cement ge ay ene / uf ay HOW MANY AMERICANS | | 3,000 miles on tires, $45. complete, 725 f HALL, PERKIN [AND CO., Char bade work of all kinds, Aluminum L ipa , ; le sf HAVE HOSPHALIZATION 6480. ramset, power rollers, electric ment. Must be reliable and have good | | A aes _ ' character references. Appi Man. if : pli | ; i o WHSURANCE 9 CHESTERFIELD, two Ce work pamper, masonry saw, ho Hotel Lancaster, 77 King' Street West : 5 " 7 i ench w vise, i i" A } ing $s, mortor mixer Driving Schoo ECONOMY, AND MORE. AKAM chairs. 'Telephone 723-4589." | inortor boxer, 'chain "hoist, [0088 A "SHAUTY COUNSELOR" coll e f ss / y oid on you? We may need someone in your - : 10 years teaching driving DELUXE -- 145, 000,000, $1 FORD engine, must be heard to be| miter saw, electric plane, tar- area, or call for products, 771-9349. Barristers NELLIS' HOME | automatic and standard cars. Priced to suit your budget. (Kan Fes Sra hts 194 et sh panel aig A ay RYU a a other | paulins, sand blaster, power rie ar par 29-4589 GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solicl- IMPROVEMENTS Professional instructors. TERMS ARRANGED soy certs Gueee | post hole auger, ascillating 18--Male Help Wanted tors. efc., 114 King Street East. Dial 728-0091 SUIT -- boy's charcoal, size 16, iso! » sanders, disc sanders, belt -- 723-2278. Residence. Phones: J. M. Greer, Oshawa -- 728-2061 grey check spor! aca" ite 1h tote| ay ' , awe . hone 725-8219. sonders, floor sanders, acty: aC, Tees) Terence ye ee Be n.| Peterborough -- 745-2184 ANYWHERE ANYTIME OSHAWA TV 5--Trailers _ \8----Articles For Sole phon er are "aati eee YOUNG MAN x ; > , ' -- Sie) - 5 ote - . - - ----w- |BEST QUALITY al ind 325-2662. DAY and Evening Classes for adults and| SUPPLY LIMITED doors, awnings, railings at. Low, "ts amp electric welders | WANTED HUMPHREYS. --sOYENTR, nad WIEL THE [Pacey Stan Bay A'ayroe| TAUNTON RD, E. 'COOK'S. WHITBY'S ONLY LOCAL |pricst Call fbi |OUNS Bought, sold, traded, fapaireal MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King v , : '§ 7 MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 362 Kins] > 11 CABINET CO. _ |S! 5 Whitby. 668-3866. ay Just East Of Ritson TEXACO DEALER ee ann bas knee men S T A N S io seagiccidais ual vias 4 9 | Ww. A.. Hillman, RETR Raa @ FUEL and STOVE OIL 1 0 6 han F ac; GS ve ictal ae tp oree:| 1614 CHARLES ST., WHITBY |Janitor Service /28- 8] a TRAILER SALES * icon aati naar = a a ena eneamaanEa 233 King St, W., Oshowo 9 iy a 3 Whitbr -- - - lower | es i Md) ee | ee Det Win aed 668- 6911 ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, eco- SIMCOE ST. NORTH @ BUILDING SUPPLIES |struc ail-channel antennae instailes,| Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. Dubaitient: Kast have goad" ; Ls | other first mortgage funds availabe. Kitchen cabinets, Vanities, [Pomical ceiling,. wall cleaning done by|--------- Sal CALL 668-3524 sh Oihowe oe Lae 2 PHONE 723-3224 educational qualifications, ap- pee BON AND GASTEDO, Barristers, Custom built cabinets guaranteed. 728-7736 HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED Clearance Sale SAWDONS land appliances, One locetinn only. Pretty pearance ond the ability to Feuer Bullding, ta Simcoe Street South,, eee ee ta FREE winter stomoe no ike | (Whitby) Limited |Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271, |14----Business Opportunities) work quickly and accurately. 773067, Charles. C. McGibbon, QC; OCTOBER SPECIAL |Money To Loan TV TOWERS AMAR thee : 244 Brock St. South GENERAL ELECTRIC TV, three weeks - | Salary, usual fringe benefits Edgar F. Bastedo, QC; Grait H. Arm- | ARE THE BEST! terest rates, low down pay- | -- |old, Can be seen between 6.30 - 9 p.m.