18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Octeber 2, 1965 27--Rooms for Rent. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS , Available in ry home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | LARGE, nicely furnished room for one or two girls, 'with pinta facilities. Apply 406 Dundas Street West, Whitby. FURNISHED room for two gentlem Close to downtown and North Sm. "Tele. phone 728-3643 or apply 29 Elgin Street East. 30--<Automobiles For Sale Coming October 7th 1966 RAMBLERS FURNISHED ED housekeeping room, ground floor for one or two respectable Tosions close to buses and downtown. Telephone 728-1070 after 8 p.m. or mornings. LARGE, clean, furnished bedroom, single or double, use of refrigerator, central. Apply 25 Quebec Street or phone 728-3908. ADELAIDE AVENUE -- Furnished base ment apartment, private three-piece bath- room, private entrance, in new home. Available now. Suitable for girls or nurses. Telephone 728-0260. ELEAN housekeeping room. Everything supplied. Ritson South area. Also two fur- nished housekeeping rooms, couple pre- ferred. Telephone 725-2892 Watcli Oct. 6 For Full Details e 28--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen, to share, lunches erie six rig! week, cen- tral. Telephone 725-98. 55 Brock East. YOUNG LADY | boarder wanted, close to _,downtown and north \otors, good " ele. "meals. $16 for padi "-- feos phone 728-3577. : ROOM AND BOARD for two in private home, separate rooms, home privileges, | lunches packed. Telephone 728-7020 ROOM AND BOARD, close to downtown, | close to North General Motors, good) meals, single neds, lunches packed. Ap-| ply 115 Celina Street. | ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen wili-| ing fo share. Close to Duplate, Pediars) and GM. Telephone 723-6874. ROOM AND BOARD for refined gentle five - day week, willing to share lunches packed. Telephone WeumaN MOTORS LIMITED 100 Nonquon Road Phone 728-735] MORE CASH Paid for Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES two gentlemen will- Telephone Whitby OOM and board for ing to share. Central. 668-8218 SINGLE room and board, lunches pack-| ed, parking. Telephone 668-4643, ROOM 3 AND BOARD for gentleman. Close hone 723-6384, , -ROSmE 'and board. Division Street. SLEEPING ROOM -- Meals if desired for one man willing to share. Close to GM and Shopping Centre, five-day week Parking. 8] Park Road South. ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman. Cen- tral location. Telephone 723-6626. ROOM and board for 'Gentleman, in, Ritson Road South. Telephone | 728-3350. ROOM AND BOARD for young respec-| table man in Christian home. Telephone 725-1338 ROOM AND BOARD, close to South Plant, private home, five-day week, TV In. room, private entrance. Call 725-9483, 29--Wanted to Rent TRANSFERRED to Whitby. bedroom house by October Cantect Mr. Sutherland, 668-2947 from 7.30 to 5.30. THREE - BEDROOM house wanted by family of six. immediate occupancy Telephone 723-2740. - Apply 25) pean) | 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 KELLY -- DISNEY | USED CAR LOT | 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST | WHITBY -- 668-5891 | Cars bought and sold Leins paid off Trade up or down Always top quality 1956 PONTIAC Licence H24729, two-door sedan, Full price at $145, Cash, trade or terms at Nicols Motors Ltd., Whitby 668-3331. |1962 GRAND PRIX Pontiac, Licence H26884, 389 V-8 with 3 carburetors, four- speed transmission. Just like new! Easy terms. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. 1962 CHEVROLET convertible, blue, auto- matic transmission, good t'res. Must sel! immediately. Telepnone 723-6327 1964 + CHEVELLE, jbrakes, whitewalls. Call 725-8455. 1960 CHEVROLET Bei Air, four - door sedan, H48453. V-8 automatic, very clean. No down payment. Easy terms. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. LIENS PAID OFF! We trade up or down. Over 60 cars to choose from. No down ~~ power condition a tomatic, Excellent HIGH SCHOOL teacher wants small Wn rl vate apartment or rooms plus board private home, preferably in or near Osh. | awa. No objection to children. No board- houses please. After 7 p.m., Toronto, 487-0917, ask for Mr. de Waal. TWO- OR THREE- bedroom house re- quired by rellable couple with two chil- | dren. Telephone 7: TWO-ROOM apartment wanted by one Indy. Clase, to, Duplate. Reasonable rent.| Telephone 7: THREE or eee house wanted In} Oshawa by couple with two smal! chil- fren. Possession Casommlegee 1, After 4 p.m. Whitby ENTLY N re | house or apartment, Whitby. | 59 $90 io $100 monthly. Two children. Telephone 668-5906 30--Automobiles for Sale | BUYING or SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. --- OSHAWA Just East of Wilson Road 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 _ ALL CASH For clean cars or trucks, We deal up or down. Liens paid. NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED} 146 BROCK ST, NORTH Across from Royal Hotel Whitby 668-3331 Heal PONTIAC station wagon, rare Par pay $s! Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 728- 7375. 1961 PONTIAC, Licence H50939. V-8 standard shift. Three months warranty on engine. No down payment. Easy 2 terms. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7 7375 | 1963 | CHEVROLET station wagon, V-8, standard, 19,400 miles. In excellent con jdition, Telephone 725-8416. '5? CHEVROLET Biscay: coach, New paint 6 standard, radio, whitewalls wheel |discs. Licence 47082, Gus Brown Motors | Ltd. 725-6568. 1962 PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door hard top, low mileage, V-8 automatic. Notice no extras to buy. New whitewall tires, radio, front and back speaker, power brakes, power tinted glass, backup lights, hitch, window washers, etc, Will older car in trade Phone 728- 4733 1958 OLDSMOBILE, two-door hardtop, Li- cence H50479. This car jas been com- pletely reconditioned. Just like new! No down payment. Easy terms. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. 1962 CHEVROLET two-door, six cylinder, | standard transmission, New paint, good) tires. Immaculate cond'tion, $1,350. Phone 725-8008. 1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne four-door 6 cylinder automatic, good condition. $550 jor near offer. Call 725-5707. |1958 CHEVROLET automatic transmis-| |sion, radio, in exceotionally clean con-| | ditlon, very good running order. This ve jhicle must be seen to be appreciated at) 488 Marion Avenue. $395. | ine model, V-8, very good condition ar in trade. 723-1225 1961 PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door hard top, 283 V-8, manual transmission, spot condition. Price $1,000. Call Orono between 1] a.m. and | p.m. or eve- automatic, radio.| Will consider older ess 1561 |nings "63 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN FOUR DOOR STATION WAGON V-8, automatic, possenger. Phone 728- 8810 radio, nine MOTORS, $35 uP -- All car parts. Cour- fice Auto Wreckers. Telephone 723-5238, or nights 725-4404, 1959 METEOR, coach, six cylinde matic, $450. 0, Telephone 728-0175. 4 BUICK Le Sabre convertib Fully Powered, 18,000 miles, executive driven Licence 767428. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568. 1959 METEOR, 32,000 actual mileage, one owner, bést offer. 509 Dundas Street West, Whitby. 1965 CHEVROLET Super Sport, two-door hardtop, . power steering, power brakes radio, cylinder, automatic. oversized tires, ten thousand miles, 723-1974 1949 FORD for sale Telephone 728-8813. '99 CHEVROLET Impala, four-door, 6. aviomatic, radio. Excellent condition Nothing down, monthly payment. Li cence H51716, Terms to suit. Gus Brown Motors Lid., 725-6568. 1959 =PLYMOUTH, standard shift. Excellent body fair. Clean throughout accepted. Telephone 728-5664 1956 CHEVROLET, good motor and tires. floor shift with '59 standard overdrive trangmission with passing gear. $100 or best offer. 723-5387 '$6 PONTIAC twotdoor hardtop, 6, avot: matic. perfect body and trim. Licence 448430. Nothing down, monthly payments. Gus Brown Motors Lid., 725-6568 1957 ANGLIA (Ford). Good runnning con- dition, Body in good shape. 55,000 orig- Inal miles. Sell for $100. 668-2090. 1962 RAMBLER Classic 6 sedan. Stan dard transmission. Spotless, one owner Excellent condition. Many extras. Reason- able. Telephone 723-7719 68 CHEVROLET Impala, convertible, white, red trim, black roof. Fully equipp- ed. Licen H29159. Trade considered Terms availabie. Gus. Brown Motors Ltd 728-7375, 1960 FORD Galaxie, excellent repainted, reconditioned, new Must be seen. Nearest $1100. 669.8092 1959 BUICK LeSabre, two-door four new tires, two snow tires; After S p.m. Phone 728-4159 *6) CORVAIR four-door (Robin Egg Bive) automatic transmission, excellent body and mechanical condition. Terms. Lic H26108. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568 auto- Savoy, 6 cylinder, mechanically Best offer condition, tires, etc Telephone sedan. $550. 99 PONTIAC Parisienne, top, 6 cylinder, automatic, Licence H48093, $850. 'S8 Chevrolet four- door station wagon, A-) condition, $625 Licerice 7768. '58 Vauxhall, 6 cylinder, ood condition, $350; Licence K34202. 'S7 iontiac, two-door hardtop, 6 cylinder, automatic, A-) condition, $950; Licence 58252. Marijan's Garage, 290 Cordova Road, Oshawa. Telephone 725-510 two-door hard A-1 condition, '98 PONTIAC Parisienne hardtop, copper beige, V-8, automatic, excellent condition Nothing down, easy terms. Licence 280876. Gus Brown Motors: Ltd., 725-6568 1965 PARISIENNE convertible. matic, power steering, brakes dows, radio, tinted glass, low Terms arranged, Salsohone 725-5746 afte "4 auto win Va and nileage |1959 CHEVROLET, two-door hardtop, six jcylinder, standard. Sharp! Red and white i) K74137. Price $852 Chaskavich Daler; 725-4920. |1960- CHEVROLET Bei automatic in A-1 condition, awa 1959 FORD 6 New motor, immaculate side and out est offer. Telephone 668-6376 PRIVATE radio, 6223 1963 CHEVROLET late condition. will trade. Can finance 725-8602 1960 CHEVROLET |mpaia red and white, automatic, 6 cylinder, radio, new white walls. Telephone 3858 1960 RAMBLER standard, radio, good condition. Wil! Telephone 728-0822. BEAUTIFUL 1960 Chevrolet station wagon, two-door, standard, six. Private 50,000 miles. $875. Telephone Whitby 4668. 6526. 1956 METEOR, shape. $200 after 6 p.m 1954 BUICK Air hardtop V-8 723-3036 Osh- good rubber $600 or near A-1 condition, $395. Telephone 668- convertibie take older Private Immacu- car fo Telénnone four-door accept trade 272 Va, Telephone standard, Whitby good 668-8545 Le Sabre, power steering, power brakes, whitewall tires, radio, sad die tan. Will guarantee. Cail 668-3822 1957 OLDSMOBILE 88, 8. Very good 728-5387 1960 PONTIAC 24682, Best 668-4914 1960 PONTIAC to raise money to buy br able offer refused. $100 389-936. Telephone 668-45 1957 CHEVROLET station wagon, X7151. An ideal family car ment. Easy terms. Gus Ltd, 728-7375 PRIVATE. 