Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Oct 1965, p. 20

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BIG COAL FIND SUNDERLAND, England Natchez, Negroes In Caucus 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, October 14, 1965 T S talting nearly 300 photographsown talent to give the publie (Reuters). -< Ivew cost decastts ony res rth gga orb -- '|antidea of the people who'have estimated at 550,000,000 tons . made London, with Paris and have been discovered under he! TQ Work Qut Rights Accord ! ROUND THE GLOBE IN A GLANCE ' tks tak Sane Yaw 6 : : ee ; sea off northeast England, the On Basis Of the result of his collaboration|New York, one of the world's ; government - run national coal ; witih: two other specialists. three capitals of art. ' rT op ari V board announced Wednesday.| NATCHEZ, Miss. (AP)--City|regation of the local hospital, . edecs Tihe two, Bryan Robertson, c The discovery means a boost to|officials and Negro leaders to-jupgrading Negro employees in His Abiliti dir &ctor of the Whitechapel Gal- ' e * ee Britain's natural resourcesjday discuss ways to put intojarea stores, formation of a bi- es ler:y,, and John Russell, art his- GOOD FOOD : of £2,500,000,000 ($7,500,000,000)|effect new civil rights agree-|racial committee and appoint- torigin and critic, have written , In avs piTuon oO and ensures jobs for 20,000 min-/ments aimed at ending raciallment of a Negro to the school| LONDON (Reuters) -- Lordlthe text. eee Mne's Loe a: i a amiss = : li Pn pescctacutin ers for 50 years in an arfedldiscord. board. Snowdon, Princess Margaret's Th e book crowns the quiet but 12 Noon to 2 P.M. : where eight coal mines face] Mayor John Nosser signed an| The night before, 600 Negroesjiusband, this weex will reacit pera sent etiorts made by -the le' DINNER 5:30 to & P.M. threats of closure. agreement Wednesday nightidemonstrated after rejectingja new peak in his career as a 's brother-in-law to re-\MFULLY LICENSED LONDON (Reuters) -- Pop-)said the anthem now is played SEE WHOOPER Group |2tanting most civil rights de. city civil rights offers as only|photographer. fae shee gale DINING ROOM wlarity of the ruling Laborijess and less on the occasions --~}mands, and Negro leaders in|'more.words." An unprecedented survey of|cariver which many thought was "J has leaped 11 points! yen it used to be automatic. CAMBRIDGE England (Reut-| supeRB, Sask. (CP)--A fa-\turn pledged to end demonstra-| Violence erupted here duringithe contemporary tone. art ovest ay the ine. of his mar- HOTEL LANCASTER | ahead of the Conservatives and ers) -- Cambridge University) mily of four whooping cranes--|tions pending further settle-|the Labor Day weekend and|scene, for which he has beenlriagys five years ago. © ig now at its highest ever, poll ELECT PECK will have the first co - educa-|the rarest North American bird] ments, Governor Paul Johnson sent in\busy during the last three years| In. "private view" he uses his {figures published today claim. tional college in its 80 - year|--has been sighted in this west-| The city concessions included|some 600 national guardsmen to Pins ' Labor's lead is bigger than Poko Bee Tas pogo Bk history, it was announced Wed-lcentral Saskatchewan area.|more Negro policemen, deseg-lkeep the peace. a ay THE BOWIMIANVILLE & OSHAWA Ses tay wre i persone ter ot Cannan, nodes, Maemean Fret tee oad et war he PLACE THIE FACE CONTEST ROBSON MOTORS LIMITED ; between 1959 and 1964, anid, the day at a meeting of the board|versity College--which has been|lieved to be four adult cranes Your Quality G.M. Dealer 'Conservative newspaper the)" i ie in Montreal. Helgiven a £192,000 ($576,000)|in the area Monday, John Stark|} Daily Mail, Se - Seenaide EB. Hinman who be.