Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Aug 1965, p. 16

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Leeann men 36--Legal "THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC TED CAMPIN POWER COMMISSION MOTORS _ OF ONTARIO 607 wer ---- OSHAWA PICKERING Just East of Wilson Rood) GENERATING 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 MORE CASH STATION INSTALLATION OF Paid for Good. clean cars, SANITARY SEWERS Trade up or down, Liens paid, DODD MOTOR SALES AND WATERMAINS SEALED TENDERS, in quad- 314 PARK RD, SOUTH ruplicate, addressed to the 723-9421 undersigned, 620 University ALL CASH For clean cors or trucks, We Avenue, Toronto 2, Ontario, " and clearly marked: deal up or down, Liens paid. ------|NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED "TENDER FOR INSTALLATION OF 146 BROCK ST, NORTH Across from Royal Hotel SANITARY SEWERS AND Whitby 668-3331 {943 PONTIAC Laurentian station w WATERMAINS, PICKERING G.S." 24. Stores, Offices, Storage STORE FOR RENT 600 sq, ft. 7 Simcoe North NO FOOD! 26--Apartment for Rent RENTAL INFORMATION IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY The VISCOUNT APTS. The CAVALIER APTS. The DIPLOMAT APTS. 725-9934 -- 728-4283 GOVERNOR MANSIONS , 2 Bedroom Suite ADULTS ONLY TELEPHONE 723-1712 728-2911 For For Appointment 27--Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Availoble in private home, Coll between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD._N. 728-8671 CLEAN, i, furnished room in "quiet home. Phone 723-9225. 30--Automobile for Sale "BUYING OR SELLING | TIMES, Monday, Avauet" 23, 1765 20--Rea! Estote for Sale |20e--Summer P KE ITH SRIF INN CAMP PETERS "On South Bay of Lake Nip- issing, fully equipped house- Write Box 313 jee cy Sart se ane re Oshawa Times r, pot oieck, suulient fishe [STOR ae for orice, a we, say, ve ing, all recreation facilities, Smanone' oe or office, at, REALTY LTD., 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST GO RANCH STYLE geo DOWN. for this 6-room ranch bungalow with ecreation hall, main. lodge co igi lounges, steam |25--Houses for Rent 5 on FHRBESADROOM Hovis i Whiby, Phone 728- 5-0808 pi pearl gE monthly, Telephone 668-2015, : NIPISSING. ON" ONT WOW RENTING! iveroom, iwostorey, town houses, '3 bedrooms, living room and dining room,. ultra modern kitchen; tiled bath with vani- 7 attached gorage. Inspect is one tonight. 16 THE osHAW "THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC™ - POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO PICKERING GENERATING STATION ©) SUPPLY OF CONCRETE by CENTRAL MIXING PLANT SEALED TENDERS, in quod- ruplicate, addressed to the undersigned, 620 University Avenue, Toronto 2, Ontario, and clearly marked: "TENDER FOR | SUPPLY OF CONCRETE, PICKERING G.S." will be received up to 4.00 p.m, Eastern Daylight Time on MONDAY, SEPT. 27, 1965 for the supply of approxi- mately 140,000 cu, yds. of specified concrete, delivered os requested during 1966, 1967 and 1968, to various locations on the site of Pick- ering Generating Station, Brock Road South at Lake Ontario, Pickering Township. The concrete mixing plant must be located within ap- proximately a three mile radius of the site and the supplier must be prepared to deliver up to 100 cubic yords per hour over a 24 hour period during large pours. Tendering documents may be obtained on or after August 23, at the office of the Direc- tor of Supply, 620 University Avenue, on payment of $50.00 per set, which sum will be refunded on the' re- turn of the documents in good condition, within 30 days from the closing date of the tenders. Telephone enquiries are to be directed to Toronto, 368-6767, local 23049, The tendering documents may be inspected at the office of the Daily Commercial News and Building Record, Toronto, the Toronto Construction Associa- JARDINE -- In Wiis. Siem ee boson August ine, it aered sea 'lathy and JARDINE -- In loving memory dear father, Albert ig Jardine (ered), who passed away August! 23, 1944, er s Phyl- 'ils, sonin-law Rick, Colin and ; aS Bane Mir KRANTZ--In loving, memory of Walter an who passed away August 23, 196. 'and deeply 'mourned, ferment iia wn t's hy LOCKE'S et Funeral _ arrangements and Haass gl a for all 'occasio' OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 aan remembered miss ed by wife Ella, granddaughter Darlene, SHOWKOWY -- In loving a of our dear mother and , Kathe be i ee eed FOR BROCHURES [nree-vedroom fe a" J, Norris, Realtor, LAKE SCUGOG -- Inkeshore cottage ale rive a Point fT Swe. vate' Ao Good ly. Available 73. Blackstock 996-4305. WE HAVE SEVERAL furnished house-|? keepir getinues situated two hours drivel' Pavernenr all the 'way, from Lots of 'roniage cn a jake that pro- vides # safe ge 'nildrsn good eaten rates Z [bse for sovonuble, Cal i Dove serge Whitby 668 55 or. Port Sdarry 985-25 cacaen , Rice vagy ad and three: eepili ing Fri he ot remane heating, po he eantet, Inside Good swimming, fiehing, lexcellent family 'spot. Write or phone f literature, Cedar Cove Cottages, wood, Ont CAKESIDE --- five rooms, Vhree-piece bath, boat, motor, houseboat, cabin trall- er. Also five-room apartment or house. 