Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Oct 1965, p. 19

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PE pee pyre ta ' THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 1%, 1965 19 'Old-Liners' Run By 1,000! Canada Too, Says Tommy Pearson Treks Tory Land He would be prepared to con-| sider a $2.50-a-bushel minimum! price for the first 1,000 or 2,000 tions and these must not be discarded but rather built upon, 'We must build up this coun- try from coast to coast," he isaid, spreading opportunity erty and distress. And Draws Biggest Crowd "u.5""" Marcoux Book New Mark On Liberals: Diefenbaker | vanaaa i most responsive audiences ~of|volvement of others high in the, YORKTON, Sask. (CP)--Can- his western tour, JE E (CP)--Conser- prec per eg ds a circles of Liberalism would vative Leader Diefenbaker said Wednesday night the "revela- tions" in a forthcoming book by Dr. Guy Marcoux were an "added -1-e-a-s-o-a why--Prime, Minister Pearson didn't want to meet Parliament. _ Talking about the Rivard case and the Sefkind bankruptcies in the same breath, the Conserva- tive leader told 1,200 people that Dr. Marcoux's statements "'are even worse than anything else." Mr. Diefenbaker was told about a newspaper report on Dr. Marcoux's book shortly be- fore his evening rally, and he fired off a blistering attack on the Liberals before one of the Commenting on reports of ithe book, concerning alleged rep re- sentation by Moise Daraba) ier port the Liberals, Mr. Dief en- baker said 'it is a frightful thing" when a government is formed because it can get 'the support, by manipulations, of six members who were elec ted against it. Mr. Pearson "knew this 'was coming. He must have knewn these revelations would take place. He knew if Parliament met, the part played by Dara- baner--who today faces chai 'ges of fraud and arson--and the An A Revised Wheat Systern, Or Bankruptcy: Thompson CORONATION, Alta. (CP)--| Canada needs a two-price wheat system to save its farm pop- ulation from mass bankruptcy,| Social Credit Leader Robert| Thompson said Wednesday, night. Mr. Thompson proposed two-price system while outlin- ing his party's agriculture poli- cies to an audience of 200 in| a service club hall here. Coronation, with a population of 1,000, is in grain-growing and could get,' but the return to farmers on foreign.sales ould be as high as the retum.1 on domestic sales because the: port-export bank would 1nak up the difference to fariners. Mr. Thompson said a_ two- 4 price system would allow Can-| ada to offer its wheat to fcureign countries at lower prices with- out harming the farmei's at home. This would help build up new markets. have been the subject of a par- liamentary investigation. |) The government pre- ferred not to face that and now it is coming out in all its shady detail. 'GET THE PICTURE?' "More and more, this latest revelation, added to the Riv- ards, to the Sefkinds, to the furniture deals . . . do you see the picture unravelling, a pic- ture of wrongdoing that goes right to the vitals of the heart of the nation? Do you want your sons and daughters to be made subject to addiction in narco- ties?" | Mr. Diefenbaker, who spoke \for 92 minutes after a 12-hour day of whistle-stopping through {southern Alberta, said he had baner was a Liberal agent. "His wife said he wasn't, he'on who you are and where you, just drove a car on election day. He drove a bargain on holy Thursday. in 1963. "., I can come out and face im-|the Candian people and say this|pe v e|to them: We gave you a govern-|other 30 per cent suffering pri | ment that was honest." Earlier, Mr. Diefenbaker said would establish an Indian |claims commission and transfer | jurisdiction of the Indians to the northern affairs department from the department of citizen- {ship and immigration. ranching country 140 miles He also proposed estiablish-) Ye said the commission, jada's old-line parties are owned and controlled by those' who control Canada's economy, New Democratic Party Leader T.