? CHILD GUIDANCE The Parent At Home Can Aid Poor Speller By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD jscolding him about this matter No matter how well your|40 somewhat like tha following: With his help, make a list of these words most troublesome. favs. Mabe appear with colored returned child "x Type or print plainly this You and he may be sur- prised at how few these words are--only 15, 20 or at most 50, omton =e Dr, H&S Installs New Executive At First Meeting Mrs, N. V. Roe, a vice-presi- dent of Council, conducted the installation of. officers at, the first meeting of Dr. Robert Thornton Home and School As- sociation who are as follows: President, Mrs. Arthur Joynt, re-elected; 1st vice-president, Mrs. C. M. Sheffield; 2nd vice- president, Mrs. Arthur Gray; re- cording secretary, Mrs. Ray- mond Hatter, treasurer, Mrs. E, W. Coedy; corresponding sec- retary, Mrs. H. M. Spurrell; membership, Mrs. George Wall; grade representatives, Mrs, Richard Schad; _ citizenship, Mrs. Léonard Dalby; the asso- ciation's foster child, King Chung -Kwok, Mrs, Douglas Al- dred; Principal, Mr. M, G. Kar- jak. hse, Arthur Joynt presided. Minutes of the annual meeting were read by Mrs. Ray Hatter and Mrs, E. W. Coedy gave the annual treasurer's report, September being citizenship month, Mrs, Chesley Burton in- Ww) 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 21, 1965 DISTAFF DIARY | Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries, a 8T,. GEORGE'S WA St. George's Afternoon Branch of the Women's Auxiliary met for their devotional )and buai- ness meeting. The president, Mrs. Charles Gibbs, opened the meeting and welcomed the members back from holidays. The educational secretary, Miss Flora Foster, gave an in- teresting talk, on the four coun- The following announcements were made; a coffee party and bake sale, usider auspices of the Lenore Unit, would be held at 830, 837 and 840 Sommer- ville avenue on September 29 from 9.30 to 11.30 a.m; the regional meeting would be held lat Orono, October 26, with afternoon and evening sessions and Miss Muriel Stevens as the guest speaker; Astra Unit ba- zaar would be held November may have been spelling phoneti-|try cally. His problem is to memor- ize their correct spelling. UE isnt: six of these an evening or at a sitting. He will want to hurry|about is and try himself out too soon andjattack _|thus spell them. wrong repeat-|word at a time and to edly. He will tend to pronounce|a sitting as lone word and spell it whilejcan and master looking at it and then try him-|making a single mistake. self out on it and hurry to the . Se: < MRS, ARTH" JOYNT (Re-elected) MARRIED IN St. Hed- Beckell, Oshawa, and the tries of India. 117 at 8.00 pim.; the Astra Unit It was announced that the|would be holding 'a nearly new next meeting would be Septem-|sale, October 1 at 1.30 p.m. and ber 30. donations of good clothing would be appreciated; and the VICTORY LODGE next general meeting would be The regular meeting of Vic-\held November 3, at 8.00 p.m. tory Lodge LOBA No, 583 was| Mrs, H. V. Myers led the de- held Thursday evening in the|votional period, troduced the guest speaker, Mr. Donald Ellison, fire. prevention officer of the Garrard Road Fire Department, who showed an in- terested audience the up-to-date equipment needed by fire fight- ers. Following the showing of a film there were demonstrations Saturday, November 27; Mrs. John Sandy, Mrs. Ethel|that there would be a kinder- Vint; Grade 5, Mr. Alan Lough-| garten mothers' tea early in Oc- eed; Grades 5 and 6, Mrs. Doug-|tober. The attendance plaque las Aldred; Grade 6, Mr. Neil} was won by Mrs. Turner's kin- Milroy; Grades 6 and 7, Mr.|dergarten class. Terry Wraight; Grades 7 and 8,| Mr. Donald Weeden; Grade 8,|Grade 8 mothers. Refreshments were served by next word. Thus he may prac- tice poorly on all the words on this short list. Instead, have him look care- fully at the first word and spell it while lo and to repeat this formance five or six times be-} CLASSICAL ond POPULAR 'or further information TRICIA TUCK 74 BURK ST. OSHAWA 725-4587 -- of everyday fire hazards in the late Mr. Frederick James Mitchell, and the bridegroom 4s the son of Mr. and Mrs, Stephan W. Sciuk, Oshawa. Ireland Studio wig's Roman Catholic Church were Dian Gail Mit- chell and Jonathan Zigmunt Sciluk, The bride is. the daughter of Mrs, Donald W. WEDDING ALBUM Arecord for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture "of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible after the ceremony. You are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. Sciuk - Mitchell St, Hedwig's Roman Catholic|Walter Sweet, the bride's sister. Church was the setting for the/The bridesmaids were Miss marriage of Dian Gail Mitchell/Catherine Sciuk and Miss Chris- to Jonathan Zigmunt Sciuk, The|tine Jamroz, both of Oshawa, bride is the daughter of Mrs./They were dressed alike in ps pee One y. and no Vip of aqua i cee de e late Mr, Frederick James|white lace over-bodices, shor Mitchell and her bridegroom is|sleeves and scoop. necklines, the son of Mr, and Mrs, Ste-| The best man was Mr. T .