Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Sep 1965, p. 16

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"Times Action Want Ads SP aMeRE LE DIRE T TR GREEN EN A ARLEN Ee Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m, to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. cae BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK MAM He GRATH OLYMPIC 1p HURL OF 179 FEET, 7/@ INCHES Accountants irtered Account JOuEPH GUTMANN, Chart ant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street) Solicitors ae 124833, Rast, Te arreceals Accountants, 923 Kil Wast owas mer Bian carb, ba. 5 Burrows, CA, 728 GORDON a "Da, = oanaral ecountant Shop- an ing Cant ae rat ba Accounting Soe ELANE'S service, 184 San West ISCO Res 728-760 Barristers Instruction Foot bre da ML BASTEDO, Borrisiers, A HIGHLY-PAID FUTURE : al in just o few months you ean have a highly-paid career, with independence, and the chance. to create something beautiful every doy of your life. PAUL POGUE BEAUTY SCHOOLS will train you to be a heirestylist, cosmetician, salon manager, Your talent is developed under personal guidance, No advanced edu- (KELLY, Barristers, Solicl- wie, Wh i Bde Bast, Dial at Residenc J, reer, 3368; palsy v, "Kelly, BA, te 9 ae + Thomas H, Jermyn, BA, L (668.9895, Building Trades ALBERT Ly Saeed ant, 47 Prince alge J Bag 4, Oshawa, Ontario, Telephone 723- VALE, PRIBOLA' SLANGER Le.) ae 0 Cherteres, tenes fees in yi Oe Co Gress sire North, opener? HOPKIN » BEADLE ne. €6., Char- tered Accountants, Financial Trade Build. ing, 187 Ki Street East, Oshawa, 4 725-3509; $. 7, Hopkins, CA) H, A. Lukow, CA, WALL, PERKIN" AND CO., Chariered Accountants, 36% King Street East, Osh David G, Perkin, CA; King 967-4240; William few ) WiLe- MAN, Solicitors, 16% King Street East, Oshawa; R, 0, Humphreys, ac; G, joyehyn) W, A, Hillman, LLB; J, DO " MUrOneay ee BA, 1.1.8, Office: 725-1188; Residences; 725-4604; Whitby, 668-2761; 728-4326; 728-5133, NHA and other first mortgage ae a ANTHONY &DW BA, BCL, lever" Contre Street. Office hours: om Evening appointment 29-166), jour P, MANGAN, QC, Solicitor. peliad to loan, Office, ah King Street , Oshawa, 292. ia iS MACDONALD, OA, LLB; Bar. pny and Solicitor and Notary Public, The Commercial Buliding, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario, ye Parking avall- able. TAVAN\6 © or 725-4 YS isters, isters, suitenors Notari of Commerce Buliding, § Simcoe North, Oshawa, 723-3446; T. K Creighton, QC; or residenc i 8 K, Drynan, QC, 7m-8854) G. L, Qc, 723-4768; J, €. Vietor, Maenis| Mortgages arranged. Classified Rates WORD ADS Cash--) Insertion of %4 words $1.08 additional words 4\4¢ e@achi 3 con tecutive insertions of 94 words $2.68 additional words Ve each, 6 con secutive insertions of 24 words $4.32, Bdditional words fe each, 1 per cent additional charge if not paid within 8 days, Method of counting - Less than 24 words counts as 24 words; each word, initial, figure er abbreviation counts a5 ome word; phone number counts two words. BIRTHS -- DEATHS ~ | SOCIAL NOTICES $2.00 \per Insertion with 25 cents ad: | by charges if not paid within #5 Charge ---- IN MEMORIAMS $2.00 for the first 38 words and P| each thereafter, plus \2c per git verse 25¢ additional charge 4 within @ days, CARDS OF THANKS first a $2. and Ss each thereafter, wil additional char not pald 'within @ days. COMING EVENTS $2.10 per inch [aemay} $1.80 tor the first 20 words Sc each thereatier, (Word Ads.) AUCTION SALES 2.10 PER INCH INSERTION DEADLINES WORD ADS 5 pm, DAY PREVIOUS LOST AND FOUND 9 a.m, day of publication BIRTHS AND DBATHS % a.m. day of publication CLASSIFIED PLAY 1 column -- 4 . day previous 9 col- wns or large 10 a.m, day previous CANCELLATIONS] AND CORRECTIONS 9 AM, DAY OF PUBLICATION cation required, Call or wus PAUL POGUE BEAUTY SCHOOLS LIMITED, 0937 Yonge St., Toronto, telephone 487-2107; or 249 Queens Avenue, London, telephone 439-0101, QUALITY CARPENTRY _ and GENERAL REPAIRS Roofing, Painting, Siding, Floor and Ceiling Tiles, Rec, Rooms, General home remod- el-ing, All work guaranteed, H. McKOY 725-8576 THE R, H, CABINET CO 1614 CHARLES ST., WHITBY Oshawa Driving School 10. years teaching driving automatic and standard cars, Professional instructors, 9| 668-6911 ANYWHERE ~~ ANYTIME |PRIVATE tutoring "hi "a seh ivdents Kitchen cabinets Vanities, RATS, Wiectog Nim se nglish « . Custom built cabinets, BA, 513 Byron. Street Whitey. ROOFING, concrete floors, fiat roofing} 648-3066, our speciaity, New work and repal Large and small fobs. aby nd Rooting | Janitor | Service el MS BY [ATTENTION Housewiv FoR tr ROOFING, foi