208 Hillside Avenue, ry Cl Chnin. CAKE SEUGOO iaketront i eotiage, tive rooms, inside wale ~ Piece bath, fireplace, lar, erandah, $6,000. oe tryin Nesbitt, 986-4894, 7 8 rage. Couple rvallable Im: Apply iy 46 Ritson | Road South. T tor Tespons! sible e (two bedrooms), central loca- tan Limited to in children, Telephone EVERLASTING MEMORIALIZATION is almost possible with the MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER that we supply and install; Please coll MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK 723-2633 three-bedroom house in res at NeW Serich Convenient to schools, shopping. -|Write Box 547, Oshawa Times, i 26--Apartment for Rent ONLY A FEW 2 and 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS LEFT AT. 'CASA MANANA COURT @ ELEVATOR SERVICE @ INTERCOM @ BALCONIES See The Model Suite furn- ished by Wilson Furniture. CALL THE RENTAL OFFICE 723-6361 Open Daily 5:30 to 9 v-8, gid four-door, radio, ihe. by daughter Ann, son - wi 728- and grandchildren Sroria, "ark end Ann Marie, FORT ERIE RESULTS SATURDAY, : AUG, 2) FIRST RACE ~~ Purse $2,000, Claim: 4-Butterscotch, 2.90 2.40 ing, ae 4nd four-year-olds, 62 Fur-|5-Senator Gray, Li Jongs $y sels gs he' in 'orders "Day's Best, Yankee W) " 'evar 'Pilot, Leblanc 14.80 Rhann. 2.90 11. | "avinetta,, 6 AND 4, PAID $5.70 anadian Champ-- 12-Korolevu, Werry Winner, b Queen's Statute, by Le Lav N-Roman Warrior, Harris 2.70 Also Ran in Order: Zoom Zoom, Lucky jandou. Pool $45,152. Quinella Pool $47,581. SIXTH RACE -- Purse $10,000 added Draw, Miss Scooter, Tag Day, Sly Mod Maid of Honor, Magic Queen and Royal "Vandal Stakes", two-year-olds, 62 Fur- fongs (12). 13.40 eae 2.70 i959 apne stationwagon, automatic, power steering, radio and extras, Ex- cellent,. A=} condition, 725-8082. ig6 WORD Vicioria hardtop, excellent body, mechanically A-1, With many new parts. bp seats, four new tires, Dominion . Owner must sell. 72 or $1,000. DOWN Finished cottage with 90 ft. lake frontage, ft, boat on oe pater Included, Asking $5,500. PE EUPESPERES STE ECE PERT EDITED ESTE: eaNPmALLY LOCA bedroom, Suitable for one person. phone 725-7073. MOTORS, $35 UP -- All car parts. Courtice Auto Wreckers, Telephone 723- an, | 5238, © )_ nights 725-4404, 4 USED CAR PARTS, spindles to make trailers, also used tires 509 Bloor Street East, after 4, 723-2261. $35 DOWN, $17.50 weekly buys '61 Pontiac two-door hardtop, V-6, stick on the floor, | also dual exhaust, Cash, trade or terms a! o ps gig CENTRAL Compact bungalow with oil heating, 2 rooms in the base- pti Asking $10,700, low in payment considered and 9s "00 per month, NORTH WEST $11,000.00 --~ 8 room house with hot water heating, lot 60 x 120 ft. Call 728-7328. 10 ACRES -- $1,000 DOWN $3,900, FULL PRICE. Genuine NHA Repossession Sale $8 Down to One NHA Mortgage ig A sieuanen, 3 bed- bungalow in West iesatian. Bes in range, storms and screens, og vate drive Carries $11 Monthly, Interest, Princi- pol and Taxes. $13,550 FULL PRICE PMA REALTY 942-2611 will be received up to 4,00 p.m, Eastern Daylight Time on TUESDAY, SEPT. 7, 1965 for the installation of appro- ximately. 6,000 lineal feet cast iron watermains .and pressure sewer lines, supply and installation of approxi- mately 600 lineal feet cast iron watermains and approxi- mately 7,000 lineal. feet of asbestos cement water ond boathouse, Nestleton VERY LARGE furnished room for r two Aol al single beds. Close to South) -- eneral Motors, Shift workers Pa ag Free parking. $7 week! ily eat 2915, SINGLE rooms and board. Poet 3 Divi belt Saal warenevaser a Air, Fecenily F re-| el Air, rec BRIGHT, spacious bedsitting room, "mod: ern furniture, in clean home, close ti conditioned, $795. Coll. 725-05 es Shopping Centre. Suit gentleman, Apply i950" "CHEVROLET, new batter 36 Fernhill Bivd, Telephone 725-7295. tires, $150 cash, 166 Windsor after 7 p.m, | 174 CHURCH STREET: Two-room, ~ partly 1960 CHEVROLET Biscayne, four- door, 6 furnished apartment; also one single cylinder, standard, Excellent condition. | land double bedroom for rent. Gentleman, | Best offer, Telephone 723-9800 abstainer, preferred, After 4 apply above! i957pLYMOUTH, two-tone red and while,| ; oelene |mechanically A-l. $300 or best offer) sewer lines, including moan- TWO a fag 5 Oo Ng furnished, | Phone 728-2336. | holes, building connections, single or jouble, private ath, with) j | equipped kitchen, Burk Street, bultable oon eee eee. re ieibrey ore fire hydrants, etc, as outlined for teachers, or business girls. Telephone) piney 'top, "Ken 942-6300 in the tendering documents. Liwtaanll The work is to be completed 1964 CHEVROLET convertible 327 - 300 FURNISHED room (lady preferred) With-|}1p" four-speed transmission, positraction,| by November 30, 1965. in walking distance of Oshawa ShopPING | 141) power, silver blue metallic. A-! shape. | Centre, Telephone 728-3690. ba _..