14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, August 27, 1905 19 SHOWS SPINOFFS TV's Inspiration: Book And Movie 'By CYNTHIA LOWRY {changed from Flem Snopes to HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- ThejOne more suitable for a hand- primary source of television in- some leading man, Ben Quick. spiration obviously is locked in/RESEMBLANCE SLIGHT fairs. the vaults of film studios or he gg og ogg ager a pmo tone einie moowed once held between the covers ofjnext month, there ation fore relations was an-|,.. books--sometimes both. least 19 different shows spuninounced by Premier Jean Le-(gcay, i intention ta suprort NBC's new Mr. Roberts' se-(ff books, old movies and, in|sage after a cabinet meeting. |its"\roner role within the iit ties bit ta geassia in a book,|tWo cases, cartoon: characters.) He said the group reflects ftp role mit m the inter furned into & hit play, moved] 0 most cases it is hard tolquebec's growing. contacts. with|"* One, OuMmun Y. on to motion pictures 'and fin-SPot even a family resem-|the world community but does|, Asked if the committee, could ally brought into television blance. not mean any eventual estab-|be considered the nucleus of ali fl Don't Eat the Daisi -- " lishment of an external rela-|Quebec department of external lease Don't Eat the Daisies.) There will be two faces wear-|tions department in this prov-|Affairs, Mr. Lesage said. there another new NBC comedy ef-/ing oidnames in CBS' Petti-|ince. was no question of creating fort, grew from some funny,|ooat Junction next season. Two! The premier said the new|SUch a department and that it pee ac essays on Poesighors ye the pretty girls wholbody "will concern itself only|had never been considered. er te betas 'tam! played Bea Benedaret's daugh-|with matters under provincial] 'It was necessary only to co- which A con-[(erS have left the cast and) jurisdiction." $ ordinate our efforts, in those have been quietly replaced by| It will be made up of "deputy|areas where we have the con- sito. Jag ly mgr sia Seek ministers of Pacer oi likely hg =" right bg 7 ex- can one smi ly. Last/have close knowledge of rela-jample, the heatlh department pol Pen: tine val Pssevoud season, Pat Priest stepped into|tions with foreign countries andjentering into relations with the fie Nashes se . the 'small The Munsters to play the pretty|groups," Mr. Lesage told a{World Health Organization and sareui normal niece when Beverly|press conference. with the International Labor Or- . Owens left. The switch hardly; For the moment that would!ganization." When the movies based a fea-|caused a ripple of audience re- ture on a series of deep-south| action. ' vignettes by William Faulkner.) My Three Sons, however, will Quebec Names Committee To Deal With Other Lands QUEBEC (CP)--The Quebec|mean the deputy ministers of government Wednesday set UP|industry and commerce, educa- a special committee to co-ordi-iiion outtural affairs health pte nate the relations of various government departments w it h|/abor as well as Mr. Morin. Mr. Lesage said that for foreign countries and organiza- tions, some years "'Quebec's relations Namod to head the committee/with the world at large have was Claude Morin, deputy min-|peen growing rapidly and they ister of federal-provincial af-)will grow still more in future." "Back-To-School" | Time . . » For Novel Gift ide : Visit Zeller's Pet Shop SPACIOUS HOME For Your Feathered Friend 1 "Chrome cage .is completely equipped with seed guards, inside plastic seed and water cups, wooden perches and swing. 13" high x 18" wide x 10" deep. Cage Complete with FREE Budgie FRIENDLY BUDGIE WITH OWN CAGE they immediately dropped the bad box - office title of their principal source, his book The Hainlet. Too many movie fans might have been misled into openly make some cast adjust- ments. Barry Livingstone will become, through adoption, the youngest boy, while his real- life older brother, Stanley, Gratis Education, Salaries Student Association's Aim thinking it was Shakespeare or|moves up to being the middle even a documentary about ajboy, Tim Conway, who outgrew Pall small laboratory animal. his teen-age role,will be mar- 000 member University of Mont- The film was called Thelried off to Meredith MacRae in|Te@l Student Association wants) measure, Long, Hot Summer. The name|the first fall episode and bed F lgbhnigenl ie ingpore ay The report defines a student of a leading character was|promptly move far, far away. salaries to students 18 years of|@ 8 "young intellectual Police Hound' Alcoholics, The students, in a 158-page re-|Plished by such a student is con- Padre Of The Pubs Says port released today by I'Associ- sidered productive although it is HAMILTON (CP)--Skid row ent commission on education be established as a long term MONTREAL (CP)--The 10,- SPECIAL "BUY"! YOUNG BUDGIES SAVE $2.02 on pretty green and blue-feathered budgies at this low "Back - To ~ School" Sale Price! These young birds learn to talk fast and make charming pets for the whole family "HARTZ MOUNTAIN" SPECIAL SEED MIXTURE for budgies, lovebirds, finches. Grains blended for 39° basic balanced diet, cleaned... .. 