Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Sep 1965, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, September 20, 1965 5. Whitby District Bowling Scores Ba, eUlin tac Dv Aros MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE Bowling for the new season will commence Sept. 20 at 9 .m, sharp at the Oshawa Bowl- ing Lanes (Shopping Centre). All previous members are in- vited, along with any new mem- bers. This League is open to all men and women of this area. We would like to have every- body there at 8.30 p.m. on, the 628 (224, 224);. Bill Vesters 626. (265); Roger Chiasson 622. Singles 220 and over -- Doug Murison 296, Joe eg «Me Tiavd Hicks 284. Bob kitt 267,. Bill Gough 261, Gord Piatt 252, Tom Ainsworth 249, Gary itchinson Ami essomee 246, Ed 246, Richard Sandford 242, le Rousseau 241, Joe Coppolino 240, Joe Lomagno 236, Bob Villen- euve 230, Ernie Shepperdson 228, Bob Brown 224, Clarence Moore 223, Geo. Childs 222, Jim Van- derene 222, Kian Accardi 221. Team Standings -- Drew's 3, Ramblers 3, Sam's Barber | 3, Whitby Hotel 3, Joker's 3, Joe's Barber Shop 2, A and T Motors 2, Whitby Police Assoc. %, Spruce Villa Hotel 1, Has- Bins 1, Mitton Machinery 1, Whitby Barber Shop 0, Hony- ockers 0, Lewis Custom Tailor 0, Andrew's o, Bathurst 0. first night for briefing of rules and regulations. Come one and all for one night rag of recreation and exer- WHITBY AND DISTRICT MEN'S LEAGUE (Wednesday) Triples 620 and over -- Bruce Henderson 810. (248, 248); Tom Cullen 673 (264, 222); Ron Childs 722 (318); Ozzie Moore 714 (255, 253); Don Reed 683 (250, 230); Andy Martinolich 677 (277); Alex Fillier 669 (241, 935); Keith Sharman 648 (283); B. Robinson 639 (240); Les Reed' | BROCK One Complete Program Each WHITBY Evening -- Starting at 7:30 CLIFF ROBERTSON JACK HAWKINS in 'MASQUERADE' » TROUBLES MULTIPLY MIDDLESBROUGH, England (CP)--After knocking down @ policeman, motorist Soloman Kosick, 75, ran into a sports car while driving back to help the officer. One of the features of the event was a parede from Brougham Park to the museum. --Oshawa Times Photos tion engines. which powered the threshing machines of a generation ago. Other dis- plays including the making of pottery, a demonstration of chair caning, and the making of cider and butter. rural life as it was 100 years ago in the township. In the picture at left is a drag saw powered by steam which drew interested attention. The picture, at right, shows several trac- THE HISTORY IN Action Day held by the Pickering Township Museum Board Saturday at Brougham re- ceived the enthusiastic sup- port of hundreds of specta- tors who came to view STUDY OF WHITBY Aspects Of Land Use In Growth Stressed = eeiehacs: . e, 2 3 The las{--Article- in this |75, the 'students suggest. Eco-jway, preferably on industrial) series oy the recent survey..|nomic base of the town should] sites now established. | of the/Town of Whitby i bg strengthened and increased) Additional residential develop- volved a discussion on gen- |to a 60 - 40 industrial to resi-;ment south of this highway eral policy set: out in an | dential rate by 1975. During the|should be discouraged. All de- Official Plan of the com- |next 10 years the population is| velopment should be confined to munity. Such topics as pres- lexpected to increase until it|!and north of the highway with- ent and future plans for the |reactes 24,000. jin present town limits. This community were covered. Under the terms of an Offi-| area could easily accommodate The question of annexation |cial Plan which the students the expected population in- was broached with the stu- |drafted, ten major factors are| crease. | dents suggesting it not be | brought forward. For the pur-| seriously considered within |pose of clarification let us re-| should be of the single family the next 10 years. This arti- |peat once again, these recom-| dwelling type while the remain- cle, number