nomical ceiling, wall Mimodern machine. Fr all types of cemen __.. |quaranteed, 728-7736, R 3, Oshawa Brooklin 'iso. con: vena ean aonene ¢all|Money To Loan TRY -- brick, blocks, cri remodelling work, enol |T WILL" LOAN you up te 68,000 als ren NEW PLASTERING and repairs, HiUCCO|sonabie rain of interest 10 consolidate sidewalks, remodelling, recrooms. Free) your bilis or for any other worthwhile estimates, A Woods, 728-3420 purpose providing you are steadily em: T4771, ployed and have good credit, Telephone NEED A new floor? Phone Whilby 668-| 725-4631, 2527, We specialize in corlon and an my| = |Mortgages 90% iy Work ¢ guaranteed: Residential Mortgages South, LU or ALL iS buliding, roofing repairs) and remodelling; chimneys, new and re paired; sidewalk and concrete repairs Whitby 668-2774, Gord May, CARPENTRY" work, new and repairs, also cement work, free estimates, Tele-| phone 728-7680. EXPERT PAV Includes esing tee. ino a i Dentistry st ACER KOR, ©. coe Street h, Osha' ee, 7% seas. or Res Dressmaking PERSONAL STYLING "fashion wise women!. Dressmaking, alterations 9 & specialty, 728- Wn for appoint: Modern second or combined first mortgages Liberal pre- payment privileges, No hid- den charges. Free brochures and information, Write or telephone @, 02 cents and ni twove ving. 723-584) Benial Sur wa 7728-844) C.A.C, Realty Limited Oshawa Shopping Centre, Stevenson's Rd, §, 728-1691 MORTGAGE LOANS Money for first mortgages Open Mortgages Interest at 7% No Bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased Moriey for second mortgages Fast service, M. F, SWARTZ 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario. 723-4697 SUMMERLAND SECURITIES MAKING -- AN kind High quailty, work. 'call Ed ~ my 668-846 CAbi have your childr dol \dressed for Christmas. Teenage dolls a psd 725-0592, MAKING -- Gulls, . ar sverattera slip covers, 'on "pitting specialty, Mra, Teme | Whitby, 648-23: y (Serdeaine and | Supplies "FALL SEEDING" IS BEST SUPERFINE GRAS MIX NO, | FINE GRASS MIX PARKLAWN GRASS MIX SUBURBAN GRASS MIX KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS MERION KENTUCKY BLUE SO-GREEN 7-7-7, MILORGANITE Surveyors ~~ | BORE VAN AND FLBISCHMARN, Ontario land Surveyor, Commercial bive prints, W Ontario str reat, | 725-6632, TV--Rodio | Repeirs TV TOWERS wang AND DELUXE Priced to suit your budget, TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED TAUNTON RD, E, Just East Of Ritsor 728-8180 TELEVISION RADIO FOR THE HAMMER MRow M WHAT Dip THE, ANCIENT MAYAN INDIANS OF YUCATAN, CONSIDER, uty ME ow A MANLY PERFECTION ONG THE. LAOS OF THE. PHILIPPINES WAS 10 L001 LIKEA wo! Hy Row .449 AND CROSSEYES, By RJ, SCOTT If 8--Articles fe for Sale 13----Articles for Rent Pena ii A Large Return For A Small Investmeni" 17---Female Help Wanted on ma sanmeneness ark § rent A bret eran i FyPewniy D i adding ing ped Hy sei "ath register ier, $100, 72 ball PIANO, wu veri Wililame" with anc Very geod condition, $2: Telephone 725-137), nud "te CIAL nel antenna Supply Limited ier coals (Iwo), dresses and te ye South: er installed, 6 winh pai sizes 12 and i4, condition, Apply. 220_Ri GOLD custom-made dra one year old, box valance bh 144" wide, Apply re "n* a, bay win: itson Road OW SELLING forlivrs or Cs 15 67 SAP AustRArsan ABORIGINES CAM a ARACK A MAN BY SCENT: A Fetes tytn te NN Pare he coms 24 HOUR SERVICE HOLMES ELECTRONICS For prompt service Call Whitby --- 668-5679 HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS ARE THE BEST! WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! Ke G, TELEVISION Corner Bond and Division 728-5143 AERIALS _ ~ RON! STV 12 Year's Experience All Work Guaranteed 723-7521 RON BRIGHTLING 9 AM, -- 9 P.M FAST TY, "SERVICE Service Call only $2.50 DOMINION TELEVISION ie) Ww E R $s All work guaranteed FALL SEASON SOON TV CHECK-UP NOW 7 quolified servicemen, T, BO TELEVISION 728-5143 "TV SERVICE DAY OR "EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA KITCHEN HELP, | 728-5154 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. [ 6------Marine Equipment SACRIFICE SALE -- Owner transferred Must sell 18'@ foot Weymouth Cruiser 50 WP Johnsen motor, $1950, Alax 942-5056, 7--Swap and Bort BATHTUBS, $10)" basins sysrerrids 7 Sink boats, motors; tra H, Chinn, 723-7088 thi pressure 7} cabinets, $35.) (mew), $119.50. Must End experienced, speak some English. Apply South Restaurant, s Bloor Street East THOUSANDS of eh the Times : day, Telephone 723-3492 and put _your @ offer before Thom, 8--Articles for Sale BICYCLES Standard features include, chain guord, Perry Coaster brakes and silver brazed frames and