| meeting would be held in goc- "7 "h perce 1 ' ibor Varga, Oshawa, and the|tber 7, it was announced. e@ Keveren nthony Bag-ushers were Mr, Donald Cullen, | 5 . . aik officiated and the soloist was|Ottawa and Mr. Walter Sweet, | oe strong iy . Sane, Ary Beam, elt 8000M" Oshawa. lanes ry sintee diss Ch ited panied. | The reception was held at the|; : die y Gi { Je by } Church Women was held recent- viven in marr o y 're( Kinsmen Community Centre,liy in the Sunday school audi. uncle, Mr. Howard Hogel, the where the bride's mother re-ltonum, After all had enjoyed a prone ag Pag ey ail pee ceived, wearing an ice-pink silkldelicious pot-luck supper, the parte a FR 5 A skirt and ajorganza sheath with an orchid members and guests were wel-| fitted empire bodice of Chan-|Corsage. The bridegroom's nto-\comed by the president, Mrs.| tilly lace featuring a scalloped|ther assisted, wearing &® tur-/Robert Sheffield, quoise organza sheath with a It was decided to jan's influence on crime is tre: neckline and elbow - length)" Ss ee "World Friend' subscriptions) scr is | P mendous, T, W. Hall, director) sleeves. A full-length train of cog in ial ee he Chantilly lace fell from the} As the Couple left for there. i ay ' shoulders, Her headdress was|honeymoon to the Muskoka Dis-{0F te Messengers, An invita- i 4 trict the bride was wearing ajtion to attend the St. Luke's of penitentiary -- a double crown of lace and Orange Temple. The film, "On This Rock,"|home. Mr. Ellison was thanked) . : Lodge was opened by Worthy|depicting life in a remote min-\by Mrs. Cyril Campbell. | : Mistress Betty Atkins assisted|ing community in Labrador, | An interesting talk on school ASSISTANT MANAGER'S SALE continues by Deputy on Donalda|was shown. | safety patrols was given. . | Strong. Devotional exercises | : : | #vents over the period Sep-| were performed by the Chap-| RITSON H AND 8 ltember 1964 to June 1965 were lain, Anne McNevin, The flags| The September mecting Of|priefly remembered as Mrs. were presented by Jr. Deputy|the Ritson Home and School| Kenneth Brown read the record Reta Butt and Anne Dairy. | Association was held recently,|pook, Mrs. Joynt announced that "God Save the Queen" was |with Mrs, Walter Borysiak pre-|there would be a hobby display) sung and the Pledge of Loyalty|siding, and welcoming the| with handicrafts, to be held in was repeated by all. jmembers back. conjunction with curriculum . Eva Tipton, Agnes Wellman,| Mrs. Keen finance} night -- the time and date would Beatrice Hurst and W. S, Gard-|chairman, presented the new|be announced later, Anyone in-| ner were reported on the sick|budget which was accepted by|terested in once again attend- list. Birthday greetings were the members, Parents' roll call/ing keep-fit classes should con-| sung for Anne McNevin. It was|Was won by Miss Biggs' Grade) tact Mrs. Arthur Gray: j announced that a home bingo|! class. | Mr, M. G, Karpiak, principal, would be held on September 20/ Mr. A. S, Winter, principal,| reported that there were 530 stu-| at 8.00 p.m, at the home of|welcomed everyone and men-|dents this term, aside from the Mildred Carnochan, 92 Elgin|tioned school enrolment was up/25 younger ones being transport: | street east. | slightly. ed to Sinclair School for kin-| Cora Gardener and Anne| Mr. Winter introduced the|dergarten classes. |Foote were appointed conveners|teaching staff and spoke on be-| Commenting on the French for the social bingo which is to|half of the teachers saying they|classes started this term, Mr. be held on October 13 in the|were all interested in the best|Karpiak stated they were for Orange Temple, jeducation for all the children.|Grades 5 to 8 and held in three) Tasty refreshments were serv-|He mentioned the importance| 20-minute periods, Mr. Karpiak) ed by Mildred Carnochan and|of attendance and promptness.