Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Sep 1965, p. 10

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HOUSEHOLD HINT HOUSEHOLD HINT To prevent dripping fat from) Chewing gum can be removed flaring up and smoking what-/from most everything by tossing ever you're grilling, place a few|the article in the deep freeze, lettuce leaves over the "holjAfier is frozen, gim comes coals. off in a wink. Tomorrow's Bride Betty Johnson Feted At Showers) ; ; MAKING NEW friends is one thing a new nursing student must do when she enrolls at a hospital nursing SOHO HPSS HOH SET STS ES HEE RE ES OF HOS HS COE OF OED Oe Oe © Ee BO ee Ee ee Oe ee Oe ee from the left: Miss Jane Holden, Oshawa, a former OCVI student, as she chats school, These three students have just enrolled at the Oshawa General Hospital School of Nursing and are 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 10, 1965 Jo Aldwinckle, » Telephone 723 - 3474 fo |\SOCIAL & PERSONAL Women's Editor r Women's Department By ANNE MASON JASPER, Alta. (CP)--Educa- tion is the key to building stronger marriages and family life, Mrs. Davie Fulton of Kam- loops, B.C., said Wednesday. Mrs. Fulton, a member of the executive committee of Vanier Institute of the Family, spoke to a luncheon meeting of the 45th annual convention of the Catholic Women's League of Canada. "Our present hope in building a stronger family life lies in educating people about mar- riage before they marry," Mrs. Fulton said, "Much of what young people) believe today about marriage is) fiction. They need to be in- formed of the realities and given a careful preparation for this important step." Mrs. Fulton said the Vanier Institute is concerned about the with Miss Sharon Farrow, New Liskeard and Miss Gail McGrath of North Cobalt. present high rate of marriage | ; : quency crime, suicide and neu- Louise Porter Feted with failure in family living. Alex Chambers recently, Miss|Petent in handling their per- sentations. |strong, successful families, |failure, roses show that all their indices At Showers, Parties| "Similarly those able to es- Louise E. Porter was honored/$0al problems and crises are The nursing staff of the fourth| vit is Cmp we got going on Education For Marriage Urged By Family Institute Member the ie has pledged $100,000 to the Van- ier Institute as a centennial project. The institute was in- corporated April 30 after last year's meeting of the Canadian Conference on the Family spon- sored by Governor - General Georges Vanier and Mme. Van- r. : Catherine Toal of London, Ont,, was re-elected CWL pres- ident Wednesday. Miss Toal has been a league member since the group was organized nationally in 1920. She has been a national officer in some capacity since 1928. Delegates also elected Mrs. H. T. Donihee of @oernwall as first, vice-president. In other business, delegates Toh Miss' Betty J » whose marriage takes place tomorrow to Ronald D, Holt, Scarborough, in St. Paul's Presbyterian yhurch, Oshawa, has been en- ertained at several showers and parties . A miscellaneous shower was held in the home of Mrs. Wil- liam MacDonald, Byron street north, Whitby, for relatives and family friends, Co-hostesses were Mrs, Fred MacDonald and Mrs. Stanley Bronishewski, Games were played and re- freshments served. | A neighborhood shower was| held in. the home of Mrs, Har- old Penhale, Townline road south, with Miss Gail Penhale and Mrs. Penhale assisting. Mrs. Robert Blears, Sag- uenay avenue, opened her home for a miscellaneous shower, Co- hostesses were Mrs. Douglas Sutton, Mrs. Samuel Kloos and Mrs. Beverley Widders. The bride-to-be was presented with a corsage of yellow and white chrysanthemums, a_ canister set with matching step can and) many other gifts. | The staff of Local 222, UAW, where Mss Johnson was employ- ed, presented her wth a vac- uum cleaner. | Following the rehearsal to-| night, the bridal party will be; entertained at the home of the) bride-elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert E. Johnson. approved a motion asking the Canadian Broadcasting Corpo- ration to eliminate unnecessary drinking in CBC productions. CRITICIZES CWL The CWL has been like the Roman Catholic Church in the past--too introverted and insti- tutional, says Rey. P. P. O'Byrne of Calgary. He said Wednesday in an in- terview that members should become more outward-looking and attempt to be involved with the whole community. The league's program of s0- cial action, study of the com- munity and its problems, will act as a bridge towards church unity, Father O'Byrne said. "We must examine our ideas | "Statistical studies of delin- of failure are closely linked Prior to her marriage to Mr,|'ablish happy homes and com- with several showers and pre-|more likely to come from floor of the Ajax-Pickering Hos-|*" &ctive program so that more marriages and families mayjand take a critical attitude to- 'Censor Child's TV | CWL Told | Mrs. H. T. Donihee of Corn-) wall, Ont., radio television and} \film convener, said: 'Parents) lshould censor their' children's! |TV. viewing just as they over-| |see any other phase of their up- bringing." } Mrs, H. A. Leclaire of Swift Current, Sask., suggested: "If, we don't like the program--let's) not buy the product." | Delegates approved' a recom-| mendation that parish councils) consider giving their financial) support to the National Centre for Radio, TV and Films in Tor- onto to assist in establishing a) ZELLER'S Oshawa Shopping Centre Stevenson Road 723-2209 Fashions! FLUFFY, FASHIONABLE WINTER COATS With trims. wonderful fox Genuine mink. trims in ring collors, skin-hugging collars, cuff treatments. 