forks, From $34,95 Up LAWN MOWERS Light, dependable and power- ful, Adjustable cutting height from 1" to 3", Chrome plat+ ed handle, From $39.95 Up TENTS Heavy «weebarproofed = drill, sewn-in floor, rear window with storm flap, dutch door with awning From $39.95 Up DOMINION TIRE STORE 48 Bond St. West Telephone 725-6511 EXHIBITION SEWING MACHINE SPECIALS New Elnas and Whites, $59 and up, Trade-ins accepted, C.1.L, GOLFGREEN 1 2-6-6 C.1.L, EVERGREEN 6.9.6 CLL, SUPERFLOW 10.6.4 BONEMEAL PEAT MOSS POTTING SOIL COOPER- SMITH CO, 16 CELINA ST, 112 Simeone $t, North Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Member Ontario Me rtgege- Brokers-/ scoeter Hor i a [FIRST AND SECOND "mertgage, Sale! BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- Me While every endeaver will be made to forward replies to bex numbers to the advertisers as soon as pensivie we accept, no tlability i respect of loss or damage ai'eg through elther failure or delay in for- warding such replies, however caused whether by negligence of otherwise. The Times will not be reaponsible for replies uncalled for in 20 days, REGULATIONS The Oshawe Times will not be re sponsible for errors in advertise ments submitted otherwise than = in jagreements purchased and sold, Hennick jand Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street 723-1139 . also wore Laid ting end Decorating writing not for more than one inser- tion of any advertisement nor be the price charge for @ single Insertion In which error occurs. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising ts proper classification, In the cases of Ganley advertisements Me held Times will not for more space Nan that which the actual error occupies The wd fishers endeavor to reproduce * vertising m ho liability inaccuracies therein, respon advertisement in any form are eentetnes Any advertisement cancelied bdetore publication will be charged ene day's Insertion, IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direet 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS 7--Swap and &--Articies for o--Market Basket 10--Farmer's Column li--Pets and Livestect 12--Articles "Wanted 13--Articles tor Rent 14--Business Opportunities 1S--Employment Wanted \e~Agents Wanted 7--Femaie Help Wanted \t--Male Help Wanted 1o---Mele or Female Help Wanted 20--Real Estate for Sale 20a--Summer Properties 2i----Farms for Sale T2--Lots for Sale 23---Reai Estate Wanted 24--Stores, Offices and Storage 25--Houses for Rent Apartments for Rent 2--Rooms fer Rent 2--Room and Board Wanted to Rent 30--Automobiles for Sele Compact Care fer Sele 32--Trucks for Sale 33--Automediies Y--Automodile Repair 3%--Lost and Peune according to PAINTING AND DECORATING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Broadioom, Custom Draperies FREE ESTIMATES DODD & SOUTER 668-5862 Plumbing and Heating ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup plies, Telephone 725-352), Harold H. Stark Lid, Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, = Simeoe Street H South, 'Rug. -Upholatery S Servic OSHAWA CLEANERS Rug and Upholstery Clean- ing, At our plant or in your home CALL 725-9961 94 BRUCE STREET CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs, re! jcovered like new. Get the best for less |at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street |Sourn, Call 728-645) Free estimates |e "UPHOLSTERY by experts. "Estabiist ed 1? years. Complete range of materia | Workmanship guaranteed five years. Pree jestimates, Credit terms, Mattresses re jdullt, Furniture re jholstering Company, |725-031) East. 723.7232 FOR LUSH GREEN LAWNS PRIVATE ANG CORPORATE monies for a frente of sale purchased, gf inten, \Orynan, Murdoch and Victor, (See) | Barristers'.) Loid and Delivered 'Optomet st Cedar Hedges, Patios |B RICHARD BLACK, OD, 96" Simeve! and Delivered, | Street North, Suite 4, Oshawa, Telephone "MAPLE LEAF" \P Landscaping and Garden Service | ta 061) No not just standard galvan- | ized chain link, but, electro. | weave chain link, Fencing for longer maintenance free costs. Supplied and installed, 172), "WE STARTED TO CUT AGAIN"| OUR EXCELLENT | Check the quality in the field | "All Green' Nursery Sod Growers, Townline North, | all mortgages. Mortgage agree ae CALL |723-419) lytic and galvanized after Hardsand Landscaping 725- "BLUE GRASS SOD" % mile nee of Taunton Guheus 785 9674 Guaranteed Cedar Trees GREEN AND BUSHY FOR HEDGES ETC. --~ FREE ES. TIMATES. QUANTITY OF POSTS AND POLES SMITH'S TREE FARM Newtonville Call Collect 786 2283, EXPERIENCED gardener will care for|s'¥ied. Free estimate your garden and lawn. Planting, spray far recovering, Dalton Upholstering, ing. pruning, hedge trimming, ete, Rea. Charles Street, Scat 7212 sonable. 