Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Sep 1965, p. 2

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'@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 24, 196> Ministers Irked Atomic Age |Laval Says Non! Saves Man To Culture Swap ey Aart ge 75 People Die In Floodwater RABAT (AP)--A flood which ~ -- the surrounding country- side, Authorities feared the death toll would go considerably higher, since a number bodies were believed washed away by the flood. swept a Moroccan village has| , How to relieve EDMONTON (CP) -- An at-lof Alberta campus with a $13,-\killed at least 75 persons, au- By Premade Plan . By JAMES NELSON OTTAWA (CP)--Health min- isters of the provincial govern- ments continue their meetings with federal minister Judy La- marsh today, apparently in) milder mood than at the outset) of their two-day meeting on Thursday, | Expressions among them ranged from surprise {to out- right anger when they arrived for the meeting and found that the federal government had de- cided before the meeting be- an to embark on a $500,000,- rogram over 15 years to develop and expand medical research and training facilities. "We were not overly pleased by the 15-year time period or the amount of the fund, The fund is spread over too long a time and the amount doesn't seem to be large enough," MINISTERS COOLED OFF A conference source said that while the morning sessfon had been heated, the afternoon meeting of the conference Thursday was more placid and it agreed to set up the special committee to advise a later meeting of the health ministers on the terms by which the $500,- 000,000 program will be allo- cated, On the matter of the federal jtempted University of Alberta 000 experiment called French) By A Hair SYDNEY, N.S.W .(Reuters)--| An appeal against a murder conviction was granted here Thursday because .of atomic tests on hair found in the vic- tim's hand, The Australian Court of Crim- inal Appeal ordered a new trial for 22-year-old Terence Guerin, who said the tests proved that the hairs found in a dead woman's hand were not his. He was sentenced to life im- prisonment last December for the murder of Mrs. Colleen | Jean Sherwood, a 24-year-old! mother of four. | Dr, L. E. Smythe, head of; cultural exchange program has been rejected by Laval Univer- sity students, Edmonton students, Canada Week 'at Laval Univer- sity at Quebec City, were told the Laval student government wasn't interested because Que- bec students already under- stand the West's culture better than their own js understood in the West. A display of western Cana- dian culture and art, in connec- tion with the week, was to have been the second step of a cul- who. wanted to establish a Western) Canada Week, | French - Canadian speakers, art displays, music and food were. among the attractions at the Alberta week, A , Michelle Lefebvre, executive) thorities said today, The flood, which followed heavy rains, struck the village of Khemis Nagua, about 90 miles southwest of Rabat, on market day, when it was crowded with scores of persons Use Dodd's Kidney pellet fae the backache. Sooa ron Sener bee BACK ACH assistant to U. of A, st union president, Richard Price, said the two of them met Pi- erre Sarault, Laval student un- lion president, in Quebec City 'last week. Mr. Lefebvre said Mr. Sarault told them one rea- son Quebec did not want a French Canada Week was that its present concern was with its tural exchange which began last January on the University own future, not that of Western Canada. Announcing contribution to national medical care insurancé, Richard Dona- hoe of Nova Scotia--who is also the province's attorney-general --was concerned about costs, He estimated that in his prov- ince, medical care insurance will cost about $35 per capita. The original federal govern- ment proposal to pay $14 falls far short of half Nova Scotia's the analytical chemistry section of the Australian Atomic En-| ergy Commission, testified that) the chances were less than one) The conference, they said, had been called to discuss among other things the need for such a vast