19.99 LUXURIOUS ALL WOOL FABRICS Mohair blends, boucles, wool and some interest- Ing tweeds. 69.99 @ New styling feat- pital presented Miss Porter with fi : : igi H an eight-piece luncheon mat set. Nealseleiatatiehn tnedoubudldas | wards the institution of the) church, We should have more succéed and rear marriageable children." tures, shope re- MISS JOY MARHSALL, t left, daughter of Mr. and + Mrs. Albert Marshall, * Wayne stret,. and a grad- Student Nurses Start' Training At Oshawa General Hospital * Tuesday afternoon, 47. young/Knox, Brougham; Miss Esther) igh school graduates from alll Rosevear, daughter of Mr. and/Miss Christine Turnhill, Cooks- éver the Province of Ontario,!Mrs. Joseph Rosevear, Bow-|Ville; Miss Hendrika Veltman, gathered at the Oshawa General Hospital and were enrolled. for three years of intensive study, and hard work which will cul- fminate in 1968 when they be- eome graduate nurses. HM Of the 47, only seven are from Oshawa. They are Miss Ruth Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. €. F. Hall, Church street; Miss qane Holden, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Robert Holden, Bess- drive; Miss Margaret lardine, daughter of Mrs. W. H. $ardine, Simcoe street south, dnd the late Mr.' Jardine; Miss Joyce Marshall, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Albert Marshall, layne avenue; Miss Gail Mur- , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. obert Murray, Carlyle court; Miss Christine Phillips, daugh- fer of Mr. and Mrs. J. §. Phil- bos; RR 3, Oshawa; and Miss je Watson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson. + Other aréa girls are Miss Gail llin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. tanley G. Allin, Orono; Miss hirley Brown, daughter of Mr. d- Mrs. Angus Brown, Ash- burn; Miss Donna Bryant, ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reg- ald Bryant, Whitby; Miss San- qra Cheyne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cheyne, Ajax; Miss Roberta Cook, daughter of @r. and Mrs.. Robert H. Cook, Bowmanville Miss Jane Gra- weet daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ugh M. Graham, Cobourg; iss Sharon Henry, daughter of r. and "Mrs. Harold Henry, @ameron; Miss wg f Knox, uate of O'Neill Collegiate, is seen with her mother, being served tea by Mrs. N, §&. Kennedy, Clinical Instruc- tor in the Operating Room. --Oshawa Times Photos !nette Powers, Picton; Miss Bar-| bara Price, Oakville, | Miss Judith Price, Don Mills; | Miss Lois Randall, Grafton; \Miss Janet Reid, Cobalt; Miss) Carol Sharpe, Stirling; Miss/ Julie Steele, New Liskeard;} winter hat collection, Mrs. Sprague Furey held a) The 180,000-member league individual initiative." miscellaneous shower at her} home on Welland avenue,. at-| tended by the neighbors, Mrs.| Donald Frayne assisted the) hostess, | Miss Lorraine Porter and} Miss Joan Porter held a sur-| prise kitchen shower at their home attended by the bride-| eghe srg i iene of the) If you're hired for non-crea-| et kitchen and cafeteria of} | the Oshawa General Hospital. | tive work and want to do some-| A miscellaneous shower was|thing creative, take a page held at the home of the future|from Jeanne Sperling's book aoe a von aul make your own opportun- rker, Nipigon street, Oshawa, |; \ assisted by Mrs. John Mosuk of ae your employer mat Ste. Therese, Quebec, formerly|* d , of Oshawa, for relatives and| Actually, Jeanne Sperling-- friends of the couple. | who currently designs socks and Following the rehearsal last|Patterned and textured hosiery Hedaya he dal DARA , Coats age : e ome 0 2 the. erect friends Mr, | dition to designing hosiery, she and Mrs. Frederick J. Porter,| Cn also paint, act, model dance Welland avenue. ) and sing. But in spite of this talent, Jeanne's first jobs weren't cre- ative -- until she made them that way. "First, I workeffis a recep- tionist in a bank,' she ex- plained, "and then my husband and I went to Mexico and Cali- fornia for a year. In. California, my first job was working in a mail room for a firm that also had some jobs sketching shoes." Because this work appealed to Jeanne much more than the job she heid in the mail roo Instead of Just By ROBERTA ROESCH | Montreal 'Reveals Fall Hat Styles MONTREAL (CP) -- Manne- quins in slithery floor-length jersey dresses of ruby, emer- ald, amethyst and jet Wednes- day modeled. an exciting fall Irene of