Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Sep 1965, p. 41

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ee ren: ear, y cote ay svep tie cig ep cai Rao teem ta serreiteepniny weit opt ee Ae apN RS ee EA apse ily Nae nee Sew as s BRUCE THOMAS BRYANT i WOODBINE ENTRIES -- Bruce Thomas Bryant of 487 . | s Criooe art, ee, eel at Rides On One Man § Spit THURSDAY, SEPT. 9 CLEAR AND FAST Born Oct, 14, 1902, he was the FIRST RACE -~ Purse $2,100. (3500) Teg son of the late Ethel and Fred-| LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP)~Dan| The key to success is the Sami. "rome fosiga Ini ¥ erick Bryant of Murray Town-|Knopf leaned over the sink,|taste memory. You've got it or rah th a ship. He married the former| wiggled his mouth and let fly|you haven't got it. r irl, i" Iva Agnes Marie Whitney 1n|with about one ounce of bour-| Even when a man becomes alarry Mughes, Turcotte X112 February, 1925, at Colborne and| pon and water. senior taster, he never goes it Sieon Luterons, No Boy. 115 was an Oshawa resident for 49! nen he concentrated. alone, That down-turned thumb Rose Signore, No Boy 118 years. A member of Local 222) 41 ai knopf is one of the| means too much in dollars and|Qu" Gem, Harris. 11s burr of UAW, he was employed by On) 6 organoleptic analysts in\cents for the company to trust ! Susie's neran No Boy 110 tario Steel Products for 29 one man's judgment 0 Boy 118 ai the business. And he knows that : . GI 1 Also @ Select Sin, No Boy A-1 years. He served overseas for $200,000 worth of bourbon is, But two thumbs down can/Mor NI echo, "clara ns rit Pe nen, a Mr, Piet five years with the Queen's ' : Ferro B- Shining, Wings No Boy Ml riding on that spit. mean the drain for a load Of] -Also Stigibie: Asien Prince, No Boy|B-110; Richy Harris. 19) Our' Interview, ve Pg, Maal Lata And after all the chemical|2ourbon though the company | Env No Boy ti, on <1)/|Ne Rov M6 ond World War. ig(likes to salvage as much as A--Mra PJ Rosenberg and @/Maonaigh He is survived by his wife; |and electronic tests are run, his) | cia, SECOND RACH -- Purse $2,100 (2000), Ky mnie, e two, daughters, Mrs, Randolph|tongue makes the final judg-/P No matter how good the taste, |"jaimins three: end four-venr-oiss, 1¥8/°--'Suiny Bore end € Geovel Scott (Bthel) and Mrs, Donald|ment on $00 barrels of his em-| 146 organoleptic analysts never|Other Days, Dilttach. 110 FOURTH RACE -- e208, (909) Lidster. (Kathleen); four sons|ployer"s whisky. Il, almost never) swallow, |Eddle Shack. Ditttach 110 gialming: Harold, Milton, Gordon and] As fascinating and simple as ty 'cuore nba that alc Uteky"earae, ho Boy a caned {Divialon of a4), 6 Purtongs. Ronald; two sisters, Mrs. Mil-|tasting bourbon may sound, not) heavy drinker would not make|for Wyn, No_ Boy ton Weir (Mae) and Mrs./everybody measures up. a nad taster, , Patent pig he Arthur Bryant (Mary); one) 'phis is just a guess," he|- 'i Lucky Deal, No : ' As a matter of fact, most of brother, Ross and 17 - grand:)said, "but I would estimate ihe tasters are light drinkers. |enieke, Harrie 120 | children, all of Oshawa. that 60 per cent of the chemists n who worked as m|Sobby Weaver, McComb 108 Rev. Frank Ward of West-|1 run across I could train to be taper ar - few years was a|Msele Queen, 'No Boy 00 ip mount United Church will con-| tasters." non-drinker. Knopf, a 13-year! THIRD RACE -- Purse $7,000 ($3000) Nr duct funeral services in the! Knopf said the job requires al veteran, is an elder and alcisimine threeyeercids and up. 6 Fur chapel of the Armstrong! wemory for taste, about two t his church. anaman No Roy 119 Funeral Home tomorrow at 2|memory © nA meacon st his eng -- vi Aino Rtigible: Jewel, Macwelt 118) 6 p.m, Burial will be- in Union years' training and an analyti- aie by 7 ) Gay 'amet cal mind. He seldom tastes in peal the afternoon and never after GARDEN Cl 1 7 RA E Y FIFTH RACE -- Purse Allows coffee. Coffee makes the bour- einen, THpeeyennene and up, Fosled in FUNERAL OF bon taste wonderful. Afternoon TUESDAY, September 7 Plain Job, Turcotte xe a "n ] Warrlors Day, emi Pg i. giao . a ag song of poi . FIRST RACE 1 Mile (Pace) or (eoeeey M. Grattan, Findley 9.90 3.90 78) Eleriou, Lobia ne i oo Wuneral services were he er than those restrictions, | two-year-olds, Purse $800 (7) 'aptain ion, Kenney "4 y ay , Hold # P » Mark yesterday for George iH, Met/a chemistcaster car do almoa S32" Hr, 09S pqe,?™ 3828 nde te liad Marna aN Waban calfe of 79 Ritson rd. n. whol/anything: Chew gum, wear per-|{-copper Jacket, Coke en ee ee ee ofinte ace - Puree 82.900, (5090) j i 1 J, M._ Express, Barbara _ J '0 mini ree-year-olds » 6% Pure died Aug. 29, in Honolulu. He fume or after - shave lotion, sane ae and Bonita Abbe. |thre-year-olds and up, Purse $1,200 (6)/ longs J * " was 60, smoke (preferably only in the|* |aJohnnie R., Feagan 22.00 $% 0 2.80 Yukon Sauaw, rmatrong 118 : . & rooks f Ot, SECOND RACE, -- 1 Mile ((Pace) for) Lord Yates, Kingston All sons, Leblanc 113 G Rev ' R Me? Bro ss = St. afternoon) or eat (but in lall ages. Purse $700 (8) bry Coelen, Findley 6.60) Tanwood, Fitzsimmons 118 veorge's Anglican Church con-/ highly seasoned foods). \.chasmar George, Archd'n §.30 4.00 3.40| Alo Started: Niagara Gal,.Invalon and|ky. Quill, No Boy. 11? ducted the service in the chapel|--------________ mewn |4-Catham Adios, Findley 4.60 3.40| Lee Ezra, Nakina, McComb 118 of the Armstrong Funeral "| Jacqueline Chiet, MoLean Mi wey ee Wied 0 tule rent el ee ' n A 7] Also Started: a ip, Mine - Home at 8 p.m, Burial was in WATCH ARGOS [Roya Dominion, Excellent Ima and Wee|four-year-old and. under. Pure $800 (7)| SEVENTH RACH -- Purse 63,000 Al- 1 ; po |3-, Randy Johnton, Wm Fritz 7.30 4.10 2.90) lowances, Two-year-old Fillies 64 F FUN IN SUN ALONG BLACK SEA Valen Camevery TORONTO (CP) --'Toronto|Diity pousLes Ne 2Mas Mir and & [2 Etching, Haye 3.50 2.70| longs " ee nad ' Pallbearers were: Scott Hub-| Argonauts, winless in their first|/Chamar George PAID $125.00 4Donna Chamo, Waddell 3,50|ce Water, Inouye 10? Swimmers frolic in the vacationers. It is the Miami called Russia's middle class -- executives and some profes- pel! Jr., Nelson