Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Oct 1965, p. 16

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® Do Some Sleuthing ja ary to ask for when you are told ' LEN RKOTER-FIVE BLACK Bob Bugnand designed with a criss-cross bodice and a deep V neckline. It has a self bow at one side of the waist and a skirt that covers the knees. this cocktail dress for Sam Friediander's fall collection and did it in black silk. The frock is cleverly draped ANN LANDERS Some Hotel Owners Condone Stealing pa aeepry mage sunt 0 BpeCuy wie amounr 4 | this sjevents I have organized while .jme to give them a general idea |Dear I. HL: CHILD GUIDANCE To Arrange Salary By ROBERTA ROESCH Dear Roberta Roesch: How do you decide what sal- ~ meen wou wauld you wee want for a part-time job? I'm inexperienced at doing because I have _ never worked at a paying job. But because some of the community I've been bringing up my fam- ily have been brought to the attention of a public relations firm that's moving to this area, I have been offered a chance to work for the firm. My new employers have asked of how much I'd want on a weekly basis, though, but haven't the slightest idea what to say. How can I find out? / I. Whenever you are asked to specify the salary you would expect for a job, find out ex- actly what the work will. in- volve, Then do some sleuthing to determine what other firms are paying employees to do the know. At the same time; talk) Peas Roberta Roesch: th ground now that I'm ready to look for a job, so I'm wondering whether it's safe to pad my training and experience when I go on interviews, I feel I could hold my own once I get a job. as fa Dear P. G.: Generally speaking, oversell- ing yourself for a job often turns out to be a poor bargain when the day of reckoning comes, | Instead it makes better busi-) ness sense to be yourself in an interview. and tell the truth about the training and experi- to talk more and to have more to talk about. of these preschool groups will put their emphasis on helping the children to have enriched experiences so as to have more|lower than average children in to talk shout, from the impressions I have gained from a number of pre- school groups as a part of the same kind of work by asking)Head-Start Program last sum- people in the firm who might! mer. : d /|to persons already involved in| URGE TO TALK the work you'll be doing and ask them for their suggesti s Ito : 3 ali rapa jall sorts of other places. This My evening courses in short-|Seems to be a wholesome prac- and and typing sound like ajtice, as the children on these) very small amount of back-|trips and after returning from| them naturally must have an! for frostbite? ence you've had. to, date. So, jrather than emphasizing what Dear Ann Landers: We are budging. If it is foolish to op-/Y0U don't have, project your trying to raise our son to be an|pose stealing then I'm a fool,|Petsonality and sell the skills honest, law-abiding citizen, but/but I stand foursquare behind|¥0U 40 have. When you do a we aren't getting much help|my original advice, topnotch job at this, you can from outside. Here is an e€X-) Dear Ann Landers: I have ae S00 ample of what I mean: jjust reread this letter and it| Last week I found a hotel ash/sounds like petty high school| tray in our son's room. (Hal is| stuff put it is far more serious.| 15). I asked him where he got/y can't express myself clearly in| Hot F som The Oven tt and he said: "I took it. I'm| writing, Ann, but'I do need help.| eollecting souvenirs." I told) [mg married woman with a| him it wasn't right to take hotel/ramily, A close friend of mine| property--no matter what he/(7') call her Daisy) repeated! called it, I then wrote a letter|some dreadful things about a to the hotel manager describ-\mytual friend whom I will call ing the ash tray. I explained Hal| June, 1 telephoned June and had taken it, and asked how!toiq her I wanted nothing to do| much he owed. jwith her because of the things! The reply from the hotel man-|[ had heard. (I did not name wager read: 'Your boy. doesn't/my source.) owe ws anything. We want| Last week I ran into Daisy people to take our ash trays. Itjand June, who were having is good advertising." This letter|lunch together. They appeared has made me a laughing stockjas thick as thieves. That eve-| at home and set my "'integrity/ning I phoned Daisy and asked and honesty program' back 10/for an explanation. She said: ") years. jfound out the stories I had I realize things have changed|heard about June are. untrue.| since you and I were 15 but have/She's really a nice person."'| they changed so much that/What should I do now?--Third people are expected to steal? Leg | your opinion is wanted -- and; Dear Third: Now you can) needed.