LO ARAL AE ER EE ET IOI "OLX ere a ween EUPIA INI SNOT shag rte eine : ae ma ae aha nd Ning a aly aoe Popo ve AM * » . ry £ > Q& THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, October 7, 1968 Real Estate for Scie. {20--Real Estate for Sale . |21--Farms for Sale 23--Real Estate Wanted (26--Apartment for Rent |30--Automobiles Fer Sale}30--Automobiles For Sele , 7 i $4,100 DOWN -- Whitby. L: i SIXTY-ACRE commenter' form. Just 14 THREE ROOMS ¢ 20--Real Estate For Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale bungalow, Absolvtely potiess condition rmes from General Motors. 26d |home on one gf "ou" "Armco anc Absteinarse "Couple only. Tele: "4 BUICK Le Sabre convertibie, Fully 7 W. iWin lobe. foams) tiee. tele price, femme, 9 with 'spacious kitchen, dining and! Homes an buy ee ire |phone Whitby 666-2784, i i powered, 18400 miles, executive griven. maT e Lica a Nair" oh Neato und ih Cocament, pose ghey ts men Rent Estate. inte "L1a.| PRINCE ALBERT," twocbedroom, sell 1S te ne ccu'y by ang JOHN F. DeWITH irs ond die tn. sored en aver dertinnves coe} = OUR CARS ie suetanne cmon om 'ontact Harvey an, | WA OORT SS 3003. We Mca Uey" Reesor a eo see a ented victeation| Teleohone Port Perry, 985-7300 four new tires, two sriow tires, $580,. Realtor ENNISKILLEN -- Farm tor sale, iz3|"00M, In College Hill area or near, Elm, MODERN three-room basement apart Dn. nee Ty, j acres. Good bulidings, house, barn, pas-|97ove Street. Call Oshawa Realty 728-9466 ment, College Hill area, close to bus and convener eee (Eldorado) Cadillac, '55, - BOW, NVILLE ; Com-|ture supplied by springs. 90 acres good! *k for Jack Zurba. General Motors. Garage available. | power 'eork! P Re t MA\ REAL ESTATE LIMITED crop soll, Telephone 778-6 Telephone 728-3587. | bout motor and transmission. 24--Stores, Offices, Storage share i ; Ui D haust system, " 14 Frank Street : : APY tor Sale 5 ces, ge or banker to share modern| 'Trade Up or Down ---- -- jj", evslem, continental tire, Will wil swap 21 King Street West 2--Lots tor north Osh- j i i ae model cer, of secant older ' : awa, all facilities. Telephone 723-2265, ex- inancing Available s part payment. Telephone 725-5555. 'i Phone i Bowmanville ns BUILDING LOTS OFFICE SPACE ardioe dio 165 CHEV. IMPALA Ins MERCURY "Monicloirsegen, auto : pouiteota nha Mion ' : R ' 'adio. Less than rer 623-3950 : INVESTMENT PROPERTY -- 10 ecres,| 190 ft. x 150 ft. 4 miles Eost 27--Rooms for Rent Hardtop Lic. K11316, 2-way' {000° miles. Phone. 725-10 "1019 623-3393 ae niles north of city timits. Very| of Bowmanville. Only ' . * PRIVATELY ownap 1955 955 Meteor te with four streams. Nicely treed. TT power, auto., 11,000 miles, 'body, two-door, c : tN arg _ 75 Acre farm, near Port Perry Se oi g Bo and very good barn, Will _ $150 DOWN ATTRACTIVELY warranty and service policy 725-8247, ¥ ce «with house, barn, stream: and LTD l Marner Coes nd ala make 4 nice, acre lots fronting on McGILL ; FURNISHED ROOMS with car, 196) FORD coach, V4, automatic, Good i -- ponds. Highway loce- eal Estate Boar Terms. For Particulars, el ese, REAL ESTATE BROKER In Times Building a" in ere home, ' $3 095 otter! Tek jeonane sell for. best reasonable a. K Itor: In: OW be Ol ween a 7. p.m, ' AM Posefhinaiatee ws BANCROFT AREA, 100 acres spetgeoiplecs snneralas GORE'S LANDING ene Lena ee eS 82 PARK RD. N. | SSRAMBLER SEDAN [deh colonic "wnasseis oattane one with house, born Excellent | 145 Brock St. South | Nearly new large three bed- | tinished orced "air oll| doubles, $7,000 per lot, sctive Bay 'Ridges (650), Lic, 147920. V~B, |sasa"wnitewaiiirew. fve noveena te ing f id Price $5,000 i tby room poi with lense oe. You will Snel ah ike Pfeail you ear with Oshawa and Ferenie clientele. contact: 728- 8671 ee, woitewelly "$2, ie lars. ADply 18° Windsor ne wad 8 ' 5 Wh lie on ey 'emember Mr. Wilkes 9422611. PMA" Realty . Sh genre age pre Benes indsor 'Terme, iences, insulated and pane' rape a) sty A Hie ' COMFORTABLE room for gentiem ; . lis PONT wie ncon ESA s walls, tiled floors, treed lot, |Grittin oan 4 ret wai mie bee central location. Apply Hr Division 2 cylinder, sitaraie oh len, Soardow, : 4 40 Acres with river frontage, 50 feet water frontage, bingy tors ave, Good garden soll Bae OO 63 MINI COOPER Tasos Ge" est offer, § ~ connected to Sturgeon Lake, - » pestove, refrigerator and heater 20A--Summer Properties - $500 down. McGill Real AT THE TIMES GRAN AVENUE, Furnished room. 'clean Lic, 491382. Clean and |is9 PARISIENNE? 09" motor, Asking $5,900. Terms. ---- Peg aca , For Sale or Rent = (72-85 Toushenet maayr, Preferred. $8 weekly.) sharp. $795 ae \e 6886576 OF BaRLIMT anytinnee with terms or best offer. peaeere a BUICK, A-| condition, Bes! offer. 50 Acres with spring. High- OFFICE for rent, 460 49. ft. of prestige tion J room, within waik- + -|Whitby 668-8473. * M istance hoppi pied Mcrae way location. Mostly wooded, APART ENT GRAVEL INVESTMENT 'loffice space. Central, ideal" for. doctor. |Lady nipreterred, Telephone Ti ng Centre| "59 CHEV. SEDAN IMS BUICK "Wildca'? "convertible. LT Asking only $5,000, Terms, BUILDING PROPERTY OAK HILLS ST Tigh bey ig Te ee Ceri ONE furnished basement room, heated, Lic. H30135. Auto. Sharp! |ea. Pa ae yd nny ; acres--20 acre grovel ground; some woods, good gerden. soll Tee en' Private wettiroom. Motors Ltd., 778-737: 11 Acres with strong TROUT $10,000 Down = ne 2 ry ma oe pind ars ch Compe' an good Tod, Ask: ble Beige Bog 9 pp Bile Boe of ican smd $695. 