Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Sep 1965, p. 5

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DOMINION STORES PRESENT $2,000 TO HOSPITAL Thursday afternoon, The gift, $2,000 was presented to hospital board officials on behalf of both the Whitby Plaza and K-Mart Plaza Dominion Stores Co, of Can- ada. In the above photo, Marking .a_ progressive step in the campaign for funds for the Whitby Gen- eral Hospital, the first cor- porate gift from an out of town firm was presented Whitby Curling Club Installs Base For Ice WHITBY (Staff) --Serving as| a guinea pig in one sense, butifrom the ice with the definite hope of suc-|into the sand floor. The object is to prevent frost surface passing When ing Club has authorized installa- tendency to buckle slightly mak- tion of a new product at its ing accurate delivery of stones curling centre. extremely difficult. The new product, manufac-| Workmen employed with C factured by Corplastics Canada) W. King, a Jocal contractor, are Ltd., Ajax, is known as Styro- laying polyethelene on top of lite. It is designed to keep the| the styrolite after which freez- curling rink's ice surface from ing pipes will be set in place. buckling and sloping off. The pipes are then covered The principal behind the new with more sand and a fine spray innovation is actually quite of water spread over the entire simple. The styrolite is placed floor to seal or 'crisp' the sur- over the sand floor of the rink face. One half thickness of ice in layers, four inches thick, with)is then built up for the actual joints staggered every two feet.! curling to begin. Chairman's Resignation Accepted By School Board j qj WHIBTY' -- At a special meet-| ciation for the privilege of sery-| awarded by Clarke Township ing of the Whitby Public School| ing as a board member and as| Council to W. B. Bennett Paving Board held Sept. 22, the board| chairman, He expressed regret! Ltd., of Oshaw accepted with regret the resig-| at leaving his colleagues and the) of asph Trustee many challenges posed by a de- township shed nort nation of chairman, Kenneth Hobbs. In accepting Dr. Hobb's resig- nation, Trustee McFarlane ex-) pressed the unanimous feeling of the board by praising the chairman for his energetic lead- ership of the board during the past two years. Mr. McFarlane noted that many accomplishments of the board during this period have been directly related to Trustee Hobbs' energy and initiative and that his loss will be felt deeply by the whole board. } The board then passed the fol- lowing resolution unanimously: "That the Whitby Public School Board accept the resig- nation of Trustee Kenneth Hobbs with regret and that a let- ter of appreciation for his lead- ership and untiring efforts on behalf of the board be sent to him with all good wishes." In his letter of resignation and his remarks to the board, Trus- tee Hobbs expressed his appre Bentley Is New Planner WHITBY (Staff) -- Reinforc- ing the Whitby Planning Board, W. G. Bentley, 904 Wainut st Whitby, will soon join the board, replacing Desmond Newman.| Mr, Newman recently resigned! as a town planner to run for mayor of the town. A resident of the community for the past eight years, Mr. Bentley suggested he may be able to provide a service to community from = experience gained through his full-time employment. The new planner is currently chief property of- ficer, employed with the On- tario Department of Works. Realizing difficult veloping educational system. Dr. Hobbs expressed satisfac-| dick and Church sts. in Orono, | Fletcher tion with the accomplishments of the board during his tenure) Ganaraska this'a member of the cessful results, the Whitby Curl-| happens the top surface has a stated, "We hope to have one Of\tendance. The president, Mrs.|Mrs. H. Winter, 914%; Mrs. P.| Pre. De. salah vats, Sider duane 24,1965 § Many Activities Planned By Presbyterian Women WHITBY ~The Presby#rian;Sarles gave an interesting Women of St. Andrew's Church) meditation on "Humility and held their association meeting Love." Mrs. W. J. §. McClure hurch hall. The presi- a ton Ferd wor closed this part of the meeting ed the meeting with a passage! with prayer. from 'Everyday Devotions," Group No. 5 displayed a quilt Group No. 4 was in charge of the devotional with Mrs. Car- man Sarles opening with pray- er. The ladies were favored with aysolo, '"'Come Feed the Birds" and 'I Love to Tell the Story" by Ronald McClure, ac- companied at the piano by his it made this summer for the Penmarvin