725-8614. ARMSTRONG SOD AND LOAM. Nursery 'Seles and 'Service stone and top: soll, Telephone CANVAS "awotngs, curtains, Meas Complete service, Or Vil cut | Jelinek, 728-1993 2? Dean A. sive rs nytime. » T2SS\S OF GUARANTEED repairs to all wringer 6M washers and ranges. Free estimates, ssommeemiaiees "| 728-1742 Instruction WHITBY DRIVING SCHOOL, new duel washers and controlled cérs, Personal, courteous serv. Call 729-1742 lice, fully th licensed and insured, 648-6176. - EXPERT vocal training in Oshawa "iw |Septic Service adults, by greduate Vienna Music Aca-/ demy. Combined singing and guitar jes- SEPTIC TANKS ciated. sons for children. CNE and Toronto Ki-| siree: West wanis Prize Winning pupils, Bowmanville z 423-2209. After Tuesday Toronto HUdson! $416? PIANO ranges, Free "Whitby 668-2843. Surveyors "Classical and popular. caer jand ki j Fonte, |WILL THE PERSONS who witnessed the! jaccident on August 28 at about % p.m, ¢ canoples.|and 1945 Free estimates, Mi! Orsne Phone GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all wringer beam estimates. 423.568) _. CRUISER, cedar sirip, iétool with as "Prompt aerv: | FOOT SAiLaoar, | Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut jrerrviene jib) trailer, excellent condition, | 2% Strotier. tron double bed, Two nearly/ oY "| ela FT" Weymouth Con |W FLIN AND FROLUOPE, Gntario Lang MEO jess Patricia Tuck, 24 Burk Street, Dial/Surveyora, 112 Gigin Street East, Phone | FULLY paviPrea" fibreglass baal, \ M, limos 468-5990, ELECTRONICS CITY TV TOWERS, antennas, also re pairs. All work anteed, §!) Dean edehoress m Telephone 7254 ns 0500, Authorized dealer, OSHAWA SEWING CENTRE, 329 Sim. ene St, South, 728-2391, SSEN'S POWER EQUIPMENT. CENTRE Toro, Moto-Mower Massey- Ferguson Riding Tractors, Service on all power equip- ment, Licensed mechanic on Removal of superfluous halr Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa Sept, 13th, 14th, 15th" Phone' Genosha Hotel on these dates" for -appoint= "ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 | HAVE FUN | aver The long winter months. | toin a Bowling League. Men, women li welcome for morning, evening leagues. Oshawa Lanes, King and Stephen: noon a Bowlin mmm | 729-2631 THREE CADIES Would like ride to To return vicinity of Victoria Park and Lawrence Avenue, arriving dally at! jon County Road, No. 2 at the Brooklin) leut-eff _Ploase call 7209643 after 7? p.m.) GENTLEMAN would. tik son Road to Yonge an loor, arriving lat 4.30 p.m, Please telephone 723-3729, or eae from Oshawa 'o Toronto, Spadina and | King Street, _ Telephone 723:7264, 5--Troilers COOKS TRAILER SALES Simcoe St, North Clearance sale starts today, Buy now and save 2 only 15° citations, 1 enly 17° rambler, 2 only 15° Canadians, 2 only 16° Glenelles equipped) 1 only 17' Glendette (show- room condition). Open evenings 'til 9:30 p.m, Closed on Sunday, Phone 723-9534 | (fully inished. Oshawa Up- BOAT ~~ 14 foot moulded mahogany 40 HP, trailer and many extras, Best offer Telephone 725-1300. CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoisiered and re CLEARANCE! Rental cabin trailers, See our material model 6 all reduced, Miller Trailers, Ajax 942-2491 TRAILER "GLENDETTE" i4 it. Gnesi vear-old, Like new, Sleeps @ All beds 4° of foam filled mattresses. New slip overs. Complete with equatizing wien licence, $1,375, C. R a ne Equipment BOAT AND MOTOR -- convertible "Top. day-cruiser, 40 Evinrude LOA, 17 teet,/ 2". Must be seen, Bowmanville! | Morsepower, Johnston motor, and trailer $400, Apply 368 Nipigon Street, Dacron main sail, Apply 27 Chadburn n_ Street cabin cruiser Telephone Ajax | 0 HP Johnston §=motor oFen [oe and éretier, Whitby raeace jtrade, With budget terms. - i Low, ii duty. 843 King West 728-9429 2, Gravel « Sand @ Stone ' Much @ Building Materials! FUEL & STOVE OIL Free 24-hr, Burner Service | Whitby' 8 Only Local Texaco Dealer CALL 668-3524 SAWDON'S (Whitby) LIMITED 244 Brock St. _ South TYPEWRITERS, time clocks, quarantee. adding machines ane new and rebuilt, One Outstanding good buys {Kins Business Machine Sales and § 728-7783, Open e FURNITURE 3 rooms, new quali j8 a.m, Please phone 725-9562 or 723-4360 furniture, only $299, Ine, jevenings, a living room, kitchen ense: Pay only $3 wkly, | -|USED MOTORCYCLES 8--Articles for Sale BACK-TO-SCHOOL Used Specials Ovi Call Bimer, 2695, DESKS FOR STUDENTS, Many sivins, Best selection; lowest dred from 917,77, Wilson Furniture, *. Chureh Street, WESTINGHOUSE" house automatic Telephone 3 149, WHITE