Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bow- 'manville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in On- tario and Durham Counties. Weather Report ing slightly... Cloudy... ith showers today, tonight d Wednesday. Low tonight, 55. High tomorrow, 72. She Oshawa Time Authorized os Second Cless' Mal! Post Office Department Siete tae iat onmmers ot heaeee i ee FIFTY-SIX PAGES Six Bodies Found; 99 Men Killed | SAAS FEE, Switzerland (AP) Helicopters dropped explosives } : on the Allalin Glacier today ~ @ 7 after rescuers, imperiled by a. - : new ice fall, halted operations at the site of the Mattmark avalanche disaster in which 99 men were trapped. Sirens wailed over the val- ley where one of the largest icefields in the Alps tumbled down on a hydroelectric con- struction site Monday night. Rescuers feared the glacier threatened a new fall and de- cided to blast away its most dangerous parts from the air. According to the latest re- ports, six bodies have been re- covered from 'under a thick layer of ice blocks. A total of 93 more workers--mainly Ital- ian--are missing. "If they were not killed on the spot, they would have fro- zen to death during the night,'* a foreman told reporters. More than 1,000 rescue work- ers evacuated the disaster scene after the Allalin Glacier began cracking shortly after ~ dawn, A dull rumbling sound swept through the valley. Warning si- rens sounded, The giant glacier split Mon- day and sent millions of tons of fee and rocks crashite doen VOL. 94 -- NO. 203 Soe Per! Weak Teme Belivered OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1965 KILLER-GLACIER BO TO PROTECT RESCUE U.S. ECONOMY ENDANGERED LBJ Curtails Steel Walkout By NEIL GILBRIDE promptly began firing up furn-| Pisa rch cl --_ yf paar " iicivatiha » Yered j ident Johnson keeps a own in an | hand on steel labor negotiations|scheduled strike. j ogg after pesning ase Bot 4 Federal mediators, headed 7 of grace from a scheduled; abor Secretary W. Willar strike he said would endanger/wirtz and Commerce Secretary eh - U.S. economic and military|John T. Connor, now have the e hg aa § tween (ouae he of = vd gingers 4 alks resume today he what Johnson described as the SMILE, YoU BLASTED GOAT! SMILE! the AFL-CIO aie Steelwork-| "very hard positions" of the ii . ers Union and 10 major firms|two sides, | Three year - old Sky hibition in Vancouver, was that produce 80 per cent of the Ae a ts Twilighten of New York, having no part of any por- s demanding a steel made in the U.S. ta pelea? iy ine Bae og al (CP) "They (negotiations) will con-|!7: cent hourly increase i to get it to pose for a photographer, But the goat, part of the livestock show ite oe | at the Pacific National Ex- trait session. ; ; j _jwages and fringe benefi n . ceive tin (ARC pa seat tinue, hopefully, until a settle leach year of a three-year con- ment is reached," said Whitel: sot "The industry's last offer t House press secretary Bill Dine 13.5 cents an hour. e hed : |Moyers. Each venny means some $10,- 1e en a eT ] Less than eight hours after|900,000 a year in labor costs to| the negotiations were shifted/the industry. | | from Pittsburgh to Washington! Jonnson has clearly indicated| b bd 4 bad | at Johnson's request, agree in the past that he expects a ; es S l 1s ment was reached to postpone! oiioment within White House i the strike deadline from 12.01| wage - price guidelines that Saas Fee, Switzerland, Mon- day and buried some 40 to 100 workers on a hydi electric construction pro. -- ject. Rescuers are 'Norking ' . i : . ' fore ean waise wages that much! B. . ae without boosting prices, de es « ernmen i PMU i) Mr, Douglas said the New, TORONTO (CP)--Carl Jack- |Democrats, who hold 18 seats|son, 28, and William Howard, jin the Commons, would prefer |27, both of Toronto, were re- an election "on a proper basis|manded Monday to Sept. 7 fol-| lof representation rather than|lowing the testimony of an 18- on one 20 years out of daie."