Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Sep 1965, p. 12

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fa THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 24, 1965 Water, Water Everywhere ertainly Not +s gen content of at least four per . peent. Water for industrial use runs the gamut from complete ab- sence of minerals to tempera- ture, the critical factor where water is used for cooling. There is a wide-spread as- sumption that U.S. waters are being polluted chiefly by mu- nicipalities, which dump raw sewage into lakes, rivers and streams, This is true only in part. One WASHINGTON 4 is indestructible. there is exactly a of creation. : It is not the total amount of water that concerns. mankind, however: It is the of the water and its avé ty for human use. i pda And herei lies 'the: crix of what is now recommen das the U.S. water problem: ' lof th t offenders is indus- --The available Sarp ply of); ylides el eee mad good water is so-limited that within 35 years demand will outstrip supply by' 350,000,000,- 000 gallons daily, --The water in the 90 major U.S. river basins igbeing: pol- ty. The staff report by a special ate committee on public works found: «|, At the present level of industrial waste treatment, in sub-committee of the U.S. Sen-| Enough this excludes the larger U.S. cities. Atlanta, Ga., for exam- 'ple, estimates that to clean up its wastes will cost close to $70,- 000,000. But industry is the big head- ache. The service says that un- til it knows what industry is putting into the waters, it has no idea how to go about clean- ing them up, and industry is hesitant to tell. Richard §. Greene, chief of the service's basic data branch, says that with some exceptions \industrialists have refused to) | provide information on the qual- ity and quantity of liquid | wastes, "There is one thing you must |keep in mind,"® Greene said, "It lis understandable from _ the luted by municipal, industrial and agricultural wastes, The work of improving the water quality of just 17-of these streams has cost nearly $3,100,- 000,000 since the program began 1970 the amount of organic in-| management viewpoint: No in- dustrial wastes discharged will|dustry makes a profit from be the equivalent of the raw}treating wastes, unless it fig- 'PIPELINE TO NEW YORK (AP) -- If bright ideas were rain drops, drought-desperate New York could solve its water shortage with the morning mail deliv- ery. Every day the mayor's of- fice and the department of wa- ter supply get a flood of let- ters from people all over the world offering suggestions on how New York can get more water or conserve what water the city reservoirs still hold. Most came from concerned citizens looking for no reward other than lending a helping hand, but a few indicated they might be persuaded to accept a key to the city treasury. A city dweller suggested a THE ARCTIC SOLUTION TO N.Y. DROUGHT pipeline "from Canada to New York" to tap "the trillions of gailons of water stored in the northern ice." He said; "Giant crane-shov- els, such as those used in coal fields, can pick up 100 tons at one time, and 100 tons of ice yields 24,000 gallons of wa- ter. The shovel could dump the ice into large heated bins and the resulting water will then flow into the pipelines." A letter written in Greek said: "My idea would save the city 30,000,000 gallons a day. As one with complete control of my secret I ask for compensation .. . the position of water commissioner and his salary for life." sewage that could be dis-| ures the cost of law suits is go- charged by the entire popula-|ing to be higher than the cost of} tion of the United States in that| installing treatment facilities." | TORONTO (CP)--Don Henry, 43, of Toronto plans to take a Salvage Of Andrea Doria Task Of Toronto Skipper inch in diameter. cellular pellets each about an McLAUGHLIN IN REVIEW By T. R, GLECOFF MCVI Reporter Thirteen students from Grade 9 and 10 spent July taking part in a student exchange program, They spent two weeks in Que- bee with young French Cana- dians of similar age and fam" ily situation. While there they were to use their French as much as possible, The Oshawa students brought their hosts oack to Oshawa. Highlights of the visit here in- cluded a plane. ride, tour of General Motors, a banquet and dance at Hotel Genosha and a barbecue at Geneva Park where they were entertained by the "Get" records anda new Oshawa pop group, "The Strollers." Most of the pro- gram was provided by the Jay- cees, Two of our senior students spent. part of their summer in Quebec City. Sharon Smith Quebec Summer Memory For 13 Students At MCVI and the girls grey skirts. The ties will be either MCVI gold io the MCVI blue and gold tar- an. Band practices are being held