| and good possibilities for ad- t Save up to 15% durin } WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at a rea- ! ll models. | lat 36 plc HE | fs ; 9 |sonabie rate of interest to consolidate erent GU OI JANSSEN'S POWER leuy ano S€uL Ged wea Tormnare| LUNCH | vencement. Write giving full | id i | A ntants, 36/2 King Street East, - awa, 725-6539; David G Perkin, CA; King) doors and windows, siding. Street, Newcastle, 987-4240; William C 20 skilled men ready to Hall, B.Comm., CA. serve val, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC Solicitor; October on Rec. Rooms, Cup- bill ' ad Srmbile : BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture 1 a Money to loan. Office, 14% King Street) boards, Tiles and all general |furpose providing mi eer etna WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! Open evenings 'til 9:30 p.m, EQUIPMENT CENTRE Jand sliances "Boole Rornilure at details of your experience East, Oshawa. 728-8232, " --| Home Remodelling. ployed and have good credit, Telephone Ae Sid Toro, Man mown NMavieys Dundas East, Whitby 668-5481. R M Yenc we Pegs en strictly JAMES MACDONALD LLB, Bar- All Work Guaranteed Leese 1 R | O OSEd OR SUNGGY. Ferguson Riding . Tractors, NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers. Re-| OO contidentia solutely no it Solicitor and No tary Public, | 7 Ace mnan a SIG RAT ca quips Ripe tae aca ARIE vi ip- it 1 eee amareial 'Building, 286 King West, | Just phone for my prices. Mortgages '4 Phone 723-9534 oe on a led equip Wpetg We verge, New hoses, Phone phone calls please. Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking avail! LY AACKo 725-¢ S576 SER VET OER TELEVISION : a ment. Licensed mechanic on | : | "Well established, doing good J = Wallin dia nl dla La Corner aor and Division 6--Marine Equipment duty. Hela Sas pera ia aa business, equipped. Rent only Ce ae | ee | x jances, Big discounts w'thout sacrificing ' . ANTHONY | EDWARD || TASKOWSKY,/ROOPING, concrere noors, » fat roofi a MORTGAGE 728-5143 -- ai --------| 843 King West 728-9429 quality. 424 King Street West, Oshawa.,| $70. a month and heated. pes PEDLAR PEOPLE LIMITED " our specialty jew work and repairs. sali 1728-9191, ' | wo, __ Ontario Centre Street. Office hours: 9 a.m.-5.30| fi ELECTRIC , 30" Viking. Good Only $3,500. with terms. | 2 : p.m. Evening appointments. -- Dial) Ad coneirettion: Res, nase, wea ed INVESTORS FALL CLEARANCE Sanction, Thane i cu. ff Good|MOVING TO APARTMENT! bed-chester- Call Priigpees se ne oy 1461, = Units of participation avail "TELEVISION - RADIO condition. Other items 'also. Phone Brook- field, in good condition; walnut nine- |NEW ~ PLASTERING 'and repairs # stucco] Pp Pp 24 HOUR SERVICE lin 655-4623 {piece dining room suite, excellent condi- |sidewalks, re-mode:'ing, rec-rooms. Free! able in first and second mort- SALE | --- - |tion; chrome kitchen set and chairs JACK APPLEBY LERK » C. i WALNUT DOUBLE DRESSER with|(like new); Moffat' range, only th Py 44 timates. A. C. Woods, 728-3420 or P Classified Rates ya-an7." : goge "funds HOLMES |bevel-edged mirror; bed-couch; five-piece! years old; Westinghouse rittiourater 728-5123 oe 723-3398 FOR ROOFING, chimneys, sidewalks, ail Diversification al fears tel |dinette suite (chrome). All in good condi-|with large freezer section; metal kitchen FOR WORD ADS ypes of cement work. Frank McCenn,) ment -- High yield -- cap- NEW MODELS tion, Reasonable, Telephone 723-6073. cabinet; Viking clothes dryer, almost ity: Cash--1 Insertion of 24 words $1.08 RR 3, Oshawa. Brooklin 655-3061. ital appreciation. | PIANO =. Upright, reconditioned, 51'"\"€W: Also smaller items. Telephone 725- O 1: ae 100 D . : additional words 4'sc each) 3 con |ALL TYPES building, roofing repairs); only 3.9 HP. Merc, 1965. high. $195 delivered, Telephone 942-5547 | 914 B Local Building secutive Insertions of 24 words $2.88 ing, roofing ( ENTRAL " j additional words 12e each, 6 con- land remodelling; chimneys, new and re-| ' Brougham after 6 p.m. fear | Pe only 6 H.P. Merc. 1965. P Pas 19. Market. Basket B y H F R S secutive insertions of 24 words $4.32, oktesl seein, Gord Mey repairs. | for prompt service ly 20 H.P. Merc. 1965 REFRIGERATORS (two), apartment! -- ent RO Supply Firm additional. words \8c each. J ONTARIO etl only : size, General Electric; both operating|CARROTS $1 per bushel. Pumpkins, 25| LIMITED EXPERT PAVING, 22 cents square foot | only 35 H.P. Elect. Short satisfactorily. Priced to sell, Call 623-2482. /cents each. Walter Huron Farm, half . ___| @ Must' be experienced Call Charge -- 10 per cent additional | inciudes grading and fill, two-year guaran- . a shares ff not paid within & days, lie. Terran Paving, 72 seal if TRUST and SAVINGS | Whitby -- 668-5679 | Shaft, TWO 30-gallon boilers with covers and| Bi ape et on 401 North Service ing -- e - | pete heati | ts; al hemical closet, . Method of counting -- Less than 24 CARPENTRY, block and Cement CORPORATION prily 35° HP. Glact, Long [iv new. Any eveninan. 