- ¥ ° . isd . * . . * , . - » gusto ea date \ : i f, ) Spin Behind Code Outmoded png gag sal ot 'or her "West Cannot concn mene Se mes "7. pee Sree ary. Canadians Attend THE CSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 18, 1965 7 sion of the Civil Cod the world in the last 10 years. : s The sessions take their bh hotel in-this Surrey-town offers Maccabiah Games The $40,000 needed to send the)pete in Ba 1,500 metres, and With With Emancipation Of Wom oweonptively ee " ag a sf |from the first held here in Mr.|diners phonograph records of competitors and 12 officials was|Abigail Hoffman lead the Cana+ perceptively active i rom the first ere in Mr. Canada was en Under Mr. Nadeau, and Snub China |Baton's birthplace. Persons|the clink of cutlery, the bubble|wit re veveoscated by 32 ath-{taised through public subscrip-|dian contingent, treme Page outmoded with the emancipa- spurred on by the critical ex- from 50 countries have parti-/of wine being decanted and the\letes at the seventh Maccablah|"°ms and $100-aplate dinners. | There are thirty-two countries ns a wih separation ofp optity tion of women ai the turn of ihe)stinetion the Napoleonic Code) puGwAsH, N.S. (CP)--Citi- cipated. murmur of background conver- games at Ramat Gan, a suburb Bill Crothers, who will com-lcompeting in the games. some|century--if nat before--but the|was then undergoing in France,|zens of Western nations can no| Dr. Carter Davidson of Wasi-isation, "to remind you of your|of Te! Aviv, Isree! Aug. 23-81. pg to pad, « ago prop-|progressive women in the prov-|the commission tabled its firstlionger ignore the fact that one-lington, D.C., president of theleyening here." erty, but she eae boundlince who agitated for reform|report on July 9, 1963. third of the world's people are|Association of American Col- FINNS LIKE IT HOT THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING!! by the -- lack of rights|found moving Quebec tradition-| The bill arising out of the re-|Chinese or have Chinese bloodjleges, said: "China has come nine-day conference, He said) The temperature in the moist outlined in other sections of thelalists to action a long and frus-|port, Bill 16, was sponsored by|in their veins, Cleveland indus-jout from behind the great wall os Sibak hosen because|air of a Finnish sauna bath is * code dealing with married|trating battle. Claire Kirkland-Casgrain, Que-|trialist Cyrus Eaton said Tues-|that once fenced her in, If we|thls su lect was ¢ tood in theloften higher than the boiling _ PRESTIGE A PEW women. The code remained basically|bec's minister for transportation day. are to live in this world we ag ha ciall he Us. point of water. 1 AND 2 HUSBAND'S SIGNATURE unchanged until 1931 when the|and communication When the} "we have been so busy with|™ust know more about her." Liganom. 4 Dp A married woman living here,|government amended it to give|bill became law July 1, 1964, the|so many things of importance| He spoke to 40 United States DISTINCTION ymsctngd but whose husband's domicile at\wives control over property ac-|first step towards equality for|io us that we have neglected ¢ college presidents, deans and sie ie SUITES the time of marriage was ajquired with earnings from their married women here had beenjone of the great forces of our faculty members who studied RENT- A-¢ AR = AVAILABLE place where separation of prop-|"'personal work." Before this|taken. time--China." and discussed Chinese litera. COMPARE | erty was the legal regime--Brit-|amendment a husband could| Bill 16 theoretically. recog-| The Nova Scotia - born mil-|'Ute and civilization during the Y WEEK MONTH j * 2 gid ae United Y pore claim his wife's pay. cheque. ge a ay he erg right|lionaire spoke at the closing ee DAY -- ee wus LOW a . eo er nine provinces--| voting rights for women in|to engage in legal action on an|session of his latest Pugwash eet -- had the same rights over her he gl y vin-cial elections|equal footing with other full cit-)conference, the 25th meeting of GOOD FOOD $5.00 PER DAY MILEAGE CHARGE UNDERGROUND property a a -- with aldidn't come until 1940, thanks|izens. But in practise only wives 725-6553 PARKING 723-1712 Ds gen Hy husband si largely to the League for Wom-|with separate - property. agree- section dealing with marriage. BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH or Both needed d's sig-jen's Rights movement. led ed by ments have full legal freedom|puyt a second report from the . 