Presbyterian Home in Paris. Mrs. Warren Mowat gave a report from the bazaar commit- tee, reporting that at the next group meeting each member would be asked to bring an Mart Dominion Store; George Plummer, hospital director; William (Bill) Moffatt, Whitby Plaza, Do- minion Store and Joe Otten- principals involved in the presentation, left to right, are: Dr. Kenneth Hobbs, chairman of both the prop- erty and building commit- tees of the hospital; Bert McCarl, manager of the K- gc peng rina read) 2tticle worth 25 cents for the the scripture and Mrs. Carman Pag Pog soni a Boye ie cosa peg ga 4, Mer be ; istributed at the same time. Infant Baptism Neon 9 te s the play, "Too Little For Milo," Service Planned to be presented in the church WHITBY -- Mrs. M. A. Price,| Oct. 17. The acting will be done president of the United Church|by the Island Players from Women, read the lesson at the| Toronto. morning service in St. Mark's Mrs. George Thwaites intro- United Church last Sunday. The| duced a thought-provoking film choir sang the anthem "O Singjentitled, "Moment to Act, a New Song". | which dealt with the rehabili- The sacrament of infant bap-|tation problems of a_ person tism will be observed this Sun-| who had spent some time in a day. At the same service the) mental hospital. brite, hospital director. Religion and Life Emblems will) The guest speaker was Miss --Oshawa Times Photo |be presented to the Wold Cubs/| Beryl Bassingthwaites from the} aera. ------=|and Boy Scouts who last year| White Cross Centre in Oshawa. | a |completed the requirements. She told of her work there and Institute To _-- ---- explained that ine people who s ; come there muc er- | ' . Whitby Duplicate | standing, warmth and security | Aid Hos ital 5 M |but most of all friendship. p | Bridge Winners |Mrs. Alec Andrews thanked the | wur * i) and | speaker for the insight she gave | WHITBY -- The first fall and) Fieht tables were in play at|the ladies on this subject. | winter season meeting of the|the gathering of the Whitby} Refreshments were served by Whitby Women's Institute was} fe ape Bridge Club, The win-| Group = 5. SE Arad peng J sday g ners and high scores were: tion meeting will be held in the "Everyone will be eager to held Wednesday shdelargte oh at North ont South -- Mr, and| church hall in the form of a) see how this works," S. J. Muir, |home of Mrs, Earl Ward, Mary) yg, Wells, 95; Mr..and Mrs.|dinner meeting at 6.30 p.m.,| local club,|st., with a very good at-|M, Wutchinson and Mr. and/|Dec. 13. Older Homes Required H. KEITH LTD. PETER AGG -- Rep. Ph, Whitby. 668-5009 and 668-8727 the best ice surfaces around)fyerett King, presided assisted| Spratt and Mrs. Mac Gillivary,| these parts, Similar work haS py Secretary Mrs, Earl Ward.| 88% | been completed at an Ottawa! 1+ was agreed that at all meet-| East and West -- Mrs. P.) curling club- but. a ntings light. refreshments, con-|Chubb and Mrs. D. Maundrell,| method was used," said.) sisting of sandwiches and plain| 9; Mr. and Mrs, K. Cunliffe, Miva Foadoage Fe supposed to Bel cookies, be served. 9344; Mrs, E. Bovay and Miss} ec 3 a e §) Ss, Mr. yay . a aa ee wel re saati ; The treasurer's report, showed) Pavey oe ee a icbern "Should this innovation work|& 200d balance on hand to start wien you can bet other clubs will fol-|the winter months and also a iow our plan, Mr. Muir stated.|ice sum to go to the Whitby) Mirror Mirror! On ' the Wall! Who's the He said curling clubs travel|General Hospital Fund. Several from a radius of 150 miles to|Plans were dealt with in re-| curl at the Whitby Club during gards to making money to help with the hospital fund. . The motto 'If you want to be Oshawa Firm Gets wa: ziven bv ars. Leesa Ferns, Paving Contract It was decided to hold euchres'| ORONO -- A contract, in the the bonspiel season. again this season. The first) euchre will be held Oct, 21 at} 75 ak |8 p.m, at the home of Mrs. Gil- amount of $4,975, has "bert Drewery, Dunlop st. e Plans were also made to have a, for the laying;members make a quilt during alt in front of the new/the winer months. Mrs. Donna h of Orono|Martin kindly offered to donate and for the paving of Cobble-/patches and Mrs, _ Nettie volunteered to cut A tender of $17,500 from the|them Bridge Company,} Mrs, Leesa Ferris gave a and confidence in the super-|Ltd., of Port Hope, for the con-|paper on Home Economics and visory and administrative lead-|struction of a new reinforced! Health. ership which the board's offi-/concrete and steel bridge was) cials are giving. Upon