wan partner nce pe ogni ate Se ee eee ee ee Te we rp song take imam po Be AMY Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bow- manvilie, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in On- tario and Durham Counties, VOL. 94 -- NO, 202 ' haton Sines - eae ONTARIO, MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 1965 Authorized HB Ottawa 'ond. page ay an heteae . ' wi wena amplosei sige neat ited Wy ig na re Office Depo! in Cash, aw "Weather Report 7 Mainly sunny Tuesday, warm- er, but with increasing cloudi- ness in the afternoon. Low tas. night, 50; high tomorrow, 72, EIGHTEEN PAGES » i MISS CANADA CHOOSES BEST BLACKSTOCK BEARD won the beard-growing com- petition at the Blackstock Centennial Fair Saturday. Mr, Martyn was. chosen from about a dozen entrants Carol Anne Tidey, Miss Dominion of Canada, tickles the hair on the *'chinny-chin- chin" of -Harold Martyn, a Blackstock. storyekeener, who by. Miss Tidey.. More than log-chopping, 4,000 visited 'the fair on its 100th birthday, Highlights of the exhibition included a horse show, antique automo- biles, for more pictures and Osha we... Ti water. melon eating and flower and vegetable exhibits, See page table exhibits, See Page 9 story. Photo World. Seeks Superlatives Third Greek To Praise Record Flight jand Charles Conrad would bejlaying for the temple, next Aug,|Constantine will probably '@ie-| six days. . 5; g : "-- _ ' cide today on his next move te! Military sources said almost|/Leadership Council had been By REUTERS World statesmen, scientists|"very welcome" there. and newspapers competed for) Heinz Kaminsky, diyector: of/5' superlatives today to praisejthe Bochum Obséivatory = in Gemini 5's around - the - world| gwen g a Russian firkds of space research," TV announcer who hailed the}; Among other world leaders} "historic, record-breaking feat'|Sending their congratulations to Pope Paul, who said it;were Chancellor Ludwig Erhard "pens spectacular prospects,"/0f West Germany and his elec- praised the two U.S, spacemen|tion rival, and thelr feat: Willy Rrandt. President , ia Yondek: all of seppe Saragat of Italy ad Aus-|™ Britain's i . eight national morning newspa trian President Franz Jonas, pers made Gemini the headline) BUILDS A TEMPLE of the day News that the two spacemen| ri St} R a world of San |2i--the anniversary of Gemini) West Germany said the U.S.|spondent of Tass news agency inow has "taken the lead in all/Said Gemini's main purpase---|rimokos said Sunday night to study the effects of long pe West Berlin Mavyar|tory, said he thought the mostiGeorge medical per ATHENS (Reuters) 8 launching, In Russia the science. corre.|Greek government Tsisimokos, ods of cramped, weightless! unsuccessful nace flight-was achieved Sir Bernard Lovell, head of|form ritain's Jodrell Bank Observa-| Would choice government keep former Papandreou a ould hechme Know oriiv after examinations of Coo-| If they fe were ated in parliament, and. Conrad crisis, jgoing prime minister E the king's to PM Ousted -- King try to end the. six week-dld) oul lias Tsi- third try le which premier out of Giu limportant results of the flightipower, resigned Sunday_nightiily lafter his government' Was de:|'0 liament punctuated by scuffles| Dupre, Principals Query Mark Disparities TORONTO (CP) -- Ontariojtion department's regis-| high school principals are ask-| rar, said Sunday night that the {percentage of failures on the ing the provincial department | Pretish Shaminstinn is higher of education to explain dispari-/than normal, He said many stu- ties in Grade 13 English marks.