Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Sep 1965, p. 19

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18 TH OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, September 4, 1909 please find | GARAGE $1.00 for which send me Book OME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail reauests 10c extra. (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times). Name Pritt prettier FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE TAR STAIN ON SHIRT QUESION: My son got tar on his shirt, How can I remove the stain? ANSWER: Rub Jard or a vege- table shortening on the stain, then launder the shirt, Or rub crude creosote on the tar spots to dissolve the tar. The yellow smear left can be washed out with soap and water. CUPBOARD DOORS QUESTION: The kitchen in our new apartment has several open: shelves on one wall. I would like to convert this into a closed cupboard. Is there any place to buy cupboard doors ? ANSWER: Doors can be ob- tained at many lumber dealers or building supplies stores; also some unfinished furniture deal- ers. FOUNDATION NECESSARY? QUESTION: We plan to in- stall a concrete walk around the house, when the weather is warm enough in the spring. Is it necessary to put down a gravel foundation first? ANSWER: A gravel or .cinder jfoundation is laid under a walk iwhen the drainage is not good tand there is danger that water 'may collect underneath. ' 'TAKING OFF FLOOR WAX . QUESTION: We have waxed, 'varnished floors downstairs. We would like to revarnish these. 'How can we remove the wax first? . ANSWER: Excellent wax- _removing preparations are wide- lly available at supermarkets, housewares and hardware deal- ers; follow label directions care- fully. Or go over the floor sev- eral times with "0" steel woo! -and__turpentine, changing the steel wool frequently. "OLD AGE" CRACKS QUESTION: My rather old home seems to be settling a great deal in the last few years. A year or so ago a large crack 'appeared over my bathroom - window and there are signs that an adjoining room is also af- fected. How effective are steel i . installed in the basement? | Different people consulted don't seem to agree about this. 'I need to do some decorating 'and want this taken care of ' first. . ANSWER: Adjustable steel 'posts could, well be essential jrather than merely desriable 'Settling' you describe might 'be weakening beams rather , than the house itself settling on 'its foundations, which is the Other tables we have with plastic-coated tops are still like new after years of use. Is there any kind of plastic we could buy to.coat this table top, as I would rather not put a glass on it. ANSWER: Laminated plastic sheets, in a wide assortment of popular wood colors and finishes are available at building sup- plies dealers and lumber yards. Manufacturer's detailed instruc- tions are available at the deal- ers for affixing these to furni- ture tops (or wherever desired) and are easy to follow.' Clear plastic spray is widely available at paint and hardware stores. This too will give good protec- tion. SAWDUST FROM TERMITES? QUESTION: How can we de- termine if there are termites in the house? Last summer we no- ticed sawdust in some small closets. Also, sawdust gathered on the walk outside the house under the eaves. In the sawdust could be seen the remains of what appeared to be black ants. If not termites what could they be? Is there any way a home- owner can get rid of these pests without calling in an extermin- ating service? ANSWER: As the best meth- od, for what sounds like a gen- eral, widespread infestation, strongly recommended having a reliable exterminator. to do the job. In attacking wood, termites usually leave not outward evi- dence of infestation; wood bor- ers, such as carpenter ants or powder post beetles, usually cause sawdust to collect. From your description, I haz- ard the guess that these are carpenter ants. These insects, excavate wood and the sawdust they create usually falls beneath the next entrance: Tie nests |must be located and the en- trance sprayed with carbon "tet" or chlordane insecticide. Carpenter ants do not eat wood, but excavate it to build nests, creating the sawdust which lo- cates the nest; the principal food of these insects is other in- sects. Any badly damaged wood may have to be replaced. ANTIQUE