| Telephone 728-7059 | FURNISHED ROOM for rent, close to 1959 PONTIAC Parisienne Shopping Centre. Apply 368 Pine AVENUE: hone 728-7247 A adalaal J OR CALL |FURNISHED BEDROOM in quiet home i955 CHEVROLET station wagon, sland- |for gentleman, Apply 574 Crerar Avenue. ard shift, Telephone 728-0883 | LIMITED |TWO bright clean' bedrooms, furnished, ieee or double, for sentiemen, private 723-1121 _ NONQUON TOWERS LTD. : | FURNISHED bedroom, with kitchen priv-| Northend Location lileges. Quiet, clean, one block from hos: pital, Parking, Telephone 725-0782, @ Featuring 1, 2 & 3 bed- rooms. CENTRE STREET, furnisned bedroom.) ae home. Parking, $8 weekly. Dial Reinforced Concrete Sound Proof | 723-48 | |28--Room and Boards| Electrical Broadloom | ROOM | AND "BREAKFAST. Lunches pack- Li Inter-Com_ System Harcou two- year-old, three-bedroom cottage, with hydro and. inside. plumbing, ideally located among the trees on the shore of beautitul East Lake, This |s a fisher man's paradise with 15 easily accessable lakes within the boundaries of this pri- vate park, Safe swimming and boating for the small fry. Asking price $7,500, For more information call Allan Thompson, of Schofleld-Aker_ Atd., 723-2265 or 1- 2870 cake -¢ seven-room cottage on @ large, well 'treed jot, with 100-foot lake frontage, on the west side of Washburn Island, A wonder- ful place for you and your family to spend the summer away from the heat and tension of the city and still within easy driving distance, Asking only $6,000 with terms. For more (nformation call Allan Thompson of Schofield-Aker Ltd., 723- 2265 or 728-2870, FOR RENT -- Housekeeping cottages on beautiful Maple and Duck Lakes, Parry Sound district, Swimming, bathing and fishing. For dete! details telephone Ajax 942- 3653; Winner, dk b or br ¢, 3, by Summa Cum --Forever Star, by Star Pilot, {to Pool $45,520, Daily Double Pool $76,570. SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,100, Claim-| ins, three-year-olds and up. | 1-16 Miles! Pleasure. | SStevie B. Good, Shuk 7-Titled Hero, Leblanc paearenee Harrison Also Ran in Order: One Trick, A-Duc D'Eclair, B-Holarctic, Choir Beauty, Bye 3.30 2.90 2.30)and Near, A-Spy Daveile, A Ofd 5-Probador, Cuthbertson 4.10 Hr A-Grand Roman and Quebec $ 2-Major Turley, McComb 2.80|A--Mrs J Hundley, G M Holtsinger, ceattigrehy, MGUY hit tee: sae bso D M Davus Jr and D Crump entry or y way Blue B--J B W Carmichael, F and FH DAILY DOUBLE, 4 AND 4, P, Sherman entry : a | Wil b 2, Hen Good -- ton's Sal, by Abbe Pier {ene sels '00! _ THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,100, Claim-| SEVENTH RACE --- Purse $25,000 add- ing, three-year-olds, foaled in Canada, 6 ed "Prince of Wales Stakes," three-year- Furlongs (9). lolds, foaled in Canada, 1% Miles on turf JA-Select Sin, McComb 8.00 4.30 3.10) (11), 5-Prince Guard, Fitzsimmons 4.40 3.30|4Good 4Fabulous Star, Gordon Also Ran in Order: ham, A-First Fashion, 4Roy Jo, Gomez Tendering documents may be obtained on or after August 23, at the office of the Direc- tor of Supply, 620 University Avenue, on payment - of $50.00 per set, which sum will be refunded on the re- turn of the documents in good condition within 30 days from the closing date of the tenders. Telephone enquiries ore to be directed to Toronto, 368-6767, local 23049. The tendering documents may be inspected at the office of the Daily Commercial News and Building Record, Toronto, the Toronto Construction Associa- tion, and the Oshawa District Construction Exchange. j Old Mort, Mc'Cb, 17.70 4.10 3.30 5.60|8-Victorian Era, Gomez 2.50 2.49 Bing-|3-Nearctic Heir, Turcotte 4.70 Bod-| Also Ran in Order: Super Flow, Chiet wenni, Star Dance, Brant, A-Grand Galop, Blue Mel, BK+Fia Late Scratch--Meteoric. ing Triumph, B-Native Victor, B-Cham- A--Mrs P J Rosenberg and O'Maonaigh| plain, Abu Stable entry A-T E Hays, D B Weldon Winner, b f, 3, by Selector -- Naughty Lavaca entry Mamam, by Adaris, B--Windfields Farm entry Pool $76,796, ' ch ¢, 3, by Blue Path, by Blue Mia 5 FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,100, Claim-|Ptol $114,849. d o ing, three-year-olds and up. | 1-16 Miles (8), 3-Vedas, $700, Tele-| Amibguity, Queencrest, 22--Lots for Sale petted SERVICED semi-iots ready to go "| doubles, $7,000 .per lot, active Bay Ridges area, with Oshawa and Toronto clientele. | Call Mr, Wilks, 942-2611, PMA Rear Limited U! LOING LOT on nA Highway: yeast, oi co oory, NHA approved. Cal ford, B stock 986-4869. . Kelth "| Realtor BUILDING LOTS -- (Level) 100 f¥, x 180 #, on paved road only 20 minutes from General Motors. only 2 left $150 down Full price only $1,500. McGill Real Estate| Broker, 728-4285. ioe x 208" treed in lished north-west subdivision. Phone 723- raha ch aaa és 23--Real Estate Wanted Want Your Home SOLD Call: Bill Johnston 728-1066 _ Schofield-A Aker Ltd. _ ACTIVE REALTY LTD. WHERE REAL ESTATE |S "SOLD NOT JUST "LISTED" LET US "SELL" YOURS Call 728-5157 9 am, to 9 p.m. 4B Simcoe Street South "STOP! DON'T. Do it yourself. Let us help you, BUY or SELL your next property, 728-9466 OSHAWA REALTY. (Bond St.) LTD. 25 Bond West OLDER HOMES REQUIRED 'i 'i ACTIVE | REALTY LTD. 728-5157 | URGENTLY. REQUIRED | Homes for cash buyers. 