nine in the |mendations and suggestions in'der could consist of multi- series, deals primarily with jno way obligate any municipal| family structures. No develop- Concept of Development jor civil group. They are pre-|ment should be allowed in during 1965-75, statement of |sented merely as an inducement| flooding creek areas. policy and specific aspects | for speculation. | | COMMERCIAL : : é ; of policy involving land use. Land use is definitely an im- 3 Bowmanville; Mark Hill, Of vective Keith Farraway, of the| Revitalization and expansion RR 1, Port Hope; Steven J. T. | WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby portant factor in development| 1 a " * i i : ; of the central business district Campbell, of 43 Elgin St N._|Hamilton Police a should maintain. its present of the community in future| | | ye § present! vears, Incorrect planning and|Wwould invariably induce busi- Port Hope and Louise Budd, of|and Detective Sergeant rola as a i é years Pp g ; , ; ; ¢ s a separate municipality) impr, a .|ness to remain in the town, the) RR 1, Port Hope. Robinson, Constable Brent Bark-| 101+ annexation during 1965- proper useage can cause un: | N. J, Blodgett of the Farmers'|ley and Constable Gary Winter ni told harm and, in the end,|students advise. Such action oie Mutual Fire " josarannl of the Whitby Police Depart- avail nothing but complete con-|could be achieved through co- a Liquor Vote At Pickeri Company, Lindsay, was guest ment. fusion. ordination of public and private PICKERING (Staff) -- About|, Pickering Lodge Honors DDGM PICKERING (Staff) --For- mer Pickering Village Reeve Cyril Morley was given a recep- tion in his honor at the meeting of Doric Lodge, No. 424 AF and AM, Thursday evening. | The reception honored Mr.| MAY SCARE YOU OUT (al HUNTERS ANNES Recommended As Adult Entertoinment Mr. Morley's brother, Leslie M., presented him with the gift of a new pipe. A large number of guests from neighboring lodges were present at the re- ception and banquet. Mr. Morley received the post at the annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Ontario in July at Toronto. "Everyone Doing Th eir Share", was Mr. Morley's theme as he addressed his fel- low Masons at the banquet. Mr. Morley received a book of Karsh photos from his family to commemorate the occasion. 'Armed Robbery ~ |Charges Laid | WHITBY (Staff) Two R.|charges of armed robbery have Rill|been laid by the Hamilton Police| and|Department following a raid on Julie-Ann Roberts, of 410 Brown|the Whitby Hotel, Dundas St., St., Port Hope. lw., at 10:05 p.m, Sunday. po igen ineree Pray and eight| Orval Clifford: Well, no ad- essay competition; Elaine PArKt/gras, was taken into cusady with Glenda Brown of RR 1,/@fter members of the Hamilton Port Hope, in second place.|and Whitby Police Department Sharing third were: Jean' Par-jentered his room. kin, of 199 Bruton St., Port| cailas eit a A 00 ok Hope; Barbara Wright, of RR/ i Hes . Lieut. James Campbell and De- Durham Safety Contest Winners Announced Dr. Powers School; Glen Doggett, RR 1, Port Hope; Lowes, 139 Onta@o St.; ORONO -- Winners of the 1965 Durham County Farm Safety Council poster and essay competition were announced this week at Orono Town Hall at the annual county safety night. In the Grades one and two poster competition, Jane Bur- ess, 8, daughter of Mr. and rs. M. H, Burgess of RR 3, Port Hope, placed first; Ricky Cornish, 8, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cornish of 23 Victoria St., Port Hope, second; and Elaine Kellogg, of RR 1, Port Hope; Christopher Symonds, of 18 Hill- crest Dr., Port Hope; Rosemary Arnold of 3 Moore Dr.; Susan Lee Thompson of 17 Moore Drive, Port Hope; and Kathy Sharp of Enniskillen, all placed third. Theme of this competi- Red Wing Orchards NEEDS MEN Over 18 Years Old FOR APPLE PICKING Starting 8 a.m. Tuesday 2% Miles West of Whitby on Highway No. 2 -- At the "BIG RED APPLES" The majority of construction} One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wallpaper end Murels Custom Draperies Broadloom CLL. Paints and Varnishes Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paipts ' .