FINISH QUESTION: I had. a_ buffet made into a hutch and would like to antique it birch or white. I want to do my kitchen table 'OLD GALS' GO TO CONGRESS WASHINGTON (Reuters)-- The cause of allegedly over- age flight stewardesses who are retired in their 30s were taken up Thursday by some doughty knights of Congress. The setting was the meet- ing of a House of Representa- tives labor subcommittee which, hitherto, has been con- sidering the problems of older workers such as middle-aged salesmen, factory hands and others, But Thursdsy Representa- tive James H. Scheuer, of New York, looked over committee room and called to the dozens or more steward- esses in the committee room: "Stand up, so we can see the dimensions of the problem." Representative Scheuer and his colleagues were told that the airlines have policies call- ing for stewardesses to resign at 32 in. some cases, 35 in others, "Tf this isn't discrimination on account of age, what is?" asked Representative Barratt 'Hara, of Illinois, the chair- man, Colleen Boland, a trim 37, was the spokesman for the This handsome split-level could be built on a flat 60- foot lot. The front entrance is at grade level with inside steps leading to the living room. The one and a half car garage would hold a full size car plus a small car. However, the smaller sec- tion could be converted, as shown by the dotted lines, into a workshop, den, or an additional bedroom. Behind the garage are utility and storage rooms and an extra washroom, There is a full basement beneath the Liv- ing-kitchen area. 1268 sq. ft. Standard Blueprints for this Design No, 825 cost $15.00 for the first set and $5.00 for additional sets. They are available in Can- ada by return mail. (On- tario residents must remit 3 per cent Sales Tax.) Now available at this Newspaper Office (or from the address below) is our Design Book entitled "Suburban and Country Homes Designed for Canadians," price $1.00 tax free, This edition in- cludes information on Cost fo Building and Financing in Canada, Heating, Insula- tion, Constructional Details, etc., plus many outstand- ing new designs -- Ranch, one and half storey, split- level, two-storey colonial, and duplex homes.: Also in- cluded in this book are full details on how to order bueprints, } | PORKY FRIED SELF } vestigators probing the fir which destroyed a prospectors') camp on Middle Sampson Is- land, McGregor Bay, deduced that it was started by porcu- pines gnawing matches kept in- side a breadbox. The centres of all the loaves had been eaten out first. | HOME DESIGN NO. 825, | ardesses Union, | SEX 18 KEY SUDBURY, Ont. (CP) -- In-\f girls. She is president of the Airline Stewards and Stew- Asked why the airlines put their stewardesses out (to pas- ture in their 30s, Miss Boland read a newspaper article quoting an airline executive as saying: "It's the sex thing. Put a dog on an airplane, and 20 businessmen are sore for a month." This prompted Representa- tive William Hathaway, of Maine, to remark: 'They need to be educated to the OUR ANCESTORS KNEW how handy wooden wall pock- ets could be. They made them in designs that stood out with good effect against a light wall. Today we copy them to use for letters, keys, gloves, or a graceful plant. Pattern 261, which gives actual-size guides and directions for three of these old-time pockets, is 50 cents, It also is in the Early American Reproduction Packet No. 19 which {is $1.75. Postage stamps not accept- HIDE AN EXTRA BED in a cabinet. Or your problem may be how to make over an old bed to look up-to-date. Pattern 313, which gives step-by-step directions for both and also shows how to make *eally glamorous. bedspreads, is 50 cents. It also is in the Bed Packet No. 66 with patterns for making Hollywood beds, bunk beds and other types -- all for $1.75. Postage stamps not accept- able. Home Workshop Editor, Ont, The Oshawa Times, Onhawa,| able. Home Workshop Editor, The Qshawa Times, Oshawa, Ont. Canada's UN ia 7 a Forces Uut | In Nic a Informants said he UN man eiand ein OTTAWA (CP) -- Strength of the Canadian contingent serving with the United Nations force in Cyprus is being reduced be- low 1,000 men for the first time since the force was created in the spring of 1964. Officials said Thursday the Nicosia zone headquarters of e six-nation, 5,735-man UN force, comprising