2, ee 31--Compact Cars for Sale *® VOLVO & PEUGEOT | * MERCEDES BENZ | JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE Genera! Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Rd, South Oshawa 728- 0921 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. VOLKSWAGEN Sales and' Service New ond Used Cars 334 Ritson Rd. S. 723-3461 Open Evenings and J OL \Winners romised rs | EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,400. Cleim- $5.80 3.10 2.40 uh three-year-olds and up. 1 1-16 Miles 5-King 3.10 2.60/(8 1-Falsun, i elsson Blue, Leblanc 9.60 iso Ran in Order: Advance Giass,|7-Barleycorn, Dittfach 6.00 3.70 Vogel's Victor, Black Coral, DQANCE Man|8-Joey rey Gomez 2.80 and Real Black, Also Ran in Order: Buona Fortuna, Winner, ch g, 5 by Sun Ruler 2nd-- (teed da Royal Promise and tion, and the Oshawa District | Lambkin, by Lors Boswell, : 3 A Construction Exchange. i a tal alee Each tender must be accom- FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,400, Allow-|Pool $91,012, Total Pool $744,151, panied by a certified cheque odin three- and four-year-olds, 6 Fur- Lae "oa ool longs (6) \To! ' » 257,961 drawn on a Canadian chart- /6-C'dian Difach 2.90 2.30 2.10\Fotel frutvel Pook 4 ry eave $14,915,620. ered bank payable to the or- iev'comorseet | FORT ERIE ENTRIES Power Commission of Ontario TUESDAY, August 24 Clear and Past for a sum calculated as fol- FIRST RACE -- Purse 42,000 (3000) !Gay Van---Turcotte tows: On tenders up to $500,- 000 the sum shall be TO per Claiming, three-year-olds and up. 6 Fur-|Tanwood, fongs (13 cent of the omount of the tender; on tenders over , gt 000 the sum sholl be |witcheratt, Romilerd. WwW 5 pl " the first Falls Way Potts | o $50 and 5 per cent of lar League, joy | the amount over $500,000. Rinne Lien ts bey 10 Provision for the return of the | Lady Domain, cuthbertvon. S107 cheque appeors in the tend- [Spanking Sree, Inouye 1s ering documents, Artista, Duran 112 The successful tenderer may ctor, MeComb 110, be required to furnish a per- ad formance bond, in the form approved by the Commission, and issued by a bonding com- pany licensed os such in the Province of Ontario and ac- ceptable to the Commission for 100 per cent of the total amount of the contract, The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. E. B, EASSON, Secretary, |38--Com oming | Events BINGO St. Gertrude's AUDITORIUM TO-NIGHT AT 8 P.M. 690 KING E. at FAREWELL FREE ADMISSION Snowball Jackpot $170. 56 Nos. $20 Consolation Reg. Jackpot 55 Nos, $100 $20 Consolation. Good Prizes GOOD PARKING Extra Bus Service Turcotte 4.90 3.30 Heating Each tendér must be accom- panied by a certified cheque drawn on a Conadian chart- ered bank payable to the or- der of The . Hydro-Electric Power Commissién of Ontario in the amount of 10 per cent of the tote! amount of the tender, Provision for the re- turn of the cheque appeors in the tendering documents. The successful tenderer may be required to furnish a per- formance bond, in the form approved by the Commission, and issued by a bonding com- pany licensed as sich in the Province of Ontario and ac- ceptable to the Commission, for 100 per cent of the amount of the contract. "Statute, | a nn | AID 29--Wanted to Rent | CORVAIR doivxe, padded dash, auto. or tic transmission, washers, discs, A-! |ROOM. AND BOARD wanted by gentle-|/™)* 1 : . man, Whitby or Oshawa area, in private | condition. a sell, will finance ee home. Write Box 614 Oshawa Times . i HIGH SCHOOL teacher with two seenege tek AUSTIN Healey 3,000 white children, requires three - bedroom house F a sis | f.;000d condition. Telephone 723-6329, in Oshawa area by Sepetmber |. jerences supplied, Telephone 725-8609. [000 "VAUXHALL Cresta, standard shift, jer, Excellent condition. One ROOM AND BOARD wanted in Christian| &cylInd lhome by young businessman. Parking owner. Apply 106 Oshawa Bivd. nN. space or garage needed, Write Box 820, 1957 AUSTIN HEALY, Corvette. Clean, Oshawa Times. fast, Equipment includes hard and soft |CHRISTIAN GIRL requires housekeeping 190 afer Sn re oF [Hactities in private home for school year, | ~ sigintitiiapiantiinnaanein | Call 723-6325 }1964 COMET, white, red interior. Must -- |sell quickly due to illness, Apply 71 High ebon King of 'Maryland, Cuthbertson 111 FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,500 (7500) Claiming Two-year-olds, Foaled in Can- ada. 6 Furiongs (8) Fabulad, Gomez All? Victor's Best, No Boy Alle King's Intent, Ferro X114 Canadian Request, Diaz 114 Dan's Flight, Harris BIis Knight Out, Dittfach 119 poeta aig Glassner 114 tsfordem, Harris iid joes Hill Acres B-D. Krever @ (QUINELLA "wi OERING) SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,500 (9000) Caliming, three-year-olds. About 7 Furs on Turf (8) Gomer va » Cuthbertson Single G., Fitzsimmons 118 Aamirat's Gift, No Boy 115 |Chop-Em-Please, Leblanc 113 KI-D-Ka, Maxwell 116 Battle Order, Dittfach 111 Scadadie, Potts 118 SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $3,100 Al- jowances, three-year-olds arid up, About One Mile on Turf (8) Canebora, Walsh All4 File Lake, Turcotte BX107 Choperion, Walsh All4 Sirius 2nd, cures. pxns Runadir, Ditifach + Ky. Miracle, yank: a Traffic Siren, Werry X118 Pocholl, No Boy ag ds A-Windfields Farm B-Garden City Stable. ice EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,100 (3000) Claiming, three-year-olds and up. One and one Vath miles (11) Rotundo. 