Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Aug 1965, p. 10

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, es Ser ie pana mE om Pa ee Sy AM, Juliana drive, for their daugh- ters, the Misses -- Kirstine, vated Wie fad ials% <a Fs ons main mer 'he SOCIAL NOTICES 'sire| Pirating High Fashion Ideas © |miun" onion Bh 'jing marriage of FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE "Mr. and Mrs, Jack Howard wish to announce the forthcom- their eldest daughter, Caroline Joan, to Rob- ert Alan Shelley, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs, Roy Shelley, all of Oshawa, The ceremony is to take place on Saturday, Sep- Northminster United Church, CHHEH tember 25, 1965 at 3,00 p.m. in}]Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, August 26, 1963 Janet FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr, and Mrs. Seymour Sweet lof Unit 42, Yvonne, and Sandra, ing the party were Janet Wales, Devine, Diane Karas, Joanne Karas, Debbie Hancock, Sharon' Hancock, Gloria Mor- ing, Monica Lewis, Joan Pank- hurst, Patty Fice and Shelly Irvine, Refreshments were served and a lovely summer afternoon was spent. The executive and members Canadian Corps accompanied by Puts Fashion Industry On Guard iteestinate buyer te trina PARIS (AP)--The Paris high) buyers--hit the ceiling when aj Patterns," fashion industry is raising its}non-buying store is first on the guard against another wave of racks with $9.98 imitations. espionage as seamstresses toil behind locked doors preparing the first »xclusive patterns. The industry doesn't like to} Couture Parisienne, It first care- discuss the subject, and only a few cases--or suspected cases--| is the Chambre Syndicale de laja good substitute chamois cloth. to sidetrack deliveries of the says an industry spokesman. HOUSEHOLD HINT A scrap of velveteen makes The watchdog for the industry prove their affilia-|if must leave depos- WEEK - END SPECIAL . GLADIOLUS canny OO synch wish to announce the forthcom- ing marriage of their eldest datighter, Linda Ann, to Fred- erick Thomas Luke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Luke, all of Oshawa. The wedding is to take Association, reach the courts and thus pub- SOCIAL & PERSON AL members of the Ladies' Auxil-|lic record. tions: ; : 'lary, honored their Padre,| High fashion's vulnerability | Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor |Major Fred Lewis, of the Sal-|results from the perishable} No photos re permitted ati} Telephone 722 - 3474 for Women's Department |vaion Army prior to his de- jemi iv Mey By rool the shows fo ey sogen . parture for British Columbia.|nroserye eB on the crea-|sketch artists, but they are sup: place on Saturday, October 2,|, Mrs. Sidney Williamson, .Col- 'A program was outlined for the|Major Lewis reminisced on his} tions of their high-paid talent. | posed to portray only "tenden- [oh erererentre Series sie poe SUFFERS DEFEAT CANBERRA (Reuters) -- The| July and early August, On the basis of these fleeting first im- the manufacturers lege avenue, was in Toronto on/1965-66 season and arrange-|past, years with the Salvation' Some incidents start in the| cles." Drawings/which show too wating Bach coins Aine et Saturday to attend the silverjments concluded for the open-/Army and mentioned that hej press and buyers' showings, ine much detail ar¢ confiscated at|if ional : wedding wedding anniversary ofjing dinner to be held Septem-jwould miss the vdétociation andidustry sources say. But. the the door. .. : her brother, Mr. Harry Moore|ber 22 at which Dorothy Alan|promised to keep in touch.| worst come a month later after] But where there's a spy, THE STARS SAY and Mrs. Moore, St. John's road|Park will be the guest speaker|Major Lewis' was presented/delivery of the first models to|there's a way. To some manu- The surprise party wasjand Larry Marshall the solo-|with a desk set of two pens, a|manufacturers. That time willl facturers, the potential profit ] By ESTRELLITA capably arranged by Mr. andjist,. ° clock and.a barometer, bearing| come 'early in September. FOR TOMORROW Mrs. Moore's four children. Mlis Ann Bronsema, Mis ste Canadian Corps Crest. Mak-| Delivered tightly sealed and ' Yesterday's adverse planetary) Prior to her marriage to Mr.|Geraldine Schievink, Miss Eliz- Cerin Gees resident and sometimes under guard, the influences continue. Most per-ponald J. Gwilliam, the formerjabeth Ruiter, Mr. Henk Aay,iy prank Hu Re tary, |Stmple dresses are the work i predictable. This will be @ pe-iMiss Dorothy Brooks was hon-jand Mr. Bert Vande Heuvel]: ghes, secretary. | patterns of garments in whic io riod in which it would be 'advis-|ored at showers given by Mrs.|motored to Niagara Falls yes- graceful mannequins swirled } able, insofar as possible, tolGordon H. Tattersall, Ritson|terday, to attend the 46th an-| through the show rooms in late | keep to yourself and, above all,/road north; Mrs. J. M. Scott,/nual convention of the Chris- not to become involved in the|Adelaide avenue, and Miss Lois|tian Reformed Church, where|Australian government was de- ' affairs of others. Legree, Jarvis street. they heard the main address by|feated in the Senate Wednesday) pressions, | the Reverend John Klomps,jOver a controversy concerning| pay from $500 to $3,500 for the FOR THE BIRTHDAY | A meeting of the executive of|tindsay, who spoke on the topic|the import of American planes|rights to duplicate a dress for : If tomorrow is your birthday,/the Oshawa and District branch|Alive For Christ." for an inter-state freight serv-|sale at $300 or so. 7 4 your horoscope indicates that|of the Ontario Registered Music ice. Two government members| Because the Paris designers this new year in your life can/Teachers' Association was held| A garden party was heldjcrossed the floor to vote with\can receive $1,500,000 a season be highly productive if you planjat the home of the president,|Thursday afternoon at the home|the Opposition, giving it a 31-to-|from U.S. firms aloné for these ne Pago en Mrs, Jan Drygala, Law street.|of Mr. and Mrs. Harald Jensen,|29 victory. rights, theyand the legitimate vo e MR. AND MRS. BERT MORGAN Virgoan tendencies toward ob- stinacy, opinionativeness and unreasonableless, caDSR cement nn Friends Extend Felicitations On Diamond Wedding Day ' An English couple who camejhad left the leafy spring of En- to Oshawa in 1910 celebrated/gland to be confronted by bare their diamond wedding by hold-jtrees and acres of mud. "I just ing open house on Saturday|wanted to run right back home," atlerngon and evening. They are|Mrs. Morgan said. r. and Mrs, Bert Morgan, Mr. Morgan's first job was at urk street, who received more/pedjar's for 15 cents an hour. than one hundred guests, a gross/Then they heard that a hospital of greeting cards and many flor) would be opening in Oshawa so al arrangements. they both applied for work and 'To receive, the bride of sixty)mrs, Morgan was engaged as years wore a jacket dress Of/cook and Mr. Morgan as main- pale blue lace and a corsage Of|tenance man. small orchids and Mr. Morgan The Oshawa General Hospital sported a carnation boutonniere.|.1. 104 as a 16-bed hospital and All those who en Wevesta(st00d in two acres of land. Mr. red rose and a white flower| Morgan planted a fruit and veg- daisy from Mr. Morgan's Tletable garden and built a root garden. cellar while Mrs, Morgan made The tea table was centred by/iam He was also in charge of a three-tier wedding cake me the ice house and the chicken _. gy get "ee house, Thus the patients were 'Iserved new-laid eggs, home- Leonard RE ee made preserves and home- were Mrs, John McDonald, Mrs.|orqwn vegetables, George Madder, Mrs. William Mitchell, Mrs. Joseph Gilson, At the end of three years, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan bought a farm Mrs. William Kirkbride andlin North Oshawa and worked Mrs. William Reid. the land for ten years. In 1923 Serving the guests were Mrs.|they returned to town, Mr. Mor- Ernest Seeley, Mrs, Cyril CamP-|oan went to work at General bell, Mrs. Thomas Murrall and Motors and took his retirement Mrs. Ernest Bourne. 1948 after completing 25 in : Mrs, Harry Campbell kept the/vears' service. guest book. GREETINGS FROM QUEEN GARDEN LOVERS In 1936 the Morgans moved Mr, and Mrs. Morgan Were/from Nassau street to Burk = to receive a telegram, treet where they have resided from Her Majesty the QueeMsisince, Mr, Morgan is an en- also congratulatory messageSithysiastic gardener and both are from the Prime Minister, the) members of the Horticultural Right Honorable Lester B. Pear-/Society. They are also members gon; the Honorable John Diefen-|o¢ gt, George's Memorial aker, Leader of the Opposi-ichurch, Mr. Morgan belongs to ion; the Honorable Michael/the Men's Club and Mrs. Mor- Starr MP and Mrs, Starr; Mr./gan to the Guild and Woman's John Yaremko, Ontario minister Auxiliary, éf citizenship, who sent an il- She is also a 25-year member luminated address on behalf of/of Queen Mary Lodge, Daugh- the government and citizens of); ers of England and Mr. Morgan Ontario. : |was a member of the Sons of Mayor Lyman Gifford sent a)England until it disbanded, fetter of congratulations and messages were received from as far as England, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Chicago, Ohio, Cal-| gary and Pittsburgh, | Mrs, Morgan is the former Miss Ada Whitehead of Water retions, Buckinghamshire and rt. Morgan was born in Leigh-) ton Buzzard, Bedfordshire. They were married in White-| waltham, Berkshire in 1905 and, sailed for Canada in 1910 on the| Empress of Ireland, which, they) recalled, was sunk in World War) One. DISMAL BEGINNING ' Their first impressions of Osh- added, a WIFE PRESERVER with borax one teaspoonful. to a awa were disappointing. They! gallon. THE TOTAL LOOK The total look, so fashion- able this season, is excel- lently portrayed in a cos- tume by Shannon Rodgers for