2a rf INTER cabbage; Spanisn and cooking 'YOUR OWN @ Full employee benefits words counts as.24 words; each word, | A] : i ; initial, figure or abbreviation counts (work. New or remodelling, Special fall) OSHAWA 723-5221 FALL SEASON SOON Shaft, Street onions. Wm. Sack, Thornton Rd. ; as one words. phone number counts (Prices. Call Tony 725-4953, BOWMANVILLE 623-2527 TV. CHECK.UP. NOW aa Sh Benen klar | LARGE BABY CRIB -- good condition, First farm south, Hydro sub-station BUSINESS Apply stating age, salary ex- two words. YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim- -- "U Shett Sha AleCnaAtar ; modern sofa and chair, good con- (west Labels | pected, experience, education neys built and repaired; gas linings 7 qualified servicemen. : : seid Hescion (chesterfield needs recovering),|NO. 1 WINTER POTATO; . Me i and ful BIRTHS ~ DEATHS -- installed; roofs repaired. Free estimates. MORTGAGE aia Cedar Strip Lakefield (new), _|$15. Telephone 728-7676 Intosh apples, $2.75 busnel. Free home i geet eat nig ng full particulars to SOCIAL NOTICES ---- Ces. | LOANS toR O Cédor 14' Fibregloss Boats |RANGE, GE, 24", large oven, purchased) 'ellvery. Call evenings 655-4983, + | Re Lea Aik dy ad $2.00. per Insertion with 2 cents le ° ° * 5 | edar ibreglass Boats jast April, condition brand new. Tele \SPANISH ONIONS, field run, 32 per| know-how provided by parent BOX 545 Giional charges if not paid within ' Cartage - Money for first mortgages | TELEVISION | (new) phone 725-2650 : | bushel. Bring containers. W. Eymann,| Company, exclusive distribu- mers |JOHN'S MOVING, Storage end Cartage.| Open Mortgages 728- 5143 Cedor 14' Aluminum Fish- | RANGE "Moffat", 30-inch electric, $85; ben ae first" Roy Nichols Garage) tion area, Write for further eens cuca IN MEMORIAMS [Reasonable rates, fully Insured. Call Interest at 7% | ing Boat (new) 12 cu. ft. refrigerator, $65. Good condi-| 'Urn Nor! to first corner, information to 728-3661, Alax, 942-2020 | i tion. Call 723-7225 |WINTER cabbage; Spanish and cooking $2.00 for the first 35 words and re] | No Bonus 12' Al ' te 4 " uminum Car Top i lonions. Wm. Sack, Thornton Rd. S$. First each thereafter, plus '2c per line No Charge for Valuations FAST TN: SERVICE. WEDDING DRESS, size 12, white, rhine-| tm south, Hydro sub-station (west side.) MR. COLSON DRIVER verse 25¢ additional charge if not pasa |Dentistry 1M (new), @ headpiece, both full length. Origin-| within @ days. -- | ortgages and Agreements Service Call only $2.50 ai price $135; selling $50. Telephone 773-|ROASTING chickens, orders taken for ite 3 |CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN Ms Denia i ' |6190 after 6 freezer, 4 Ibs. $1.35; 3 Ibs. $1.15. Free aun Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa. purchased USED CARDS OF THANKS |For appointment, 728-5171 Money for Second Mortgages | DOMINION : |MOTOR SCOOTER, new condition, very| delivery on 10 or more. 728-5291. 34 BERWICK AVE., 92.00 for the first 35 words and Sc mein | Ene 6 Humberjewel Fibreglass low mileage, 140 miles to gallon; $200 or | gianna . : 4 Hi , tal i ast service. 9 gallo é i a TELEVISION 1 15° Weymouth Runabout [net er' Port Perry warm" |10--Farmer's Column TORONTO. For pick-up . ' r |appointment, 728-5842 or Res. 728-8441. | M. F. SWARTZ 720-9104 94.m. 169) 8. 1) 4 HP: Evinrude Selectric 30" KENMORE range, five years old.