Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Aug 1965, p. 11

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40 Bean Bh Wich i Mig, eg Bad i NN. TR MB Ml og Bigs Wy He a ate i ee a a a i aa i tach lel ite ail Pg pista fons egoateayrotgh Som ag shag mp PRIZE WINNERS FOR RECIPES IN-THE TIMES COOK-BOOK CONTESTS MRS, EDWIN BREEN a Ie MRS, R. A. SMTH -ANN LANDERS MRS, MAX POLLARD! JR. MRS. E. GOODMAN-JONI us MRS, WILLIAM JAMIESON MRS, WALTER GRIGORENKO A Dog In The Manger Always Loses Out Dear Ann Landers; I went with Dean for three years, We were in college and stone broke No mention was made of mar- tiage which suited me fine be- cause I was dating others and Dean was never a guy who pushed for heavy romance was the tried and true type that I kept on the back burner in case of emergency. I'm 23 now and still playing/, the field. Last night I heard that Dean and.a mousy little) blonde have announced their en gagement, This news knocked} me out, I realize I care for Dean more than I thought. es sure if he knew he stood chance with me he'd break oft| with the Mouse Would I be making a fool of myself if I let him know that ll¢ bg him for my own?--Torch-| in , Torching: It's le He bitter mother, although I adimit thiree at happened to me 1 am. speaking for least a dozen friends' who yire also mothers of sons.--Puzzltod, Hurt and Disgusted Dear P, H. and D, say is true enough, each of us knows exceptions Perhaps the newly - couple lean toward the family jthe social plans and = she jcloser to her mother than to her |mother-in-law, If anyone knows a better an. swer please send it on, to hear it, it has times Dear Ann Landers; Can any- thing be done about a husband who refuses to keep his part of bargain? After 10 years of marriage we found ourselves jup to our ears in debt, I agreed | funny|to go back to work if my hus-|men What ysou althouygh|now, marriid wife's because the wife maki's jg|ber, I'd like along these lin THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Another day in which it would) be advisable to stay close to the home front. Personal relation- ships will be more or less in the same unsettling state as during the past few days, and| association with mere acquaint- ances or strangers could be far) from satisfactory. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that) all your energies and talents should be under fine stimuli| though results of your ef- forts may not be evident until the period between mid-Septem- ber and Oct. 31. With the exception of Novem- March and early April, both job and financial prospects jlook excellent over the long run, lwith especially good boosts es indicated dur- ing the first half of February, late April, the first week .in May, late June and next Au- gust. Look forward, therefore and start planning for the fine success which can be yours) within the next year. : Personal,domestic and senti- tal interests should prosper lfor most of this new year i ; "Today s Bride, Prior to her marriage today to Mr. Douglas James Bazinet of Toronto, Miss Joan Elliott was entertained at several showers. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Miss Grace Kennedy, assisted by Mrs. Don- ald Liddiard, Fellow teachers on tended, Miss Ruth Kell, assisted by her. mother, Mrs. Clifford Kell, and Miss Mary Buck held an evening shower at which the bride-to-be was presented with a variety of gifts for her kitchen, Mrs. Howard Quantrill, an aunt of the bride-elect, assisted by her daughter, Miss Gloria Quantrill and Mrs, O, G, Mercer held a: miscellaneous shower at- tended by a group of Miss Elliott's family and friends. Mrs. Albert Cotton, Toronto, jwas. the hostess at a shower given by neighbors of the prospective bridegroom, The fu- ture bride and bridegroom were presented with a purse of money and a variety of gro€ery items. Presentations were made by the staff of Coronation School and the Coronation Home and School Association. MRS. EDWARD GOOD- MAN-JONES, left, and Mrs, R, A. Smith, both of Whitby, admire the Cook Book en- tered by the Oshawa Fade- Aweighs TOPS Club, The book, as can be seen, has been well prepared of diete- tic recipes, but because it was in book form could not qualify. The cover is of blue cloth, hand painted and each section is illustrated with a hand painted picture of one of the recipes in that sec- tion, and the Fade-Aweighs TOPS Club are to be con- gratulated for their work. Mrs. Goodman-Jones, a member of St. Mark's UCW, Unit 3, gathered and typed all the recipes: sub- mitted by her. group which took the grand prize. She also took a third prize for one of her own recipes. Mrs. R. A, Smith fs the Unit Leader and took a first prize for her recipe in the first dat submitted before June HOUSEHOLD HINT A little bit of paraffin on the inside lids of vacuum bottles and jugs makes screwing and) unscrewing much easier, -- : --Oshawa Times Photos. sei neem Women's Association of Can-| ada, Barvinok Branch, for her \Chicken Marengo. In the almost 200 recipes in Housewives From Smaller Areas Prefer To Mix Own Igredients line 1965 nage of i |Times Cook