-C. Douglas said Wednesday. E Mr. Douglas told a capacity crowd of 900 in a high school lauditorium that less than 1,000 'Canadians in major industries and corporations control Can- ada. - "They decide whether prices go up or down, or whether the savings' of Canadians will be used to develop Canadian indus- tries or lie idle for another 50 years--and we, the people, have jnothing to say." Mr. Douglas said Canadians are fed up because they are realizing the society in which they live is an economic dic- tatorship. \for everybody-- . . . depends sit in our society," the NDP leader said. "It's not so good if you're -sit- ting with the 20 per cent in verty in Canada or with the vation." He said old-line parties have a Conservative government never gra,;itd with the prob-|Khrushchev's jlem of farm income. | The Slauihter | At Lion's Head bushels of wheat delivered by! 'a farmer in any one year. | Mr. Douglas also spoke Wed-| \nesday at Dauphin, Man., and' Regina: sare In Regina, he said Canada's) foreign policy, or lack of it, is| important to the election cam-) paign. 'No one has been able to dis-| cern Canada's present foreign) |policy, if indeed there is one,") ihe said at a press conference.| External Affairs Minister Martin never has stood up and) declared the company's policy, jhe said. | "The New Democrats believe \Canada should have an inde-| pendent foreign policy . . . not! framed by any other nation.") Mr. Douglas was to leave} et Prime Minister Pearson's|Yorkton early today for Winni-|40 miles to G |claimed months ago that Dara-|«soft sell approach--affluence|peg, from where he will fly to|dreds of flag - |Galt, Ont. K. Out A Year, |No Red Notice MOSCOW (Reuters) --The first anniversary of Nikita removal from power passed unnoticed in the |Soviet press today. | The former premier's name jis never mentioned in news me-} dia now, although shortcomings jascribed to him are still held up for criticism. |vertible in a screaming wel- come on a downtown square. {most all children, were in the ORILLIA (CP)--Prime Min- ister Pearson carried his "ma- jority government" appeal inte traditional Conservative _ terri- tory Wednesday and drew the| biggest crowds so far in his campaign for the Nov, 8 fed- eral election. A capacity audience of. 2,400 in Memorial Arena here Wed- nesday night gave him an 'en- thusiastic response when he. said there must be a_ strong central government in Ottawa, able 'to plan ahead for five years and not just five weeks." Mr. Pearson spent most of the morning in a Toronto hotel suite conferring by telephone with Ottawa and London on the Rhodesian crisis. Then he drove uelph where hun- children mobbed his open con- Provincial police estimated that close to 1,000 persons, al- waving school|. \Orillia visit was:the key point lin a campaign to break the~ Conservative hold on the Sim- jeoe region's five ridings. Canada - United States auto/government "does not want to agreement. jget into the position where the He said accusations that the| People of the country. feel that pact gives $50,000,000 » voar toithe government is going to do the auto firms while ignoring|¢verything for them and they consumers is "complete non-jhave nothing to do for them- sense." Prices of 1966 autos|Selves." were lower than similar 1965) 5 |FOUNDATION SOLID i models. The fall saving M98! put Liberal governments had| Py : / tariff rebates was being passed) .1,.,4y built a solid foundation| on which to develop proper so- on to car buyers. } Attacking critics of the auto'cial welfare policies and one of the next would be an arrange- igreement, he singled out Con- servative Alfred D. Hales, seek-!ment with the provinces for "a ing re-election in Wellington|sensible, reasonable medicare' scheme." | South riding which surrounds the industrial city of Guelph. Mr. Pearson said his main' Liberal candidate Don McFad-|dedication is towards national unity based on the principle of zen is campaigning on the theme that the auto agreement)ynity without uniformity." He was proud of Canada's tradi- HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S | OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS is bringing new industries to the Guelph area. In both Guelph speeches Mr. | Pearson laid emphasis on the problems Canada faces in the) immediate future and said only! a solid majority government! can