Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Oct 1965, p. 42

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toh adacntagthertyetaatinn ' 42 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 6, 1965. - BRIDGE = ~~ By B. SAY BECKER (Top record-holdér in Masters' Individual, Championship Play) Pichtns SAME Uk GROUSAT 6:25 A.M, SUDDENLY A RENDING SIDDER, A CRACKING OF RATHER BE UGLY WALL, A SHATTERING AND TINKLING. OF GLASS. ANDO EAT AT HOME L WE UR AND NOW CASEY 1S 4 GOING TO MARRY TITO.00 rm TER HIG LONE ATTACK ON A GERMAN] BILLY BISHOP 19 TAILED BY GERMAN AIRPLANES, BUT TO SURPRISE « «6 WELL, I'LL Bey THEY'RE KEEPING A SAPH DISTANCE & For DARING RAID Giee oe a AGAINST THE IU. BISHOP ADDS A \icromiA tRode To HIS MANY MEDALS. KING @ v EXCLAIMG « Oh, the pity of ivally-- It's froma li'l brother in Our-sonr- chi America" HE row + foe NEVER BEFORE HAVE QI98743 AWARDED ALL ' . $a30, peat ) ; Bg MILITARY CROSS, DISTINGUISHED LI'L ABNER This deal occurred at the Trials staged in Dallas in 1964. \Four spades was reached at jseven tables where the hand was played, while at the other - two tables the contract was six jspades. |. The slam was aypoor contract, but both declarers. made it. At the table where the , bidding went as shown, Harkavy (play- ing with Russell against this writer and Mrs. Dorothy Hay- den) took the queen of hearts with the ace and finessed the queen of diamonds, which won. When he continued with the ace, Mrs. Hayden had _ the \choice of discarding, or ruffing with either 'the ten or king of spades. It did not -- which ° REEP play she made; in all three plan <i Byer cases South was now bound to per" 130! imake the contract. ' Actually, Mrs. Hayden ruffed \|with the ten. Harkavy over- ruffed with the jack, led a spade to the ace, spearing the king, and later led the jack of hearts from his hand, trapping West's king in the coursé of a, ruffing finesse. The only trick he lost was a club. Harkavy would also have made the slam if East had dis- carded on the ace of diamonds, In that case he would have dis" carded a club and would later have lost only a trump trick. AT LEAST HE Yew aX At the other table where the a? Th ah |' |slam was made, the play start- y ed the same way. South (Krauss, playing with Hamman) won the queen of hearts with the ace, finessed the diamond, and then led the ace. : | East ruffed with the king of spades, on which South dis- carded a club. East then re- turned a trump. Declarer. won the spade in his hand and led the jack of! hearts. It did not matter whether West. covered or not; in either case, South, by ruffing the king, was bound to make the rest of the tricks. The nine of hearts' at both tables proved to be the key to the slam. OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS NEIGHBORHOOD LADIES' LEAGUE Joan Taylor is still leading the way. This week her triple was 636 (256, 225). Next was our treasurer, Bea Manning with 634 (24, 216). Myrtle Waite squeak- ed in with a 600 (261). Nancy Vickers | deserves honorable mention with her 599 (258). Other 200 scores were -- Isabell Hub- 'bell 219, Laura Collins 209 and Darlene Wilson 202. Points taken were Pearses 4, Campbells 0; Hubbells 4, Vickers 0; Collins 3, Scottp 1; Burrus' -2, Taylors 2 Collins Hi THE LONE RANGER LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY vou a