Book, readers wi In this, the space age® good)pile its recipes into book form,| '\find a recipe for almost any cooks are made, not born, as in| with a beautifully _ designed'type of food; be it pickles, fish, the past, Today's modern house-|cover and artistic colored illus;;casseroles, meat dishes, cook- wife depends upon mixes, anditrations, disqualified itself by ies, cakes or pies. Recipes: for every day, for special occa- instant preparations with sim- [doing so, The rules stated that alana on for sith £5: 0: each recipe must be on a sepa-} the| inate at a pot-luck supper, will) jbe found in it. ple instructions on how to pre-| rate sheet with | Ntcaased At Showers, Parties the Coronation School staff at-| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Joan Elliott Soturdey, August 28, 1965 7] 2.1) For Ali Your "Bridal snoes (Tinted Free) CHOOSE DANCEY'S in DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 5% DISCOUNT IF YOU BRING THIS AD Sorority sisters presented the bride-to-be with a rose bowl, Neighbors of the bride-elect presented the couple with a beautiful piece of glassware, Following the rehearsal last night the bridal party was en- tertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Richard March, Thorn- cliffe street, brother-in-law and sister of the bride-to-be. INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 |pare, When The Oshawa Times |the and the name of| jon announced that there would belrecipe. a competition for the best group) jor organization and for individ-| ual recipe prizes, one wonder- jed how many housewives were left who still used the cook| {book and preferred to mix! their own ingredients, submitted entries, those did, submitted a wide selection. | It was apparent, though, that) er centres outside the city, only two organizations -- within! the city being represented Unit 3 of St. Church . Women, mitted the best Whitby, line, Mark's with Cheese Supper Bread. Mrs. Although only a few groups) lan that) with June Mark's United|Mrs.R. sub-|her selection, Mrs, Edward Goodman-Jones of| In the judging of recipes sub- Mrs. her recipe for Onion Second place was ae by} Max Pollard | United C ea her Women, William Whitby, Jamieson, recipes submitted by) first place went to) A, Smith, Whitby Ham Loaf; second, In the 21, to} each| Prizes will lof recipes donated by a group|mitted before the June 7 dead-jand the Cook Book will be in) Edwin Breen: of St. Monday's edition of the Oshawa UCW. took first place Times. of Rag-|than. 1,500 participants from 40} recipe for Chocolate| fifth \Eclairs and third prize went toj| ea] Mrs. the majority came from small- Mark's, with/Ice Cream Squares, St.|here Sunday, The theme of the| for Pumpkin congress is sfor| be mailed in a jfew days to each of the win-| iners, to turn over to her group) CRUSH, ASST.D CANNED SOFT POWER SLICED FRESH DAILY BREAD SAVE 9¢ DISCUSS DELINQU Y MONTREAL (CP) --. More} to attend the) criminologi-| which opens jcountries are international conference "the treatment of juvenile and adult offenders." PIANO CLASSICAL and POPULAR For further information '/presentation, | judged on the basis of neat-jthe same group for Marshmal- ness, quantity and method of llow Fluff and third place was| which was bornecaptured by Mrs, W alte r| out by the number of individ- Grigorenko, of the _Ukrainian ual prizes it captured four) PPPRPPPPPA OA out of the six awarded. Recipes} PATRICIA TUCK 74 BURK ST. OSHAWA 725-4587 were collected, and typed, and| submitted: by Mrs. Edward how some fellows never look|band would help me out around good until they get engaged--|the house to someone else, There's some-| I really loved being home and thing about a "not. available"|considered it a sacrifice to go sign that makes the property|back to an office job, especially seem twice as valuable, jsince it meant enlisting my Use that torch to light the|mother's help with our three way to another romance andi children. forget about Dean, Now my husband parks him self in the big chair the minute Will you}he comes home from work, He please tell me, why, when alrefuses to budge. His lordship couple gets married, the bride| won't even take out the : A "child born on this day could takes . her husband's name? jbage, I'm knocking mytself out 2 highly successful in the edu- After the wedding the groom's|from dawn till dusk, while he|** ational field; would also make} family may just as well disap-/relaxes Lain excellent writer. pear from the face of the earth! Yesterday I learned he bought DAY AFTER TOMORROW because they are never heardjhimself $140 worth of fishing] Planetary restrictions of the! from again, Why doesn't the/equipment because we are inl))ast few days begin to lift now, | groom take the bride's name/better financial shape than taut in most things it would still! and be done with it? we've been in a long time.|/by. well to "go it alone" and not Sunday suppers are always{l am burning. What do you sug:|tq expect too much co-operation) with the wife's family. When) gest?