§ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October 2, 1963 SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR verything From Soup To Nuts IN ORDER! The trouble with being a "Sports Editor" 'at this time of the year, is that you are trapped between or among a variety of seasons. It's truly hectic! Mind you, it isn't just that the individual teams, with their respective representatives, are up your back, clamoring for a special "plug -- you can expect that, but at playoff time, or at the beginning of a season, you have to contend with the "front men" and they're all the same -- pushing to have their own particular interests promoted, before the sports fans. At the moment, about the only non-contender is Jim Bishop, figure- head of the "Green Gaels". Jim's lacrosse season is over, he emerged on top of the heap and got a lot of "ink" -- so he's content. He's the only one! Walter Rohrer, head of the Oshawa and District Soccer League, is still clamoring (bless him) for more soccer publicity -- even though the Dominion Challenge Trophy final is history. He still has his local "Yeague championship and Lancaster Cup Challenge play to wind up. Oshawa Ski Club, via John Nichols, is "moving in" --with summer training yet--to rate recognition. The various "hunt club" groups are ready to splurge and of course, the local "house leagues" in hockey activity, are all working into their winter season, along with the Oshawa Minor RON BUCHANAN ED WESTFALL was a top scoring star with Oshawa Generals, last sea- son and Bill Bannerman (right) was another popular WHILE MOST FACES in professional hockey are fa- miliar to the ardent hockey fan, when Boston Bruins of the NHL meet Oklahoma member of Oshawa's 1964-65 Blazers, in a_ professional, Junior "A" OHA entry. -Cen- exhibition hockey game, tre is Ed Westfall, a prod- here at the Oshawa Civic ~ uct of the Jshawa Minor Auditorium tonight, these Hockey Association, who has been up in the NHL with three players will be espe- Boston Bruins, now for sev- cially well-known to local Hockey Association. HOCKEY HAS ARRIVED -- via a couple of exhibition | games and the OHA Junior "A" schedule due to open a week from tonight -- so naturally, Wren Blair is in with both feet -- and has been, for more than a week. His 'Generals have been active all this past week and tonight, he's got his "'parents"*-- the Boston Bruins, playing Okla- homa City 'Blazers'? here at the Civic Auditorium. Ron "Bchanan and Bill Bannerman, both members of last year's edition of the Oshawa Generals, will be in uniform tonight for the Oklahoma City team, while Ed, Westfall, Oshawa's | "pnly current homebrew performer in the NHL; will be with Boston Bruins. This game at Civic Auditorium tonight should | be a real attraction. But that doesn't satisfy Wren -- he has to also remind the local fans that Niagara Falls Flyers will be here on Tuesday and that the season's schedule will open a week from tonight. Then we have the Oshawa Vikings, in the midst of their Ontario Assoc. "rugger" cam- paign and doing very well, thank you. Oh yes -- and the 'Ladies' Section of the Oshawa Golf Club, has already held a@ meeting, to formulate their plans for the coming curling season's opening and various bonspiel events. Oshawa Curl- ing Club will, no doubt, be announcing the date of their annual 'Fall Meeting' within a few days, since we hear that they too, plan to have an earlier start than usual. DON'T FORGET "'football" either! After all, this is ac- tually their season, if you want to be strictly "legit" and aside from the magor or "'pro" ranks, we have here at home, our own Junior "Hawkeyes" making a fine bid for a playoff berth and then also, we have about seven or eight "Collegiate" teams in the community, or immediate area, also into schedule play and striving for their own recog- nition. ONCE UPON A TIME -- there was a "'slack season" in sports, during the autumn -- but not anymore. We haven't forgotten -- there's still the World Series to be played! And getting