MUGGS AND SKEETER SECTION OF THE | PLANNED THE BAY OF PIGS INVASION JF HE HADN'T TAKEN MY ADVICE? i MONEY NY ERE £ AAW ANIL PUT THe MONEY INTHE BAVELOPE AN' 3) DIRE L. IT...THEN W LKe? OVER TO Sve We JANE/ ENVELOPE, JNOT TO OPEN IT FOR "THREE DAYS / YOu WOULeNT WS ANY Grass pest AT Abs y NO NEB ENVELO TQ, LAREPO.., HAT WAS NEVER OUT OF MY. SIGHT POR A GECONR st 8, Bimpletoa 4, Inter- ohange! TELEVISION LOG | deBpeeker of the Mevee eiebrity Game Panel ine PM Vie The Mery Griffin Show! ).iirat Edition News PeJeck Paar tarom Scardore College Sd--Kravt Theatre eet"! Bet et a: Ayo Theatre FoMather Knows Geet omiten feques d--Bearch tor Temerree spabbiea Boca B--Noonday Report b) . ene Nowe We PA. Bperte ieeRecing Forum @--@uiding Lien ne Pm, lheAdventures of Charile Chan t--Summertine 1. Gael 5. Mast 9, Of the cheek 10, Natural caverns 12, Arabic letter 238, Light carriage 14, Kind of muffin Channa) b-Buttale eee PLM. Channel d--Barrle Buttate "4 'erento 'uitale abbr, 5, Burn with liquid 4, Chum 7, Actress Gardner &, Revers berate 8, "Three Wise Men' 38, Building " 14, Tatters wing 18, Lacidneas 16, Conjunction 15, French 17, Stained river YHUREDAY GV@. 00 Pm, AeFamily Theetre O--Buperman é--Mr, Piper STygbeat Anale beLieye Thexten a hound Yeoaterday's Answer dog 30, Having organs of hearing a1-Bimilar Hie Pm 39, Minced oath TH, Regret 18, Moping 20, Conatella- roadway tion 19, Flowed 32, Laire 4i, Afternoon: abbr ST, Observe 21, Pointer . yy 22, Sashes ae . Y 7 y Y nn AA O--Leave tt Yo Seaver 30/20 4eZane Grey Theatre e worn as delta UY uv 26, Upon 27, Girl's UY \ * nickname 28, Ribbed fabrio 20, Help 88, At home on FA YmNews Central Today, 1s ae Pm VieePamily Theatre Ne. 8 H+d--News) Weather temdemtate Show Soobight Metre 18 FM Ve Wreatiing d--Movie He AM o-Captain Kangdree tte AM, ling ter Detiere rt Talk doMike's Carnival B-Mickey Mouse Che ee Malina Pematterneen shew é--Musle And News a--Meet The Millers d--Summer Carousel d-Mike Devgiee Show he PM lied Dey Matinee And Firat Four Reces B-Movie @d--Loneheon Date 'ne Werke Terns ne Pm teFlame in The Wine 4--Pasewore d-Moment o¢ Tree 34, Tree 35, Pub aign 36, Literary ane Sports Bd runtion Betnnler | He AM, News teThe Millionaire Poebtighway Patrel | ee end Your Family e--acresa Conade " hee ne Pe Movie S-Litieet Hebe Fooit ne RA, O2-The Doctors JeA Time For Us e--Movie Matinee 4--Linkietter"s Party dMovie: vos AM. Od-Truth of dnd Love Lucy ve) AM, H-Certoon Party ne ha. araile 40, Blockade 41, Peers 42, Guide 48, Ancient Aryan DOWN 1, Capital af 2. Ascend 'YOUR HEALTH AND THEN Yous BNR OUT WHAT IT'S sa, x airs. W. B, gress | PeaPrice te Right 4~Diek van Dyke Show thee NOOR Vhettgwkeye eS-Call My Git reDenne Rees Trouble Assessed From Fibroid Tumor Ry JOSEPH G. MOLNER, M.D, Dear Dr, Melwer: If the docyyou Aave a fibroid tumor, Some tor tells a woman, after a vagilof these tumors are small, somelas to be on guard against the, The outlook for treatmegt, nal examination, that she has allarge, Occasionally there canjother possibilities itrankly, ts not good, If one of large fibroid, does the diagno ibe quite a number of fibroids. | In short, don't become aUlO)ine latter obstructions can be! sis Mean surgery? He didn't s@¥) when such a tumor has been| matically alarmed on learning found and corrected, the fibroid tumor. Just fibreid, Can ha ivhat you have a fibroid, It is RT, this become cancerous? He dia "Weovered, it ts always wise 1Ooi" possible that you may chances are better, Fairly re jnet sound much cancerned, -- check periodically on its projnever have a problem with it, jcently there has deen work with i benercuies | h--Dear Crartotte | axtee @Tairty Show Opening lead--king of die monds, . As anyone can plainly see, South should lose two hearts and a diamond and. go dows one, However, this is easier said than done. 7df the defense slips at all, South winds up making the contract. Suppose you're West defend ing against five clubs doubled, Let's say you lead the of diamonds, on which East the nine, and continue wi ace, Certainly the dia . |tinuation seems harmless, if you .were actually