Vaillancourt,|six Eastern Football Confer-| THIRD RACE -- 8% Furlong (Pace) Alo' Started: Waton &. Frico, Oxford) Bersandal, Harrison 182 i y --_ 1 for sional men, re a for Ix-year-old and under, Pure $600 (7)/28%ny Boy, Pontiac Nency and Lorna) Margabelle, Glassner 107 water at Sochi, a Black Sea = Beach for what might be office personnel, jun ee |Frank Davis, Robert Speirs,/ence games, had two newcom-|{%,|x-vear-old and u! wre, $600 (7) / Rhythm. Seratched, Ruth' Daley. |Kerense, Harris 114 resort popular with Russian er P Pho hoto _|Fred Bryant 'and John Turner,/ers at their practice Tuesday|s-Darte Patrick, Ren Filion 5.60 4.60 Pitot ba poo! a sun en Hil bane neriy. Send OF night and expected a third to- "Ale 'Starteo!"Omodean, Ele' Pride ileereer! Ker Wendl $00 3.80\cielming three-ye Ssie sad we cn ene MINE " ' y ' . ew ey, Wadde ree : STOCK MARKET Gladiolus Show Attracts suns T UNERAL OF oe lta' tne wero ware afenieg Bil te" siya wns Phehesa Ry tM, oat eens agoen Yon . SL 7E : ; FOURTH RACE -- 5's Furlongs (Pace) horveds d *|Dance Man, Duran SGiival auneions goon held suard Jim Baffico and halfoack|s i rous Nyearrelss end under. Purse s600| Virginie' Bey end Armbro Bxplerer Vonets Vichor TORONTO 11 A.M, STOCKS Provo Gas 5 225 228 M4 s j . Bob Curington, both cut by|(# gt mie Nelor See By The conection Press Tree. ol is oa aa 4 Fine Showing ooms aapeg reams A gor Buffalo Bills of the American|$)iiicres 'seint;' Cangiiie |" dao 280 threcyearaid and' up. Pure $900°17)."" |Falsun, Ptixsimmens 1 Toronto Stock Exchange--Sept. 6 U Canso 1700 325 31S 325 +15 | ated 4 t 6 +3 ' Ce Football League. They were to|4Captain Song, Holmes eee 4.70 bunt eo Mus Holmes » e .80| Prime Princess, (Quotations. In cents unless marked 8.) Wendoo = 9000 ava iat _, | BOWMANVILLE -- Twenty-jrosette with Lohengrin. He was he ital Frid zehawe enetel/be joined by Bill Frank, an of-j,l0° Sere! oe Ores ie! sndlelone dltence clement 100d Nol GE xalvitend: roe is| W. Decalta 200 3460 360 360 +8 |six exhibitors placed 375 en-|/the second day champion. vend . ag ah fensive tackle released Tuesday Jimmy Direc sata omens fe ist Sey ire Hare tries in the International Gladio-| RECENT INTRODUCTIONS ev. J. K. Moffat of Simcoe|py Dallas Cowboys of the Na- eae Purse 4700 (6 Septeniber from previous board-ist closing sa ¢ , furs | MINES lus Show held recently in the] Winning Recent Introductions|Street United Church conduct-|tional League. 1-Dawn Delight, Habkirk 8,90 3,90 4.40'Atfendance 2250, Solel Poot $132,079. Bertinn' Petre, X17. INDUSTRIALS | A Am Moly 1950 230 230 290 |Royal Canadian Legion Hall./included -- Wintertime, Flores-|¢4 the service in the chapel of. Ang Rouyn 2600 205 205 205 The show was promoted by the| cent Glow, Statesman, Peter|the McIntosh-Anderson Funeral) 1 Net 1 : | Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge reel i 10 10 Canadian Gladiolus Society|pears, Thunderbird, | Scarlet|Home at 11 a.m. Burial was in) Abacon 22 30 3 30. | Argosy 5000 y and the North American Gladi-\Gheeks, Pink Prospector,|atk Lawn Cemetery, Toronto. GET