1960 Meteor station Apply 298 Central Park South 1965 CHEVROLET convertible, strator cence K23059. 3,000 miles. Lady driven. Easy terms Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568 1962. PONTIAC Par'sieane sedan, V-® au: tomatic, radio, g clean car. No rea sonable offer ret Must seil, For fur ther information 776-463 1965 BUICK four-door, radio, Condition, $350 J Pho door Telephone two offer Licence _ No Whitby convertible, Must be sold Lic down. No. Licence No down pay Brown Motors wagon demon actua Gus "Wildca't' convertible, | cence H58588, demonstrator, fully eauipp éd. Very reasonable' price. Gus Browr Motors Lid., 728-7375. 1968 FORD 390 cubic inch engine, speed, XL convertible, radio, Burgundy ahd black. Licence H58694. $3,365. Any: thing on trade. 775-4920 bid CHEVROLET Biscayne ain 4, standard radio, wheel discs. Licence H47082 Motors Lid., 725-6548 1954 MORRIS" MINOR, A-i $7 Chevrolet mai ic, needs 725-9933 or 942 1962 CHEVROLET automatic, four-door, walls back-up lights Phone 7723-4744 four coach. New whitewalls Gus Brown shape. must stationwagon, VB auto repair, Best cash offers 3197 Biscayne 6-cylinder low mileage, white good condition '61 IMPALA, two-door hardtop, V-#, auto matic, two-tone brown metallic; 45,000 miles. Blackstock 986-4255 after 4 USED CAR fe oth spindies make to Bios East $90 FOR 1956 Chevrolet machanically A-i, V-B automatic Phone Alax 942-6039, 31--Compect Cars for Sal |37--Aucetions 38--Coming Events * VOLVO & PEUGOT %* MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and JAKE AND BILL'S GARAGE Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Rd, South Oshawa 728-0921 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. Volkswagen Sales and Service AUCTION SALE The undersigned auctioneer will sell by public auction, garden equipment for E, C, Warne, 368 Park Rd. S., Oshawa, just north of C.P.R, tracks, on Saturday, Oct. Cliff Pethick, auctioneer, Sale at 1:30. New and Used Cars 334 RITSON RD. S. 723-3461 Open Ev nings '6 "CHEVELLE two-door hardtop, 327 four-speed, 250 HP, nine thousand miles. Will deal for '60-'62, V-8 or will sell out- right. 723-7877. 1958 MORRIS Oxford. Best offer, Good running order, Telephone 728-7027 after 30. "AUCTION SALE The undersigned auctioneer will sell by public auction the farm implement and 30 head of feeders for Edgar Wright, Lot 20, Concession 8, Dar- lington Twp., 4 mile west of Enniskillen on Monday, October 11. Giving. up farm- ing. Sale at 1:30 p.m. | 1960 ENVOY, ri running Condition, ir in need | jof motor repair. $125 or best offer. Phone} | 728-1900. Cliff Pethick, auctioneer 1959 VAUXHALL VElox, six cylinder,| four-door, Must be seen. 725-0421, '38--Coming Events 1960 VAUXHALL stationwagon, Tudent, | must sell. New engine parts. Clean in-/| terior, snow tires, $350. A good second car.) 42,000 miles. 723-2 7828. 1958 VOLKSWAGEN, private, in good me. chanica! condition. Price $300. fueohone 725-2361 '59 AUSTIN-HEALEY Sprite, good condi-| tion, radio, tonneau cover, aluminum side) ZION NEIGHBORHOOD PARK ASSOCIATION (Formerly Crestette Club) |seat | 1959 |radio, | Good phone 728-4549. Robert 1956 Oldsmobile V8 auotmatic, * | screens, 723-5307 1961 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, black, Fadia belts, one owner. In good conditi or best offer. Telephone 78.7115, FORD Tauxus 17M, good conditian,| clean, radio. Full price $200. Telephone} Whitby 668-5251. | 1965 CORVAIR Corsa with black top, trim, 140 HP, four-speed, wire wheels, power top, shadelite glass, washers, whitewalls, 9,000 miles. 00, 725-6709 after 5 p.m "DANCE Music by the ROYAL AMBASSADORS $800 convertible, rea! OSHAWA AIRPORT Tonight four: | Tele- $3 SPORTS CAR, 1963 Volvo P1800. Private condition. Telephone. 728-4844 after 3 p.m 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, red, exhaust and tires Telephone 728-6454 1965 CORVAIR Monza, convertible, apace transmission. Private sale. hone 668-4327 after 4 p.m |1962 RENAULT Gordini. radio. Private sale. Telephone | 668-8922. |32--Trucks for, Sale 1955 CHEVROLET, dump and stake, new motor, 35,000 miles. 9 to 12 p.m. Good condition, | Whitby | or @ Round and Square Dancing @ Refreshments @ Door Prizes $3.00 PER COUPLE EVERYONE WELCOME ! combination body, 825 tires, 2 ply. Best offer, will i oe smaller car} as part payment and cash difference. 723-538 | 1955 REO TRUCK 18 ff. stake body, $750. | Any reasonable offer considered. Tele- phone 725-6543 days for appointment to view. 1963 VOLKSWAGEN delivery running condition, good tires. Dykstra's Food Market 623-354) SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars| bought, parts for sale. iron and metals} bought. 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311. | pion WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE dasa | 1952 GMC dump truck, four- "ton. Telephone Brooklin 655-3673. anervet' MON., OCT 4th HALF-TON pick-up for sal offer. Telephone 723-9525. 13,000 miles in 6 p.m. tele Van, good Telephone 1964 GMC half-ton truck, excellent condition. After phone 668-4577. 