Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Sep 1965, p. 42

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BO a6 tyne ein ad NN it Si Sif re Be Sn BEA wh el ae OS © he i ale eh | he od UB Aare casei pp aanlaiang ng Dilicaaeerpe a pgs SOE: EOP SO: . AT SCHOOLS IN THE STATES = | Se AA | ABBOT, VASSAR. MW FATHER Pacman September 8, 1965 ae ine v ee ma -- SOU MAY CALL WE CASEY. BRIDGE WILL DO, CASEY, By B. JAY BECKER AND 1' BUZ, (Top 'record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship. Play) South dealer, East-West vulnerable, aa ae eR SLI . ROADS \-- T'M A BIRD ON THE WING --~\ CERTAINLY, totes ny before rity ' cae ANO.160 HOURS... |_MIBS ACADA,_-- A FEW STALLS? YOU LEARN TO. SPEAK SUCH EXCELLENT iy © Kine Fenteres Spmdicnm, ton, 16S. Waid vighee "TY CERTAI LLOWING TH. PALUM THe VERWHEL MED 2NO BRIGADE FA Ze OF i be OMENY SATILLERY "ANO | |p POMCRD TO FALL BACK.» «| |/78 TRENGHEO ane seer a TAL | eeees ee oe : S| ce ASSAULTS ADP TO THE @AIM. a q Nee a é , MUST PALL BACK . HITTING US AQI10752 GIMME, Miz ROOM KEY/P) Drvieiow 'F -- | ae Nee oor Th BUT WERE. h 32 ST, JULIEN F K84 The bidding: South West North East 4@ Pass Pass Pass { ey 3 ' 4 Spening lead -- king of diae +++ OUT FIGHTING ALL THE WAY oe monds, . " S 7) Fad Declarer frequently finds that ", | ms . ¢ one opponent is more danger- /4 BEES: -- = Nw ous to have in the lead than 4. «8c < - the other, It is therefore not : Be i: ; "7 . AF we eee aaa we co m ee for nite to inicnerineette THEY ; G0 shape his play so as to keep oo) op Wr e007, EATEN eT vf " Ww Bo gh, y od the dangerous opponent out of es ares ; oe ee J cee ; 4\ 6 yt the lead if it is possible to do : wate, GO MUCH F ant ( A \ : : 50, ee ~ aa \ Here is a sample of the theory Lr WAG=-- AND L \ f : at work, Let's say that West ¥ WON'T S'Y FOR leads the king of diamonds and . »\ THE BETTER, continues with the ace, If South EITHER !! 4 makes the mistake of ruffing the ace, he eventually goes down one, South's proper play is to dis- card a heart instead. If he does this, he eventually makes the contract by ruffing two of dum. my's low hearts and thus estab- lishing the 7-6 as tricks on ' which He cen discard two clubs, South has no assurance that Flat pieoranhdd ae i' Myo at| {his heart discard will make the " Pe, 4 P c IN THE OTHER / '% : contract for him--he needs the rh <e 2 dt A ' ry etal hearts to be divided 3-3--but it TO BO ' costs him nothing to lose two ab et ag Pay taco ty] s@ diamond tricks right away in t j y place of the normal diamond and a heart, The heart discard also pre- serves the chance of Mast's hav- ing the ace of clubs, in which case the contract will be made even though the hearts turn out to be divided unfavorably, Obsrve what happens if South ruffs the diamond at trick two, He now finds it impossible to establish dummy's -- i monempt ~ rend hi Fg ORR , , jwithout letting East into the SCRO Sy [AND THERE'LL BE TWO ' SESE ee SHI ? 3 6 ---- | "ee pose RT -- PIRST VICE-PRESIDENT Bucks MORE Ih YOUR) | "\_ SLUGGESTION?P eg bor Pg ° Fe ---- rf SUGGESTION, )| |IN CHARGE OF ECONOMY! Coes MONI ee | ey eee aa l RY ola club to defeat the ane f ' eee en on [* ' "3 ~ - DAWSON! Buck |_| BR-IGN'TN | fo'sTenere tract one trick, THAT THE | | BENT PAPER CLIPS It is also interesting to note OFFICE BOY? that West can defeat the con- tract by playing a heart or a tramp instead of a diamond at trick two, Perhaps West should be clever enough to diagnose the situation and abandon further diamond plays, If he does not, South should take advantage of the opportunity to increase his jichances of making the con- ssieaserentlonacame --vwnrnwwwrwrnn itract, The substitution of a 'dia- A008 weaa mond loser for a heart loser ae || amos sue zee ME! TELEVISION LOG [xaicmres y Soprano Y 1, Intrique fabrica 36. - Ate aoa equivalent to the substitution of STnandect "priest 80, Vitality CEMMSIEODIERTc 'ahem uel victory for defeat. 