bring about the solutions) best for all the country. | | BALLROOM DANCING at Y.W.C.A. square. He spoke briefly from the) back of a truck, recalling the) time when he lived in Guelph and played semi - professional baseball for a Guelph team. Mr. | Pearson's father was then min-| ister of Norfolk Street Methodist Shurch and Wednesday the prime minister paid a_ brief) visit to the manse where he t hs ' jtant just after the First World War|similar to the auto agreement 199 CENTRE ST., OSHAWA STARTS MON., OCT. 18 8:00 - 9 P.M, -- Waltz or Foxtrot 9:00 - 10:00 P.M. -- Latin American Register Now ~~ Couples and Single For Further Information -- call 723-7625 He pushed the theme to the} fore in his Orillia address, re- ferring to "some very impor-! economic arrangements" as being among the matters requiring a strong central ad- ministration. On social welfare, he said his lived. A minister's family still) occupies the old two - storey brick home. . northeast of Calgary. Mr,|ment of a Canadian feed grain|which he began planning in| LION'S HEAD, Ont. (CP) -- Thompson wound up a day of|authority similar to the wheat|1962, would investigate all com-|Provincial police said Wednes- Khrushchev, now a 71-year- old pensioner, held undisputed) election campaigning here after board. The authority wou ld co-|plaints and recommend comp-jday they are investigating the covering by car a route from Calgary northeast through Drumheller and Hanna, Alta., taking in Bow River and Acadia| ridings. He main-streeted in each community he visited. He was to spend today Saskatoon. Mr. Thompson said in his ad- dress here that two - price wheat, and not farm subsidies, will best help farmers over- come their financial woes. He said farmers are badly off be- cause production costs are in- creasing while prices for their products remain low. He said an import - export bank should be set up to fi- nance the overseas marketing of Canadian agricultural prod- ucts. Then, under the two- price system, wheat would be sold at a high price domestically. It would be sold to foreign coun- tries "for whatever price we Time's Come For Quebec, Real Emotes SHERBROOKE, Que. (CP)-- Quebec has been treated as a poor relation ever since Con- federation and it is time the province took its rightful place in Canada, Creditiste Leader| Real Caouette told election ral- lies in Sherbrooke and nearby Coaticook Wednesday night. With 50 Creditiste members in the next House of Commons, he said, Quebec "can win back! the place it deserves." "If Quebec is 15 years be- hind the other provinces, it is not the fault of the English of Toronto or Vancouver, but of the sheep that French - Cana- dians have sent to Ottawa for 100 years, who think of nothing but serving the cause of their political party.' A western farmer, for ex- ample, received an average an- nual income of $6,500 compared with $1,500 for a Quebec farmer. "It is time the government gave-Quebec-farmers_and_west- ern farmers equal treatment," Mr. Caouette said. "It is time for the govern- ment to guarantee the purchase of agricultural produce in the East as it does for western wheat." Car Hops Road, Driver Killed HAMILTON (CP) Boyle, 34, of nearby Dundas was killed Wednesday when his car went out of control on High way 102 near here, rolled across a grass median and smashed head-on into a vehicle in the op-| posite lane. | in | | --Ronald |} | SPECIAL WEEKLY MESSAGE TO MEMBERS OF FOOD CLUB Peddetyttd IN OCTOBER Every Saturday 2 P.M, te 4 P.M. Every Wednesdoy 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. AT ALL FIVE PLANTS Phone For Details 723-1163 _ x the of the marketing and feed graii and present lodge- ordinate transport eliminate su ensation Jurisdiction would be ferred to northern affairs so jpodge of regulations whieh re-|"'Indians won't feel they have deaths of five cows on the farm Edmunds Township. Cpl. Kennedy McKay said |sway in the Kremlin for seven trans- of J. P; Johnstone, reeve of St. Years. He was reported last month to be in good health after Its in feed grain surpPcises in|been more-or-less shuttled into some of the animals appeared|spending more than a month in some provinces and shrtages\a department that has little or fo have been poisoned and oth- hospital "for tests normal for in others, he said. no interest in their welfare." 