OSA REAR YTS IGT ay Aine meena se THE OSHAWA Ti ursdey, September 23, 19 BRIDGE Cy &. JAY SECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' individual Championship Ploy) South dealer. North-South vulnerable, THAT GALE OR My i, wage % rie TENNIS, SWIMMING, 1 1 OA),,., Wits URGING, TIO DOES SOME CHAMPIONSHIP DIVING, 1D Keene femme Section no ST a pee me ed NOT UNTIL LONG APTEA THE IOUNTING CABUAL WN THE WCHENDARLE ATTACK THAT A MORALE CANADA Eva bes COMPS WOARIND LT" 5ON /8 @/VEN THE ASSAULT. | 16,000 CASUALTIES... ARTHUR CURRIE ON __ GAN, iN | 4 AlLiEC oars ? pias Bees, hae LL Fy a" 5 YA _NICTORY WAS i > "9 Opening lead -- queen "o hearts. ; The low-level business double provides an excellent means of exacting a sizable penalty from cS : 7 naseceremeenecer r -- the baer tole be is >So ALONE? UMMM~PERHAPS I YEAH, ZEROS eou-LBe/ Tr - 7H, NOW, THE LITTLE PROPLE HA T Mane. ve membered that the player who TAF ENDS OUR LESSON FOR COULD BE OF SOME ASSISTANCE! AN'T CAN || CAN HARDLY LIFT See Me Ng Muar LIB aMINING IVA OHOE? TOWN? Soc. sven opens the bidding or competes as 0 HELP HER WITH ALITTLE | BASY SEE HB THIS THING IT i Pr : : 1 © against an opening bid is nearly COACHING = I'LL 60 GEE-4=| WON'T NEED \ MUBT WEIGH A ., dd : always several tricks short ,of =| US-SO LETS | HUNNERT Ji S$ = 2 what he |s contracting to make. J) \\ ' ' However, the defenders must i function well in these low-level WANDER ROUNP ~~. POUNPS / contracts for the penalty to be- AN' LOOK AT at come remunerative. That is what they did in this case where Fast made a takequt double of one heart and West changed it into a business double by passing. ' West started by leading- a trump, which was surely a step in the right direction from the viewpoint of defense. The lead WELL YE@- [7 DOES) | BUT IT'S NECESSARY HOW, CAN © BE coer? i mp pe was designed to prevent de- TAKE ALITTLE rs ge hy Vy) i°) 60 LUCKY 4/ RJ Bo Ray ees pe hyn Remuhite Peg Prrtioky Y roe" clarer, or dummy, from scoring 5 Sipral 4 SHE REMBMBER TOM / LETS WAIT J) WHO ARS YOU REALLY ¥ tricks. with low trumps. vn \ AT SHERRI'S me Declarer took the queen with APARTMENT / Se the king and played a low {lub, : "~ the ten losing to the jack, Bast returned a spade to the king and West continued the attack in trumps by returning the jack of hearts. , South took the jack with the ace and played another low club, East winning with the queen as West iscarded .& spade, East then cashed the queen of spades followed by the ace. y West now made the key plpy of iebvonain Bo ype say = hy renee g and proceed 'aw South's bey d remaining trumps by tke ne the 10-7. Now down to four cards, all diamonds,' West hpd to lead one, permitting tin THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 score the A-Q, but East thpn took the last two tricks with the ace of clubs and nine of spades. As a result, South went down three--800 points. West's pass of the double was certainly ihe normal thing to do, but his p sistent method of defense---par- ticularly in: dealing with the trump suit -- was exceptionajly fine. It did not look: as though THAT ROCi< SHOULD HAVE A oe penn ana a BSN are declarer would go down three IN An aT RAEN T A8 AN ARROW marr (when. dummy fret apeneryt A Ry } co clilcciclnistaishlet wiles sien : 2 ALL RIGHT, HAL ..... WHAT DOES THE IN? r WAY/ AOGROSS 