a eae a 31acCompect, Cor fot Sela)87--Anctlons ; ae | 6AUCTION DEATHS. ane presse ceoetice pcg FPR AP oe ee Te "61 ANGLIA Deluxe, immaculate through- out, Mi, bucket seats, 40 miles per gato Dein «goa. $37. Tenors SALE we Vi I Velox, good running) bs order, and show fires, After 6 apply The property of eee! xh Vos zs ¥2%! 368 Park Road, South 4 i 1,300 best offer. a | hush sel aes OSHAWA i pon with pred feather FN a del Just North of the ? exrtas. appreciated. €.P.R, Tracks Must be seen to be 728-7806. Wee aw lconsitons goad. res. 'Telephone Dykstra's Food Tharkel, 625384), 1963 ACADIAN convertible, 6 cylinder, + radio, Langa ot a oe late brown, match interior. Licence 395980. Bill Whittick Motors, 668-5871. ° 1965 Pp. CORVAIR Corsa convertible, 180 HP, Telephone engine. 4-speed transmission, radio, 32--Trucks for Sale 723-4058. SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars bought, parts for ssle. iron and metals bought. 8% Bloor Street East, 725-2311. 1964 GMC half-ton truck, 13,000 miles in excellent condi After 6 p.m. tele phone 668-4577. . 2% TON Maple Leaf truck, stake body in good condition throughout. $650. Phone 725-2162. 1962 Va-ton SAT., OCT. 9th Ford tractor model 8N motor rebuilt 1963. Set double discs 6 ft. M.E. Rotary Tiller 3 ft. Culitvator 7 ft. Grading Blade 5 ft. Hydro Scoop 6 cu. ft, Mouldboard plow. Miscellon- eous garden tools. Allis Chol mers Tractor model C. Rub- ber tired wagon. Cultivator Bor and attachment for strawberry and row crop culti- vation, M-H 'Tomato planted. ° M-H Manure Spreader. 20 rods link fence. Set of 2000 Ib. Farm Scales. 800 ft. 2 inch aluminum irrigation pipe. 22 pickup truck, 24,000 miles. 243 Beatty Avenue or 728-9063 after 4. 1964 SCOUT international, positraction front and rear, radio, warn hubs, excel- lent condition. Telephone Orono 36 R 15 after 6 p.m. 33--Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used cor to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "Save" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 WANTED -- Cars for wrecking. Tele Sane Tosa, Robert Nichols. LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want wrecking. Highest prices pald Sto Wert East, 725-1181. OSHAWA AUTO. PARTS Werle an le es at s is "islean sired Telephone 725-2162. 34--Automobile Repair HAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE offers ex- on corvette and auto electric service. 728-0817. 222 King Street west, TRANSMISSION specialists. Transmis- sions ere our only business, 1038 Simcoe North. Phone /28-7739. SEE your service specialist for wheel afiainets wheel balance, brake job, en- gine tune-ups af Generel Tire Service, 534 Ritson South. 35--Lost and Found acs in ti as LOST -- Green Budgie bird, vicinity of Het 'and Wilson. Answers to "Winky". Call 723-2829 or 725-4)44. 36--Legal h.p. Irrigation Motor and Pump. 8 sprinklers 7 gal. per minute capacity. Terms Cash. Property Sold -- No Réserve Sale Starts 1:30 p.m. CLIFF PETHICK Auctioneer Events 38--C FREE ADMISSION OSHAWA JAYCEES Monster BINGO Thurs., Oct. 7th 20 GAMES AT $20 .5 GAMES AT $30. 1-- $150. JACKPOT $20. PER LINE PLUS $50. PER FULL CARD 2 -- $250. JACKPOTS JACKPOT NOS. 51 and 56 $10 PER LINE PLUS $200. PER FULL CARD IN 51 AND 56 NUMBERS. THIS WEEK PLUS $25. CONSOLATION PRIZE, $150. TOTAL PRIZES NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons *having claims against the Estate of FRED- ERICK KLIMSHUK (also known os FREDERICK T. KLIMCHUK) late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, Deceos- ed, who died on or about the 19th day of May, 1965, are hereby notified to send full particulars to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of October, 1965, ofter which dote the estate will be dis- tributed with regard only to claims of which the under- signed shall then have hod notice. DATED et Oshawa this 4th doy of October, A.D, 1965, POLLY PORAYKO, MICHAEL PORAYKO and STEVE KLIMCHUK, * Administrators, by their Solicitors, MANNING F, SWARTZ and RONALD L. SWARTZ, 26% King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of MARY VANN, late of the 'City of Oshawa, in the County of On- tario, Widow; Deceased; who died' on or about the 30th day of January, 1965, are hereby notified to send full porticulars to the undersign- ed on or before the 21st day of October, 1965, after which date the estate will be dis- tributed with regard only to claims of which the under- signed shall then have had notice, DATED. ot Oshawa this 4th day of October; A.D. 1965. HOWARD LEONARD VANN, by his Solicitors, MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD L. SWARTZ, i 26% King Street East, __Oshawo, Ontario. 