back to the diamond dust, we find local and district softball teams still engaged in their annual bid for cham- pionships. Brooklin "Concretes'" play in Wingham tonight, second game of their OASA Inter. '"'C" Southern Ontario finals. In Brooklin, tonight, we have Kingston Nylons meet- ing St. Catharines "Mi-Macs" at 8:00 o'clock, in the third and deciding game of their Southern Ontario finals, "Inter. Industrial playoffs ... HERE AT HOME, at Alex- "andra Park tontght, it's Jay Cees vs Genosha Aces, third | game of their 3-out-of-5 series while Sunday afternoon, 2:30 o'clock, finds Gale's Lumber facing Bad Boys in the third 'game of their 3-out-of-5 title round UAWA LEAGUE semi-finals are being played this afternoon, two brackets, |%! with two games scheduled and 'f a third is necessary, | they'll play it tomorrow afternoon ... YEP! It's the same old story -- "summer sports" are never over before Thanks- ~giving Day -- and by that time, football is at the mid- "season stage and hockey has already started. There's no such thing as a slack season! | Drop Sonny Listo From Ring Ratings NEW YORK (AP)--Sonny Lis-| Welterweight: Emile Griffith, ton former world heavyweight|New York, champion. 1. Luis champion, has been dropped| Rodriguez, Miami, Fla.; 2. Man- from the Ring Boxing Ratings|uel Gonzalez, Odessa, Tex.; in the magazine's latest release.| Willie Ludick South Africa. Harold Johnson, former light} Junior welterweight: Carlos heavyweight champion, also has Hernandez, Venezuela, cham-| 'been dropped because of inac-'pion. 1. Jose Napoles, Mexico; tivity. 2, Adolph Pruit, St. Louis; 3.| Vicene Saldivar of Mexico,|Eddie Perkins, Chicago. who retained his world feather-| Lightweights: Ismael Laguna, "weight title in a tough 15-round|Panama, champion. 1. Carlos) bout with Howard Winstone in/Ortiz, New York; 2. Niccolin London, was named Fighter of|/Loche, Argentina: 3, Paul Arm- the Month. sead, Los Angeles. The ratings: Junior lightweight: Gabriel Heavyweight: Cassius Clay, (Flash) Elorde, Philippines, Louisville, champion. 1. Floyd|champion. 1. Love _ Allotey,| Patterson, New York; 2. Ernie Ghana: 2. Johnns Bizzarro, Terrell, Chicago; 3. George Chu- Erie, Pa.; 3. Teuro Kosaka, valo, Toronto, Canada. Japan. | Light heavyweight: Jose Tor' Featherweight: Viceno Saldi-| res, New York, champion. 1. var, Mexico, champion. 1. Mit-| Wayne Thornton, Fresno, Calif.; |sunori Seki, Japan; 2. Howard} 2. Gregorie Peralta, Argentina; Winstone, Wales; 3, Carlos Ca-| 3. Mauro Mina, Peru. nete, Argentina. Middleweight; Joey Giardello, Bantamweight: Fighting Ha- "Cherry Hill, N.J. champion. 1.\rada, Japan, champion. 1. Eder} Dick Tiger, Nigeria; 2. Nino'Jofre, Brazil: 2. Jesus Pimen-| "Benvenuti, Italy; 3. Luis Fol-tal, Los Angeles: 3. Joe Medel,| ledo, Spain. Mexico, | peers Flyweight: Salvatore Burruni,! Hirouuki| 1 - . ' jltaly, champion. 1. Oil Kings Ebihara, Japan; 2. Horacio Ac-| : cavallo, Argentina; 3. Pone| ' Kingpetch, Thailand. EDMONTON (CP)--Alberta s representatives of the Canadian On Olympic Travel| Amateur Hockey Association } - have decided to amend a ruling ROME (AP) -- Representa- that would have forced the Ed-jtives of 71 national Olympic} monton Oil Kings to play in ajcommit tees unanimously ap- recognized Junior A league or|proved a Russian resolution face explusio m Memorial'Friday calling for unrestricted Cup competition. travel for athletes competing inj The controversial ruling was international sports events. | drawn up by the CAHA at its} The Soviet proposal stressed] annual meeting in May. The|"the necessity of organizing of-| Oil Kings, perennial Memorial ficial events only in those coun-| Cup finalists, protested on the|tries guaranteeing entry visa to! «grounds the Alberta Juniorjathletes and officials." | League did not want, and was! Some Western nations in the not ready for the Oil Kings. Oiljpast have refused 'visas and Kings played last season in the|travel permits to athletes rep- Intermediate A Central Albertajresenting East Germany. This