salin Aline wedding gown, "YNeor lengli), Telephone 728-6606, FREEZER -- Gilson, in good condillen, Will accept used TV for pary payment, Telephone Bowmanville Pr 04, 9--Morket B sket PLEASE - Bring container Pick your own tomatoes, $1 bushel, 26 cents, 6 at, vaskel, Spanish onions, & cents en Corn, 25 cents dozen, We pick, green |sweel peppers, $2 bushel, 50 cents & al, \basket, 5 cents each, Carrots, $1, bushel, 125 cents 6 qt, basket) W, Eymann, Halle mile. east of Roy Nichols Garage, Cour: tice, Go north fo \st corner, pi TORS, $1.65 bushel; al: vegefabies, Free delivery for and Bowmanville area, 728-1206. e iy U Pi '65 HONDAS $249 165 JAWAS $195 '65 JAMAHA. TRAILS Honda de- down pay- Clearance on all monstrators, Ne ment. $19 month HONDA SHOP 199 King W 728-4242 OPEN TILL 9 P.M GOAL KEEPER'S EQUIPMENT One pair Cooper-Weeks goal pads $35, One poir of Ken isky goal pads $75, One pair goolie skates size 9, $10, plus pants, bag, socks, ete Also one set-of MacGregor Tourney golf irons, Nos, |, eee Be 8, 9, $65. Call 723-1897 SWORD and scabbard, $20; Gurkha khukri knife, $10, Mr, & Thompson, Hotel Lancaster, all day Saturday GUNS -- new and used, bought, sold Ammunition, ilcences, hunting supaies fest prices! Valley Creek, 16 Sond | Street West BUILDING, 18° for cotiage or phane 723-3972. NEW, USED -- vacuums, gy pairs to all makes, New hoses, Jack Lees, 798-4956 VACUUM repairs, brushes, etc, Pick-up, Fleming Vacuum Piekering, TEN USED Hond duced, The Cy Street South, 725661) HONDA MOTOR BIKES -- New and used, ™' $299, No down payment, Oper' ovenings te T x 21) to he moved { garage, Make offer all makes, hoses ellverv, 942-02 Service, Main Street, all nearly new, re Shop, 153 Simege| Dial 728-4242 SWIMMING POOL" equipment for sale, We ligan, Whitby 648-2200, $200---THRER ROOMS of furniture, Best selection, $3, weekly, Wilson Furniture, 20 Chureh Street GUNS Bovgn, "yold, waded, repaired jal Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond. Str {728-9731 = [Chemicals eliver and "and ba ake Allstate, Bridgstone. All in condition, The Cycle Shop, 1h) South, 725-4611, Open 'ti! | Honda, cellent Simeone Street ? pm, GUITAR "Fender, 'Jazz cert amplifier and reverberator, will sell separately Telephone Whitby 668-48 SAVE" $90 on new NSU cer |Cycle Shop, 153 Simeoe Street | 728-6471 ~|tanee WOOMS of furniture, $298.50, No sewn payment, $18 meniny at Honest Cal's, 424 King West, 728-919 WE BUY, sell and exchange used. Aienl>| ture or anything you have, The. City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1471 QROOM SUITE (three pieces), cotter ables; electric range; large retrig: both new condition: chrome set; 48 MeMillan Drive, Apart Master', eon he South jerator, Jother articles, ment 4 DUNCAN PHYFe "dining | Georgian chest and sx jeonditian. 723-9827 1 pyaabe flowered drapes, etian blinds, small 24-2440 or apply 42) table, | Good room chairs floar ty | trunk Telephone Masson! e val Barons' Home Furnishings, i) Simeor |MONEST CAL'S Furniture and Apel: jances, Name brands at hig discounts ide trom Wil! janywhere, We carry Restonic and Bever- IcHILO'S CRie ly mattress furniture lines, Your author. \zed GE dealer, Contact Honest Cal's, at 424 King Street West, 728-919) ADDING machine, typewriters, cash duplicators, chequewriters, files, dane, chairs, We buy, sell, rent, service and New and used Bill Hamilton, Raglan TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-11 |structure, hot dipped galvanized I tower jincluded, single all-channel antenna com- te, installed, tax included, guaran: teed one year, [TRIO Television, Sion, 7280-51434 FLOOR COVERING CLEARANCE ot discontinued patterns, All slashed = in| price trom 2c, per ft, Wilson Furniture, 2% Church Street |movine to amalier quarters, good used) jfurniture, --tivingroam suite, bedroom suites, refrigerator, washer and dryer, also many amatier articles, Phane 725-4446 THREE - PIECE bedroom suite, Good | Condition, $40, Phone Ne 720-4870. |SINGL BED with Serta matires: Inut dr ri studio couch, win jdamask drapes; four panel, All good condition, cal 123-0 2078, |'NGAUGE Stevens pump shot Used tittle and in geod tanditien: Telephone Whitby 668-420. BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture and appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215) Dundas East, Whitby 668-5481, WOODS DELUXE 'freezer, iia ~eubie| feet, Excetient condition, $200.2 combina tion television, phonogr @ph and radio; | Good Condition, $75, Call 728-3487 'two DANISH type loveseats, in gold, | also one chair, turquoise. with loose cush- ions. Reasonable and in good condition. Telephone 778-3615 DOORS -- storm windows and screens, all sizes) lady's bicycle, tricycles, wag: ons, sieighs, bed springs, mattress, ideal for cottage. Lamps. curtain. stretcher, children's toys, Many other articles. Simcoe North. HARDWOOD drop leat "kitchen jadi two matching chairs, Two chrome chairs Large baby's crib. mattress, car seat low prices, corner Bond and Divi- } wale new Volkswagen tires. 