Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Sep 1965, p. 8

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tn a en I MS i af fe ei lig A ORS A < @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, September 9, 1965 SPORTS MEN - By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR verything From Soup To Nuts" = 7] " OSHAWA softball teams moved back into the foreground of OASA provincial playoff competition last night, after the previous week of disappointments, Here at Alexandra Park, , Reg Martin pitched Oshawa Tony's to a 3-0 shutout over Richmond Hill "Shells" but once again, local softball fans who wanted either their first or another look at Reno Pette- nuzzo, the highly-touted Richmond Hill flinger, were dis- appointed, Seems Reno is suffering from a pulled muscle in the 'groin, and he passed up this game, "Ab" Deasley was on the mound for the 'Shells' and while he turned in a creditable performance, Tony's were able to give him the whitewash treatment, aided greatly by home-run blows in the sixth inning; by Jack Sneddon and Bob Booth, Second game of this Senior "A" OASA 2-out-of-3. round, is scheduled for Richmond Hill, on Saturday night, the "Shells" are hoping to have their ace, Pettenuzzo, on hand and in shape, for their last-ditch stand. GALE'S LUMBER went into Kingston last night, and with their backs to the elimination wall in Eastern Ontario Zone Senior "B" finals, came up with a superlative defensive performance behind Reg White's splendid two-hit pitching, to blank the Prince George Indians 3-0, and so even up that series. They will play the third and deciding game in Tren- ton, on Friday night, at 8:15 o'clock, White's fine perform- ance was the big factor as he hand-cuffed the homesters with a total of 15 strikeouts, Ron Brown, slow-ball specialist for the Kingston squad, struck out 10 batters, Both hurlers were stingy with walks, one by White and two by Brown, but Gale's had six hits, three of them in their big three-run rally of the sixth inning, only scoring success of the night. Playing-coach Joe Piontek tripled with a couple of mates aboard and then came home on Jim Rowden's double, to complete the splurge. SPORTS CAPSULES -- Ron Wilson came within a foot of pitching a perfect game in last night's Juvenile League semi-final playoff game at Alexandra Park, when Genosha Aces eliminated People's Clothing, in two-straight games, with last night's 1-0 thriller, Genoshas broke the deadlock with the only run, after there were two out in the bottom of the eighth inning, off Warren Hough, who had matched Wilson almost perfectly all the way. Wilson faced only 24 batters in the first eight frames. Locke opened the 9th for People's with a single and then Wilson retired the next three batters... JAY CEES: drew first blood in the other Juvenile semi-final playoff round, winning in Port Perry last night 5-1, in a ding-dong battle that went 12 innings before the homesters "cracked" , , , HEFFERING'S moved out in front again, by a one-game margin, when they blanked Rexco's 6-0 last night, at North Oshawa, in the third game of the Civil Service Softball League championship finals, Fourth game of the 3-out-of-5 series will be played at Alexandra Park, on .Monday night, at eight o'clock .., SCUGOG CLEANERS received confirmation of their next OASA play- off round, this morning. They will open the 2-out-of-3 Eastern Ontario Zone finals, in the Junior "A" ranks, in Brockville, on Sunday afternoon, at three o'clock, with the second game back in Oshawa on the following Saturday night. BROOKLIN polished off what was left of the OLA Senior All-Stars, in their game at Whitby Arena last night, 19-9, in a display that was.almost entirely on a friendly basis, Now the Brooklin squad can start packing their bags, They leave Sunday, by plane, for New Westminster, to meet the "Q'Keefe's' in the 4-out-of-7 Mann Cup championship finals . «+ NEW WESTMINSTER "Salmonbellies" are expected to arrive in Oshawa, late on Sunday, to open The Minto Cup finals here Monday night ... FRENCHMAN'S BAY Yacht Club, in conjunction with the 'Powerboat Squadron" from the same community and the West Rouge Canoe Club, will present a big program of aquatic races this Saturday, starting at 10:00 a.m, The card includes war canoe, tandem and relay races; sail boat races of all kinds, rowing (punt) races and "power" races, with a .chicken barbecue and dance in the evening, winding up the day's fun. You are invited! Brooklin Sr. Lacrossers Gale's Tie Up Series, Win 3-0 In Kingston Oshawa Gale's Lumber battled their way back into contention for the Eastern Ontario Zone honors in OASA Senior "B" playoffs, with a brilliant 3-0 shutout victory over Kingston's Prince George "Indians", last night in the Limestone City's Megaffin Stadium, until the 7th inning, he was the only Kingston player to get on base and he never did get as far as second base, White was threatened in only one inning, the bottom of the 7h inning, with Oshawa Gale's leading 3-0 at the time, Charlie Pester bunted at a wild