|year-old. girl who said she had But the party was prepared/been whipped with a coat jto fight a campaign on-the cur-|hanger by two men because she jrent distribution of seats "'and/refused to become a prostitute jis quite confident of making] Jackson and Howard were very substantial gains." jcharged with assault, four | Mr. Douglas said that finan-jcounts of procuring and two ! Root aura to 12:01 a.™.| would limit the raise to 3.2 per| is " OTTAWA (CP) -- Oppositionjering Sunday, But he changed)peregrinations by the prime oo sure. that as: they re jcent with no price increase, A RESCUE WORKER and through the night to find the Leader Diefenbaker flew here his plans because of Prime Min-|minister heey no analysis bY/6n to their negotiations . . ./PRODUCTION RISING | a trained es ae beet ei pe oe is Monday night from a two-dayiister Pearson's indications of aj%dinary minds. |they will be aware of the im-| i : s | Chip away at the rock-like eld for their survival, Five ' matT. son's } 4 : ' ; Th s § on} ; ; i visit to Edmonton and said) Wikction' "Hk, cuid ha 'wonidl The Edmonton trip was made artance of their efforts to tedetdh anita inet neice! glacier ice which hurtled botlies have been recovered. . "there's no change out there"| : 'onl"jatter a tour by the opposition)... man and woman in this|{ ' a '| down a mountainside near 3 --AP Wirephoto HL as far as support for his party|reschedule his Viet-Nam trip {f)\eader through eastern Quebec country of ours, and to the tion per man hour has been ris-| oa airs | is concerned. there. is no fall election, jcommunities. Mr, Diefenbaker|) ith' and vitality of our econ-| 5, at the rate of 3.2 per cent itd 5 ; "The hopes of the Liberal, Asked whether he thinks anjsaid he plans to return to Qye-|on and the cocurity of Amer {a se" and that industry there: Lal Ra bea map ecient songs party that. the» wheat salesjelection is definite for the fall,/bec in the near. future 'but NO)\..° 1 around the world," John- ' as coe Pan tnvientanee Neu Tees would make any difference are/Mr. Diefenbaker replied that|definite plans have heen made.) 'said Montlay night. pi rib fall, rescue workers. scurried 1.6 > Hot "going to be achieved,' the ILEADE JNSMILING A 3.2-per-cent' wage increase ' from the danger zone. They had Conservative party leader said ee ' gee cRS UNS ps BG pig th te | - pki len mm e 8 little headway oe the in an airport interview. | Johnson announced the post-|é r pres iid | icy debris despite an all night "The people realize that it Douglas Blames Grit Fear |ponement in front of televisionjand fringe benefits averaging} TO] k 1] 4 '@ | ore S effort, during which they recov- was the government which I led jcameras and radio micro-|$4.40 an hour for the approx: | ered only. six. bodies. that changed the policy, and un- - ~ iphones. Union President' I. W.|imately 450,000 Steelworkers in-) Scientists at the scene said der widespread criticism by the El t jAbel and the chief industry ne-|Volved, | From AP-Reuters | This was not further ex-|here for 140 years and they) the cracked parts of the glacier Liberals, that agreed to ad- or a lance n ec 10n gotiator, R. Conrad Cooper,| Johnson could invoke the) siInGAPORE (CP). -- Singa-|Plained. Dwight D. Eisenhower/knew about the people and the| might have to be loosened with vance credit to. Communist stood by, unsmiling. Taft-Hartley Act to impose an! pore's prime minister, Lee|Was president in 1960; Kennedy/history. mortar shells before digging countries for wheat purchases." s deahas 'peeps oO) 'vear when they'll be worse."