122 Grenfell Street. 723-6792 Royal TYPEWRITERS -- "New ana cash registers, adding. machines 'un. All machines service, Oshawa tines, Tae aeid or TAS _ |AEOROOM SUITE, - | steer! SUITE -- bed spring, chest, dresser with mirror, vanity with bench, ! very good condition, $100) also two jack Posts, used two months, $8 each, 723.9841 (blond), - $12; |sewing machine, Stylomatic, |months, $125, 725-0567 after § p.m. = 1a BEACH electric range, working con Iditlon, $25.2 blond mahogany dining room suite, table, china cabinet, six chairs, Apply 368 Grierson St. 723-2492 }OUL, FURNACE, complete, gravity, rea sonable, Phone 723-4813 ay AND SELL Good used furniture nces, One location only, Pretty 444 Simcoe South, 723-327) Roan $50, See all towers atlUSeD BEDS, $12 Up: used stoves, 319.88 12--Articles Wanted _ }UP) used dressers, $14.95 up; table and jehair sets, $19.95; new padded chrome |ehairs, $3.78) new china cabinets, $37 up wardrobes, $25 up) lamps, trunks, TV's, |washers, refrigerators, sewing machines | Best prices! Nalley Creek, A Bond st Ww | apartment size, Viking, Alta! tor, 1) cubic foot, Viking. | sump pump, Telephone} | "Tava excellent | RAN | refrige a | Double | 725-4983, |MOTOR SCOOTER -- 1" |Cedeta."* Motor and body condition, Telephone. 725-0847 healer blower 'ite and wheel.) ) Bowmanvitte 623-5807 MOV ; = a well constructed a fe e 12 x 18, Ol burner stove; oil ourner floor furnace, Apply evenings. 19: Jeers Road North CRIBS(2), doudie bed, M4 size bookcase,| ih weadboard wardrobe, car-bed, all good jcondition," Phone 728-6171 |CANADIANA ENCYCLoPEDIA™ Volume set with stand, New, never A, Cost $149.50. Will sell $85, Call 723-9970, | |PLY KILLING system, completely auto | matic, Try for one month for enty $3.50 Call Chitenem Chemicals, Whitby baad re three-piece, whiie.| bookease bed, double dresser, | spring and mattress set | | bed: ee in Mey W double mirror, 725-2296. TOMATOES -- $1, bushel, Pick your own. Scott's Farm. Harmony Road North to jthe end of pavement, turn left, third hause on north side. GERATOR - General Electric, & . Has three service anelve, freezer 'across top. Excetient condition, $85. or best | otter. Ray _Ridges, 839-9223. ee y MERCURY 100 HP with Owens t¢ H, Bediord. complete ton. two spat lights, Tachometer Apeedoame'e ride guid » trailer and power winch, Bow | Imanville 4232114 "one until 9 pom, Honda Shop, 199 King West H Call Cul: | | PRESH VEGETABLES - Pick your awn |tomatoes, $i, per bushel; Corn, onions jand peppe iso availapie, Walter Huren,| |half mile west of Oshawa on 40) Highway, jnerth Service Road |600D COOKING appies, $i, per Baa | }Also eating apples, Bring ewn centaln-| lers, 12 Miles north of Oshawa on Simcoe | | Street, 985-7476. ORDER for freezer roating chicken, four pounds, $1.35) three pounds $1,168. Delivery on order of ten or more, Tele phone 728-529) {EXCELLENT quality organically grown ivegetabies for pickling, freeting, Geok: ng and salads are now ready, Wax and green beans, sweet corn, cucumbers, marrows, squash and tomatoes al whole lsale prices, @atisfaction guaranteed be cause you pick them yourself, Highway 2 to Fairport Road north, to first road running west to Spruceniil Road south to entr . Moreroft Organic Gardens, Open weekends, Come up and see Us |NO, 1 ONTARIO potatoes, a rel, bag lcall evenings, Brooklin 65549 |TOMATORS $1 bushel, 25 cent |Pick vou own, af contain 1728-8070 oF 728-4839 FRESH CORN ensil able price, contact 4376 oF or 668-3500, |10--Farme BEAD and crippled farm sock up promptly Marewllh Fur @, delivered, reason 4 Steinfleld at 72%) 1 | "pleked | arm, |SHARPENING & RENTALS LTD | YOUNG woman Willing RENTALS OF ALL KINDS SANDING MACHINES Oscillating sanders, dise sand- ers, belt sanders, floor sand- ers, PLUMBER'S TOOLS Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tripod, pipe won, pipe cutters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger, PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT Stepladders, aluminum exe tension ladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding, compres: WAITRESSES REQUIRED Neat appearance, over 21, Apply in person TAMBLYN'S SODA BAR Oshawa renin Centre sors, spray guns, Pp steamers, tarpaulins, blow ati ropane torches, WELDING EQUIPMENT Acsiviee welding outfits, on, lectri¢ are itd DER'S EQUIPMENT Cement mixers, -- finishing trowels, wheel barrows, elec- tric Viralor, air compressor, jock hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset, power rol+ lers, electric hammers, mas: onry saw, building jacks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saws, elec. trie plane, tarpaulins, \4' bond sow, 4" joiner, sand blaster, power tamper, power post hole auger STAN'S 223 King St, West, Oshawa __ PHONE 723. 