194 METEOR, V-8, automatic, one own © STREAM on 7A _ Highway. ' Ast spshonc thea g lide 11 Tony Zakarow at Sibby's 3 rent, 728-1901, TWO furnished rooms, use of kitchen and| / ' ve automatic, one. omy Asking $3,000. Terms Older 9 suite apartment In with pond, barns ond 7 room SEVEN LOTS je Ltd., 728-7576. - living 'room. Sull couple. Telephone wnit-| 22 METEOR 2-DOOR Tine ati frade for small car, eer : central locotion. Seven 3 room home. Offered subject to DUPLEX or semi-detached lot, ~Shapeg| at tenony i BORTR, 'seoble ter ofica|by saazas, Lic. K30327, radio, outo., | i9 PONTIA ne, 6.35 Acres with beoutiful units. Two 4 room = units. gravel test. Asking $30,000 OVERLOOKING Seenetunt cay hay Gar tv Oshawa Realty (Bond Street) Ltd, 728- oe, cate fo | share." bedroom good body. automatic, power "steering and' brakes, TROUT STREAM. Asking $3,- Completely sei contained --terms. tin, Realtor, y We 466. s) Five-day wi $15 weekly. A-1 throughout. Telephone 668-6353. . ' -|Blair Park Pl i 2 tans ON 000. Terms. apartments. Showing revenue #0 ACRES vacant land on High WANTED TO RENT -- double garage or| oo 0 oie Orn. ny ee $300 MOTORS, 435 UP -- Ail car parts. Cours 00 Country home modern with 7 i and on Highway near |iarge single. Any where in the city. Call TWO individual sleeping rooms for giris.| '59 DODGE SEDAN itce Auto Wreckers, Telephone 723-5238, or i of $5,000. per year. bath Port Perry. Short commuting distance to| 728-4733, Light housekeeping if required. Telephone ni 725-4 ' 50 Acres in commuting dist- OPEN TO OFFERS rooms, two bathrooms, fire- r Oshawa. Corner property with small 723-5722, Lic. H43884, auto., 8 eyl. 6 PON ance from Oshawa with ex- ploce and hot water heating. Wain. oeed Gooell ot ache oeia. coal If. eg Sires seth 1a eee = die ACCOMMODATION" with shower, for| Inder. Runs good! -- ft vin V8, - automatic, oe ee fa gpleg i r lo Si at on Ht 04 rT, ¥ ' 7 i cellent TROUT STREAM. Scenic location with 50 acres FOR. PERMANEN Donald Forder, Port folly 985.7242. al single girt with car, 1% smiles north of 395, |Power, Drakes, "Monat, oct windows red ; Beoutifully treed. Asking LUPIN DR. and pointed barns, Asking A bE W. McQuay. Realtors, '25---Houses for Rent Shopping Centre, Phone 725-7856, + |with black top. Telephone 725-9925, j $13,000. org $30,000 with terms, .+---. .. RETIREMENT HOME SITES! acres paved road frontage, flowing "room for "indy! '56 CHEV, 2-D0O 1963 CHEVROLET, Bel Air, 3 oc Whitby spring. $330 per acre. John Kuipers 723- ee ge a, gg RB ge Parking and Jaundry facilities. Hy 365). | 4 . ' R power steering, brakes, one owner rie 175 Acre farm with 8 roomed Sis Radrsor hone with 4 200 acre Beef Farm 11 miles These lots are located in a |$5%:_Kelth Peters Realty Limited die ch Gehan SaNMMG fae canoes net indsor Street or telephone 725-4240 ic, H35578, radio, auto., itt (nllenge. Clean, Can be financed, brick "ho 2 borns ; 2 5 from Oshawa, large barns, 4 | APARTMENT SITE, Park Road North, 92/couple with one child. $110 monthly. Shoat FURNISHED room in clean, quiet home, An economical cor at (tag daytimes 728-4688; eve- ING sib até 500. piece tile bathroom, built-in bedroom home, conveniences prestige areo less thon 40 [1°19 eleven suites, Earle Allen 725-7782, have good references, Call Steve Englert|Walking distance from South General Mo 0 finds. "Sean Stream, Price only $16,500. vanity. Extra large finished ak Gil" heatea, Asking $38,- miles from Oshowa, We are 'Keith Peters Realty Limited. t Guide Realty Limited, 723-5281. tors, Parking. Telephone 723-2408. + |1960 ENVOY, -- "shape, blue, radio, Terms. recreation room 20 ft, x 20 000 with tears, j encouraging the sale of these |SERVICED semis and single lols, ready, THREE bedroom bungalow with recrea- CLEAN furnished bedroom in quie ALSO GUNS! - whitewalls, motor and tires perfect, $395, 5D Acreé' with 7 roomed ft. Laundry room, large land- j lots for the erection of per- [to fo, in Oshawa, Terms. Call Clare Mc [iise, toon Good residential area. Suitable | penniemen, a0 bathroom, suitable ior ' ay | oeseaed abit r A jcul laugh, 723-7843, W. Frank Real Estate.|for business man a lamily $145 monthi in, abstainer. No smoking, $10) " 4 CK sedan, leche bars atretii, Highway scaped lot. Close to schools, 50 acre scenic Club Site, 40 manent homes priced from rank Real Estate| v itable October lth. References, Write, weekly, Telephone 725-2124. 3° to choos" from. ing, power brakes, aia on tee ibeutior Price only $11,500. shopping and bus. acres woods with creek and $20,000. to $40,000. '23--Real Estate Wanted | esac 435 Oshawa Times. HOUSEKEEPING room, suitable for one | REMINGTON RIFLE -- 30- pry one owner. Private. Telephone 655- 4 OPEN TO OFFERS pond site. Asking $11,000 i [FURNISHED house for winter months.|gentieman. Apply 200 King Street West or| 06 autoload. } Terms ' These lots feature woterfront | | : --e | with terms. pork lond d alateed ap aoe Severe, Sante ters: phone. 