2nd, Gomez 120 interes, Turcotte X115 Jazz Round, tiga Nee x10? Drifted, Di mm" SO NICE TO COME HOME TO... braemor gardens STEVENSON. RD_N ANDO ANNAPOLIS _ » Gomez 120 Eligible; Girl Appeal, Glass. SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,000 (3000) Claiming three-year-olds and up, (Divn of First) 6 Furlongs (14) Frederick, Harris 120 Mint Bloom, Turcotte X112 Swirl of Glory, Leblanc 115 Rye 'n Ginger, No Boy 115 Barbara Bain, No Boy 115 Rip Van Jive, No Boy 117 Woodcote Park, Harris 117 Jessie B. Good, No Boy 112 Shining Wings, Ferro X107 Argo Bound, Fitzsimmons 117 Mad Charge, Turcotte X115 Master Haste, Ferro X115 Also Eligible: Silver ney No Boy 120; Midway Blue, No Boy 1 THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,200 Maiden two-year-old Fillies. 6 Furiongs (11) teey Reply; Fitzsimmons 114 Fifth Street, No Boy All4 Shooting Sherry, No Boy 114 Bashful Maid, 'Dittfach 114 Solar Park, Robinson 114 Gaystone, Turcotte B-X114 Joy Ammo, Buttigieg A-X114 Enstaved, Turcotte B-X114 Shipmate, No Boy 114 El Esmeralda, Shuk 114 Gravel Pit, Leblanc 119 A-J, H. Bell, D. M, Davis Jr. and G Holtsinger entry, B-J. The lowest or any tender will mot necessarily be accepted, E. B. EASSON _, __ Secretary. Kellisue, irgl X106 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT IN THE MATTER OF THE BANKRUPTCY ACT OF JOHN PERRY GARD- HAM TREWIN AND HO- WARD GLEN TREWIN CARRYING ON BUS- INESS IN PARTNERSHIP AS J. G. TREWIN AND SON OF THE POST OFFICE OF BURKETON IN THE TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO Notice is hereby given thot John Perry Gardham Trewin and Howord Glen Trewin carrying on business in port- nership as J. G. Trewin and Son of the Post Office of Burketon in the Township of Cartwright in the Province: of Ontario made an assignment on the 19th day of August, 1965, and that the first meeting of creditors will be held on the 9th day of Sep- tember, 1965, at 2:30 o'- clock in the afternoon in the office of Stanley A. McBride, ------------1 the Official Receiver, ot the Courthouse in Peterborough, Ontario. : NOTICE DATED at the city of Tor- TO-CREDITORS | sahmrert es CHARLES LEE, C.A., AND OTHERS Trustee, Creditors and others having | claims against the estate of | LAURA MADELINE McKAY, who died at Oshawa, July 31st, 1965, are requested to "send particulars of such claims to the undersigned, solicitors for the. Executrix, on or before the 17th day of September, 1965, after which date the Estate will be dis- tributed having regard only to claims that hove been re- ceived led if desired, For clean, quiet gentleman,|-- [Souths week, Parking. 8! Park Road) outh. |ROOM AND BOARD for two "gentlemen |Board optional, Close to downtown and) Inorth General Motors, 29 Elgin East or |telephone 728-3643, Hi-Fi Radio |Lunehes- packed, 237 Nassau Street Balconies k |103 MILL STREET -- Single room ant) = Underground Parking board; also double room to share, Close|1961 VOLKSWAGEN, excellent condition, Reserve Now. (Ga eee Oe o } ir iM >| son r ROOM AND BOARD, | tiemen, to AUSTIN ) tour- , Phone 728-9466 [thar lunches packed, sendey wens ean om aL, real em Rrionte 728-4014 tral. Telephone 725-9843 |wheels, A-1 condition, Call Whitby 668- Multiple Listing Service _ LOCATED NEAR SOUTH GENERAL MOTORS PLANT 30--Automobiles for Foca dn pela alin Bali Ba RESERVE NOW AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT condition, Call 725-8455 or apply S87 Digby| Avenue, 1, 2 and 3 Bedrooms 32--Trucks for Sale El i968 INTERNATIONAL tandem; 1957) levotors 21 |GMC tandem, new motor; 1957 Plymouth Balconies ots to serve you |sedan, Telephone 725-2156. Intercom System TARE saa FM MUSIC 484 KING W. \ia--saptasaabiioe Wanted Broadioom Halls ator the | 728-9466 HILLTOP CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? O S H A W A (Hgwy. No. 2) Sell your used car to Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New ROOM AND BOARD. Gentieman, willing REALTY |1964 CHEVELLE, automatic, power GUS BROWN 2 Bathrooms (in all 2 and Car Dealer and 'Save' | (BOND ST.) LTD. | 10% ACRES OF LAND NORTH OF WHITBY Good roads all year around. $800 Down Balance to suit purchaser. Contact BILL MILLAR 728-1186 or 725-2557 W. T. LAMSON Real Estate 67 KING EAST CARRE, rote m brick dwelling with two) iments: fe bealdes six rooms for own preg hon well kept. 1,300 square feet on main floor, Hot water heated throughout.' Aski $19,400. For en to see) call Ted Douglas, 728-5) . 