|dents have appealed their The Ontario Secondary} mark, ; Schools Headmasters Associa-| Papers of appealing students tion, which represents about 85| will be reread and a special re-| per cent of the high school|vising board will decide} principals in the province,| whether the mark should be! passed a resolution remarking| raised, he said, on the "inconsistency between) But Mr. Bishop said the de the marks obtained and the|partment won't be able to as-| competency of the student, as|sess whether there is anything reflected in the teacher's term! wrong with the paper or mark-| mark and writing mark." Thejing scheme until the appeals) resolution asks the department! are adjudicated and full statis-| to explain the reason, jtical backgrounds are obtained* Alfred W, Bishop, the educa-jin late fall . FIVE SEPARATE ATTACKS. Viet Cong Guerrillas Stepping Up Offensive From REUTERS-AP {future. The move marked a sig- SAIGON (CP) -- Communist nificant advance in U.S, mili- Viet Cong guerrillas today|taty power in the Viet Nam made five separate attacks on| War. towns and outposts in a Today's Viet Cong attacks in stepped-up offensive for control the Mekong Delta came only a of the Mekong Delta, South few hours after the guerrillas Viet Nam's rice bowl, overran two other outposts in The attacks, which came un- the area Sunday, der a cloak of darkness, fol-| In all five attacks the gueril- Jowed air: raids Saturday andiiss first shelled. their targets, Sinday on Viet Cong. strong: then moved in with small arms, holds in South Viet Nam_ by i giant B-52 bombers of the U.S.| STUDENTS RESTLESS Stratégie Air Command, | On the political front, South The Guam + based bombers| Viet Nam's military rulers to- blasted two guerrilla areas 300 Night postponed a meeting at miles apart, a U.S. spokesman! Which an anti-government cam- reported today, The strikes) Palan currently being waged by |brought to five the number of| dissident students was to have} Jong-range stries by B-52s_ in| been discussed. A meeting of the National 'daily bombings by the SAC) planned for tonight, but reports planes could be expected in the/said the situation was quieter - - . and there was no immediate threat of secret demonstrations, | Earlier today the students' | protest movement spread to Da Nang, site of the biggest US.| jair base in Southeast Asia | Some 1,000 marchers demanded SHERBROOKE, Que. (CP)-| dismissal of head of state Maj.- Six children of the same fam-|Gen, Nguyen Van Thieu, but ranging in age from seven)dispersed peacefully after an 12. died five in" their hour, parents' home in this city 100 | Six Children Die In Blaze ina EIGHT SPACE RECORDS SET HOUSTON, Tex, (AP) -- The ninth manned space mission by the. United States established five world space flight records, three world records for . in- dividuals, Here are the new World Records 1, Longest manned space- flight -- 190 hours, 55 min- utes, by Gemini 5, Previous record; 119 hours, six minutes, Russian Lt.-Col, Valery Bykovsky's flight that began June 14, 1963, 2. Total man-hours in space --§39 hours, 48 minutes, by U.S. Previous record: 506 hours, 16 minutes set by 11 Russians during eight man- ned flights. 3, Longest multi - manned spaceflight -- 190 hours, 55 minutes, by Gemini 5. Previous record: 97 hours, 59 minutes, astro- nauts James A. McDivitt and Edward H, White II, June 3-7, with Gemini 4, 4. Most orbits for a man- ned space flight -- 120, by Gemini 5, Previous record: 81 by Russian Lt.-Col. Valery Bykovsky with five-day flight that began June 14, 1963, 5, Most manned flights: United States 9, Russia 8, Records for Individuals 1, First man to make a second orbital flight -- air force Lt.-Col, L. Gordon Cooper TE" 96. 2. Individual with most space-flight time -- Cooper, with 225 hours, 15 minutes. Previous record: 119 hours, six minutes by Bykovsky. 3. 'Individuals making long- est single spaceflight Cooper and Navy Lt.Cmdr, + Charles Conrad Jr, 35, with 199 hours, 55 minutes. Previous record; 119 hours, six minutes by Bykovsky, Sextuplets marks: Only Exact By STEWART MacLEOD OTTAWA (CP) -- Apparently spurred by the results of a nine-day visit to Western Can- ada, Prime Minister Pearson flew hack to Ottawa Sunday in the grip of election fever and as he prepared to report to his cabinet Wednesday, only the exact date of a fall election seems to be in any doubt, The prime minister, who is believed to have gone to the West Coast with fairly firm plans to call a general election this fall, obviously strengthened his stand during the nine days. By Saturday night in Edmonton he was giving 700 listeners the most rousing campaign - type speech since the 1963 election. Far from