to mi this play, South would make the contract, Observe what ] you play the pe ga Declarer ruffs and takes six rounds of trumps, at which point this becomes the position: South now leads his trump and discards a heart from dummy, Your Fee poor East, is now in bad sha He cannot afford to discard of hearts, This permits fell ne DI weep Pac ck and claim the last three tricks, If you consider the matter fully, you realize that it is -- to jan d the ace of dia monds at trick two, If declarer has any more diamonds to lose, you are bound to get them later, and there is consequently no necessity for a second dia- mond lead. What wild do is le * * spade at cick two, This more constructive pay than @ diamond, Partner bid spades and you should attack the suit at once, If you do this, South must eventually go down one, Of course, a heart lead at trick two is just as effective, but you cannot really know a without looking at all four ands, Korea Threatens To Close Schools SEOUL (AP) -- President Churig Hee Park threatened to night to shut down South Ke rea's schools 'semi-permanent: tly -sinless---students--immedb ately stop their demonstrations against his government and its - friendship treaty with Japan. Violence increased in Seoul as troops and police battled more than 11,000 students, It was the fifth day of demonstra- tions, About 500 soldiers hurled tear gas bombs at one group < to march downtown thelr campus in northeastern Seoul. More than 20 students were arrested in a clash between riot police and some 5,000 students eons (ore Wanvenne Ser ul, Six other student te talling about 4,000, fought 'riot chief Seoul prosecuter poh EY ons! penalty South Korean negotiated the treaty normalize ing relations with Japan, Ke rea's prewar colonial ruler. GIVES NO EXAMPLE MONTREAL (CP)--"T don believe in giving the children a formula to follow," teacher Donna Lou never draws in Louthood, also a singer and tarist, tries to show her how to achieve lines spectives without inter with their creativity. if any, Sometimes & th) pear Decter: Is a baby born|® special valve, inserted surgic- A fibroid is a fibroid tumor-- droid will remain the same sizelwith hydrocephalus or can it de ally, to relieve the pressure, but one which happens to consist Of indefinitely for many years, Ifvelop after birth? What is theiinis is a complicated procedure jexcessive fibrous tissue mixed causing trouble. and is treatment, and the outlook? -- You cannot prevent Aydre- in with other type of tissue ' IMM, i not changing, there is no nerd] ; cephalus The presence of a fidroid)pa, removal. And fibraids some, Hydrocephalus (enlargement | Pea ative cnet doesn't necessarily indicate SUM)imes evntually subside or grow the head decause of pressure of] gery, A substantial number Oflematior at and after meno-ifluld inside) is usually due to a women have fibroids without), idevelopmental defect, Hence I) MONTREAL (CP)---"I never experiencing aay trouble fem! Tf a fibroid Becomes undutylis wually present from birth. thought that one day I would them large, is painful, or causes men! Occasionally it occurs as the : | The uterus is a combination) strual aba tm then removaliresult of a tumor or of inflam: -- a small power saw er elec: lef musele and 'special tissue'may well be considered. Some-/mation which obstructs the flow trie sewing machine or fix an lwhich is peculiarly under comitimes fibroids can interfere withiof spinal fluid, The fluid ac- electric light plug," said Sarah ral of glandular Re-Jpreenancy, and that's a reasonicumulates Inside the skall, and) Ratstone, dlind/since the age of cause of this, it is » likely fer removal, Some can becomeicannet flow out again form: tour. Miss Ratstone attended a te develep tumors malignant. Hewever, periedicia This type of hydrocephalus|special training course in New: When the strong fiber portion'checking is prudent to guardiusually is apparent by the first ton, Mass, wherecsshe did "all grows more than normal, thenlagainst auch instances, as well'year of Life, jthese things and more," tis net easement BLIND WOMAN SEWS DMAUSE tian i i