33---Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE | AUTO | WRECKERS want cars for wrecking. Highest prices pald./ 00 Wentworth East, 725-118) OSHAWA AUTO PARTS Wanted cars pr wrecking. Tires and parts for sale. 175 Neilson Street. Telephone 725-2162. | 33--Automobiles Wanted | CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and *'Save"' TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 WANTED _ Cars for wrecking. Tel - Nichols. Admision Ticket Gives You Free Chance On Door Prize. -- $250 Jackpot Nos. 54 and 56 Jackpot Pays Double in 52 Nos less -- $150 Jackpot $20 @ line $50 full card 20 Games at $20 | 5 Special Games at $30 Regular games pay double in 17 Nos.. or less $100.00 Door Prize Early Bird Game at 7:45 Admision $1.00 Extra Buses. RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA Children under BIG BAND BASH Pat Riccio -- 15 piece band SATURDAY, OCT. 9 9 to. 12 om; or |34--Automobile | Repai TUNE-UP YOUR CAR NOW FOR FALL Minor and Major tune-up. Get top performance from your car. SEE YOUR CE SPECIALS AT GENERAL TIRE SERVICE 534 Ritson Rd. South 728-6221 OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE offers ex pert carburetor and auto electric service 2 King Street West, 728-0817 TRANSMISSION specialists sions are our only business North. Phone 28-7339. SEE your service spac ignment, wheel balance e tune-ups at General 534 Ritson South 35--Lost and Found 16 not admitted SERVI at the KINSMEN HALL REFRESHMENTS RESERVE TICKETS Days 725-7251 Evenings 728-8618 BINGO U.A.W.A. HALL SATURDAY, OCT. 2nd 7:30 P.M. Transmis- 1038 Simcoe alist for wheel brake job, en a Tire Service, Auction Sale OF Household Furniture 20 GAMES $10 A GAME » H.D fielc Chester- Book- Electric Stove 4 and Chair, Rug case, Beds, Dressers, full line of Household Furniture, An- Maple Chest of Draw- and Prints Fr 4 GAMES OF $20 $40, $50. JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, OCT. 7:30 P.M. 20 Games $8 Share The Wealth $40 Jackpots to go ~ $150 Jackpot to go 16 Not Admitted $30, tiques Bu Toilet ames. ny other items f Harry Ha 7, Ops. Twp of junction of ond 7 at Lind lin Farm Supply WEDNESDAY, OCT. 6th NO RESERVE SALE AT CARL HICKSON Auctioneer 36--Legal 1, JOHN C. GREENFIELD, of 633 Perry Crescent, Oshawa, will not be responsible for any debs contracted my name by anyone' on or after this date 1965, without my written cons john 1:30 P.M, | | Children Under BIN\ KINSMEN Cu.NTRE TUESDAY 7:45 Early Bird FREE ADMIS $1250 in P 52 and under 16 not Special 7:30 bus from 4 Corne Game 1ON ze Greehtield A2 any debts tracted in my on or after this date without my: written con meoe 5 3 allowed wi lackpot anyone hildren 1965, NORTHMINSTER U.C.W. | COFFEE PARTY | corner Simcoe St. & Rossland Rd. Home. Baked Muffins, Fruit Looves Coke served Bat RESULTS Use TIMES Classified ACTION ADS 723-3492 Coffee Servic Sale of Home 10 am Coffee Thursday, October 7 Sit ng DEATHS DEATHS MONDAY 8:00 P.M. BINGO ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 King St. East at Farewell -- FREE -- ADMISSION -- FREE -- 20 Reg. Games--Total $300 SNOWBALL--$120 in 56 Nos. Plus $10 each horizontal line. Regular Jackpot $100 in 55 Nos. $20 Con, SHARE THE WEALTH Good Parking Extra Bus Service No Chil | BALLARD, William John After a short iliness at the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on Saturday, October 2, 1965, William John Ballard of 305 James Street, Whitby, beloved husband of Grace L. Loach, loving father of Mrs. F. Reck- over.(Rose), Mrs. J. Goddard (Gertie) of Whitby, Mrs. H. Goddard (Doris), New Liskard, Mrs, R. Perry (Edna) of Osh- awa, Mrs. G, Goddard (Dorothy) of To- tonto, Frederick of Port Perry, and James of Whitby; in his 71st year, Rest- ing at the W. C, Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service in the chapel on Mon- day, October 4 at 3.30 p.m. Wterment: St. | John's Cemetery, Port Whitby. Minister) the Rev, S. Armstrong. A Masonic serv- ice will be held Sunday evening at. 7 p.m. Visitors commencing 7 p.m. Satur- day. BURGESS, Harry At the Oshawa General Hospital on Fri- day, Ocotber 1, 1965, Harry Burgess, be- loved husband of the late Ella Janes, and dear' father of Mrs, Samuel Minnis (Eliz- abeth) of Whitby, John of Hifeihiteg Albert of Ashburn, Stanley of Whitb' Mrs, Richard Harris (Doreen) of Hunts-| ville, and Mrs. Clarence Mercer (Betty) of Elizabethville; in his 90th year. Rest- ing at the Robinson Funeral Chapel, Brooklin. Service in the chapel on Mon- day, October 4 at 2 p.m. Interment Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin. (Friends will be received at the chapel! com- mencing Saturday evening.) IN MEMORIAM BALDWIN In loving memory of a dear husband and father, George Baldwin who passed away October 2, 1957. 'Lovingly remembered by his wife Ethel land family and grandson Terry. dren Please, THANKSGIVING | TOUR husband and father, Gordon Blow, who |passed away October 3, 1964. Calm and peaceful he is sleeping, Sweetest rest that follows pain We who loved him sadly miss him, But trust in God to meet again. TO SYRACUSE OCT. 9 to 11th Lovingly remembered by wife DeHART -- In loving memory of a dear Call 623-3265 litter and grandfather, Blake DeHart |who passed away October 2, 196d, | Wonderful memories of one so dear, | Colmer Travel | Treasured still with' a love sincere, Service In our hearts he is living yet We loved him too dearly to forget ~Sadly missed and lovingly remembered CHARTERED BUS TRIP Mabe |by daughter Ruth, son-in-law Ray, grand-| children Roger, Marilyn and Gloria DOWSON In loving memory of Annie sri who passed away on October 2, Mather in Thy gracious keeping Do we leave our loved one sieeping." Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Ruth, Pearl and Gordon . WASHINGTON D.C. Thanksgiving Weekend OCT. 8th -- IIth for further. information phone 725-8470 FALL DANCE at the DNIPRO HALL 681 Edith St. on Saturday, October 2nd : 1965 at 8 P.M. | | | | ESPOSITO -- In loving memory. of a dear father and grandfather, Esposito, who passed away October 2, 1960. A father who gave us the best of 'his life Who cherished our secrets, our strife, Who taught us to love and to pray Dear Vadacal in heaven, toda veer Tite was unselfish, for others you ved, taught us God bless you Net for what you received, but for what you could give Just a loving thought, A beautiful memory of just a silent tear, a father, dear Dear God, take a message to our father above. Tell him how much we give him our love. Sadiy missed and siways remembered by daughter Jennie, son-in-law Bert, and lgranddaughter Janet Gail. miss him, and Good orchestra and Appetizing buffet JOIN THE FUN MODERN SQUARE DANCE Classes starting soon. Shift work no problem. | Telephone 725-3117 | | 668-3183 665-3329 GRAHAM -- In loving memory of our dear mother, Rosanna Graham, Passed away October 2, 1964 jfather, William Graham, }away June 20, 1948 Precious forever, are memories of you, Today, tomorrow, and all life through. Just as you. were, you will always. be, Lia si forever in our memories. Ever remembered by daughters Bertha Gladys and son Orr and a dear who passed DULT SCUBA diving lessons start GRILLS -- In loving hursday, September 30. Aqua-lungs sup-jdear mother and grandmother, ed. Register now with Don Cranfield,/Rubena V. Grills, who passed away sud-/ Park Road South, 723-2284 denly on October 2, 1962 eeenans God saw you getting weary Bathe Park, "Eulalie 2 Avenue | So He did what He thought p.m, 14 regulars, Share; ace id stand baste Specials and two |ackpots.| '@ came and stood beside you lA memory of our /331 | BINGO on Thursday, the Wealth. best, 39--Notices NOTICE Increase in Taxi fares for BOWMANVILLE & NEWCASTLE 1 ® We little knew when we woke that morn The sorrow the day would bring, For the call was sudden, the severe, To part with one we loved so dear, You wished no one a last farewell, Or had a chance to say goodbye, You were gone before we knew it And only God knows why |--Sadiy missed by sons, daughters, and | their families. | | HANCE -- In memory of my dear |father, Harold F,. Hance, who passed away October 3, 1959. Sunshine passes, shadows fal! Love's remembrance outlasts all, And though the years be many or few All are filled with remembrance of you -Sadiy missed by daughter. Vera Effective October 1965 MINIMUM RATE LONG DISTANCE | ' | | grandfather and father Harold Hance who passed away October 3, 1959 In our hearts a memory is kept For a dear one we respected And will never forget. --Daughter Dorothy and grandson Ricky 75¢ 40c per mile KING TAX] | RUBY TAX] NEWCASTLE TAXI HANCE -- In memory of a dear hus band, Harold F, Hance, who passed away October 3, 1959. | Across the bridge of memory, | In thoughts | keep you near to me, | 1 lay my hand on your old easy chair, /! 1 close my eyes and picture you there I'd give all | own if it were true For nobody knows how much | miss In loving memory, wife Mary. BIRTHS | BERRY John and Marlene are pisos to announce the arrival of their; daughter, Colleen Ruth, 6 Ibs. |October 1, 1965, af the Oshawa General Hospital. Thanks to Dr. Rogers and 4th) floor staff. HANCE -- In loving memory of a dear father, Harry F. Hance, who passed away October 3, 1959. Please God, forgive a silent tear, A fervent wish my dad was here, There are others, yes, | know, But he was mine, | loved him so. Dear God, take a message To my father in heaven above, Tell him how much | miss him And give him all my love Ever remembered and never forgotten by his daughter Bunny, son-in-law Nelson and grandchildren Ronnie and Lynn. BISHOP -- Bob and Margaret (nee Mc- Diarmid) happily announce the birth of their-son, Robert Leslie Wilbert, 8 Ibs. ors., on Friday, October 1, 1965, at ne Oshawa General Hospital Special thanks to Dr. McLean and 4th floor staff MARCH -- In loving memory of a dear husband, Henry C. S. March, South Afri- can War Veteran, who passed away one year ago, on October 3, 1964 "Where the wicked cease troubling And the weary are at rest.' Ever remembered by loving wife, Queenie. BYRNES James and Doris (nee Patterson) are pleased to announce the birth of their son Patrick James, (6 Ibs., \ oz.) on Friday, October 1, 1965 at the 'Oshawa General Hospital. from! JUBENVILLE -- Gord and Cathy (nee Doyon) are pleased to announce the birth of a daughter, Elizabeth Grace (Beth) on Thursday, September 30, 1965. A 7 Ib, 2% az. baby sister for Ronnie, Margaret and Russell. Deo Gratias. Many thanks to Dr and the 4th floor staff. NASH -- In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Amy Nash, who