Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Oct 1965, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, 15> ; pa ot Seiewer 2, 1948 'TIT TAKES OVER AND MELTS THE VLISTENERS WITH ROMANTIC LATIN AMERIGN + Ae Aas Love SONSS, new vivre COR THE NAVY) Setursey, i 1 Ae wey oaths pins em L ene ov LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES ~ TH THE AIR CORPS . TURNED ME AND Trice Re 49.999, 99F Clever, yes !!-But 8 poor substitute - for the human Z a TEN CENTS. \| ¢ AN! YOU CAN TAKE YOUR PICK. Siig atte ah De ae GOING OME TI om AWAY-- BACK WHERE I ad AN' LEAVE THE SHOW Now? } YOU CAN'T! : 'ii ! THE LONE RANGER WANT To BE ME BLACKJACK? CAPTAIN -eveel GOT INFORMATION OF A BREAK COMIN' UP GOOUNEsos, SOMETHING IS BURNING IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD LATER |¥ Mammoth DEPT, STOR WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU REALLY GO SHOPPING? [3s M HE CAN'T 17> BiLt eee eet UT SADDENE! 2 ¥ Ll BERT BALL'S DEA ENJOY IT UN SPECIAL MISSION « « « oO eS _ aa) SET, 222 GRIMLY» BIS: f Tas Ay Mave EAD ! -~v' 1 EYEING HIS LEWIS MACHING BISHOP SETS HIMSELF A ATTACK, A. GERMAN AERODROME SINGLE ~ HANDED rn NOW TO FILL IT WITHA PAIR OF ACES ~~ THE KID AND THAT. operas, SECRET AGENT X9 DONALD DUCK *- OVER A HERE, FITZPATRICK/ WERE GOING = AFTER WE FAKE CARB OF THE TWO as! BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER ' (Top record-holder in Mesters' Individuel Championship Plev) South dealer, Both sides vulnerable. Declarer's. chief danger in many hands is an attitude of complacency when the contract appears easy to make. d, declarer should be Inet. I uy THE BOSS HAS A CRUISER TIED UP AT YACHT BASIN. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO MAKE A DEAL TO TAKE on the lookout in such hands for something unexpected to hap- pen and take all appropriate measures possible to guard against unusual distribution of the adverse cards. The price of good dummy play is eternal vigilance. South got to four spades and he could normally expect to take either ten or eleven tricks. When dummy came down, the 'contract looked cold as a mack- erel. But West had doubled four spades and South failed to pay heed to the danger implicit in the double. He should have realized that there was a good chance of a 5-0 trump division. He ruffed the heart lead and led the king of spades, West refusing the trick as East showed out. West then took the queen of spades and played the lqueen of hearts. Too late South became aware of his difficul- ties and discarded a diamond When West then continued with a heart, overtaken with the ace, South discarded a club. But the ten of hearts play. now fixed South's wagon : repair. South had to ruff, cub. ting his trump length to twe. des while West still had/ three, and he had to go dowm. one. ° Declarer could have made: the hand had he carefully: weighed the significance of. 3. Consttlla- tion 4. Salt 5. Ladder part 6. Mountain lake %. Worn away 8, Term in solo whist ACROSS 1, Wallabas: Braz. 5. Branch 9. Nurse 12, Dismay 13, Stood up 14, Breach 15, An ash 9, Confined 16, South 11, Mountain American pools republic 15. Pampers 19. Before 17. Affected 20, Shattered cough SEAM 21. Eve's = . fer Uy gardener [alr MAinIT SiMe 23. God- Be gid OOo INAIPIEMMOIRIEIE INS) healing anit ABS iL Al 24, Contains [aicle Mm (Tic ini [1] [S|AMMOLR IE | 25. Biblical [Ti MAIN Yesterday's Answer 82. Lock of hair 34, Level 87. Resort 38, Hem and 21, Soft drinks vee 22, Concluded P $1, Swedish eoin 82. White ant 87. Gloss 39. Keeps 40, Velvetiike cloth 4.1 d 2 LOST MY HEART TO PAUL GUARDIAN--AND MY SBLF-RESPECT TO YOU COFFEB. WELL, WHAT TOGIVEF ACUP OF DINER, HAS AGIRL [Tt CAN'T TELL WHETHER IT'6 COMING FROM AN INCINERATOR... WELL, LAST WEEK I SENT IN AN APPLICATION FOR A CREDIT |. OR ROY, NEXT DOOR, IS BROILING STEAKS AGAIN ON HIS CHARCOAL GRILL/ 42, Intimidates DOWN 1 Peruvian YOUR HEALTH Most Malaria Dear Dr. Molner: I have heard that a person who has had malaria should not donate blood, But why not, if it doesn't show up in a blood test?