YOUR FREE cn me cae etal Re capo olus Council and was jointly|Spring Song, Roselaid, Show-| Pallbearers were: Donald ont: CASH CARD TODAY Alta Ga w 100 $11% 11% 11% + Ww! Belcher 500 ce sponsored by the Oshawa Gladi-| piece, Showtime, Powder Blue,|Houlden, Garnet Houlden, John Alg ¢ 100 $9%% 94 9% Bethim 125 Rae ag Ge wl teeta "tu fee [an Second raseh 18 Baines, Lamour, Ne rae A Alumini 1390 $2 cop - Lily 0 $s be Alum 4% pr 215 839% 39% 49% | Brunswk 215 $14? * Leonard Butt and Fred Ing|the junior section. He was| Alur 42 25 $48 48 a Bunk H 1000 | 'Arg 290 pr $5014 $014 S04 114] Camo 1700 375 370 3 judged the entries and were im-|cjosely followed by his sister, Alt Sug xd $ 2 mu -- | Camp Chib 300 pressed with the quality of the| Mary, 'S ] id K Ps) Bank Mont 340 'saz 'a8 an + I € Sommleven ot blooms. The show was opened) Winning single - spikes were| aividar hee Bank NS 1900 $74 € Lencourt 1000 by His Worship Mayor Ivan) shown by Dr. Sisson, J. Laun-| ok '° oy oa ee ee Hobbs of Bowmanville. AF. Gaile, In the thres| F h C Bell Phone 472 $57 $914 9/4 -- M4) Cheskirk mot 84 Bh Wh dry an amis. eat er rown | 1.$25§ 25 25 y 00-21 . ke classes winners were J. Bow-M p xd 20 ssila sils sm | cnio'm" 1000 46 as +1 |GRAND CHAMPION 'taunay S faa. bee Ba Gl Br Ato 306 Se4 wl Ceol tits eas nas oe | ne Eaton's of Canada prize) a4 pr. 'game, lee eee Vincente BC Foret 250 $274 27a 274 € Morrison 1000 180 178 180 and the NAGC silver medal for Abe varieties in the ama- pole epg hr ak ' BC Phone 200 Sadie avs 'a-- Ia C Regeourt 00 9 9 % --'tlwon by Duncan MacMillan, of ee eens ie F./fast, confusing left-handed at- BEST BUY! Seve 6c! BC PH 1956 a $9614 96% 96% | Cop Corp $800 70 66 66 J. e Br Int Fi --« /Osh ith a fine spike of tack Tuesday night to score a Pp BC Ah Rt dit om a ua 4 | Conon 2 x erg tend z Laundry, of Burns, T. Hopkins, H. Samis,|jop.sided 15-round decision and Puddings and H yc Bur 2 4 27% | pe cMillan} ' } e nis Cal Pow to tain aw aes Wi Cheick <i dae |Picton, won the reserve cham-| R. pal yor Dinly Bi eae successfully defend his world Pie Fillings $s \ Cla: Ne he ee a | Set S134 13 13M 1% \,|pion prize and NAGC rosette |/* Wiktieg aaslateces daclodeds featherweight boxing title. | | ¢ Brw 2550 $8 8% 8% Denier" sia 3% dove te| with Landmark. |lwlite, Green and Gold, Parfait,|. The 22 - year - old champion) BEST BUY! Save 6c! Aylmer New Pack ! p Discovery a us 3s -5 The miniature champion was) rchy, Susie, Little Fawn and| from Mexico came in at 125% | | wn %0 Donside 2000 : 4 +% | Elite, eS een Fora. Bue hee ws }pounds, just gt oy below | TOMATO SOUP 6: 169. 500 sot 10% Wut ote ie oS v lof Islington e best recent)" pyhibits were received from|the class limit, for his second| 2» 3 OBITUARIES ae ¢9nn. nnn W. Wn arth Of Ranz a THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 8, 1965 29 BC Suger 75 $387 38% 38% + Ye) Son Negus 500 13° 13 13 "the grand champion spike was F Oren 100 +3 ' Glenn Exp 2000 1S 154 + ty Untroduction was igre Winnipeg, Toronto, Islington,|title defence. Winstone, the! Gortdrum 100 3 200 19 |shown by Frank Samis and t loak Ridges, Pictor, Bowman: |British Empire champion, was} BEST BUY! Seve 4c! New Pest Crisp Goldrim | 2000 : us z! |best seedling was exhibited by| ville and Oshawa. A display of one half pound lighter. CWN i Hie a fae Gekndtn eos es oe La [Jim Canning, of 'Oshawa, Tho!' new varieties was also re-| Salvidar left his 26-year-old| hit Coavitie Be aie whe we Cab Min "125. suite STA, 3184 2 Me best arrangements in both open| ceived from Sydney Made, ofjopponent a battered, aged one om i \\ Me. 1 se stafics € 0 Ba On eae peg ae gee 3a Rona ageing otis tigate Vankleek Hill. land badly beaten challenger. me " 4% Leitch 030 § +25 rs. us Con Paper ran $41 a) a Louviet 2300 =, a | Whitby. : BEST BUY! ps 1@e! Kraft | Con Ga 450. 313% 13% 13% 4+ Vel Macassa 108 es ph Sees ai0 339% 39% 294 -- Marchant 4100 20 +8 | Dr. E. W. rerser ya agg = | : ee ae [rile accumaated the most! -- OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS ndwic | ! Dofaco 900 $27 , Hf . , | Me. 1 1300 Sl a 2g Meade 3100 123 120" 120.9 jpoints and won the grand ag- wh 700 $19%. 19% "ow MeKen 110009 9a + Ye! gregate prize. : \ CUCUMBERS . y ad mia se BT mene 4 3} _, | Hugh Samis won the Simp- : BEST BUY! Save 6c! Macaroni er for 203225 225 22 in-Ore 2000 1 10 _--s | son-Sear NAGC ; i i = tee eS ey renee brge and he BNE "Ne ; ill] Garden Fresh Me. 1 lange beads 101 1 +%! N + 100 271 r 'sa t Hit 10 9107 ar 14 Normal" i i % %» ~2 | Ron Feagan Wins " $6670 66% 467 | Obaka 12000 2 2 Wa bt | 7 . s ~ = BEST BUY! Save l4c! Mon. kee Box Jar oe. mime ee ih | Against Long Odds @q "awesos oo Club House Homogenized Sore a. Rees |) SRS | FROZEN FOODS 762 $8 oy oe eee ee el eg ST. CATHARINES, (CP) --| % ots ; | t 1000 318316 3} poe Koo si © 6 + '3 Canada's leading harness 'drt ee Ak | € i] Save 4c! Binds Eye In Butter Sance 9-en. Pkgs. Radiore ; *)*\ver, Ronnie Feagan, won an- fd SRN i Raglan 1 1 5; --4 lother at Garden C ity Raceway hn: oan * BY : Vs : ' GREEN BEANS y) 3 Ra a ion a --! 'here Tuesday night, with John- BPN \ ' BEST BUY! Save 16c! 5c Off Pack Powdered B8-on. Pkg. i how 3 Rio Algom : 337 is $ ' 1 Rockwin 0 "9 : +1. /nje R. Fooling the oddsmakers \ e QN ' ' ware i] Save 4c? Beef - Chicken - Turkey ?-es, pike. gis tS 3 | A pelege ¢ 7 0 is +S in the featured sixth race. '3 \ . | \ 3 | eter e ¢ K , * . Inland oe as ae By iste an 3%. 36 6)~6~SCOverlooked at 10-1, the geld-| \\ . ' ; & | i Morton s Quality Dinners 49c ' X ae - - ul 65 365% 4524 65% 4+ %| Sherritt 2 30 0 +5 i is | Int Niceki S49 3944 94% 24% + Vel Silk Eureka 100 148 1 ing took the lead early in the vt Thy oye ae " j my if 25 $31 Silvmaq » 30' 20% + race and was never behind. mea, SS ch ts meu) Sie" toa a a4) lat natives the horse finshed i RG M\ ff |] SPECIALLY SELECTED VALUE CHECK'D Grp 500 $124 12% 1 Steep R 7 as or , § § Shee Pen NS | ga ws} Sua"com soo "Se "att --* 11% 'lengths ahead. ROBAN NY. og FRESH PICNIC STYLE SHOULDER CUT Labatt 15 $19 i ache i : oe ay Jack Kenney's Mae Mir from y + | "yg Reg $ , } Triag 2 > +1 | Ancaster, Ont., won her maiden ' j | \ Lakelnd pr - 