some 160 Ca- nadians, is being disbanded as a UN economy measure. The Canadians are leaving for home right away. With zone headquarters elim- inated, the Canadian contingent will number some 980 men: '730 in the Ist Battalion, Queen's Own Rifles; 95 in the Royal Ca- nadian Dragoons Reconnais- sance Squadron; 140 in Cana- dian contingent headquarters; and 15 with UN headquarters, The mandate of the force was extended by the UN Security Council last June for six months OTTAWA (CP). -- A former deputy judge of Ottawa's juve- nile and family court says 'juvenile courts across Ontario should be taken from the local municipalities and placed into the hands of the attorney-gen- eral's department." Eileen Mitchell Thomas, who resigned from the court Aug. 31 after a year's leave of ab- sence, said in an_ interview Thursday she felt she had to point out some things to help courts throughout Ontario, fact that they're not operat- ing flying bunny clubs, but just another means of trans- portation." Scheuer advised the airlines to refer to Benjamin Frank- lin's letter to his son exhort- ing him to court middle-aged women, "Franklin noted that their feminine allure and sensitiv- ity were enhanced, as in vint- age wine," said Scheuer, "Perhaps this letter should be distributed to the airlines. "T would oppose with my dying breath the notion that a woman is less beautiful, less appealing, less sensitive after 30, and I'm sure my col- leagues would agree." "We had better," com-, mented 'Hara, "if we want to be re-elected." JAMES 'O'MALLEY ' Construction Ltd. 723-7122 and chairs, also. To me, there is more character to the older furniture and I would love to keep it so. What do you recom- end? ANSWER: Most paint, as well as some housewares and hard- Use SOLIGNUM to bring out the best in all outdoor wood. A long-lasting, beautiful wood stain, neither blisters nor | peels. Protects from weather, mildew and in- | sects. Available in a wide range of colours. Ask about our 6 Month Deferred Payment Plan= MILLWORK -- i @ Homes @ Additions 1 1° Offices @ Remodeling "Not only would this enable Attorney-General Should Run Juvenile Court, Ex-Judge Says | the courts to have enough money to do things as they should be done, but it would have courts similar right across the province." Mrs, Thomas, who graduated in law at Osgoode Hall in Tor- onto and later graduated from the school: of social service at the University of Toronto, said under the present system there isn't enough money to hire ade- quate staff, "Judges should be permitted to appoint a committee who to Dec, 26. needs of the court at any par- ticular instance, and could give their help under the situation,"" Mrs. Thomas, appointed dep- uty judge in July, 1961, is work- ing as a lawyer with the Na- tional Capital Commission, Buying or Selling GUIDE REALTY LTD, @ LLOYD CORSON, President © DICK YOUNG Vice-President @ LUCAS PEACOCK Sec-Treas, PHONE 723-1121 would be made aware of the PATIO SLABS Wise Home Owners diate Dobie insist on "HYDRA-PRESSED"' Concrete Slabs for Patio and Sidewalks, tach siob is precision meade under 400 tons of pressure Suing, for the first time will fike. "Hydre-Pressed" jomplete ran, hoice of ~ Call us and price. evel orb quality et @ price you " slabs are frost resistant too, of sizes and colors, you now have jest « jigns for your Patio and Sidewalk. today or visit our plant for complete information % CONCRETE PROMICTS LT". 655-3311 "Your Design For Modern Living At It's Very Best" IN BEAUTIFUL Southwood Park HARWOOD AVE. S. -- AJAX Your "AT-HOME" Family PLAYGROUND HOME! @ Close to magnificent view of Lake Ontario 16 SIMCOE ST, S., OSHAWA |) Later this month, the Ind Bat-idate in Cyprus' te lkely to be 1 talion, Canadian Guards, williextended again before the replace the Queen's Own. The|26 expiry date j under-strenath unit will be sup-jsudden and, at the fery unit, alee wawa, Ont. -- rises a 130-man artii-jtorseen seviement from Camp Peta-jlem. Greek- have heen f December, Braemor Meets Your Neighborhood Requirements Braemor hos been designed to meet all the requirements necessary to convene ient living: good schoods, shopping oreos, churches, play ond recreational facile ties ond easy access to downtown vie 5 diréet transportation service. You get ail this plus the edded benfit of on of Oshowa's most pleasant