723-8804, | REMINGTON 12 v7 FORD converlibie, continental kit | f rk tan 'or swimming an eferences requir monthly. Avail-'1389 KING EAST -- three hi upiget jouge. and radio, floor shift, customized, double ees ce ek 5 'room WHITBY 25 acres woodlands with large boating, ond plans ore well t Saat' Goce. sapien peel as 394) with option of eg Big Banca} gas operated full choke. Motel King aie: 'b pon eee advanced for the constructio: once a week, next apartment. Adults. ee * as brick bungatow on Ronieg $2,000 Down eee te tae He. | oF any 18 hole. poll course on a a or |i:ROOm house, two Balhrooms, nine Also 14 Colborne Eas! gray foe four| Rem NGTON, 12 gouge | ive CHEVROLET, « eiinge, sipndard Ave. Laundry tubs, storms : , ; Asking $4,000 with terms. 9 urse on miles east of Oshawa, $125 per month,/room apartment. Phone 725-1709. recoil, skeet barrel ventilated Excellent condition. Best offer. Telephone ond screens for all windows. Five room brick bungolow, ease property. HOMES IN [Bann November 15. Telephone 263-|TWO furnished rooms. Ladies preterred.| !D- 23-9800. 5 i three bedrooms, four piece ooded acre home sites epresentative on site the Clean home, 86 Cabot Street. | "TRY Ht VAONTIAC Good e Hirsh or ont and tile both. Recreation room, east of Oshawa, Courtice area, week-end, OOM farm house available imme-|/s7 COLBORNE EAST: Rooms for gentle- es yo A ae tr <r engine, back yards. Newly painted in large well landscaped lot. One mile off No. 2 Hwy. Ask- : WHITBY AREA iaiae'y. Modern bath, kitchen, oll heat.'men, willing to share. Close to north Gen- : : a) CHEVROLET" Bicone ego tee | and outside. Price $16,900 on Gane JA iveneculate ing $5,000--terms DIRECTIONS ~~ 401 to Port | Seainog JSee, Port ROY: See rane. eral Motors and central to downtown.| Licensed Mechanics paint, 6, standard, "radio, "whitewaltes with convenient N.H.A. mort- eeiciiinn, Sleek emo : : Hope, 812 miles north on 28 WE HAVE CASH MODERN three-bedroom Bungalow. | Re-|Apply_sbove address : Open 8 A.M, to 7 P.M, Daily |Wheel 'discs. Licence H47082. Gus Brown ees OPEN TO OFFERS Call 623-3393 planway to the South Shore BUYERS FOR WHITBY a gh «Mig $125 monthly. Tele: Hiehors: -arepioved Ppuntsnen Poe | Saturday to 6 P.M. in POAT aaa 5 roomed new brick bungalow HOWARD FORDER Ce PROPERTIES, BUT WE [oor 1 ote 9 9 tedan. Full price at S148, Cash, trade or fe sé or lease, thre r lerms al with attached gorage. All ARE "SOLD OUT" house, furnished or unfurnished, west ond, FURNISHED bedroom, | central, "gentle 668-3331, eS ed : CLU OUg r AFTER 9 P.M men, shift workers welcome. Apply 73 modern conveniences. Only . bate 725.2 ~ No small children. References, please. Gladstone Avenue or dial 723-9615 |1964 CHEVROLE omatic, white- 7 000 : 655-3853 ' -3568 Call Listing Dept. at Apply Box 628- Oshawa Times. ET six, automatic, white: $2, down, Whitby . Brooklin SUMMGIAD tutes ie ae TWO furnished bedrooms, suitable. for| 1180 Simcoe N. walls, radio, discs, many extras." 18,000" 7 roomed home on Albert tee See i, De. ae as We | FOR BROCHURE | 728-5157 ly ea Near Shopping Plaza. No fein bese: pettehie for tee ine, North 728-0031 195 CHEVROLET impala, hardtop, auto ' LD -- VLA property, five- | sma iidren, please. eferences re- t district, , street, close to King, Indus- eran). ating, 4 piece: | bunsaioe, naniceel ares bi jest district. Telephone 728-1832. matic, 8 cylinder, power brakes and st , NM " L ea, Natural _ A Photo M.L.S. Off lquired. Phone 728-13 from pm and steer- trial area. All modern conven- pe goed Fee a Stone fireplace, extra bedroom in base- IPIGEON N PET Office | GOWAN, tae beareses" borweiow saved LARGE furnished Baarcems We aolat hone, ing. Will take trade. 728-5397. pnts. eens, Paved drive, Well ment, with electric nen!. Lot is 75 x. 297 ear PETERBORO drive, Completely furnii 'arking facilities. Suit business gentle- MORE CASH 1962 PONTIAC Parisienne, hardtop, V2, londscaped. C. for $98 feet. For all details contact Sally Wal- | gerage. Completely furnished. Ret-| man Apply 574 Crerar Avenue. automatic, power st ". ped. Corries for a lace, 725-6297. J h ly Wa ILOT with COTTAGE $2,995 jerences required. Telephone 728-4797. sia No down' steering and bral BOWMANVILLE HOMES: per month. Principal, interest | 728-7377 oseph Bosco, Realtor ' ls RANT << Rb) CERES hae ROOM for rent for gentleman. Parking] Paid for Good clean cors. |osoe Payment, Newtonville 786-2507. 10 Roomed home, located and taxes. - $50. DOWN, $48 MONTHLY Ive | December' 1s $95" monthiy. "Pickering wns: Lanpnens 721000, |. Trade up or down, Liens pold. « semen" passerine: ome maak, cae |PRICED TO SELL. -- Six-room, War] Dunbarton 839-2379. FURNISHED single room, suitable for! : 4 Positraction, reverb, radio, double east of town, with | acre lot OPEN Ti } PAYMENTS START APRIL, 1966 Eagle tir opal stig Babin - i O OFFERS [storey home. Central location. Roo REAL si or gentleman. Apply 119 Brock DODD MOTOR SALES Eagle tires, maroon, black interior. 