at 4 p.m, Monday and Wednes- day. Practices are well under way, INITIATION HELD The annual Initiation Day Day was held last Friday. This year's costumes were a slight break from the past, The boys were attired to resemble rab- bits -- with cardboard ears and fluffy rag tail -- and the girls attempted to 'wok like mice. Complete with circular ears and a long tail. ; For the most part the Mc- Laughlinites conducted them- selves in a sensible manner when initiating the frosh, re- membering that the purpose of Initiation Day is to welcome the Grade 9's. The "Frosh Fry" (Initiation ALLOW PILL DIVORCE |THOUSANDS NEED WHEELS - CATRO (AP) -- An Eevptian' A tote! of 722.508 new care judge awarded 2 diverce decresland trucke ware sold in Canada -- to the mother of five girls wholin 1994. -- a said her husband refused to let j her take birth control pills, She) MANY STILL LISTEN IN testified he wanted a son and) A record total of 28,000,000 refused to stop having children/radio. sets were sold in the until she produced one, United States in 1964, monocot OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! take advantage of it! 24 hour ser- vice; and radio dispatched trucks al- ways on the ready to seive you, Fuel Oil Budget Plan available, FUEL OSH 'McLAUGHLIN COAL & 723-348 1. ierw, SUPPLIES EVENING CLASSES RYERSON POLYTECHNICAL INSTITUTE 50 Gould Street, Toronto Mr. Henry, six feet and 248)and Edward Hanowski took a pounds, was interviewed Wed-\six-week course in Oral French|Day Dance) was a financial nesday 15 days before his\at Laval' University, They stay-|Success, but the entertainment) planned departure from Tor-\ed with families of French;Was not as good as expected) onto harbor on the tug he re-|Canadian students, The trip was|due to technical difficulties with named from Good News after/sponsored by the Kiwanis Club|the sound system. Stunts were) buying it from D. G, Bawntin-|and the student parliament. planned for the frosh but were heimer of Niagara Falls, Ont. | Our footballers are at it|not possible. ! ae again, Every night after classes! The committee for MCVI's| gga lear : lthe junior and senior squads|yearbook, "Haggis,"' had its ini-) © finance the venture, which/can be seen going through|tial meeting. Editors were) » believes will cost $4,000,000,\their paces. The teams are/chosen for the vavious depart- rt. Henry formed the Andrealjooking good, but there is|ments, A six-subject course leading to the Ryerson Certificate In Business Administration will be offered at MeLAUGHLIN COL. LEGIATE AND VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE in Oshawa and is open to applicants with Grade XII, or equivalent experience. Six subjects are required for the Certificate: FIRST YEAR Accounting | (Mondays 7-9:30 p.m.) Economic Principles (Wednesdays 7-9:00 p.m.) Accounting II Business Statistics Economics Business Management FEES: Accounting $30, other subjects $25, 20 sessions. Subjects may be taken individually, (Only first year offered 1965-66) GENERAL REGISTRATION: At the office, MCLAUGHLIN COLLEGIATE AND VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE -- Monday, September 27, 7-9 p.m, Classes start October 4, Registration will be accepted at class, For further informetion write or telephone the Ryerson Extension Department (EM 86-2631) ear." But water pollution is not the|crew of four aboard his tug The By 1970, the United States is|only problem. In the arid and| Working Bitch in hopes of rais- expected to have a population' semi-arid regions of the west,jing the Andrea Doria which lof 210,000,000. The committee| water collected underground|sank nine years ago in the At- staff estimated U.S. industries|over thousands of years is be-|lantic off Nantucket Island {need to build 6,000 waste treat-|ing pumped out much faster|after colliding with the Swedish ment plants, beginning now. jthan it is being replaced, rais-|ship Stockholm. The Senate sub-committee re-|ing the spectre of great areas} Mr. Henry, Detroit-born mas- dew that there ~ are 7,939 returning to desert. ter diver and sea captain, hopes unicipalities with waste treat- ' sii to refloat the Italian luxury ment plants which serve the|BACK TO DESERT liner and claim what he be- needs of 102,000,000 people, Deer Valley, an 80 = square-)jiove, will be a $60,000,000|¢ Many of these plants, however,|mile area phe of Phoenix, prize, \M Her ee desert gg Bo priv ha ex| He expects to have the An-lhe is Bee Corp. of which/always room for a few more) Two McLaughlinites -- Don ESTIMATE COST Heusted: , ~|drea Doria floating on the At-| Hawa : sat : faces on the roster. |Woods and Brian Amey--have Some 6,140 municipalities) The pumping of ground wa-|lantic 90 days after pumping} it re rf og of De-| me . |been elected Get-Together Club have under way waste treat- ters has caused parts of the Im-|her sunken . hull full of white) | UE crew mere sryeoned ATTENTION, GIRLS! |}committee: members, jac! ~nsti 5 » {i Sali i | i A , ' yice-| | ao ee re eae Gn aad faand, N y.