----_MDJ kick yourself with that third leg Dear MDJ: Several weeks ago|for condemning the girl on the) I published a letter from ajbasis of vicious gossip. Apolo-| woman who complained because/gize to June and hope time will a relative stole ash trays, sugar/heal the rift. (PC--Who said bowls, linen -- whatever she Daisies don't tell?) could get her hands on--from; Dear Ann Landers: Please hotels and motels all over the answer this in your column. It] country. Her home was practi-/might open a few eyes and) cally furnished in Early Holi-)shut a few mouths. poe vpipies bala ae "ap day Int, She asked my opinion. A friend of mine hes a teen: utes. Add evaporated milk, keep L said, "It is dishonest and in-\age daughter. They fight like) sm wiichiy Whee chose wa defensible." cats and dogs. The poor girl sae EF nae 'A alt Mag I received several letters de-\can't do anything right. Herjm 0°: 2°0 a .asto. Meck scribing me as naive and fool- mother is continually finding|_ toatlibatiatat : ish. I was told that people are fault with her friends, her hair. expected to walk off with items|her walk and the way she bearing the name of the estab-/talks. lishment -- (I got this word) The thing that baffles me is from outfits that manufacture|this: The daughter ts a carbon the gadgets). copy of her mother, not only in Shocked? You bet. But I'm not !ooks but in actions. The mother --______________. |must see it. So why is she so hostile to the girl?--Kwestioner Dear K: The faults .parents \find most difficult to tolerate in |their children are the ones they Loop Overrated have themselves. I feel sorry VANCOUVER (CP) Sci. for the girl. Living with a hy- ence's latest device for birth Percritical, fault-finding mother control has been over - rated, |is like being nibbled to death by says a prominent Vancouver,@ duck. gynecologist. ONE Dr. John Dickinson told the B.C. Medical Association con- vention.that the intra - uterine contraceptive deyice -- which can take the form of a loop, a spiral or a bow shaped of metal--or plastic ----is by no means a perfect contraceptive gta the wide publicity given Gynecologist Says en KAYE"S LARGE SIZE SHOPPE SIZES from 14% - 32% and __Reg. 38 to 52. LOVELY LARGE SIZE FALL AND NEW WINTER COATS, DRESSES AND y SPORTSWEAR He said the gadget, inserted ae anon into the uterus by a doctor, can cause pain and bleeding and KAYE'S SIZES SHOP can be expelled. Even when it OSHAWA gives no trouble, he said, it },f* de Lacey does not give complete protec-|] @ King St. E. 623-5102 tion against conception. "But | can't morry 'you, honey, I'm enemic," apologized the young mon. "That's all right, dear," his girl replied. oL CLEAWIT SERVICE? 725-3555 Halibut Steaks 4 Halibut steaks (about 144 Ibs., fresh or frozen) 3 teaspoons salt % cup milk ¥% cup fine bread crumbs ¥% teaspoon paprika Add salt to milk. Add paprika to crumbs. Dip Halibut in milk then in crumbs. Place in greased baking dish. Dot with butter or margarine. Bake in very hot oven (450 deg. F. to 500 deg. F.), (Note: Magic Ten Minute Rule-- for proper cooking. Allow 10 minutes per inch thickness for fresh fish, 20 minutes per inch thickness for frozen fish. Use very hot oven (450 deg. F. to 500 deg. F.). Disadvantaged Child Needs Language Help By GARKY C MYERS, Fad In several columns recently I have pointed out that, in the program for educating disad- vantaged preschool children, special emphasis should be placed on stimulating and guide- ing them in language develop- ment, in helping them to choose added urge io iaik io one ai- other and the teacher, In addition, these children should hear stories read to them in small groups of two, three or four children, In what other way might they be exposed so well to good patterns of speech? My guess is that the activity programs so absorb the teacher's interest that she will neglect an ade- quate amount of reading to these children; that moreover, their mothers and fathers will not get sufficient -urge for reading to their children at jhome. There's no clear proof that To this end I have urged that these children at school be read often to in small groups. Par- ents could easily be enlisted as volunteers to help in this di- rection. We might guess that leaders school children are generally 'native mental ability, though This guess seems correct irror the group of disadvantage pre-|7 many of them may, for lack of opportunity, seem to be' men- tally retarded. In any event they are retarded in language development, in speech. Certainly young or older chil- dren, known to be retarded, lag in speech -facility. They -also need to be exposed to good pat- terns. of speech. ; READ AT HOME Recently I pointed out that I have been urging all parents to read to their children, to begin when they are only two years old or younger and keep on reading indefinitely. PARENTS' QUESTIONS Q. Do you think all the clamor for giving high school children more sex information is warranted? A. No what is needed most is their learning a sense of re- sponsibility and acquiring ideals of family life.- have been writing this column, | I said that the teacher of a special class of mentally re- idren directly but also indirectly by inducing their parents to read-to them at home. But as the teacher of. these children has been able to stimulate them in making things with their ta avar! eee Mie andi tandl Hanus, wicy may tend to syor look the enrichment of speech |by reading to them. During the many years 1 school! - age children who are mentally retarded seem rarely | to be read to at home or achowt.