ul if | eee eer tr er er Cer ee eee re eee ee 18 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, October 7, 1965 'FIRST CASUALTY OF 'tb 'Rawhide' Bites The Dust ' Enter Cross-Eyed Lions + By CYNTHIA LOWRY ' NEW YORK (AP)---CBS pro- cerepliese are wooo in the season shows) tings. tiently sit through themselves. This one is built around an African lion brought into a com- 'pound for treatment of an eye condition and who remains to become a pet. Trouble For -Mobile '67' TORONTO (CP) -- The big travelling road show planned for Canada's centennial cele- brations in 1967 may have trou- ble getting on the road, at least in Ontario The confederation caravans consist of eight over-sized trac- tor - trailers and three station wagons--weighing 20 tons to- gether. It's going to take up a lot of highway as its travels through 140 Ontario communities be- tween May 1 and Nov, 15, 1967. Leslie J. Maiden of Montreal, chief of the road show, admit- ted at a press conference Tues- day he didn't have the neces sary permit to run his federal- financed caravan over Ontario "We do not have a piece of paper permitting us to travel on the roads," he said. ' "But we have the assurance from the minister of that if we travel only in light, do not go more than 30 miles an hour and have an On- tario Provincial Police escort, we will not have any trouble." Mr. Maiden got the minis- western, |horse, and Flipper, the dolphin who almost y.| READERS HAVE A CHOICE By the time this dismal tele- vision series has ended, it will have shaped up as one more beneficial to lovable animal act- ors than to Humans, There is, By ARCH MacKENZIE WASHINGTON (CP) -- Pope Paul's unprecedented ee to ~ United Nations ioe here for its impact on peace, the future course of 'the Roman Catholic church and United States politics. The leader of the 2,000-year- of course, Mr. Ed, the talking ho does @ vthing but 'alk w ve! ; and now Clarence. They all have the title roles in their own shows. There is also a lovable auto- mobile playing pa title role in My Mother the Ca Honey West's pod compan- ion is an ocelot named Bruce-- although in real life, Bruce is a girl ocelot named Honey. There is also spot, The Munster's flame - throwing pet, and My Three Sons shaggy dog, Tramp, and Please Don't Eat the Daisies, has a Hungarian sheep- dog called Ladadog by the wit script writers but whose re name is Lord Nelson, Meanwhile, CBS has decided to replace' its first cancellation of the season, Slattery's People with an Art Linkletter - hosted variety show, starting Dec. 3. This' addition will bring to 15 the number of network variety shows available to most TV au- diences each week. Presumably, Linkletter's free adaptation of his summer re- placement hour, Hollywood Tal- ent Scouts, will be long on in- expensive new talent and suc- cess-story interviews with es- tablished stars. 'We Want Our Money Back! LONDON, Ont, (CP) -- The municipal affairs department ha written the City of London to return $35,765 in government grants it had been given for a construction project which was ineligible for winter works as- winners have cashed in hand- way so far this week. night paid $554.10 when Good Grattan finished first at $66.90 and Margaret Harmony second at $4.90. exacta paid $790.90 and Mon- day night the fourth-race ex- 'Stemwinder' Cops Futurity ST. CATHARINES (CP) -- peg two-year-old trot- ter owned by Dr. A. J, Finlay- son of Paris, Ont., covered the mile in 2:10 4-5 at Garden City Raceway Wednesday night to win the Woodbine Futurity Stakes. Siemwinder's share of the money was $3,410, which in- creased his earnings in seven starts to $7,488. He returned $7.70 and combined with Brother Jim C. for a $38.80 daily double. Beverly Dillard, with co- owner Bruce Shea of Bethany, Ont., in the sulky, won the co- featured sixth race, paying $6.30, and combined with run- ner - up Lochinver Duke for a $34.30 quinella. HULL, Que. .(CP)--Innocent Bob, owned by W. J. Gemmill| of Cobden, Ont., won the $400 Recap Of Papal UN Visit: A Needed Morale-Boost old d, world-circling church with; 500,088,080 adherents meade it clear his main mission was is being] Peace. While he was the first pope to visit the U.S. and the first to meet an American president outside the Vatican, those as- pects seem to have been sub- ordinate to his UN mission. By his words and his pres- ence, Pope Paul brought the Driver Guilty For 4 Deaths ALLANBURG, Ont. (CP) Thomas Brydges, 20, of Kitch- ener, pleaded guilty Wednesday to careless driving in connec- tion with a highway mishap Monday night in which four persons were killed He was rémanded to