ITS A DATE, RICK. PICK ME: um YOU'RE WORTH A 11'6 THAT "IF" YOU UP HERE AT THE THEATER J {| YOU HUNDRED DOLLARS if YOU'RE WORTH HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT. A PENNY// SECRET AGENT X9 'L'THINK I KNOW THE RIGHT GLY (FOR THIS TIE! ESPECIALLY FOR YOU... DONALD DUCK pi ni WRONESOAY EVE. | 10:00 P.M. }9-- Mr. And Mrs. 208 PLM, 1l--Merv Griffin Show #2--Concentration +-2--1 Spy 7--The Young Set 4---Danny Kay Show 6--M.E,T.A. Schools 7--Amos Burke Secret 4--Andy of Mayberry Agent 1:18 A.M, | 10:99 PLM, 9--Summer Fun 11:38 A.M, 11--Albert J. Steed 9--Abracadabra 8-2--Jeopardy 6--Musical Interlude 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 12:60 NOON %---Toronto Today 8-2--Tall My Bluff 7---Money Movie 6--Luncheon Date 4--Noon News | 3-Popeye and Pals 12:18 P.M. ACROSS 1, Curtsies 5. Anger 9. Custom 10, Assam silk- worms 12. Black 13, Funeral song 14, Soap ingredient . Bicycle seat . Dutch meter . Merganser . Japanese coin , Serenade . Celebes oxen, 2 . Celtic . Case for ship's compass . Mineral spring DOWN 1, City in anc. Meso- potamia 2. Hautboy 3. Storage place 4. Pigpen 5. Appearing again 6. Dry 7. Encircles 8. Bird of prey 9. Capital of Montana 11, Observed 15. Persian weight 17, Pierce . Private } concerts [5 Busi- E ness firm: abbr. 22, Epochs 25. Ad- jective termi- nation Cut 7. Aided fi . Bow 32, Pin for 36. roasting meat 37. . Card game 40. 7 18 6: 6 N--Family Thestre -- 9--Five O'clock Show @--Superman 6--This Land | 3--Secret Squirrel - Neeser | 9--Sports Hot Seat a Pm, | 7--ABC Scope | RP os it Te Beaver. | 6-3--Generation 6--Music Hop | Hudson Bay | 11:00 P.M. 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News 6:08 P.M. | Vikchews Weather, Sports ha ig OO a | 11:18 PLM, agin ~ 9=Metro Final Chuck Healy A 3--Golf 6--Viewpoint 11:20 PLM, 7-4--Late Show 4--Night Metro 11--Family Theatre 11. PM, 9-43--News; Weather 11--The Saint and Sports be 8--Huntley-Brinkley Sports News 3--Movie 7--Cheyenne : Across Canade 9-Pi hy #-2--/'ll Bet 100 PM rete é-4--Search For Tomorrow bed 6--The Long Hot Summer) 3_Noonday Report 12:30 A.M. 12:45 P.M. N--G Wiga isiand 9--Camp Runamuck jit--Racing Forum Varga 539 (234); 6-4--Guiding Light (235); Mary DePratto 526 (204, 203) and t ). Yesterday's Answer Near: poet, Diplo- macy Negrito Youth Some 4:20 PLM. }i--News 6:30 PLM. 4--Speaker of The House | 12:30 P.M. | 1--News 9--1 Love Lucy Total Points -- Pearses 9, Hubbells 8, Burrus' 7, Taylors 7, Scotts Vickers 3 and Campbells 2. TOWN AND COUNTRY ~---- ¢ LEAGUE High Triples--Dorothy Brabin 683 (306, 203); Betty Guscott 621 (237); Denna ; Barbara Minaret 11--News; Weather; Sports | 6--Newcap ~ S--Richaro Diamond 6--News, Weather, Mdaglois ocd t A. |Edna McGhee 503 (203 t 6:00 A.M. | 1 F. | High Singles -- Fern seer ae in . i i Lemon League -- Gail MacDonald 97, 11--Schnitzel House 1j--Theaire Lp ds 4--Captain Kangaroe 9--James Beard Show 95, 94; Jean Ward 93, 77, 55; Marg Mozic @--Matinee 86 and Jean Gaskell 80. 9:00 AM, 7--Ben Casey Team Standings -- Mustangs 13, Fale 1--Topper 6--Luncheon Date Corvettes 6, Sting- i 1 4--Meel the Millers ee with Uncle! 5""summer Carousel |7--Dialing Fer Dollere | 9-Mike Douglas Show 600 | Girl Talk | 1:30 PM, 341); | 4-Mikes Carnival | 9--Sergeant Bilko Saiiciey Magee Cue | 64-AS The World Turns | Wayne Thertel! 