0, Martin, | Realtor. phe WHITBY -- five-room brick bungalow, 'i nin! nice residential area, Asking only $13,600. with payments of $99. monthly, which inckeees taxes. NHA 6 ver cent mort-| 'o inspect call Elmer Fredin, 728) ws °o. Martin Realtor icone COME HOME--seven rooms, with two! bathrooms. Choice north area. Good lot and garace. Low taxes. Excellent terms Cali Sally Wallace, 725-4297. Joseph Beaco. Realtor, 728-7377 THREE bedroom » brick bungalow with recreation room in East end. Close to crapping. bus and schools. Only $10,900 low down payment and easy terms Sain eWallece 725-4297. Joseph Bosco Realtor 77. : cog powN -- Fiveroom frame bunge- low, near er Centre. New alumi- num Her taxes, Act fast on) LA ny se boy. Calling Charlies Chaytor, Bosco, Reaitor, 728-7377 laroe three-bedroom 75 sensibly priced Used Cars" NO DOWN PAYMENTS EASY TERMS. _725-6568 or 728-7375 ~ KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY --- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Leins poid off Trade up or down Always top quality fo share; single beds: seven-day week.) (BOND ST.) LTD. lbrakes, whitewalls, 12,000 miles, excellent 3 bedroom suites), MOTORS LTD. TED CAMPIN MOTORS After Hours Call 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 723-6255 |LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS wont M |$5 SINGLE, 87 double, cally, apec. weekly E. Hughes entry. cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. rates, Small apartments available. Board |200 Wentworth East, 725- |OSHAWA AUTO PARTS janted cars optional, Hollywood Motel lant, Whithy 668-2067 __.|for_ wrecking. Tires and parts for sale 1175 Nelson Street. _Telephone 725-2162 MODERN two. and three-bedroom apart ments available, Refrigerator and stove, |WANTED - Cars 'Yor - "Wrecking. Tele |phone 4 swimming pool, fenced in playground. Telephone 728-3465. | Robert Nichols. SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. ONE-BEDROOM apartment in new build | ing. All modern conveniences including bought, parts for sale. iron and mi lbought, 89 Bloor Street East, 725- asi, elevator, swimming pool, Whitby 668-8560 APARTMENT for rent, for two single! FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,400 (4500) Claiming, three-year-olds and up. 6'2 Furlongs (10) Raff's. Pride, wes nw" Winkie, Gomez 116 Ky. Quill, No Boy 116 | Nacuba, Dittfach 113 All Seasons, Leblanc 113 and Restaur- | Roman Diner, bie' xus |Navarro, Harris 117 jEnlyn Lad, Fitzsimmons 17 |Hop Hop, Ferro X110 Popey, McComb 115 'X-5 tbs AAC Post Time 2 p.m. BIRTHS GREENWOOD RACEWAY DAY -- Lorne and Ethel (nee Cas-| FIRST RACE -- 7 furs (Pace) for 5 colons RACE -- 'Canadian Pacin sidy) wish to announce the birth of a son, |yrs. and under. Purse $1,000 (8). yy" 1 3-16 miles (Pace) for 3 yrs. a Kevin Lorne, 7 Ibs, 4 o28., born eleR SB ch Hayes 10,80 6.20 3.90 "ip "Sure $15,280 (9). 2), 1965, at the Oshawa General Hospi- B Chief McFadden $.00 3.10 dal Hal Mecllimuray 17.10 7.60 4.20 tal. A brother for Pamela Patricia. Levit Ada Geisel Jr. 3.00| 1-Bobby ---- Novick Jr. 76.90 a4 Many thanks to Or, King and fourth: Time 151 8-Mr. C. Song Ross 2.50 floor nurses. Also Started: Attorney's Brooks, Joan-| Time 227 2-5 (New Track Ri Also Started: Timely Kn Ines Traielr, Cindy Bonn, Armbro Erin, PULKINGHORN -- Mr, and Mrs. ged and Davie Blue. |Hanover, Dean Herbert, Ea Pulkinghorn (nee Smarz) are plea: |Lochinver Duke, and irish Napoleon, announce the birth of their first mnie, SECOND RACE -- 7 Furs (Pace) for 6 Catherine Anne, 6 Ibs., & ozs, on Sun- yrs, and under, Purse $600 (8) NINTH RACE -- 7? Furs (Pace) for 9 day, August 22,. 1945, born at Timmins, /4Hal Spirit Soper 13.90 6.10 3.90 yrs. and up. Purse $2,000 (7) Ontario. |4-Sallor Direct Kingston 5.00 3.60 7-High Patch Walker 28.40 10,50 4.50 \3-Marion Mohawk Geisel 3.90 5-Miss Star Magic Galbraith 9.00 +" -- Dave and Betty (nee) Time 153 }-Baron Atom Feagan Brown) wish to announce the arrival of} Also Started: Pride,| Time 149 their son, 7 Ibs, 6 oz8. on Saturday, |Belva's Beltide, and) Also Started: Minor nape Foland Kid, August 21, 1965, at the Oshawa Generai|Ken Frisco |Magic Millie, and George V Hospital, A brother tor Carol Anne, Rose-/DD, Nos 4--Fatherland and 6--Hal Spirit, Attendance, 10,902. anne, and Ricky, Many thanks to Dr. /paid $91.50. Total Pool $474,768 McKinney and Dr. owalski. nurse Miss} G. John and fourth floor staff. THIRD RACE -- 7? Furs (Trot) yrs. and up, Purse $900 (7) : Good Old Mo 5-Legal Prince Thibaudeau 5.90 3.90 Hy FORT ERIE (CP) --Good 7-Jimmie Mac Hie 4.60 2.90) 8-Van's Pride Palmer 2.70 LAWRENCE, Frank Elmer Suddenty at the Oshawa General Hos Old Mort came back with a vengeance Saturday at Fort Time 1511-5 Also Started: The Irishman, Brogue, Titan Song C, and Seer ge Scratched, Saber. pital on Sunday, August 22, 1965, Frank Elmer Lawrence (of 1522 Brock Street Seutte Whitby) beloved husband of Se' lina Walker, dear brother of Mrs. K. Erie to win the $29,550 Prince: of Wales Stakes, middle game in Canada's triple crown. The three-year-old