CARDINAL COACHES WORKOUT Paul - Emile Cardinal Leger helps a_ potential heavyweight swing at a punching bag yesterday dur- ing a tour of the Douglas Face-Lifting F WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby, Another $750 would be spent township is waiting approval|/n miscellaneous items such as .|minor levelling and grading, from the Department of Muni [painting and signs. cipal Alfairs to spend wy nies The survey also makes allow: mated $23,000 on it's Centennial! ances for future improvement Project, with the suggestion that a swim- The project: involves the re-, ming pool and children's wading, development of two parks in| Pool be built to the north-east ,,, /Of the ball park. the township, Brooklin and Wil: Willow Park consisting of-over low. Brooklin park.will cost an 979,909 square feet. of land abuts estimated $10,000 and Willow an! Rossland road on the north and| estimated $13,000 is hyp Mr WA pr ye drive Originally three parks were 4d Dymond drive on the east to ro included in va project hoe was he oge = ~ ge at a softba jeld shou e but the cost factor eliminated! developed in this park and if one ~~ Elizabeth Crescent Park) possible the lacrosse box should which would cost an estimated! pe utilized as an open air com: munity skating rink in the win- Of the three parks considered, ter. Brooklin was the most highly aD ie aaa sie developed according to a sur| PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT vey on the three conducted by Suitable playground -- equip- Totten and Sims and Associates,|™Ment should also be provided consulting engineers, "together with sanitary facilities For many years, the report which would be needed to de- states, Brooklin has been the -- _ gall vendilune: (oF focal point of the township and y phates y : it 5 lorical that relativel Willow Park, $4000, would also wa 8 t \ ete be the installation of washrooms expensive recreational emsland an utsde drinking. fu " tain , ed ball field should be located Landscaping and fencing in this area. would be the next at, $3255. MAJOR CLEAN-UP This would include the erection It was also thought by the of a chain link fence on the consultants that with the ex-/north limit; fencing on the ception of sanitary facilities and) West limit; grading and seeding | the children's playground equip: the ball field, sodding the play- ment proposed for Brooklin ground; brush removal and tree park, the work necessary to im-| thinning; tree planting as a prove the park could "be de- screen on the west limit; top: scribed as a renovation or Soil for levelling the picnic major "clean-up" area; miscellaneous tree plant: The largest expenditure for ing and mulching with a chain ° =e a) 4. mower Ms 1d ite he a age Parking, roads and guide rail oc syiema and on Sate drink. posts would account for another ing fountain. This would cost! #200 and lighting for the lacrosse an estimated $4,000. and skating rink, $800. Next on the list for improve- NEW BACKSTOP ment would be playground and) The installation of a backstop park equipment at $1950, This'on the ball diamond and. the equipment would include: noiigersinoremeeemerdanernnetaseene benches, park tables, a senior and junior swings, a climber and slide, teeter-totters and a merry-go-round. LANDSCAPING Landscaping. would be the next largest item with $1140 tor| tree removal, fence removal,! general clean-up, topsoil, seed- ing and planting 30 trees, 15, or Parks Waits Province Go-Ahead PICKERING (TC) -- A rate. payer and member of the Town- ship Industrial Commission, Mrs. Gladys Beckstead, protest- ed council's hiring an expert to prepare job evaluations and salary schedules for township aaenT es. rs, Beckstead contended that the township was not big enough yet for this type of con: sultant, and as a taxpayer she protested the cost, $3,000: and expenses, In a prepared brief, the dele- gate said nothing was bud- getted for this project, the cost was indefinite, and that it was not fair to. commit a future council, She also thought it un fair to the consultant, with only three months before an elec: tion, Mrs. RBeckstead maintained that School Area 2 had many more