improvement program, consequent upon the introduction of national med- ical care insurance, In brief, the provincial min- isters came here to tell Ottawa what they needed, In fact, they were told what they would get. P= WELDING and FABRICATORS LID. Moved to New Location 747 Bloor St. W. at Highway 401 Telephone 725-8031 NI CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE TO ALL DOG OWNERS Dogs Are Prohibited From Running At Large At All Times Notice is hereby given that Dog Control By-law No, 3418 of The Corporation of the City of Oshewe, es amended, was further amended by By-law No. 139-65 possed on the 20th day of September, 1965; s0 thet By-law No, 3418 now reeds, in port, as follows: No person shell keep or maintain any dog in the City of Oshawe unless such dog hes been and registered under this by-lew and, subject to the p i of Seeti ~ 4 (4) of the Dog Tax ond The Cattle, Sheep and Poultry Protection Act, hes on @ coller to which is affixed @ dog tog issued for the current yeor for the said dog. speeding and reserved judg- ment to Dec. 16 on the assault charge Sentence was oreserved until Nov. 25 when Alfred J. O'Reilly, 22, of 166 Oshawa blvd. N., Osh- awa, pleaded guilty to dan- gerous driving and theft under $650. Detective Glover Hutchinson of the Pickering Police Depart- ment, said he observed the ac- cused leave an Ajax store with a raincoat over his arm, When asked to stop he got into a car and took off at high speed. Ajax Constable Robert Joel chased the accused and ob served two packages thrown from the car on Highway 2. The packages, recovered by police, contained bed sheets, A 19-year-old Oshawa student had his licence suspended for two years when he pleaded guiity to a charge of careless driving. He was_also fined $25 and costs. Gregory McKinley, 590 Olive ave., was reported to Ajax police after he manoeuvred his car on both sidewalks on Tul- loch dr. where children were playing. Terry Kelly, who appeared for the accused, said the ac- cused, a university student, and his parents agreed with the licence suspension. 65 65 65 65 60 60 65 » No dog shall run et lerge and no person shall permit a di d by him ¢ UJ large in the City of Oshewe at any time. . a en New Democratic Party ONTARIO | RIDING Nominating Convention TUESDAY, SEPT. 28, 1965 Genosha Hotel 8:00 P.M. + For the purpose of this section @ dog shall be deemed to be at lerge when it is off the property of the owner and is not under the control of @ competent son either by means of @ leash not more then 10 feet in length or by virtue of being found not more then 10 feet from the person supervising the dog. Pp foi Every dog found running et lorge contrary to the provisions of the by-law shall be token up by the Dog Control Officer and impounded in the City Dog Pound and held for @ period of not less then 48 hours end, if not redeemed at the expiration of 48 hours, may be sold or destroyed. 65 65 65 + The owner of en impounded dog shall be entitled, on proof of ownership, to regain possession of the dog on application to the Dog Pound.and payment of the fellowing pound fees: first dey or part of day -- $5.00 each additiclel dey or port of dey -- $2.00 All licensed dogs ere recorded ond indexed and every effort is made to notify the owners immediately efter dogs ere picked up by the Dog Control Department. The above regulations ere effective immediately, 62 58 58 GUEST SPEAKER: -- DR. WM. HOWE, M.P. Everyone Welcome L. R. BARRAND, City Clerk, r COMMUNITY YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OSHAWA HEST Means To Yo To You The picture shows Col, R. S$. McLaughlin preparing to turn the first sod for the new Recreation building at the Y.W.C°A, in July of this summer, He is surrounded by some of with two cars of their own in a precision-executed manoeu- vre As women passing by in the Street screamed, the gang the 160 doy campers who formed part of the audience on this interesting occasion, It was particularly appropriate that Day Camp was in session at the time of this ceremony because it is one of the programmes which has functioned continuously almost since the