chestnut and 4 bedroom bungalows, split levels, 2 storeys. What have you? For free valuations call DON STRADESKI Real Estate 63 Kng W. 723-4651 SELLING? CALL 728-7576 SIBBY"S REAL ESTATE LTD WANTED ---For genuine cash buyers |34--Automobile_ "Repair |FRANSMISSION specialists. Transmis: girls or. two single boys, $20 per week sions are our only business, 1038 Simcoe} Phone 668-2631 see eke . North. Phone 728-7339 |GREW STREET, 74: Three rooms or one 1S RAMBLER American, red convert. OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE offers ex- bedroom, furnished, central, adults or ible, model 440, 6 cylinder, standard. pert carburetor and auto secre service, working couple or three individuals, ab-|723-S607 or 728-1220. |222 King Street West, 720-0817 stainers, non-smokers, No children, Avall-|j9§s FORD two-door, "Slandard. Good ri | oo able now, . Sa CHEE ning condition, Will trade for enyining| 35--Lost and Found OSHAWA BLVD. SOUTH -- Ground | useful, Phone 725-1459, = se re floor, two-room apartment, unfurnished. 49 ith i 'ine, |Los - Very y large : bia Labrador, 40 FORD coupe with Buick engine, 'new | |male, Telephone collect, Scarborough 282 Lopex Private entrance, Adults preferred, APPIY upholstery, original body, A-1 mechanic- Arenbres 5? Colborne Street East jally, 'S8 Oldsmobile, two-door nardtop, |7014, Reward, LARGE basemen! apartment, all nicely! Forced to sell, Make offer, 668-3015. furnished, electrically heated, private en-\j9s9 CHEVROLET, four - door sedan, .36--Legal two. and theesbedream burigalows; also) (rence Suitable for two gentlemen. Appl¥|eyiinder, 'standard, A-1 eeeanteniy| twoaterey homes fer fest ection, Phone|275 Ritson Road South body good, Best cash offer, 725-5855 | Henry Stinson 723-1133; evenings 725-0243 | TWO- BEDROOM Upsiairs apartment, pri ia CHEVROLET Biscayne sedan, 6 evi URGENTLY REQUIRET Listings for {vate entrance and bath. Adults only. Tele itinder, automatic, whitewalls, back-up homes, lots, farms, possibly all cash. Call phone after 6 p.m, 723-4712 lights, iow mileage, blue, bi Interior. John Kuipers for free estimate, 723-4590. THREE-ROOM apartment ground ficor, Clean, no rust, good paint, 723-4744 j Keith Peters Realty Limited eee ey vend "cove Weliaed al. tes|taeRGIEME sialon "waueny Bower" Sieer-| Division Street, private two-piece bath ing. power brakes, radio, two new tires, 24--Stores, Of s, Offices, Storage ree. parking. nest: lente included. | a50q condition. $580, Whitby 668-2527. | ---- | OFFICE SPACE mivay--_ Wie en, Aaah iat ome whe: wasnt han AVAILABLE betel entrance, stove and frig. $85, Adults Power steering, brakes, $3,100. Under In Times Building STEPHENSON April H, Northwood Leo's Bever for 4 Office of the Trustee, 133 Richmond St. West (ot York) Toronto 1, only, 210 Trent Street West, __|warranty, Chaskavich Motors, 725-4920 COMPLETELY furnished two-room apart: rep ag I agen ing Mg kitehenette, share bath, Available immed: 65525 jately Central. Telephone 723-6483 atter 6 aoa LYMOUTH Savoy, 6 cylinder, 1959 |WHITBY -- upstairs unturnished three tangard shift, Excellent | mechanically, jroom heated apartment, Selt Sentenee No. children. Availadt body Bs Clean throughout, Must sell.' | $500. 720-5664 Telephone 6468-2784 daytime "Apply 04 , e- sini noone | | Phone Brooklin, | Ontario, | '38--Coming Events BINGO KINSMEN CENTRE TUESDAY 7:45 Early Bird Game FOURTH pest ~~ 7 Furs (Pace) for 5 yrs. and under, 'Purse $1,000 (8). 2Margie Wick Feagan 3.10 3.00 2.60 §-Kenland Lass Walker 4.40 3.30 Wagg (Belle), Mrs. J. A. Nicholson (Eva) |6-J ng "sc pea Herbrt | 6.20 and Gordon, in his 42nd year. Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, Go For Broke, Bryan H. for service in the Chapel on Wednesday, Rico, American Girt jAugust 25 at 2 p.m . interment St. |James the Less, Cemetery, Toronto, Min- ister. the Rev, J. McKibben, clapboard 190". Excelient locaiton on bus line near Henry Street. Bed taavaoca? va all schools, churches and shopping. Phone "aan Whitby. ornate eering and brakes, many extras. ONE-BEDROOM, living room, kitchen ana pevsabis 4623-2656. bath. $75 month all included, Garag Available September 1. Children a iso CHEVROLET Bel Air, in good con-| come. 30 Harmony Road North after 6 (dition. Cash. Telephone 723-7644 TEnee BEDROOM finished OLOSMOBILE 98, = 1958, tion room with stove, dryer power windows, seat, antenna, CONTACT T. L. WILSON iahttante ne COLLEGE Rough AREA -- Yiree-dedroom hame. kitenen, dining room and Ing room gy water heating, garage. wed @rive. $13,500. Don Stradeski Real Spud ONF -- Pulled up did not finish, FIFTH RACE -- 7 Furs (Pace) for immaculate. | | brakes, apartment, trig avere, 728-4481 4 KEORON -- three-bedroom brick "ponge- 'oom. with dining room, 'paneiled -ec-r pe Aen large lot, $21,000. Don ibe ea! Estate, 723-465) GO -- Foor-year-cid, At the Times FOR RENT meareninately | >9,000 square JUST ust! Three foot warehouse. Will rent complete area bedroom ranch style brick home, Excel ior divide in sections. Telephone 725-332) tent condition, a ia alge with low'g SROCERY and Varieiy Store business G0 DAVIE and tea eee Oaberne| Excelent. location. For a small invest-| ehssession. To inspect cal! Gerry Osborne) ment; you can be your own boss, Don Be Realtor, 728-777. 