11, Island off priest : y IAIN TM | Sie] Channes 2--Buttatoe 16:98 PLM 0% un : iad Venesuela =: 8, German $1, Prot- Ale IDMEDIOIL itis} Channel 3--Barrie N=-World War One fe ri estant RININIE MEP IAIN Channel 4--Butfalo %---Sports Hot Seat 12. Wireless ver OSS are cen iota praner!s Let. ins PM, W 18, Vexed 9. Prong de- EammconaEa aaa Channel F--Bultalo | 6.3 Generation %--Dear Charlotte 14, Correct. 10. Trays for nomina. | Raa MISIeIN| Channel Crnamenet ilies BM, 4--Speaker of The House | BAN COEXISTING RADIOS 15, Nott's son carrying tion: ey VEIEMmAL IPI] Chives icheminmn | neanesnectiens 19:98 PAM, BERLIN (AP) -- Communist 16, Extras bricks poo Gia iSTAIMIEL ee Sporte | 1--News ae border guards are no longer _ 17, Sharp 16, Public 33. Out of: , WaDNmsoAy Eve, oa ik inh ee towed to patrol the Berlin wa 20. Centers road: abbr. -- ee ical aes. 2 Metro. Final [rcmather Krewe Geet |with transistor radios in' thelr mea ee ET nmamme | Eee (Et aoe [rock rele fom Ea . Recon- s oun e Whe | 11:20 PLM, | Germany report e regime naissance --=--20, Feline 40. -- Prarejonlyg cola | TodeoLate Show | 10) PM banned the radios when it found satellite a1. Open: 42, Keel-bitled im Pom, | Stttgnt Wate N--Racing Forum many guards whiled away the -- og ' "cuckoo SoLenve. tt To. Seaver Wi) PMs ne time tuned in to Western radio -- vy A publication 48, Kitchen cteeintee tik" I rnin abe | 100 Po sta@jions, . 7 . Sports heats 28, Disorderly turtle 87, Flexed ubenall___}_S-Mvtien ey | Movie +--Summertime MOURN LOST HUSBAND flight ry TTS TO] | News Central v40 PAM gat tg BEIRUT (AP) -- A Lebanese 29. Plague ¢--Serenade ' | %-Searborough College | ¢ Music And News farmer complained to police 31. Foggy . | @-Inapector Maigret Bar neat ovine! that a neighbor had stolen his 33, Wants RSPR, Ss Maga ae | SoMike Douglas shew aly repater. a a romes, Shien Trunsoay 18 PM, 9 is ens had died of sor- 9--Movie row and the others had stopped | 100 A.M, 63---Luncheon Date laying, he said, Vi Family Theatre | é--Captain Kangaree 4--As The World Terre 0-43----News) Weather = | 2:08 AM, 2:00 PLM, LEAVE TRAIL OF BOMBS eenturtier-trinxiey 1--Topper ae | i Where The Action ts VIENNA (AP)--Police in the r are || 6 4~Passwor . : ont, I <Diating or Do 1 Se tem ss sy gp are tea Py a ae | Site "Nee cus AS petinrnd peation cael 7:00 PLM, Aes {8 y \ *--Farmer's Daughter | es ne eer Ue of mortar bombs, Rusty old Thee we Te $--Movle Matinee German bombs, left over from ; as Sie po lid Allen eee the Second World War, have LITTLE LEROY Is WON! HE ROY TOOK HIS Fi 'tract + %--Dougias Fairbanks | been found in telephone booths H 4 Mm a - rane \t To Beaver 2:00 PLM, : ' "ie FATHER' stadiaatiton' a: uo rs, S--Death Valley aye | aman Southern Show --/i1rathor Knows Best |All over Vienna at a rate of ne eee eseneenseeteennenennreemntinndiomnammaneneenntion EEE THE LONE RANGER RE ROS LBEDT Om Codd neh it a SECRET AGENT X9 © King Festem Stam, ies 19 DONALD DUCK MICKEY MOUSE 718 PM, | %--Peonie tn Confitet three or four a day, So far none 10:82 AM, (Hh Se 'nas Gomer Pyle | | @:2--Another World ; Bal \ a "4 j SoMa | VawNurses | TaGeneral sHeenttal has exploded. :. nee | ; R mid AONE rr FoOatle, and Harriet | Pa Romner Room ote. Te Te. trv ORDERED TO CONFORM &-Wheelspin | Consequences 2:08 Pm, MEXICO CITY (AP)--Woman ws 4--Mister Ed | 4-t Love Lucy 'Funny Company soldiers in the Mexican armed , a0 Ph | 10:08 A.M, | : forces have been told to add no ScMy Favorite Martien | Bingo | t=The Young private innovations to their uni- 3--Patty Duke Show | &2--What's The Beng 6--Pubdlic Service P| a amen 63--Swing | Ding | 7~-Donna Reed eetonumante forms. The order went out after ) r 4--Public Affairs 4--The McCoys +-Edge of Night the minister of national defence YOUR HEALTH ' 8 PM, 100 AM noticed) woman soldiers with AAS V--Merv Gritfin Show 1) Ronnie Proddon vente fancy hair-dos, civilian hend. ie J Shindig eee ee The Match Game «| DaS, New Italian