pitch, When the Oshawa Green Gaels take the floor against the New Westminster Salmon- bellies at the Civic Auditorium Monday night, four members of the local squad will be getting their first taste of Minto Cup action, Fred Greenwood, Charlie Marlowe, Danny Sandford and Larry Lloyd are all rookies in Rowden, a single, to open the fifth inning, Gale's Lumber erupted in the sixth inning, for the three-run rally that proved the game's only scoring success. Reg White singled with one out and was forced at second when Lioyd Mapes tried a sacrifice bunt. With two out, Ralph Davis First Minto Cup Action TOr Our Gael nooKes | Third and deciding game of the series will be played in Trenton on Friday night, at 8.15. Reg White pitched the shutout for Gale's Lumber, with a su- for his:third strike and was safe t first when catcher Palmer Knight failed to field the ball in ti 4 pd breaond followed with ; onit e » which in- solid hit, Kingston's second ani oeded 18 go Petia pa oh last safety, to put runners on 3rd distance and only one walk, jand Ist bases, with none out, Jack White, who got on base| White forced Ferguson to pop right at the start, on an infield| up and then struck out Gilmour bobble, got Kingston's first clean! and Montette, to leave the two hit, a single in the third inning,| runners stranded, after two out. He also drew a| Ron Brown, spacing his "rise walk in the sixth inning, which! ball' with a very effective 'slow gave him a record. of getting| ball", retired the Oshawa team on base each of his first three|in order for the first four frames appearances at the plate -- but/and yielded his first hit to Jim Tonys Win Opener took the count to "three-and- two", hit four successive foul balls and finally drew a walk. Playing-coach Joe Piontek fol- lowed with a long, high triple to left-centre, scoring his two team- mates, Mapes and Davis, Pion- tek scampered home with the third and final run of the game when Jim Rowden slashed a two bagger, It was Rowden's second hit, of the half-dozen given up by Brown, GALE's lumber -- Maples, rf; Davis, #8; Piontek, If; Rowden, Sb; Hickey, cf; O'Reilly,. 2b; Knight, c; Carnwith, lb; White, p. PRINCE GEORGE INDIANS -- J. White, ss; Bob Gilmour, 2b; Don Senior, If; Pester, cf and 2b; Bob Senior, ¢; Fergu- son, 3b; Don Gilmour, lb; Mon- ette, rf; Brown, p; Beatty, ef, Off Richmond Hill Richmond Hill Tom Hughes'|homesters facing a win-or-else Shells, minus their ace_ pitcher, |situation, Reno Pettenuzzo, find them-} Tony's 'Rich' March was selves "behind the eight ball,' |pleased with his club's showing in the OASA Senior "A" play-both on -offence and defence but offs after last night's loss tol figures Pettenuzzo will suit up Oshawa Tony's, here at Alexan-|the Saturday contest, The Sault dra Park, /Ste, Marie native missed his Tony's blanked the 'Shells'|Starting assignment due to pull- 3-0, to grab off an important|ing a groin muscle and "Ab" 1-0 lead, in the 2-out-of-3 series,|Deasiey received the pitching a an which led to his down- all, | Jackie the 2nd, Tony's put together a game-to-one lead in the best-of-|Steady game, claiming six) Rexco bounced back to tie the|him and judging by last night's Second game is set for Satur-|nod day, in Richmond Hill, with the) Deasley, veteran 'Chuck- unieaucias: cei amreeomremeenrmmmanl | me es ee eee H ff a r however two were gopher g Sneddon and Bob Booth hit the round-trippers, both coming with the bases empty, in the 6th, Earlier, in Three-hit pitching by McHugh|Walk to Bob Booth and double led Heffering's to a resounding|by rookie Bob Young, to plate 8-0 shut-out over Rexco Wednes-|their first run, | day night, giving them a two-| Young Reg Martin pitched a} five Civil Service Softbal]|strikeouts and spaced eight hits League final series, Heffering's|for his: whitewash effort, His won the first game 8-3, before|club played perfect ball behind series with a 3-2 decision in the|Showing, Tony's are going to be second, Fourth game of the ser-|(0ugh, whether or not Pettenuz- ies will be played Monday night|20 pitches on Saturday. | at Alexandra Park at 8,15, Only Dick Moulton caused) batted in 8th, Ron Wilson | Shines For 'Genoshas' Ron Wilson lost a_ perfect pitching performance in_ the top of the ninth inning Mon- day night, but his steady hurl- ing gave Genosha Aces a 1-0 win over People's Clothing and a sweep of their two-game Osh- awa City and District Juvenile Softball semi-final series, Wilson retired the first 24 men to face him in eight in- nings of play, but right-fielder Locke led off the ninth frame with a single, Wilson then -re- tired the next three men to end the contest, and finished with a total of four strike-outs, Warren Hough, on the mound for People's, also turned in a steady performance, giving up just four hits while fanning 10 and walking one, The game .was a_ scoreless Junior 'A' circles, a fact indica- tive of the general youth of the club, Lloyd and Sandford both came up with Gaels mid-way through the season, with Lloyd playing nine games and Sand- ford 12, Whatever they