12 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Aogust 18, 1965 Robert Baker Howard Goldblatt Ruth McBride GRADE 13 ieee STUDENTS ON PARADE Glenn Elliott Patricia Jacklin Richard Townsend Mark Brett Janice Roe Judith Dalton John Fox Susan Reed Beverly Gibson Louisa Garrett Tom Russell Kathy Williams Janie: Mankowski Arlene Massey Jane Macdonald Bell * Nancy McNevin VOLUNTEER FOR CLINK GRETNA GREEN, Scotland| were taking (CP)--A'group of 30 school chil-|'¢% dren walked into the tiny police station at this famed rendez-jfor a few vous for eloping couples andiwith groups of four. Look what's new in "Fly now, pay later"! BOAC's new Budjet-Air Plan brings Europe within easy reach of almost any travel budget. You pay only 10% down--_ with up to 24 months to settle the balance. What's more if you take an all inclusive tour, you can now budget the entire cost : of your holiday--hotels, meals, coach travel, car hire, even tips. See your Travel Agent and plan to fly this Fall when fares are lowest. > BOAC BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION WITH AIR CANADA Bruce Bunker ~ William Whitbread : -- Oshewe's Authorized Agent FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL (OSHAWA) sadanbtien . East -6201-2-3 Coll Dew tet Racmplete 'Treva Rvbeae Meadows Travel Service 25 KING ST. E PHONE 723-9441 or 723-7001 Karen Mosier GIVES BEACH TO PUBLIC ROME (AP) -- Italian Pres- jident Giuseppe Saragat has do- |nated a beach beside the Tyr-| lrhenian sea to the public. The, beach, 15 miles from Rome, is lowned by the government and was until now reserved for the use. of the president. .A. E. JOHNSON, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST 14% King St. East 723-2721 BRIAN WILLIAMS MARY HENKELMAN Birds Survive | Forest Spraying | FREDERICTON (CP)--Pre- liminary indications are that) this year's aerial spraying of] New Brunswick forests with the) chemical phosphamidon has had) no ill effects on birdlife. | The chemical was introduced in 1963 along salmon streams after DDT was found to have caused a high mortality rate among young salmon. It proved effective against the spruce budworm and didn't) harm the fish but did kill birds in 1963 and again last year. This year phosphamidon was sprayed in lower. concentrations and, in conjunction with a pene- trating agent, Invadine JFC, produced faster absorption by MAPLE LEAF WIENERS WIENERS 3-5 HOT DOG BUNS FABULOUS SPECIAL FOR WEEKEND OUTINGS ! !! MAPLE LEAF DEVON BACON LB. PKG. 49° BACK BACON ENDS 4 vuss. 93 LB. 95° LBs. 79° foliage so that the birds were) exposed to the chemical for a} shorter time. j "At low dosages the budworm spray will not harm the birds,"') says Dr. C. D. Fowlie, head of the biology department at Tor- onto's York University who led a research team studying the ef- fects of the chemical, \ He fou direct spraying of the birds with phosphamidon! did them no harm but that even) a small amount on their perch made them accumulate enough to cause sickness. DDT, which has little or no effect on birds, continues to be used in deep forest areas away from streams. Foresters estimate that more; than 6,000,000 acres of budworm- infested spruce and fir in north- ern and central New Brunswick have been saved for commer-' cial purposes by annual spray- ing since 1952. FRESH GLECOFF BRAND WAGSTAFFE'S GLECOFF'S DELUXE JAM BUNS COP GETS FAN MAIL MANILA (AP)--The wife of rural police chief Ernesto Rica- fort opened a_ neatly-wrapped gift package the mailman had delivered, and out slithered a full-grown cobra. The Philip pine news service -speculated the parcel was sent by, someone who did not like the chief. The snake was killed. | (GRADE A) RASPBERRY JAM COFFEE BEANS Any 6 peck of POPSICKLES .. . 5c OFF REG. PRICE CHERRY PIES JUST LIKE HOMEMADE PIES. GROCERY SPECIALS MARGARINE 3 LB. PACK 5 24-02. LOAVES LB. 24-OZ. JAR BAG REVELLO'S . REG. 45c SPECIAL REG, 59 SPECIAL + FUDGE PRODUCE SPECIAL Famous Red Haven Brand -- No. 1 97° PEACHES osc: BSKT. Iceberg -- Large Heads -- No. 1. Grade LETTUCE 2... 23° BANANAS Ib. 12° FROZEN FOODS Pink and White LEMONADE 8: 1,00 89° 95° 90° 45° nc O1* 4\- 49° TINS GLECOFF'S Supermarket 174 RITSON ROAD S. DRUGS and CLOTHING ICE BLUE SECRET ROLL ON DEODORANT REG. 95¢ 85° SPECIAL MODESS REG. 53c 45° SPECIAL NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM REG. 73c 65° SPECIAL OSHAWA INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786