|. After the postponement was|80-day cooling-off period and/KyanYew, claimed today 'the|became_ president in January,! On the bribery allegation, Lee| Could be resumed, k was By KEN KELLY year when : b ed, steel kers/furth lay rik | Western farmers now it wa wy Oe hee | 1 suid fatee, announc , Steel makersifurther delay a strike. |U.S. government once offered|1961. |said: ' "t t Liberal government, OTTAWA (CP)--New Demo-|Mr. Douglas said in an inter-|__ ' i BO PSR E BABIN ' | } MAY TAKE 2 MONTHS ' Bevtkt wheat prices 18 to 20\crat Leader T. C. Douglas sees| view. him a $10,000,000 bribe not to] He said: he would not allow) «1 never spoke to the Amer-| officials said it may take up cents a bushel despite a short-|@ mixture of fear of Parliament) 'Also, he's not_happy about| " reveal that a U.S. Central In-/American bases in. Singaporelicans direct because they lack|to two months to recover all aze of wheat all over the world,|and fear that Liberal fortunesjhaving to meet Parliament in| Without Tumult Or Insul telligence agent had. beenjeven if the U.S. were fighting] finesse, the bodies. About 20 construc- Mr. Diefentiaker. added are slipping in Prime Minister|view of some of the things that! ' caught trying to buy 'informa-|in Malaysia. "But through an intermedi-|tion workers were injured. sh. bagi coae ama Pearson's dalliance with the|have come to light." tion from: a Singapore intelli-| "They lack depth and judg-/... they offered me and my| 'There's no hope for the men "This meant a loss of $140. / i405 of a fall general election.| Mr. Douglas referred to the gence man. Lee said he re-/ment, they don't understand the party $10,000,000. I mean, the/ under that aass Pane po igetons 000;000 in the crop year and "a7. Dougias, who plans to|Derion judicial inquiry into! h N jected the alleged offer. overseas Chinese, and they insnit: I told them "You 'can| cue worker. In some places, the that's a high cost for any gov-|. it Mr. Pearson's election|bribery and coercion charges| e egro n ers 00 The United States denied the|don't 'understand the . Vietna- keep we ice and rocks lay more than ft decision in his Burnaby-Coquit-|against ministerial aides and to charge: jmese...That.iswhy..Viet _Nam On Viet' Nam; he said: "The! 160-feet-deep: Mr. ee cee " here lam riding, accuses the prime/court testinony that former JUS-| ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) -- Ra-!South and it appeared the era Lee claimed' the bribe war) eg Long plbsconcst Americans decided their own| The avalanche struck near plalked_ to no eae 7 {minister of dishonesty in sug-|tice minister Favreau was in-jojai barriers fell quietly|of racial segregation in schools| made through a presidential in-/ BRITISH BETTER : creation. President Diem was) Saas Fee, a ski resort in south- said: it was the preven _bovern| gesting that .redistribution of/formed of influence = peddling} throughout the U.S. South as'was coming to an end, termediary in 1960 -. 2 If they (the Americans)|,, embarrassment. to them.|/ern Switzerland less than five ment that promise 32 a@ Dusiel/parliamentary seats may rule accusations against Yvon Du-lingysands of Negroes began at-| Indicative of the changes. was He described it as "an insult were in charge in Malaya and They looked the other way and| miles from the Italian border: for wheat along with - yl out a general election next!puis, former federal minister tending classes with white pu-lMansfield, 'Tex which ant 4 and 'told a televised press con-|Singapore, I would have been| he got bumped off. The mass buried men, ma- price system and bot _ these! vear without portfolio, months before pils on the first day of wide-|a co i re 7 we/ference made up of four Brit-lin jail, probably tortured and) - «"r thought they must have|chines and barracks at the romises had gone down the' « can) ves - 'Deanis vas tak | a southern symbol of resistance d | " | & : sone 8 The real reason Mr. Pear-jaction was taken. spread school desegregation ac-|tg sc ish and Australian foreign cor-|dead. some plan to go into operation,|Mattmark power project near tain ; h sel ep ihe ti santt ac-'to school integration less than d he Wed fold: Pres-| H na ow 8 pp abs odie alg isonet ual and oil) insist one 'regt(Celerated by the 1964 Civilla decade ago when whites |reSPondents he had told Pres-| He said he was no Anglo-lnut they: had no plan: There|the resort. Some of the ice Mr. Diefendaker had planned/is that he sees that fortunes of parties Will insist on a "reallRights Act. itaged mins protests to intesre: ident John iF. Kennedy "'you|phile, but he said the British}paye been 15 to 20 premiers in| blocks were as large as two- to go to South Viet Nam follow-jhis party declining and _ his cleanup of the Pearson minis-|" 'There was no trace of the vio-\tion. All was aulet Monday ae keep it.' 