League. jhas led to boycotts by other Saskatchewan and B.C. rep-jcommunist nations, Israel also resentatives voted against the/has been barred from some in- amendment in a mail vote,|ternational competitions be while Alberta, Ontario and Que-jcause of pressure by Arab na bec were in favor. tions, | Russia Lifts hoe Lose In London on a three-way play with Gou- in the llet and St. Jacques, made it | 2-1. jer, |Clark -made it 3-1, on a solo lefort. Five minutes later, Jack hockey enthusiasts. Ron eral seasons, playing both "Bucky" Buchanan (left), on the wing and on defence. Weary Generals Oshawa Generals, a '"'tired}Generals, to make it 3-2, but team" following their hectic|that proved their final scoring hectic week of pre-schedule| success. games, dropped a 5-2 decision} DelPapa, with help to London, last night in London,| Tremblay and Goulet, test with dignity and respect.j/and Cook's second goal, again Generals were without Wayne} on a pass from Goulet, complet- Cashman, Danny O'Shea Chris Hayes and Barry Wilkins) period. and were playing their fifth; Generals game in seven days, team, they were "'tired". Boston Bruins played Okla-jand had to be content homa City last night in Niagara/stressing defensive play, Falls and although defeated 4-2, FIRST PERIOD the "Blazers" extended the| }- Oshawa, Line (Orr Bruins in a fine effort. These) 3: London, Cook with 8.52) i = (Goulet, St. Jacques) two clubs clash spain, at Osh Penalties -- Orr and Brewer. awa Civic Auditorium on Sat-| SECOND PERIOD Pont 4, London, Clark iis he urday night. o > 5. Oshawa, Brewer 7.54 Oshawa Generals have one! & ondon, DelPapa |more pre - schedule exhibition| | (Tremblay, Goulet) 11.03} game on tap, against Niagara jeindel, Falls Flyers, here at Civic Au- Orr and Tremblay. THIRD PERIOD | ditorium, on Tuesay night. Se ee Muad cat OSHAWA SCORES FIRST Tremblay | BILL BANNERMAN Buchanan and Bannerman are both making strong bids to become members of the Oklahoma City Blazers, a pro "farm team" for the parent Boston NHL Hockey Club. Mor. Mele Says Jim Grant His First Pitcher MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- Jim Grant, the American League' victories, | will pitch the first game of the} World Series for Minnesota) vith possibly the best record in our club has nothing to do with but manager Sam Mele . pitch fop winner with 21 Twins, is not positive who will in the second game. from| Mele confirmed Friday that) sion over St. James Rods in the dian Rugby Union which pro-| at 11.03,|Grant definitely will open the! ---- -- but still came out of the con-| made it 4-2 for the homesters|series for the Twins in the first) 18-game_ winner} Women Golfers | game here Wednesday. It will be and| ed the scoring, early in the third|Jim Kaat or Camilio Pascual, | who goes after his 10th triumph!| held their own in|Saturday against Los Angeles| Ready To Curl | so, as a\the first half of the game, but|after missing six weeks with in the second half, they tired muscle surgery, in the second) game Thursday. "Right now," Mele said. "It) Oshawa Golf Club, was held this| etd be Pa cond week, at the home of the 1965-66 |The third game next Saturday, | 9.4) it would be any of the three, de-' pending on how Grant feels.' Mele plans to use Jim Perry and Merritt and Dave Boswell Penalties -- Goulet, Beverly, Tremblay, jong relief pitchers in the se-| discussed Worthington,|along with various bonspiel ar-} and Billy! rangements, for the coming sea-| ries,' with Al Johnny Klippstein Pleis as the short relievers. --~|51-0 before an almost - empty veteran| plans for the opening of the La- rookies Jimjdies' curling season, at OGC, as.on Monday, November 1, were, East York Argo's Coach Criticizes Pro Support And that was what Bennett meant when he said the pros aren't doing anything for minor football, By JAC KSULLIVAN Canadian final in Winnipeg a 'The ete tells a club ho Canadian Press Sports Editor ;Y&ar 480. . many. players and officials it The other Argos? They made|can take to a Canadian final. "The