Dr. Hobbs' resignation) over the Crookston Creek on the/newsbury the chair was taken by the vice-|4th Line rd. , chairman, Trustee McIlwain, At)~ yer the next regular meeting, the board will make an appoint- ment to fill the vacancy cre- ated by Dr. Hobbs' resignation. Durham Club Wins Beef Calf Title LINDSAY -- County 4-H Club won the beef calf club championship at the Eastern Central Ontario nesday at Lindsay Fair Donald Rickard, ville; Ronald Baker, and William Rickard, Bowma ville, were presented with th A and P Trophy, All are mem- bers of the Durham County 4-H/held at the home of Mrs, Fred Club, ; .W Rickard, of Bowmanville, won the William' Whyte Insur-,;ments ance Trophy for showmanship in the beef competition Two hundred and twenty-five members took part in the com- petitions. days lay" ahead for the community in the) 7% way of planning, details to assemble, he stated he was eager challenge. with endless! © to accept the | "Tt could be described 'as putting down roots,"' he said, "and it will be interesting work © I am sure." Names Executive BOWMANVILLE (TC) -- Mrs Jack Darch has been elected president of the Drama Work- shop for the fall and winter sea- son. The workshop will meet on the. first Thursday of each month Other officers are: Mrs. Rob- ert Sheridan, past president;:| Mary McGibbon, vice - presi-| dent; Mrs. William Orme, treas-) urer; Mrs. E. L. Bethune, re cording secretary; Miss Elsie Raikes, corresponding secre- tary Chairmen are: Sylvia Tucker program; Mrs. B. Kitney, pub- licity; John Amesbury, member- ship and Miss Helen Nelles, .so- cial. Mary McGibbon will direct the three-act play to be presented NAMED TO BOARD Replacing Desmond New- man, as a: member of the Town of Whitby Committee of Adjustment will be Paul Coath, a local lawyer. Mr. Coath, who served as a councillor in Whitby for four years, has been a resident in the town since 1959. Mr. Newman resigned from the Committee of Adjustment, after announcing his candi dacy for mayor: in the civic election." FRIGIDAIRE Rapid Dry Cleaning 8 lbs. of dry cleaning $2.00 Blair Park Plaza Mon. to Fri. -- 9 om. to 9 p.m. Sat. -- 9 @.m. to 3 p.m. this fall. \ The Durham tional period. She was assisted 4 H rangements Championship Show held Wed- be held Nov. 6 Bowman. Weatherall Grafton|Atkinson are co-convernors, In n-|Charge of tea tables will be Mrs. e Car! Pascoe a Lunch was served by Mrs. 1S/Mabel Walsh, Mrs. Margaret and Mrs, Nettie also accepted. The bridge ____ |Fletcher. | The Oct. 26 meeting will be |held at the home of Mrs. R, A. Smith 909 Bayview ave. Almonds UCW. Plans Bazaar WHITBY -- Almonds United Church Women met Tuesday) evening at the home of Mrs. William Hicks who opened the meeting and led in the devo- One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wallpaper and Murals @ Custom Draperies ®@ Btoadioom @ C.I.L, Paints and Vornishes @ Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 by Mrs. Fred Otter. Members made further ar: for the bazaar to at Almonds} Hall. Mrs, Russell and Mrs, Lorne Chureh he Oct, 19 meeting will be Otter The RR 1, Whitby hostess served refresh- BROCK Evening Programsat 7 and 8:50 WHITBY Saturday Matinee at 1:30 Joe Moses is his name...) stealing Africa is his game! Robert Carroll Mitchum Baker » THE FRANK ROSS PRODUCTION | Aer Moses" ALSO--"BIG TOWN VILLAGE" ond CARTOON @ CHRYSLER @ DODGE @ VALIANT NORTHSIDE GH 918 BROCK ST | Fairest of them All? @ SWINGING CORONET COMING SOON PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR EARLY DELIVERY Watch for Official Show 308 DUNDAS ST. W. GUARANTEED iNVESTMENTS 3, 4 or 5 YEAR TERM AN\MAT SATURDAY ONLY Tex-Made Kingston BLANKET Approx. size 72 x 84 made from a blend of modern fibres, washable, allergy free, warm, light and completely moth proof. Tex-Made FLANNELETTE SHEETS 78x90, yellow, blue, pink borders, 5:77 green and BULKY Pullovers and Cardigans Ladies' bulky Cardigans and Pullovers. Choose from mohair and wools and acrylic fibres, solid colours with cable stitch fronts. Raglan sleeves or plain knit with raglan sleeves, loose knit Pullovers with V-Neck, Sizes small, medium and large in a variety of colours, 3.97 LADIES' ASPEN STRETCH SLIMS Detachable foot straps, backing. colours, sizes 14 to 18, 17 7 3:99 3 ONLY MOSSBERG BOLT ACTION SHOTGUN 12 GAUGE . 28" Barrel C-LECT"' Choke. Recoil pads, 3 shot repeator. 44.77 On Highway No. 2 Between Oshawa and Whitby Hit and Miss RUG Multi-Stripe rug. 12x48, Latex Assorted

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