'had wisdom. They had: been|coih Viet Nam since then and storey houses, ing his trip to Edmonton, where|choice is between calling one try if Parliament meets Slient, bitter resistance of earlier About 70 Negro: duniot and be se Br sp fb i Bs ' still no plan." One witness said the ava- he addressed a Ukrainian gath- now or taking his chances next/sc "fa gy wong an elec.(Neats. 88 the trend of quietinior high school students at. s 8 | He gave the British more|lanche hoa 80 Bd = ae Z Oa cane ' {change became a clear-cut pat-tended desegregated classes M d S h ] P eredit for wise and. gentle-|the workmen, mostly Swiss an {han, ie New Democrats hig /t@™" in rural and urban areas fiuiesataned as gun oaak n la S e by 00 S oor |manly foreign policy, but/Italian, "were buried without make the. main Fates i, elalike Monday, Few, if any, in- 7) socoupRe 000 Saad th seven |added: even looking up. fessor in' Prot policy jcidents were reported in the urban "areas with no 'incidents Ontario Colle Conte ds ae . | § esuic acy ; § 5) furenrnii ei in mini ah Mn and international affairs." as about 900 Negroes were! ge n "Then there's the whole mat: 4 # added to previously white class- | NEWS HI HLIGHT ite of morality in government, e use 0 rooms, TORONTO. (CP) = India's|cently that. would have enabled} jthe 'new politics' that didn't wiebe tT rmomreean . medical schools are producing|/them to practice privately in| . . : ee | materialize and the Pearson , - a tae rd de inferior doctors who need addi-|the province. Constantine Tries New Tack In Crisis jtenm which was supposed tobe segregation began in 1961, two, Ona! training if they want to! «The college has a statutory ATHENS (Reuters) -- King Constantine is expectel to so efficient but has been bum- 1r 1 e d A : ' practice in Ontario says the On-/quty to discriminate bet ef . ape bad *s political lead- lite and-fumBling as never be- children of integration leader|tarig College of Physicians and\iue uf ate between) summon a crown council composed of Greece's political lea lore' in Histone" Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. en-|Gurceons, af : j800d medical education and) ors Wednesday to seek a settlement of the seven-week political sie rolled at a previously white)' pr Dp" Laurence Wilson of osPicuously, inferior medical) crisis, informed sources said today. Meanwhile leftwing school along with three children! Kingston, College. president jeducation," he said. "It dis-| trade unions disclosed they would stage a series of strikes of Rev. Ralph Abernathy, one|.aiq Monday in a repared criminates 'in no other way") and. mass cals this week to demand general elections as . | | the only solution, of 'King's lieutenants. | Integra-|statement India established 51/ACCEPT SOME tion was accelebrated in the! medical schools in 16 years, al Records show that the On- . ae ; "phenomenal increase beyond tario college, in recent months, | Cooper, Conrad Huddle With Doctors "We are at a point in At+ithe resources of the wealthiest/has rejected applications of] A : , -- Ast uts Gordon and lanta where we are accepting|country." It had only 20 schools|Britons, Americans and even chisel Catsel ainely pebainare che waant they lost dur- children with no indication!at Independence in 1947 |Canadians. with medical de- in an: epic sieht devs th space, huddled today with techni- other than their ability or lack| This too-rapid expansion, Dr.