employees than the town: ship, yet obtained schedules Ratepayer Blasts Council For Employing Job Expert from other municipalities. for eon ee i | Oe re te Les hie Cl eid comparison, with no advice from consultants, She also spoke of the em- ployees' union, which, she said would supply agreements from other municipalities, if request- ed, at no cost, "An agreement satisfactory to both parties is arrived at only across the bargaining table, be- tween the negotiating commit- tees of council and the union," she said, "Other statistics sup: plied by a third party who is not closely familiar with the immediate area problems could confuse and aggravate the sit- uation and do nothing to im- prove labor --management rela- tionships,' said Mrs, Beck- stead, : Reeve Laycox advised Mrs. Beckstead that Dr, Grant, the consultant, had already begun his job evaluation service, Both he and Councillor Newman said that they believed this work would save the township many PICKERING (TC) -- The Bay> |tona Marina project has but one | more barrier to cross, the On- |tario Municipal Board. |" At a meeting of Pickering Township council oMnday,. with |the objectors and supporters jpresent, a planning board re- 'eammendation to change zoning to permit the marina, jwas endorsed unanimously by council Bryan Lowe, representing the |Bay Ridges Ratepayers' Asso- -\ ciation, continued his argument | that changing the zoning from residential to commercial was destroying the principle of the official plan and causing un bearable hardship to the resi. | dents, TIMES CHANGED Reeve Laycox said that in a erection of one set of bleachers, Period of 40 odd years, circum: would cost another $710, Misce}-|Siances had changed. The plan laneous expenditures would cost/ Was registered in 1923, Most of $330 and would include miner the land was. under water at grading, painting, erection, ofthat time, and the reeve could signs and a flagpole. *" not guess why the planning Future development would de- board permitted residential de- pend on the construction of ad-| velopment on such low land, jacent residential developments|_ 'Since that time," said the and also the degree of use by| Reeve, "on a lot and acreage area residents, In the event a| basis, the total assessment has number of active ball leagues! risen from $20,000 to $25,000 -- are formed, it may be necessary | Ot much for such a large piece to install lighting of land, The commercial devel- Other improvements that, opment will increase the assess- were suggested were: the exten-|ment on that particular land to sion of the chain link fencing! about $300,000, This is the rea- along the east limit; the con-/son you people have been here struction of community swim-| before, to have industrial de- ming and wading pools in the; velopment to lessen your southern section of the park; | taxes." the establishment of more di-| Reeve Laycox said that over versified facilities such as ten. @ period of years Mr, Carlyon, nis courts and a soccer field, {the applicant, was spending over $1 million, which would WESTERN DEVELOPMENT pring tax relief to the township. It was also felt that if develo Donald Waring agreed that if opment of land to the west ofthe area was further developed the park occurs, provisions! residentially, that the three| should be made for the acquisi-| houses. closely affected would tion of additional property have more objections Renee | Hospital in = suburban Verdun, Quebec CP Wirephoto through subdivision dedication, instead of overlooking the Ray, Park maintenance also came they would be overlooking rows under consideration by the en- of houses, gineers, and the following bud Residents Selwyn and Boone, | get of $3700 was submitted by insisted that they did not want them car parking lots, picnic areas One student for 20 weeks atjand swimming. pools at their $40 per week, one -student for hack doors. 