38--Coming Events ~ HOLY CROSS BINGO Every Friday 7:45 $600 IN PRIZES i $210. in 56 Nos. $20 Consolation $200. in 55 Nos. $20. Consolation 5 Turkey to be Drawn for This Week. Free Admission--Good Parking No Children Pleose NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING 7:45 at ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert ond Jackson Sts.) Gomes $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled $180 IN JACKPOTS Door Prize $15 GINGO, Bathe Park, Evialie Avenue, Thursday, 2 pan, end Euchre, Saturday, GUARANTEED IN THESE TWO. GAMES. : Regular games pay double in 17 Nos. or less EARLY BIRD GAME EXTRA PRIZES JUBILEE PAVILION Bus to Jubilee Pavilion leav- ing Four Corners at 7:30 p.m. CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED SUNNYSIDE PARK BINGO TONIGHT 20 games ot $20. , 5 games ot $30 -- $150. Jackpot 2 -- $250. Jackpots NUMBER 54 and 58 SMALEST NUMBER WORTH _- EARLY BIRD GAME RED BARN Children under 16 not admitted Extra Buses. NORTH OSHAWA PARK EUCHRE THURSDAY- OCTOBER 7th 8:00 P.M. Good prizes and monthly prize Admission -- 50¢__ CONTEMPORARY ceramics, hand mod- elling. Wednesday evening classes § p.m. Telephone 623-3909. WANT ADS reach thousands of Interested pros day, Take edvantage of the vast audience by telephoning 723-3492 and place your ad before them now. BIRTHS KUNKEL -- Bob and Joy (nee Hughes) wish to announce the arrival of @ son, Donald Arthur James, 8 Ibs. 5 o7zs., on SHESTOWSKY, Requiem Hi Ukrainian YOUNG, Annie Nam C. Young. Harris (Marion), all of Ambrose Mrs. Arthur Sheridan (Zena), Mrs. Bud iiton (irish Alex and Myron all of "Osh- aw: » Henry Sarnovsky _f0lga) tt Armstrong Funeral Home, Osi Mass in George' Greek Catholic Church, Friday, jober 8 at 10, a.m. 'fi Oshawa Entered into rest in the ones Gen- 1965 Annie McLeod Mother of Mi Russell, chapel Saturday, October 9% at 2 p.m. interment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Osh- ews. Entered into rest suddenly in Oshawa, 'Ontario, on Tuesday, October 5, 1965, Ambrose beloved husband of Polly Szoldra. Father brother of Mrs. Walter of Michael and! Harmer (Nellie) (Helen), Mrs. Ham. a, with 's St. home Thursday at 8 p.m. Dougias and Oshawa; in her 8Ist year. Home, 'urieral in the Funeral floral occasions. arrangements LOCKE'S FLORIST arrangements and for all OSHAWA _ SHOPPING SHOPPING 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 Everlasting Memorialization is almost possible with the MATTHEWS BRONZE. MARKER that we supply and install; Please call MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK 723-2633 CARD OF THANKS tal. CAIRNS -- | wish to express my sin- cere thanks to Dr. McKay, Dr. and nurses and staff of the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital; also for kind visits, cards and flowers during my stay in the hospi- l} Rogers --Ruby Cairns. in Toronto. ber of Church. sons, ter. OBITUARIES MRS. WILLIAM C, YOUNG Following an illness of a few months the death occurred Oct. 6, at the Oshawa General Hos- pital, of Mrs. William C. Young, of 64 Park rd. n. The former Annie Elizabeth McLeod, the deceased was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Dougald McLeod. Born at Gravenhurst, Ont., Oct. 31, 1884, she was married April 12, 1911, A resident of Oshawa for 41 years, Mrs. Young was a mem- Knox Presbyterian Besides her husband, she is survived by a daughter, Mrs. John Harris (Marion) and three Russell, Thomas, all of Oshawa. surviving are eight grandchil- dren and one great-granddaugh- Douglas and Also The funeral service will be held at 2 p.m. Oct. 9 at the Armstrong Funeral Home. In- terment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. Rev: Gordon Brett, minister of Knox Church, will conduct the service. FUNERAL OF HERBERT ROGERS. Reqiuem Mass was sung in St. Gregory the Great Roman Catholic Church at 10 a.m., Oct. 6, for Herbert (Taffy) Rogers, 29 Burk st., who died Oct. 3 at the Oshawa General Hospital. The mass was sung by Rev. L. T. MeGough. Interment was in Resurrection Cemetery. The pallbearers were Robert Schoenau, Jack Murray, Lloyd Hooper, William Callison, Lloyd Annis and James McGregor. | Rev. Markle of St. Gregory's| Church said prayers at the Me- Intosh-Anderson Funeral Home|'Tanwood, Gomez at 7.30 p.m. Tuesday. $6,820.(8) 1-Simcoe, Walker Also Kelly Started Todd, October 6, 1965 at the Oshawa General Hospital, Special thanks to Dr, Manitius land Dr. Glazier, nurses and staff of the! |fourth floor. LAMERS .