245 35 ees a eg vidas oo us victory in the first race paying iY) ! oe , 202 319% 13% 19 wi Un Macfie 1 > 19 19 +). $31.60, Chasmar George of Mal- a as . . : } eae oe ote at 4 14 +) \ ton, won the second race for a anes LARS FS | bee rll ae ? $5.30 payoff and completed a 250 $10% } * | Wémac 0 185188 $125 daily double. ; y HP} is . a é) "Well Trimmed" "Lean Meaty" 100 1a Ve 4314 + %| W Mine Se EEE council to Suey, fea) OQ LY THTPORK BUTT CHOPS (ror Frvinc) 59% : Senmac 1195 Mane A % ie ms m5" 4 Zales 20 2 2 OR Dog Pound Problem ge Beye S "Ideal for Barbecues" rae 3 Meaty) "Always Tender" "Fresh Sliced" Tender rv nell 2S $39 391 Jol 4 ty] Sale to 11 am. $96,000 _ ea an SQN | q ay "7? a 4 WHITBY (Staff) - ade g a . } } Nat Contain 2 6 Add Toronto 1) a.m Ny) ' ; Nat Trust 210° $2) a) 9 FOREIGN TRADING aware of the serious "-- ait. 3 or areri S Noranda 433 348% 49 of the Whitby 1e : ; ' | rh 4834 + %| Cochwill 210 455 450 458 dog p NO NGes m 80. s208e cl f 100 31014 am ae coe so 4 64 © == |town council has decided to take un s tes: ton tr . action, it was-stated this week A TOT'S JOY A ¢ yy E Pac Pete tbo tom ou 49 +s nnbro Flight was hei SciIc War el | ----eee | re ip let ot aa = over to the fire and services By ALICE BROOKS Save iGc - Ge Off Pack Blue Bonnet 3-Ib. Pack Pow Corp 109 $13% 13% 13% 4 Price Bros 2 urs eM bre. | Reg. 79c! Free Comb with Tube ! QN Gas re $10 O% 10% Pd Takes Futurit committee for study and recom: Happy Horse in pink, blue TWO-PART NEWS BRYLCREEM HAIR DRESSING oe ae éle ( MARGARINE E 89. Rothman 5 jothma 425 526% 2M 264 mendation. or yellow knitting worsted is By ANNE ADAMS. | Reg. 6ie Giant Tabe Save 6e Duncan Hines Layer Royal Bank 272 $774 77 Sai 11s 17 we We . There was a capital budget in $ "yi | Seiad Ia Me 1 | INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (CP)--|),¢ 'amount of $2,500 set aside| Mae in stockinette stitch, | | MacLEANS bugis PASTE 57¢ CAKE MIXES 43c Seven Arts " Armbro Flight, the gallant Ca- 5 Bells, felt features, dots and) Wherever smart people, gath-| etl ¢ 4 Gime =) nadia ' 1 : for the imple mentation of a new) Reg. $1.29! Marked $ i gh Can " F: -bre , y --s re we ? nadian-bred trotting filly who dog pound, earlier in the y ear| pee jally its cuddly size, 9 ins.jer that's whe you'll ear Sil VIKRIN SH : MPOO | Save 160 I8c Off Pack Kadana 198 te cello bag Simpsons 169 $27% 27% 974 was second in last week's ric h a this two- histicate, D . i $KG MF os. ara Ss st week's rich jlong, 11 ins. high, make tot's|this two-piece sophisticate. eep| ui Slater ree , "i 9 |Hambletonian, Tuesday won when oi aptaligas my proto pet. Little shaping, easy °to) V-yoke is cut in one with cap Bie ae aga TEA BAGS 63 a. 62 364 Io's the $38,496 horseman's futurity ti » Boog g the program wash. Pattern 7220: directions.