|HAVE STALLS for approximately seven| a deli COMING EVENTS 26% King St. East : : u ¢ Between 1 and 5.30, telephone 725-7206. [head of cattle, willing to do chores, feed |RESTAURANT in North Oshawa, dining- an elivery $2.10 per Inch (display) $1.50 for the /Dressmaking | Oshawa, Ontario. |____All_work guaranteed, | 'Ac tumor of used otek CRYSTAL chandelier, two cutgiass| Not supplied, Rossland Road. Telephone)room and counter, with equipment, seven first 20 words and Sc each thereafter. [ORESSMAKING -- All kinds of ladies 723-4697 ' ' Ligiees | French doors, baby carriage, Tv aierials, | 968-2194. rooms upstairs, can be used for two) @ Must be familiar with city (Werd Ads.) wear. High quality work. Call Agnes' : IT AERIALS T goer el Full length nitrate ORR catia: | Holstein, some Stiarohe, | Sep irients or ares Telephone 728- Dressmaking, 668-8463 | i 2 |geese, ducks, police pups. 668-2067, 7 '@ Guaranteed salary with AUCTION SALES an 10 RON S TV (@) GIRL'S Brownie ouifit, size small, winter| ' a RT ee TT = | rowr , DEAD and crippled farm stock at RESTAURANT well established on busy : $2.10 PER INCH INSERTION DRESSMAKING Suits, coats, / dresses, | SUMMERLAND | \ , BIG SAVINGS at clothing; boy's dress sports jacket, size|up prompt! orem Fur Farm, PE eseny highway, Oshawa area, living quarters, Incentive Bonus jalterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a/ SECURITIES IW/ 12 Years' Experience W. 12, Cub shorts, all in excellent condition Taitekone elect Hammon 263-2721, Li-|gift counter. $15,000 down. For particulars 4 joi . $15. 5 5 E R| All above stock to be sold at |specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-237 i) Work t ; f ' T WORD A DEADLINES |PERSONAL STYLING anaes 112 Simcoe St. North A ork Guaranteed / ° App sss Shakespeare Avenue Oe ORCAS |weite Box 917 Oshawa Times. apply in' person or S arine PIANO, upright, white enamel wood HOLSTEIN heifer, due February st! ] 15--Employment Wanted stove, clothes cupboards, treadie sewing calf); Jersey cow due April; Polled Here-| | 2----EMmploy Ds 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS lwise women! Dressmaking, alterations, Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 R T2337 52 | Fitti jalt 728-1823 f int- itting a@ specialty. 23 for appoi RON BRIGHTLING Cl mont Ont machine, Phone 725-0672 ford heifer calf (6 mos.), 655-4662 @ve- EXPERIENCED "DAY CARE given to VADIANT SIeMon mt, RESTAURANT FQUIPMENT -- casn|"/09%: weekends, child or baby In private home, Phone LOST AND FOUND, ment = a Mortgage Money S 9 A.M. -- 9 P.M. mM. ublication ADIES -- Ha hild doll i LADIES lave your children's dolls Available | register, meat slicer, pop cooler, fryer, HAVE STALLS for approximately seven | 723-2136 after 1.00 p.m. Phone 649- 2007 stools, booths, etc. Nestletan 986-4200. |head of cattle, willing to do chores, feed| NEEDED -- a playmate | for my irl. CLEANERS - - upplied. Rossland Road. Telephone 668-| wii; give good care to one or two little dressed for Christmas. Teen-age dolls aj BIRTHS AND DEATHS ialty! 7254 | pig pcre M specialty! 725-8592 3 Low: Interest | "Ty SERVICE | EXPERIENCED dGressmaker, sewing and | mens ------ | USED furniture, ~ appliance 4 sporting 1 94, CLASSIFIED DISPLAY alterations, in own home. Mrs. Alice Van Member Ontario | DAY OR EVENING |8¥rFT. Weymouth cabin. cruiser, £0] goods, Bought, sold. Best prices! Valle girls, 3-5 years old, $10. 728-2549 | | 1 colurmn -- 4 p.m. day previous. 2 col. (Der Heide, Roselawn Ave., 725-5948 Mort: ok 8 : {HP Johnston motor, Telephone Alax Creek, 16 Bond West. 729-4401. Foe RSI Hh ne SIRO POS eae eee umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous a rtgage Brokers Association |942-5056 11--Pets and Livestock HOUSEWIFE will take care of one or eis Sar va ee - ge -|WE BUY, sell and exch fi k in| : : FIR N ; ie = ; Sell and exchange used furi two children, five or six days @ week in) : a Gardening and Supplies SA eLrunie BURR Iae eaten cane 728-5286 |MERCURYS, MK 20 H, $725; KG 7 Hilture or anything you. have. The City|BOXER -- fawn, 20 years old, female,|ner home. After' 5. p.m. 725-9094 Ree AND : . af $170; KG 