Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Sep 1965, p. 10

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| of the Largest Display of Royal Doulton Ever Shown in Oshawa I This Important Occasion, the Anniversary of World Famous ROYAL DOULTON, Is Being Fittingly Commemorated by a Showing of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer D,|Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 395 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, September 25, 1965 Mann, Maple Grove, The wed-|species of fly, the steel - blue Jury & Lovell Invite Prior to her marriage recently|other bridesmaid, Those pour: $100.00 Mrs. Humphrey will be in our Downtown Store tained at several showers,|/Perth Ontario, Mrs, Thomas oid RITION RO. 6. ed at a trousseau tea in her; Mrs, Murdoch M. Graham, @ , 29th, 20th, ond OCT, Ist. daughter's honor at their home|sister of the future bridegroom 7 H f FO & D) p a A N a H AT oar To receive the bride-elect was|Glenforest street. They were as- sage. Her mother was wearing) Mrs, Reginald White held a The prospective bridegroom's The maid of honor, Miss Susan a similar corsage. the bride - to - be, and brides- ® shower Ly room was in thel) ideelect. " , Mi THE SKIRL of Scottish only daughter of Mr, and |the wedding gift room Mee chen acer tar peibers Of Northminster United Church -- bridegroom is the son of Lounds, the maid of honor. Oshawa Times office, Early publication of this wedding submitted by their secretaries. possible after the ceremony, You are asked to submit the |canadiennes Francaises held|Stanley Gomme volunteered to | SOCIAL NOTICES 1 LILES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE |p.m, in the Church of Jesus : Pollard, Courtice, wish to an-|McCowan avenue, Scarborough, nounce the forthcoming mar-|Ontario. riage of their daughter, Lynda Joan, to David Roy Mann, son FLY SPANS INCHES of Mr, and Mrs. Samuel R.| The largest of the world's 80 ding will take place on Satur-jrobber fly, has a wingspan of consult Bonni Ki h I H day, October 23, 1965 at 4,3013% inches. : you to come in ond Y e€ Kenoe 1s onored RET HUMPHRE : a icin At Trousseau Tea, Showers We Guarantee to naira geo : SAVE YOU Clb don one Sn ET to Ronald Frederick Simcoe,|ing tea were the future bride's FOOD CLUB wa Miss Bonnie Kehoe was enter-|grandmother, Mrs. Alex Kehoe, ON YOUR ANNUAL FOOD COST 8 KING STREET EAST, OSHA' ¥ DA parties and teas, Goreski and Mrs. James PHONE 723-1163 RSDAY AND FRI Mrs, Ernest Kehoe entertain-| Hickey, WEDNESDAY, THU im, to 6 Bm on Wychwood sirest Rin meet and his mother, Mrs. John sim- ne ess. was as y Mrs, Cyriljcoe held a miscellaneous show- 'Thomson er at Mrs, Graham's home 0a HAS PROVEN ITSELF wearing a green and blue florallsisted by Mrs. Elmer Hardy, dress with a pink carnation cor-|Belleville, another sister. a royal blue brocade dress with)miscellaneous shower at her a corsage of white carnations.|)):,¢ on Marland avenue, mother, Mrs. John Simcoe, was . Lounds, Miss Gail Kehoe, and wearing a beige lace dress with) 715. Pamela Kehoe, sisters of The guest book was kept by| aids, held a miscellaneous Mrs. Robert Young and the shower at the home of the charge of one of the bridal at- % ite;| Mrs. Morley Allin opened her tendants, Mrs. Reginald Wire home on Woodcrest street for @ bagpipes ushered Mr, and Mrs, John Breingan Mc- |Gail Kehoe, a bridesmaid; and ; Mrs. David Parsons from Clelland, Oshawa, and her |the trousseau room, Miss Susan the bride-to-be. She was assisted by Mrs. Henry Segers. jast Saturday afternoon Mrs. Frederick Harrison |* Those serving were the bride-| Friends of the prospective) | following their wedding, Parson, St. Mary's Ontario, Jelect's aunt, Mrs. Edward|bridegroom from the City Hall) || The bride is the former and the late Mr. Parson. Brown, Miss Sharon Goresklpresented him with a card table} |)|| Barbara Joy McClelland, Aldsworth