| | oer an gharhe of engineer-| In order to maintain pep in| The ultimate bill for clean/salt water is intruding into the| NAME IS BORN iiatvomee " Pina Bagi phd A gone roel Poe a of US ale av Fun os high sj drained reservairy. | PROM KASHMIR |tntis eet sud teed ot shlwil soin te in speratio. How The public health service has 999,000,000 gallons of water al 1; ¥ ; . |wife, Pat, is ship' ia Henry aly pe . velo Are you going| -- $100,000,000 a year for loans to\qay. The Senate public works UNITED NATIONS |riny' > eH png cook, The| 0 try out? , communities for waste treat-| sub-committee estimates it will] (Reuters)--The United Na |aucninist -- w, egagise in-| The MCVI Senior Band is| saw ment plant construction. Loans| need 515,000,000,000 gallons| tons got a new acronym lenonsmndus eerie! to remain/also preparing for a busy and are limited to 30 per cent of the within 15 years and 'the most| Wednesday -- UNIPOM } eiicechercte scosdug fenry said. enjoyable season. The band has me diab ' standing for United Nations He said a similar salvage|received its uniforms thanks to India and Pakistan Oberver in 1957. The fact that American wa- ters are being polluted is, in it- self, probably no, surprise to anyone, especially anyone who has felt the urge to swim in the waters off Milwaukee, Cleve- land or New York City. But pollution is a variable, depending for definition upon the intended use of the water. For domestic use water must be clean, free of disease organ- isms, bad waste and odor. It must not have a dissolved min- eral content higher than 500 parts in 1,000,000, by U.S, Pub- lic Health Service standards. Water foragriculture is judged on mineral content, par- ticularly its sodium level. MUST HAVE OXYGEN Water for fish propagation; must be relatively free of in- dustrial and municipal wastes) and be able to sustain a flora) for the small organisms which serve as fish foods. It also must have a minimum dissolved oxy- SECOND AND THIRD YEARS | i ] | GO FAR NORTH | London, England, is nearer the North Pole than all large Canadian cities, | | | | | THE ULTIMATE IN LU + PRESTIGE XURY LIVING!! A FEW 1 AND 2 BEDROOM SUITES AVAILABLE * DISTINCTION BEYOND ------'000 gallons a day." a barge refloated at New Or-'ment. supervise the ceasefire committee said, that the U.S.| servers. longed drought in many parts} . ; jonly a 55-day supply of water.) "4+ 9 price. When people talk|Now know. COMPARE fields. sh total estimated cost up to althe nation can ever hope to nak 3 : : p jmethod using liquid plastic that)much hard rk by th maximum cost of $600,000. achiev ; , 4 & liquid plastic that}m hard wo y the band, $ achieve as a result of engineer Mission. .. had been used to form porous|Mr. Crosbie, and a generous Officials said this will be Ld . 2 At the present rate of growth, leans had been considered tie Chinbala we 4 ] Rains Of Fall Bring Relief the US. a gnrg meted which came into effect be- |the pellets the group Tuimclsvabbinn teunoeea 'with: gold braid é y isaie Ges catioce ast ai tween India and Pakistan at |Use have a greater. expansion'and bearing the school crest. F D e ,000,000,000,000 gallons dally by ¢ SS nage ability and are cheaper. 'The boys wear grey flannels e d anada is playing a role in res = -= or Tl up US.., Canada will have to use and re-use its| available waters, hence the con-| By THE CANADIAN. PRESS |servoir that serves the heavily Cer with pollution. i | | Any water, no. matter how|tists must learn a great deal of Canada and the United) pi nor i States have come with the turn-|"/Sewnere, areas reporting! of converting sea water to fresh} Only $4,200,000 is spent an- ing of the leaves. some relief from the dry spell! water, or of re-using waste wa-|nually on water research, but But no amount of rain can| te upper New York state, Con-|ters, they are talking econom- | the U.S. is spending about 3,600 necticut, Maine, Rhode Island|ics primarily. | times that much on defence and In the eastern areas of On- tario a record drought May through August led to 17 dis- tricts qualifying for federal as- U N EM P LOY £ D Improve Your Qualifications eae Free Tuition Plus Living Allowance For all practical purposes, |; x , i = 0 | P eed jing works is about 650,000,000, flotation material in the hull of|grant from the student parlia- title of the group which will the year 2,000. This means, the - aid UNIPOM by supplying ob- Signs of relief from the pro-| populated northern section has : polluted, can be made re-usable|more about water than they restore crops withered in the . ' and Vermont. Water re-used means scien-'space research. j Only By Appointment 723-1712 sistance. Elsewhere in the prov-| or ince there was normal rainfall. 