66 i | e property. ong ery large tiving and inno IMMEDI TY LIMITED '26- -Apartment For Rent -- reet Eas, 2 were tek tere wth 2 | HEBER DOWN [itis ceeentitaey seiges| OPIS" coves = ecru epee roman) 304 PARK RD, cOUTH PRE wae | ic! e wit! 4 © inspec ey ' surveyed with _ ----_--_--__-- | horth General Mot Park 4 3 + Tew paint, mechanically sound, bathrooms. Very clean and in CRESCENT le on Crawford, 723-1021. Joseph Bosco, | fomily-sized "survey bade : MALA GLEN Gentlemen ti Talechons mo eS 723 9421 Sriiéal aio ca eas aoe Good excellent repair, Asking $18,- * -------| ¢ooms, erected, $2,995. cash WE * : BUSINESS or professional young lady BUYING OR SELLING 1963 eee : ' + $2,779. Iki , 1963 RAMBLER 000. Terms. : COMMERCIAL with savencroom brick or Budget Plan, $50. down, COURT [kitchen and laundry privieges. Telephone TED CAMPIN atic: Mary cand Soe ee ee 514 Roomed ol Brooklin condition, good location on main street in| $48. monthly, payment start NE | LOCATED NEAR SOUTH- |one furnished bedroom In prt ' Sires included. Best offer! Telephone 725- ae oe eget most sghtine Five room brick bungalow pice eg le olay Bae.) sel April, 1966. Limited num- | GENERAL MOTORS PLANT _ |five minutes walk to she, Ganinribe bes: ' ng re ngg ered preted o, Batis" Bact 4p with Kingston stone front. (Sibby's Real Estate Ltd fad | ber. Year round octivities. | RESERVE NOW ferred. Parking space. Telephone 728-8706 MOTORS a (CHEVROLET Super' Sport Private pa pod oh Fi Ask . Excellent lo- Lorge dliving room 14 ft. x RITSON ROAD SOUTH -- sixroom, 14-| Good roads, open year round. | AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT ELGIN STREET EAST, 29 -- Furnished] 607 KING ST. --- OSHAWA _ |M™aculate condition. Deep blue, white ine Tae sking -- $18,500. 24 ft. with stipled ceiling ond [storey home with garage and large lot.| Hydro, telephone, swimming, H eh 9 and had foam for, gentleman. Close to downtown) jscp baa Sf Wilson Road (ret call 7zseea q " dining erea, 3 bedrooms with: |Property In lovely, condition. Full asking! excellent fishing, woter ski- rn Pogirol hiduor di 1728. ' cee... See 1958 PONTIAC six, sedan pice J lasts 4 aiuce bolls 'Enea only $13,200. To Inspect call Tony! ing boat sie Buyers Waiting * 2 Bathrooms (in all 2 and | 728-3543. ne i ____|__723-4494 Res, 725-5574 radio. Excellent 'condition ane 5 roomed new brick bungalow u is, 4 piece mn, akarow at 728-7576. Sibby's Real Estate ? ng, "9, " 3 bedroom suites) ROOM for rent, suit two gentlemen will- ee a $650. Telephone 723-4490. with finished i Built-in vanity. Ample kit- Winter Ski-tow nearby. A ing to share. Single beds. Centrally io "KELLEY DISNEY warcutseas so didd Atiotrgl et Eada chen cupboards of solid carers five-room brick bunga- CALL ® Elevators |cated. Apply 331 Centre Street. a, ig agen RP iy Asking $16,900. Terms. birch, hooded exhoust fon, |/0W._ tastefully decorated. Saninty PRACTICAL FOR RETIREMENT *& Balconies |ONE furnished room, 55 Celifth Street, USED CAR LOT discs," kaw mileoge oleptions wee : 2 jandscaped, paved drive, Large lot. Must; ENJOY Fall, Winter, Sprin * Intercom System suitable for gentleman. Telephone 728 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST Oeste a aa 5 Roomed new brick bu Two recreation rooms (12 f , pring phy ingo- $ t. [be seen. Full price $16,700 with down ' * FM MUSI * | 4403 WHITBY -- 668-5 1965 PONTIAC convertible, V#, auto- low with ettached gar x 24 ft. and. 12 ft. x 25 ft.) [Payment to, be arranged, See this home| ond Summer. cMUL Cc : CH Re -5891 matics Bower steering, Brakes, utter : Ni 'age. his wi ' |today. Call Doug Gower, $. B, Hyman| This property selling rapidly. * Broadloom Holls [LARGE housekseping room, suitable for Cars bought and sold radio, whitewall tires, maroon, matching ice seoatten. Asking $16,- Dou rdows end screens. [Real Esiate Lid., 728-6286. two gentlemen, Parking. Also furnished Leins paid off {iterior. Leonie Kane. $3,195, BIN! Whit. , 500, Terms. This home hes more than st Real E B 728-9468 single room, Telephone 723-1832. i tick Motors, 668-5871. 1700 af Hof fear JUST LISTED! Ready to gol This five DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED eal Estate Broker nei ed 7a SEO Trade up or down pL ~ : ' , wt, space. room bungalow |s well decorated. Large! f large room, furnished, hol and cold Al ; 1963 PONTIAC two-door coach, 6 = 5 Unit apartment building. Attached garage. Lorge land- [landscaped lot. Close to all schools and! ORDER NOW ! 0 O S al A W A | Water, fridge and stove, walking distance ways top quality. der, radtor standard Tranentastony. waite: sid aca t 4 ft. ransportation, and a low down payment. | - '0 pital. Just the place for two ra wel res cence 255778. $1,495. Bill = Cantrolly located. All leased. H ~~ rg hs ft. x 130 ft. [asking price $15,000. See this beauty and| MEET at Fowler's Corners r Telecom : ALL CASH pellicle ct BR oy Excellent state of repair. Real lome of all homes at @ very | make an offer. Call Doug Gower at 5. B.| junction Highwoys 7 .ond 7B R E A L 1 Y pore Bh 178 OLDSMOBITE sedan, in good condl 2 iaastmant, Asking reasonable price. Hyman Real Estate Lid 728-6286 DE ggrioage hacienda whith 725 3557 CHURCH" STREET, One For cleon cars or trucks, We |ton. 8550 or will trade te later wiedel, = $35,000. Terms. ATTRACTIVE three-bedroom hame.