2. Other: defensive pla made it MAP SAY'? I'M SIGHTIN' DOWN ideas TELEVISION LOG pgp vn GA" arsine edi. nea i THIS ROCK SPLINTER LIKE IT rn o oaviey 8. Carting 22. . possible, ee 6 - 4 Channes 2--Buttale ka--Mona McCluskey 12:00 NOON 5, Widow in vehicle 23. N e shi Raine att | ram care GOREN 28 Moka | BOWLING NEWS Channel 4B |$-3---Tell ite \ Channel Toronto gra tym gh Pt 9. Soothe 5. Exhausted MSGS APTERNOON DONALD DUCK f J-Money Movie cis ile jo:0e FM. , r (: Channe) SopUttetS,: --litrne ee oehtin shew! Gi tewn' one Weather 10. Vitiated: 6, Ukrainian RIC VIEIGMMCH] | MOTOR SITY WED, AFTERNOON Channel 8---Rochester rte d 26. Triples =~ Channel 9--Toronte 1-8-2---Dean Martin Show lee p ae capital . VENTER ILL | inadeline Morrison ¢R4' (182, 329, Channel --Hamilton | 7--Long Hot Summer Popeye and Pals 12, New 7, Land : ering Peebles 448 (178, 216, --_--_-- | é=A Man Called | 12118 PM, » England measure ais ATTTEIN] Eleanor Vallincourt. 646 1271, 188, dunn om | SOE. cg | Oe ee 8. Contami- : ace cole ed Inet. #100 Pom. | 10:98 PM. | 12:90 PM. 13, Weird nates Yesterday's Answer Singles -- Bea McKanzie 247, Pauline Family Theatre é---Commonwealth News 14, Altar P.Accumulate time Starr 245, Liza Mackey. 231, Lois Burgen Five O'clock Movie | Jazz | 7, Superman %--! Love Lucy ' ' %, Anne Sabo Rei constellte 31, Pause: 99, Amerls 38. Job Re ae pee + Searc tor Tomorrow tion colloq. can 36, Maple Marg Eccles 213, Day Gazley 212, Jean Teri ; eee | | he Ge aes |ieeat iy Vege tts Boe why te gg Mert porte | nas PM 6, Compass the Tational Three |tick 207, y 207, . veraeree | Walp Pe N---Racing Perum | point beach . Master of Wise Men |""Team Bottwns reom ty 6 *DaKpikss 69 on Pm | Metre Final | @--Guiding Light 17, German 17. Studlike ceremonies 89, Bxiat Tae, Pala = Cree i 4 eet vary \t Te Beaver | &Viewpoint | 1:00 PLM, | philosopher projection , Mountain 40, June fortes, Ji. Sete, eel ivtae. Ai The as Maverick | i |l}=Theatre | 19, Thou: Fr. © 18, Devoured valleys bug Neng 4) Toa Te, 1 8) Mayne ote JodeLate Show i James Beard Show | 20, Feata: acai . 2) Bataan, 2) Team b2) Kany Kel YT a | g=Night Metre o--Matinee t TTS : sone '4 7 Trail Master rset WY LAKE VISTA Mixeo Leacuel N 138 PM, #-3---Luneneon Date Pant ie hornet tn é--MeHales Navy 1--The Saint 4--Meet The Millers Slight GY A lot of good uTieay 1 4--News, Sports with Movie 2-Mike Dougles show » SUB for the first of bowling, Planse have Chuck Mealy | footing or your name of team and captains p! ed 4:20 PLM, wie bg PM. 1:98 PLM, advantage wnen you turn. in your sheets, Fripay | News | Mnamene %~Sergeant Bilk wey | 4:0 PLM. %--Plerre Berton ss +.) denAs The World Turne \ Look High triples -- R. Gardian 793 (p82, 1210 AM, 2:00 PM. | narrowly 259, 252)2 F. Gavas 775) (313,266)? My VeFamily Theatre Ne 2) 6 1 ie show. . | . ? | . Brightly 475 (262, 220); J. Bremeamer ?-43--News) Weather . 12:30 AM. %--Kids is People 669 (262, 220)7 Gi Oliver 439 (228, 2 " and Sports hele ea, | Beelame in, The wing | Colored P, Gourley 618 (234); 8, Oliver 608 (ha, 8--Huntley-Brinkley | Sports 64 -Pasaword bird 299), Seip Peal 31, Dutch a -- D, Bis 294, 8. Sadier 231, 8. 