Oct. 20 for sentencing. Brydges was the only known survivor after his car crashed through a lift - bridge barrier and plunged into the Welland Canal in this community near St. Catharines, OSHAWA DRIVE-IN THEATRE * 723-4972 ninth race at C Raceway Wednesday night. The seven-year-old gelding won the one-mile pace by four) lengths in 2:10 2-5, paying $9.50, $5.30 and $2.30. LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Exacta somely at Western Fair Race- The fourth race Wednesday Tuesday night, the 10th-race iis-nation UN a badly-needed Hift in morale The urgency of his appeal for peace and universal brotherly love was unequivocal, but some ambiguity has been claimed in details. One such detail was his refer- ence to healing UN disunity. Did he mean coaxing Indonesia back, or admitting Communist cism, attributed to some of his UN audience, was that it is dif- ficult to reconcile: his- tofty theme with the sterile polemics of most disarmament talks to date. But the pope's appearance and message are seen here as being particularly welcome to allan many 0: tie smalicr nations of the UN who welcome every ef- fort to make the UN. a strong and effective organization. His speech is being analysed, too, for what it says ahout the continuing internal debate within the church on its reac- tion to 20th-century. realities, g from nuclear arms to China, or both Another criti- Especially noted was his statement 'that the world must strive to produce more food "and not rather favor an po cial control on 'birth, which would be irrational, in order to diminish the number of guests at the banquet of life.' Hope has been expressed in various quarters that the Vati- can council's deliberations will] ma, ease the church ban on contra- ception, at least to the extent of sanctioning birth-control pills. Many of the smaller under-de- veloped countries, faced with * EIS 29% rn m,n, wr Se Pee ome on pressed caution about interpret- ing the pope's words as a hard forecast of what the Vatican Sheena - bile pontiff, re: council and he will decide. His visit has confirmed, how- ever, his intention to be a mo- to any- where--China or jam in- He haa been to the Holy' Land on India. There are wi Bae he! In a sense, then, the meeting may go to Britain and Poland| between the pope and the presi or return Ak > ae a full-| dent involved two men dae To Americans, the papal visit inherited not-dissimilar of has been historic in a special|change generated by thelr pre- way. decessors, who never did meet, population increases greater than economic growth, favor this. control, me cocoa But some quarters have ex- THE BOWMANVILLE & OSHAWA PLACE THE FACE CONTEST ROBSON MOTORS LIMITED Your Quality G.M. Dealer "GOODWILL GUARANTEED USED CARS & TRUCKS" District Real Estate Board 623-2453 Exclusive Agents for Oshawa Weod Products Homes 52 King St. W., Bowmanville & Your Home imprevement Headquerters 166 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-3396 PETER KOWAL Jr. || GO "Q seaver || PADDY'S MARKET jalizing In REAL ESTATE LUMBER |] USED WASHER PARTS Members of Oshawa and co. LTD. & REPAIRS 623-3388 96 King St. E., Bowmenville Coms jete Line of Beatt fs Dero fey Appliances, Speed Hempten 263-2241 "NOW PLAYING = isa | C FLED PANAVISION® COLOR The OUTLAWS IS COMING! BRESLIN' "Where The Well-Dressed Women Shop" 7 King W. Bowmanville 623-5854. WIN 3. 00 ck: CASH EACH WEEK @ RULES @ Boch week for 26 weeks you con win $5. 00 in cash from the participati on this advertisment, BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:00 P.M, sistance. The department's request, described by Mayor Gordon Stronach as a "'pay-up-or-else- letter," has been turned over to the city finance commis- sioner. About 75 per cent of the world's 400,000 new books pub- lished each year appear in the) world's 12 most developed coun- | terial from James Auld, who was Ontario trans- ~port minister at the time, and now is minister of travel and -publicity, Officials in the trans- "port department said later they -had never heard of the caravan and no special permit had been "processed. = | COMING odiows Civic AMONTH FOR LIFE '300) ROGER WOLFE AUDITORIUM CARL SMITH acta paid $266.60. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Appearing Nightly in the BLUE HORSE LOUNGE " "Ramblers Three" RETURN ENGAGEMENT AT THE REQUEST OF THEIR MANY FANS WHYTE BROS. Furniture and Upholstery FOR ALL YOuR FURNISHING NEEDS Automotive Trim 102 King St. W. 623-5252 Don't miss this entertainment group . . . Specialty . . . the best in Country, Western ond Blue Grase . . . ond thet sensetionel JURY & LOVELL LTD. Get that GO-GO feeling with REXALL BUNDLE OF TEXAS PERSONALITY BETTY FARLOW HOTEL LANCASTER OSHAWA, ONT. SUPER PLENAMINS 623-3361 and the COUNTRY MUSIC HALL featuring @ FARON YOUN end his Deputies @ RED SOVINE @ BLAKE EMMONS | e an sronty" MOUNTAIN LOGGE! @ DIANA Lee TUESDAY October 26th - 8:30 P.M. @ Advance Tickets . TICKETS ON SALE AT Auditorium Box Office Disc Shop, Contre ebsasel' Somreiarcen Bishop's Sporting Goods @ The Centre Smoke Shop -- Ajex Alex MacGregor Drugs -- Bowmanville Whitby Arena Whitby Music Shop Ray's Smoke Shop -- Bay Ridges Crest Hardware -- Port Perry UNIT MANAGER FRIDAY! 92 Wolte GILLARD Cleanit Service 725-3555 DEPOTS 170% Mary 12,Bond E. -- 94 Simcoe N. Office & Plont et 92 Wolfe COMPLETE INSURANCE RVICE "All Clesses OF tnewrenee"" Contect Don Mountiey ef DeWith & Mountjoy INSURANCE AGENCY 623-3980 Res. 623-3614 14 Frank Se. FIRST OSHAWA SHOWINGS ! HEROISM AND HIGH ADVENTURE IN THE MALAY JUNGLE! M-G-M presents STEVE REEVES SANDOKAN THE GREAT TECHNISCOPE + TECHNICOLOR MAR you are asked to do, is questionnaire identifying the Suints hich relates to the person in the picture and the question that is asked, Send your answer with your name and address to the Contest Lge ot The Oshawe Times. There will be « draw mode each week, the first correct answer drawn will win @ $5.00 cash baby Entries must be in no later than p.m, Tuesday of each week, Enter hot © QUESTION ¢ GM. Deeler in Bowmanville feetures the finest Goodwill Gueran- teed used cors at lowest prices? @ ANSWER @ Neme Address Town @ LAST WEEK'S WINNER e@ MRS. G. H. CORBY 446 Bernhard, Oshewe Sm ag it's Gear! It's F It's the Go-Go-ingest LITTLE CAESAR 'ab! It's Camp! GOODBRAND Fabriee All Wool Flannel 54 inch Width Only 2.98 per yerd 28 King W. 623-5551 SCHWARZ BROTHERS DAIRY CATTLE . Bought and Sold R.R. 3, Bowmanville Bowmanville 623-2895 or 725-0815 Cadillac Billiards 17 TABLES Broedioomed Floors OPEN 9 A.M, + 11 P.M, "Bri Family" ine "ies, Gentlemen and Children with Parents. 0Ce| in CKLB Bidg. 725-8112 360 King W. Oshewe "Anyone whe saw Topo Gigie on my Sunday Wight TY show will agree his first movie is really big entertainment |" and the < CONSULS |) aan Jhe A-Go Dencing ¥ p.m. 728-2883 725-4563. * By completing the enquiry form * ~ below, you cen obtein details suitable te your persone! situ- SUN | LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY of CANADA Ochewa Shopping Centre ~_--emnmeoen em mm NAME 265 endtmewes canis en se cumes ee | ADDRESS . OCCUPATION swUr sees crews ewes Exact Date of Birth - Go- Girls v4 Admission 2.00 | 511 Dean Ave. 725-0500 Paul Ciesler--Prop. BYAM & BARNES E. A, VIRTUE & SON PLUMBING & HEATING pEPeNDAsiE AGENTS FoR... STOVE OIL DUO-HEAT & PRESTON FURNACES B.A. SOLAR HEAT Tyrone 263-2650 or 263-2288 Tyrone 263-2431 CITY TV TOWERS WOODLYN MIDTOWN Seles end Instellation BEAUTY SALON TEXACO Grace Ann Wood, Prop. e@ |! Quolified Gperotors To Serve |} @ COMPLETE REPAIRS CB @ .Lotest Hoir- styles and Permanents 723-1143 Oshewe 5 81 Simcoe N. @ QUALITY PRODUCTS @ COURTEOUS, EFFICIENT 3 Clase "A" Mechanics 117 Simcos N 728-0341 4, / Z Betrect KINSMEN CLUB of OSHAWA \ "BIG BAND BASH" featuring PAT RICCIO and his 15 Piece Band!! Sat., October 9th -- 9 to 12 p.m. KINSMEN HALL MeMILLAN DRIVE Advance Tickets: Dey--725-7251 Evening--7 28-8618 | SFLYINGS=SERVICE> *® Service * Overhoule ® Storage Custom Welding & Fabrication C.1.L, Peint Service Infe ve Flight Training Oshewe Airport 728-6135 Rug & Upholstery Cleaning ' in Your Home er Our Plept! 118. 9961 OSHAWA CLEANERS 94 Bruce St. * Treile % Riding instruction % Hey Rides * Corn & Wiener Roasts * Privete Parties & Dances 725-2737 End of Rossland Rd. &. @ Beautiful European Dishes @ Smorgasbord Dinners on Satur- day and Sundays e z "0 Business Men's Luncheons ally. OSHAWA STEAK HOUSE 1626 Simcoe St. N. 725-9111 4 Giant Summer CLEARANCE SALE Continues et . . . Canada Outdoor Supply Company 1437 King E. 728-1555 VY Mile E. of Town Limits Building Contractor 723-7711 254 PARK N. CUSTOM WOODWORK * WINDOWS te STORE FIXTURES *% CABINETS * FILING CABINETS TAUNTON RD. EAST Residential -- Commerical -- Institutional 723-7143 +e DESKS OSHAWA, ONT. TOPO GIGIO, 'The Italian- Mouse' MATINEES ONLY! ALL SEATS 50 ¢ STARTS TODAY!! WILLIAM CASTLE WARNS YOU:THIS IS A ee" NDT KAOW WHO YOU ARE! vvsveme JOAN CRAWFORD 1 JOHN IRELAND « LEIF ERICKSON + « unversat rete 2nd Feature Hit YOUNG REBELS! * Starring A PENNEBAKER PRODUCTION + A UNIVERSAL RELEASE Always Two Color Cartoons TH FEATURES ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ON», Rots YOU ARE ASSURED A WARM WELCOME AT THE ODEON DRIVE-INS