'ers shot. a man of his age." STRESSED BENEFITS Mr. Pearson spoke to about 400 adults at a, coffee-and-sand- wiches reception in a Guelph hotel, stressing the benefits Canada is getting from the new Ambassador 66 What kind of luxu ry are we talking about? asi of today you can afford a luxury car Top of the line luxury with the touches only meticulous craftsmanship can. bring you! The minute you slide behind the wheel--you know you're ina luxury car, Everything is extravagant--from the rich upholstery and cut-piile carpeting to the coil-spring reclining seats and walnut trimmed dashboard! It's the kind of extravagance you can spend an evening talking about. What a story it makes. Of course, the payoff is the price. It's not extravagant! In fact, it's dead-level with the top-of-the line models of the low-priced three. Now that's a luxury you can't afford to pass up. You'll like Ambassador performance, too. Two V-8 options to.choose from, including a mighty 327 cu. in., 270 horsepower. As well as that there's the 232 cu. in., 155 h.p. Torque Command Six --the smooth new 7-main-bearing 6 that-acts like an 8! And above all, you have the built-in quality only American Motors offers. Features like Deep-Dip Rustproofing, Double-Safety Brakes, Ceramic-Armoured Exhaust System and rattle-free Single Unit Construction. These are the features that Ict your luxury last longer. As of today, you can afford a luxury car ... thanks to American Motors. 1 Ambassador from American Motors AMERICAN MOTORS (CANADA) LIMITED where we believe that quality is what you build in--not what you add on. ® ee WELLMAN MOTORS LIMITED ABNER'S ESSO SERVICE 100 NON¢)UON ROAD NORTH 728-7351 1003 BROCK STREET SOUTH, WHITBY 668-5391 PORT PERRY Harry Peel Rambler Sales & Service BOWMANVILLE McQueen Motor Sales Ltd. And see the exciting new Ambassador DPL at your American Motors/Rambler Dealer today! SITIE]OIMIAIN(S AJAX PLAZA Money Saving Fall RUG RIOT Save 9.07 _ Dusty Tweed Rug Here's a grand opportunity to have « thick, rich-looking rug, with the deep pile and resilient touch of @ much more expensive covering, for just « few dollors you can have this luxury-look on your floor. 9' x 12'. Foam backed. REG. 37.95 28.88 ' Savings All Through Rug Department SAVE ON... Living Room Ensembles ! Matching Chesterfield and Chair VINYL or FABRIC COVERED VINYL or FABRIC COVERED CHAIRS CHESTERFIELDS @ Leavishly Poly Foom Cushioned Throughout lu @ Levishly Poly Foam Cush e@ Rugged, Long Lasting Construction T-Back ond if ushioned Throughout T-Seat Design @ Extra Roomy yet Lightweight Perfectly suited for the most fashionable living room. But it is strong enough to withstand the tortures of a "Rec-Room". Available in Orange, Gold, Brown and Green. @ Rugged, Long Lasting Construction T-Ba: T-Seat Design id -stheind @ Extra Roomy yet Lightweight Perfectly suited for the most fashionable living room. But It Is strong enough to withstand the tortures of @ "Rec-Room". Available in Orange, we Perfectly--Port- Gold, Brown and Green. able REG. 47.00 Textured Leath- erette Fabric ... Reinforced With Jersey Cloth, REG. 34.00 24.99 @ Perfectly Portable @ Textured Leatheret Fobrie . . . Reinforced Wi Jersey Cloth. the ith SPARTON COLOR TV Matisse Color T.V. Table console color T.V., grained WITH TRADE 5 $ $ : Walnut solid wood cabinet, 21" Color T.V. Consol- ette. Front sound Speaker with super range tuning for weak signals. Transformer powered chassis and Full size 48" x 18' no-fnar top with rounded safety edges. ; 91 e MATCHING CHAIR -- welded tubular steel frame. Dark walnut finish in non-glare enamel. many cutomatie features, including autometic color Solid 34" top, doors. and sides. - Washable vinyl seat in handsome decorator shades and patterns. "31M" H. x 194" D.) degaussing (30" W. x Solid hardwood legs. Large storage areas with full-opening latched doors, Beautiful wood-grained walnut finish. It Pays You To Drive To... S/TIE/O/MAINIS AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA .~

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