passed away October 963 In our hearts your memory lingers, Always tender, fond and true, There is not @ day, dear mother, That we do not think- of you Always remembered by son Bob, daugh ter-in-law Elsie, and granddaughter Judy Ross LYONS -- Born to Jack and Cathy (nee Puskas) a daughter & Ibs., 3 ozs., on Fri day, October 1, 1965 af the Oshawa General Hospital. Thanks to Dr, Morris POGSON -- Jn loving memory of @ dear mother, Leata Pogson, who passed away October 3, 1963. Just the thought of sweet remembrance, Just a memory fond and true, Just a token of affection, And a heartache still for you. ~--Lovingly remembered by Luella and son-in-law Joe, (CARD OF THANKS MATTHEWS -- The farnily of the late \Mrs. Millicent Matthews wish to tender their sincere thanks to doctors, manage- ment and staff of Fairview Lodge for their kind and sympathetic care of their! mother, also thanks to friends, neighbors and the W. C..Town Funeral Directors and The Rev: Stanley Armstrong, for| their kind: and efficient services, The Matthews Family. daughter | POGSON -- In loving memory of a dear mother, Leata Pogson, who passed away October 3, 1963 Deep .in our. remembered, Sweet, happy memories hearts, you are fondly. cling 'round y name; True hearts that loved you with deepest affection Always will love you in death the same ~Aiways remembered by daughter Ber nice, son-in-law Jim and grandchildren Charles, Brian and Jeanette MURDOCK -- In the midst of our sor-' row we wish to express our. sincere thanks and appreciation to eur relatives, friends . and 'neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown us the loss of husband, son and brothe Murdock Iso thanks to ) and Dr. McDonald, The General Hospital, McCallum h Father Gignac and Father Borge, SI. Mary's.of the Catholic Church. A special thanks fo the Robinson Funeral Chapel. for their kind and efficient service. Mrs Lucy Murdock, Mr and Mrs Thomas Murdock, Sr. and family. in PUCKRIN -> In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother Coretta Mary Puckrin, who passed away October 3, 1964 Those we love we never lose, For always 'they will be Loved, remembered, treasure Always in our memory Sadly missed and ever remembered. by her husband Lorne, children and grand: | children, | SLACK -- Mrs. Theda Slack and fam ly wish to thank friends, relatives and| neighbors for floral tributes and kindness|sincere thanks and appreciaiton to our during 'their recent bereavement. A. spe-|neighbors, friends and relatives for their cial thanks Dr. Baldwin and nurses|kind expressions of sympathy and many econd and fifth flan ot the 9 contributions at the loss of @ dear hus wa Géreral Hospital; also W. C. Town band and father, Ernest Waltham. Spe \F Chapel for their kind and effi-|cial thanks fo Rev, J. McLeod for his jcient. service ind attention --Mra, Thede Slack, --Mrs, Ernest Waithain and family. to nera' ik and family. | | GRANT, Francis James Entered into rest suddenly, in Oshawa, Ontario, on Saturday, October 2, Francis James Grant, beloved husband of Betty McKay, father of Francis Grant, and son of Mrs. Aletha and the late Frank Grant, brother of Mrs. John Hales (Betty) Oshawa, Donald of Whitby, n- ton of Oshawa, William of Oshawa; in his 37th year, Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with funeral ser- vice in the chapel on Monday, October 4, 2 p.m. Interment Oshawa Union Ceme- tery. FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,100. Claim- ~ ire ae three- and four-year-olds, 1% Uriretigh', Hernandez 3.70 2.70 2.30 5-Royal Bunny, Dittfach 3.90 2.60 2-Bayview Miss, Ferro 3.00) Also Ran in Order: Moon Babu, Park- view Pike and Tangum. Winner, b f, by Phalanx -- Prissy Pat, by Promethee, Pool $21,064. * Daily Double Poo! $41,418. SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim) ing, three-year-olds and up. 7 Furlongs! (B). 6-Mencheval, McComb 60 '3-Brief Wind, Leblanc 3.80 5-Field Trial, Gomez | ROBINSON, Frank [After a short iliness at the Ajax and |Pickering General Hospital on Friday, |Qctober 1, 1965, Frank Robingon {of 116 8.60 4.50 z 6.90 2 interes, Well Oiled, Service, and- Bronze Page WOODBINE RESULTS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1 My Boy, Bay Flight, V. 'sil and Colour Her Fleet. Winner, bik @ by Roman Might -- Super- visor, by Boss Hoss. Pool $54,360. EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,100. Ciaim- ing, three-year-olds and up. One and one sixteenth Miles (8) Na , Fitz'ns 7.70 4.10 3.20 1-Bridal Music, Harris 3.10 2.40 7-Burnt Roman, Walsh 2.90 Also Ran in Order: Yancy, Dougs Chop, Vogel's Victor, Prince Bubi 'and Arthur H, Winner, 4k b or br ¢, by Nahar -- Hecub by Priam 2nd. Total Pool $416,613. 