|-- Sane Development of the town's efforts bringing commercial ee a she He oe land should be encouraged by|prosperity and greater econo- tion was home safety. page ee by Pcongenng OPP Offi the following list of phases. | my to the community. For the Grades three and four|tinguishers in controlling var| 1cers 1.--Residential areas should) Commercial facilities within poster contest the theme was),,,.< types of fires. He exhibited! H I c h ve located north of the Mac-|each neighborhood (explained in first; Ainsley Creighton of 7 Lyn plained how defective wiring) 60 per cent of Pickering's 958 |capable of being enlarged will ribbon highway development leligible voters are expected tO} increase total residential use. |should be discouraged, DECOR CENTRE LTD. highway safety. Ian Gordon of inguishers onald-Cartier Freeway ldetail in later articles) should ; =. fire extinguishers used to con- way. | 22 Ward St., Port Hope, cameiiro) different fires and also ex- 2, -- Present neighhorhoods|be encouraged to develop while meme WHITBY (Staff) -- Constable|turn out and decide the village's) 3--Some rearrangement Crescent, second; and third was "i id third was| nouses fires. shared by: Eric Moore of RR of; In the next article a full de-| 3, Port Hope; Lynne Anderson of 63 Jocelyn St., Port Tim Brown of RR 1, Port Hope | Embroidery Stitch Eileen Raynor of 57 Molston St., - - \Instruction Given Port Hope; and Eddie Kozak of the Grades five) WHITBY -- The Hampton. Winners of and six poster competition based|Army Women's Home League on farm safety were the follow-\held its weekly meeting Thurs-) ing: first, Wendy Louise Bland,|day at the Citadel. of 129 Charles St. W., Port). Mrs. Captain Clarence Janes Hope; second, Nancy Macklin|chaired the meeting and in- Salvation) ace John Ross of the Whitby OPP} wet or dry status, Sept. 25. detachment is a patient in the} Four questions will be asked Scarborough General Hospitallof aoters at Saturday's plebis- as the result of a rear-end colli-|cite -- whether or not villagers sion on Highway 2A, a short dis-| want liquor lounges, liquor with tance west of the Highway 401|\meals, a brewers retail outlet, interchange early Sunday. Hejand a liquor store outlet. a broken jaw and, Two of the questions appear lacerations about the face. ito be irrelevant since the retail Cars, driven by, Bartley Lutz, brewers and the LCBO are ap- of 61 Dennison rd., Toronto and| parently not 'interested in plac- Gary Joseph Harding, of 107\ing stores for the sale of their Keith st., Whitby, were in-|products in the village industrial land will occur. | scription of 'Neighborhoods' and| | 4, -- Existing industrial ex-{its true position in the Official | pansion along the rail lines, in| Plan will be discussed. \the central portion of the town| jams will be discouraged. | 5.--The central business dis- trict will be encouraged to grow lin its present location with little change. 6.--Highway commercial use along Highway 2 will be desig- \nated. 7.--Park and greenbelt land| plant TOWN OF WHITBY : REQUEST FOR TREES The Works Department of the a number of shode trees on various streets In the Town residents of the 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 Town of Whitby propose te own. STAGE DOOR of RR 1, Bowmanville» sharing|structed all members present to third: Joan Ostapokich, RR 3,jdo a certain embroidery stitch Bowmanville; Greg Lightle ofjon aprons which will be made ey ~ -tby- members-te be-sold to raise lvolved in a rear-end collision in A "vote no' committee has} use will be expanded along the! in co-operation with the i new 'ben stp hy the ay villager creek valleys junder airman Gordon Hep-| g_ohe scattered and bulk A short time later an OPP) qj 3 i ik vawl Jacts i % - : \ditch with the support of three i 5 funds for various projects. Mrs.