Canadian Footballjit to the East-West Grey Cup] East York apparently wanted to *» 0, here's . They were 0 for minor foarte! in Canada. eoniute: train but they didn't want 'thee That's a sweeping indictment) «phey don't pay much more They wanted to go by plane, and Herb Cappozzi, generallthan one-quarter of our annual| And we paid the difference be- manager of British Columbia) pudget. I won't tell you what tween train and plane fares," Lions, could shoot it down with| our budget is (another source} Apart from this talk, it would a bunch of figures. And Lew| said it was close to $10,000) andjappear that Argonauts made Hayman, managing director of] they give us hand - me - down|hay with the East York Argos the Toronto Argonauts, didn't] equipment and uniforms. We're| this season, | waste any time doing it. thankful for that. The Eastern Conference club The speaker was a man| "But every player on this|called up 10 East Yorkers and deeply involved in the minor|club had to dig down for $20|six--at last count, anyway-- 'sine of his own money to get tojare still on the roster. They| ~~ Winnipeg last year when we)are: | He is coach John Bennett of} won the Canadian final. Tackles Walt Balasiuk and, Toronto East York Argonauts of "My beef is against the Argo- John Vilunas, quarterback Gord| the senior Ontario Rugby Foot-\yayt club management, not|McTaggart, end Bob Blair,| ball Union. He made his state-| .ith coach Bob Shaw who has|flanker Pete Warren and cor. - in an Sesh ota rd ed been extremely good to us. I/ner linebacker Pete Martin. night, minutes after Mis ClUD) have no knock against Shaw in| The price Argonaut aot galloped over London Lords! any way." Hayman saya i's cg | gti mg it ' | house in Toronto. PULLS NO PUNCHES on ait as OF eee me What Bennett undoubtedly layman came out swinging. /--certainly has to be a cheap, | "East York Argos are fully! way of getting pro players. \ EXPERIENCED TRANSPORT DRIVERS WANTED... Must be familior with Toronto ond District. Union shop, Ap- ply in person, 8 4.m, te 5 p.m. B. & R. Transport ~ LTD. 401 Dunlop St. East WHITBY, ONTARIO | meant was that CFL clubs could owned by the East York Argos.| | do a lot more to help minor foot- They are not a farm club of| | ball. Specifically, he took off on ours.. We've been through this] Civil Service of Canada | Argonauts. |hassle ages and ages ago. We \contribute annually to East 21 WINS IN ROW York Argos and we get the right CONSULTANT, HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION, university gra- duate, exerienced in health or hospital administration, Na- tional Health and Welfare, Ottawa. $14,100-$15,100. Cir- = Sinot to be confused with the years. other Argonaut club -- are a "As far as that $20 is con-) unch of dedicated young men| cerned that Bennett talks about, Canadian football. They're now the Canadian final. The CFL on a 2l-game winning streak gives X number of dollars from His East York Argonauts --|t0 Players of one team for two and that includes a 41-25 deci-|its member clubs to the Cana- cular 65-639, --------)|motes minor football and Cana- \ PROGRAMME DEVELOPMENT OFFICER. eugene cages Ry SPECIAL PLANNING SECRETARIAT, graduate in economics, political science or related field, experienced in research, with established reputation in academic life, business, industry or govern- ment, Privy Council Office, Ottawa, $14,100-$15,100, Cire cular 65-2007, YOUR SATISFACTION i$ OUR AIM All Cars Cerry Our GUARANTEE | Kelly Disney | Used Cars OPPORTUNITIES IN FOREST ECONOMICS--Forest Research Institute, Ottawo---DIRECTOR and several SENIOR ECONO. MISTS; Office of the Economics Advisor, Ottawa; REGIONAL ECONOMISTS, Fredericton, Quebec ond Victoria. Up te $15,100, Forestry. Circular 65-2005. SENIOR STATISTICIAN, graduate in economics, statistics or mathematics with related experience, to direct and c0- ordinate work of large statistical group responsible for re- search and development analysis, compliation and publica- tion of statistics, Defence Production, Ottawa, Up