|grant by Cambridge University,|of Edmonton said Wednesday. "GOODWILL GUWARANTEED USED CARS & TRUCKS" 166 King St. E. Bowmanville * national opinion comes vice-president and as-|said a four-acre site will be de-|Latest count of whooping cranes A BEAVER || PADDY'S MARKET « Specializing in LUMBER || USED WASHER PARTS. \ CO. LTD. & REPAIRS A- - Today's figures, almost one) i+ 0+ +9 the chief executive of-|veloped with apartments forlis 52 birds, including eight in year after last October's gen-|- ..{married and single men and|captivity at a New Orleans zoo. : eral election, claim that 49.7 me << gael pct . The birds are counted annually. 623-2453 Yhour Home Improvement Exclusive Agents for Oshawa {Headquarters Wood Products Homes | 623-3388 ' th - aiews Pe Bye 52 King St. W., Bowmenville 965\King St. E., Bowmanville ¢ ENTERTAINMENT .. : : Come as You Are .. . Eat in Your Car 5 WIN ea ett a, ¢ REFRESHMENTS BRESLIN'S. | | ME DRNICE * bor and 38.7 per cent Conserva- ANTHEM A FARCE? McMURRA y Ss ata - " Tickets on Sale at | i$ IN ini ets on w" H $C SHOP TICKETS ALSO 'Where The ' 5.00 CASH * tive. eee rem "M" BURGER * bor a majority in Parliament : - EDINBURGH (Reuters) -- A| eo : "All Classes Of Insurance" ; national religious weekly said RIVE-IN RESTAURANT Phone: aa pegs sronk eg Well-Dressed * Te omcoe E/\CH WEEK t CAMBRIDGE CO-ED sutra) a successful professional 27 King St. W., Oshewe Everyone's Having a Ball! At The OSHAWA JAYCEE "Miss Oshawa" CORONATION BALL TOMORROW - 7 P.M. -- at the -- U.AW. HALL "::." Bring Your Friends and Have Fun! ¢ DANCING 623-3396 PETER KOWAL Jr. REAL ESTATE Members of Oshawe ond District Real Estate Board Home of Country Style FRIED CHICKEN And Tasty Flaky English Style FISH 'n CHIPS } ended Aug. 31. This compared with earnings of $32,173,389 or $1.87 in 1964. DECLARE DIVIDEND : Directors of Ford Motor Co. * {mn Detroit declared a fourth- share, an increase of 20 per cent over the rate paid last ' year and in the first three- Complete Line of Beotty-Thor-Cros- ley Appliances, Speed Queen, Hampton 263-2241 | of 160 to 180 seats. At present « it has two. : PROFITS UP | at the BIG-M DRIVE-IN! Hiram - Walker - Gooderham! * and Worts Ltd. report net earn- - ings of $34,568,348 or $2.01 Contact Don M et psrepoen ag aon tied bene TAUNTON RD 115 Simcoe St. South, Oshowe THE DOOR ountjey e " PER + c's aston! suibes. © od Savel) SIMCOE ST. NORTH AT 128-2291 © WILLS, VARIETY STORE 5.00 "Couns | Women Shop DeWith & Mountjoy and should be abandoned. In a) If Ws the Big "M" Drive-In ef Course It's McMurrey's, on ave noe DeWith & Mountjoy Weekly and nis on Wend | 7 King W. @| RULES e@ ---- -- ee 623-3980 Res. 623-3614 Each wee for 26 weeks you con win * (U.S.) a share in the year 14 Frank Se. Bowmanville 623-5854 $5.00 ing cash from the partigisating 1 e businesses on this advertisment, A Furniture and Upholstery -- | sédrass ti) the Contest Editor at The e the first correct ao de h Kk, Po FOR ALL answer, cp wn will win @ $5.00 cash you are isked to do, is th ; { Where smart women shop en question: Wire identifying the business which refates to the person in thi picture .4.d the question that is osked. GOOD BRAN Send your answer with your name ond prize, En \riies must be in no loter than YOuR 4 p.m. 'I\sesday of each week. Enter now, All Wool Flannel & 4 wees | © QUESTION @ H4 inch Wide Rej mM e" | Os : Automotive Trim thr fee fica 'ond han" ape Ouly S00 per gn : ¥) 102 King St. W, 623-5252 . 