Photography |and Miss Pamela Kehoe, an-'and chairs. Arecord for your Wedding Album is provided by The Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and FFCF foratin , ' ¥ g and timely party hints. a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as La Federation des Femmes|Mrs. Kenneth Suddard and Mrs. names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the |its first meeting of the season|joperate the nursery which will be open that day. Mrs, Hugh Tuesday evening with Mrs. social editor either before or the day after the wedding. path -- we ve Pb le a geal Th wg Tig The president welcomed|quirements for the dessert Parsons-McClelland everyone, especially Mrs, Ben- luncheon and the forthcoming jamin Michaud, the regional wedding. resident, and three members| Dates of interest announced Northminster United Churchjto New York City, the bridejof the Toronto section. by Mrs. Perry were the general was the setting for the marriage) was wearing an original sheath} Mrs. Yvon Leger, welfare|\UCW meeting, October 14 at of Barbar Joy, only daugher of/dress and matching cape coat iniconvener, thanked the mem- 8:00 p.m.; the annual turkey Mr, and Mrs. John Breinganjantique white wool worstedibers who contributed to the/supper, Saturday, October 23 | j McClelland, Oshawa, to Davidicrepe with Italian amber and)penny saving every month, forjand the October meeting of the j = A E 5 S ' Richard Parson, son of Mrs.|/gold accessories and a corsage|the missions and for the used|Fellowship Unit, October 19 m xtensive elections of Hc pear gsr Lg ve "= of orange delight roses, On their|clothing which she had sent -- will be a thankoffering ; y "s Ontario a e r.jreturn, Mr. and Mrs, Parsons/recently. service. a, a ; reo oe Mrs, Charles Tanguay, C°D-) paUGHTERS OF ENGLAND ' | Decorative Pieces and Dinnerware... The officiating clergymen at] Guests were present at thejvener of the lucky luncheon,| "rhe first meeting of the "HAMPTON COURT" is a new pattern inspired by the decorative formality of 18th Exhibition Piecesand Collector's Items, Superb Objets d'Art, the double-ring ceremony was t, D orted that it has been a the doubleing 'caremony vaslwedding from &t. Mary's Low reported Daughters of England was held Brought Together for Your low. The soloist, Mrs. Ronald|peterborough, Chatham, Brant-| The section donated a trophy|qrange Temple Precetine the Kellington, was accompanied|ford, Barrie, Uderton, Whitby,|to the children at Corpus Christ!| meeting a pot-luck supper was by Mr. Kellington. Pickering and Bowmanville, [school for sports activities. It}joiq, Enjoyment in century styling. Foliage in soft white, on panels of lovely blue. The skirl of Scottish bagpipes greeted the couple as they left the church. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a self- made, formal eleeveless gown of silk organza over faille with a bell skirt, fitted bodice and oval neckline and a waist-length Mrs. David Parsons Feted At Showers Prior To Wedding Se ith Big my | 'The president, Kate Glover, Ceaees ar the tan thet Wil beleeeeee one welcomed | the Served at the opening of the/membérs ack after the sum- Church of St. Mary of the|e" recess. Worthy vice-presi- ' dent, Nancy Murrall, assisted. People in October. Chai plain Sarah Vande Walker It was announced that Mr8.\104 the devotional period. Yvon Gilbert would have A report on flowers sent to French Christmas cards and sce Gad bereaved mambots 5-Piece Place Setting $10.50 Bas Aehtsr iw Chantil- calendars, as in the past. Prior to her marriage last| oO, th uest of Mrs.|Was given by Florence Turner. ly lace. Her crown of seed pearls|<aturday to Mr. David Richard RF Gg aectied| Letters of thanks were read by and crystal beads held her soattent veil of silk ilusion and|eeT#ems Miss Barbara Joy Mc hold the regional 1965 Con- oe McDonald as was corre- she carried her nurse's white Clelland was honored at Sev-|oroc5 in Oshawa, on November spondence from Grand Lodge. testament covered with Chan-|°"*! pre-nuptial events. 