Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Sep 1965, p. 10

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PREPARING FOR A NIGHT OF CARDS hours in preparation. Here members of the committee, Mrs, D. W. Ellis, left, bridge convener; Mrs. B. P. Cook, prize and flower convener and Mrs. G. A. White, pres- When the Naomi Group of the Women's Auxiliary of Christ Memorial Church, "Anglican, sponsor a night of cards, they spend many South Simcoe H&S Installs ® Mrs. Gary Taylor, President fox Mrs, Gary Taylor was install-| f ed as president of the South) n 1 e Simcoe Home and Schoo! Asso \the itanee subbas: ciation, for the second year, af Mrs. Archie Black, treasurer, wthe first meeting of the falljresigned, due to moving out of ~.eason. |the district. ne Mrs. Taylor introduced the new principal, Mr. James Wagg, who in turn introduced his new) staff as follows: Grades 1 and|% Ontario. 2, Miss Beverley Anderson; Grade 3, Mrs, Clifford Mcln-|owner, TORONTO Mrs. Taylor presided for the short business meeting, and we!- comed the members back after Mrs. Carl Creamer, president} "cof the Home and School Coun- cil, officiated, installing the ex: ~.ecutive as follows: president, #«Mrs, Gary Taylor; vice-presi- ~ dent, Mrs. Kenneth Code; secre «tary, Mrs. Harold Jollow; so-|tyre; Grades 4 and 5, Mrs. *"cial convener, Mrs.. Ralph Co-|Lloyd Gross; Grade 6, Mrs. «burn; press reporter, Mrs. Ar-|Joan Hill; and Grade 8, Mr.|; healt thur Sargant; corresponding|Simon Bax. ing health secretary, Mrs. Harold Rogers;| Room prize was won by Miss|°o™munities. chairman of bylaws, Mrs. Ar-|Anderson's oom. thur Sargant; membership) Nursing Homes Improve Standard ident of the Naomi Group }Fort William, wrap some of the many use- ful prizes to be won on Wed- nesday, September 29 at 8.00 p.m. in the church hall --Oshawa Times Photo jon Oct 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Frid Wemen jay, September 24, 1965 KEEP IN TRIM On Unwanted By IDA JEAN KAIN One homemaker, who invar- iably took second helpings, tried this eye-opener,. She. took both hel on the plate at the The fall activities of, the Women's Auxiliary of the Osh- awa General Hospital opened with a dessert luncheon arrang- ed by Mrs. Harry Kerr, assist- ed by Mrs. E. F. Cuthbertson and attended by 31 members. Mrs. Harold Tonkin poured ita and a social hour followed. The president, Mrs. James McCansh, preside' and wel- comed the membes back after the summer recews. Mrs. Neil Felt gave the treasurer's report in the absence of Mrs. Charles Elliott. It was announced that there would be a regional meeting at Lindsay on October 5 at 2 p.m. at which there will be discus- urged to attend; there would be an annual convention of the aux- iliaries at Toronto, October 24, 25, 26 and 27 at which Mrs. i D. Russell, Oshawa and Mrs. C. Dupuis of McKellar hospital, will speak on |teen-age volunteers in the hos- pital. Members of the auxiliary were invited to attend the Ly- ceum Club meeting to be held ober 4, at 2.30 p.m. SOCIAL NOTICE S| FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Christo- (CP) -- Ontario|Pher McRae announce the forth- nursing homes and improve their st meet the new concept of nurs-|Mr, and Mrs. John K. Calder, ing home care, a London, Ont.,\all of Oshawa. The wedding is nurse. said Thursday. Beatrice Mason was speaking) rectory ito the annual convention of the'Great' Roman Catholic Church.,| Associated Nursing Homes Inc.|Oshawa. It was announced that the kin-|imgness of the programs must in upgrade} andards t0)nonald Mrs. Mason, a nursing home said administrators jhomes are becoming more con-|be at home to their friends and scious of their place in expand-|Neighbors on the occasion of 0 their to of marriage of jdaughter, Patricia Jo-Anne, John Calder, son jcoming to take place on Friday, Octo-| r 8, 1965 at 7.30 p.m. in the} ber of St. Gregory the} AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. William Kent {94 Jones avenue, Oshawa, will their their 25th wedding anniversary There is no limit to the will- Industrial De on Saturday, October 2, 1965 from 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. and from 7.00 to 9.00 p.m. chairman, Mrs. Douglas Court-\dergarten tea would be held on|Yelopment Bank to make loans) oYKANe ; ney; room representative, Mrs.|Wednesday, October 6 from 2.30 '® the nursing-home industry; FEWER AMERICANS BORN Harry Towns; Council represen-|p.m. until 4.00 p.m. an official of the bank, W. tative, Mrs. Fred Bessie; past-| Mr. Wagg mentioned that the Stuart, told the convention. Mr. Mrs. Fry ' president Mrs Bert Fry. presented Grade 7 students would partici-| However, ciation of her participation. 'tion Area next Wednesday, Stuart said ; Mrs.