7, $100, Telephone 728-2293. | Trading Post Store, 326 Simcoe Street/good with children, Telephone 725-9745. | MAINTENANCE CORRECTIONS and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Stree OSHAW. South, 723-1671 DAY CARE for pre-school children. "Baby | 9 AM. DAY OF PUBLICATION DUTCH East. 723-7232 A Ks FOOT FINREGLASS Larson 'boat, con: uth, 723-1671. ue Good HOME tor male toy terrier, six} we welcome, Telephone 723-8904, ; vertible top. np Johnson motor, Cana-' TYPEWRITERS, adding machines and months oi rained and all needles. "BULB TIME" FRIVATS Ane "Mortgages. and" nesfere ELECTRONICS dian traveller, trailer. Priced for quick time clocks, new and rebuilt, One year|Present owner is allergic to dog dan-| WOMAN wishes day work, house or office MEC HANIC a a bs enatad: Crolenton Fopeengaey ery | Sale. 728-0705 guarantee, Outstanding good buys. Jen-/druff. Reasonable. Phone 728-6414 'cleaning, central, Telephone 728-9267 While every endeavor w be made | ci7ec Murdoch -ar ; " antennas, sien re- TRAILER 8' x 16, t heel, |Kins Business Machine Sales and Ser- = eg i we Te rd repli TOP SIZE ¥ y and Victor (See "Bar | Box 4' x 8 X 16, two wheel, artes TWO SADDLE HORSES, seven-year-old BABYSITTING per hour, day or week. F Bigg bad Mag pvt oo ran | TULIPS : bebe Figs Beko 75000. $11 Dean'aiso 10 hp Evinrude motor, runs good. |Vice, 728-7783. Open evenings. Palomino mare, and four-year-old biack|Reasonable rates, Mother's care. inter-| AjOx manufacturer of elec- 4 Leong 4 2 ae | VOR lephone 725-0500. __. | Telephone 942-2226, TYPEWRITER standard, $35; portable,|gelding, very reasonable, Telephone 723-|view Mrs. Luck 668-3866, tronic components 'requires accept, no 'ability in respect of ; : AORUDEL nt ; or damage a. eged to arse | HYACINTHS Musical Services Well ' Drillina----Di fis $30; adding machine, $257 electric. type-| 6482 WOMAN to mind children in her own| capable man to set up, main- igh either 'failure or delay in tor | DAFFODILS pio 5 : g--Vigg ng |'7--Swap and Barter writer, $40; electric cash register. It@m- 'HORSES BOARDED at W-Bar-L Ranch, home. Sunset Heights area. Telephone) tain and repair production ng such replies, however caused : ri 19 ae i ing anywhere| WELL DIGGING by machine specializing} SB sine nf Garrerd Road North. Modern fecitities; }720-4049 M be = st er, : celic stario 1 suaranteed + 5 ie ~ equipment. ust ex oy negligence ° e.| NARCISSUS ' SE I seal n' 30-inch file, W. Ward, 204 Chestnut|COLOREO BATH sets, three-piece, rz STUDENT'S TYPEWRITERS, new and room to ride; Riding Club and Games iti The Tires. Will not be responsibie-tor > be 3h ; Du after 6 P.M:\ctreet West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668 2209. AY kitchen sinks; medicine, shower, a ised; cash registers, adding machines;|Arena. Also- puppies for sale, $5.00 each, WILL GIVE day care to child Ih_ my perienced. Permanent position replies uncalled for in 20 days. CROCUS y Ot SB Tem lkitchen cabinets; pressure. systemsi|ese" yp Machines, guaranteed. Expert| 725-4394 own home. St. John's Schoo! area. Tele-| With usual company benefits, si; 1UBS; "$15.95; ; ; sho yittby 668-2095 ; REGULATIONS SNOWDROPS VERSATILE four-piece combo available 1--Women' s Column ~ [sump pumps; laundry Tubs, '$15.957 pip' -ervice, Oshawa BUSINESS "-Macttinec;~ 720 ST BERNARD pops Tepistered.--wen enone Whitby m ee __| Please call for appointment. EGUL. The Oshawa Times will not for weddings saa ces, banquets, etc jing, fittings; automatic: washers and 1664 or N25: 9748, Inarked. Telephone 460-038 17 ocla Help Wanted sponsibie for errors =m ad GRAPE HYACINTHS ' 1 996 Pine Avenue, corner of| 'adjusted free. Guaranteed trouble free 4 tel : : 942-1540 ments submitted otherwise r 'og Siracancns Telephone 725-5363, ig-- Articles for Sale all winter if you purchase the best in a ad for children, After § telephone | IRIS Telephone 728-9 --------|dryers; boilers, radiators. H. Chinn, Hill nao writing not for more than o ts bd FE. RI = _--------__----_ fr t oO; DI : an tie ' CHARD BLACK, OD, 13% Simc scleai clas ain eae _. |fuel oil from Western Oil Company. al ' of any - sivertisement BIRD FEEDERS Street North, Suite 6 Oshawa Fuleonene a... Perscnal 1725-1212 BELGIAN Shepherd pups and grown WAITRESSES CENTRALAB =| Oshawa Shopping Centre BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- SOc 5 PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair-!side y and Park South, 723-7088 FREE! Have your furnace cleaned and|Toy Boston bulldog, five years old, male, yond the price charge for dogs, pure white, tan and black, $20. $30. insertion in which. error' occurs. : WILD BIRD MIX : Pues : : | ee | |ADDING MACHINES, typewrllers, cash- |part-Spaniels, $10. Selling out. | j a . . . oO : | ers, J ators, © ewilters, es, ii Cums time whee a ree SUNFLOWER SEEL Painting and Decorating | R¢™0V0l_of superfluous hair Idesks, chairs. We buy, sell, rent, service|ST. BERNARD pups, ragiitered. -Stv| EXPERIENCED CANADA LTD. lo classify advertising sccording "to e Boast | in Murduff will be in Heavy waterproofed -- drill and trade, with budget terms. New and|service. Boarding, Brooklin 655-4760 its proper classification. TRAW 1 | shawa Oct. 18th, 19th, and 1 rprootec I, used. Low, low prices, Bill Hamilton,!BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for i 2 ssacallbcieislseiae eae S : PAINTING AND 20th, Phone Genosha Hotel | Sewn-in floor, rear window |Panian training, talking strain, Apply Mrs, 7 Part-time and fulltime. Full in the cases ot display advertisements f x su 0 + a 1 pe 7 bil rg Bhi ig Spt ° DECORATING |. on these dates for appoint. with storm flap, dutch door /|GAS SPACE HEATER -- (two) automa-|8road, 114 Elgin East STATIONARY sible for more space 'han tha! "hich Cc INTERIOR and EXTERIOR | rent with awning. jtic, almost new; one is 60 BTU, other POODLE PUPPIES, small miniature and benefits, For appoiktment call tual error occupies The pub Cooper-S mith CG. : Teashads }40 BTU, with pipes and elbows. 668-8429. toys, white, nine weeks, Excellent Eng-| IA ST endeavor 10 reproduce sil' ad 16 CE Broad my C ion Sreosrine ELECTROLYSIS From $39.95 Up |HEAVY DUTY range, apartment size lish breeding. Show quailty, $90. and up.) dis hibit hae icy es 5 1139 oe ap Pe x | 23 gas stove, nearly new; 34 bed complete, | Telephone 7? | 623 337. 5 A occtihd Atha dde pi 139 723-2312 DODD & SOUTER | i 404) j lend tables, ice box, bath tub; é6inch fur-|@oZY-d-RANCH KENNELS, Palamino| = 668-5862 BusOs DELIVERED anywhere, Canada, BICYCLES nace pipes, fittings. 109 Celina Street pony colt, white mare, three years; Ger > ! 1c "2 orida, California. Bonded drivers. To- -- | i "ee | FOR LUSH GREEN LAWN : fo Se c Q |O1L PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits,|man Shepherds, registered; --_ rupple isiv. adlebetixennett canceled: Satore ~ CROSS TOWN odainting and decoral isd athe: ane Away Service, 5385 Yonge Stondard features, include figure work, custom picture framing, | boarding Ashburn 655-4662 evenings. FLYING DUTCHMAN! publication will be charged one day's Top ateria workmanship guaran. g Ets id oles |Glark Studio, evenings and weekends; |ONE-YEAR-OLD Samoyed, Wonderful Shift work, 40 hour week. Greta teed. Free estimates. Dial 728-9098 LADY-would like ride Whitby to Oshawa, Chain guard, Perry Coaster 668-4497, 325 Brock North, Whitby. |pet for children... Telephone 728-4952 MOTOR HOTEL All Ontario Civil Service Bene- : PAINTING AND DECORATING. Exterior Site. WRIT cae imately 8.30 a.m. Tele-, brakes and silver brazed skate EXCHANGE -- New and used| GIVE "AWAY One female cat, good fits. Solar ronge----$4,400; IT'S GASY TO.PLACE A and interior. Paper hanging.. Bowmanville!" bhi J 5393 after 5.30 p.m. | frames and forks. skates. Sold, exchanged, Expert sharpen-\r, farm. Also two female kittens, three | 'ill y 9 TIMES ACTION WANT AD Laid ond Delivered... also | 823-258 TRAVELLING ALONE? Join one of our} From $34. 95 U ng. Cycle Centre, 20 Bond East. 725-6344.| onths old. Box trained, Telephone 723- Bowmanville - $5, Call Classified Direct Cedar Hedges, Patios Laid (ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling. |Bureau Lid Alon, puncsen eee ravel p [ACCORDION 'for 'sale. Fully equipped 1314 ; pen ime ca S 4 723 3492 ond Delivered new and used materials, Reasonablie| ails and demonstration, telephone HORSES FOR BOARD. Reasonable rates. pply to Superintendent, ut rates. Estimates free, 723-119 J oley aa ees ne or apply 392 Oshawa Blvd. South hone | CALL ALL SraMaiie AND waaTiiiS '*" |3--Sportsman's Column LAWN MOWERS :: [ater ies : HE Pee ees oe | Stenographer Ontario Training INDEX 10 "MAPLE LEAF" plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark|DEER HUNTING licences. New and TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- * ft. |79.-Aveielen Pe Rent. . Reaulred for i cae Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, used guns, ammunition. Best Ligh = structure, hot dipped galvanized 1" tower Landscaping and aGrden Service |225 Simcoe Street South. " iValley Creek, 16 Bond Street Yel rH Weenies one power included, single all-channet arrenha pata' LAW. OFFICE School for Bo S CLASSIFICATIONS 495. 061 1 WANTED cook 4 ul, Adjustable. cutting height |piete, installed, tax included, guaranteed| Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- Y CITY-WIDE COVERAGE and at iow cost| ook for organized hunt from 1" to 3'. Chrome plat- one year, $50. See all towers at TRIO| Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Short-hand and ie ate \ for first week of deer hunting, Tele- i | 2s . ' ----_-- |is what you get with. Times Action Want |°2™MP for fir unting, Tele Television, corner Bond . and Division i : : . : 1--Women's Column as Temenee Cues en aro cones (ligne 7ab-7278 ed handle. Ah Line: Punch Bowie. Bridal dictating machine iitoancae Ont. Boe hf Column | eens NTEED CEDAR thar with @ courteous ad-writer DEER HUNTERS wanted November 8 to From $39.95 Up 7 "ENGLIS" CLOTHES DRYER, bunk} Wear, Men's Formals, White transcription essential sateen eaten ' AND BUSHY. FOR 5 sbstainers only. $50 per week. Phone F Js with mattresses, walnut china cabi Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. Good wages. Replies held in | HORSE RANCH $-- Trailers 'Marine Equipment | HEDGES ET cree ¢s. |Rug-Upholstery Service | 968-322 | Heive call adler o'cloae: oa a Fe sige 7--Swap and Barter | IM 5, QUANTITY OF ----|DEER HUNTERS WANTED -- Peter DOMINION | | SARGEANT'S RENTALS contidence. Write. to pee oat | posts AND poLes OSHAWA pe af ell Ne ysl [earch mate cLonl Stondhien| 463 Ritson Rd, S, 725-3938 ene peel Malet 10--Farmer's Column SMITH'S TREE FARM | Call Apsley 656-4381 for reservation erie eee eee ee: eee ee SP ORNS RARE TENE Ae : li--Pets and Livestock Nawtonv 'ied Coll Collect CLEANERS DARE HUNTER WANTED. WIE | jsixty. collars. 725-0619 |WHEEL CHAIRS, hospitsl beds, walkers, _OSHAWA_ TIMES" as Married Couple 12--Articles Wanted soadiedibocd dee ree eighteen Prd atta des bul }22"" HEAVY. DUTY range, four-burner,|reducing machines, sick room' supplies WANTED Wa--Articies Wanted be as aa Ul. lacs ic, anole cane ir Jt NO Set : |good working order, $40. Telephone 723-/Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. G LOUNGE \4--Business Opportunities i 9 P yer Tae ' 145 King St. W. | ba ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one-hundred DI NIN 1$--Employment Wanted ing. At our plant or in your abe: T MAN--Care of horses, gener- 'IgmAgents Wanted BLUE ~ |FISH HUTS 7 | Telephone 725-6511 | WESTINGHOUSE retrigerator, $35. Tele-| people! Oshawa Tennis Club for banquets, " eu a _ SoD home pone SX fy 925.) Om 6 : jphone after 6 p.m., Whitby 668-2338 \parties, weddings, anniversaries. Facili Waitresses Required al farm repairs, no heavy 17--Femaie Help Wanted $35, Apply 559 Dean Avenue. 