|grees from schools. in Europe a enit medical experts. who sought to learn everything pos- of it--for our classrooms," said|Wilson said, had. a "catas-|and Asia, which failed. to, meet sible about 'the flight of Gemini 5': The astronauts -immedi- Superintendent John Letson. jtrophic effect on the quality of|the province's standards, In the ataie wate huixtled toa medical centre for exhaustive tests jcially the party has raised|charges of living off the avails Two northwest Florida towns,|Indian. medical education." Dr.|same periods, applications were which did of disclose any adverse symptoms jabout 60 per cent of the $1,000,-\of prostitution, W oc ie and Bonifay, op-/Wilson was defending the col-|accepted from Indians, Africans} ™ iG 8 y mp . j000 war chest he requested) Police said the girl arrived ened their high schools on allege's position in refusing to al-land Chinese graduates of ac- sos . : |months ago in expectation of ajhere from New Brunswick ajcompletely integrated basis.j/low several Indian doctors to|cepted foreign schools, Dr. Wil- End Of Dominica Strife? Imbert Quits SANTO DOMINGO (Reuters) -- The end of the four-month Dominican Republic crisis seemed closer today following the. surprise resignation Monday night of. Gen. Antonio 11966 election. |few weeks ago, The Neg:u schools were closed.iwrite college examinations re-'son 'said Imbert's "national reconstruction" government, Meanwhile, BOY'S CONDITION SERIOUS Ellsworth Bunker, U.S. ambassador 'to the Organization of GIRL FAINTS, UNHURT Giant Grizzly Bear Attacks Couple |#.2:°.25"= consciousness and started tutionalist" government, the Imbert regime's rival. JASPER, Alta. (CP) -- A to run. She was hysterical quiet evening walk by a young man and his girl when she arrived. at the companion ended in terror camp A medical source said the when the pair stumbled into a huge grizzly bear youth suffered face and skull fractures, a nose frac- evn front of them and her three cubs scattered. The fact she fainted probably helped save her life." There have been where aroused bears not touched when the animal: attacked She was - unharmed ahd ran three-quarters of a mile to a warden"s camp for help. The warden drove out and picked him up The pair were in an area used 'by two lodges as a Barbage dump. Parks offi cials speculated 'the bears were looking for food Sturdy and his compan- ...In THE TIMES today ... Governor-General In Oshawa Sept, 22--P. 9 First Report On U of T's Whitby Survey--P. 5 Gaels Win Opener Of Finals 21-8 cases have with three cubs on a dark who IT'S TIMES COOK-BOOK /¥Fifteen - year - old Debby and her sister Dana, 314, try out a new recipe for chocolate cup-cakes in the Times cook "book supple ment published today The youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs. Pat Dillman, 315 > DAY Linden st., sifts the flour for another batch while Debby finishes the icing chores. All the favorite, easy to pre- pare dishes of Oshawa housewives are in the Times today Oshawa Times Photo The girl was treated for shock and released from hospital Monday. "Tt appears the two walk- ed right 'into the bears trail high in the Rocky Mountains. Fred Sturdy, 19, of Ed- monton, was severely maul- ed by the big bear. He is in serious condition in Jas- per Hospital Dianne Davidson of Sud- bury, Ont.,. fainted Sunday Mitchell, Jasper bear rea d up "Tight in people "played dead." Park officials said the description of the animals given by the girl indicated they were grizzlies, not the more common black bears Grizzlies range from 600 to 700 pounds. when fully- grown. ion 'worked during the sum- mer at Brewster's Maligne Lake Chalet. They were at- tacked. about a, 'mile from the chalet. Mr. Mitchell said Miss Davidson told officials she still heard the bears in the darkness when she regained ture and lacerations to his scalp, chest and thigh. His face, an ear and thigh muscles were: torn. Parks officials set out a trap for the grizzly. If the bears are caught they will be moved to a remote area of the park, Ann Landers--11 City News--9 Clossified--14, 15, 16 Comies--18 Editorial--4 Financial--17 Obits--17 Sports--6, 7 Theatre--8 Whitby News--5 Women's--10, 11 Weather--2