te $13,- 800. Circular 65-2008, : ECONOMETRICIANS, Economics Anolysis Division, Ottawa. Up to $15,100. Circular 65-611, An executive meeting of the Ladies' Curling Section of the! curling president, Mrs. W. Bald- win, in Brooklin, Following a dessert luncheon, | Led. 1200 Dundes E. Whitby 668-5891 BUDGET TERMS i rounded out, cig seit and Finance, son being finalized. ECONOMISTS, experienced in economie analysis, for economie Bill. Little opened the scoring| in last night's game at London, cashing in on a set-up play by Bobby Orr, just inside the five- minute mark. McKechnie came back about three minutes late to tie it up and at the halfway mark, Cook, GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE Tune-ups, Licensed Mechanic Free Check-Up Get ready for Winter, come in for @ Fall tune-up now ! PICK-UP & DELIVERY 668-4232 932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY © The second stanza was rough- with more penalties and Brewer notched one for the Four Teams In US. Grid Pro Still Unbeaten By THE CANADIAN PRESS Four teams go into Sunday's)| 10 - game U.S. pro football lineup with clear victory slates. Defending - champion Buf- falo Bills, only unbeaten squad in the American League with three winning turnouts behind) it, play host to Oakland Raiders with their best receiver, Elbert MAKE A DATE TO BOWL AT MOTOR CITY BOWLING 78 RICHMOND ST. W, PH: 723-3212 League Openings For Men and Women AFTERNOONS or EVENINGS Guaranteed Used Cors ROY wW. Dubenion, lost for the season. NICHOLS Unbeaten teams in the Na- Courti 4B PT tional League playing Sunday "Chauralat oeerige m are San Francisco '49ers,/| " Olieouie | Green Bay Packers and De- eulge eral Survicn troit Lions, all 2 - 0. Dallas : ' PHONE 728-6206 43 Years Serving You Cowboys, also 2-0, play at St. Louis Cardinals Monday night. The Packers, playing their first 'opener' at Green Bay,| could well take Chicago Bears, despite limping Paul Hornung, \§ Jim Taylor, Bart Starr and Boyd Dowler, banged up in the Baltimore Colts game. PUNTER RETURNS Added strength gives Wash- ington Redskins, 0-2, at least a chance against the Lions at De- troit. Punter Pat Richter's re- covery from a kidney injury and the return of Charley Tay- lor should help Washington. Baltimore's trip to San Fran- cisco could result. in real trouble for the Colts, 11. The '49ers are No. 1 in the NFL on total offence, with quarterback John Brodie the passing leader. In other NFL games, defend- ing champion Cleveland Browns, 1-1, meet the Eagles, 1-1, at Philadelphia; New York Meet Your Friends Before and After The Game In "The Regency Room" of the ROYAL HOTEL 171 Brock St. N. Dining Room Open. 12 Noon 'till A.M. You Like It... ... ft Likes You Giants, 1-1, play the Steelers, aie 0-2, at Pittsburgh, and Min- istributor nesota Vikings, 0-2, meet the 156 GIBB STREET Rams, 1-1 at Los Angeles. In the American Tae PHONE 723-3042 Houston, 2-1, meets San. Diego! Chargers, 2 - 0 - 1; New York Jets, 0-3, meet Denver Bron- cos, 1-2, and Boston Patriots, 0-3, meet Kansas City Chiefs, SCUBA DIVING The Oshawa Underwater Association SUDDARD'S BICYCLE SHOP ToYs HOCKEY EQUIPMENT FULL LINE OF €.C.M. and RALEIGH BICYCLES Sales--Service--Parts Keys Made 497 Simcoe St. S. PHONE 725-3979 Lee Bishop RADIATOR REPAIRS Cleaning and Racoring New and Used Radiators 42 Bond St. W. 725-1633 Now has openings for trainees. For turther information call 725-0255 or 668-4604 ACADIAN CLEANERS PRESSERS-- SHIRT LAUNDERERS STORAGE 299 BLOOR ST. W. PHONE 728-5141 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2 Oshawa and District League - of 3-out-of-5 series . . cretes'"' at Wingham, 2nd ganie SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3 SOCCER: -- Exhibition Game Wayne Auto Parts MONDAY, OCTOBER 4 Alexandra Park, 7:15 p.m. 4th TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5 Hi p.m.; 4th game of 3-out-of-5' Civic Memorial Stadium. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6 No Games Scheduled ail aad OCTOBER 7 HERTZ Rae OPEN 24 pao A DAY Oshawa-Whithy SPORTS CALENDAR HOCKEY:-- Professional Ex. Game - Blazers, at Oshawa Civic Auditorium, 7415 - ("B" Division) -- at Lakeview Park, 4:00 pm. ("A' Division) - at 7:00 p.m. and Polonia vs Italia, at 8:45 p.m.; Kinsment Civic Memorial Stadium . and District Association Juvenile League Championship Finals Genosha Acés vs Jay Cees, at Alexandra Park, 7:30 pm.; 3rd game OASA Inter. "C" Playoffs: - Oshawa Polonia and Thistle "United" vs Toronto Croatia, at Kinsmen Memorial Stadium, 3.00 p.m... « SOFTBALL:-- Oshawa City and District Assoe "City Championship Finals:-- Bod Boys vs Gale's Lumber, at Alexandra Park, 2:30 p.m 3rd game of 3-out-of-5 series... . Necessary at Alexandra Park, 3:00 p.m.; 3rd game of two 2-out of. 3 series; McKeen's and Scugog Cleaners and/or Karn's Drugs and SOFTBALL:-- Oshawa City and District Assoc. -- Juvenile League Championship Finals:-- Genosha Aces vs Jay Cees (If necessary), at JOCKEY:-- Junior "A" Exhibition Games Oshawa Generals, at Civic Auditorium, 8:00 p.m. Oshawa City and District Assoc. "City Chagpionship Finals" -- (If Necessary) -- Gale's Lumber vs Bad bide 1° ebuake Park, 7:15 District Leegue:-- ("B' Division) - p.m, and Rangers vs Hungaria, at 8:15 p.m.; both games at Kinsmen JOCKEY :-- Professional Exhibition Game Tulsa, at Oshawa Civic Auditorium, 8:00 p.m Oshawa City and District Assoc, -- Rangers vs Oshawa Generals, at Civie SOCCER: Oshawa ond Distriet League) vs Italia, at Lakeview Park, 4:00 pm ART'S Gun Repair 18 BOND ST. Guns Bought--Sold--Traded Or Repaired @ RENT BY HOUR, DAY or WEEK ! ! eae eenceen ts studies of industries, industrial growth, organization and international trade, regional economic development, and for preparation and evaluation of policy and project pro- ener Industry, Ottawa. $9140-$12,300. Reference 65- ECONOMISTS ond COST ANALYSTS, experienced in economie analysis or cost analysis and estimating, for research and analysis of transportation, communications, subsidy admin- istration, general economic trends, Board of Transport Com- missioners, Ottawa, Up to $10,700, Reference 65-2000-6, HOUSTON'S ARAGE me <2 ll TV. A COMPLETE BRAKE SUPPLY LTD. SERVICE " "" GUARANTEED T.V. Towers, Aerials, Apartment Sy:items and Collision, Body and Aerial Repairs Fender Work Taunton Rd, East Our Price Is Right (Just East of Ritson) ECONOMIC STATISTICIANS, experienced in economi¢ or statistical analysis, for studies in industrial development, Procurement and supply involving measurement of inters industry flows, growth, productivity, competitiveness, com- -- es production sharing and defence ex- penditures, Defence Production, Ottawa. Reference 65-2000-5. ee 67 King St. West Dial 723-7822 HOTEL TEXACO---FUEL end STOVE OIL... Whitby's only LOCAL ' 4 , "INSTRUCTOR, Bilingual, with related experience, to prepare y DEALER, f t | sh f ond present lectures related to civil emergency plannin ILO Free 24 Hr. BURNER SERVICE Emergency. Measures Orgonization, Arnprior, Ont, $7440. by our Local Service Contractors, SAWDONS' (Whitby) Ltd. Fuel and Builders Supplies 668-3524 2.44 Brock St. S, Whitby Stafford Brothers Lid. Monuments ... of Distinction 668-3552 Whitby Oshawa's Finest Hotel For--Parties-Sales Meetings Banquets -- Conventions Air-Conditioned Coffee $8460. Competition 65-2400. PSYCHOLOGIST, Bilingual, with doctor's degree or equivalent in psychology and two. years' professional experience, Na- a 2 ree ond Welfare, Ottawa. Up to $8460. Circular ° ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, graduate in Commerce, Finance or Business Administration, OR, registered member of a ethene accounting association, Northern Affairs and ational Resources, Cornwall, Ont. $6990-$7710. C. 5 ' - . Com- Boston Bruins vs Oklahoma City titio -0- ' oston Bruins va Oklahoma City petition 65-0-792, Kickers vs Polonia, Local 222 vs Ukrainia, both games at SOFTBALL:-- Oshawa City eared -- EMERGENCY MEASURES, experienced in eaching field, Emergency Measures Orgonizat Ont. $6990-$7710, Competition 