discouraging the al- most-unanimous belief that Ca: nadians will go to the polls this fall, the prime minister consist- ently shovelled more fuel on the speculation, Saturday night he referred-- on two occasions--to the party challenges in "the weeks and months" ahead, He even used the term 'forthcoming elec- tion' before changing this, with a laugh, to "future." At no time during the nine days did he say anything to in- dicate that no 1965 election would be held, No, 8 is the date around which most of the speculation is centred, The prime minister described his western trip as 'wonder: ful," and he was-reported to be highly buoyed over the recep- tion he received in British Co- lumbia and Alberta, "Ifthe harbored any doubts about an immediate election," said a source close to him, "the last nine days apparently elim- inated them." In both provinces, Mr. Pear- son met strong party pres- sures for n fall vote, In British Columbia party organizers told him they were highly optimistic of gaining two seats, and there were lesser hopes in the others. In Alberta, Mr. Pearson also) was told that prospects are high for two additional seats--Agri- culture Minister Hays now is the only Liberal member from the province--and some party workers wee talking in terms of four, and even six, more seats. Although the pressure for an early election was believed to be less unanimous and strong Doing Well in Alberta than in B.C,, Mr, RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters)|Hays is known to .be among A woman at Humaita in the tar|those who is anxious for the In the Mekong Delta, UiS. and) west of Brazil has given birth|<overnment to" test its" popular miles east of Montreal Sunday. South Viet Namese aircraft lit)of sextuplets and she and all|ity at the polls, | Gerald, 17, Gerard, 16,'government fought off the at safe, he said, "then it can be! The vote of 159 to 135 ended) pead are six of the 11 chil:|the skies over the delta with|six habies are doing well, two One of the most enthusiastic jassumed that manned flights toja bitter five-day debate in par-dren of Mr. and Mrs. Gerard more than 400 flares as the Sao Paulo newspapers reported, | neon reactions came from the Sici-'the moon are possible." i ! The reports Saturday said the TRIP RESULTS SPU ELECTION-BOUND P Vote Date Seems To Be In Doubt Among the arguments being made in favor of an election is the belief that 1966 could be a difficult year in labor-manage- ment relations, particularly in the steel and auto industries, and the government would rather face any such problems from a majority position. DEALS WITH GROWTH In 'both Vancouver and Ed- monton, Mr, Pearson ham- mered away at the country's economic growth, her fast-ex- panding trade and the wheat business, But he gave a clear indication that national unity, and the need for an understand- ing and optimistic approach, would be an over-riding issue in the next campaign, He told western audiences about the "legitimate con- cerns' of French + speaking Canadians and the need for pa- tlence and understanding on both sides in the building of 'a great new Canada," "We are making progress," he told his Edmonton audience, "We can do it and we are go ing to do it, Why don't we show more faith in our country instead of fear?" Youth Cut Out Negro's Tongue GREENSBORO, Ala, (AP) State and cor au es said Sunday night that a you Negro admitted bea an 87. year + old Negro, eu! his- 8 tongue 'out' and then him of $26, : The victim, Perry Smaw, ef near Greensboro, was found crumpled in the doorway of his home a week ago. He died five days later without being able to identify his assailant. Hale County Prosecutor Rich+ ard Poellnitz and Col, Al Lingo, state public safety director, said in a joint statement that 21 + year + old Roosevelt Long signed astatement Sunday night admitting the attack on Smaw. There had been. speculation that the elderly Negre might have been killed because he al- legedly had spoken out against recent civil rights demonstra- tions in Greensboro. But Poellnitz and Lingo said Long was not a civil rights leader. A preliminary hearing on a murder-charge