|/cruiser, driven "by Constable vittage chusoling Herbert Moo.| parcels of institutional land will James Kirk assisted Captain] william T. Wright, of the Whitby ; ree | remain relatively unchanged. Janes in the opening prayer. jdetachment, collided . with cals see ee ee aed ee land will exist egy (8 " ; " . | within th yn. During the short business ses-jrear of the Harding car. | his supporters, form the "vote belt san pote in Whitby Har- sion it was mentioned that the) Constable Wright was treated) yes' side. sowks ¥ 5 Anni nniversary Salvation Army ladies of Bow-lat the Scarborough hospital for!' A few villagers remember bor should be mixed. manville are invited to attend|face lacerations which required WHITBY (Staff) -- Tomorrow t Thursday' tin hen! ti as when liquor was available at/ INDUSTRIAL GROWTH marks the 100th anniversary of airs, Captain Seer See stitches. He was later released.|the Gordon House Hotel around| In regard to the industrial) the founding of the Salvation sg : J the turn of the century be-|growth of the community both} Army. In commemoration of aneleh dae cchosten en ben ee COLLECTS BRONZE BULLS fore prohibition swept the prov-|light and heavy industry should) y , , ince. be encouraged to settle in the} event, a cavalcade of Army) 1 was announced that a rally; RAYMOND, Alta. (CP)--Stan| town. Se calenment of an indus-| ROAD CLOSING 8 T ag ae ig re " wai? | weekend bsg ago Nag bag ee ae von gl pig trial harbor could greatly assist! a land 26 with a Kentucky riedjity near Lethbridge has three ssive step. g- this progressive step. Warehous C.N.R. BRIDGE = BROCK ST. S. TOWN OF WHITBY Opening th Mater ree/beer lounges for men and Ww + : e activity, fajor/chicken dinner being served|brone. bulls commemorating) women came up in the village,jing and open storage could be illiam Leslie, commanding of-\Saturday evening at the Cita-|steer - decorating feats at the coated at the harbor to at-| Road closing for major repairs to C.N.R. Bridge will commence on September 27th and will be completed by October 27th. If you are interested in having a tree planted adjoining your property, kindly contact the Works Department, Victoria Street East, or telephone 668-3437, and a representative will ¢all and check your location, LOUNGE LOUNGE and DINING LOUNGE at the WHITBY HOTEL |207 Dundas St. West COMING THIS WEEK! The following voriety of trees will be available: Crimson King Mople, Sugar Maple, Moraine Locust, Mountain Ash, Please state your first and second choice. W. ©. McBRIDE, P. Eng. Town Engineer Whitby FRIGIDAIRE Rapid Dry Cleaning B Ibs. of dry cleaning $2.00 Blair Park Plaza Mon. to Fri. -- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. -- 9 a.m. te 5 pm, W. ©. McBride, P. Eng. Town Engineer. Warran Mowet, Mayor. THE heeny-Oa Direct from a tour of Los Vegas and Atlonte, Georgia -- featuring TOP ENTERTAINMENT this comedy, song teom is sure to please and entertain you .«. ome end enjoy the show. Entertainment Nightly -- 9 P.M. JAMES MAHER -- MANAGER» ' ' a residents voted against the issue ficer of the Harbour Light Corps,'del. Brigadier and Mrs. Wilfred|Calgary Stampede. Walker won tract this industry. Rabaraan, : : question seems to be not so Robertson, of the Bermuda of the Macdonald-Cartier Free- eae ven Passenger traffic will be diverted on Brock Street South to the Army, its past and present Villagers vote this Saturday Ch 1965 66 Offi limit is 15 tons. : le, oose 4 1cers charge of the Alcoholic's Re | School and at the Municipal of- meeting, the Army dignitaries) yy. R. Fallow. Hymn "Takelelected. cade of officers will be met by Offering for the evening was|Campbell, visiting committee, over the Municiapl building Mrs. Jean , assistant, Mrs. Eva Young, | his planned evangelistic meet-iread