lack in experience and géinesse, they more than ma up with 'hustle' and the pair has to be regarded as two of. the "hungriest" players on the club. A 100 per cent effort can be guaranteed from both when- ever they are on the floor, and great futures are predicted for them with the organization, Greenwood, a forward, and Marlowe, a defenceman, each played a full season with the Gaels, Greenwood's background is something of a cinderella story, Fred became the Green Gael stick-boy in 1963, in hopes of latching on with the club, And latch on he did, After getting off to a fine start in the early stages of the campaign, Fred encountered difficulty with his ene and was used sparing: ly, but is seeking to regain peek form for the dominion final, Marlowe, too, saw little floor time through the season, but was used more and more as the playoff grind toughened, A rugged natural athlete, he met re tin th iy i MILAN. WINS MILAN (AP)--A fast-moving and virtually unstoppable Inter- mesienale Wine |in their first game of the World Gup. soccer championsnip fina Wednesday night. The, second game is scheduled for Buenos Aires Sept, 15. playoff games, Charlie collect-) ed four goals and four. assists, and jooked particularly sharp against Mimico in the eastern MN YE Desire is @ considerapie tac- for in any anart and all four Gael rookies have it in abun- dance, Watch them in the Minto Cup. One. of Canada's 3 Great W/ the challenge by turning in his finest play of the year, In 11 -- -- deadlock for seven innings, with neither club able to solve the contest, pushing a pair of runs across in the opening frame on a hit batter, an error, a fielder's choice and a single. Two more runs in the fifth on a pair of singles and an error increased the count to 4-0, and four more runs in the sixth erased any! doubt. McHugh fanned seven batters and walked just. one, while los- Heffering's struck early in the|Martin any trouble, pramp een three hits and he flied out deep, on his other batting appear- ance, Richmond Hill outhit Tony's 8-6, Barney Oldfield, Mahon, Bob Young single hits for Tony's, RICHMOND HILL -- Staugh- ton 3b, Lianclock ef, Conacher, 2b, Watt If, Mugford ss, Multon Ib, -Klazier c, Reid rf, DeGeer Neil had Me: the opposition pitcher, But with two out in the eighth, Doug Balson |singled and Paul Parkinson fol- |lowed with a double to score ithe only run of the night, The other two Genosha hits, both singles, were collected by second-baseman Ron Cullen. REMEMBER WHEN... rf in 6th, Deasley p, | TONY'S -- Sneddon |b, Old-| field ss, Armstrong 2b, Booth c,| MeMahon cf, Elliott rf, Young $b and If, Suddard If, O'Connor Sb in 7th and Martin p, R, H. E 000 000 000-0 8& 1 010 002 00x--3 6 1 ing hurler, Talbot, allowed 10 hits, walked none and_ struck out seven, Third-baseman, Conboy, catch er, Piper, and shortstop, Yuill, led Heffering's in the hitting department with a pair of sin-|R'ond Hill gles each. Tony's Whip All-Stars Handily By CLIFF GORDON | with three goals, Bruce Wanless | Brecklin, bolstered by their) added a pair. Single tallies went | pick-ups, last night handed the|to Flory Tomchisen, Don Ar- pn St. "A" lacrosse an All-|thurs and Brian Keegan. tar team a 19-9 setback, at the . Brooklin led, 5-3 at the end ee Tera Le toe Brrooklin | of the first, 12-6 at the end of the before they leave for New West: ringedee ag then went on to the minster, to compete in The me Little Elmer Tran, perhaps| Mann Cup finals. | The game was a clean affair, | the smallest player in senior la-| with only four penalties being! crosse, received "the player of | handed out. Both teams stuck|the game" award, from Frank} strictly to the game and award-| Montgomery, who represents < the 400 odd fans that took in| Dow Brewery. the game, some fine play-mak-| eal : ing and ball-handling. JUST TALKING This The scoring was well divided) was a good chance for coach) for Brooklin, with no less than) 'Bud' Christie to see how the 14 players scoring one or more| pick-ups would 'fit in with his goals. Ron Roy, Ken Lotton,|team .. They looked very good, Jerry Burrows, Bobby Allan and! with Bobby Allan again display- Larry Ferguson each had a pair| ing his fine ball control and he with single markers going to| scored one of the prettiest goals Bill Castator, Grant Heffernan,|of the night, when he took a Glen Lotton, Dave O'Brien, Don|stick-tip shot and then back| Craggs, Jim Hinkson, Jack Mad-| handed it into the short side of! gett, Bob Hanna and Elmer|the net . . . Ron Roy, Larry) Ferguson and Bill Castator also looked good Tran. 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Hwy. 2 & Thickson Rd. Whitby PHONE 728.4411 PHONE 728.0341 Len Wall White Rose Service Station Simcoe St. North Oshawa Romanuk's B.P. 71 Bloor St. East Oshawe PHONE 725-6841 PHONE 723-6821 F. J, Lawless Shell Service 227 Simcoe St. $. Oshawa Fleming's Aute Service Lid. Shell Service 403 Brock St. S, Whitby PHONE 668.8066 o PHONE 725.4641 AS ua FREE INSTALLATION EASY TERMS QUICK SERVICE

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