will be eld-to« day. would make tourjlian village Giovanni) Tens of millions of Russians brought an immediate bid from/whose mayor announcedwere shown television pictures the other side of the world to|that the village planned to buildjof the two astronauts and heard Pierre, 12, Carole, 11, Jocelyne,| tacks, None of the outpasts was) woman was the wife of a rub-! fand near-violence | i ° recone } vi é se api : Beas 8, and Marie-Ange, 7. overrun, a U.S, military spokes-| ber plantation worker at Hum- The king asked Tsirimokos to] 'Three children of the family man said, aita, on the border of the NEWS HIGHLIGHTS have New Zealand included in/"a temple to the glory of Gem the itinerary, Prime Ministerjini 5," He said he would like Keith Holyoake sent President;/Cooper and Conrad to be hon Johnson a. cable of congratula-\orary citizens, and hoped they tions and said Gordon Cooper|would attend the cornerstone- Ww a ne news ord account of the story and ernment knowledged that the »w held the space record was sworn that might. be, flashes of their landing./carry on with a caretaker ad-j|and a cousin, who were in the Tass news agency gave a 00-)ministration until a new gov-\wooden house when the fire|stretching southward from Sai-|births took place Thursday. in. But U.S./there was no , indication when Two other children and the par-|which produce 5 per The fertile delta region,| broke out, escaped the flames./ gon, consisis of 10 provinces! cent of ents were absent at the time.!the country's food output, ' "WE'RE GLAD YOU'RE BACK," SAYS PRESIDENT JOHNSON Amazonas and Acre states, The Except that priests assisted at the births, no other details were immediately available. Space Champs Qualify Man For Moon Trip By HAROLD R. WILLIAMS tainly have the first of many HOUSTON, Tex. (AP)--Doc-/ parts of the Apollo system (the! S tors began investigating the} moon rackel project) that are physical condition of the Gem-| qualified for eight days . . ." ini space champs teday----while SECLUDE ASTRONAUTS Officials here already spoke en- The space heroes were thusiastically of having quali- sleep as long as they liked to tied man for an eight - day day. round trip to the moon the two men were to be flown 4 sharp eye was kept on as-\to Cape Kennedy, about 490\e¢ tronauts 1. Gordon Cooper Jr.) miles from the aircraft carrier, and Charles Conrad Jr. to see! for the start of 11 days of se- whether disturbing symptoms clusion might yet crop up in exhaus-' The two-hour flight will be a = tive medical examinations. snail's pace compared to the So far, in tests aboard the 17,500-mile-an-hour speed of the aircraft carrier Lake Cham. space chariot that carried Coo- plain, no such symptoms had per, an air force licutenant- been reported. Rut the tests will| colonel, and Conrad, a navy continue for weeks, lieutenant-commander, for al- Officials here expressed their most eight days of weightless confidence in a press briefing flying. shortiv after the astronauts First examinations Sunday in- were toted aboard the Cham-\ dicated the men were in re- plain by helicopter Sunday markable physical condition Dr. Robert Gilrut manned "They have no symptoms of spacecraft cent re) director, any kind," said Flight Surgeon said: "'As you all know, we are Howard Minners. "They are in driving forward te go to the! wonderful shape." moon during this decade, and) "We're: glad you're back," someone said there in control) President Johnson said in a centre, 'We've now qualified) phone call from his Texas one of the subsystems for the'ranch. "God bless you both mission. That's the crew.' " We shall be everlastingly proud Dr. Charlies Berry. flightiof vou." surgeon. 