-- Tony and Jackie Paul Anthony, 8 Ibs. 10 ozs., on jay, pital. Thanks to Dr. Kimmerly and 4th floor staff, MILLS: -- Orville and Jacqueline (nee Wilson) are pleased to announce the ar- 6, 1965, at the Osh: | Wednesday, October jE. Rundie and nurses and staff of 4th floor. $10. each Horizontal Line | NELSON -- Mr. and Mrs. Graham Nel- }son--(Tim_and Jane) are proud to a |nounte- the birth--of---8._ daughter:--Sarah! |Anne, on Wednesday, October |A sister for Beth and Laura. | | NORTON -- Butch and Sherry (nee \Kucher) are happy to announce the birth lot their first child, @ son, Kevin Lee,/ |weight 5 Ibs. 15 ozs., on Thursday, Sep-| jpital. First grandson for Mr. and Mrs./ | George |Kucher. Many thanks to Dr, and nurses on fourth floor. | SUTCH -- Andrew and irene (nee j Yrowenl) are happy to announce the er- jrival of a daughter, honda Marie, | weight 8 Ibs. 12 ozs., on Monda |4, 1965 at Oshawa General Hospital. } | DEATHS | DONALD, Jane Entered into rest in the family residence, 220 Adelaide Street East, Oshawa, on widow of David Donald and--mother Mrs. Arthur Mullen (Phoebe) and Wil |Aath year, Resting at the Armstrong Fu- neral Hore, Oshawa, with funeral ser vice in the chapel, Friday, October 8, home to receive fri |p.m. Thursday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Kindness g beyond Price, within reach of all entry. SECOND RACE -- |! Mile (Pace) |seven-year-olds and up. Purse $ Feag (nee|éLady Violet Direct, Pearson) announce the arrival of @ son,/4-Jean First, Geisel Jr. Started: Hi Acres Averill, Danny October 4, 1965 at Oshawa General Hos-|Lee Grattan, Jimmy Song C, Billy Reno 6-Brother Jim, Also and Riverland. 5-Stemwinder, Langlile 2-Lucky Mir (B), GARDEN CITY RACEWAY WEDNESDAY, Oct. 6 | FIRST RACH -- "Woodbine Futurity') |! mile (Trot) for two-year-olds. Purse "7.70 480-4 00 Feagan 7.40 4.20 (A) 3.40 A-Flemington's Nancy, B-Belmont Harry, Armbro| Gazelle and Marchessa. A-Coupled, Rowe-|Winner, ch h, by County Delight--My lands Stable entry. B-McDonnell Stable Esty for 600 (8) n 6.70 4,60 Hilliad = 19.80 5.90 2.80 3.20| rights, from previous boa INDUSTRIALS as -¢ +3 Sst Stock Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge Abitibi 487 $11 (10% WA Ye Alta Gas 270 $3994 29%, 9% Alta G 4% 2000 $98% 98% 987% Cen Tay 310% W% We-- % Aig Cen w 300 625 | 210 $652 654 65'% Alumini 87223299 OD Alum 44 pr 135 $292 394 Wat Ve Alum 2 pr 210 $47% 47% 47% Anthes A 160 $23%e 23% 23%-- Ye Argus 230 $20%a 202 202 Arg B pr 125 $512 Sia Sia Arg C P pr 920 $13% 13% 1342+ % Atl Sug A 300 $23, 23 --' Auto El 100 $5 5 5" Bank 290 $62%6/62 62 + Ve Bank NS 110 $74¥%e 74% 744 + Vo i Pi 89 $58% 58% Brazil | 500 36% Bie Be -- % iA Ol; 105 $29% 29% 29% BC Forest -.+2 $25% 25% 25% BC Sug pr 225 $19% 19% 19% BC Phone 100 $6914 69% 69.4 -- 4 BCPh 5% pr 10$105 105 105 +) Burns - 299 $20Va 20% 20% Cal Pow 30 $% OHH CD Sug 100 $23% 23%4 23% -- % Ct Fnory 250 $56 56 56 + a C Pack A 25 $86 86 8H Can Perm 50 $73% 73% 73'2+ Ve CAE new 700 $12 12 «#12 Cc Brew 2691 $7%e The Ti+ Ye C Brew A pr 25 $432 43¥2 43/2 C Brew B pr 175 $51% 5% 5i%e+ % Cc Chem W 300 800 795 800 +5 C Dredge 1590 305 300 305 +5 Goldaie 200 400 400 Cc Hydro 75 $264 28a 28% + V2 Cc imp Bk C 105 $64 64 64 Ci} Ges Ol} 74 $11% 11% 11% ¢ Mare 700 $5% 5a Sia-- Ve CPR 375 $67 677s 67a + Ve Cdn Pet 72 $ll% 11% 11% CPR pr 100 $9% 9% 9% Chemceil 260 $15% 15% 15% Clairtone 650 $6 6 6 Con Baks 100 $54 6 544+ Con MS 225 $452 45% 452 + Ve Con Paper 350 $394 39% 39% Con Gas 275 $14¥e 14¥e 14¥-- Coronation 150 390. 390 390 Crow's N 225 $15 15 Ss Crush Int 200 $14 14 «4 Cygnus B 1 $6% be 6% Dist Seag "45 $37 37-37 Dom Elect 295 $16% 16% 16% Dofasco 600 $2678 26% 2676+ Va) Dom Stores 55 $25% 25% 25% + Ve} far =, «915, $18%e 182 18% Dom Text Z5 $33% 33% 33% Dover 275 $192 192 194 East Ch Tr 75 $47 46% 4634 --~ % Falcon 313 $103 102% 102% + Ww Fleet Mfg 1000 63 63 63 +1 Ford (US) 134 $614 61% 61% FPE-Pion pr 25 $612 614 614--% GMC 736$115 V5 115 GP Drill 210 200 200 100 GL Paper 550 $22% 22%e 22% + Ve Gr W Life (220 $92¥a 922 922 Gr Weg G 450 $23 22% 22% --- Ve) Guar Tr n 240 $13% 13% 1¥4+ % Hayes Sti 100 $21% 216 21% + Home A 256 $17% 172 17% Horne Pf 150 WS WS 3S --§ HBC 225 $14% 14% 14% Husky 650 $13% 13% 134+ % Husky BD w 200 700 700 700 Husky B pr 50 $5234 52% 52% imp Ol 532 $52% 52% 52% Imp Tob 25 $144 14% 4% Ind Accep 420 $232 23 232---M% Ind Min SS $8% 8% 8% Infand Gas 351 $9% 9% 9% Inland G pr 1200 $19 19 QY +% Int-City Gas 240 $17 17 "17 IMC 50 $65 65 65 +1 Int Nickel 360 398% 98 9B Int 880) 6Lre 685 PB 88 Inter PL 50 $68 4688 (88 Int Sti P 610 $5% 54 5% Inv Grp A 525 $14ve 14 14% ITL Ind pr 250 $23% 23% 23% James Stl r 438165 165 165 Jefferson 150 $2334 23% 23% Jeff Bw 150 $15% 15% 15% -- Ww Jockey € 150 $5¥e 5% Sue Jock W $8 7 --! « 1) Net Sock % Seles High Low a.m. Ch'ge Keiiy DA 300 $52 5 Sh % Kelly wis 200 58 8 2 LOnt Cem 100° S62 6% 6% L 0 Cem w 200 290 20 20 --5 Lav F 2.00 $4 uM Levy A pr 7220 $1i4 11% 11% LobCo A 500 $11% 1% 11%-- % LobCo 8 650 Sila 114 114-- Ve Loeb M Fi2s Siss 144 elem Ve Maclean 225 $332 33% 34-- MF. and PR 450 $292 292 24 Mass-F $33% 330 Met Stores P 220 $21%4 21% 21% Milt Brick 500 $9 9 9 Montex pr 100 $15% 15% 15%-- Ve Montex w 100 $1) WW = Mont Loco 100 $14% 144 144 Moore 337 $74% 74a 74% + Vo Nat Contain z10 $7 7 7 Nat Drug z50 $12 12=«12 Noranda 5% $50 50 SO Ogilvie 300 $14 1414 Ont Steel 25 33% 33% -- Ve Pac Pete 1455 $11% 11% 11% Peel Elder 100 $9% Ws View Vs Pow Corp 105 $13% 13% 13% Price Bros 425 $39 x" QN Gas 375 $10% 10% 10% -- Ve R 750 $28 2 OB Reveistk pr 100 $20'2 202 20'4-- % R-Nodwell 200 225 210 210 --I5 Royal Bank 121 $77 77 77 --VY Royalite pr 25 $25%4 25% 25% Russel H 150 $24 24 24 Salada 225 $11% 11% 1%-- Sayvette 750 460 460 460 Sec Cap € 100 440 440 440 --35 100 $19 «18% «18% Shell Can 788 $)7% 17% 17% Shell | pr 175 $25%4 25%4 254m Ve Shop City 700 470 470 470 Silverwd A 100 $16 % 16 Simpsons 74S $294 29% 29% SKD Mig 250 S8ve 8% 8% Siat A w 100 800 Stafford 500 480 480 480 +8 Steel Can 385 $284 284 28% Suptest ord 725 $20 20 Texaco 50 $514 Siva SIA+% Tex Pack 100 ($9 9 ? Tone-Craft 100 $72 4 Th Tor-Dom Bk 75 $62% 62¥2 62¥2--~%e T Fin A 150 $12% 12%4' 12% | Tr Can PL 200 $35 35% 35%2-- % Trans-Mt 625 $20% 20% 20%%--- Ve Trans PPL 3250 $10 10 10 +% Un Gas 225 $30%4 Wis We U Corp B 100 $12% 12% 12%4-- Va Vic G Tr 220 $15% 15% 15% Walk GW 110 $36%4 36% 36% West Ind 2760 235 235 235 West Ind A 100 430 430 430 +5 WCoast Tr 265° $19% 19% 19% -- ve Weston B 400 $23 27% 23 + West A wis 99 $12 12 12 +% iwd 103277 27 2 + %!) Zellers 100 $23 23 BB Alminex 100 400 400 400 +5 Am Leduc 2000 13 13 13 +'% Ang U Dev 2000 60 60 60 Banff 2060 775 770 770 --5 Calvert 1000 36% 362 362-- 4 C Ex Gas 6000 185 180 184 -- '%/ C Homestd, 300 130 130 130 --3 Cent Del 575 $11% Vi% 11% | Dynamic 700 106 105 106 +1 | | Fr Pete 400 400 400 400 | Murphy 100-515 515 515 --10 | | Place 3500 69 67? --3 | th 2000 2 2 | Spooner 1500 21 21 21 +i Triad Olt 1850 275 271 271 --4 Union Oil 150 S18 18% 18'2 U Canso 1100 320 315 320 +5 Wstates 600 #0 600 +5 W Decaita 1100 360 350 350 A Am Moly 900 234 232 232 Ang Rovyn 4300 254. 25) 254 +2 Arjon 200 9% 9 %% Armore 100 26 266 A Arcadia 1000 18 18 18 Allas Yk 2000 6 6 6 Belleterre 3000 27-- 6s = N 1500 7 7 7 Bounty Ex 500 24 24 24 Bratorne 1000 495 495 495 Brunswk 100 $14% 14% 14% Camflo 1750 340 330 335 --S C Jamieson 100 13 130 130 --3 Cdri Keeley 1000 14 "4 "4-- Candore uv 3010 1) uv FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,100. Claim- ing, maiden three- and four-year-olds, 7-Royal Bunny, 'don 2.0 Iso Ren in Order: Born to Purple, Jammy Doll, Miss Dwyer, and Swing'n Page. Winner, b f, by Jamie K--Flight Student, by Rhodes Scholar. |Pool $19,928. Daily Double Pool $41,865. SECQND RACE -- Purse $2,100. Claim- ing, three-year-olds and up, About 1% Miles on turf course (6). \A-Navarro, Harris 7.10 3.20 2.30 5-Red Purse, Gomez 30 2. 2B-Supreme Chief, Leblanc 2.80 Also Ran in Order: Major Turley, Fast Answer and A-Wifflaw. WOODBINE RESULT WEDNESDAY, a foaled in Canada (7), 1 1-16 Miles, 4Burning Luke, Leblanc 6.90 3.20 2.90 éJay Flight, F'simmons 3.00 2.50 2.20|/1A-Flagtower, Harris 2.80 2.50 4Bayview Miss, Werry 3.60 2.50/3-Kerensa, Fitzsimmons 3.50 3 OCT. 6 | FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,600. Allow- jances, two-year-olds. 7 Furlongs (8). | Also Ran in 'Order: A-Third Moon, Chin- |\coteague, B-Garden's Ace, Nayno and |Strayed Inn. |Late Scratch--B-Judge Burns. }A--Addison Hall Stable entry, |B--F A Sherman and Garden City Stable | entry. Winner, & c, by Mameluke -- Betsy K., by Bernbo ih. |Pool $59,636. SIXTH RACH -- Purse $3,100. Three- year-olds and wp. Allowances. About) 1-16 Miles on turf (4), | 1-Bandanagan, F'simmons 5.00 2.90 2.30 Texella, by Texas Sandman, Pool $31,036. THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim- Ing, three-year-olds and up. 7 Furlongs (14). 4.80 3.80 3.40 7-Argo Bound, F'simmons 7.00 5.10 JA-Mr. Flirt, Steve . 8.60 Also Ran in Order: Jessie B. Good, Bonus Ghost, Tudorstone, Sir Runnymede, H V Captian, Artista, Black, F-Chump, Trumore and F-K Rummy. A--N W Wilson and Phoenix Stable entry F--Denotes Fieid. Winner, b g, by Stella Aurata--So Tan, by Some!! 2nd. Pool $60,223, FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,400. Claim- jing, three-year-olds and up. 1%. Miles +4). 3-Alblon Star, Ferro |2-Arctic. Swirl, Cuthbertson | Also Ran in Order: Theodore C. | QUINELLA, 3 AND 4, PAID $21.70 » by Market Wise. $19,644, Quinella Poot $23,918, | | | RIRST RACE -- Purse $2,200, Maiden, DAILY, DOUBLES, Nos. § Stemwinder two-year-olds, foaled in Canada. 6' Fur- THIRD RACE 2Cherry Freeze, |and 8-Brother Jim C., PAID $38.80 longs. Kill Shot, No Boy 120 -- 1 Mile (Trot) for|Suitan's Treat, Ferro X112 rival of @ baby boy, Glen Arthur, on three-year-olds eG $600 (8) w }awa General Hospital. Thanks to Or, J,|!-Griffith Hanover, Gordon 6,10 4.20 3.40 8.70 440 4-Chub Hanover, Ren Filion 4.10 Also Started: nse Nib, Darn Tooti Worthy Bive and Barnes Lesota, |Jive Mister, Nedeau 120 Tomboy Pete, Remillard 120 Roman Dollar, No Boy 117 Quick Response, No Boy 117 dow Brownie, Starline Charger, Leblanc 117 Miss Orono, No Boy 117 | Mr. Goo, Ferro X115 'Kings Best, No Bey 120 FOURTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for| Ever Onward, Johnstone 120 three-yeer-olds_and_up. Purse $800 (8) 6-Dillard, Maher Also Pride, George FIFTH RACE Niagara Ca 7-Minor Joe, den Chief. Scotty. Hie Norton and Mr.