3224 ~ SALESLADY Must be experienced, Good working conditions, Apply in person, LIGHTING UNLIMITED CORP. LTD, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE NIGHT CASHIER Part-time 11 P.M, to7 A.M, GENOSHIA HOTEL WANTED -- Folks in Osnawa and div JET-WASH BIG returns on investment, Best price quality equipment for industry and 25 cent car washes, Lowest operating costs, 1-6 Bay units and port. ables $995 up. Wox spray, buildings, plans and complete service, For folder its, TSPRA 4656 Kingston Rd, West Hill, Ont, 15--Employment | Wanted mueh good bul must find work wi Paty anything, P..ene 942-93) rine CARE for Ny awn home, Days, ra 9 look afler inner | while mother works, Breakfast and dinner, Five-day \ week, $15, Whitby 668: 468-6396, for smell baby | _ Telephone Vi Wh "oy Tyrone. 263-2721, Licence 38%-C 3 |PIRST CALF Holstein hellera and veuna cows due in two or three weeks nied | y Telephone Ralph Davis, Ham a8 aN 30 GRADE cattle, Holstein, some Char geese, Bucks, _pallce pups Ll 2047, +9, ©|11--Pets and Livestock n° eWINUAHUAS 'wal ilack white, male, one fem Six Paper trained, 114 "Brentell Street or wall 798-2068 GERMAN Shepherd pups, registered from champion stock, 14 weeks old, males |$80, females $40, Call _Whitoy 648-2108, |GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS -- five weeks old, father puceeres with papers mother alleged r ne Papert. Fifty-nine Cadillac ives South, ings or weekends, os RHODESIAN Ridgebacks (the African Lion dog), Excellent bloodlines, CKC regi: stered. Call 723-6478, fogs ST, BERNARD pu lent pets and wate Boarding, Arooklin Asana, SMALL BLACK AND WHITE Chihuahua female, housebroken, six months old Registered, has needies, gond tempera ment, Price $65, Telephone 723-6206 [ENS 'JERSEY cows for sale, Very quiet, milkers and in calf, reperty aon Roirces 725-4539, PUPS FOR SALE. Red Bone cross with |Riue Tick, Bight weeks old, From excel a deer dog strain, Phone Port Perry an? ; registered, excel: Stud service peti SRANEW Kennels, horses, German Shepherds, tered, trained, g@rewn stock,pups. 8) view, boarding, Ash burn 488-4668 - nings, a FOR SALE -- Sicyear-old Pinto attractive white markings, Western broken, gentle. Telephone TOMS, BEAUTIFUL "baby budgies, ready tor training, talking strain, Apply Mra, T, Broad, | Elgin East GERMAN SHEPRERD--five months old, purebred, $50 of best offer, Telephone 725-6727 WESTERN and English saddle and tack, also pony cart, Apply Dickson al rear, \S Beatrice Street, Oshawa, DACHSHUND, male. pedigri old, red, Teleph btw i) ss PART LABRAD payed female. Veer: half old, For s Hamaton 243-251), CHINUARUA pu s tor sale. Lunallu Kennels, registered, town tine Road, North Oshawa, Telephane 723-6216. IRISH SETTE male, two years , old, registered, Call after 4.30 p.m, 4233058. DACHSHUND, female, 10 Weeks old, pure brown and bdiack, $50, Telephone 1498, FOR SALE miniature poodls, white, male. 10 weeks old, $100, Frank Tontine Kennels Registered, 728-3980. i GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS Five] weeks old, father purebred with penere, mother alleged purebred, no Fifty-nine Cadillac Avenue South, ven: ings or weekends. PIANO sonable wanted, in good condition, rea Telephone Whitby 668-8422 a 13---Articles tor Rent Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, SARGEANT'S RENTALS: 463 Ritson Rd, S$, 725.3338 |WHEEL CHAIRS. hosplial beds. walkers, / RRCIARLS Indy will give day home, W laay will baby al ai) In own nome, Clean environment, Phone 78-48%, Wali Mie fo mind a girl p yd or four old, As playmate for my little girl, Biveaay week, Wilton 'oad has @ to jehild in he Dundas Street Ra, Whitby, tin 4638, 17--Femele | Help | Night Shift SEVERAL WOMEN Required by electronic manu: facturer, Light work, steady employment, 4,30 till 11:30 PLM, Starting rate $1.18 per hour, Profit sharing plan, APPLY Croven Ltd. 500 Beech St. Whitby CLERK TYPIST Interesting and__responsible position fer woman with typ ing ability whe is able to maintain records efficiently and handle some secretarial work, Knowledge ef short hand desirable but not