7, The regional congress is for], o invitation to attend the tilly lace on which rested a| A. miscellaneous shower wasiToronto, Kingston and Oshawa He anniversary of the DOE spray of gardenias, stephanotis|held by Mrs. James Lonergan,jsections, Under Mrs. Michaud's|-0dge at Hamilton was dis- and white heather, sent from|assisted by Mrs, Williamidirection, the members of the|cussed. It was announced that Scotland especially for the occa-|Miners, Mrs, Jack Luke, andlexecutive will be in charge of Worthy Grand Lodge officers sion. Mrs, Joseph Formosa. the preparations. ivory visiting at the next Th id-of honor was Miss Mrs, William J. McClelland,| The Reverend Norbert Gignac|"",, >° Betty. eS Se ceaivtle, Miss Betty Carswell and Miss|in his spiritual address urged), es a penny sale will be ¥ \ Softly subtle green and and the other attendants were Jill McClelland, the bridal at-jall to pray for the salvation of a on -- October 19, t gold' ageinet- 0 beck: Miss Jill McClelland, and Mrs,|tendants, held a crystal show-|this troubled world, He asked|m' memooe asked that maa, \S ground of snowy. white William J. McClelland, both of|¢t. The bride-elect received|the members to set an example e onations be brought in y scroll - shoped bone Oshawa. They were identically)many pieces of her chosen in being good mothers and good pee ly. Nancy Murrull is in J china... the ultimate dressed in sleeveless gowns of|crystal. Christian women. Mills ge of tickets; Winnifred : in distinetion for tradi- Sandalwood crystal over gold| A miscellaneous shower was|,,Mrs. Aleide Lecher showed a| 70 ig and Doreen Ladd, \ po or contemporary faille designed similar to the|held by Mrs. Manson McCabe, iim that Mrs. Michaud had oThe S. , ings. bfide's. Their headdresses werelassisted by Mrs, Stanley Hoard taken at the 1963 Regional Con-| al 4 pee pe matching Tom Jones bows andjand Miss Cathy McCabe. gress in Toronto. A_ social gicisck share. "ainceie! pe a Safasa From its beginnings in Lambeth in England in 1815 they carried colonial nosegays| Mrs, Eric Atkins held a mis-(Period) | Tae formal. i ' ar Place Set this internationally famous firm has grown into one o of yellow shasta chrysanthe-lcellaneous shower at her home,| sir, gti opel amma ais : : ce Setting England's largest and most versatile pottery companies. mums and orange delight roseS./assisted by Miss Doreen Mill- 4 A DORCAS GROUP $25.95 BASSETT'S JEWELLERS present an exciting showing, bee eed displaying the scope and imagination of this outstanding The best man was Mr. Jamesison, Those attending were the] CHRIST MEMCRIAL WA roya Purdue, London, Ontario, and/cjass of '57 of the Oshawa Gen- (Martha Branch) The opening meeting of the firm from magnificent pieces for collectors and ity to the charming decorative figurines and dinnerware LA a or ees OR ge sa ge ya oo Mrs. J. M. Greer opened her aed Group of First Baptist ( ; " S @home for the September mect- thurch was held at the church, nes oye bald bathe mene. ing of the Martha Branch,|Tuesday evening in the form styled to grace your home, Don't miss it ! Church Hall, the bride's mother Following the rehearsal, the|women's Auxiliary of Christ of a pot-luck supper. sated "sheath of royal bridal party was entertained by|Memorial Church. The _presi- Tickets for the luncheon to blue crepe with matching ac- Mr. and Mrs. John McClellandident, Mrs, W. H. Gibblie, re-/be held at the church on Octo- cessories and a corsage of red at their home on Central Park|ported on the annual Deanery|ber 18, at 1.00 p.m., were on rosebuds. The bridegroom's boulevard north. meeting held in St. George's sale and will be available from mother. assisted, wearing a church, Oshawa, last June, the president, Mrs, Fred Crome, three-piece blue knit suit with) WATER NEEDS