-- Mrs, R. H. Malaria is essentially a dis- ease involving parasitic germs which get into the blood stream. Growth of these parasites oc- curs in cycles. When the growth becomes excessive, you have the sudden chills and fever of malaria. Most types of malaria can be treated very effectively, but there remains the chance that some of the parasites may be lurking rather dormantly in the blood stream. Should they, by way of trans- fusion, be transferred to some other person who has not had malaria, they can multiply and touch off a full-blown case of the disease. It is unpleasant to think of passing malaria on to someone else by such an accident. But it is even more unpleasant to think of passing the disease on Can Be Treated By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD te someone who already is very ill or is suffering from serious wounds, The safe thing ia not to accept blood from people who have had malaria. I agree that tests may not always reveal the disease, but those who have had it should not be donors. Giving blood when one knows he or she has had malaria is, I'm afraid, a little too much like giving lead nickels to a blind man. Dear Dr. Molner: I recently heard that birth control pills can cause unborn children to be deformed, Is this true?--Mrs, P..G; No, this has not been proved. | Personal note to Mrs. J. R.; Your "shakes" that vanish after. you eat may well be nerves, aS you suggest in your letter, but I think it would be well worthwhile to investigate as to whether hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) might be in- volved, too. A combination of causes, such as hypoglycemia and nervousness, should also be considered. TELEVISION LOG Channet Channel Channel Channel Channel 2--Bufiale a-Barrie 4+--Buffalo ¢é--Toronto 1--Buftalo Channel &--Rochester Channe! 9--Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton commerce ace SATURDAY GV6. 6:00 PM Vi--Flipper 9---Voyage To Tha Bottom Of The Sea 7--World of Spots é--Countrytime 4--Wrestiing 3-Shindig 2----Checkmate es PLM, li--Donna Reed 7--Shindig 6--U.N. Review 3---Musical Showcase @ P.M. 1-4-43--News; Weather; te > 1:00 P.M, W--Mickie-A-Go-Go 9--Jackie Gleason 7--Big Show of the Week| 11--Spotlight | 63--Beverly Hillbillies 4-UB Round Table Panel! 8--My Little Margie S--Heve Gun Whi Travel| 7---Sunday Playhouse nm PA ¢2--Fiipper 6--friais of O'Brien 4--Jackie Gleason McHale's Navy 6:00 P.M. Vi--Clvb 1} Dance Party. %-Academy Performance 8-2--1 Dream of Jeannie a-Lets Sing Out in PM $2--Get Smart 7--Lawrence Welk Show 6-3--Great Movies 4--Trials of O'Brien 9:00 PL, W--Great Music 88--Movie 1:9) Pm. 4-The Loner T--Hollywood, Palace 10:00 PA, NW--Polka Party 9--Run For Your Lite 4--Gunsmoke 10:38 PA, Ni--Breckbuster 7--The King Family 6-3--Juliette ite PL €3--CFL Footbali Ottawa at Calagary V44-/-6-4-3-2--News) Weathers Ts Pm. NW-Block Buster Com tinued Metre Final é-Night Metre @2--Saturday Night af Movies 1:78 Pm, 7-439--Late Show 6--Sports his Pm Movie 1:48 PLM. %Answering Service Feature Showcase SUNDAY 9:00 A.M, Cathedral Chimes %--Tides and Trails 7--Shenanigans 8--B'wane Don 1: AM. N--itallan Journal 9%--Cartoon Playhouse 7--Rocketship 7 4--Uncle Jerry's: Club 3-The Answer 10:08 AM -Carasello &-Heraid of Truth 6--Sunday School 4-Lamp Unto My Feet Church invitatien 10:38 A.M. 1I--OHA Jr, A Hockey 6--Extension 2-This Is The Life This is Fhe Lite, 7--Buliwinkie Show é--Great Show Music + Niee | 2-Frontiers Of Faltth n 9--Fiying 8--The 'Christophers 7--Discovery '66 12:99 BOON 9--Italian 6--Jack-In-Box t) 1--Top Cat &--Felix 4--Congre 2--Siience 12:38 PAA. He-Let's Talk With Father | &My He 6---Terines 4--Living 3--Fil m Family Pisynouse LE |1}--Continental Miniature | 9--Spectri | 4-Ted Mack | 8--Meet Sir Fr 1 | 9--Movie | 6-3--Coun | 10 | 11--Micki¢-A-Go-Go 8--~Eurnpe 6--World 4---NFL 2-AFL Football 3:00 P. N--Club 11 Dance Party 8--Movie 7--ABC Scope 63--World 2-AFL Footbail 330 9--CFL Football 9--B Hamiit +3--Movie 7--Dialogue a: 11---Top Cat +News) 9--AMOS ¢2--Disney"s Workd @ Color 63--Flash eae iy Faverite Martion 6:08 P.M. 7--The FBI 643---Ed LP \--Specia! 