614 (285). $:30 A.M. : " 2:00 P.M. | 200 Games -- Bertha Sutherland 209, . Ed shel 9--Kids Is People | 202 John Juke 257, Flo Strank 269; Cy 4--Gypsy Rose Lee 7--Nurses | Usher 239, Bud Manning 220 ,Shelle Jukes | 2--Ann Southern Show | Pasha re ea |220, Glen McGee 220. Yvonne Watson 213, 10: 2--Moment of Truth arb Holland 206, Marion Manning 212, oe AM. } |Jack Gale 208, Ross Sutherland 207, Sam :15 P.M. . | Stainton 205 and Bob Watson 203. 9--Dear Charlotte | Total Points -- Watt Nots 9, Flashers 9, 2:30 P.M. Smo-Ho's 8 Neon Lights 6, Zeners 5, $--People in Conflict Joules 5, Bus Bars 5, and 6-32's 1. | 8-2--The WEDNESDAY NIGHT LADIES LEAGUE i | 7--A Time For Us Bingo Games over 700: B: aa hat Bob ove! : Brenda Grennon 701 yi ye hse Y (237, 232, 232), -9-- | #-2--What's This Song ' | 4--Linkletter's Part | x . y Over 600 -- Jo Cobbiedick 687 6189, | 7--Donna Reed | The McCoys Beereate 240, 258); Brenda Webster 672 (215, 262, 11:00 AM. 795): Verna Dewell 441 (225, 720, 104) | ' sido and June Bird 640 (249, 203, 188). |11--Bonnie Prudden Over 200 -- C. Misztak 257, S. Power Bit eon REE SS aati D. May 245, D. Bowen 239, A. Lang : Pe _ ley 213, 233, B, Lean 220, D, Grennon we can't{to soniething more critical later) 220, P. Logeman 217, J, Beaton 200, 2093 on M. Fitzgerald 208, M. Morton 207, £, ° Saunders 200, 202 and C. Lidster 200. | A dtd League -- L. Rodney 99, R. flow. So may infection. Or, of} into consideration other factors: y9°"s°° EES rie ae course, there may be ag reprint How much pain you are having, S._ May 85 and E. Maxwell 65, 71. wrong with the liver so it isn't}your age and general health, .,'2™, standing -- Flippers 5, Lucky . z . 1 'ave wi lyase ' : ee ge Six 8 Dippty Do's 5, The Ri will be opaque. The rays will! delivering bile--but in that case] and so on. One thing more must Shingigs 9, Happy Gang 4 The hice? pass easily through the sut-|many other unmistakable signs] pe considered. There sometimes|?n4 Dreamers 4. : beotege A o agate So the | will point the way to the trou-|is what we call a silent oe er eRe a Fen eee YE ale. bladder, diseased or non-func- id ' shaky ail leah: | Thus when x-ray attempts do|tioning yet not causing any SALLY'S SALLIES 3---i2 O'clock High 2--Huntley-Brinkley Report 7:30 P.M, 1l--Green Acres 9--Gidget §-2--Virginian 7--Ozzie and Harriet 6--Wheelspin 4--Lost In Space . Five-year period 37. Viper 38. Perfect . Machine used in wood- working . Vestize . Put up, as A, poker stake . Food leavings . Pair MICKEY MOUSE {cons 11, Wildcats 8, [rays Seand Valiants 5. ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE LEAGUS ames -- Orv. Holland 772 (200, 231, Bill Sawyer 756 (280, 344); Tom Sawyer 678 (241, 271); Dud Mills 652 (272); Jack Strank 616 (235, 209) and WHILE DOWN-) TOWN THIS MORNING... IT HOPE HE GETS AS MUCH PLEASURE «AS IGET FROM THE ONE I HAVE THAT'S JUST LIKE IT/ 145 PLM. 6--The Roy Petty Show | 8:00 PM. 11--Snecial Movie | | 9--My | Favorite Martian T--~Patty Duke Show 6-3--Political Telecasts 0:90 PLM. : 9--Movie 11--Nurses 7--Gidget | #2--Truth. or 6-3--Bob Hope Theatre Consequences 4--B, ly i ; 4-1 Love Lucy 10:30 A.M. joa kin vee | en 9:00 P.M. 7--The Big Valley 3-2---Bob Hope 4--~Green Acres ina | YOUR HEALTH Gali Bladder X-Ray 5, G4 Difficult But Helpful agg rs 0 P.M. |1i--Donna Reed | 9--Fractured Phrases 9:38 PLM. 6-3--Festival 4--Dick Van Dyke a + OR ARE YOU JUST MUFFIN THe sicnais 2) BBE ! (Q)) ELEVEN - parlance, NINE - TWO- "visualize" it. | Stones may be blocking the} The decision usually takes By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD appreciated, barium enema fills the colon with a material which Dear Dr. Molner: I had sev- eral x-Fays of my gall bladder but nothing showed. All the in- formation I can get from the hospital is that the result could be for "many reasons."--W. 8, Dear Doctor; I was x-rayed JULIET JONES MUGGS AND SKEETER wll das YOU KIDDING!? TM PRACTICALLY 17'S A BLOOMIN' PREVIEW OF THINGS TO COME--ME PAUL--DO YOU LOVE ME ENOUGH TO GIVE UP KALAWADI 2 for gall bladder trouble but the | doctor'couldn't get a picture. He said my gall bladder wouldn't absorb. the dye and that this usually meant the organ was full of stones. I've had some trouble for about five years but it hasn't been bad since I've been taking medicine. I still have indigestion pains that go through me and under my right shoulder blade. Do you think I should have the gall bladder removed, When a gall bladder quits working, does it ever start WORKING AGAIN--MRS. P.N. Let's first describe how a gall bladder is x-rayed, When x-raying soft tissues, you have to arrange the object so the parts you want will show up. The useful, but not. always With x-ray of arteries, a ei visualize the gall bladder,|pain. If such a gall bladder, is injected into the blood stream for the same purpose--to make the arteries show clearly. And. ditto for the gall bladder. Normally that organ is con- stantly accepting concentrated bile from the liver, to be dis- charged into the small intestine at meal times because the bile is a powerful digestive fluid. We can intreduce a dye which will be taken up by the liver and, thus reaching the gall bladder, will show us that organ :in clear outline, Well, suppose bile isn't flow- ing into the gall bladder in nor- mal quantity The dye. won't get there either. And we'll have it's good evidence that the or-|even though not uncomfortable, gan is diseased. lis known to have been laden It is not fair to say that once| with stones for some time, it is a gall eased, whether or from stones, it never can re-|the stones incite more serious cover. An infection may be sub-| disease. dued, or a small stone muy in- terfere with flow of bile but ul-) Dear Dr, timately manage to. pass; woman of 40 through the duct and escape. However, for practical pur-|danger from approaching meno- poses, when the gall bladder is}pause--Mrs. J. P. H. sufficiently diseased or dis-| First Question: Yes. rupted, the chances of its return} question: No, to normal are rather slim. Note to "Tiresome:" A sore When it cannot. be visualized, | throat that has hung on for two a good. many: doetors lean|months most certainly should yAther strongly to advising re-) be invéstigated. It may be some moval, this eliminates the risk| trivial matter, basically, but it Can a use the Molner: safely no useful picture--or in more of the condition degenerating in-' gertainly needs attention, birth contro} pills Is there any, Second} bladder becomes dis-) often wise to remove it anyway, | | from infection,|lest the continuing irritation of, | "And to think I've w day for this sort of domestic bliss, Eo

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