shoes and ; " @--Perry Mason #:2--Concantration "Rocketship 7 Sweaters and overcoats with Ulcers la etes ae] "Beverly Hiltolitien | nthe Young Se! ES-vecetion Die their uniforms, J . : : 208 PLM, 'Andy of Maynerry | 4 -Secreh Sterm } dRoeky bao Movie natn - | hoe POLICE AWAIT CALL And Hard-Drinker -- | fee oe a LUSAKA, Zambia (AP)--The ' wf, bigrgeen Vi--Woedy Woodpecker [Saloons of Kitwe, the tough " ' J--Albert J. Steed cane jmining town of this former By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Ga--lavatery Theta, | SECM marty thes jNorthern Rhodesia colony, Dear Dr. Molner; My husbandjbetes, but people can get dia-| sour Private World 12:00 NOON 4--The ¢Jhirty Show ihave their own "hot line." A ihas been a hard drinker all/betes without ever having been, a | ga--call My Blut 2--Huekleberrry Hound hs A, dear a han anne ee | me rely te poe teen tae ulcer and. stopped dritking.| But this we can say for cer- lower the sugar level, controljing can be improved, progress| mon help aad 2 Then in a few months he dis-tain: Alcohol is. rapidly ra a disease is. made morelof the condition arrested, and| get wk ot taut an a " ae on un Magn ggg -- "Tajarelaitticult. Heavy drinking makesjlife extended by proper care, _ e did no' ? ~/b) 8, he liver, which has m o do mpossible-- se ec r, Iner: One ques a % rhic a i SS idl and I do not us Dear D Mol ' | til two weeks ago. After a few se ry " song : ee ot at one lightly--to control dia-|tion bothers me about birth co SAL Y S SALLIES vith th yay the bod) sith tly a h birth if Sxcessiv Ieoholitrol pills, I take them for 20 ' vy drinking, he}, betes, Excessive use of alco! SS i . style ones is a common factor in precipi-jdays, then stop, and ap rea ee eee Hae tating diabetic coma, again onthe fifth day. after il Diabetes is a disease which aR cing may or|eginning of my period, Is there He maintains that there is no | The heavy drinking ma) a daier of becdeiing treanant connection bet ween drinking prevents the body from making) may not have helped bring on bah thoes days when' the tial and the ulcer or diabetes, andjuse of sugar at.a'normal level.|/the diabetes. Heavy habe | cre not tekn? cence | I am unable to find proof that) Therefore the treatment for!now that diabetes had develope fen ais chek aici: Wi it may have been a contribut-/diabetes is strictly a matter of/cannot help but lead to more X mM ing factor keeping sugar down to the'severe illness and misery--and of the pills following the direc- What is the answer? -- E. A.jamount which the body canieventually death sevear. HORS which you have stated cor-| 1 can't prove that drinkingjuse, Insulin and other medica-| Dear Dr. Molner: My 6 year rectly, prevents the release of caused either, but that's not the/tions help; diet ts necessary tojold brother has args Sige nat pith tai. alae ot taal essential point. We know that/keep the total amount within al-/Will you please explain the - ovaries, No ovum; no preg-| some: hard drinkers don't get)lowable limits A a Pasig is there a cure? ne na r : ulcers, but 'that a good many! Otherwise the sugar eve a 6 a i itp. nee f th do--and that the ulcers|builds up and up. Wounds won't) Emphysema is an increas-) Note to J. A. N.: No, all chil h pon sugely and quickly ifjheal properly; circulation isjingly dangerous tung ailment.idren of the same two parents ral no drinting impaired; blindness can deinot 'easily explained briefly, but/ will - not eer Ber ey "Mama told me to return this The same goes for diabetes.|velop; diabetic coma and deathimportant for people to under-same blood ee : ms all chi } cup and to bring it back full \Drinking may, in some cases,\are the ultimate*risk, * stand. No cure exists: for em-@ren will have types within a) of sugar." a A 'contribute to the onset of dia-| Now since alcohol can raise|physema, but-a patient's breath-|certain group JULIET JONES

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