-and Mrs. Peter|/4-Crystal Duke, Wm Hicks Kimberly |2-Poplar Grattan, Gordon Also Started: Patsy G 2nd, Jerry Can-| interes, | luck, Ben Carey, Sammy Dares end Lyn-| Honey / 20.50 9.6 14.50 Started: Dr. W., Girlie Dillon, M and = Chasmar, 5 1 Mile (Pace) for 14.40 7.60 5.90 9.60 7.50 | Dave's Mistake, ~ tember 30, 1965 at Oshawa General Hos-' three-year-olds and up, Purse $900 (8) | Cretaceous, Harrfs A-114 5.90| |E1 Esmeralda, Armstrong 117 1965, Othe cwin carmieh'l ti 30-$.704 lthe New Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto eed er ee ¥1,90_4.20-5,70-Feredeck,. -Glassner 117 : | Somebody Cry; No Boy-420. SECOND RACE ~ Purse $2,000 (3000) Claiming, three-year-olds and up. 6' Fur jongs. Hannibra, Werry X114 jarris A-119 |No Discard, Arnstrong 113 lo Boy 114 | Select Editiony B-116 Weill Olled, Inouye 'an 116 2, Turcotte 11} | Shiny Dice, No Boy B-111 Leo's Yingel, Ferro X117 SIXTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) 'for|Hardhead, Ferro X11! Purse $2,000 (6) 5-Beveylu Dillard, Shea BLochinvar Duke, Feagan inden Aimer, Webster Angelic V-Ly' Also Started: 6.30 3.60°3.10 4.50 Wick, Keen Freight and Avon Darky. QUINELLA, Nos 5 and 3 PAID $34.30/erel, No Boy, 119. SEVENTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot) for 5-Meadow Brooke C, Wellwood Also Started: Tuesday,, October 5, 1965, Jane Halre,|4 Prince Cope, Gordon 'of 7-wittow Brook -Happy,--Pac A Cool Chick, |liam J. Donald, both: of Oshawa, in or Elvis, Sue Express and tLord Yates. EIGHTH RACE - Also Started: Lucky Sis, Echo O Valley,| Broth Of a Boy, Harris 120 _| Fleetwood &. Grattan, Favonian Grattan,|/Hop Around, Inouye 120 jand Cherry Gold. 32.80 11.00 8.30 6.00660, THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,200. Maiden, B--Cymar Stables and 15,40 land, ey Wood! 1 Mile (Pace) for 6.40 5.80) 7.20) | | NINTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for| Belmonarctic, Johnstone 120 Purse $900 (7) GERROW Wren tiecbuttaayce "he 2 3% lohniny's dirt, acey 3.20 2.60 FUNERAL CHAPEL starry Dinara. Granem | 3.30 390 KING STREET WEST |Joan, Skip and Telephone 728-6226 y, October three-year-olds and up. Junior Invitation. | Spanking Breeze, No Boy 116 {Shining Wings, No Boy 110 5.10 4.00 Also Eligible: Bon Anle, No Boy, 122;/Now | Wonder, Turcotte 110 |Arthur H., No Boy 119 Lesiack, Inda, 119; Bordeau Bar, Le blanc, 116; Brief Wind, Leblanc, 116; {Black Raven, Gordon, 110; Holy Mack- AW Moldowan and & € Morrisroe Entry. {s three-year-olds and up, Purse $1,000 (8)/B--A Orenstein and Mrs F H Tishman!Five Loves, Inouye 107 Entry. two-year-olds, foaled in Canada. sion of 18t), 642 Furlongs. (Divi- } Miss Sheila B., No Boy 117 } jin Canada. Renssik, Steve X112 Rocky Parham, Kornblum X115 ) | three-year-olds and up. Purse $1,000 (8)|Eternal Flight, Tingley 120 | at 2 p.m. Interment Oshawa Union Ceme-|g.virginia's Boy, Ca Hie 21.10 10.40 7.20\Gray Band, Werry X112 --------|fery. The family will be at the foneral 7-Drednaught, Curran lends Wednesday 7-9/5.Silver Ronnie, Hawke Arctic Song, No Boy 117 Vintage Port, No Boy 120 Gay's Royal Page, No Boy 117 Dan's Ftight, No Boy 120 Dear Joev, Werry X112 Day We Sail, Leblanc 120 Also Eligible: Jewet, No Boy, 117. | FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,600. Allow-| a Tonka G, Attendance,|ances. Two-year-olds, 'foal sae' ta fon se, mi year-olds, 'foaled in Canada, 6 Scratched, Apschies Pride, Furtongs. Judge Burns, Ne Boy 117 Late Scratch--B-Deal Me Aces. 2-Blue Sol, Turcotte 2.30 2.20 A--J B Azanza and W entry Gomez 2.20 B--R L Ainsworth, J Kruger end J Min§| Also Ran: Fairmer. garden entry QUINELLA, 1 AND 2, PAID $8.40 DAILY DOUBLE, 6 AND 1, PAID $10.90| Winner, b g, by Romantic -- Broma, by Winner, dk b or br g, by Dark Hawk-- | Filon. Prilynn, A-Real 4 and T 6 40°70 Hi 2.50 WOODBINE ENTRIES FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8 Pool $24,077, Quinella Pool $24,829. SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $10,000 add- jed. "Nettie Stakes Handicap", three-year- olds and up, fillies and mares. 1¥ Miles 5.20 2.90 |4-Monivea, Gordon 9.00 3.90 6-Royal Tara, Leblanc 2.60 Also Ran In Order: Queen's Law, Sweet Lady Briar, Beavante, Speedy Lament 'eardrop Lane. Winner, dk 6 or br f, by Nearctic--Vic- foriana, by Windfields, Pool $61,215. EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,100. Clalm- ing, three-year-olds end up. ive Miles (10). 