6A THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, August 26, 1965 Planning Is Boys' Answer For Better School Dress How does a mother go about setting up a plan to build as complete' a wardrobe as pos- sible for her grade school son er sons? Here, are some sugges- 'tions from the American Insti- tute of Men's and Boys' Wear, the consumer education bureau ef the male apparel industry. Most boys could be better dressed and have a more exten- sive wardrobe if apparel was bought on a planned basis and if, before any item was pur- chased, you could answer "yes" to the question, "Will this item fit into his basic wardrobe?" How to proceed? Take an in- ventory, says the Institute. Put all the apparel your young man has into nice neat piles. Once you see it all, you can de- cide what is still wearable in terms of condition and fit. Con- sider what's left as your start- ing point. Styles and colors of the shirts and slacks still wearable should provide a clue to co-ordinating new items you plan to buy. Second, pick your time for shopping. Line up your young man's busy schedule with your own, so you can shop together for items where size and fit are impor- tant. A great many of the small- er items can be purchased any time. Once you've prepared the wardrobe shopping guide, work it in easy shifts. Don't try to do it all at once. Third, make it easy on your purse and your pulse, In the last few years, there have been many advances in building neatness and = good looks into apparel. You can, for example, get a pair of boy's slacks that has a stainproof fin- ish, built-in creases, excellent wash-wear properties. These technological improve- ments make life easier for you, and "make a dressed-right look for your boy easier to achieve and maintain. In the long run, it's less expensive in terms of your money,and energy. Another Téng-range idea that makes sense is to buy in suf- ficient quantity so that you don't have to be washing, drying and ironing without end. NO IRONING NEEDED For back-to-school wardrobes and for~Mom's convenience, too, there is an increasing num- ber of fashions that never need ironing. Thanks to new pro- cesses, pleats, creases stay in after washing, with no touch- ups. SCHOOLS No where con you find a community with better educational institutions thon Brae- mor Gardens. These schools (Adelaide Mc- Loughiin" Public; RS. MelLeughlin--High, St. Christopher's, Ridgeway Jr. High, Wood- crest Public, a new Separate High School wnder construction ond Board of Education, ere as modern as the community itself and they ore all within walking distance. What better ploce thon Braemor for your young enes to grow up in? There's A Better Future For You In... rae MoO; gardens (Stevenson Rd. at Annapolis) Fill Up Your Cupb wih BIG, BACK To School BARGAINS | at GLECOFF'S strc ATTENTION! Glecoff's would like to take this opportunity to advise the youth of Oshawa not to drop out of school but to stay in. For there is just no substitute for higher learn- ing. Please stay in school. You Save a Litile Bit | But You Get a Lot More THERE IS ALSO NO SUBSTITUTE LIKE GOOD QUAL- ITY FOODS, GLECOFF'S OFFER THE BEST OF FOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND A STORE TO SHOP IN WHERE YOU GET THE PERSONAL ATTENTION, WHICH MAKES GLECOFF'S A PLEASURE TO SHOP SLECOFF'S SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH