plc agesa et pgp oncom voters' is running much lower Nfld. . 222,486 221,321) Sask. 506,450 than in the recent past. In|P.E.L 55,961 57,029 | Alta. 723,170 federation, SOBSI. ' : ; 3 S k oO Mullin Ths. chiet spokesman of the BOWLING NEWS Eli ibl F Thi E] * -|1963 there were 210,432 more|N-S. 398,130. 401,874/B.C. 961,272 u arn Gg Indonesian foreign office, Ga. ae ee Gl ? 1gl é or is ection eligibles than in i963, The in.|N.B. 302,700 904,739: V-NWT 8,098 -3 nis Harsono, reported that th ease from the 1958 election to Que. 2,909,753 2,807,634 Totals 10,191,825 24 THE eehiawa TIMES, Thursday, October 14, 1968 collapse, The Communists eon- OSHAWA 10 Milli on-Plus C a na di an qian a ne egal aia i the actual pod ine: try 3 foreign office last Monday sent) we ::z sted fo see se many girls in| Conawa (CP).-- Prelimin:|' Revisions between now and|1962 .was 569,125 and from 1957) --~ oa '4 h Red , a note of protest to the Chinese| the 600's this week. Keep it up. M. Wana- | | I ( : 4 4 i jn.|to 1958 it was 299,075. = Ss 5 ing i maker again topped her high triple with ary tabulation shows at least| election day are likely to in- : ' | ess ina embassy for not flying its flag|maker again Savi bis : high| 10,191,825 Canadians eligible tO\crease the total. In 1963 these, One informed source sug-| RUG & UPHOL STERY at half staff in mourning for)752 '501, 218 233) and gi | 7 Be bah ae | he deed generis anced gn nie i ne Nev. iederalievsns we St mums ote, ae Je ae By ANTOINE YARED Sukario and Nasation " metiby the government. mgonyen eo cognates ed neo ae, aasrel Wed thn prelieninnty Tt --s8- 20eze =, interest in the election and ; ba : . Bran' je T selec "er, - t J . : JAKARTA (AP) -- President el pict sar er hgettnd ras The high official said the fact|<. Hornbrook 612 (251, 208), P. Lemaire|nesday. Loop gh ev gg in Pevinlon, tat people weren't. making CLEANING : fable tine erpieal pop et ume Saree Pledithat the Cltinese embassy did) so7 (254), N. Larocque 604 (226 16) and) 4, de Jast election, in 1968) yo. wie an : sure their names were on'the Sukarno is cons Fa coup Oct. i. not fly its flag at half staff, did .. Parry 600 (283). epee "tot lled 9,910 757 of ENE TRE---PE CTA RETY AE GPET ap ; ia-Your- Home or-Our-Piant establish a new gigi The official indicated that Su-jnot send representatives to the| 200 Games -- J. Wessman. 249, my [eligibles oa) roti Pha il seorelton the coming vote seemed sur-| i. sina) revised figure for| Sas ' Communist party that won't), sino had given his tacit ap-lfuneral of the murdered gener-|H- Selby 24... Meck 29. 6, Pearce Ze /whom 7,A04,011, 8 RY prisingly low on the basis of ad-| , The i . } PHONE 725-9961 lean toward Peking, a high) oval to the army's currentlals and the failure of Peking @, Brown 2 9. Here 70. sien ten 79 per cent, cast ballots. |yance estimates that the el-his year's yoting wan't be| government official said today. v7) is ign. pnee P. Clapp 205, B. McDermaid 203, D.| The figure for the comingjigibles might total anywher javailable in Ottawa until well) DIVISION OF OSHAWA anfi-Communist campaign. Helleaders to send congratulatory |?) F; So7PP, 00% ane B. Smith election announced by Mr. Cas-lfrom 10.400.000 to 10,700,000 ie after the election. oO cs HA CLEANING CONTRACTORS gd The official also indicated/.,iq Sukarno will not object to/messages to Sukarno for emerg-| 202. 0 / pee that Indonesia may reappraiselthe campaign as long as theling safe from the coup attempt! Team standings -- Rolling Pins 26, Pin-|tonguay today is based on the|the basis of population growth. Following are the preliminary; its relations with China. But he|qomonstrations are not followed|was an "eye opener to the pres-|¢ttes, 20, Shindigs 18, Crackerbys 18 Dis' number of names on prelimin-| : totals of eligibles by provinces a : ; 1, |(mond GROWTH RATE DOWN 94 BRUCE STREET indicated the two countries will ssaseination, J 4 ids 16, Kooks 16, Hotshots 12 and ary printed voters lists in the accounted by Mr. Castonguay still follow the same policy of aeons catint Goma -- ous teas 2 M. Wanamaker 366. country's 263 constituencies, Unless revisions add an un-for the Nov. 8 vote, compared opposition to the West. SUKARNO OBJECTS : : : pat flac ~ -- PU acta ala iis ethno The official said there is| Reports have. been eirculat- eomplete understanding be-jing in Jakarta that Sukarno) ' tween Sukarno and Gen. Abdul|was objecting to the army Haris Nasution, the defence|crackdown on the Communists minister and chief of staff of|for their involvement in the = the armed forces, on the idea of|coup attempt in which six army ereating a new Communist|generals and a lieutenant were party based on Indonesian self-|killed. interest. The official said Sukarno did : The official added the pres-|not condemn the Communist ent Communist party leadership|party -- the PKI -- in order to will be dropped. avoid bloodshed and economic DIAMOND BRIDAL PAIR with NEW Toro-Flow Diesel Engines! NEW V6 Gasoline Engines! 'NEW 92° Cab! NEW models! GMC Handi-Ven =--A 'gold! See & NOW 200.00 20.00 DOWN 5.00 WEEK 'cme aart ta B U R 5 5 = eae NEW TORO-FLOW 4-CYCLE DIESEL ENGINES oe eres New Toro-Flows are a triumph of GMC Engineering JEWELLERS , te : : ee pies Leadership. 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Construction features lap joints for great strength, excellent sealing; helps reduce moisture-holding nooks and crannies : } where rust begins. Flat cab floor provides extra foot space, $75.00 $65.00 $45.00 is easy to keep clean. Separate fender, hood, grille and side panels allow single-panel replacement or repair. 100 NEW STYLES FOR LADIES AND MEN! NEW MODELS GMC's range of new engines, new transmissions and differentials, engine-axle combinations, and the new 92" conventional cab bring the total to 397 GMC models available for '66; In the new 92" cab series alone, gasoline engines available include four V6s, two V6 Toro-Flow diesels and four GMC diesels. GMC has been setting truck standards in Canada for close to thirty years. Engineering Leadership is the key. And with a wider model lineup, new engines and a longer list of options, GMC is an even better buy in '66. 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