--Sparky from others, Be realistic and| the grandchildren have birth Dear Sparky: 'ell his lord-|o} jective in your aspirations days, it is always the wife"s|ship to get off his throne andlaqd do not strive for the un-} mother who is right in the front}give her ladyship a hand or she reg isonable, oodman-Jones. Another group, which went to ja _Breat ¢ deal of work to com- "September, next April oad June; for travel and stimulat- fEETHING PAIN New liquid ORA-JEL safely ends teeth, ing social activities between) |) pain. Just apply, pain Milles aw now and the end of September,| Recommended by many ch pediatricians, works fast.. (Ty January, April and the mid.| Pediatr guaranteed or $ uN June-late-August weeks of next) money back. Also available in jell. PARENTS POWER PERFECT GRAIN-FED BEEF ROUND STEAK, CLEANING In Your Home... or Our Planté PHONE 725-9961 ' DIVISION. OF OSHAWA 2 me a Li DSNERS friction in close circles in late October and early January. your life, but do try to avoid! |: Best periods for romance > Dear Ann Landers ] for with her cake, her gift, her party favors and her camera _This is not a letter from a A Guilt Feeling will quit her job Straighten out make good your Causes If he and fly threat doesn't right, Working Mother's Compulsion By ROBERTA ROESCH Dear Roberta Roesch: Why do so many working mothers think they 'o prove themselves and show they do as much in their homes as those who don't have an out- side job--even though this ef- fort makes them tied-up bun- dies of nerves? T ask this, not because I am looking for an excuse to be a careless housekeeper, but be- have cause, as a woman with a fam-|" ily, home and job, I've noticed this tendency in myself as well as in some of my friends. When I'm having guests, for instance, 1 seem to feel a com- pulsion to have the house and the dinner every bit as perfect as I would have them if I didn't work. And all this simply to prove I can do it and still hold! por. : down a job. I realize wonder why I this we is silly, so do it? Mrs, o.: reason is the nn have when full-time to kitchens and » part of thei day to jobs and As blase and modern as they think they are, many women still like to show that they can feather their nests and keep house just as well as the mother who does not go out Call it pride guilt feeling that many women and it could be a fine feeling, H. J. H,. one wo gi Dear Mrs, I suspect guilt feeling they stop careers to work or s } ait have) too, But there's no point 'getting all upset if the doesn't always look as if a full- time housekeeper is taking care of it A lot of the anxiety that comes to women in this situa- tion comes from the fact thal they are out to prove some-| thing to themselves and to the! people they invite into their homes. Perhaps if they went ahead and kept the up merely to maintain not simply to prove a paet these women wouldn't be 'tied-up in bundles of Whig it and Dear Roberta Roesch: One of. the girls who with me constant com blemaker and las been attaching in the cafeteria at noon and during the coffee breaks during » day. It's bad enough to to her, but what really s me is that after she talks to me she ts the peopie | I'm works is bother the office too as though And so she regu to do er | has beer omg larly, | don't know about her this what a. F. Dear J. F.: Avoid her w sibly can. Bu bility fr you pos- that's mpos he ne € mm with ones. You may find out (think you're so "Pollyanna" iv osit she it " -ish | ;: occ upational Pa in} house) just} house |; re-; conversation to other} an! » whe IFO R THE BIRTHDAY if Monday is your birthday,} tha next 12 months should see} Imany of your goals realized-- jespecially those dealing with advancement and ifinancial betterment, Efforts iput forth on both these fronts between now and late October (an excellent period for all Virgoans) should bring highly gratifying results is various} during early February, | the first week in} May, late June and next Au: gust Do avoid extravagance andwor speculation in Novem-) ber, however; also in March and the first two weeks of next) \April , | Home and family interests) will be governed by generally} good aspects during most of the) year ahead and, in mid-1966, you ishould find yourself in an excer tionally stimulating period) where? romance, travel and so-) ial .activities are concerned, Seativauntal interests will also be stsur-blessed in September of | this year A child born on this day will) stridious and sensitive; will! also' joe endowed with a fine yercep tion of literary and dra- values {HOUSEHOLD HINT Shorten skirts on your ironing board. Place pins right into the) padding when you measure. You) neednit remove them until! you've finished pressing the skirt istag es, late April, be she wan't even want to talk to you Whatinver you never iagree with her even on) one complaint, because you'll have vYhing to stand on then takes her complaints 0 othe ~a's as though they started) |with you, do, however, sihe ILL BE UT - BUSINESS OR THREE DAYS ONDAY-TUESDAY-W EDNESDAY AUGUST 30 - 3lst - SEPTEMBER Ist E-OPEN THURS. SEPT. 2 Watch Wed. Sept. Ist Paper For Big ""Re-Open" Buys

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