7-477, Joseph Bosco. 8 eal Estate, 725-465! tnashcnlech nt cllinyt MEMILLAN ORIVE -- Neat two - storey | & aaa =FO square feet new core. | Ibriek building, ground floor, -- -- eves Grive, ing area. Located two blocks off King! oa.509 one mortgage Stradesk! i Reaitor 78-445) i Street on Wilson Road South, Call 725-798 0 Two four-room Fviles, Very GARAGE FOR RENT, Gibb and Centre Street. Telephone 725-2899. $18,900. with 'erms to more intormation ts io 723-102), Joseph SMALL STORE or office for rent, central location 4 Pirnce Street phone 728-817! in new Tele Since STREET, WORTH -- Large five) ome on pm private fot. Natural waneWouse FoR RENT, mn Many other extras./ Suitable or workshop heat. For al! detells for call Sh aoe 7% Te Corner Perk pad and Mal) Road. G74, Joreph Berce, Reaitor Realtor, PanT37?, Telephone 728-2944, 722-472) or or 7O8, . on Greghe Telephone 728-646) $1X ROOMS and bath, floor, quiet, paved street. East vicinity. Adults only. 725-3353 PICKERING furnished apartments and rooms. 103 Kingston Road West, Pickering 942-5718 CORY, clean, turnished, apartment duplex, set - large park |vacant now. $85 monthly. Phone 723-7244 ATTRACTIVE, furnished, three apartment, fireplace, patio, Ausiness couple preferred 4677 after S Whithy very NORTH OSHAWA ~-- Three-room apart. |cylinder ment, unfurnished, private bath and trance. Free taundry facilities paid. Adults only. Phone 725-2006 |SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, 744 $83, Phone ground 1958 CHEVROLET Be! King Street hardtop, Telephone vo or telephone contained |SAVE your new carl (business couole onty), central, |"S5 Chevs, television. new tires. unl Five} loriginal jreom apartment upstairs. One child al TAs, vcluded. Children welcome. steering, Must sell! Any trial, $625. Tele.| phone 725-6932 ~two-doo! powers >Alr, siecylinder automatic, Immacutate condition 728-7909. immediate possession, | 5 CORZA, low mileage, "floor shift, red) Apply|with white upholstery, '65 Corze convert. | libte. Low mileage. Floor shift. Call Harry 942.4300. "Cheap and cars" "$8 Chevs., 942.4300. {$809 "Murph"? coom |1988 PONTIAC, excelien' condition, clean, Bes! offer, 127 Elgi extras 468 East or 725-1588 1963 PONTIAC Laurentian, four automatic power en-iradio, washers, whitewalls, discs ties | Telephone 728-4949. \i0 PONTIAC, good miles, hardtop, "door Condition, -- 23,000 four-door, '$410 atter & p.m. power steering, original mileage! Priced from $175 #63 steering,| Classified $2,199. auto | matic, new tires, Ne rust. Hovagyiemy 7 MARKS ond McNEELY r Barristers, etc., ots 17 King St. East, | OSHAWA, ONT. For | RESULTS Use TIMES ACTION ADS FREE ADMISSION $1250 in Prizes Jackpots 54° and 55 Children urider 16 not allowed Special 7:30 bus from 4 Corners WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO Nos. 54 and 57 TONIGHT -- 8 P.M. RED BARN | - 723-3492 EXTRA BUSES SCOTT, Ira Alvin Entered into rest in the Oshawa jeral Hospital on Saturday, August | 1965, Ira Alvin Scott, |W. Scott, Oshawa; brother of Mrs, |McFetters (Bertha) Hawkesbury; \ Emel Scott and Mrs, Ase henge lt jboth of Montreal, in his | Resting at the Armstrong Reacret Hoes \Oshawa, with funeral service in chapel Tuesday, August 24, at 2 Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. beloved husband lof Elsie Waddington, father of Mrs. Omer Brault (Ruth) laagaponar-eo gh and Matthew yrs, and up. Purse $1,000 (8). Johnnie HY Campbell 12.00 4 S-Lucky Beejay Feagan 3 [al "ay B McCallum Time 1 Gen- 2, SIXTH RACE -- and up, Inv, 4Betsy Herbert Herber? 6-Sprite Kid White 3-Cadenza Clements Time 10 Mrs. Furs (Trot) the p.m. Kindness beyond Price, within reach of all GERROW } 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 yet FUNERAL CHAPEL Also Started: Danny jamie, Nancy Brook B, Quinella, Nos. 4--and 6, Paid $14.40 Song A, 2-Stoney Burke Feagan 4&Baron Adios Munroe &Gentry Yates Wellwood vd Va? 15 iso Sta Kwik Kat, and Highland Girl. Also Sterted: Agression, Captain Song, Stewart's Clan, Tom Tally, and Dillard. for 3 jandicap Purse $5,000 8.530. 2.80 2.20 2.60 2.20 3 30 2.70 40 2.40 2.50 \colt, owned by Ed Seedhouse of |Toronto and ridden by Sam Mc- Comb, battled gamely through the stretch to hang defeat on Victorian Era, Nearctic Heir, the pacesetter, was third in the 1i-horse field. Good Old Mort paid $17.70, 1$4.10 and $3.30. 2.40 vst' Stakes SEVENTH RACE -- ? Furs, (Pace) for 3 yrs. and up. Inv. HCP. Purse $3,000 (7) 20.00 7.80 4.40 60 4 10| 2.90 ted: Fiying yd Noral Gale, In the co-featured Vandal Edward Pasquale's |Stevie B, Good exacted his own vengeance on Titled Hero, drop- ping his nose in front at the }wire in the $13,925 6%4-furlong two-year-old test. The daily-double of Forever Pilot and Roy Jo 'paid $25.38

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