|pate in a tree planting cere-\dedication and perferming an|1+900 in 1964. Creamer with a gift in appre-|mony at Glen Manor Conserva-|essential public service is not enough to merit a loan C. The United States birth rate has been falling steadily from 25 per 1,000 in 1957 to 21.1 per sions on local and regional prob-| lems. Auxiliary members were; Hospital Women's Auxiliary Opens Season With Luncheon Reporting on the Candy Strip- ers, Mrs. Russell stated 90 igirls were working during the summer, and that one candy striper had completed hours of service in the two summer months. In reviewing statistics on the Candy Stripers, she found about 27 per cent chose a career connected with hospital work. Mrs. Kerr reported on the en- joyable tea given recently in honor of Mrs, George Telford. |She was pleased to report that iMrs. T. H. Everson, the only living charter member of the auxiliary was present to make the presentation to Mrs, Tel- ord. Mrs. J. H. McDiarmid asked for pocket books and magazines for the Library cart and stated that 105 books and 58 periodicals had been distributed. Mrs. W. J. Bone, sewing and knitting con- vener reported one and one- half dozen gowns had _ been sewn and that Mrs. Victor Pea- cock made up 25 pairs of slip- pers. Articles knitted by Mrs. Charles Hill and Mrs. W. R. Lynde were donated. Mrs. Kennedy Mason will staff the gift shop for the balance of the year and Miss Vera Moyse will be in charge of the Christ- mas Cheer project. The Evening Chapter of the auxiliary are holding a fashion show on Oc- jtober 19 and 20. Mrs. D, E. Smith, bursary convener, announced that Miss Diane Savoie is this year's win- ner of the bursary for study of physiotherapy. A welcomed was jextended to Mrs, Harold L. Don- ald as a new member. IN NEED of a HOMEMAKER? ® Call s?2*% RED GROSS Homemoker Service at 723-1073 200) same time, just to see how much food she was eating at dinner, "It was plain--second helpings were crowding me into size 20," she wrote, It isn't the first helping of food that puts the calories over the top: It's second helpings. One reader wants your dietitian to be more specific regarding first helpings: "I think when reducers report their success they should tell just how much Second Helpings Pile Weight of every food they eat at 4) meal. Otherwise, how can we know?" } Fair enough. Since protein is the backbone of the menu, we will start with the protein foods. The chief protein foods are meat, fish and chicken, eggs, milk, skim milk, cheese and cottage cheese. A small serving of meat, fish or poultry is 3% oz., which is the standard 100 gram portion. I like to suggest a 4 oz. serving, cooked weight, edible portion, A medium-large serving is a 6 '0z. portion, eooked weight. Recall the nursery rhyme of Jack Sprat, who could eat no fat, and his wife, who could eat no lean. The calorie count of lean versus lean-and-fat shows why she was fat and he was lean, Beef: The average calorie count for 3% oz. of lean beef is 226. The same size portion of lean-and-fat furnishes 385° Gal- ories. Lamb: The 3% oz. por- tion of lean furnishes 200 cal- ories; the same portion of lean- and - fat yields 306 calories. Pork: The 3% oz. portion of lean furnishes 220 calories; the same size portion of lean-and- fat furnishes 300 calories. Fish: A 6 0z. portion raw weight yields. close to 5 oz. cooked weight, baked or broiled. The lean fish, such as cod, flounder, haddock and hali- but, furnish approximately 150 calories for a 5 oz, portion. Me- dium fat fish--bass, bluefish, mackerel, ocean perch, sword- fish and whitefish--furnish ap- proximately 195 calories per 5 oz. serving. Since fish is com- paratively low in calories, a 6 or 7 oz. portion, cooked weight, is not too large a serving. Other protein foods: One egg, 80 calories; 1 oz. cheese, 105 to 116. calories; 1% cup cottage cheese, 110 calories; whole milk, 1 cup, 165 calories; skim milk and buttermilk, 85 cal- ories. The standard serving size for vegetables, fruits and fruit juices is a % cup portion. On low calorie vegetables, have a % cup serving. Bread allowance is usually 2 to 3 slices a day. An average slice is 60 calories, thin slice 45 calories. A serving of cereal is % to 1 cup and furnishes approximately 100 calories; it can be substituted for 2 slices of bread, Happy slimming! 