| lsleeves. Belt optional. Reg. 35¢ Weston or il Save 10c 5 Jar Texaco 100 $534 sat Soup ye) With @ stunning third heat vic- raleribnhed th indseal Thirty - five cents (coins) for| Printed Pattern 4738: Misses' | 4 i RFD Ds urre: Thd CG Inv 300 S10% 10% 1 |tory over American + owned "8 attributed to indecision on). ., pattern (no stamps, |Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16) « i} COFFEE RAL: Trin A _ zm toa | Noble Victory -- -- shelter Would) slease) to Alice Brooks, care of| takes 25% yds. 45-inch; scarf,| | : Cc il Save Se Tr Can PL 140 336% 36% 3 | Armbro Flight won the first °° ner ageeaph raked ya bag Mago chal |The Oshawa Times, Neediccraft belt take 14 yd. i RED & Teen He ae ot 2! |heat in 1:50 and was second in quested by the Ontario Humane! nent. ¢9 Front st. w., Toronto 1, | FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) in| AUNT MARY'S 24-0Z. LOAVES MILK EVAPORATED 5 for 9 or 77 Tru-Wail 210 425 Society Un Carbide 150 $30 i,|the second heat to. N&ble - i ae " : Ontario, Ontario residents add coins (no stamps, please) for| Save 4c UR ae tre 2 Ba | tory, beaten three-quarters of it, Dudael, Previously underly "cent sales tax. Print plainiyeach pattern, Ontario residents i : I LESTOIL asm. 4 Wale GW 4@ 37%) Shu tat atlenath in 1:57.2, In the atte. ; ch call ped gate ds gs | PATTER , NUMBER, NAME, |add 2 cents sales tax, Print ice réa m C it CLEANER 7c Weidwood tS $124 12% 12% portant third heat raceoff Arm-|(°®; WS turned over to the ADDRESS. |plainty SIZE, NAME, AD- { wos Fin. te ms 38 Se Sie bro Flight, driven by 48-year-|2%¢ community services commit)" Naw) GIANT 1966 NEEDLE-|DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. | WCoat Tr 1285 Si8m lisse 19 old Alberton, P.E.L., native Joe|'°* officially this week. Recom- CRAFT CATALOG stars knit, | Send order to ANNE ADAMS, | , ' e 9 8 8 hat : : rm onl tie ee ie O'Brien, took the lead from the|Tendation or suggestion on what}. Gosigns -- embroidery,|care of The Oshawa Times,| Weton 8 225 82 M% 21% 214 start and was never headed in|°2" be done to correct the situ-| afghans, quilts, toys, every-| Pattern Dept., c-o 60 Front at. | w LSON yeae. @ pa winning in 2:04.1, The last quar-|* 0" is. expected at 8 future thing! 3 free patterns printed in lw Toronto 1, Ontario, y l MAPLE GROVE Y'knt A225 'B55 jter of the raceoff was trotted meeting ___ [Catalog Send 25 rien. | BE ALERT to What's New! | SPROULE Ss "FOGDMASTER" BROWN'S OILS in-a blistering 26 2-5 seconds i BS Send for "Decorate with|Send for excitement - packed R d d White Red and White 1000 20% 2 20 Owned by the Armstrong TAKES MANY BETS \Needlecraft!"" --. 25 complete | Fall-Winter Pattern Catalog. 350 Red and White ed an Red and White 107 40 la +9 Brothers of Brampton, Ont.,! About 2,000,000 customers bet/patterns -- applique, pictures,/design views--school, career, Wilson Rd. S. Maple Grove, 00 220 220 2 Armbro Flight won $16,300 ip £45,000,000 annually with the pillows, more! Only 60 cents. (glamor styles. Plus coupon for A P ue ye e+ we, Puesday's race and boosted het largest Brit ish bookmaking, Value! Deluxe Quilt Book --jfree pattern--choose it from Corner Simcoe at Mill Shopping Pleza Brooklin Ont. Ontario iseason's winnings to $123,400, house. 116 complete patterns. 60 cents.|Catalog. 50 cents.

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