6.' A perfect present: young budgie comes In its own cage, with bell pagoda top and deep bottom, equipped with plastic cups, perches, swing. Black enamelled wire body, 16" high x 1234" sq. BIRD and CAGE, ' The report does not say how} lation Generale des Etudiants|°t financially compensated. de l'Universite de Montreal,|, "If the student is a productive asks that free education andjworker," says the report, "'he salaries for post-graduate stu-|has the right to receive a sal- -- by implemented immedi- by few is the strict. right of ie ' ' ately, and salaries to students|the student." | \ccueues Kes bila eundedl by social facilities for single, home attending university and insti- police, says Toronto's padre to the pubs. "They won't leave them alone," complained Rev. Gor- don, Winch to the Institute of Alcohol Studies at McMaster University. "to these down-and- outers skid row is their club-- it's the poor man's YMCA." But police continually harass Toronto's 2,500 skid row resi- dents. Some of them aren't even alcoholics, they are just defeated men, says Mr. Winch. At least 60 per cent of the skid row's population are unem- ployed men from the Mari- times and many are Indians who find skid row the only place they are accepted and com- less men. 'A beer parior is the tutes recommended by the Par- only place he can go to be with people." | He also called on the church | | "to show love and concern for| all people--whether they drink| gy not." For a year, Mr. Winch has kept office hours in a skid row building and has nightly visited Toronto's beer parlors and cocktail lounges, He said he's had a warm re- ception from owners, waiters and patrons. "'At first they thought I was making a collec- tion or seeking more church members, or even gathering il- lustrations for my Sunday ser- fortable. mons but now I think they wel- much a student should be paid. | | ickin (hicken YOU'VE NEVER TASTED CHICKEN SO GOOD" Home Delivery or Pick-Up -- Phone -- 728-7321 522 Ritson Rd. DELIVERED PIPING Pump & Filter Kit The ideal starter equip- ment! Kit consists of 512 gal. 4i Three sizes to suit demands of the expert or beginner. Move your fish into @ larger home os they grow! Get en Loe oor ULL uu For A New Hobby AQUARIUMS IS Z| T'/, gal. 10 gal. 6! 837 Mr. Winch appealed for moreicome me." additional tank for the young ones! Start an exciting new hobby with one of these fine aquariums! bottom filter, CSA op- proved pump ond § ft, tubing, From "'Casco"'! 4.47 Turtle With Its Own Home Complete Kit! 'New Stock For Your Aquarium ! : Tropical Favourites Low, low prices on a wonderful variety of aquarists' delights! Green swordtails, marble mollies, and more. in. the 17* -- 27* 5c Sale On Goidfish SPECIAL OFFER! Small common goldfish -- until the supply lasts FOR ONLY Reg. $1.47! Easy - to - core for green baby turtle comes in its own plastic bowl, complete with palm tree. "Hartz Mountain" food for well- balanced turtle diet. As Coes eeeereerseeeseeeeesHeerererereee NTT. HHETOTOETOTAEUT OTOH ec tHE © EVERYTHING YOUR PETS NEED AT ONE LOW PRICE! This summer more Canadians will open MOLSON EXPORT ALE than any other ale Guppy Tank Protects the young fish! Floating tank is made of sturdy clear-vue plastic, complete with snap-in lid, A must for safe fish breeding. Coloured Gravel A natural base and decorative planting medium for the aquarium "Perma" Coloured, long-lasting ravel_ is non-toxic, won't harm ish, Two 2-lb, for 88¢. Filter Charcoal To keep oquorium water crystal elear and odour free, help the growth of fish; specially process- ed, "activated" bone charcoal for Aquarium Plants Keep your aquorium beautiful and your fish healthy! See Zellers selection of bunched and rooted plonts for your choice, 4 for 88e. To add interest to your aquarium and enhance the beauty of fish and plants with o colourful addi- tion, choose from a wide ronge of fine ceramic ornaments, Twe Charge it ot ZELLER'S, No Down Payment need- filters, Two Va-lb, pkgs. for Your Choice ° ed, 1.25 weekly buys up : to 100.00, up to 2 years Hi D fe 5 8 to pay on all purchases. voured treot for "dessert" after Get yourself a new pet--a lively lovely little hamster! Easy to keep, meals Mn ite Benn oe won't need room; provides com- en eS A 4 week. pany and hours of fun. eech 8 e Ste, | : ELLER'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE AND j DOWNTOWN SIMCOE STREET SOUTH "Gasco" Filter For clear water, free of toxic materials, in Pye aquarium Install this de tuxe Corner Filter & Aera~ tor, Molded durable. plastic--no seams to break, each 88e. MOLSON kK. ~~ Nat < A *). ie) Ay -- x3 FROM MOLSON'S- INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786 Kitty Tissue Absorbent litter deodorizes, keeps t kitty's ploce dry and clean. Many ing. Good for cats too. Also, big other household uses to clean up lastic dish for food or water oil. spots, BBQ etc, 10 Ibs. beg joth for 88s. only 67c. For Doggie's Meals Vitamin enriched dog candies con- tain no sugar. Ideal aid in train- For Happy Kittens "Cat Yummies" ---- tasty snock for cats, a real treat with highly nutritious contents, Also, "Flea Collar' to help keep Kitty free of pests. Both for 88.