60| Attendance, 5,683, Brock Street North, Whitby), dear broth- er of Roy of Guelph; in his S4th year. | Resting at the W. Town Funeral DAILY, DOUBLE, 4 AND 6, PAID $20.90. Winner, dk b, or br g, by Menetrier -- WOODBINE | Chapel, Whitby, for service in the -chapel on Monday, October 4, at 2 p.m, Inter- ment Mount Lawn Cemetery, , Oshawa. "| (Visitors commencing 2 p.m. Saturday.) |\VAN DEN OETELAAR, Anna Lovise |In failing health for some time, at Weir by on Friday, October 1, 19 jLovise Schulte Ter Hardt, beloved pt of Henry Van Den Oetelaar, dear mother lof Mrs. J. Van Deri Hoogen (Barbara) of Pickering, Mrs. M. Hellings (Rena), Mrs. P. Brocks (Petra), Mrs. E. Bowen (Mar. Pool $32,666. THIRD RACE Purse $2,000. Claim in three-year-olds and up. 7 Furlongs ENTRIES MONDAY, OCT. 4 FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000. (3000). Claiming, maiden three. and four-year olds. 6 Furlongs. Twilight Tar, Hale 114 Canadian Rebel, Cuthbertson A-X106 Jive Dancer, Turcotte 614 \Shodan, Armstrong 114 Dixie Pet, Duran 11) |Currycomb, Inoyye 114 Allce H., Steve X111 Jet Invader, Leblanc 128 Brooktown, by Littletown. | yy pond On, Dittfach 7-Dave's Mistake, Harris 3Autumn Souvenir, Harrison Also Ran in Order: Victory Line, Les. | jack, pune, Knock Rummy and Roman 10.30 4.60 3.60 470 3.90 Dippe Winner, b g,:by Ponder -- Sail Cloth, by War Admir Pool $52,276. BLOW -- in loving memory of @ dear} FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,300, Claim- ling, three-year-olds. 4 Furiongs (7) 2-Andrea Inez, Walsh 9.60 4.80 3.40 |8-DQ-Take Notice, Ferro 4.50 3.40 7-Now | Wonder, Turcotte Also Ran in Order: Forever Pilot, Berno Miss, Peter Picker and Sterling Scholar, Q---Finished first but was disqualified and placed second Winner, dk b or br f, by Fleet Path -- irs Em Jay, by Windfields. |Pool $52,709. FIFTH RACE Purse $2,600. Two- yee fillles, Allowances. 61 Furlongs) "d eas Star, Harris |2B-Warm Reception, Inouye 16 -Gravel Pit, Ferro tina) of Bradford, Mrs. M. Oetelaar (Hermine) of Glen Robertson, Mrs. P. Van Drie! Trucy}, Chicago, U.S.A., John,' William, Ferdinand, Henry and) Loviwy, all of Whitby; in her 56th year. Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for Requiem Mass in St. John the Evangelist Church, Whitby, on Monday, October 4 at 10 a.m. Interment|© St. John's RC Cemetery. Rosary. Sunday | w, evening at 8 p.m. Visitors commencing | 7 p.m. Saturday. Kindness beyond Price, Te within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL |acanacia, atNouvette, grees of Ina 390 KING STREET WEST [Acs Cimbs°and JL Levesque Entry Telephone 728-6226 yet | 23.20 8.30 ree 3.20 as B--Windfields Farm Entry. Winner, b f, by Dark Star.-- Wonderful) You, by Brown King. Bosret, Bell B-X109 Born to Purple, Ferro X106 Scubalou, No Boy 116 Petite Maria, No Boy 111 Jericho Junction, Namba X114 Air Champ, Werry X14 Also Eligible: Windy Tiger, Sicchia Wh Wise Teddy, No Boy 114; Nordstern, Me Comb 114; Aboubah, Johnstone 119; Kerr Son, Cuthbertson A-X109; Susie Sweet, Harris B-111, A~--Mrs L Woodrow, Miss D. Woodrow and C W Kerr entry C. O'Leary, L G and e eal entry * SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,100 (4000). aiming, three-year-olds. 6 Furlongs. Saucy Question, Robinson 108 Strong Willed, Harrison 111 Lemartel, Harris 111 Souzen, Finley: X106 Little Red, Cuthbertson A-X109 Ki-D-Ka, Leblanc 116 Young Fashion, Walsh 106 To Glory, Inouye 113 Canisteo, No Boy 111 Free View, Cuthbertson Cretaceous, Harris 111 is A-K106 James | our sorrow, | WALTHAM ~ We wish to express our! LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral arrangements for all occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING SHOPPING 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE | _728- 6555 Everlasting Memorialization is almost possible with the MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER that we supply and install; Please call MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL' PARK 723-2633 OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS so| | who} Mrs. | And whispered 'Come home and rest".| shock | HANCE -- In loving memory of a dear| BRIDE'S QUILT By ALICE BROOKS Gain great satisfaction from leisure moments makes a precious, priceless quilt. Bride's Quilt -- old-time favor- ite, combines hearts, wedding- Make hearts same fabric. 7297: patch patterns; rings. Pattern directions THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for each pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of |The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft |Dept., 60 Front Street West, To- jronto. 1, Ontario. Ontario resi- jdents add le sales tax. Print Iplainly PATTERN NUMBER, |NAME, ADDRESS. NEW! GIANT 196 GRAFT CATALOG crochet fashions! more designs embroidery, afghans, quilts, toys, every- thing! Three free patterns print- jed in Catalog, Send 25c. Send for "Decorate with Needlecraft!"' 25 complete patterns \-- applique, pictures, pillows, more! Only 60c. Value! Deluxe Quilt Book -- 1f complete patterns. 60c. EEDLE- stars knit, Hundreds Pool $50,755. Ann's Reply, No Boy 113 | A--Mrs G_C McMacken entry | SIXTH RACE Purse $3,100. Allow-| THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,300 (5000) Jances, three-year-olds. One and oné-six-'Ciaiming, two-year-olds. About Fur. teenth Miles (5) longs on Turf course; 4 -Grand Galop, Fitz'ns 9.20 3.90 3.20! Smoky's Last, Ferro X109 1A-Feathery, Gomez 3.10 2.70) Sloppy Slippers, No Boy 10 |2 -Tie Pilot, Turcotte 3.10| Jubilance, No Boy 122 | Also Ran in Order: DQ-Queen's Birth-;Man in Flight, Inda 112 |day and ice Cold Silver Gus, Walsh 117 A--Dane Hill Acres Entry.. itserday, Nedeau 107 DQ--Finished second but was disqualified Valiey Town, Dittfach 109 and placed fourth Candy Feathers, Harris 109 QUINELLA, 4 AND IA, PAID $24.70. Clem Clam, Leblanc 114 Winner, b g, by Victoria Park -- Fair\Tinkie Jay, Turcotte 114 Colleen, by Preciptic. Royal Paul, Gomez 114 Pool $22,172. Quinella Pool $29,558 Silver Run, No Boy 117 FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,300. (5000). | SEVENTH RACE--Purse $2,200. Claim- Claiming, two-year-olds (Division of 3rd). jing. three-year-olds. One and one-six-/About 7 Furlongs on Turf course. lteenth Miles (8) \Asisee It, Ferro X14 |@-Roman Tribune, H'son 24.20 10.90 6.70/Red Salmon, Leblanc 112 | 5-Quiz Cadet, Armstrong §.50 4,40/Shut Out Queen, Harrison A-107 |3-Con-Jo, Finley 6.70 | Canadian Request, Duran 114 ! Also Ran in Orde That's Koura, McComb. 