Montreal, at a press preview here. First came the "fine featir- ered friends"--three immensely fluffy under-the-chin hats of ostrich feathers in shades of green-golf, shocking pink and black, billowing out from the face, They were followed by the "Jet me hurry helmets"--hair- concealing velvet hats with a hair-band effect in front and a tubular pillbox set on the very back of the head. A new shape for fall was the platter beret in leopard and mink. The disk-shaped hat tilted forward with a peaked Mair TOM; she made it her business to keep her eyes open for some kind of opportunity to show the people at the head of the firm that she could sketch as well as sort) mail, SKETCHES FISH | When the bosses were going) on a fishing trip, Jeanne took it upon herself to sketch, as a PIANO 'CLASSICAL and POPULAR For further information ' i \Consécon; Miss Faye Webber, manville; Miss Linda Spencer,/Feneion Falls; and Miss Janet daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C.|Wilman, Trenton. | aot | Spencer, Brooklin, Miss Great) folowing registration a tea Vanstone, daughter of Mr. and was held by the training staff Mrs. G. €. Vanstone, Claremont; of the hospital in McLaughlin and Miss Sharon Walls, daugh-|Hall, where the new students ter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Walls,|82d their parents were given a Brooklin: chance to meet and become Other student nurses enrolled cn mt re are Miss Janice Allison, Corby- vary ville; Miss Lynne Armstrong, STAR STARTED YOUNG Belleville Miss Patricia Brans-| Jacqueline Courtney, 18-year- combe, Picton; Miss Beverley Old star of NBC-TV's Another Carrington, Gormley; Miss| World, entered show business at visor and had a blunt back. A new breed of sailor hats used stenciled zebra and leopard and had more of a picture hat brim. PATRICIA TUCK 74 BURK ST OSHAWA 725-4587 FIRST TO YOUNG AGES then... For quality, selection and value ... . featuring all the lotest styles for boys and girls, from infants to size 14... "The Best Costs Less At" MOUS page OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Sharon Farrow, New Liskeard; |the age of four, in a radio sta-| Miss Dianne Ford, Belleville; tion's story hour for children. Miss Nancy Fraser, Point Anne; | awe Miss Nancy Golden, Lindsay;| Miss Eleanor Graham, Lindsay; SOCIAL NOTICE Miss Dinah Healey, Latchford; | Miss Margaret Hopkins, Lea-| AT HOME | side; Miss Sharon Johnson,) Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Chand- Stouffville; Miss Judy MacDer-|ler, 142 Ritson road south, will! maid, Picton; Miss Raye Mac-\be at home to their relatives! Kay, Camp. Borden; Miss Gailjand friends on Sunday, Sep- McGrath, North Cobalt; Miss/tember 12, 1965, on the occasion Parcher, Cobalt; Miss Joanne/of their 60th wedding anniver- Parrott, Markham; Miss Jean-'sary. /BURNS 'civic' } BALET / TAP / TOE BATON / JAZZ Registration -- Saturday, Sept. 11th 10 AM, aut P.M. Knights of Columbus Hell to Onterio Moter Seles) 728-7902 } Grand. Opening. ST. GREGORY'S Y.P.C. SUNDAY, SEPT. 12, 8:30 P.M. Single Catholics 18 years and over are welcome, Featuring The SAPPHIRES 184 BOND WEST ~ re Opportunities Can Be Created Happening gimmick for each individual fisherman, a cartoon of some fish that had some far-fetched! connection for each man going| on the trip. As a result, her talent was noticed, and almost before she could sort the next mail she was moved to a job sketching shoes for the firm. After this job, plus some modeling and a sting sketching and painting in California and Mexico, Jeanne and her hus- band returned to New York. There she began designing jew- elry by day and taking art courses at night. WINS MOST AWARDS NBC-TV received 48 of 79 |/Emmy awards in 1965. ee "] DANCE TWIRL | Register Thursday, Sept. 9 | 4 P.M, -- 7 P.M, Seturday, Sept. 11 10 A.M, -- 2 P.M. FOR FALL TERM HARVEY _ DANCE ACADEMY Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-6122 --~ + « - Grammar school guys... all favour Tee Jays by "Monarch Wear". They like the extra-slim cut, the ski n-tight fit, perfect for fashion-conscious boys. Cotton, sizes 8 to 16, $5.00 Corduroy, 4 to Jay items available). 6X, $3.98 (Other Tee { vealing body hug- ging styles, ta- pered sleeves no- velty pockets, @ Satin and chamois linings plus interlin- ings. Leading Fall col ours of seal, cran- berry or black in misses sizes 10 to 20, junior petites 7 to 15 and women's sizes 164 to 242, The 'MILLION DOLLAR LOOK' Yours For So Little Just Say "CHARGE IT" LADIES! COME TO THE Annual Show. Don't miss this interesting presentation of Fall and Winter Fashions, modelled at our fashion centre . . . Zeller's, Oshawa Shopping Centre. 'WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 15th 8:30 P.M. @ ATTRACTIVE DOOR PRIZES © Everyone is invited . . .\no merchandise is on sale during the Foshion Show. UNIVERSITY Initiation Tights AT pair Colour, Red, Now Available at Zeller's y ay oo ZELLER'S Oshawa Shopping Centre Open to 9 p.m. Thursday and Friday

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