7.70 490 4.10 9-Rico Flash, Finley 10.80 8,30 %Sarosu, Fitzsimmons 8.30 Also. Ren in_Order: Galactic Tryst, Hop lop, Ponder On, Roy Jo, Vedas, Foxy) Alec, end Doodling. | Winner, dk b or br g, by Blue Man--My | Wind, by Wi Pool $60,917. Total Pool $427,288, Attendance, 5,784. ). |7-Northern Queen, Harris 9.30 1-Son Blue, Leblane Ledy Escar, Duran 112 Nearctic Myth, No Boy 118 Quebec Style, No Boy 120 Warm Reception, Inovye 11% Lazy Rhythm, No Boy 115 | Bold Champ, Fitzsimmons 120 Echo Lad, Leblanc 120 No Reasoning, Remillard 120 | FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,600, Allow- lances. Two-year-olds, foaled in Canada (Division of 4th). 6 Furlongs, | Victor's Best, No Boy 115 Empress of India, Gordon 112 Winning Shot Jr., No Boy 120 Roman Pride, No Boy 112 Famous--Monarch, Turcotte 117 |Royal Encounter, tnouye 117 Blue Chimes, No Boy 115 Caeser B. Good, Harris 120 | SIXTH RACE -- Purse $3,100. Allow ances. Three-year-olds and up, foaled in Canada. and one-sixteenth Miles, Mr. Brass, Stadnyk 123 King Gorm, 121 Pleriou, Fitzsimmons 121 Langcrest, Turcotte 126 Already Dia, Armst 123 (QUINELLA WAGERING) SEVENTH RACE--Purse $2,400 (5000) Claiming, three-year-olds. One and one- jsixteenth Miles. | Bench Warrant, No Boy A-117 |Reefwaif, Leblanc 117 |Freedoms Hope, No Boy 115 |}Bega Bega, Steve X114 {Whirling Rich, No Boy B-114 |Tricky Scamp, Ferro X114 huswap Sal, No Boy 8-109 Roman Tribune, No Boy A-112 |A--Mrs R Schury Entry. D Piiling Entry. BIGHTH RACE -- Purse -$2,100,-(3000)- Claiming, three-year-olds and up, foaled One and one-sixteenth Miles jon Marshall: Turf Course. Captain Prefect, No Boy 118 Bid, No Boy 118 Me Aces, Ferro X110 jack Coral, Steve X11! Navy Grand, Werry X111 Popey, Robillard 118 Rip. Van Jive, Fitzsimmons 123 Royal Doctor, Harris 123 * Rocky Mountains resorts during 'plenty of ways to spend the ishe is in third year arts. Placer Students Work Resort Areas JASPER, Alta. (CP)--Work- ing away from home during the summer .is a fine thing for young Canadians, says Jane Braun of Arthur, Ont. Tho 21-year-old secretarial science student was one of 550 young people from universities and colleges who worked at the summer. For many it -was the first time away from home. "You have so mahy opportun- ities to meet different types of peoples," Jane said. There are hours. and days off: hiking, climbing, trail-riding and hold- ing cook-outs, "things students wouldn't normally do at home." Still, a girl needs to be reas- onably mature before she works at a summer resort, she ob- served, Jane 'worked as a stenogra, pher in the public relations office here. Her work included press releases on notable guests at the hotel, helping organize conventions, and sometimes helping the lodge photographer. She went back in September to the University of Western Ontario, London, Ont., where Cassiar 200 $13 «1313 | Cent Pat 3200 180 173 «180 --2 Chimo 500 149 149 1497 +1 | Coch Will 400 360 355 360 | Con-Ke' 1000 9%2 9%) am C Callinan 5000 13% 13% 132-1 C Fen 3900 64 6% 62 C Mogul 525 AIO 405 410 45 | | Con Negus 3500 12 ne' Con Nichol 1500 9% C Rambler 520.175 170 72 --3 | Conwest 1750 665 660 665 | Cop Corp 2100 72 72 72 | Cop Fiekis . 500 9 98 8 | Coulee $00 25 25 2 +) Cowich 4500 81. 86 8 --3 | Deer Horn 500 36 % 3% --I D'Bidona 2000 32 30 Denison 361 $35 «35 35 + HH Donaida 1500 13% 13 13%+ "a! E Amphi 500 5 5 5 East Sull 1100 860 850 850 --10 | F'west M 500 10 «10 «| :10 | Frncoeur 00 15 15 15 | Genex 3500 364 364 +114) Giant YK 100 $13%2 13% 13% Goldray 500 60 oO --2 | Gortdrum 200 ' 390 390 «+10; Gulch 1600 7474 M+ a) Gunnar 300 261 259 258 --5 int Bibis 100 128 «128 128 +2 1 Kenville 2509. 9 6 Iron Bay 500 180 180 180 +4 Jelex 1900 21 21) «21 Jonsmith 6000 15 «2815 «(15 Joutel 100 108 108 108 Kerr Add 1625 795 765 765 --%0 K Anacon' 240 305 35 305 --I10 Di 3800 70 «65 65 5 Kirk Min yoo 13 #13 «113 Lab Min 120 $56. 56 56 Osu 1000 134 13% 13% Latin AM 94 9 9 Leitch 130 305 5S $05 --S Louvict 6750 41% 4) Ala + Manoka MS 500 11 11 u Marboy 500 7. 7 BER, a: Marchant 4100 278 275 278 +5 Mattgmi 175° $16% 18% 18% + % Maybrun 16600 17 «(16a 17 'Meta Uran 4000 9% 94 9% Moneta 1000 74 «74 «Th Mt Wright 500 40 40 4 Multi-M 5000 56 5S SS Newconex 1500 615 605 610 +15 Neonex W 1885 190 170 180 +10 New Jason %3 0 4% 4nd 2 Newlund 3500 17% 17 W¥e+1% N Nylama 4300 262 26% 26% =| New Taku Ss 3 2 Nisto 1000 «(11 VW W Norbeau 500190 190 190 N Rank 1500 30 30 30 Norghgte 715 840 830 835 --5 Obaska 200 1 On OOH Opemiske 166 880 880 880 +10 Orchan 1300 495 490 490 Patino 310 965 950 955 --15 Peerless 1000 10% 10% 10% Perron 2500 8% 8% 8% Pine Point 434 $70¥2 702 702+ V% Placer 450 $22¥e 222 22% Preston 100 975 970 975. +5 Purdex 1000 114 11% 114+ % Qunston 1000 8% 8% Ba+ 2 Radiore 5100 JO 70 --4 Ragian 750 210 20% 209 1 Rayrock 900 102 100 102 Rexspar 10500 «5 44 5 +¥ Rio Algom 3298 $19% 19 9+ % en 1500 805 800 800 +1 Rowan Con 5000 74 7% 7%+1 Sherritt 150 595 595 595 Silverfield 200 310 310 310 Sitvmaq 4300 38 374 B+ YY Sit Miller 15500 18. 