WATCHING | A Dill for gardening the 106 Jones avenue. eee Oe Sr ck sl Bammer ont church grounds was accepted| It was decided that the Octo- y nd mer cottage. water SUPPIY|i,. payment. Volunteers were|ber meeting would be a night corsage of pink rosebuds. needs testin: As the couple left on a honey-|if it has always ay 'rnown t requested to help at Hillsdale|of bowling under the direction moon through New York Statelbe pure before. Manor on October 7. If any|0f Mrs. Ronald Trewin's group. @ OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE @ AND DOWNTOWN STORE DATE OF EXHIBIT Sept. 27th to Oct. 2 ROYAL DOULTON members would like to give| Mrs, Hugh. Gannon and Mrs, fruits or vegetables for deco-|Charles Prosser led the devo- rating the church on harvest/tion period taking the theme Sunday, October 3, they would|'Rededication" based on the be greatly appreciated. poem "Jesus Loved a Lake." Conveners Mrs. G. A. Fletch- KNOX WMS er and Mrs. A. R. Garrett ask- ed for articles for the nearly) «7, (Afternoon Auxiliary) new sale being held on October} , » e regular meeting of the 15. All members were asked to|Afternoon Auxiliary | of. the help as much as possible on Women's Missionary Society of the Wednesday, Thursday and Knox Presbyterian Church was Friday of the sale week. It was held Tuesday, in the form of a i " | announced that the next meet- dessert luncheon, convened by MIRAMONT | WIN A FIVE-PIECE ROYAL DOULTON PLACE SET- TING by simply filling out a ballot form at either BASSETT'S J ELLERS, with your pattern choice and | ing would be held on October|Mrs. Jack Taylor. The meeting Created by Royal Doulton on a dist our mame and address, (No purchase necessary). A 27. opened with a poem by Mrs, y a distinctive modern shape, in all eautiful Five-piece Place Setting will be pd served by, Mrs. 1, K. Mac. gad op the president,| |! the colors of nature at its best. || each day of the show, and on the final day there will jonald an rs, James Me- wget i] : o || be ial di f all ballots f Sirs. Jen Dieyosia and an < : | a special draw of a lots for a complete set of Cansh, Neil. MacDonaid. ore bay 5-Piece Place Setting $9.50 \|| four Place Settings of your choice. KING STREET UCW (4) |"How Great Thou Art," accom- Taking the theme "Humility", |Panied by Mrs. David Douglas Mrs, William Edwards led the|@t the piano. members of the Fellowship Unit} The highlight of the meeting (4) of King Street United Church|WaS the guest missionary, Mrs, os Women in worship: when theyessie Murray, Toronto, who met in the lounge of the church had served in India with her 7 M ARRY N recently to begin the fall and husband for 30 years. She show- 0 I SCARBOROUGH jwinter meetings. Assisting were woh sage ed of age picture iMrs.. Harold Cameron, Mrs,|Sii¢es, along with commentary,} ||| The .Church of Jesus parents, Mr. and Mrs. |Frank Ball and Mrs. Thomas/of the Bhil Fields and orbhan: OSHAWA DOWNTOWN SHOPPING 1 SIMCOE Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Elmer D. Pollard, Courtice, |Goch. age, schools and church in 4 CENTRE STREET SOUTH McCowan avenue, Scar- The prospective bridegroom The September 29 Dessert|Armkhut, India; Also how the ™m BPALLMARK OF QUALITY Don't Miss This Exciting Display at borough, will be the setting luncheon headed the list of busi-|Bhils are being educated to be for the marriage of Miss is the son of Mr, and Mrs. [ness items discussed by group/come nurses, doctors, ministers Lynda Joan Pollard to Samuel R. Mann, Maple fleader, Mrs. Jack Perry, Mrs.jand are becoming Christians, David Roy Mann, according Gtove, The wedding will [Vernon Osborne reported that} Mrs. Donald Polson thanked to an announcement made take place on Saturday, |the guest speakers would dis- the \ speaker for coming to today, by Miss Pollard's October 23. cuss and demonstrate cake dec:|Oshawa.

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