12 Noon to 2 P.M, ' big 728-2911 nature g land or|Therese Casgrain of Montreal.[in the administration of their/Nadeau commission, further re- SSNS bd 10 6 PM. RUTHE R * , : buildings or leers' executing|/Continued pressure from this property. vising . the system or doing FULLY LICENSED other acts involved in day/group led to slight amendments! The bill is considered a tem-|away With it altogether, is ex- DINING ROOM CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS G@ORGIAN mansions i? se ee ogg ho yall hy Be ad 1954. piso Lseron It a ns pected shortly ~ . HOTEL LANCASTER 725 6553 14 ALBERT ST. 124 PARK ROAD NORT Hv OSHAWA ously e sp MMI common - property system 'st Tomorrow: the Quebec Civil Code became] In 1961 Montreal lawyer An-\as the basis of the civil code|wives now can we sai 27 King St. W., Oshewo SE dts ttc hatnn CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST COMPLIMENTS | COME ® OSH AW A 58th | & SAVINGS CORPORATION --o. ANNUAL ol 19 Simcoe St., North, Oshawa, Ont. 723-5221 y és STORES Compliments of .. . RUNDLE GARDEN CE*!TRE LTD. Everything for the garden @ 564 King St. E. LANDSCAPE DESIGN and MAINTENANCE @ 500 Rossland Rd. West 1015 King St. E. OSHAWA 725-6551 At ALEXANDRA PARK THURS.-FRI.-SAT. | --......0..,cccae AUGUST 19-20-21 | °°: She Oshawa Times it bd : Two Stores To Serve You Corner of Bond & Simcoe St. N.-- 163 Bloor St. W. HOME NEWSPAPER 728-7386 728-7386 Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmanville, Ajax, under the auspices of the OSHAWA Pickering and neighboring centres in On- SOUTH ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY BOX 133 668-3552 aS : © EXCITING NEW FEATURES ° STAFFORD BROTHERS LIMITED CONGRATULATIONS TO THE - Monufacturers of eh TAs Thursday 19th | Friday 20th | Saturday 21st | ss onus en one From the NATIONAL STUD FARM mates Open 6 9m, Livestock Judging Square Dancing LIMITED Buildings 6 p.m. "Wally and Competition rowxecown 750 1 Record Hop The Shandells" | HORSE RACING 'Compliments of . .. ROY W. NICHOLS DEALERS IN VA GELLE | eee | none | ee | e A R D : N S -- wring oh RACING Old Tyme Auto Body Repairs FAIR" Contest 6 P.M. -- (Wagering Privileges) Fiddlers' Contest Sales and Service -- CONTRACTORS BOWMANVILLE AND COURTICE ene «eons 4-H CLUB ACTIVITY DAY ) wey DisTRICT © TREES © VINES LIVESTOCK JUDGING ee ae Bowmenville 623-2556 Oshawa 728-6206 At Our Garden Centre sag : oe J GARDEN PROBLEMS ? ? ? MIDWAY w BANDS ie 16 G5 COMPLIMENTS OF . . . Call the Garden Number CANNING'S ITD. ee ten nS ES SE eR | LANDSCAPE -- MAINTENANCE Dial 623-5757 e EXHIBITS ' MC Mint Ohh ; BOWMANVILLE ee eS MEN'S WEAR oe CAVA) % 20 KING ST. EAST 725-1512 Zompliments of ® Horticulture ® Needlecraft OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN ' is a , HENDERSON CONCRETE ccamasomy 4 | * Floriculture © Domestic Science ay PRODUCTS LIMITED MARINA and MORE and MORE and MORE : MANUFACTURERS OF Harbour Rd. off Simcoe St. S$. : Autoclave Blocks -- Concrete, and Hoydite Adults 75¢ © Chiidren,J2 and under 25¢ @ Cars 506 : : Chimney Blocks, Screenwall, Sidewalk Slobs, Parking Curbs wie ieene . P.O. Box 516 1089 Nelson Street Corner of Wellington, Oshawa, Ontario. J. A. JANSSEN & SONS EATON'S ae OSHAWA Angie -Jane for all your Welcomes Visitors To Oshawa , Dresses gardening needs . .. and may we suggest that when you're shopping for souvenirs, you visit our "Canadian Gift Shop*' Exclusive -- NOT EXPENSIVE! 843 King St. W. Oshawa Here's where you'll find a wealth of original Canadian craftsmanship . . . beautiful plaques and trays in wood from Canadian trees, handsome matalcraft; Indian 3 @ : crafts; plus fine Conadion wool blankets; in fact whatever your taste, the Gift Shop offers fascinating and rewarding shopping . . .BATON'S MALL LEVEL, Osh- 77 King St. E. 728-9429 awe Shopping Centre - FREE PARKING