a poem entitled 'There's|iand, Mrs. C. Morris, Mrs, R. purposes of holding meetings,|God--No Time At All." e} One highlight of the day will|Barbers" and 'The Hicks," also| the localja. letter of invitation from Lind-| FALSE TEETH consisting of visiting officers The meeting was then turned GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS | Many wearers of false teeth have vi ' almost three to one. pve Feat speaker at the Hawkes, divisional commanders|the trophies, designed by} Now the village has 311 more] Light industry similar to that} weak te ch < sg ele of Belleville, will be in atten-|Charles Beal, in 1955, 1960, andjyoters than in 1957 and the now situated both in Whitby and ) apt. ruce| dance all weekend. 11964. : Oshawa, should be located north é : aes oe much one of having liquor in 7 aide ie re A # . - the village as one of whether ---- e majors address will re W |to change the village as it now Henry $ ia Victori fi d -olve ar ay Ss sia tte P ry Street via Victoria Street for north bound traffic, on volve around the anniversary of Baptist Missionary OMEN exisis. via Arthur Street for south bound traffic. Heavy transport i y traffic will use Thicksons Road since Henry Street bridge load history plus, invariably, some from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Linc- information on his function in coln ave. public school, St. the Army. Major Leslie is in) iFrances de Sales Separate ps gg Centre, in British) 4+ the' opening meeting of(treasurer, Mrs. S. Jolley; |fice- re Faith Baptist WMS members|pianist, Mrs. D. Dal; assistant tary ! ; Following the Rotary luncheon)... welcomed by President/pianist, Mrs. J, Dzekewick were) will travel to the Whitby Muni-| ada | cipal Hall where a special cere-\1® (0 be Holy'" was sung,| Missionary convener, Mrs. C.) ccoay will he held, 'The caval. (followed by the opening prayeriMilburn, social, Mrs. C Milburn, |by Mrs. C, Milburn. assistant, Mrs. Marguerite His Worship Mayor Warren) -- z Mowat at which time the Salva-|taken_ by Mrs. Hilda Shearer|Mrs. C. Milburn and Mrs. § tion Army Flag will be raised and Mrs. Marg Abramoff with}MacDonald, flowers, Mrs, y Munson returning| Brown, sewing, Mrs. Molyneaux, During the afternoon, the local thanks. ij Army Citadel, under the com-| Twenty women answered the|were installed. mand of Capt. Clarence Janes,|roll call, Mrs. Ken Kirkland| Group Leaders, Mrs. M. Kirk- ings. The Army will make use/Time Enough Yet," and gave 4 of a vacant store in the heart of\the message for the evening, |&irkiand, Mrs. M. Molyneaux. ; the commercial section forjbased on time "No time for| The newly elected president was) a {welcomed by Mrs. Fallow. convenient for all who wish to| Mrs. Devnich read letters} ea ame ao ih 2 0 attend from the, missionaries 'Th be the entrance on scene of a Salvation Army band|say Baptist .Church That Leosen and soldiers from the surround-jover to Mrs Shirley MacDonald, | Need Not Embarrass ing area who brought forth a list of| Army officers. taking part injofficers for the coming Year| their plave dropped, sipped pose bled at just the wrong time. Do not | the day's events are expected to/1965-66 as recommended by the travel to Whitby in a cavalcade|nominating committee : } of 10-to 15 cars. Officers from! Honorary president, Mrs. J.| Uxbridge, Bowmanville and Osh-|Scott: president, Mrs. I. Baker; awa are ext + to join , with| vice-president, Mrs. R. Fallow; Salvationists tr the local Cit-|secretary, Mrs. S. Wilde; assis 4 tant secretary, Mrs. J. Munson; 3, 4 or 5 YEAR TERM live in fear of this happening to you. | Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH, | the alkaline (non-acid) powder, on | your plates. Hold false teeth more firmly,'so they feel more comfort- able. Does not sour. Checks "plate |odor breath". Get FASTEE at | drug counters everywhere. | 308 DUNDAS ST. W.

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