1 1@--Male Help Wanted GRASS CALL 725-996] : PLASTIC seat covers, $5; outside clothes | BABY CARRIAGE, Gendron, powder ties, bar kitchen, parking. Reasonable Fannie car necaeenn: 19--Male or Female Help Wanted zs Pan ie [DEER HUNTERS WANTED -- 'or firshiline, $5) lady's wool, plaid. Jacket and ive: a send ofl DONOR iratag,: 720-6118 APPLY WIFE ©. General housakeess 20--Real Estate for Sale' | heck the quality 94 -BR and second week of hunting, $70. per, leopard coat, 14; $5 each: boy ath tn? $2 Te eohions 655-4556 "Ten i: aa TEN | Z 2 oa--Summer Properties falibur f ' CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, MR. WIEDER ing. Room and board. Excel- aN ; y week. Haliburton area, Call. Wayne and hood, siz 42 2 : lent salary with increases. 3rd Class Papers Greer Nursery Sod RE-UPHOLSTERY by eyperts. Establish: Roberts, 723-1386 Be ANTIQUE mat l Cl Fox Rentals, v1 If s plish-, Roberts, 723-1 lguburbaen: size 48, O04. Tales mahogany dining room suite, /aiste runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, Tink we Growers, Townline North ed 17 years. Co sge of maierial Pakahord lair conditioner and heater, lamps, ches-|Simcoe Street North, Call 723-2414 | GENOSHA HOTEL 23--Real Estate Wanted Ya mile N. of Taunton Village | Mipirmansnip suisranteed five years. Free) S__Trailers [Rew smooth top mates $24.95; cribs, Monee ee : eg OMe Dy reat ees: a a estimates Cred erms Mattresses re 5 DI $s } cribs Phone 725: 1 | 24--Stores, Offices and Storage » OSHAWA 725-9674 built fure io 1510.95; new crib mattresses, $9.95; st | | onto 447-1494, Days 757- ee oe ae oes ddhoke Somn.. Hurei ure "n nishéd. Oshawa Up- FOR SALE -- 40 HP Mercury, electric, Has WE) talavinloi' GA SST acsee reel |FLOOR COVERING CLEARANCE of dis For | WAITRESSES REQUIRED 3291, Mrs. Metcalfe. Week- %--Apartments for Rent TREE TO TRIM? Call Sim. Or 11) cut|725-0011 ene NtOr: COMI TANG. ARKING 98 |ssa95; dressers, chrome sels, radios and|continued patterns, all siashed in. price Full and part-tim ds Port Pi 985-2200 jthem down. Free estimates, "725-5118 pe : . e' bectlchdienh ba guns, new and used, Valley Creek, 1 fe 27¢ per foot. Wilson's Furniture, 20 RESULTS BNE PETE AO ibe NORA NE S158 AM ees on |7a-oer8 [covered ke new. Get tha: best for_tess|contnined with entrar eephons Histol sooo Sak SIVTES hea | U 7 to 4 pm. -- 41011 pm pe ~~ -- ?' b, S$| contained wi extras e Kage oon ssc iy Pay gps ye ts as ¢ Automobiles for sale NURSERY and field tod, Prompt de-|at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street | evenina: : phone 725-1035 \VACUUM "repairs yg makes hoses, |OaK OFFICE DESK, nearly ne wo" x se 1) 9 ain Class "A 3l--Compact Cars for Se' VE Sah ree estimates. Telephone! South, Call 728-645]. Free estimates ushes yery, 213. : + vi Sole 32--Trucks tor Sale 793-9910, evenings 728-0875. CHESTERFIELDS | sangre peo FOR SALE house trailer, 9 x T, [Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, HOCKEY equipment, one complete set,| TIMES ly. MR AMPBELL MECHANIC 33--Automodiles Wanted HANGER, WO tolled. 2k Gar ard los laivieg re-upholstered and re-jnew ci s, insulated, -- furnished, /Pickerin newly purchased last year; only used : Apply. MR. C . Y--Automobi--e Repair f our 7 y wir f gas: Exce FURNITURE three ccome, new qual. twice. Also two pairs of boxing glove Classified Genosha Hotel Apply in Person syd soil, $2.25 per yard. Delivery charge on for recovering 6 pholstering, 75 lent enttac: , t : Palate ' ts Hs sS--L-cot_ and Pound two-yard orders of top soil. 725-0897" or ree Street, 723-7 Telephone is) furniture, cn 9 te [068-6186 after: 5 p.m - ¢ ---- h--Lega ARMGTRONG SOD AND LOK well sad : bediotens tiving room, Klicken ehacmbies LRERRIDRICRT ER Gisclay case. and Bar ACTION ADS LADY to care for two children (pre 588 King St., East 37--~Auctions | rth M. Nutsery | CANVAS awnings, curtains, canopies. | TENT TRAILER sleeps four; off around./Pay only § wk ly Irbeatable value! ldeau food warmer, suitable for restau. schoolage) and light household duties , Coming Events sod, gravel, stone and top soil. Telephone | Complete vice ree estimates. Mil] Mattresses, spare wheel, canopies, $300. |Barons' Home Furnisnings, 424° Simcoe!rant or cafeteria, Best offer. Telephone | Good home with remuneration. Telephone| MEADE"S SU NOGO Notions 725-5864, Jelinek, ma 1993 arya, Telephone Brookiin 655-3889, "south, 942-1540, ' 723-3492 72-1360,