17 7 --2 iscoe \ 250 245 245 M5 --5 Hil Stand $00 132 132 132 +2 Starratt 7000 4h Mh 4h--'h Steep R 310 625 625 625 Sud Cont 500 21% 214 21% Sullivan 1700 610 595 595 --§ Teck Corp 306 495° 495 495 'Texmont 4300 149 146 «(147 2 Tex-Sol 1000 300 30 Os +1 Tribag 2600 249 246 249 +1 Un Fort 2500 12 12 2 +% rban 2000 17 #+W WW Violam 0 415 415 415 --5 'Wasmac 150 157 175 175 42 W Malar 17500 «2 2 tS | West Mines 100 495 5 45 --5 W. Surf I 1500 -12%2 12 «12 = Ve leo 3100 3 BOD Willroy 1300 190 185. 185 --S Windfall 500 26 2626 Wisconsin 3500 «18 1B 8 +1% White Star 500 34 34 Yale Lead 11712° 13° 13° 13 1 Yellorex 2000. 3% 3% 3% Yukeno 500 7 Zenmac 2000 36 35 35 =a Sales fo 11:00 a.m.: 742,000. FOREIGN TRADING Agnico 100 136 130 Gunnar 100 276 276 int Hellum 8000 142 142° 142 'lof meeting her father, whom 5 |She has never seen. »,|why I left Canada," said 24- s Indian Reserves s ee s Like Municipality EDMONTON (CP) --The In- dian reserve of the future may be run just ike a modern mu- nifipality, suggests Clive Link- lafer, a Salteaux Indian who works with community develop- ment programs in Alberta. A change of this sort is likely to Occur as treaty indians gain more control of their funds. However, some officials dis- count the value of reserves and the Indian Act, says Mr. Link- later. In future, reserves will prob- ably not be restricted only to Indian use. "There are enough natural and human resources on re- serves for industrial develop- ments like those now existing in Ontario." Dairy Cattle Show Draws Visitors OTTAWA (CP)--The agricul- ture department's permanent exhibit of dairy breeding cattle here has attracted more than i visitors since it opened May Ten females from each of the 10 major breeds--Holstein, Ayr- shire, Guernsey and Jersey-- comprise the showcase herd. It was set up at the Central ex- perimental farm to promote dairy catle export. : Many viewers were from abroad including Europe, Asia and Africa, as well as the United herd are expected before the end of the year. They were sired by bulls nom- inated by Canadian breed as- sociations. Elect Outsider As The Mayor PRAIANO, Italy (AP)--In a south Italian village like Prai- ano, with a population of 1,500, local loyalty is fiercely strong and strangers get the suspicious eye. Giuseppe Cagliano, a college graduate and owner of a tourist hotel, has lived here nearly all his 40 years. He never consid- ered himself a stranger. But when word spread that his fellow councilmen had + | elected him mayor, hundreds of angry residents showed up at the municipal hall shouting "Abbasso il sindaco" (Down with the mayor). They were furious that an "outsider" had been elected. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thundey, October J, 1965 25 Tourist Flow Bring Gold To Britain | By By HAROLD MORRISON LONDON (CP)--On the ram- parte looking to the sea, the|ing tourist men of Britain shout a warning of the great invasion. dollars from tourists than from any meray commodity, includ- SKY. In 1984, # total of 2.456.000 visitors came to Britain, a rise from the 2,159,000 of 1963. 'The More tourists from Canada andjnumber from om Canada ' other countries are flowing intojto 160,000 from 145,000. This Britain than ever before. year the association expects the the + ky they preg iy er-all total to rise to 2,700,000. armadas, to fill British cotfers|t'yg9 yy" '* Ud climb to with more gold, Despite all the complaints of snarled traffic, over crowded' beaches and outdated the visitors are flocking to the ancient relics, the great spires and awesome ritual in such numbers that soon tourism may threaten Britain's leading ex- ports as money earners. "In less than two decades," says the British Travel Assocl- ation, "tourism has grown from practically nothing into one of the most powerful economic forces in the country." FACES COMPETITION Here, as in other areas, Brit- ain is meeting increasing com- petition from other tourist mec- cas, but the trend is expansive. Britain earns more American nN 9% 94+ | States. Twenty calves from the! Meadow Court Leaves Track LONDON (CP) -- Meadow Court, Irish-bred colt that par- layed a $12,500 investment by Calgary publisher Max 'Bell into race winnings of more than $300,000, has retired from the track to stand at stud in southwest England. The Anglo - Irish Bloodstock Agency, which bought the colt for Bell two years ago at the Dublin yearling sales, an- nounced Meadow Court's re- tirememt from racing Wednes- day. The colt won the Irish Derby and the King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Stakes at Ascot. The chestnut son of Court Harwell out of Meadow Music commands more. than twice as much in fee to sire future race- horses as Bell' paid for him in the yearling sales. A stud share in Meadow Court, entitling the purchaser to have one mare serviced by the colt each year, was worth £10,500 ($31,500) when shares were sold in August, By KO SHIOYA TOKYO (AP)--A pretty, Ca- nadian - born Chinese ballerina now in Japan as part of