opening of "ye the in Oshawa. It wos started in 1947 ond the attendance increases' each year, An grabbed the payroll while beat ing four of five guards riding in the car carrying the money The gang missed $84,000 of the payroll money in their haste to escape. An eyewitness said the at tackers acted "like madmen." Ref tory Terms For 3. in 1,000 that hair found in the) a 8 victim's hand belonged to) 0 ttac eC Jewish Kids Guerin, | The chief justice said the : : opinions of Dr. Smythe were| TORONTO (CP)--Two teen-| James William Brunswick, 17, not discovered until after the pivide hts a bly yg ane who admitted swinging a plas- j\formatory sentences ursday Miss LaMarsh said the fed-|cost, | December trial. ----lranging from nine months to|! hose in the fight, was sen-| eval government sent officials) Mr, Donahoe said an impor: ltwo years for their part in a|tenced to 15 months definite and| to the provincial capitals last|tant factor for Nova Scotia is . 'May' 16 attack on a Jewish|%ix months indefinite, | spring to secure statistics of|whether the federal government Train ac youth group at Centre Island' Maurice Thibeault, 25, of Tor- rovincial government needs|will pay part of the provincial across from Toronto harbor. (onto was sentenced to nine| or more and: better-equipped costs of maintaining tuberculo-| Fe s Paul D, Little, 17, of Toronto,|months definite and three medical, dental, and nursing/sis sanitoria and mental hos-) | ] Sh lcharged with four counts of as-|months indefinite, ye garg and research renee ine, Tie fey ant Witeeer : OE a es Ips sault causing bodily harm, ve; Brunswick was also charged » Hos .| ie la ; i 'ceived 18 months. definite andiwith assault causing podily| DIE SPORT ic Services Insurance Act, un-| Bovis . mates Sider f ? Li y| Meher tee beseral serusiiatidt dae which Ottawa ithe. up a) PORT ARTHUR (CP)--Ten sg an he yg gr ne bi bi kag iat studied the report of the royal|good part of the tab of provin- PEYTON PLACE STAR STRICKE ships were at anchor at the ber ah ihe youth aecup. ae the 0 ook t. | issi health services,|cial hospital insurance plans ' twin ports of Port Arthur and)?" ) : Magistrate Don Graham pig penn al ee fl leh 5P 2" stg esa Actress Dorothy Malone; in Hollywood, A spokesman [port willi Thursday, waitingjone Who struck Howard Hoftf-| dismissed charges . | j : $° ederal view is 0 pf oe hy ag i reser ' A ae p , headed hy Supreme Court Jus-| The federal view ix that long the star of television series said she underwent surgery redtiat el Jest : Canada|man, 18, also of Toronto, on the|other youth beans cae! tice Emmett Hall, And it re-|before hospital insurance be (\), i ate : 'yi 7 waif |for grain from Western Canada ; séeball b jother youths, Brian W. Howe,| ceived proposals and recom-came a_ federal - provincial Peyton Place," was taken for a serious vascular jto fill their holds head with a baseball bat. 18, Vincent KE. Price, 18, and/ mendations from the profes-|shared-cost plan in 1956, the Pi EP aegis Me: ange ag vem | The shortage of grain at the fyredericy James Watson, 19,/ sional medical groups and as-|provinces bore the full cost of ©°@8"s 0! ™ ; a ----..|ports, which has steadily be- Beware Con-Man pe By oronto, had been) sociations. providing TB and. mental case AST jcome more acute, has resulted ( harged with assault, | Altogether, the federal gov-\treatment as a public respon- lin a meeting called for today aan ernment decided the federal| sibility. rail , WEATHER FOREC jin bile, Hh ital peng In Clergy-Cloth | share should be about $33,000,-| Now, in the federal -- view, Sharp in a bid to speed up rai SS ; | i HAMILTON (CP)--Police in 000 a year for 15 years, or the|whether or not the federal gov- bed shipments. reghe ge : : nice round sum of half a bil-jernment should share part of 7,00 ns vercast onl t Although he said there hasj Ontario int Soom are wont lion dollars, \this cost is really a financial| ' been no change in the shipping|i"& @ aan, Adresse ™ a bs in 4 But the provinces' political/question -- not one of public; situation, a Canadian National ides 'He; hin fi vel dad chiefs in