| . @ Lindsey | (BOND ST.) LTD falners: Acoly skate Gattal wnccaem| deal up or down, Li Pg iste atta TN 9 : NEW Large Hollywood kitchen. Large 'corner| Highway each doy this week- | At ; ; stainers. Apply above address after 4 p.m. p or down. Liens paid. | i955~CaEVROLET convertible m= COURTICE AREA, 5 roomed lal. Near Oshawa Shopping Centre and) end at! p.m.ond3p.m.No /$$SSSSSSSS5S555 ter_Hours Cell |FURNISHED rooms, suitable tog gentie-|NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED|siering: radio, 6 evlinder, automatic *. bungalow with double garage Brooklin principal, interest "and taxes. 'Phone for] oPPointment necessary, 'S 5 723-6255 [men. parking, Ielephone. Apply Yn: Bloor! 146 BROCK ST. NORTH [soho elosreemncaee, > S425 ~ ¥ , ie Ot is NG ARE ____.. | Stree! ast or lelephone 728-6187, . | ler. Telephone 728-90 - appointm 1. Ph - - ! dates ot Cy Toe heated. Priced at Three bedroom bungalow |e wit Ba xo ac | Cait a ease Mela B | NEED HELP ! Hl VICTORIA MANOR |SOWMANVILLE -- Furnished | room, suit Across from Royal Hotel 1948 PARISIENNE, ae Sport, 6,000 - ries medallion electrical heating. full price. One open mort ' bor 5 : P | 724 Dufferin St., Whitb: [able for gentleman, breakfast optional, | miles, V-8, automatic, radio, whitewalls, = gage for bal riday, doy or evening, by > Hove clients for 2, 3 and $ Y, y ample parking. Telephone 623-2361. Shadelite glass, power steeri = COURTICE AREA, 7 roomed Individual room' thermostatic fee Fourroom detached cottage. Le) special appointment only, |S 4 bedroom homes, in Osh- §| ~ Dicks below 401 Highwoy icuee Taae heise Reasing nae i |e RAND ti brakes. $3,000. Telephone 728-2028. © home with double garage on control. 4 and 3 piece bath, [ing call tonight Rison vosteas Oy |S awa and vicinity, and need New Renting. quiet home. Central. Sul" gentieman,| 26884, 389 V-8 with 3 carburelors, four-|1960 CHEV. sedan, radi aoa. UF 1.6 acre | lim ¥ Built-in vanity. Méhogany |--sell -- trade "through iff is e |Felephone 723-9225, spéed transmission, Just like flew! Easy|cence 232-028. Tel ~ lot. All modern con Litchen cusbeonbe 7, leette tus Sea oh Griffin Real) PITTS 5S immediate listing help. If S! Bedroom Apartments, terms. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. ee SS veniences. Asking $13,000: oelaal ar cas | oupvex area il PHONE 112.379.9404 $ you are considering selling $| Everything included, ee al ig for siatienane 'Apply promggarvee rene pg ger Pas i961 CHEV. ste ion woe rai six & ENNISKILLEN, 3 bedroom terior lighting. T.V, Saat [apartments Now ron ee Mid rib z co ghee coll. S| Rental on location, Sunday, |eURNISHED single room two" blocks |$edan, 148453. MT anteriaties ary eee 942-5693. a ee i Henle in Village. with new ol Boobie. "Gluminam - windows [meahity... Very good Investment at ak | HOMES AND COTTAGES LTD i urs moy--be the one. §} Oct. 10, 1.1, 12, 13. from Hougaille. Bus at door, Apply baie tee aol mer: Bi Be terms. "Gus|1961 CHEV two-door, six-cylinder, stan- furnace. -Price only $9,500 and screens. Complete re- |morigage. Substantial down payment re; COBOURG ONT. |c side S|$9 MONTHLY, Ground floor, large three. | Wolfe Street, | Gard shift, Licence K74-238, Telephone 94% : 7 4 ¥ . : creatan m-25-4 } lquired. Early possession Cuntact Latey | 5 DON STRADESKI S|room apartment, bullt-in cupboards, stove|FURNISHED single room, lady ~pre- | LIENS PAID OFF! We trade up a cone " ce Veritas: creat roo te 42-Fr. 1 eeee -Sariy permeation. Conte resto | l5 REALTOR § 2d refrigerator. Heat Included. Close to|ferred, apply 167 Park Road North Over 60 cars to choose trom. No dow! ACs io, automatics otal of 1,525 ft. of floor jpop Ig 63K St. W, >| town and hospital. Suitable for widow or | Aah Gus Brown Motors Ltd, 7. winterized. Licence 240-718. Telephone Donald Mountioy Guy LeBlone spece: Plus: mehy: extion to6 ORT PERRY older type homes for Al 12 3 King St. West S|aquiet adults, Telephone 725-3093, | 28-- Re d Be d Fars 942-5693, Idso Wiersma Phyllis McRobbie numerous to mention Call Soler Ake oe line bectocst ee "4 723-4651 S|$5 SINGLE, $7 couple, daily, spec. wi oo and Board i 1961 PONTIAC, Licence H50939. V-8,/11 1963 COMET convertibie e, 6 cylinder, auto- Inger Jorgensen Lorne C. Duff OPEN TO OF ' H. Keith Ltd. 668-5009, 668-8727 5:5'3 $:5:5 53.55 $3 8 S|rates. Small apartments available. sears ROOM AND BOARD for genflemen, to|standard shiff. Three months warranty Telephone 723-4105. Ross D J OFFERS ciay : he loptional. Hollywood Motel and Restour-it are, lunches packed, cix-day week, cen-jon engine. No down payment. Easy nineanomnatoonnetaetpesueteds s Davidson AVACRE retreat property, with Broom This week-end at Emerald | [ant Whitby 668-2067, |tral, Telephone 725-9843. $5 Brock erms. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. pln a jor ce jutomatic, good con- > e | WE HAVE SEVERAL OTHER land hyare'tn aor enn. Water Isle located on Buckhorn OLDER | BUSINESS GIRL to share nicely furnish-| |SINGLE ROOMS and board, 'Apr 1963: CHEVROLET station wagon, V-8, » RO rust. Telephone 725-9310, '| LOTS, HOMES, APATMENT #fd" bush; very -suitapte~tor . led apartment, separate bedrooms, $60. | Division Street. standard, 19,400 miles. In excellent con- 1957 OLDSMOBILE, radio, new ore hae bh ak acs HOUSES AND! FARM CNG tubsidined pond. "30 be Stor government! Lake only 60-miles-from-| |monthiy, Telephone 723-5958 or Tas.3009. |Room AND "BOARD for young respec.