a planned Asian tour says one of the reasons that prompted her to visit the Orient was the hope "That's one of the reasons year-old Linda Yee. Miss Yee, who graduated from the University of British Columbia in 1963 with a teach- ing degree, arrived in Tokyo recently and now is with the Komaki Ballet Company, one of the leading ballet gromps in Japan. Miss Yee, who makes her home at Victoria, said in an interview, 'I wanted to join a ballet company in the Orient because I'm curious about the Orient."" She plans to stay in Japan up to 12 months before moving on to Taipei, Singapore, Manila,Bangkok...and' Hong Kong. She said her father is in Hong Kong but she doesn't know where. "I have an uncle there, 100 234 23%4 23V2-- Ve Canadian-Chinese Ballerina Looks For Dad On Tour Of Orient to him and he will contact my father." She explained her mother left her father in Shanghai and went. to Victoria before she was born. SEEKS EXPERIENCE hotels,|;, Visitors to Britain are esti- mated to have 'spent about 70,000,000 in 1964, a figure that expected to increase to $1,- 500,000,000 by 1970. . Many of the spenders are at- tracted to the British hinter- land: To the Scottish and festivals; to the W and Irish countryside and to the pic- turesque fishing villages and superlative beaches along the Cornish coast. But the bulk of the visitors--about 50 per cent-- head for London. FACILITIES NEEDED "The development of recrea- tional traffic, particularly for sporting activities outside Lon- don, deserves more attention," the association suggests in its latest report. Travel from Commonwealth countries, notably Canada and Australia, "still accounts for over one-third of the total tour- ist spending in Britain," the as- sociation says. But it notes that a lot of overseas traffic is mov- ing to Europe. Britain gets a large share of the outgoing Eu- ropean tourist trade. Britain's share' of the Euro- pean market in 1964 was 1,167,- 000 visitors, the association esti- mates. They spent about $165,- 000,000. a5 "There is much to be done," says the association, we can be Satisfied that the country is receiving an ade- aut share of European traf- fic. Machine Tests 7 -Bumps On Road REGINA (CP) --The Saskat- chewan department of highways has spent $15,000 on a "profilo- meter" to measure the bumpl- ness of roads. The many - wheeled machine records the smoothness of the paving and draws a profie pic- ture of the top surface. "With this information, engl- neers hope to determine what factors influence riding quality and provide paved surfaces which will remain smoother for longer periods of time," said Gordon Grant, minister of high- ways. Though she is sometimes mis- taken for a Japanese, Miss Yee doesn't speak the language and admits that is her biggest prob- lem here, "The other day a Japanese came up to me and I assume he was asking me street direc- tions. All I could reply--in Eng- lish--was 'I'm sorry, I don't speak Japanese.' "" Miss Yee hopes to make a de- but in a Japanese professional ballet this fall, but said: "That's all I want to do, I don't want to be a ballerina. I just want to have experience." She said she has so many things in mind that she really doesn't know what she will be in the future. She plans to visit China "'purely out of curiosity." Her life in Japan seems pleas- ant. She goes to the ballet school at 10 a.m. every week day and 'comes home around 2 p.m. She spends the rest of her time reading, writing letters and though," she said. "I will write F..W. DAVID STEWART A well known O'Keefe Sales Rep-- resentative In Toronto area for the past two Mr. F. W. David Stewart will now assume responsib- ility. for the Oshowe area. Mr. Stewart's _tronsfer was announced . R, J, Macleod," Or Brewing Company Limited, talking with her friends. 360 DEGREE SATELLITE SOUND Only Electrohome offers THREE DIMENSIONAL SOUND, Think of it. Music' that literally surrounds you... That comes from every side to place you in the centre of the orchestra. The effect is truly electrifying. Indeed, it has been called a more fundfmental revolution in sound than stereo itself. Place a pair of satellite speakers where they can radiate sound in all directions: Simply: insert the ico in the clearly labelled jacks in the back of every Electrohome stereo console. Your Electrohome console can be placed where it looks best, and part of the room. you will be assured of the ultimate in true-to-life sound in every Electrohome now offers five satellite speaker models to harmonize with every decor. Electrohome also offers three models of extension speakers that will car room or any other part of the house. X--5 ths AAC . POST TIME 3 P.M, "a ry the rich and brilliant sound to the patio, recreation See Hear! Electrohome "Solid State" Stereo -- Stereo with the Difference. SERVICE BY OUR OWN TECHNICIANS "before > O'Keefe Appointment