the health field had/health, But all the provinces | Railways official said there HAS coe a paella Montreal, other ideas, which they ex-jare pressing for federal sharing) 0 p been an increase in grain move- i a and Toronto, i. pressed in corridor interviews of these costs. | ' ment from the Prairies this Rai vs at gr * the Thursday outside the closed) As Ontario's Dr. Dymond put week, bom oe Sa ere i sek ef conference room it, not to share these costs is) TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts|cool with chance of showers dic: Wnuin' satay earlier thisltee pipe go gre beg For instance, Dr. M, B. Dy-jto maintain that there are two. 44 at 5:30 a.m. EDT: llate in the day, Winds shifting| oot' that Y canna ia att rom sas Lasgovrated "th vote ae mond, health minister in Gu letianes of hospital patients-- "" pease inane sae to northwest this afternoon and|™ satiny. its export. commil- uM yey le i1to n 'Th tario's provincial Conservative|those with tuberculosis or men: Synopsis: Cool air continues) .cqming southerly 15 Satur-|'™° : an . 4 ; ;(caehet in Hamtiton. The government: tal disorders, and all others. to pour into southern Ontario/qay oF areia le nl a emene involved was not re ARS ROT ERNE ES " ~/from the: west and tempera-) Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie:) He hopes that today's meet- veniey : BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE tures have now returned to near|Saturday mainly cloudy andiing with officials of the Cana- rmal cool with chance of an occa-lqign wheat board, the railways] NEED A NEW reat Clair' Lake Erie, Ni sional shower, Winds becoming|ang shipping association may FURNACE? « sake & air, Lake Ee, Night tonight. sr ; rai sensste x ease the situation. No Down Poyment--First Payment Assaultin -Officer Char e agara, Lake Ontario, southern' White River, Cochrane:| Mr, Sharp has said getting plc ageigid Lake Huron, Windsor, ener |Mainly cloudy and not quite so|the maximum amount of grain PERRY Toronto, Hamiiton Consider-|cool Saturday, Winds becomingloff the Prairies is ef "urgent : is Judgment Held Z Morathas |e. coi2ee esenciee oett ent ret sre cen ooria" si lieliah ABER aiatl night and Saturday with chance day. | ed = amnnsnmae of a few light showers Saturday e se AJA X(Staff) -- Judgment in| afternoon. Winds light tonight! Forecast Temperatures the case of a 17-year-old. Ajax and southwest 15 Saturday. Low tonight, youth, charged with assaulting Northern Lake Huron, Georg-| Windsor & police officer, was reserved ian Bay, Haliburton, Killaloe,|St. Thomas. by Magistrate H. W. Jermyn Timagami, North Bay, Sud.| London here Thursday. : bury: Becoming mainly cloudy|Kitehener .... Sgt. William Shaw of Ajax this afternoon and evening with| Mount Forest. said he observed Daniel Bazley a few scattered showers, cooler,| Wingham of Kingscourt apartment, mak- Saturday mainly cloudy and\ Hamilton ing a turn against a red light _--~ . oem | St, Catharine Sept. 16 at the intersection of Toronto Bayly st. and Harwood ave. He AW R ifi Peterborough followed Baziey at 45 mph in a atl 1eS Trenton 30-mile zone before he was Killaloe stopped. R bl P t |Muskoka The officer said that when his am er ac North Bay. licence and insurance papers Sudbury .. were returned, Bazley rolled KENOSHA, Wis. (AP) -- Earlton . them up and thew them into the Members of United Auto Work- Sapuskasing cruiser. He said when the ac- ers Local 72 have ratified, for White River,..... cused was told this was a foolish the second time, settlement of Sault Ste. Marie,. thing to do, Bazley struck him a strike against American Mo-|Moosonee in the neck with his clenched tors Corp, este fist. Don Rand, UAW international) 188t0" Sgt. Shaw said the youth re- election supervisor, said Thurs: sisted. arrest and wrestled with day night that the vote in favor||} him on the ground before he was of the settlement was 6,130 to)f} handcuffed. Later the accused 3,488. escaped from the cruiser and Union rules call for accept: | was apprehended at his apart: ance of the results at a mem- |i} ment. bership meeting today. Albert Bazley, the