112 Ps sie ale Knight Out, Dittfach 112 Money Galore, No Boy 117 Fury's Brew, Werry X109 Vital Mahn, Cuthbertson X107 Broken Needle, Ferro X104 Squadru, No Boy 117 ava Jive, No Boy 112 sate Eligible: Gay Robin, Ne Boy A--C E Allan and $ Desnoyers ory, FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,400, (6500), Claiming, three-year-olds and up. wv Fur- Maytown, ongs. Golden Turkey, Harris A-110 Crispy Sue, Finley Z112 Apple, Gomez 123 Rubber Stamped, "abd A-118 Muskeg, Walsh 113 Raff's Pride, A---D G Farm entry (QUINELLA WAGERING) SIXTH RACE -- Purse $3,000. Allow- ances, three-year-olds and up, fillies ang mares. 6 Furlongs. Northern Doll, Harrison 118 Radar Site, Werry X118 Reagent, Gomez A-121 Belar Ctic, Johnstone 114 Royal Spirit, Leblanc 117 Mitzi's Folly, Gomez A-110 A--Willow, Downs Farm entry SEVENTH RACE Purse $2,700, ($12,000), Claiming, three-year-olds and up. 1 Mile on Marshall Turf course. Forest Rover, Ferro X110 Shook 2nd, Robinson A-116 Warriors Day, No Boy 113 Ky. Miracle, Harris 118 Winisteo, Turcotte 115 Mornins' Mornin, No Boy 119 Triumvirate, Dittfach 120 Uncle Blue, Leblanc A-123 Well To Do, Fitzsimmons 116 A-Bill Beasley entry OBITUARY FRANCIS JAMES GRANT Francis James Grant, a plant jprotection guard at General |Motors for eight years, died early today as a result of a | train accident on Thornton road south. He was 36. Born in Frankford, Ontario, Mr. Grant was the son of Mrs. Aletha Grant and the late Frank Grant. He lived most of his life in Oshawa. le was a sergeant and mem- |ber of the Ontario Regiment for a total of 20 years. He married the former Betty McKay in. Oshawa in 1949, There is one son, Francis, 12. Also surviving are- a sister, Dittfach 118 McClelland and Willow Gowns | | | | ZIP TWICE SKIRT! By ANNE ADAMS | ZIP once, pleat is oven! Zi jagain, pleat is closed! Sew with the big zipper to team this fascinating, two-way skirt with shirts and sweaters. Choose Mts. John Hales (Betty) of twill, tweed, flannel, Oshawa, and three brothers: Printed Pattern 4782: Girls') Donald, of Whitby, and Denton Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14. Size 10 takes | 2"4 William, both of Oshawa. 1% yards 35-inch nap fabric _ | Armistrong Funeral Home. The FORTY CENTS (40c.) in coins| Chapel service will be held Mon- (no stamps, please) for each] day, # Pe pie -- pag otlege" pattern. Ontario residents add) er) '4 Mi li h i h Ic. sales tax. Print plainly| St. atthew's Anglican church. " The body is resting at the SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS,/} STYLE NUMBER. {Interment will be in Oshawa Send order to ANNE ADAMS, | Union Cemetery. CARE OF The Oshawa Time Pattern Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. PRE T OPTOM cussion relating through association with cellent basis for persona Write to: LEWIS O You are invited to a frank and confidential dis- to your sions in various provinces and cities provide ex- PERSONAL ATTENTION GENERAL MANAGER 10% KING STREET WEST OSHAWA, ONTARIO BE TLERT to What's New! Send for excitement - packed Fall - Winter Pattern Catalog. 350 design views school INVESTMENT ONLY $4,900. career, glamor styles. Plus coupon for free pattern -- choose it from Catalog. SOc. These yoluable dinteaterehine with our aie toa hinsand juite @ peration. Backed by the largest, st suc~ cessful organization of its kind, it requires no previous experience, no overnight travel, no physical labor, no costly overhead. Because your business is vitol to the success of the small businessman in your com- munity you will be able to build @ position of professional esteem in ETRISTS potential and future us. Openings and expan- | development. PTICAL your i territory. Our rapid and successfu with a young vigorous org replies so that we may d bilities we can offer for velopment, q GENERAL OSHAWA, { Dispensing Opticians cellent opportunities throughout Canada for dis- pensing opticians who are anxious to associate Write to; PERSONAL ATTENTION | LEWIS OPTICAL 10% KING STREET WEST You benefit by the know-how and resources of a nationwide American compony, now entering its 30th year with over 300 distributers in 50 states, and Canada. What's more, we've just introducc' ex- clusive new technical Gdvanccs which have revolutionized our s vices. Your investment is a modest $4900, which can be entirely re- covered through earned production bonuses. Your income potential is exceptionally high, right from the stort, If you are interested in this new, substantial opportunity with an estoblished company, . write, without obligation PRESIDENT: Box 725 Oshawa Times | growth has opened ex- anization, We invite your iscuss with you the possi- pee growth and de- MANAGER ONTARIO