("lt!on. Telephone 725-8416. voltage regulator and lifters. i é ae | OFFER [miles "north of Oshawa. Asking price| Oshawa. HOMES |FIVE-ROOM apartment, compietely pri-| fable _man-in-Christian- home: Felephone |S CHEVROLET Blicayne coach. New je ai sec ee -- x agi some | jth ae Son all Peter Agg. Rep. H. Keith N vate, "pnturnished. No oe 'Avaliable | 725-1338. paint 6 standard, nate, whitewalis wheel vi DODGE. sn wagon... cylinder, rees. Uxbridge Hills area There is a good selection of | mmediately, Apply 592 Drew Street. | ROOM AND BOARD, close to South | 118% Licence H47082, Gus Brown Motors ' $12,500 full } Call ofter 5 P.M. |ESEVEN veer oid 1M storey & room| lakefront hk csae ters EEDED jELectRic range apartment size, y_ heavy Plant, private. home, 'tive-day week, Lor ales iene ase obs. Tear apesd eater ea ull price, terms on | e. Located on large lot : uty, Gas stove nearly new. Three- in room, private entrance, Call 725-9483, ve SMOBILE, two-door hard ¥ op, UF -» four-speed, radio, extras, a4 cok Hh guidin colina, | LMA VIPOND {150 x_ 175" in Blackwater, "House has! suitable for retirement homes, : Call ter bed, complete, End tabies. ice bo | Room in BOARD ior azntia nce HS0479, This. car 'Tes. been" com. | V-#, bucket seats, Best offer, 385 Hume- | jatfached garage, 4-bedrooms and 4piece| summer homes or cottage use. Bill J h t jé-inch furnace pipes, gas chimn ibaard: @ationst), a4 Gere erent Ipletely reconditioned, Just ike oeel" 4 Dod. 725-9785. petal 6 Pens home, Man- | 668-8562 bath. Hardwood and tile floors. Nicely] Minimum 100'. frontage onnston linches, % inch galvanized pipes, fi gs | (Dears, cotlonal), shit ee cenive corce:|down payment. Easy terms. Gus Brown|i962 CHEVROLET Bel Air hardtop, 'auto: cnester o ighwoy 12 rater roughoul. Property must be |Other articles. Apply 109 Cel StRQgt. | Parki |Motors Ltd., 728-7375. matic, 6 cylinder, rad ¢ moved. Call today for inspection. Don| Open roads year round. Model 728-1066 | arking facilities. Non-smokers, Tele 3 eS vy ler, Meas er. A-1 Con- ---- Forder, Port P. 985-7242, D. W : : EARGE modern apartment, near ac Phone 728-0137. linet PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door hard-| 'ition. Telephone 728-01 $21,500 full price, terms 18 |Qua ny aah L 242, » Me} summer home and cotta , | y, Realtor . ge . and shopping. Two children welcome\roomM AN |top, low mileage, V-8 automatic. Notice|1963 CHEVROLET, a =e acres, garden soil, corner pro ] ] | HOUSE Sith Hag aa eT les available for your inspection. Schofield-Aker Ltd. | Telephone ainx 42-0130. __-_ |giris. Ry A extras. fo. Guy. New Whineell tires: Diack with, 'red: interior, Telephone "38. ~ perty on paved road, 3 bed- rage. Close to South General Motors,| (We will custom build for | oe : ------|TWO-BEDROOM apartments, Refrigera.| 728-5980 or 728-0744, ierakae: ae whee sPtinted Dlass, socom Meine sera era TS) - room home, all conveniences, Loaerta. onset came, enn Bayon. Ne} YOU. Buy your lot this year «| . [rwusie, 'controtied "entran Intercom, FM|ROOM AND BOARD for gentieman, wili-|backup lights, trailer "hitch, window) 166 CHEVRO convertible, 14,500 ~ Uxbridge area. eperts, please. 728-3204 --build next year, | WANTED Ifaciilfies. Adults only. Ey a Pei ing to share. Close to Duplate, Pedlars| washers, etc. Will take older car in rnilee, Vado. automatics washers, white NHA Approved [ieee ant sovry = ure) ny" | [ae te eects Sune tl' "Ye ts sm lng Pause i two extra rooms in - : | be ested | W 4 Call Larry Doble eeewe nercreation room, nt ie Pidcseiine Gases che Sees | Older 2 storey home in town, |én,tivingr D, apartnt peta kiteh- lunches packed if rl A pe hardtop, reclining -- bucket sea power stor Nereten. Bee} cae oner. Chote | ee Lake Caus k | also small home within 7 |parking. Adults. References required. located to north GM plant and downtown, steering, power brakes, ete. $3,900. 720- | Uxbrid 852-3787 MONEY MAKERS -- Low as fifteen aes! juseway, keep right | : [Apply 06 Pacific Avenue, Apply 296 King Street East (near Ritson '364. j ge : |sand, income up to $285 monthly, cali Nd follow signs to Emerald miles of Oshawa, Call lewe RGOM Road). |1957 CHEVROLET station wagon, Licence 31--Compact Cars for Sole | a -- : ae t + " ce 655-3066. Keith Peters). Isle. For further details call entrance ee segnget Privele IN LOVELY HOME, hot and cold water|X7!8). An ideal family car. No down pay- } Ranneced pray M8l lus be seLdI-WiA eererrsine ates KEITH PETE RS {S,apely 286 Drew Street or telephone 723- Wnirece acy Seeation!_ ments, Simrad es: Easy terms. Gus Br Motors} + VOLVO & PEUGOT } FRED COOK [roar bungaiow in narthensh aren. Nara aii aro a REALEY--LTD |THREE ROOMS completely turnished. obctes Musing. care ft' resulted. "tet ouiten o-door harden: VA wie] ™ aout me | [stone fireplace. Extra--bedroom in base - . aurea: come! ursing care if required. Tele-/ matic, two-tone. brown metallic, 45,000 eneral Repair and : ready to build on pare Electric heal. Lot is 75 ft. x 297 1 bd ak 728-7328 ae estas Sult-working couple phone 648-2778. miles. Blackstock 986-4255 after 6. : : REAL ESTATE LTD [7284997. Joseph Bosca, Realior, 2287001" | BOW Eins RCE ilisiaaiied | ASR INAS no heo~olaar reise 'AND" BOARS Yor venteman. Tele:' USED Gate--FARYS,sphdies" wate! --/AKE_AND BILL'S GARAGE Ho i + 728-73 | a 2s a eae RS meas a mn turn = r: 725- 9478 STAR ATTRACTIONS in this immaculate] OWES and COCKS LDE rooms. Bed sitting room and | kitchen. WARM basement room, twin beds ieee pig -- -- | -- Home. are. thre large. bedratins, cecena| Limited, Realtors OLDER HOMES [Refrigerator stove and. television. sup: lable for two men a B i ba aul ligg 4 449 Ritson Rd, South } i! 4 4 " | plie utilities paid. ROLLING PRIVATE SA\ catalan Wala oe UN coreee ree PETERBOROUGH REQUIRED $t., Whitby abet seid al ned and parking. "Whitby, telephone|mmmtice perfect becyr and trim. 