728-2911 Quebec suffered below-aver- age rainfall in June and July, but in August the rainfall set a record. The Atlantic provinces were hard hit by the drought. Rain- fall was 50 per cent below nor- mal from January through July but normal in August. However, | crop damage already had been done by the searing dry weather and forest fires. Newfoundiand was an excep tion with normal rain for the first eight months of the year. EASES IN U.S. Above - average September rains eased the drought's hold in all for a few of the parched states in the northeastern U.S. Nevertheless, the rains are too little, too late. A torrential downpour lasting days is needed to fill reservoirs so near to running dry. Water restrictions remain in force in many communities, particularly New York City. New Yorkers still can't wash their car, water their lawn or get a glass of water in a res- taurant unless they ask for it. The city is in the midst of a house-to-house search for leaks that waste more water every day than some cities use. Reservoirs supplying New York City are down almost to one-third of capacity, and in New Jersey the Wanaque Re- * GEORGIAN mansions 124 PARK ROAD NORTH; OSHAWA ZT MAR (mart CAMERA DEPT SSCs tim Bic Es FREE ROLL OF FILM! BLACK -&- WHITE OR COLOUR ® FOR EACH ROLL LEFT FOR DEVELOPING & PRINTING inciupe 620, 120, 127, 14 YOU NEED NEVER BUY ANOTHER FILM! SIMPLY LEAVE YOUR NEXT FILM BLACK -&- WHITE OR COLOUR AT K mart's CAMERA DEPART- MENT FOR DEVELOPING & PRINTING. YOU WILL GET A FREE ROLL OF THE SAME SIZE. eee0eeee @ FAST, EFFICIENT SERVICE ! FINEST QUALITY PRINTS ! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! eeeeee#ee#e® FREE! SAME SIZE OF FILM WITH EACH ORDER! RESTAURANT Upstairs 14/2 KING ST.°E. 728-4666 -- 725-0075 ome om Ts tenes CX 120 The Province of Ontario, in co-operation with the Government of Canada and the OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION will provide training at THE R. S McLAUGHLIN COLLEGIATE AND VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE 570 Stevenson Road North, Oshawa Commencing MONDAY, OCTOBER 4. 1965 Basic Training for Skill Development te Grade 11, Clerk-Typist. Commerciol-Stenographic (Secretarial), Machine Shop. Welding Operator. shal For gracious dining, visit the newly renovated Grand Restaurant, . . featur- ing delicious Chinese foods, Canadian d take out lunches. The style meals, an newly installed wall to wall carpets en- sure quiet comfortable dining in a pleasant atmosphere: For a tasty snack, or full course meal, try the Grand Restourant, you'll be glad you did. All courses will take place Monday through Friday from 4:45 te 11:15 p.m., and will com- mence October 4th if enrolment is sufficient. Duration from 3 to 10 months. CLIMBERS KNEW MUCH Of the 19-man 1963 American Mount Everest expedition, three men had medical degrees, five had PhDs and five had MAs. USE WEED FOR DRUGS The cockleburr weed is picked by the hundreds of barrelsful in Oklahoma, for medicine used in i lergies. A day-time program, including Commercial-Clerical, Key Punch and Business Machines, Industrial Sewing and other courses will be announced shortly, Watch for the advertisements REMEMBER -- 90% of our graduates find jobs --- why not you? ALUMINUM OSHAWA APPLY AT YOUR LOCAL FREE PARKING NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OFFICE E. A, Bassett, Chairman Oshawa Board of Education W. G. Fawcett, Co-erdinater, Program 5 ALUMINUM AWNINGS PORCH ENCLOSURES STORM-SCREEN DOORS-WINDOWS PRIME WINDOWS CMHC ACCEPTED FLEXALUM SIDING JALOUSIES REGLAZING and RE-SCREENING ALUMINUM DOOR and WINDOW INSERTS WINTER protection . SUMMER comfort aS -, Super shines out of every package You get 52 super shines out of every package. And the polish stays fresh, right to the bottom of the container, Only "IT"-Shoe Polish has a lock-top container. Just twist and it's open... Twist and it's closed . . . Sealed airtight. New full colour "IT" Shoe Polish will give your shoes adeep rich shine. And"IT" actually helps preserve the leather. One shine will convince af + 52 shines will make you an "IT" fan yr tite. Only'"IT" Shoe Polish is packed in an air-tight =" container, . . $0 light and easy to andie, HooLVENT All-Season * All-Aluminem DOORWAY CANOPIES AWNINGS KoolVents bring enduring colow ful beauty and exera utility to all buildings.. will pay for themselves out of repair and replacement sav ings. Beautiful color combinati Showroom & Factory PHONE 728-1633 95 ATHOL ST. EAST--OSHAWA ANOTHER @) Paooucr

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