28 King W. 623-5551 py JURY & LOVELL | | SCHWARZ : ||| Get that GO-GO "-- BROTHERS iy ayy feeling with . DAIRY CATTLE ,. : t REXALL Bought and Sold \ 4 SUPER PLENAMINS j : R.R. 3, Bowmanville j ; 623-3361 ; ~ Bowmanville 623-2895 = ' : . 2 KING E, BOWMANVILLE or 725-0815 © ANSWER e w CORO e ee econ reer erereenens, GILLARD Cadillac Billiards 17 TABLES Broedicomed Floors Cleanit Service OPEN 9 A.M, ~ 11 P.M. 725-3555 "Bring he t Neme . oe tee Family" Led- DEPOTS Address 009 somes sere. een ie plete wi le 92 Welfe -- 170% Mary alr ereerere 0) SS aie ep ey pry ve y iy i 12 Bond E. -- 94 Simese N. | © LAST 'WEEK'S WINNER © Located in CKLB Bidg. Office & Plant at 92 Wolfe PAUL POWER 462 Mizabeth, Oshowe | OUR 39" BIRTHDAY CALLS FOR SPECIAL VALUES 725-8112 360 King W. Oshawa A. VIRTUE & SON DEPENDABLE STOVE OIL B.A. SOLAR HEAT 263-2431 BYAM & BARNES PLUMBING & HEATING : AGE! hie BUO-HEAT T* pnnston FURNACES Tyrone 263-2650 or 263-2288 - Tyrone CITY TV TOWERS Sales end Installetion W()ODLYN BEAUTY SALON -- Grace Amn Wood, Prop. TEXACO @ 1) Qualified Qperators To Serve 1! » COMPLETE REPAIRS oul! e.Lotest Halr- |] @ QUALITY PRODUCTS styles end | ¢ COURTEOUS, EFFICIENT Permanents sites WO SAG GR BAG STRETCH PANTS Sporty slim stretch slacks styled in nylon and tricose stretch fabric that will never lose its shape. Black, brown, navy, gold, NYLON QUILT SKI JACKETS. Lovely ski jackets fashioned with drawstring hood, jumbo zipper front, and two zipper pockets. Blue, black, royal and red; also Poul Cieslor--Prop. 511 Dean Ave. 725-0500 x y 723-1143 81 Simcoe IN. Oshawe 3 Class "A" Mechanies 117 Simcoe N. 728-0541 available in prints. S-M-L. Reg. 7.98. 6:33 6 Rug & Upholstery CI daning a ; ra SFLYINGS=SERVICE> || TCIM, y.., Riding Instruction * * Service * Overhauls ask 7 oie Home or + heen Aes A Bg Our Plavtt vf Men ies ~ ~ we s '. grey, green and royal, in sizes 8-20. 5.37 Reg. 5.98. _ : 5 i ~_ pf yor' c Wiener R Custom Welding & Fabrication rai & alas C.I.L. Paint Service rivate jes & Dances Info re Flight Training 725-2737 Oshawe Airport 728-6135 End of Rosslend Rd. E. pee 725-9961 OSHAWA: CLEANERS 94 Bw uce St. Giant Saami CLEARANCE SALE Continises at... Canada /Outdoor Supply @ompany Building Contractor 1437 King E. 728-1555 |] ' 723-7711 - Y% Mile E. of Town Limits 254 PARK N. CUS"*FOM WOODWORK %*% CABINETS y+ WINDOWS + DESKS x FILING (ZABINETS + STORE FIXTURES Residenti: ¢l1 -- Commerical -- Institutional 72. $-7143 OSHAWA, ONT. fn , R 'Pe ia @ Beautiful European Dishes P @ Smorgasbord Dinners on Satur- Pale day and Sundays SWAMP COATS, so com- pletely waterproof, you can meet the rain without a care. od ont ipper casing ond ered applique. trims, drawstring hood. Loden in Pink, white, blue, yel- 5 sizes XS-S-M-L. 44 low. S-M-L, 99 sizes S-M-L and XL. Reg 3.99 3" Reg. 5.98 4 Reg. 288, 2.87 ALL 58¢ PANTIES 47¢ OR 3/135 @ ALL 37¢ SCARVES 4 FOR 1.00 @ ALL 98+ SLIPPERETTES 77¢ @ ALL 98¢ DICKEYS 774 TRIMMED GIRDLES || ° Suis. "Mens tureheoms and-short-or_tong-leg OSHAWA panty girdles, all first STEAK HOUSE crality. Waite only, tn 1626 Simcoe St. N. 725-9111 DUSTERS styled in backeto-back quitt with dainty lace and embroi- HALF-SLIPS fashioned in quality fabrics. You variety of pretty styles in an assortment of colours S-M-L. 66 Reg. 1.98. 1 @ 29 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH -- 725-6221 @ OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- 725-4361 REITMAN'S STORES from Coast to Coast to Serve You

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