accused's The total vote for two days of father, said his son had an balloting was 9,641,-but 23 votes | rea which made him irri- were ruled void Magistrate Jermyn fined the Plas Bethe ican ta perce? apne inegel ye stg gen. ratification ballot after there | a P Bacar bats were charges of voting irregu- larities when members of Local | : 72 decided Sept. 1 Ito return to e 0 ets work, i ' --_ . -- || Fights Off Bevy Of Police DeHavilland -- ig evy Ot Police | LONDON (Reuters) A P t Ok d | masked gang of about 12 men ac aye staged a daring daylight pay * ee cde o roll robbery Thursday, making ee & a pg ite off with £32,000 ($96,000) after pid eh bro), tod ore fighting a street battle with the ers umon (CLC), votec Urs: police. Nine persons--including three policemen--were left injured at the scene of the crime in a quiet London back street. The gang, all wearing nylon- stocking masks and wielding They left three policemen, iron bars, rammed a payroll hauled out of the following po- ear and a following police carilice car, bleeding in the street. Ambulance Won't Bear Corpse, Woman's Body Left 1%4 Hours | BRANTFORD (CP) -- A cor- oner's jury heard testimony Thursday that the body of Jen- nie Marek, 59, of Brantford lay unattended for an hour and 45 minutes after she was found dead, because a city fire de- partment regulation prohibiting corpses from being carried in) ambulances. . i The jury suggested that Mrs. |} Marek accidentally electrocuted herself Sept. 10, while repairing the cord of an electric lawn) mower and lay for about two)) hours before her body was found. } The jury suggested that am-'f bulance attendants make alli possible efforts to revive an individual until pronounced|) dead by an attending doctor, |! and that ambulance drivers be) instructed to take a body to} hospital afier a person has been pronounced dead. MEN'S WEAR - WILL BE before or efter these dates. ~BLACK'S Monday & Tuesday, Sept. 27 - 28 Pleose come in ond pick. up your loyaways and alterations day to accept a proposal to set tle their four-week strike at de Havilland Aircraft of Lid. The 4,800 workers, who went on strike Aug. 25, will receive | an increase over three worth 54.9 cents an hour, union estimated, Wages before the strike were $2.09 to $2.77 an hour for pro- duction and non-skilled workers jand $2.43. to $2.85 for skilled trades years PIPES WERE IMPORTED Bagpipes are not native to Scotland but were introduced by Roman soldiers, who discov- ered them in rural Greece. LADIES' WEAR CLOSED Canada | the | interesting fact is that in the last few years some of the campers were daughters of former counsellors, Also, the day campers will use the new building extensively for their activities, Tha Day Camp programme is for girls 8 to 12 years of age and consists of tolk-dancing, noture lore, crafts, music, drama, gomes, sports and swimming in the Rotary pool, It is assisted by During the fall and winter months the Junior Counsellors directed by the Programme Director and the Assistant Programme Director, Senior and Junior Counsellors take @ Leadership Training course once @ week preparing them for their responsibilities and the Senior Counsellors take @ concentrated leadership"course in June of each year. Leader- ship training is an important part of Y.W.C.A, programme and girls who act as counsellors et camp often go on to take an active part in Y-Teen activities and, later on, some of them become committee members or the policy of the Board members and so help shope Association, Moderate fees ore charged for the children attending the comp, if they con offord them, but children who connot do so are also accepted, usually on. the referral of another ogency. The total fees, of course, do not cover the costs of staffing ard administering the camp ond this is one of the areas of work where the grant from the Greater Oshowa Community Chest helps. the Y.W.C.A, render @ voluable service to the community, 11 ONTARIO STREET Herold E. Pierson, Pres. PHONE 728-0203 a || GREATER OSHAWA COM Robert J. Branch, Executive Secretory

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