'Licence Oshawa 728-0921 HILLS ESTAT te aaah an we a ee | 44 A ¢ T | V F 41 |GIRL with nicely furnished apartment in| ROOM AND BOARD for genilemen. -[Gus Brown Motors Ui ie late SABYAN - , y henping, apartment buiiding wishes to share with ead ' on ES Protegi he ad seg trl and broad-| FWELVE-ROOM duplex near ticceay NEW another working girl. Laundry facilities. Parking facilities. Telephone 723-1748, 1962 RAMBLER Classic 6 sedan. Stan- (Grandview at Olive) |with built. i A iy range. bore: vy Road, new oil heating, large lot, interest REALTY LTD in ee faewart = se vena Vay in ea Heat eonaitlen Mena iy FE ovtlol TO ee ee rs $i70 thi . r 5. 'private home. tt} to sh xcellent condition. Many extras. Reason- ; Ta iced slate to tive." lead Gee Mein crmnetres., Calerad 4 9c. (725. a ee wee, wie) VACATION: PROPERTY 728- 5157 YOUNG @IRL wih firtihed' anartinen ent |e. Lunchen packed" Alex secema [ab 3779. ? Volkswagen Sales and Service F ha vieseanseds [Rect hneating, excessive closet space, fin. PRIVATE. $480 down -- five rooms, iarge| CATAL ---- - -------- | Would lke to share with other young lady,| ROOM |AND BOARD for gentleman, close) 65, CHEVROL rma x , New ond Used Cars : room, walkout bi itchen, | convenien' jowntown and hospital, 7! ith Plant, Ht white, r i Quolity Built jand other extras, Call 7281208. ns ni staat Wit carry for ers ser ein OGUE . a atter S30 p.m. rd hospi. 7 Fiveday week, sit. Phone 1285731. "led. Licence. 129139. Teds "considered. 334 RITSON RD. S, ARMSTRONG Be ay iS i No agents please. Write Box 434 Oshawa' FREE, covering Muskok Viet S Invited ONE: and two - bedroom apartments in|ROOM and board for young lady. Own ug available. Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 723-3461 LOOKING for a bargain? See this ia. | ™** . " a modern building. Rent includes stove,;room, lunches packed, close to bus. eo ' 5 HOMES acre farm with creek, attractive , $9,500 FULL PRICE, four room bungalow. Lokes, Lake Simcoe, --. fridge., heat, water, drapes, elevator ser-|Reasonable. Apply at 994 Simcoe St |1960 FORD Galaxie, excellent condition, _Open Evenings : good barns, litter carrier, Close to hiffh. ideal for retirement or young couple jusi| Od Lindsay areas. J, vice, paved parking. Adults preferred.|North. Apartment No. 1 any time, repainted, reconditioned, new tires, etc. . f + way and school. Call Jean Parr 723-4651 getting started. Only $2,400 down and $70 WILLOUGHBY & SONS ito: Telephone 723-4368 or apply Supt., 321/ROOM AND BOARD for =| Must be seen. Nearest $1100. Telephone! .&O tan, Nick: and Dan's 17 models to choose from (20" Siradeski Real Estate a month. Cali Bill Johnston, Schofield) Regltors, 46 E \ Marland Avenue, |willing to share, five-day elgg ee -- ss |FOUR BEDROOMS, Leroe Yrame nome AKCr L!d. 728-1066. . Peroni. HU. 'g aor East, UNFURNISHED one: and "twobedroom| facilities. Shift workers" welcome. Cait|61 CORVAIR four-door (Robin Egg Bive) Your Authorized Datsun ; Open 9 om. to9 pm. in downtown area provides for econom- OLDER SIX-ROOM oungalow, close to . REAL ESTATE LTD Spartmenis. Private bath, Newt Oia water [arc : ee? ond) Fiot: Decier ns ical living for the large family, also ideal|GM south plant. Large kitchen and din- oma 6 . included, parking, South-end, barb ACCOMMODATION wwe {ANd mechanical condition. Terms, Lic. # i Sold through * |%e rent rooms. Full price $11,900 with' ing room, four family-sized. bedrooms. | 21--Farms ~ Sele 728-7576 fouple preterred. Available November || seven-day week. Malthone Tse H26108, Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568.|' Specializing in Volkswagen axes only $134. Contact|Good fot with fruit trees. Low askin IE Se ole e ce IAC Parisienn rdtop, copper Repair ond Ser 4 9 eestor asia sauarcepadi PONTIAC Parisienne hardtop, pair a ervice, ws ICian ses-seas eet at Sonetield Aker price with 'convenient'terms For informa one HUNDRED ACRE lake view farm STOP THINK |NEW MODERN one-bedroom ap '| 29-----Wanted to Re t Relate NA Sportal. tice ion. ' - G R | I. f- N 4 23-2859 evenings il conte Murray Boyle, 723-4270. h over 3008. f. ast frontage fully equipped, all conveniences, centrally | n Nothing dow, easy terms. trunce aie 728-0051 : * ie ACRES of young 'apie orchard near pn Bosco; Reattor; 728-7377 om jes trom cairo Gahaws. A beay Fae fot nosis ha alk ie, located. Available on Nov, 1, 330 Glbb|/ THREE or four-bedroom house wanted in| GUS Brown Motors Lid., 25-6568. ; eft lari - Heat é Hie implement shed. Excellent PRIVATE -- four-room house, large lot, of eight large rooms and bath, Eosre Ny y Pr j Street, Oshawa by couple with two small chil-|'s? CHEVROLET impala, four-door. $5 CHEVELLE two-door hardtop, 397 > eal Estate Ltd. bul iding site. $8,800. Terms. Call Joe Bar- double garage, Courtice. Telephone 668. \window affords & lake. view Parnes, Perties with |ONE-BEDROOM apariment in modern | Gen. Possession November 1, After 4 p.m.lautomatic, radio. Excellent aeons four-speed; 250 HP. nine thousand miles rank "Real Estate Limited, 8474 barns and stable equi rae Abide: |apartment building, 787 King Street East.