12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, August 30, 1968 Germans Tell U.K., Canada Want Security Guarantee By IAN MacDOWALL FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, West Germany (Reuters) - Chancel- lor Ludwig Erhard said Satur- day night the West German government intends to address "frank words" to Canada and Britain in an effort to clarify differences over Western secur- ity. Erhard said that, on his in- structions, Foreign Minis- ter Gerhard Schoroeder' has been in contact with the Cana- dian and British governments in an attempt to clarify impor- tant questions. "We want nb atomic weap- ons, but we want a guarantee for our security," he said. Erhard's statement, made to} the news agency Deutsche Presse - Agentur, followed re- cent concern by Bonn leaders over Britain's announced inten- tion to remove Corporal nu- clear missiles from its Army of the Rhine. Alarm also has been ex- pressed over a Canadian pro- posal at the Geneva disarma- ment conference that the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union should hold dis- cussions to allay Soviet suspi- cions of the proposed NATO nu- clear force. United tates, Britain and the Soviet Union should hold dis- cussions to allay Soviet suspi- cions of the proposed NATO nu- clear force, Erhard, on a campaign tour Vanier Must PM's Dissolu By MICHAEL GILLAN OTTAWA (CP) -- If Prime Minister Pearson decides to dis- solve Parliament before Sept. 7 for a fall general election, he will have to go out of the cap-) ital to do it. The dissolution proclamation must be agreed to by Governor- Genera] Vanier. He will be at his summer home at Tadous- sac, Que., until Sept. 7--except for a visit to Montreal Aug. 30. After Gen. Vanier's return, Mr. Pearson will have only to drive across Sussex. Street to see the head of state. Their res- idences face each other. The prime minister says he will make an announcement an an election "one way or the other" after meeting his cab- inet colleagues this week. In the event there is an election, he could choose to get dissolution quietly or openly. John Diefenbaker used both methods when he was prime minister. On Feb. 1, 1958, a Saturday when the Commons was sitting, Mr. Diefenbaker slipped unnot- ioed from Parliament Hill into @ government aircraft. BACK WITHIN HOURS Reporters who noticed his ab- sence were told he had gone to Winnipeg but he turned up in Quebec City and within hours) was back with the dissolution) roclamation signed by Rt. on. Vincent Massey, then gov-' ernor-general. | In 1962 Mr, Diefenbaker re-| versed the procedure by first) announcing he would seek dis-| solution, then flying to Quebec) City where Gen. Vanier was at| his other summer residence in| the citadel, Dissolution was the occasion) for controversy in 1940,and for) the country's greatest constitu- tional rhubarb in 1926. Both times Mackenzie King was prime minister. In 1926, his minority Liberal government defeated by a vote in the House, Mr. King went to |] @eeeeceeteeaeneeess> Approve tion Plan the Commons. Lord Byng then acceded to Mr. Meighen's re- quest for dissolution and the next election returfied the Lib- erals to office. ACCEPTS PMS ADVICE The King-Byng fight estab- lished the practice that the gov- ernor-general accepts the ad- vice of his prime minister in dissolving Parliament. The 1940 controversy began in 1939 when Parliament met briefly to approve the declara- tion of war. Mr. King made a commitment to meet Parlia- ment again before calling an election, Later he decided on an elec- tion but the commitment stood in his way. He went through the motions by recalling Parlia- ment and including the an- nouncement of an. election in the throne speech. This action resulted in an an- gry debate, with the Opposition leader, R. J. Manion, protesting that not even a token session had been called The argument continued until the dinner adjournment. Mr King obtained dissolution dur- jing this period and the after- dinner bell never rang to sum- mon MPs back for the evening sitting Erhard, facing a two-pronged attack from the 89-year-old Ad- \enauer, appeared to have yileded some ground with his statement that the government would have to address frank words to Canada and Britain to clarify differences over de- fence strategy. MOVES CLOSER : for the Sept. 19 general elec-| neg grees "a abel _ichairman, appea 0 vi tira, ould wie: pevecammest Fy forced Erhard- to move closer gards itself as responsible for|;, pis views on suspected dan- the security of the German peo- gers in British, Canadian and ple, who are part of a firmly|also American moves in the dis- established Atlantic commu-|armament and defence fields. nity. Meanwhile the government, The government would there-|under pressure from Adenauer fore have frank words to ad-|and those who follow his lead, dress to Canada and Britain be-|will be an awkward partner in cause it believes that "in this} NATO until Sept. 19 as it seeks important sphere, important|assurances from London, Ot- questions must be clarified." |tawa and Washington that Ger- West Germany is prepared to) man interests will be respected towards solution of the|ment negotiations. great problems, he The. root of the trouble is said, West Germany's suspicion that An internal squabble be-jits allies would be ready to ltween Erhard and former chan-|"sell out" its political and se- cellor Konrad Adenauer in the|curity interests, in exchange for ruling Christian Democrat/a deal with the Soviet. Union on party continued to be the dom-| disarmament and other world inant issue as the election cam-| problems paign reached its halfway Adenauer, foremost advocate mark, of the "hard line' against Mos- tion world's Business Men's Luncheon ® DAILY ® $1.50 Full Course Meal Oshawa Steak House 1626 SIMCOE N. ON THE SEAN CONNERY LAST OSHAWA NOW PLAYING Eee COLOR BY Delt ** 22. Lord Byng, the governor-gen- eral, to seek dissolution. Lord Byng accepted Mr. King's resignation but refused) to dissolve Parliament. Instead, |] , he asked the Opposition leader, | Arthur Meighen, to form a gov-! ernment. Meighen's Conservative xovd ernment lasted only three days hefore: it, too, was defeated in| : TECHNISCOPE* TECHNICOLOR® A COLUMBIA. RELEASE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FIRST SHOW AT DUSK BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8:00 P.M, ! DAY ! cr : COSTARRING 'UG MelURE GLENN CORBETT: PATRICK WAYNE KATHARINE ROSS as ROSEMARY FORSYTH pengrapenmessnmssmmmwennsemmmenn | UNIVERSAL PICTURE Feature: 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:30 = 9:30, Lest Show 9:20, 'ere veneer * aT THE C.N.E. AQUA CAPERS" OPEN ho PXAYING DAILY make any reasonable contribu-jin any international disarma: | ETN cow, ignited the row wih a speech attacking an American draft in the Geneva conference for "a treaty to -prevent the spread' of nuclear weapons. WELCOMED DRAFT Erhard, who originally wel- comed the draft, was forced to move closer to the Ad "Apparently not reassured by|that, with another three weeks)" CUT ANABO its allies' explanations, the gov-|of the election campaign seed EDMONTON (CP)--Jon An- ernment will 'press the matter|this could develop into al'abo, 24-year-old quarterback further in Ottawa and London.|searching examinaiion of Ger<;wio tad otk Knowing the party and elec-|many's position in the alliance|this season, was cut Friday by toral pressures: Erhard is un- and its fate as an important|the winless Edmonton Eskimos der, the U.S., Canadian and|country. of the Western Football Confer- ner pe eee wrt acen puéiy Gre ? sree, Anabo, hired ty the Bons last year, was placed on walv- ers Tuesday after the club suf- fered. its...fth.. straight loss. _ None of the other Canadian Football League clubs showed interest in him. British ambassadors in Bonn woes sinatra line under factional pressure and re-emphasize Bonn's de- mands that West German se- curity interests be respected. Canada added more fuel to the flames when its chief dis- armament delegate, Lt-Gen. E. L. M. Burns, suggested nego- tiations among. the United States, Russia and Britain to soften Soviet suspicions of the roposed NATO ] force. appear only moderately con- / cerned about the present crisis EVER of confidence, But they admit to the ---- IZZA telephone CITY OF OSHAWA | SUMMER GALAXY 728-0192 LIBERAL ASSOCIATION EPI'S FF BARBEQUE and CORN ROAST The stirring and controversial movie "MAKING OF LM t The New Owners of OSHAWA STEAK HOUSE Formerly ROLANDS STEAK HOUSE Take Great Pleasure in Oshawa to visit this Be Courses a delight. @ Smorgosbord Dinners on Satu they are sure you will find the New Menus and @ Beoutiful European Dishes Served At Very Reasonable Prices @ $1.50 Business Men's Luncheons Daily OSHAWA STEAK HOUSE 1626 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Feature Movie to Be Shown Based on the Great Selling Book by ADMISSION $2.00 A PRESIDENT 1960" TUES. 6 P.M. KIWANIS CAMP IN KEDRON lH. White Held Over viting all the People of autiful Restaurant where rday and Sundays OSHAWA TELEPHONE 725-9111 Hwy. No. 2 Block East of Ph, 668-2692 2 ACTIO JOHN WAYNE YUL BRYNNER Liverpool Road "IN HARMS WAY" e ALSO "ESCAPE FROM ZAHRAIN" IN COLOR «a nen eta ert etc von ows eee ee . . » By Popular Demand !! For The Seventh Smash Week ! The Popular and Entertaining "ESCORTS" STARRING HART WHEELER -- On the Sox & Vocalist At The N HITS! KIRK DOUGLAS GARY LEWIS -- Drums & Vocalist GEORGE ROBB -- Pianist & Vocalist Excellent Instrumental -- Popular & Comic Vocals SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL LOUNGE and DINING LOUNGE ENJOY OUR FRENCH BUFFET --~ OPEN DAILY Luncheons 12 -~ 2:30 -- $1.45, Dinners 5 to ? --~ $2.75 @ Sundays 5 ---- 8, $2.79 @ We cater to weddings, parties, etc. @ For reservations call Whitby 668-3386, ° SAL MINEO STARTS AT DUSK | HELD OVER FOR 2nd FANTASTIC WEEK The MANHATTANS TREMENDOUS MUSICAL COMEDY VARIETY GROUP Entertainment Nightly and Saturday Afternoon Matinee HARRY'S HIDEWAY THE GENOSHA HOTEL NOW UNDER THE LIQUOR CONTROL ACT HNVNUNAVEDALEQRUANALOUUAOOOUUNERROUONEROUGQUROUGUOEEOOUULLEUUY APPROX. 8:15 P.M. CORONET LOU OF THE CADILLAC HOTEL PRESENTS THI STONEY and THE COUNTRY GENTS with Country & Western Music direct from NASHVILLE, Enjoy a beautiful dinner at the Cadillac Hotel NGE S WEEK ONLY TENNESSEE, (ontral Hotel GOLD RUSH Lounge and Dining Lounge OSHAWA'S FINEST NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT NEAL JACKSON QUARTET On Tour to appear at leading night spots of LAS VEGAS with tops in pops and wesiern COOL JAZZ for YOUNG MODERNS @ APPEARING NIGHTLY @ KING WEST OSHAWA Don't Miss This Entertaining Quartet @ Entertainment Nightly at 9 P.M. @ MATINEE SATURDAY, AUG. 28 4 P.M. to 6 P.M. ALLAN MacMILLAN -- Manager