'We don't like to nec Cooper. a 38-year-old veteran essarily consider the crew as of two space trips, and Conrad ~ gubsystems . , . but we cer-iended their record - shattering , : 120 hours and 55 minutes, to WORLD REACTS After more examinations,/'® react unday after circling the globe' times in seven days, 22 dolfo, in Italy, said as a damage but as an added a triumph of technology and hi: strict perfection for mankind." The Russian people heard praise of the Gemini 5 astro. couldn't wait to eat after being less flying drains calcium from! nauts as Soviet television made plucked from the Atlantic' bones, | the Gemini 5 space mission the] ocean. Immediately the world began Pope Paul, speaking to sev ral thousand tourists at his BEARDED Prime Minister Wilson' potatoes, peas, salad, soup and! "We express the wish that all of Britain called the flight "a| mushroom gravy," Dr. Minners this great work will result not! quite remarkable feat which is) said. The men will be on a calcium-free diet for a} few days so tests can be made. they/to determine whether weight- | man courage." As for the astronauts, "HEARTS ADAPT Dr, Berry said one significant) preliminary finding showed the two spacemen's hearts adapted lo weightlessness hy slowing down, It was the first time such a pattern definitely had showed up during spaae voyages, Charles Mathews, Gemini program manager, said none of the numerous malfunctions dur.) ing the flight would keep the United States from going ahead with its plans for a two-day flight in October, Gemini 5 was a make-believe trip to the moon, in a sense The eight days equal the es- timated time needed to go to the moon, stay a day, and come back to earth, Many of the experiments aboard the 4,50-pound vehicle pertained to the Apollo missio --the projected moon flights the mest important being radar tests, The moon trip plan calls for rendezvous and docking of| space voyage al 8:3) a.m, EDT;summer palace, Castel Gan-jlead item on the evening news.) 'For lunch, they had steak, two space ships for a success: ful mission, ARE OFF TARGET The final equipment failure came after the spacecraft had landed 103 miles from its tar- get--an error caused by wrong information fed from a ground- based computer to the space craft's computer -- when the communication system quit, The first frogman to reach the spacecraft, Lieut.. John P. Hunt of Boston, said he was a bit anxious because of the fail- ure. After he had plugged a spe- cial telephine into the space-| craft, Hunt said; "How are| you?" | "Oh, good," an astronaut shouted back Hunt asked again all right?" "Oh, great!' came the reply "From the tone of their voices | knew they were all right," Hunt said, With word of a thumbs-up) signal to a hovering helicopter, indicating the two men were all right, a traditional box of ci-! gars was broken out in the "Are you Gemini control room in Hous-' = ton SEE ... EIGHT DAYS (Continued on Page. Two) Casey Bows Out As Mets' Manager NEW YORK (AP) -- Casey Stengel, baseball's most popular figure since Babe Ruth, bowed out Monday as manager of the New York Mets, Stengel's retirement as manager becomes effective at the end of the season, He will remain with the club as a vice-president. Indian Army Seizes Mountain Pass NEW DELHI (Reuters) -- Indian Army seized a mountain pass used units have as a main route for Paki- stani infiltration across the Kashmir cease-fire line, De- fence Minister Y, B, Chavan Police Clerk Quits TORONTO (CP) -- told parliament today, After Lie Test A civilian clerk with the metro- politan Toronto police force has resigned after 12 clerks were given lie detector tests during an investigation of $10 missing from the accident bureau Murray said the clerks took es . * Rigid Immigration QUEBEC (CP) -- Justice Quebec said Sunday the instit policy is one of the principal to combat organized crime. Deputy Chief John the tests voluntarily. Policy Needed Minister Claude Wagner of ution of a rigid immigration measures needed in Canada The justice minister said Canada must maintain a strict watch over immigration of Italian and Sicilian citizens, from which the Mafia and Cosa Nostra crime syndicates recruited many of their members, Oshawa Hewkeyes Tie Footbell Obits -- 17 Sports -- 6, 7, 8 Theatre --- 12 Whitby News -- Women's --- 10, 11 » Weother -- 2. |" In THE TIMES today... Multi-Million Dollar Lokeshore Scheme Proposed ---- P. 9 Six In Tent At Township Park Escape Deoth --- P, 5 Ann Lenders -- 11 City News -- 9 Classified -- 14, 15, 16, 17 Comics --- 13 Editonal -- 4 Financial --- 17 ow Opener -- P. 6