| |Whitby 668-4838. |Nothing down, monthly payment. Li- Will deal for "60-62, V-9 or-will sel! out . "4 723-6461 or Rowman a PRIVATE SALE cattle and hogs. Asking $26,500, imme. OSHAWA REALTY [:iivats, entrance, aduits ony. 7207011 or (WHITBY. Bachelor' abstainer, would Tike|cence 481716. Terms to suit. Gus Brown] "9h! 7237877. - + = om th in I i 11 or chelor, abstainer, like} Cer : J a sities ihc testa - HIGHLAND AVENUE -- Three-bedroom bungalow, newly pablo. dy pi beth Ginte peaseasion. See. this now by yyeiind aa 725-1551 for appointment. to rent small house or Meucinent ta WNT. Motors Lid., 725-6568. |1961 VOLKSWAGEN, red, new motor, Ma 723-4645 ts i peas wel: a1landicaped |scaped. Near Donevan High School. Tele: arto mesisy Hogen, Brooklin, 655-3663 (BOND ST.) LIMITED CENTRALLY loc&ted four-room, clean, [by $40 to $50 monthly. Write Post office|i9s7 PONTIAC convertible, Telephone | Drie", Caneusl snd tires. 38400 miles. a Many, other extras. This hore is. jus!|p.m. jays: after ihe 25 Bond West 728-9466 |urmened apartment, .new continental) G SS aS Tudo MO ch tad ty: RD SIS OS nee a iste', Is. Suit three, four working, responsibie| WANTED: Small garage f one 11965 CORVAIR Monza, convertible, four- UST LISTED! Seven-vear-oid five-room Hoe tal ew OO RL gallina | Serry | sia.900, -- Seven-room, two-storey home| fon 'A DAIRY FARM with @ good milk|\URGENTLY NEEDED << genuine cash\genfiemen, Parking, utilities. 133 Oshawalprox, vicinity In ie Bae oan Telbohondl Vas Nei tami bite four-door|speed transmission. Private sais, Sele. ick bungalow, in qule! area. Close tol 728-7377. u asco Realtor. |inciuding panelled rec-room, large kitch latin ¢ ouer. lnveeincel avert Beer ation re Gn nein ok ie, Cont bedracm | Boulevard South 1728-4301 windshield, color fawn, Excellent cond: phone 668-4327 after 4 p.m. is a shopping. 'aved drive Ind Ia ~ en; separate dining room, good closet) overhear om | nm outskirts of city, Contact Jim |WHITBY -- Th i We st Srivale home| tion. Priced for quick & & i LDER HO plete. Immediate i Al Brady at Bolah | ree room apariment in|WANTED, apartment in private home|" aw He. 725-7836, 1962 RENAULT Gordi d condition, lie radar' Lovely: lendscwed tor.1 ME, two blocks from down-|space, four bedrooms, one four-piece bathl operation set ee lieing ee Brady a! Bolahood, Brothers Ltd. 728-5123] apartment buliding. Suitable for quietiwhere woman could look Mier two pre.|i964 PARISIENNE convertible V4, auto: eae ee sale, Telephone Whitby adults only, Available November 14./school children while mother works. Call/matic, yellow with white top, power) le first to inspect by calling Murray | town. Five good-sized rooms. Home in ex. with vanity and colored fixtures and) oyle, 720-4270. Joseph Bosco, Realtor.|cellent condition. Low asking price and extra two-piece ne digit monthly income. Contact Harvey | mn convenient terms to suitable client. Con parti rg pa rhage Nigh aren a Hogan, Brooklin 455-3663. D. W McQuay std at we Oeste hig Bec pureed Beinn neaeidtict ; anes [siserinas 'axiras,, $2400, Low " mllesos. A064 VGLREWAOEN bus, AN concition. ae tact Charles Chaytor, 723-7906. Josephithe extra features call Sullied Reall er" a10G Howe" bad enbid ib posaue J8S/BACHELOR APARTMENT, $79. month [URGENTLY NEEDED! -- Two-bedroom) "rlephone 725-7838 aS.) Seer, eee : UST BE SOLD -- $1,500 down far this| BOSCO, Realtor, 728-7377 Estate, 723-1168 . within 30 days. Please call Griffin Real (i, Kingand Gibbon. Available Novem-/apartment, Will_pay up to $100. Refer-|1965 CHEVROLET convertible, demon- 1958 VAUXHALL "eB c Ider four-room house, low taxes, very|VACANT new home, 81,96) down. Balance CENTRAL -- 2\astorey, older type brick BARGAIN -- small farm, >arly new Estate Lid, 723-46 ber 1, John Bolahood, 728-5123 lence supplied. Telephone 723-3725 after|sirator,' Licence 23059. 3,000 actual!Lavrentian, V-8, ink iw mileage t a i i | ane ' uit i ' yen 9 ony tal W at Sibby's Real Estate Cee |NHA 614 per cent mortgage. Possession|home, Io! 40' _x 99', finished _rec-room, de uaagetbeg ap gasrich tag Make 8") FILL SPARE ROOM THREE-ROOM basement soeriment, "on- |= om Sie, het Ce aie. On eee enmans Stee ee one row wes weeks. Call Bob Johnston 725-9945 braadloom in ITAA living room: Ready | Her. John Kuipers 723-6590. Keith Peters pin" possum toe sw paying quests |{urnished, private bath, private entrance,|TWO- or three-bedroom house wanied in|®rown Motors Ltd. 725-6568 jranty, 728-3608 after 6, Metce! state, te move in, Telephone 725-8169, Irealty Limited, |help sen varue ee ac-writer nad a and 'dro, $75 monthly. Telephone|Oshawa area. Immediate possession. Ref-|1957 PONTIAC, running "condition, 'Best| 1962 AUSTIN | 850, 'excellent co condition. § $600 on 787. le ' erences. Telephone before 6 p.m. 723-175\./offer, Telephone 723-4243, jor best offer, Telephone 725-8454,