essen- tial, eww Excellent employee benefits and working conditions, Call TOM PLATTS or DON JONES fer appointment, 728-7363 TOYS FUN $$$ Ladies earn extra Christmas money, We will train yeu te demonstrate a full line of toys and gifts, Commission, Car essential, No investment, CALL. NOW P Langill "F38.3608 UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Relax-A-cizor Company will } | | } | reducing machines, sick room supplies. jAld Rentals, 108 @eatrice, 725-1644 | CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, . ehwreh| jaisie runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, bial Simeoe Street North, Call 7232414, ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to aahanareal e? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban quets, parties, weddings. anniversaries Facilities bar kitchen, parking, Reason able rates, 728-6315 TO SELL FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES USE THE MARKET BASKET train you to become a figure consultant. EARN WHILE LEARN, No age limit, should have trim figure, and pleasant personality, For fur- ther information write or phone Relox-A-cizor of Con- ada Lid., Suite 314, 57 Bloor St, West, Toronto Tel: 924-8825 GIRL FRIDAY Required for aggressive busi- ness, to type and price orders, take shorthand, ete, REPLY IN WRITING TO P.O. BOX 7) OSHAWA Giving age end experience | | j | | | | | ernily shy Aiting: Might. dvi O!lage child, two set Wanted | itull time eeraieymnen! ; jtrlet fo show our luxurious Chrismtas Cards fo friends. and neighbors, No exe (perience needed, Our exciting catalogue |lHlustrates over 300 items in full enlor, jmaking it easy to get pienty of orders, | garn extra money Mis way, Write today \for Christmas ecards on approval and free catalogue, Monarch ,oare Co, Dept, ls 217 Cannon, Hamilter BARN ERTRA uaWN Show Canada's finest line of Christmas Cards, wrapa, Novelties, etc, Over 300 tems, For tree, y. illustrated catalogue, samples on approval and the fastest service, Jeandron Greeting Card Co, 188) King Sireet, Bast, Hamilton, Ontario AULIABLE "lady capable of taking during the day in modern home +] 'orking couple with one child, five day week, Telephone 728-5987 aller ¢@ miter middle-aged "Worn "To do One preschool lo 4.30, 10 6.30 1 Street area. Own sracsnarcetion, Lakefiel Phone 72% 5088 RELIABLE WOMAN Io month baby girl in enild's home. ences required please, Telephone ne aad ek: r required one Three days per week, hone 723-6711 before § p.m, oF 72% after § p.m EXPERIENCED woman tor small luneh bar, 3 to 9 p.m, No late nights, ne Sun: days, Good wages, Apply Carmichael's a. | Barbeque; Park Road South BLIABLE WOMAN {0 care tor thr fehildren in their heme while mother works, 30 to 5,18, fiveday week, Blair Park area. Whitby Lal A900 KITCHEN HELP, experienced. Must apeak some English, Apply South Bnd Restaurant, § Bloor Street Bast, GIRL for general office work, full" oF part-time, Some typing, Whitby 40-490) igan HOPS -- Full and parttime, Apply Julep, 1831 Simeee North, bent A "Beauty Counselor" call on you? We may need someone in your area, or call for Products Telephone 72: Wid RESPONSIBLE lady to mind school children and a baby. your home, (Lake. Vista ea.) Tele phone Whithy OAR anna, PRACTICAL NURSE lor hursing home, qeay employment, Box 807, Oshawa Imes, ELDERLY WOMAN 'io live In and care for one four-yearaid bay, 912 Crocus Crescent, _ Whitby. OAR AAAS GIRL for) bookkeeping and general oifice |work in amall office, Apply in writing te Box 910; Oshawa Times. SALESLADY for ladies' and thildven's jwear, Experienced oreferred, Apply | Colts and Sons, §0 King Street Weat, | Oshawa Fequired for does hree amall children, Char kept, Torente & and 10 am ermt 2 SALMSTADY. = middio-aged: wilh a ard required, Tele tw with Om tee 8 family, years experience in drapery an goods, Good references Bhane Ajax 949-405) COUNTER. Giri, prelarahiy married, for Telephone for ap: pointment, 720-2 |LABY will do housework on Pridayi, Tele jpnene 728-1008. '18--Male Help Wanted : CLUB STEWARD YEAR ROUND EMPLOYMENT Available For EXPERIENCED BARTENDER To. take charge of | ounge facilities at THE .WHITBY CURLING CLUB Duties to commence Qetober Ist, Write P.O, Box 34, Whitby or Call 725-1946 after 6 P.M, DRIVER For Catering Route Steady position for reliable mon, Must have chauffeur's licence, Phone GORD'S FOOD SERVICE 728-732) COOK Reliable wanted for SCOTT'S CHICKEN. VILLA, 301 Dun. das St SALESLADY Experienced only, Apply BLACK'S LADIES WEAR 72 Sime coe St, . North | Want: Ads Don't Cost-They Pay West, Whitby

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