9--Dr, KI |+2--Branded 4--Perry 9:30 PLM, 9--Peyton 10; 8-2--Wack Navy 6-3--This Seven 4-Candid Sports 8--Movie 7--Challen 4:30 Pim. li-Tiny Talent Time 7--Polka 63--Sight 4-Film $100 PLM. V--Family 63--Nature of Things 4--Gadabout Gaddis @--Hudson 2--GE Coliege Gaowi tee 8 #, T--Big Show of the Week 6---Hymna 4--Travel 3--Movie ar %--Walt Di | 6--Perry Mason 4--Twentieth Century B-Meet The wrese 6:38 P.M. ll--Lost In Space 3--Filoper 4--Hazel 2-Bell Telephone: Hour | 100 P.M te Pm. 63--Hank 0 AM 4--Lessle . 1:30 Om Fisherman 1l--Wiid West tore P.M ll--College Football 4---Whal's My Line 11:08 P.M. | 47-43-93 --Newes Weather, Sports ine ca 11:28 P.M, T-43---Late Show Piease Award theatre t--Metre Final 11:38 PLM, ere |1l-8--News -- Weather Ce wicnie 6--International Cinema Word 1:40 PLM, 1i--This Space Age $--Dougias Fisher MONDAY 6:08 AM, 1}--Schnitzel House @--Captain Kangaree '8:30 AM, j Remon Roam 9:08 A.M, Album TV 218 Pe P.M. um The Press ancis Drake 3 PLM, |}1--Topper 9--Piaytime with Uncle Bobby J--Dialing tor Dollers Girl Talk 4--Mike's Carnival 2--Mickey Mouse Club 2:38 AM, N--Ed Allen 4--Gypsy Rose Lee Show Ann Southern Show 16:08 A.M, li--Nurses #2--Truth or Consequences 4--| Love Lucy 10:38 A.M, Ingo §-2--What's This Song 7--Donna Reed 4--The McCoys 100 AM. 11----Bonnie Prudden 9--Mr. and Mrs. #-2--Concentration 7--The Young Set | 4--Andy of Mayberry 11:38 AM, li--Albert J. Steed 9--Abracadaba $-2--Jeopardy 4~--Dick Van Dyke Show 12:08 NOOR 9--Toronta Today 2-2--Call My Bluff 7--Money Movie é--Luncheon Date 4--News and Weather 12:18 P.M. 4--Speaxer of the Moves 2:08 PLM. 9-1 Love Lucy 2--I'll Bet 6-4--Seach for Tomorrow 3--Noonday Report ~ 12:48 PLM. l--Racing Forum &4--Gulding Light 1:08 P.M, ge | 1--Theatre | James Beard Show | Matinee | 7--Ben Casey é--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers Movie 2-Mike Dovgles Show hie P.M. 9--Sergeant Bliko 64--As Tho World Turns try Calendar PM Of Sport Football MM. of Sport P.M, ion at Winnipeg 08 PLM. Weather Burke back Sulliven Show 30 P.M. Movie dare oo Pm. Mason Piace oo PM, lest Ship In The Hour Has Days Camere Time and Cast Theatre Bay PLM. eM. %Kids is People 7--Nurses Sing 6--Movie Matinee Film 6-4--Password | a-Moment Of Truth i | 2:18 P. isney Presents | *-Dear Charlotte 1:30 P.M. %--People in Conflict &8--The Dostors 7--A Time For Us ¢6-Zane Grey Theatre 4--Linkletter's Party Movie 400 P.M. Donna Reed | %-Please Don't Eat The) 9--Fractured Phrases Daisie: ae s &2---Another World Yo The Bottom! 7--@efltral rospitel Sea | 4--Pope Paul Vi West's double. Since the only danger lay in the possibility of West's having all five trumps, South should have gi against it, He should have discarded @ diamond on 'the opening heart® lead, since the diamond was an epentual loser in any case. And' he should likewise discard "a" club on the heart continuation,' the purpose being to exhaust" West of hearts, if possible, He could then ruff the third. heart lead and force out the 'ace of spades. This method of play would have earned him ten, tricks -- five spades, two dia- monds and three clubs. One Healthy Boy | For Dead 7's Ma UPPSALA, Sweden (Reuters) A Swedish woman who had still bern septuplets last year after hormone treatment for sterility has given birth to a healthy son after a second dose of the treat- ment, Uppsala University Hos- pital said Thursday. A spokesman said Mrs, Britt- Louise Eriksson, 31, of Stock. holm, received the treatment from Prof, Carl-Axel Gemzelk the Swedish gynaecologist who developed the hormones used. ° Gemzell, 54, said he had been concerned that Mrs. Eriksson's treatment might have produced the same result as last year, but it was successful and the birth was free of complications, Super-Reserve McNamara Aim WASHINGTON (AP) -- De- fence Secretary McNamara Thursday designated 982 units, chiefly in the U.S. Army Na- tional Guard, for a 145,000-man select force which will be brought to the "highest possi- ble state of combat readiness," It is part of a plan that fols, lows the lines of key features' in a controversial proposal te merge the army reserve with: the army national guard. That; merger was banned by Cons, gress, but McNamara said the force announced Thursday ig' possible under existing law. SALLY'S SALLIES ~~ "Maybe I didn't have a rag on my back when I married you, but I've got plenty of them 2 * pow? ft Bowery

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