Jerry Silverman: A black and white tweed dou- blebreasted coat with raglan cut and full three-quarter sleeves co-ordinates with a black two-piece dress. The. overblouse is banded in the tweed of the coat. A black fur hat, black leather gloves, and black shoes carry out the motif, By TRACY ADRIAN Job and financia! plans, put into effect immediately, should show tangible results before the end of October; also, at varying upward levels, during the first half of February, in late April, the first week of May, the latter half of June and next August. Do be conservative this Novem- ber and in early April, however. In your private life, you will also be governed by exception- ally generous influences during the next 12 months. Travel and social interests will be under excellent aspects between now and late September (an all- around good period for all Vir- goans), in January, April and the mid-June-late-August weeks of 1966, Romance will have stellar blessing in September, next April and June. If you are careful to avoid friction in late October and early January, you should find your domestic con- cerns most harmonious. Keep eyes open for an interesting op- portunity to expand all interests early in January. A child born on this day could excel as a teacher, technologist or any occupation requiring meticulous attention to detail. A Sunken Bathtub Is Luxury Living By ELEANOR ROSS } The lady of today's household| who can step down into a Ro- man plunge tub may not have handmaidens pouring scented oil into her bath, but the sensa- tion of luxury so dear to a woman's heart is not lessened by this deficiency. The growing popularity of the) Roman bath--the sunken tub--| is an indication that as much| thought is being given to com-| bining beauty and function in| this area as in the other rooms) in the home. This decorating trend really) got rolling about 1958 when architects Edward Stone and Pietro Belluschi included the step-down ceramic tile units in = bathroom designs, inaugur- ting an era of beauty and ele- ance in the modern bathroom, | During the last year, well! over 1,000 new homes featured) sunken tubs according to manu-| facturers of ceramic tile. We learned that one builder has) plans to offer the luxury bath-| tubs as an optional feature in | To keep woollens soft, rinse in/ homes priced under $15,000. lukewarm water ROOM FOR IT | The distaff side might inform |Dad, who may be thinking of remodeling the home, that the| sunken tub can be installed in| a_five-by-seven-foot bathroom. | Where there is more space) available, it can be built in any) size or shape, including oblong, | square and oval. It could even} go "Hollywood" and be kidney-| |shaped or L-shaped or heart- » | Shaped. As for costs, a sunken tub can be had for as little as $75 to $100 more than a standard one.) Of course, careful consideration | is important to the installation of a sunken tub as part of a | home-remodeling project. >| A CONCRETE SHELL The sunken tub generally is a concrete shell that is formed by plywood or metal frames. A decision must be made as to whether the tile surfacing will be ceramic mosaics or glazed! tile The plumbing must be} sketched into the plans and put} in place following the design) | layout. Installation information is ob-| tainable from "'Tile contractors} --ceramic" listed in the tele-| phone book yellow pages As for color, well, there are) over 250 shades from which to] choose | Come to think of it, Cleopatra} didn't have it so good. She had pd wait around while the re- quired number of urns of water | were poured into the tub before bathing. The modern woman just turns on the. faucets. A luxurious bathroom is al delight that never dulls, and any| investment made in improving) and beautifying it pays constant dividends. | Where Good Taste In Fashion Is Not Expensive. <t Wedding 'ues Tssb.0 That you selected a guaranteed perfect BLUEBIRD Diamond--Thereisno finer. The lovely "Shirley Design" styled by BLUEBIRD Diamond and Wedding Rings Pay As Little As 0% DOWN 1 Simcoe North 723-7022 JEWELLERS OPEN PRI TILL 9 PLM. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open te 9 P.M, Thurs, & Fridey You can have Your new Oil Furnace the right size for your home at the right price for your budget Ne need te face onother winter with an eld. eut-ef-dete furnace. Now is the time to let Londer-Stark install @ your home a brand-new, modern, economical Lennox or Anthes ei! furnace, We'will scientifically select the right size and type te suit your heating needs, Call 725-3581 now, 'and let our experienced heating technicians give you a free heating survey and estimate, Generous terme te suit your budget. Lennox end Anthes oi! tur- neces cre nationally adver- teed. end recognized top quality furnaces, Enjoy their meximum efficiency and low heating costs this winter. 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA 725-3581

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