65-2401) nn merit "INSPECTOR, CIVIL AVIATION, with volid senior commercial or air-line transport pilot's licence, 1500 hours as pilot in command, including at least 500 on multi engined aircraft saan Toronto, Ont. $6660-$7380, Competition 65. --- Brooklin "'Con- of 2-out-of-3 Southern Ontario finals, UAW League Semi-Finals. (it ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING OFFICER, to be responsible for organization and Operation of departmental work shops, pro- ga ig "a Engineer or. graduate in Engineering ysics or ysics, Royal Military College, Kingsto $6480-$7140. Circular 65-877. ars a gome of series, MOSIER Sheet Metal Work @ INDUSTRIAL @ COMMERCIAL Blozers ve @ RESIDENTIAL BALLi-- "EXCISE TAX RULING OFFICER, Customs and Excise Division, CAREERS IN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT--Treasury Officers- in-training, university graduates or registered members by ppt Serer ae in a recognized accounting association, omptroller of the Treasu tt 5 ir- atta te ty, Ottawa. $6480-$7140, Cir. *BOTANICAL ILLUSTRATOR, three years' experience in art work, National Museum of bg Comeatition BITS eee ome en nr - Niagora Falls Fiyers vs . SOFTBALL: -- serits . . . ER:-- Oshowe ond Thistles vs Polonia, at 7:00 Oklahoma Cit "City Championship (If mae oy oe Bev os Gaia's Lumber ah Lieuane 4 fork, PH: 668-5281 Pe Revenue, Ottawa. $4830-$6330. Competition 65- and District League:-- ("R' Division) nt Kickers "ee erates at pe al "A" Division) Kickers v viatlos dul " } pad Bi Pinan Civile phemerial Heda, ° ' | PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICERS, various Government De- ah rp Misery Ltd a For Your Best partments, Ottawa, $4680-$12,300, Circular 65-1954, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9 H i * 1 CT eT es ak ee Heating Needs SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OFFICER, graduote in oT or recta! school graduate with five years' re- ated experience, Public Works, Ottawa. $4 = Competition 65-223, sla cmc atin "GEOLOGICAL PHOTO LIBRARIAN, with two university courses in geology, one must have been geomorphology, and four years' library cataloguing experience, Mines and oe Surveys, Ottawa. $4860-$5580. Competition 65- We Carry o @ FURNACES e OIL BURNERS © AIR FILTERS We Install Hydro Electric Pred ' em CW" Division) Pelenia Weter Heaters 24 HR, SERVICE W. Borrowdale HEATING SALES 29 SWITZER RD. W. OSHAWA PHONE 728-7537 THIS SPACE IS AVAILABLE W. OSHAWA *DRAFTSMAN, with three years' experience in drafting office, National Defence, Borriefield, Ont. $4470-$5520 Com- petition 65-0-773. : * AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS INSPECTOR, Bilingual, with valid motor vehicle operator's permit; two years' experience in crop production and management; successful completion So! two year oo course in Agriculture accepted in lieu of experience, Agriculture, New Liskeard, Ont. $4260- $4860. Competition 65-0-762. AUTO AND TRUCK RENTAL & LEASING EADQUARTERS. ARNOLD PAVING ASPHALT PAVING and GRADING ' INDUSTRIAL -- COMMERCIAL Arnold Paving (Ont.) Pickering 942-6943 FOR YOUR *HOSPITAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN, certification by 103 KING shone rae ged of seagdnd Technologists OR completion a of approved course for hospital laboratory technicians and EAST 728-9641 ADVERTISING two years' acceptable hospital laboratory experience: OR university graduation in laboratory technology, biology or chemistry and one year experience, National Health and Welfare, Moose Factory, Ont. $3720-$4170, plus isolation allowance, Competition 65-0-788. MESSAGE Phone 723-3474 Complete details and applications are available at nearest Office of the Civil Service Commission of Canada, or b writing to the Civil Service Commission of Canada, Ottawa 4. Bor competitions marked * details and applications are available at Post Offices Notional Employment Service Offices, and Offices of the Civil Service Commission of Canada. Please quote competition rr cir- cular number as indicated. a MAES PURGE ABE