} I entreated parents of these) children and teachers of them) in special classes to read often. to them from materials these children will respond to. STUFFED APPLE | Fill the centres of red apples; \with plain creamed cheesé or) } \blue-veined cheese, Chill, Slice, | RUG & UP CLEANING In Your Home. . The young children are taken the zoo, museum, airport and FROSTBITE Q. What is the best treatment A. Recent studies show that , | rapid warming is the best method, The frostbitten part lis immersed in water at a tem- |perature of about 107° to " . 1109° F. until the temperature 24 hours listening lof the part returns to normal. on your home station 4 | This usually requires about 20 jminutes, The temperature of |the water is very important-- a degree or two outside this narrow range may be ineffec- tive or harmful. Thawing in cold water or rubbing . with snow is not recommended. | AFTERMATH OF | TANNING Q. For the past several sum- }mers | have acquired a good tan. Most of it fades during the winter but this year the "V"" of my neck remained red, and freckle-like dark spots have appeared. Con these be bleached? A. Over-exposure to sunlight Wake Up con cause harmful skin with changes. Our advice is to con- sult a skin specialist (der- Doug matologist), Crysdale You have a friend in our Daily Monday Pharmacist. Trust him with ily n 'xe to Saturday your prescriptions, 6 to 9:30 a.m. CKLB 1350 RADIO 28 King East Oshawa | Open Evenings till 9 p.m. | Free City Wide Delivery Serve Zippy Cheese Sauce separately. Ve Cheese Sauce Y¥/cup butter or margarine medium onion, chopped ¥% cup evaporated milk, undiluted | ¥% cup process sharp cheese Dash Tabasco Melt butter in saucepan. Add FALL PERMANENT © SPECIAL! e 20% OFF stn. All the latest fall styles. ROSEMARY'S , HAIRSTYLING 1188 Simcoe St. $. -- 723-6711 Behind this label... i Phone Brights for free home detivery ! tp you'll enjoy! ~-- INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 WOOLWORTH'S; uper Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR KITCHEN! *You go te your church ond I'll go 'te STORES: Large Delicious © 92 WOLFE STRAWBERRY Home Style @ 170% MARY $T, one @ 12 BOND E. R x @ 924 SIMCOE N. SHORT CAKE AISIN PIE : Made with Floky Pastry | AGENTS: eS ' A @ United Toxi, 143 King St. Fost egg k 63: Special This 4 7 P BOB EAKINS @ Roxy Variety, Rosslyn Pleze is i ee Week Two or three tier wedding cakes -- Order One Week Ahead | BAKERY ORDERS. PHONE 725-3421 sOSHA . or Our Plant PHONE 725-9961 a, APAAAP | HOLSTERY | aii: B ar 4 es DIVISION OF OSHAWA CLEANING CONTRACTORS 4 94 BRUCE STREET Li yp CENTRE STREET (The oldest Protestan GUEST MINISTER. REV. WARREN G, DI SUNDAY, OCTOBER YOU ARE INVITED to the 134th Annwersary Corner King & Centre Streets -- Oshawa The Friendly Family Church at the Centre of the City. of UNITED CHURCH 1t Chureh in Oshawa) CKSON of Shelbourne 17th-11a.m. to 7 p.m. THE BOSS SAID AGO GO GO HOUSEHOLD HINT |board and hang up garments .as Hang a garment rack overjyou finish ironing them Saves tarded school children not only|the door nearest your ironinglmany steps. might do much for these chil-| saa £8 ee Me Crying The men from Ross Mills come in and gently They Had removed 'the rugs from-the floor. It wasn't the men's fault, | thought our rugs had gone for good, so | cried like a baby. But was | ever glad later! They brought our rugs back lookin so fresh, clean and room brightening right literally pranced with joy. Where had they gone? To the famous Baker Cleaning plant for their annual cleaning. You try Baker Cleaning today, you'll see what | mean. "Free Pick-Up and Delivery" "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" = "Over 80 Years Experience" BAKER CARPET Cleaning *o. For BAKER SERVICE" -- call your local agent ROSS E. MILLS Co. Lid. 80 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6218 SO WE WENT WENT WENT to the HAIR FASHION and COLORING SHOW at the Royal York on Monday October 4. We like BRAGGING BROUGHT Back an 27 Celina Street in STYLE and COLOR. Have your hair STYLED STYLED and COLORED COLORED. The ONLY ONLY Salon to Call is Jho Mayfair Salon because we d DO the 1966 trend 728-0662 You can Your have the right size for your home at the right price for your budget No need to face another winter with an old, out-of- date furnace. Now is the time to let Lander-Stark install in your home a brand-new, modern, econ- omical Lennox or Anthes oil furnace. We _will scientifically select the right size and type to iL. Call 725-3581 now, and let our experienced heating technicians give you a your heating needs free heating survey and estimate: Generous terms to suit your budget: Lennox and Anthes oil fur- noces are nationally adver- tised and recognized top quality turnoces. Enjoy their maximum efficiency and low heating costs this winter, Brats 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA : 725-3581 COMPLETE ROOMS pre) NS ot, "COMPLETE LOVELY 5-PIECE CHROME SUITE BEDROOM SUITE GROUP BUY i, GROUPS 299 FAMOUS GIBSON APPLIANCES Large 13 Cu, Ft. REFRIGERATOR with 100-LB. FREEZER 1988 WITH APPROVED TRADE THREE COMPLETE 3-ROOMS From 29.00 Down 15:00 MONTHLY AUTOMATIC. OVEN CONTROL 30" RANGE With oll the modern Easy-to-Use Features 168% WITH APPROVED TRADE BUY ON EASY TERMS Watch For Important Notice! HONEST CAL'S SECOND HUGE STORE 15,000 Square Feet of Furniture and Appliance Values LOCATION TO BE ANNOUNCED SOON HONEST CAL LTD. FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 424 KING ST. WEST PHONE 728-9191

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