|then introduced his staff: Kin-| Anne Dairy, The next regular|He also spoke briefly on com-|dergarten -- Mrs. Edna Turner; | municable diseases pointing out|Grade 1, Miss Marie Koster, that the parents must. notify/Miss Dianne Ennis; Grades 1 both the Board of Healthiand 2, Mrs. Ronald Bryant; and the school if their children|Grade 2, Mrs, Robert King; | get these diseases, Mrs. Bory-| Grade 3, Miss Verna Riehl, siak announced the Kindergar-| Mrs. Ronald Drapak; Grade 4,| ten Tea would be held on Wed-|-- io nesday, September 15. IT ALL ZELLER'S AETAILERS TO THRIFTY QANADIANS Open Daily 9:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Thursdey and Friday to 9 P.M, Boyes, vy J v7 Fabulous "Persiana with Soft "Mink-Like" Fur Collars For elegant occasions, luxurious little jackets of synthetic "Pers- iana" that looks and feels just like the real' thing! Collared in minky "Glenara"" fur fabric and beautifully styled. Dramatic black in sizes 10 to 20. A "find" at this | Refreshments were served by the executive, WOMEN CONTROL CRIME | aviag| MONTREAL (CP)--The wom: provide price! pearis holding a double bouffant veil of tulle, and she carried a cascade of white roses and an orchid, The matron of honor was Mrs, blue silk dress and matching|Presbyterian Women's Tea w g|for Western Canada, coat, orchid corsage. On their return, |Mr. and Mrs, Scuik will reside| lin Oshawa, SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Ray Laaja, Whitby, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Nancy Lizabeth, to Kenneth Thomas James DeMille, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DeMille, Oshawa. Wedding plans will be announced later. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eder, Oshawa, announce the forthcom ing marriage of their only daughter, Margaret. Edith, to Mr. Robert Paul Bridgman, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J, Roland Noelker, one of the shoe design award winners of the Leather Industries of America, believes that this style will be a favorite for resort and spring 1966. It is a walking pump of pale Bridg:| man, Toronto. The wedding Is to take place on Saturday, Oc- tober 16, 1965 at 3.00 p.m. in St. Leonard's Church, Toronto. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE The forthcoming marriage is announced of Beatrice Margar- et, daughter of Mr. Manley C. Je Storms, Oshawa, and the late Mrs, Storms, to Martin Percy Somerville, son of Mr. and Mrs | Percy Somerville, Oshawa. The wedding will take place on Sat- urday, October 16, 1965, at 2.00 p.m Church, WINNER beige grained leather with an opened-up instep, a cov ered leather heel and a strap decorated with a dell- cate metal buckle --By Tracy Adrian otty INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street Eost CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 black accessories and an in Westmount United the International Criminological Congress here. "A mother can| jdrive her son to crime through| indifference, lack of love and| direction, and a girl can be the nals are much like children, reason why a young man| says Mrs, Jeannette Boisseau,|steals,"" he said. 'Too often the| director of the women's section|'femme fatale' of crime is good) of the Montreal jail, Bringingjold mom or the sweet, stupid lup 'five children was the best|Wife." |training she could have had for! jher job, she said. "Criminals, | a 7. like children, are emotional and Ti ct gn spgccaad eigy A shortsighted, and lack discipline longer than for men of the same and self-control," age read by Mrs, Robert Currie. CROOKS ARE LIKE KIDS MONTREAL (CP) -- Crimi- sa WOMEN LIVE LONGER | They Had Me Crying The men from Ross Mills come in and gently removed the rugs from the floor, It wasn't the men's fault, | thought our rugs had gone for qgood, so | cried like a baby. But was | ever glad later! They brought our rugs back looking so fresh, clean and room brightening right | literally pranced with joy. Where hod they gone? To the famous Boker Cleaning plant for their annual cleaning. You try Baker Cleaning today, you'll see what | mean "Free Pick-Up and Delivery" = "JUST ONE GALL DOES THEM ALL" "Over 80 Years Experience" " For "BAKER SERVICE" -- call your local agent ROSS E. MILLS Co. Lid. 80 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6218 ADDS UP "Pantino" rates an "A" for their versa- tile coordinates! Tweedy separates that like the look of suede leather trim, sizes 8 to 18, The jumper - $15.00. Top = $14.00, Skirt - $11.00, FASHIONS SINCE 1876 * 4.88 Open A Charge Account Today ! 3 CONVENIENT CREDIT PLANS. NO DOWN PAYMENT. YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED AT ZELLER'S! MEN'S WINDBREAKERS "CHARGE-IT" REG. 9.99. Long-weoring nylon ond cot+ ton blend, cosuelly styled in the "bomber" jocket style ond featuring oll wool knit roll coller, cuffs and waistband, Diamond applique and quilt lining eontribute to smart styling and wermth, Teal brown, burnt elmond er block; sizes 36 to 46, MEN'S DUFFLE COATS Cashmere and wool duffle coat In young modern style, with %& pile quilt lining. Camel, putty, charcoal. Sizes 36 to 46, Reg. 24.99 19.66 DOWNTOWN STORE SIMCOE STREET SOUTH 723-2294 SKI JACKETS BOYS' 100% NYLON QUILT Wind and woter-repellent. Concealed hood, knitted cuffs, drawstring waist for more protection. Sizes 8 - 16. HURRY FOR THIS BUY! 97 REG. 6.99 ZELLER'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 723-2209