20 weeks at $50, transportation Councillor Hubert Wank to the other parks, $200; sup: 'consideration had not plies, $400 Willow park rink including light-! will be an asset to the com: ing, $400; miscellaneous munity. Councillor Harvey charges, $500 Spang said that he was always It was also recommended that a little dubious about changing initial purchases of grounds-| zoning, but felt that he had to keeping equipment should also take a look at this as a repre: be included in the budget. This! sentative of the whole township should include two power rid-| 'It appears to me that I would ing mowers, two power hand) be standing in the way of pro- mowers miscellaneous equip: gress if I opposed this," he said. ment such as rakes, shovels,| Deputy Reeve Mrs. J. Me- trash containers and water hose.| Pherson said that councils had) Total cost for this equipment! "been beguiled by beautiful pic-| would be around $1000 tures but that some of the proj-| said gone Marina Sails By Township Will Bring 10 Times Taxes | this is going to spoil the happi- the} House of Windsor Chapter IODE are sponsoring for the third year an Antique Show and Sale (Sept, 1 and 2) at Whitby Community Arena, Co-conveners are Mrs, John Harvie and Mrs, John Wall, Executive members assisting are: Mrs, Clarence Freek, Mrs, Walter Weir, Mrs. Murray Bea- die, Mrs, Jack Morgan, Mrs, Graham Lawson, Mrs, Donald Wells, Mrs, John Vickery, Mrs, Murray Detlor, Mrs, Stuart Rob- lin, Mrs, Andrew Glenny, Mrs, Roy Howe and Mrs, Donald Me- Quay, Mr, and Mrs, John Rothnie Jr,, Mr, and Mrs, John Rothnie Sr, and Mr, and Mrs, Fred Dragonae and daughter Terry of Weston were last Sunday din- ner guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs, A, F, Foote, 209 St, Lawrence at, dollars, both now and in the future. Councillor Newman said once such classifications were completed, time and money WHITBY PERSONALS - ing her 10th birthday today, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thindey, August 26, 1965 5 Debbie, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, William Dellow is celebrat: |, Mr, and Mrs, George For- rester during their vacation en- joyed a motor trip to Kingston, Mr, and Mrs, Albert Foskett spent few days camping in the Peterborough area, Mrs, Leopold De L"Etoile, Montreal was guests at the home of her daughter and son: in-law Mr, and Mrs, Don Banks, 206 Lee ave., she now has her two grandsons Terry and Jack a two-week vacation in Mont» real, Mr, and Mrs, Ronald Foskett and daughter Elizabeth spent few days on a camping vaca- tion near Brighton, = Whitby Brass Bands 8r., and) Jr,, are holding their annual| family picnic Aug, 20 at Lynd-) brooke Park. All interested in| attending are asked to be at) the park al 1 p.m, | FREEMAN'S would be saved by sitting in) many meetings, and future ex-| penses, once the initial stages! were completed, would be small, | ects had been unlike the plans, | and disappointing". | "T think it is just too bad if ness and hopes that these people! have," she said, "T would hate| to see this thing backfire and| WHITBY DRIVING SCHOOL New dual controlled cers, Personal courteous service, Fuly licensed and insured, Dial 668-6176 J, A, OSTERHOUT, Owner FORMAL RENTALS Made to Measure Clothes @ House of Hobberlin @ Tip Top Tailors tee USS EEVE MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock St. $., Whitby | SNOW COMES IN TONS j|avalanche has been measured The destructive force of an'at 22 tons per.square foot. aoe BROCK Fvening Programs 7 and 9 P.M, WHITBY Feature ot 7:00 and 9:20 20th CenturyeFon presente a MARK Np aies ATTENDANCE OFFICER Required by Pickering District High School Board. Duties to commence September 1, 1965, Experience In Social Work desirable, A car ie required, This is @ part-time position, For further details contact: J, C, Richardson, s tof § y Box 70, Pickering, Ontario, " d Leal: we have a mess on our hands,"'| . o Ae is is the "OAKS" -- Th -enaancaren 'r+ LOOK FLOOR PLANS AND MATERIAL LISTS JUST PICK ONE UP AT. YOUR CASHWAY CENTRE OR WRITE BOX 330,MAL TON FREE DISTRIBUTION "CASHWAY" AT THE LATEST AND MOST DESIRABLE 768 Sq. Fi, -- $973, ™ LIVING! OTHERS FROM $568 TO $1422 - 7 PLANS UP TO 1008 SQUARE FEET - 10 YEARS TO PAY IF YOU WISH! winter operation of ahead blindly" and felt that it} DELUXE REDIVUE SASHLESS WINDOWS Manufactured of Clear CALIFORNIA REDWOOD With 3/16 Crystal Glass land all Hardware Instalied 10: 