7--Maverick PRIDAY | 2--Moment of Truth trees 4 ew, Rickman 228, A. Sheritan qanarens: Gonnae site Am ke I Bh tue nee m5, C. Smith 215, $. Hurlock 215), V. 100 PM, Lif ceekaltenl Mave ener Ghariene 32, Seize Z ayers 210, K. Rosamond 207, P. Brem- {Candid Camera i gl Mated 2190 PM 33. Type ner 207, D. Gilbert 206, &. Herbacko j201 Murnane | Captain Kangaree | Bek or , ° and B. "Rickman 200, ; G -- ----<" | 100 AM | %~People in Conflict measure Lemon Tree -- W, Gourley 9, 2. SHerl- a aT AH, ALL sc | 1cAN ENJOY > Oi Mv/..1 FORGOT ABOU lice H4-The Doctors $4. Baby's tow [i dan 38, P. Gyurka 9%, 8 Sadler 97 and Reidlsormiooe } [rEAcErut Momwnes ee omeceenotees" ) | |" "in" Stn wm une eeamtie® | $E-8en ot Sect | ' 4 sf ya . | f | Bobby | 4-Linkletter's Party 8, Bxtr 34 UAW LADIES AUX, NO. 27 ! 4 j - . A px IN SGROCE ur Of REE | ee ee | Poesaling tor Qetlere | dMevie 39, Maxim High Doubles -- Ruby Rockbrune )4dl y. ' 37 (924); 1 mene! Seca Carvel abana esa 8 Sarnia eta) ane A Rs 0 PAM, | ickey Mouse Clue ||}----Donna Reed Cit) (222), : i}Jamboree | 198 A.M. | %--Fractured Phrases 42, Rascal ry High Singles -- Phyllis Clarke 225, Rose | %--Hollywood Palace | 0-2--Another World 48. Pieces out Dale 222, Ethel Fogal 221, Flo, Panter #:2--Daniel Boone jE Allen 7--General Hospital \ 203 and Lil, Brannd 20), | JmShinding "Sie A Lee 4-To Tell The Truth 44, oe Wid WY) There were seven 'emons not bad ifor 6--Hogan's Heroes Baits | ' po the first week, &The Munsters 1108 AM, iaeoae Gere 1, Wine Points Taken -- Joey. Braiden's: tem 1 The Adams Family 1) AP polly ' BS. ly, Hazel Farrow 0; Ellen Burrus 3, Ethel % rete fet Maria bg Bo aE aie ieee cach «| Thomason 0; Rose Ellis 2 Flo, Panter i | ue eM ey : é Olive Clarke's tean 2, Ann Gwilliame }, W--OHA Ji. A, siockey Bie dros. ter here way, and irritation of the skin.jdermatology (treatment of skin! Team Standing ~~ Joeys 3: Bliens 3. | J--Donna Reed Show oot Love' Lucy . away, an bere , SKIN) poses 2, Olives 2 Flos l, Anns |, Magels | | Announcements ISo it begins to itch--to distrac-| diseases) so complex, 0 and Ethels 0 1 | | Poe, $deThe Seaway 4--Edge of Night ine 1 on, 4 | | Lamest MAJOR "A" League} eather Se ES cunt 4-Oliligan's - (alana la.awnat'e This Seng? I td an eM | Donna Reed | «00 PLM, | : | gts Your Move 4--The McCoys | 9-Mickey Mouse Club When the skin us thus softened, Dear Dr. Molner: Can a per 0 ripen -- By Redpath 820 (9), n3 4), 7 RE ¢ RE?) THE *, 1 Gen | he Match G ; w+ BUT I PAID THIS \s Tar COMPANY man oat One we) cagA pg | JCokey. Cracker Bis | Jameckahine 3 and irritated, and is rather con-/son be allergic to nylon ROSE? |" ry Trisies -- v) Norris 79h (348, 2) COMPUTERS HAVE NO ay Crackerby 100 aM &3--Vacation Time stantly moist as well as warm,|When I wear cotton anklets, My/ stella Makarchuk 749 (320, 238) Ben BILL ON THE DOES ALL THEIR TWS NOTICE Says! ' FEELINGS." mi ' 4--My Three Sons \")- Bonnie Prudden | seasecret alien Pee becomes a_ perfect bivouac|feet don't bother me, but when] Jackson 242 (228, 231, 283) Dorothy Syfes Pr - ni r _ La r be j ) 8: /0: BILLING BY ow ! ce oe |¥3--Coneantration ies eg * area for all sorts of common|! wear nylons it feels as though ths. a0 MR tevin Nevlon wa) is 7--Rewitened va BR gy, Be AR Rao infections: Bacteria, fungus,|something is crawling on my}?#0)) Audrey. Hodgson ef) (cnn Hehe $3-1 Sream OF Joannie 198 AM. Sea Hunt lsometimes others. Then, ofjskin and my toes. sting.-- 226)1 Olive Frise. 659 (209, 224, 296); ores 4--Movie | hy VisAlbert J. Steed | 7.Rarly Show 'cours , , »|MRS, C, : Wilson 6$8 (200, 298, 220) and Lorett . 