neigh> horhoods, p Drop out today, we will be pleased te show you ground, braemor gardens (Stevenson Rd. N. and Annapolis) CHOOSING A LOT (cont'd) * Consider the direction In whieh the house would face, A wide lot with the street to the north is often considered desirable becouse the living room can then have o southern exposure (pre- ferably south east) and so take ed- ventage of the garden aspect rather than the street approach, Large gloss areas should not foce northwards or be located on the windy side ef the house. * Oshawa BUILDERS' . ASSOCIATION 369 Oshawa Blvd. N. * 723-7390 Homes Heated By Clean DEPENDABLE Gonsumers' Gas CONVENIENT WINTER COMFORT @ Close to public schools and high schools, @ Reasonable distance to the church of your choice @ Complete beach and swimming facilities @ Excellent boating on Lake Ontario @ Handy to golf, picnic and complete family rec- reational facilities. Live In Year 'Round Comfort and Pleasure In Lovely SOUTHWOOD PARK -- AJAX ALL ARMSTRONG HOMES INCLUDE THESE FEATURES AT NO EXTRA COST 9. 100-Amp, heavy-duty electric wiring 146, Metol iron railing installed on front are stores no arry special w stores now carry spe e hi as shopping facilities in Ajax Shopping aza. @ Only a few blocks from East - West main traffic arteries, | usual definition of settling. How-|;; lever, aarmal setting Happens finishing kits for various colors 'mainly with b ' jof antique finish for furniture. 'in thar first sng on thee come in several sizes, de-| thi '|pending on the number of; ghly recommend your consult pieces to be refinished, They pe Sart Shere fie tenes are very easy to use, following supporting posts should be st manufactures detached instruc- cated. {tions with the kit. | ROUGH CEMENT FLOOR QUESTION: What can I do with a cement floor in the base- ment that is rough? Is there, paint that will last on it ,or do I have to put a finish of cement over it? If so, how? Is there some kind of filler I can use? ANSWER; If the cement sur- & Building Supplies Ltd. 1279 Simcoe North 728-6291 Open Daily 7 A.M, till 6 P.M. Friday till 9 P.M. IIT PRECAST CONCRETE SAVES YOU TIME AND MONEY... . Copper tone hooded exhoust fon in 'face is only slightly rough and uneven, it can be smoothed down with a terrazzo-grinding machine. Or a new concrete topping can be put down over the entire floor surface. For de- tailed instructions on proper lay- ing of cement floors, write to Portland Cement Association, 33 W. Grand ave., Chicago 10. If you wish to cover the pres- SEPTIC TANKS WALK SLABS COLORED PATIO | Kt Eliminates The Risks That Are Always Present When Pouring On Site CURRENT RANGE: OF PRODUCTS INCLUDE: DURA WELL RAILINGS STEPS TILE kitchen 2. Stainless steel kitchen sink, . Colored ceramic wall tile for bath- room and colored fixtures. . Valance boxes in living room, 3, Kitchen cupboards ond doors naturel steined imported mahogony (custom built). . Double laundry tubs. 7, Forced air gas heating -- or forced cir oll heating extro. All electric light fixtures, 10, M 12 13 14 15. installed Divided basements with recreation facilities. AW services include; paved road, sanitory and storm sewers, individ- ual weter connections, curbs, Front end side yards sodded. Sidewalks installed from front to driveway and side door to driveway, Fancy ceiling in living room and dining room, Oak floors throughout where Asbes- tos Vinyl tile is not installed. 17, 18, 19, 20. 21. 22. porch where there ere three steps or more Copper toned built-in triple paper towel rack, Clay brick, Built-in Kleenex dispenser, Poured concrete basement (with life- time quorantee), Mahogany trim. Electric heating installed as on extra, ent floor with asphalt or vinyl- asbestos tiles, floor - leveling compounds are available at tile dealers, to be put down before installing the tile. PLASTIC FOR TABLE TOP QUESTION: We received a} beautiful Early American table) of hard maple, with hand-rubbed| finish. After only a few weeks! the top shows many tiny) scratches which cannot be re- moved with wax er rubbing. DRIVEWAY CURB PARKING BUMPERS CATCH BASINS CUSTOM PRECASTING Some Plans Provide For Walkout Basements -- Many Optional Extras Available To Your Taste See Also, ARMSTRONG HOMES in ROLLING HILLS ESTATES - OSHAWA Grandview Ave. at Olive Ave.

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