2+ Oe 250" 61 cH COMPLETE 2°.6"" x 2'.6"" $15.42 3'.0"" x 3°-0" $18.29 4'.0" x 3°.0"* 18 5'.0" x 3°-0" $24.87 6'-0"* x 3'-0"* $27.92 FULL 1/3 H.P. Motor COTTAGERS! FARMERS! deep or shallow well convertible jet WATER 3 PIECE "A"GRADE es' TUB @17" x 19 BASIN @REVER TOILETS 3? to Swe Tl we BATHSET TRAP 79.85 all for ORDER YOUR ALUMINUM SCREEN & STORM WINDOWS UP TO 38 UNITED INCHES $@.60 86 wo 00 IncHeEs $14, 40 FREE MEASURING CHARTS! STANDARD GRADE NOW ! evreum 2x45 « & PINE COME AND LOOK | DUR STOCK OVER 2" INSULATION INSULATION 999,40 WALLBOARD AY SAVE ON QUALITY MATERIALS HERE ARE OUR TRUCK LOT PRICES FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS! Q00D DRY ¢ UTILITY PREMIUM GRAD MONE Hee clea) orn vovese, 907.50m = =$84.50m 79: to 2x6's--8' to 16°.......$101.00m $86.00 2x8's--8' to 16'....... $111.00 $87.50m SHEATHING PLYWOOD? 3, x4'x8"'$ 2.67 ea, ¥a"x4'x8" $4.39 oe. ¥a"x4'x8" $3.08 a. 4x 8 ASPHALT SHEATHING BOARD ,..,..,. $9.88ee, ¥a"x4'x8' $5.37 os. LATH $39: nepwoon swing $177M™ $53.95" ROLLED EACH soincnes $ 9,70 70 wenes $11.30 as wenes $13.25 SYSTEM | ump with 17 gal. tan $89.35 FOOT VALVE INCLUDED UP 70 600 GAL. PER HR, 3A*FIRST QUALITY MAHOGANY OPEN 8AM. Te 6 P.M, SATURDAY tit! 5 WCLUDED ROOFING M5 LB.$9.29 L, L8.$3.45 MAILSA CEMENT DOUBLE CHAIN LINK | OUBL WHITE FENCING a6 08 ae 423123" BIG 100 FOOT ROLLS! JET -- on BLACK MARBLE Veevl. ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE Ax 6%4 ™ CARTON LOTS | DAILY'! a DOORS 2-0x6-6 $4.74 2-2 x 6-6 $4.92 2-416-6 $5.) 2-6 x 66. $5.29 ILA ST CALL| ECONOWY GRADE HARDBOARD WOODGRAIN PREFINISHED © PAN ELLING RANDOM "VEED" CREDIT PLAN AVAILABLE 4x q's COMBINATION REENASTORM '4% to $23.77 ea. NAILS Fm 2A" $5.89 x" $5.82 f" $5.69 PER 50LB, CARTON l ' 0. $ STEEL ECONOMY REDIVUE SPECIAL PURCHASE ! OVERNEAD GARAGE DOORS it $40.95 1. 45. HO 6" $0.0 $447 $47.55 os, = 7" POWER SAWS $00 $Q. FOOT ROLL 2 BA DLY ETHYLENE FILM | $2.77 vs DELIVERY WHITBY PERSONALS | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mackay are in charge of the program, Mrs. Stanley Redfearn and Mrs Morley Smith are looking after| the picnic tables. There will be! swimming from 1 'til 3 pm Games will be played with prizes awarded to lucky win- ners at 3 p.m. and picnic sup- per at 5 p.m. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Fraser, their daughter Jane Ann and son Robert attended the Mac- Donald-Halpenny wedding which _ was held at Glad Tidings Taber- nacle Church in Arnprior and were also guests at' the recep. tion which followed at the Church Hall RUNNER DIES ENGLEWOOD, NJ. (AP) Johnny Hayes,' who Jearned to run in the streets of New York City and went om to earn a name in sporting history by winning the 1908 Olympic mara thon title. is dead at 79. Hayes died Tuesday in a nursing]. home. The last American the Olympic marathon title Hayes defeated Italy's Dorando Pietri in a marathon race in London, after Pietri collapsed and had to be helped across the Une WALNUT 4x8s "is." AJAX YARD 161 DOWTY ROAD OFF HIGHWAY No. 401 AT INTERCHANGE 66 PHONE 942-122) BROOKLIN YARD Corner Highways No. 7 and No, 12 PHONE 655-3313 SASHLESS *..6*? x ye '9: ONLY SHEET MAHOGANY PANELLING 4X T'SS$2ivw 4x 8's$2in.n WW CRATE LOTS smatier lets add 20¢ per sheet to cover handling CEMENT ~~ IN STOCK 32" x 24" F100 FT. BASEME a | » ROLL windows [PLASTIC $5.85 PIP. 42 BIFOLD DOORS & 65 FAMOUS BRAND RED WING ORCHARDS Roadside Market NOW OPEN Features This Weekend @ Melba Apples @ Fresh Corn @ New Potatoes 22 Miles West of Whitby on Highway No, 2 -- At The "BIG RED APPLES" Open Thursday & Friday ---- 1 P.M. to 8 PLM, Seturdey & Sunday -- 10 A.M. to 8 P.M, vf '? me iy ELECTRIC DRILLS 8 AMPERE $ 5000 R.P.M, CASHWAYS BASIC SCALED HOME 3 BEDROOMS 1008 Sq Ft. OF SPACE All materials te close in for approx [WRITE FOR FREE PLAN] i vas ARBORITE 26< eq feet Bey MAHOGANY ENTRANCE DOOR se er 4" xn 4x8 MAHOGANY CUPBOARD PLYWOOD 7 ® NO OBLIGATION! JUST MAIL THIS COUPON TO CASHWAY LUMBER 53° MALTON BRIE cnc cccurseneccasessesecanseauaqesenetee ADDRESS .......ceccesseccosceescesecsscenens SORA ERE OSEEESEEREEHESRE ES ES ESESET ESSE HESS ES OOS 1 LENGTHS AVESTROUGH HARDWARE INSTALLED