'Findla Wi, > th D0 we: emmeee||LD HM ys y Natural Gas -oo| Ranges The bank does not have ai- jthority to lend money to non- profit organizations, to those which depend on grants from government or charitable or- "Tea, Showers, Presentation Fete Tomorrow's Bride, Norma Gower 'wisn: "0" °° Prior to her marriage tomor-|of yellow roses and white car- help in a case where a nurs- «-row to Mr. Ronald Jamesjnations. Mrs. Gower assisted, |ing home is poorly planned or "Blyth, Miss Norma Marie Gower! wearing a yellow and white lin-| where one with obsolete quar-| «has been entertained at a num-ien A-line dress with a corsage of|ters could be run efficiently in| ber of showers, teas and par-|yellow roses and white carna-|a modern building. Another ex- ties. tions, ample would be to help build "> Mrs. Ronald Wright, Linden The bride-elect's grandmoth-|a new wing to accommodate a crescent, opened her home for ers, Mrs. Clyde Platten and waiting list. '@ personal shower given by the Mrs, A. H. Gower; her great-| ------- bridal attendants, Mrs. Wright, aunt, Mrs. Roy Hood, and the} Miss Brenda Gower and Miss future bridegroom's aunt, Mrs.) Beverley Jacklin Warren Lanning, poured tea Friends and relatives of the, from a table decorated in white prospective bridegroom gather- and crimson to accent the heir- seed for a miscellaneous shower loom crystal, which has been 'in given by his aunt, Mrs. War-| miss Gower's family for at "ren Lanning at her home on least three generations. Fairleigh avenue. The hostess; Mrs. Ronald Wright, the ma- was assisted by Mrs. Alexan-|tron of honor, was in the show- der Blyth. er gift room. Miss Beverley .. Personal friends of the bride-|Jacklin, bridesmaid, was in the «lect attended a miscellaneous| trousseau room and Miss Bren- "shower given by. Mrs. Bruce'da Gower, sister of the bride- Luke at her: home on Warrenjelect and junior bridesmaid,| eavenue. The co-hostess was was in the wedding gift room. "Miss Mary Kolynko Those serving were Mrs. = Mrs. Douglas Gower, Poplar|Bruce Luke, Miss Maureen "avenue, entertained at a miscel-| Cook, Miss Roberta Tilling and aneous shower given by the!Miss Lola Moore. Assisting in e~grandmother and aunts of the|the kitchen were Mrs. Arthur ».abride-to-be, Mrs, Alfred Gower,| Hedge, Mrs. Raymond Kemsley | «»Mrs. Douglas Gower and Mrs.,and Miss Caroline Porter. | *-John Patterson. Following the rehearsal to- we Mrs. Clyde Platten, Mrs. night, the bridal party will be "Earl Moore and Mrs. Edgar)entertained at the home of Mr.! Tremble, another grandmother! and Mrs. Douglas Gower, Pop- and aunts of the bride-elect held lar street St. George's Anglican Church CENTRE STREET FALL LUNCHEON Wednesday, September 29th AT 1:00 P.M. ee eee eS mg INCOMPARABLE 30" 'FINDLAY' GAS RANGE in gleaming white or Colonial coppertone enamel finish! e Four super high-speed "Set'n'Simmer" top burners, easily con- trolled from a low simmer to a full high-speed heat. e Surface mounted controls for greater convenience and safety. e Two-in-one oven timer for both "cook" and "off". Pilots light burners automatically. Safety-elevator smokeless broiler with finger-tip adjustment to five positions. (MODEL 932GDT) YOUR GAS COMPANY SPECIAL, 199.00 NO DOWN PAYMENT+AS LITTLE AS $5.30 PER MONTH INSTALLED, TAX INCLUDED a miscellaneous shower, for re- Sanernerrcrneen ner latives and family friends, at --_--_--_----rS Mrs. Platten's home on Hojtop) street. TWIRL A neighborhood kitchen show- er was given by Mrs. Eric ~Jacklin and Mrs. Hugh Gannon "at Mrs. Jacklin's home on Drew Register Daily from 5 to 7 p.m. , street. The hostesses were as- sisted by Mrs. Frank Branton ~.and Mrs. Donald Mountjoy. ~- A shower was given by Miss ""Gower"s co-workers at Gen- «eral Motors, Customs Depart ment, where she was presented with a pyro-ceram tea-pot and "coffee percolator. The hostesses "were Miss Mary Elliott and e-Miss Susan Brockman | '= The bride-elect's mother, Mrs. | «Norman W. Gower, held a trous- "sea tea at their home on Drew Street. To receive her guests,| «Miss Gower was wearing a pale "blue crepe A-line dress, with an empire waistline, and a corsage A WONDERFUL WHISTLING KETTLE When You Buy This Gas Range Now! A modern stainless steel copper-bottom kettle that boils water so fast, it has to whistle to tell you it's ready! Boils water fast because you're cooking with Natural Gas. This $7.50 . Value is yours absolutely free with the purchase of this specially priced Natural Gas Range. (offer ends December 15, 1965) (Gonsumers' ('jas 29 CELINA OSHAWA 728-7363 /7- A BOUNTY OF BRITCHES Odd trousers being quite essential to the leisure ward- robe, the gentleman will be amply rewarded by choosing from those here, The bounty includes twills, tweeds, twists, worsted and corduroys plus washable trousers that, indeed, never need to be ironed, FOR FALL TERM HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY Oshowe Shopping Centre 725-6122 TROUSERS Permanent Press, from. . . SPORT JACKETS from pee FIRST TO YOUNG AGES then... ' For quality, selection ond value . . . featuring all the latest styles for boys ond girls, from infants to size 14.... "The Best Costs Less At" YJO}UIN|GH AcE} OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE USE YOUR CREDIT Oshewe Shopping Downtown 36 King Eas? Open to 9 P.M. Frideys ntre Open te 9 P.M. Thurs. & Fri.

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