2--Quarter Back CludD [9 abra@adabra ic tenuhinn' Ranealer jcourse, you have a secondary Cc, Ween St tea oretia Mec | AL |h2--Jeopardy Vg--the @Thirty Club jinfection Another irritant has Teatna Stneding Sirduth 4 Young |_Mchet's, Sing Out 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 2--Sting Ray jbeen added on top of the origina! Moderns & Crawtord Ins. 6 Nu-Way' § --_ ---- - ae ---------- | ane be allergic to almost anything|Herwich 5. Scugog 3, Hayden Mactionhid | . . 2 and Modern Upnolstery 2 . YOUR HEALTH \"'ghis condition wore often|70% COM Uniagine, In YOUP CADE resem --erertence im : & \pothers fleshy people. It doesn'tyt may not necessarily be "SALLY'S SALLIES R ; oo hainanneenetentenenenneneeannmmsnemmemnaiiatl often occur in thin folks, So try!lon; it might also be the dye. Ski S { R aay to lose weight, In ur aces ub Neb * Meantime, keep the area dry.) Dear Dr, Molner; I read about | Mabe got use of powder will ab-ja treatment for ulcers--drink- M I H oe wid sorb moisture and also reducejing a quart of uncooked cab- seer "Nr urmur n eart \ Me the chafing. If that is ineffective,|bage juice daily for 30 days, 1:00 PLM, | lyannoe 1 | Neb todd 2 NOwE, MICKEY MOUSE Yes, Somebody turns out to MUGGS AND SKEETER pc hg fy Ss é hy JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD iy it may be necessary to usejand remaining on a bland diet $0 SUDDEN! PAUL. gauze so that the two skin sur-|My family doctor said this was --@IVE MB TIME ' | Pear Dr. Molner: I have an/when two skin surfaces rub to-|faces are kept separated, ithe method many years ago but - itching on the under side of the|gether. The area beneath the Poa \he was not sure how effective breasts and at times it nearly/breasts, if they are large, is Any secondary infection lit was, Have you heard of it?-- ldrives me to distraction, I have|possibly the most likely place dermatitis may require special| T. N ; tried salve, powder and manyjfor this to occur, The two sur treatment, perhaps an antibiotic)"> ° things with small or only tem-j/faces are in contact, hour after or other antiseptic solution. | Yes, some years ago. There porary relief, What should Ijhour, day after day, This is a characteristic prob-|was experimentation, but as | do?--MRS, pn, C. | 'The same condition can oc¢-jlem in many types of skin dis-jrecall it, the real attempt in- _ This sounds like intertrigo./cur in other parts of the body--jorders or irritations: When one/volved, as a medication, an ex- Your own doctor can be more|between the thighs, under thejgets started, another kind pres-|tract from cabbage juice. Many An sure, from examination, than I/arms, in abdominal folds ently can develop on top of it./gallons of juice were required to Ls coaneeeimenias nn can from a description in al There is natural moisture|Correcting the original trouble/get a very small amount of the} "My husband addresses tie letter . fram the pores. There is con-|may not also cure the secondary|medication, To the best of my ball twice . . . the second However, itertrigo is a quite|stant chafing. The result is ma-jone. Both have to be cured, knowledge, the idea never time after he swings." common ailment. it resultsiceration -- softening. wearine'That's a basic fact which makes proved to be effective Fa yo